
james0rupgraded to gnome shell 3.14 using the staging repo. most everything works fine but i'm getting all my extensions turned off after every reboot00:41
james0rdo i need to remove all of them and re-install them ?00:41
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darkxstricotz, Noskcaj gtk shouldnt be too far off now, but I am flat out with real life until atleast xmas10:57
darkxstwould be good to get clutter/mutter/gnome-shell/g-s-d/g-c-c all to land in one hit10:57
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LinDolhi all13:39
LinDolgood night! :)13:39
njalkhi =)13:40
LinDolnjalk, hi :)13:49
LinDoli have a question.?13:49
LinDolnjalk, what time is your home?13:50
njalktimezone you mean?13:50
LinDolyes, it is similar13:51
LinDolhere is 11 pm13:51
LinDolah.. I think of saying 'good night' is incorrect.14:00
LinDolsorry, I still learning english.14:08
LinDolnjalk, have a great day. I will go to the bed. :)14:27
LinDolsee you. :)14:27
njalkgood bye14:28

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