
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
calamarihi. I suspended my tablet and now it wants my password. but, I cannot type anything because the on screen keyboard is not showing up.02:23
calamariwhat do I do?02:24
sarnoldcalamari: can you ssh in and file a bug? ubuntu-bug unity  I think ought to do it02:29
sarnoldcalamari: I don't know if there's any way to request the keyboard or break the lock though :/02:30
calamariGave up and plugged in a keyboard02:50
calamariDisable the lock screen now02:50
sarnoldoh, nice :)02:50
calamariI guess that will work02:50
pittiGood morning05:53
larsugood morning!06:30
didrocksgood morning07:07
larsulut didrocks!07:08
didrockshey larsu :)07:09
darkxsthey didrocks, larsu07:21
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?07:26
pittihey larsu, hello darkxst07:26
pittididrocks: do you still have something to upload for systemd? I'm about to upload 218-2 to exp, and merge to Ubuntu07:26
larsugood morning pitti, darkxst!07:28
didrocksevening darkxst :)07:28
didrockspitti: no, nothing to upload from me07:28
didrockspitti: ça va bien, et toi ?07:28
pittididrocks: moi aussi, merci !07:29
darkxsthey pitti07:38
darkxstseems didrocks is the only one that has my timezone correct ;)07:38
darkxstlarsu, any progress on gtk?07:39
larsudarkxst: working on some last theme fixes - I think Laney wants to upload after that07:41
darkxstlarsu, ok good ;)07:41
darkxstlarsu,  have you seen https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=735211 (re 3.16 has removed theme engine) specifically comment #10]07:43
ubot5Gnome bug 735211 in Class: GtkStyleContext "Deprecating gtkthemingengine in 3.14" [Normal,Unconfirmed]07:43
larsudarkxst: yes, Company told me before it happened07:45
larsudarkxst: and actually waited until we could do all things in our theme without unico07:45
darkxstlarsu, so it won't be a problem then?07:46
larsudarkxst: not for ubuntu-themes07:47
larsuI don't know about others07:47
Mirvpitti: if you'd have some time at some point, please see the trusty usb-creator SRU which seems to work fine https://code.launchpad.net/~yuningdodo/ubuntu/trusty/usb-creator/usb-creator.lp1361474+lp1300361-recreate-udisks-client/+merge/23285208:27
didrockshey mlankhorst08:27
didrocksgood morning willcooke09:01
didrocksstill sick? :/09:01
didrocksI guess you will get on shape just in time for holidays ;)09:01
willcookeI hope so :)09:01
willcookeThere is something going round at the school.  Some people have had it for 3 weeks :/09:02
Trevinhooh, same curse hrere -_09:02
didrocksurgh :/09:02
Laneyhey hey09:04
didrocksgreetings Laney!09:06
Laneywhat's up09:08
pittihey Laney, how are you?09:38
Laneypitti in multiple channels!09:39
Laneylooking forward to the holidays09:40
LaneyChristmas pub quiz tonight :-)09:40
pittimulti-vector IRC attack mode!09:40
pittilast 2.5 days of work this year, too; I'm also looking forward to the 2 week break09:41
* didrocks publishes ubuntu make 0.3 now that it's in the release pocket09:50
didrockspitti: do you have time to talk about the keyboard console setup and fsck support in systemd?10:00
pittididrocks: yeah, let's do it now10:02
pittididrocks: want to HO?10:02
didrockspitti: fine with me :)10:02
pittididrocks: calling10:03
Laneytook me 8 tries to type my gpg passphrase just then10:19
Laneysecurity through untypability10:19
mlankhorstoh my security is security through amnesia10:21
mlankhorstI have a laptop for which I can't access the disk because I forgot the crypto password11:04
willcooke_hey willcooke get outta here already11:10
willcookemlankhorst, after a few false starts I'm back up and running in U8 again11:26
willcookemlankhorst, should I add your PPA yet, or keep waiting?11:26
mlankhorstshould be safe11:28
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didrockspitti: any opinon on bug #1401984?13:10
ubot5bug 1401984 in systemd (Ubuntu) "non persistent logging after cleaning log files on disk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140198413:10
pittididrocks: yeah, I noticed that as well, seems a bug in how rsyslog creates the dir13:12
pittididrocks: oh -- /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf creates it as 0755 root:root, perhaps that's related?13:12
didrockspitti: yeah, as it can't write to it13:13
pittiI'm not sure what creates that dir under upstart13:13
willcookedidrocks, can you tell me, is there a LP page/project for the system settings in u8?13:13
didrockspitti: seems it's creating with the same right nevertheless13:14
pittididrocks: oh, it's rsyslog.postinst which creates it13:14
didrockswillcooke: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings13:14
pittididrocks: no, my dir here is also root:syslog 075513:14
pittididrocks: I've got a feeling that tmpfiles.d snippet needs its permissions fixed13:15
willcookethanks didrocks13:15
didrockswillcooke: yw13:15
willcookeoh, cant log bugs there13:16
didrockspitti: so, 2 fixes? tmpfiles.d to root:syslog and the perm as 775?13:16
pittididrocks: yeah13:16
didrockswillcooke: yeah, you need to log bugs at the package level13:16
willcookethx didrocks - I saw the message about 0.5 of a second after I hit enter :)13:16
didrockspitti: and then, seeing why I got some different perms than the rotated file13:16
didrockson the syslog file itself13:16
didrocksheh :)13:16
pittididrocks: I'll verify this and fix debian/patches/Bring-tmpfiles.d-tmp.conf-in-line-with-Debian-defaul.patch accordingly13:18
didrockspitti: TBH, having it owned by syslog group sounds like just a hack as multiple daemons write there, they all should be able to recreate their file13:18
pittididrocks: wouldn't they all run as syslog user?13:18
desrtgood morning eŭropanoj13:19
didrockspitti: Xserver, lightdm?13:19
didrockspitti: lightdm doesn't forward to syslog IIRC?13:19
didrockshey desrt13:19
larsumorning desrt!13:19
pittididrocks: right, they all have their own log files; X runs as root, lightdm logs into /var/log/lightdm/ (but also as root)13:19
larsuyou're up late today ;)13:19
desrtlarsu: i've been up an hour already :)13:20
didrockspitti: right, I know, we don't want to tackle that now, but sounds that we are just safe because most of those daemons run as root :)13:20
desrtwaking up before the sun is nice during the winter because it means that you're awake to take in 100% of the tiny amount of sun we get at this time of year13:20
pittididrocks: yeah, the others have to create their own subdir13:20
didrockspitti: ok, so fixing to root:syslog and 775 for now?13:21
pittididrocks: just tested that under sid, and it doesn't automagically fix things; hang on13:21
didrockspitti: oh? I did chmod/chown here quite happily13:21
didrocksboth under systemd and upstart13:21
pittididrocks: yes, I mean editing /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf13:22
didrocksyeah, I guess as the dir is already there and created by rsyslog postinst…13:22
didrocksit doesn't "fix" permissions, right?13:22
pittididrocks: oh! no syslog group under Debian, rsyslog runs as root13:23
larsudesrt: dude, don't tell me about a tiny amount of sun you get. Try living nine degrees further north13:23
didrockspitti: oh? interesting…13:24
desrtlarsu: :)13:24
didrockssun was nice, but sun was yesterday… :/13:24
pittididrocks: yep, works fine; I'll fix it13:25
didrockspitti: ok, rsyslog + systemd then?13:25
pittididrocks: not sure yet; either I'll patch the original file in systemd, or find out whether later tmpfiles.d/ can override previous entries, then we can ship it in rsyslog13:26
pittito keep the delta at one place13:26
pittiIf multiple files specify the same path,13:26
pitti       the entry in the file with the lexicographically earliest name will be applied13:26
didrockspitti: let me try if it's fixing the perms13:27
pittididrocks: works fine here13:30
pittididrocks: thanks for pointing out, I'll upload a fix13:30
didrockspitti: hum, I wonder why it didn't "fix it" to root:root beforehand?13:30
didrocksas /var/log/ was root:syslog and /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf mentioned root:root13:30
pittididrocks: tmpfiles.d doesn't say that; - means "no change"13:30
pittididrocks: if you say 0755 root root - it would change13:31
didrockspitti: ok, so you are changing that as well, interesting that we can enforce this under systemd13:31
didrockspitti: that won't fix the issue under upstart though, but ENOTAREGRESSION I guess :)13:31
* larsu read ENOTANAGRESSION13:32
pittididrocks: yeah :)13:33
didrockslarsu: depends on how much you can be offended by syslog :)13:33
larsudidrocks: not really tbh13:34
pittididrocks: testing http://paste.ubuntu.com/9540423/ now13:34
didrockspitti: seems logical (and seems systemd logic is always "first one wins")13:35
pittididrocks: yes, that's documented13:35
didrockspitti: want me to retry on my spare box?13:35
pittididrocks: sure, if you want to; I'll toss you the debs once they are built13:35
didrocksgood ;)13:35
pittididrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/rsyslog_7.4.4-1ubuntu12_amd64.deb13:37
* didrocks installs and reboots13:38
pittididrocks: works fine here, I cleaned /var/log/* before; with current rsyslog, no new files; with that rsyslog, I get files and the dir perms are ok13:39
didrockspitti: confirmed, work!13:41
pittididrocks: merci ! /me dputs13:41
didrockssweet ;)13:41
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pittididrocks: meh, I haven't the slightest idea why my test container gets killed when the VM runs under Jenkins, but not when I run it manually :/14:30
pittididrocks: I suspect /etc/machine-id isn't properly initialized (unfortunately there's no journal that early in the boot process)14:30
* pitti blames didrocks' new patch :)14:30
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pitti(j/k, I call systemd-machine-setup manually before, it should be there)14:31
didrockspitti: well, you can still check that by just disabling the .service ;)14:31
didrocksI don't think that unmounting or whatsoever will kill the Jenkins VM, apart from an apparmor thing seeing the service as doing bad things :p14:32
davmor2pitti: so let me get this straight there is no logging if systemd isn't up so how the hell do you find out whats wrong with the kernel that stopping systemd from starting ;)14:33
pittidavmor2: there's dmesg ;)14:43
pittidavmor2: but I don't see dmesg on test failure, and I'm not sure if it's working for containers (I doubt it)14:43
* pitti waves, cu tomorrow14:43
davmor2pitti: ah that would do it :)14:43
davmor2pitti: o/14:43
didrockshave a good evening pitti :)14:51
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willcookeif everyone could just agree on whether is single or double hyphens for passing in command line params, that'd be great14:52
desrtwillcooke: there's a universal standard there violated only extremely rarely15:07
desrtdouble hypens for --gnu-style-long-args and single for single-letter flags15:07
desrtand only a few weird commands like tar which let you give options without using - at all15:08
desrtand a few others than take long flags with -, like 'find', but those are very rare15:08
desrt(and with find, you're really not giving commandline options as much as writing a small program.... as evidenced by the fact that '!' is one of the args you can give)15:08
larsudesrt: and all of the qt command line tools use single hyphen for long flags15:29
willcookemeeting time15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Weekly Meeting 2014-12-1615:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Dec 16 15:30:46 2014 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
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* willcooke is unprepared #15:30
willcookeplease stand by15:31
didrocks<lift music>15:31
* Sweet5hark stands by15:31
* Sweet5hark hopes the lift music is creative commons. If the music is bad, at least its properly licensed.15:32
willcookeRoll call:  attente_ desrt  didrocks FJKong? Laney larsu mlankhorst qengho Sweet5hark tkamppeter15:32
willcookeI think thats everyone15:32
* qengho is here.15:33
willcookeattente_, are you around?15:33
willcooke#topic attente_15:33
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attente_backport gdk-mir patches: https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gtk/refresh-mir-backend/+merge/24449115:34
attente_debugging pointer crossing events15:34
willcookegood stuff, thanks attente_15:34
willcooke#topic desrt15:35
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willcookehe was here a minute ago15:36
willcookewe can come back around if needs be15:36
willcooke#topic didrocks15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2014-12-16 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocksUbuntu developer desktop:15:37
didrocks* Released Ubuntu Make 0.3: http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Ubuntu-Make-0.3-brings-Intellij-IDEA-and-Pycharm-support15:37
didrocks* Additional fix for the appmenu support in java application, now in archive (but stuck in proposed and some archs FTBFS) and MIR in progress!15:37
didrocks* Merged intellij and pycharm branches15:37
didrocks* Fixed medium tests that were failing. Tests are becoming hard to track due to the datacenter still being down for desktop VM tests.15:37
didrocks* Refreshed docker images15:37
didrocks* Analyzed fsck <-> plymouth integration, as well as looking our ubuntu logo theme. After discussing with Martin, we'll go to more complex solution, but which is acceptable upstream and will remove quite some cruft in our plymouth themes.15:37
didrocks* Enabled the X fallback.15:37
didrocks* Some debugging around keyboard issue and logging (which was in syslog after all)15:37
didrocks* Discussed with rsalvetti on the kernel fixes that will be needed for Touch to ensure we won't be blocked on this15:37
didrocks* Voted on FOSDEM desktop room talk.15:37
didrocks* Archive admin and some MIR duties.15:37
mlankhorstcheers for the fallback-x work15:37
willcookewoot, thanks didrocks15:37
didrocksyw ;)15:37
willcooke#topic FJKong15:38
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FJKong* continue pinyin research15:38
FJKong* close 2 bugs of sogou input method get ready for new version release15:38
FJKong* take one day off15:38
willcookethanks FJKong15:38
willcooke#topic Laney15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2014-12-16 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• More work on gtk 3.14, merge .6, merge with Debian, test, ready to go once theme is15:39
Laney• Update evolution (+ in Debian, although not so relevant there) to not pass -Bsymbolic-functions when linking, can crash otherwise15:39
Laney• Also update evolution-* to 3.12.9, need to SRU this to 14.1015:39
Laney• Update vte2.91 + in Debian15:39
Laney• Update libsoup2.4 + in Debian15:39
Laney∘ Test failure and another test hang, upstream both with fix for first, upload w/test disabled :(15:39
Laney• SRU glib-networking to 14.1015:39
Laney• Update dpkg to add some Breaks to work around dpkg trigger cycles, track CI for this due to infrastructure downtime15:39
Laney• Merge new dbus upstream from Debian, thanks MoM15:39
Laney• DMB: meeting, welcome teward as a new developer15:39
Laney• Install desktop-next, find out that gtk is broken in mir, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmir/+bug/140196815:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1401968 in QtMir "GTK applications don't work anymore under unity8" [Critical,Triaged]15:39
Laney• Organise travel for fosdem and a sprint afterwards15:39
Laney• Fix a crash bug in gnome-terminal caused by our transparency patch15:39
willcookethanks Laney15:39
willcooke#topic larsu15:40
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larsuhey. My cold came back again last week, so I don't have a whole lot to report15:40
larsustill working on the gtk update and related things (like the theme :( )15:40
willcookeack, thx larsu15:41
larsusorry for the short one this time :/15:41
Laneywhat do you think is left before we can upload?15:41
willcookehope the cold goes away, I feel your pain :)15:41
larsuthanks, it's better this week15:42
larsuLaney: I have a hang of getting caught up in too many fixes in the theme at once. I'll try to separate the most important bits right after the meeting15:42
Laneymaybe we can just take the branch as-is15:43
Laneyyou can keep working on it after that of course15:43
larsusure, that works as well15:43
willcooke#topic desrt15:44
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willcookeback to desrt15:44
desrtwas another big week of kdbus hacking15:44
* Laney sees steam rising in front of the window and knows that the heating is now on :D15:44
mlankhorstand there's a leak?15:45
desrti did some substantial reengineering of how that's structured internally, getting rid of quite some hackery that's in there... and kdbus is now working single threaded, and it's able to send and receive messages exactly as you expect for async apps (services and clients)15:45
Laneywhy would there be a leak?15:45
desrtunfortunately due to not running the mainloop it deadlocks during sync calls -- but that's totally fine because i wanted to change how that works anyway (to make it much more efficient) so i'm going to do that over the next while15:45
desrti also played with schroot and did some work on the sysdeps feature of jhbuild over the weekend -- this will help with jhbuilding inside of buildds, which could be interesting for a lot of reasons15:46
desrtschroot is cool.  if you are an ubuntu developer who hasn't fully learned about how to use this tool, take some time to learn it.15:46
desrtit's really really great15:46
willcookethanks desrt15:47
willcookeI think I will check out schroot too15:47
desrtif you need some help poke me (or Laney may even be better)15:48
willcookecould be useful for when I try and build things from source and end up smashing new libs all over the place because I'm too lazy to work out how to do it properly15:48
Laneyubuntu-dev-tools has a mk-sbuild script to make the chroots15:48
desrtwillcooke: ya... it's awesome for spinning up a system that you can feel free to absolutely destroy15:48
desrtand then wipe it all away again a few seconds later15:48
desrtLaney: it's also super-easy to just debootstrap them15:48
willcookesounds like I need that in my life15:48
desrtalthough i guess you have to do some manual work of building a .tar or whatever15:49
willcookebetter than reinstalling because I'm stupid15:49
willcooke#topic mlankhorst15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2014-12-16 | Current topic: mlankhorst
mlankhorst- Found a regression in the mesa-lts-utopic backport to trusty, uploaded a fix.15:49
mlankhorst- Uploaded a new xorg-server to vivid with the security fixes.15:49
mlankhorst- Prepared xorg-server 1.17 in ppa:canonical-x/x-staging.15:49
mlankhorst- Rebased standalone Xmir on top of 1.17 and made it work on GLES platforms.15:50
mlankhorst- Fixed mesa acceleration in Xmir 1.17 just now.15:50
mlankhorst- Fixed a regression in nouveau.15:50
willcookemlankhorst, was getting 200+ fps in gears today :)15:50
willcookeI know it's not a real test :)15:50
willcookebut I like it15:50
mlankhorstwith -egl? that means that vblank was not working and it was using -sw mode :P15:50
willcookeyeah, it did look like vblank wasnt working15:50
willcookebut SPEED :)15:50
mlankhorstoh try with hw, really..15:51
willcookeswitch ?15:51
mlankhorstno just wait a bit15:51
willcookealways with the waiting :)15:51
qenghoIs that "no hardware"?15:51
mlankhorstsa19 has fixed the black screen when using mesa15:51
mlankhorstresizing seems to work correctly too15:51
willcooke#topic qengho15:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2014-12-16 | Current topic: qengho
qengho* Nursing. Entrire family has the flu.15:53
qengho* More work on Mir/Wayland/Ozone/Chromium.15:53
qenghoInstalled Desktop Next. Cried a lot. Switched back for now.15:53
willcookehope everyone is on feeling better soon qengho - sounds like a lot of us are suffering this week15:54
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:54
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2014-12-16 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
qengho*I* got a wonderful vaccine, I guess.15:54
mlankhorstwillcooke: if you want a better test for acceleration, try https://mblankhorst.nl/etc/glxspheres15:54
Sweet5hark* 4.3.5~rc2 created tarballs, will build for PPA and later SRU later todayish15:55
Sweet5hark* some grinding trough launchpad bugs15:55
Sweet5hark* I caused a regression upstream, is fixed now, but misses a test: writing that right now15:55
Sweet5hark* prepare 4.4.0~beta2 prerelease for ppa (twice. some hassle with the tarballs being actually beta1 tarballs, so needed extra tweakage)15:55
Sweet5hark* some code review,15:55
Sweet5harkorg and the usual syncing upstream (e.g. among other stuff, helped collecting some datapoints on TDFs 2014 annual report at http://pad.documentfoundation.org/p/annualreport)15:55
Sweet5hark* havent looked at schroot yet, wonder I should still do, now that I have my own lo-pbuilder wrapper running in a jenkins doing most of the chrooting/setuiding15:55
willcookethx Sweet5hark15:55
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:56
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willcookeguess tkamppeter isnt around atm15:58
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:58
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willcookeWorked on:15:58
willcooke- Finished gnome-bluetooth patch (awaiting review)15:58
willcooke- Started on gnome-control-center bluetooth patch15:58
willcooke- Fixed simple-scan bugs15:58
willcooke- Released simple-scan 3.15.315:58
willcooke- TPM support15:58
willcooke- Reviewed merge proposals15:58
willcookeShould say:15:58
willcooke- Started on unity-control-center bluetooth patch15:58
willcooke#topic any other business15:58
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Laneywhen's next meeting?15:58
willcookeFor those of you who are going to the Mir sprint please get your travel auth done asap15:58
willcookeNext meeting will be 6 Jan15:59
willcookeOh, and FOSDEM people, travel auth as well please15:59
willcookeHave an excellent and restful holiday15:59
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meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Dec 16 16:00:02 2014 UTC.16:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2014/ubuntu-desktop.2014-12-16-15.30.moin.txt16:00
didrocksthanks, you too! :)16:00
tkamppeter- system-config-printer: Completed first Utopic SRU verification, withdrawn Trusty SRU as IPP-over-USB is not yet working correctly, posted Utopic and Trusty SRUs for fixing automatic driver download.16:01
tkamppeter- Bugs.16:01
willcookethx tkamppeter sorry I was too hasty with ending the meetin16:02
willcookemlankhorst, for spheres, do I use -egl ?16:07
mlankhorstno :P16:07
mlankhorst-egl was a hack because I was still working on fixing xmir, those fixes are in sa1916:08
willcookemlankhorst, just getting the blackness without16:08
willcookeso I should wait, right?16:08
mlankhorstupdate xmir16:08
* willcooke is scared 16:10
willcookeit wants to upgrade u8 too16:10
willcookeand it'll break again :)16:10
mlankhorstinstall xserver-xorg-xmir=2:1.17.0~rc1-0ubuntu1+sa1916:13
Laneyanyone know where to find fedora build logs offhand?16:16
Laneyfound it koji.fedoraproject.org16:18
willcookemlankhorst, installed, thx16:22
willcookemlankhorst, so now I drop the -egl ?16:22
willcookemlankhorst, Xmir wont connect to Mir at all now16:23
willcookemlankhorst, ignore, works now16:23
mlankhorstdrop the -egl16:25
willcookenice and smooth :)16:25
willcookeand synced16:25
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* Laney waves18:03
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper

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