
bodhi_Hi all, I have no idea about how to set the keyboard layout on bodhi 3.0 rc2, any help would be really appreciated, I spent some hours today00:08
reisioset it to what?00:08
daftykinsbodhi as in a distro other than ubuntu?00:08
bodhi_it derives from ubuntu 14.04 plus enlightenment00:09
k1l_best is to ask the bodhi support. see on their website where its located00:09
bodhi_to italian layout like it_IT.UTF800:09
reisioit_IT.UTF8 sounds more like a locale than a layout00:09
rww!based on ubuntu00:10
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:10
bodhi_I probably did mistake, but I would like my netbook keyboard to work either with keys like ][=-00:11
rwwask the bodhi linux folks for support, then00:11
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MrSavagethe biggest problem i have is the filemanager used for firefox00:17
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k1l_MrSavage: firefox is a browser.00:20
MrSavageYeah but at least on windows it had a decent file picker00:20
MrSavagethat's what bothers me00:20
MrSavagewell i could view thumbnails and it saved zoom preferences00:21
reisiowhat DE are you using?00:21
MrSavageI meant the view could be shifted into tiles/thumbnails instead of detailed list view.00:21
MrSavagereisio: what's DE?00:21
bodhi_if I had to ask a way to monitor processes from console , you would answer to use the top command although I am on an ubuntu based distribution00:21
k1l_bodhi_: please dont mix that over and over again. come in here if you use ubuntu. not if you use somewhat other and we dont know what they changed there at all. thanks00:22
zebra111bodhi_ to my knowledge ubuntu has a top command00:23
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MrSavagereisio, what did you mean by DE?00:23
squintydesktop enviroment00:24
bodhi_I think there is a low level way to set keyboard layout00:24
k1l_MrSavage: desktop enviroment00:24
MrSavagereisio, i'm using unity00:24
rwwbodhi_: I'm sure the creators of the distribution you *actually use* will be happy to help you with that00:24
rwwand if not, well, maybe you shouldn't use unsupported unofficial Ubuntu derivatives00:24
squintyMrSavage:  might want to ask in #firefox here on freenode re thumbnails etc00:27
SoundLogicWhenever I enter a non-command into the terminal, I'm now getting 6 messages all similar to this: Unable to open binary database /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/all-main.db: [Errno 5] Input/output error. Does anyone know why or how to fix this?00:28
bodhi_it's a question about knowing how to configure linux from console, if you don't know how to do that you have to stay in silence00:29
EriC^^SoundLogic: type ls -ld /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/all-main.db00:29
SoundLogicThis results in: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 184320 Apr  3  2014 /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/all-main.db00:30
squintyMrSavage:  or have a wade through http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_About:config_Entries   :P00:30
bigbangAfter fresh install ubuntu 14.04 on laptop, I am unable to change its resolution (680x440) please help?00:31
MrSavagesquinty, I already tried the file picker option00:32
squintybigbang:  first   Software and Updates > additional drivers (or search for Additional Drivers)00:32
raulohello, my problem as follows: -i am running wash wlan1, after installing it, and I get the following error:00:32
rauloWash v1.4 WiFi Protected Setup Scan Tool00:32
rauloCopyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner00:32
raulo[X] ERROR: Failed to open 'mon0' for capturing00:32
rauloI run airmon-ng stop mon 1 and I put wlan1 monitor mode, with airmon-ng start wlan1 command (I think because I am fairly new to ubuntu), I need to know, because the wash command does not recognize me wlan1.Gracias in advance00:32
unopasteraulo you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted00:32
bigbangsquinty, there are 4 different types of nvidia drivers which one should i install. Will installing nvidia-current from terminal work?00:33
David--hi, trying to install ubuntu from minimal cd and it keeps hanging after selecting the archive choice to download from. I've configured the network correctly and selected different mirrors.... any help please?00:33
k1l_raulo: we dont support wifi hacking/cracking in here. if you really need that tools please read into the documentations.00:33
squintybigbang:  afaik, yes.  then check in nVidia X server settings for setup (it is install with the driver)00:34
Bashing-omDavid--: Connected to internet wired ? The kernel should detect and set up networking .00:35
David--Bashing-om: Yes wired but no DHCP, I have definately set it up correctly though00:36
Bashing-omDavid--: Step 1: is the card recognized ? -> sudo lshw -C network <- look in the configuration line to make sure a driver is loaded ( Mine: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=8139too ) .00:38
SoundLogicEriC^^: What should I do next?00:39
David--Bashing-om: yes the card is recognised as it gives me the option to configure it manually00:40
Bashing-omstep 2: 2. IP address assigned ? -> ifconfig eth0 (or whichever the network is,eth1) .00:41
David--just setup a DHCP server so going to try that00:41
EriC^^SoundLogic: ls -l /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/*all-ma*00:42
SoundLogicResult: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 184320 Apr  3  2014 /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/all-main.db00:43
EriC^^SoundLogic: what happens if you type cat instead of ls -l ?00:45
David--Bashing-om: It detects the card but doesn't detect the DHCP server and manual configuration is correct but just hangs again after selecting the mirror to download from00:47
Bashing-omDavid--: Are you getting out of hose ? what results -> ping -c3 < - .00:48
guest_hello everybody. i've just done a fresh install and have been dumped into grub rescue mode. what do i do?00:50
David--Bashing-om: not sure how to get a command prompt from the install?00:51
Bashing-omDavid--: Humm .. try F4 , see if that will get ya a terminal .00:51
David--Bashing-om: nope :(00:52
squintyguest_:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting  (see Boot Repair first) and  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Command_Line_and_Rescue_Mode   and00:52
Bashing-omDavid--: ctl+alt+F4 ??00:53
squintyguest_:  if dual booting with windows then see if anything at the following applies to your system   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:53
guest_squinty, not a machine with EFI thankfully00:54
David--Bashing-om: i got it from escape and then chosing a terminal from the menu00:55
David--i used ping and it said ping is alive00:55
Bashing-omDavid--: Maybe If the install has not been completed, net working to this time has net been set up by te installer ? What have you for -> cat /etc/network/interfaces <- ?00:56
David--Bashing-om: it shows it configured correctly00:58
David--Bashing-om: im going to try ftp instead of http mirror00:58
alipoor90Hi, can some one help me about "btrfs send" ?01:02
David--Bashing-om: no good :( going to download the full cd and try with that01:06
=== turbo is now known as Guest26215
MrSavagealright so the firefox build for ubuntu is terrible. where should i make the complaint?01:07
WulframnMrSavage: the package manager01:08
Bashing-omDavid--: Like I say, unless you are doinf something exotic, in the Minimal CD install, you should have to do nothing for networking to be set up . All you get is a core install with networking .01:08
MrSavageWulframn, I only see 1 firefox package01:09
MrSavageWulframn, ah woops nvm01:09
WulframnMrSavage: I'm not sitting in front of am ubuntu machine right now, but standard practice is to complain to the package maintainer or file bug reports.01:10
MrSavageWulframn, would I use the "Ubuntu Software Centre"?01:10
zykotick9!bug | MrSavage01:11
ubottuMrSavage: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:11
MrSavageit's not a bug01:11
MrSavageit's just a...really bad feature01:11
WulframnMrSavage: what is the issue?01:11
MrSavagethe filepicker for this firefox build is terrible01:11
zebra111What should one do if one reports a bug but after 6 months nobody appears to be doing anything with it?01:11
MrSavageit's just lacking too much in features01:12
MrSavagezebra111, you fix it yourself01:12
zykotick9zebra111: that can be "normal"... unfortunately01:12
Wulframnzebra111: find a new package that replaces the functionality of the prior one or fix it yourself01:12
zebra111Thanks MrSavage, zykotick9 and Wulframn! I'll see if I can fix it.01:12
MrSavagei'm trying to install firefox manually, but it's complaining about a dependency on kdelibs5 but the ubuntu package manager doesn't have it. any help?01:28
odyss3usdo you use kde?01:29
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MrSavageodyss3us: i'm using regular ubuntu so i'm using unity01:30
frankiesirc.mycooldude.info #cooldude1323301:31
frankiesirc.mycooldude.info #cooldude1323301:31
frankiesdryer sheets01:31
frankiesbig nigger dick01:31
frankiesdryer sheets01:31
frankiesdryer sheets01:31
frankiesbig nigger dick01:31
frankiesdryer sheets01:31
frankiesjoin my irc network01:31
unopastefrankies you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted01:32
unopastefrankies you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted01:32
odyss3uswell, you shouldn't need kdelibs5 then01:33
odyss3uswhat do you mean by "manually"?01:33
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zebra111!op | frankies01:37
ubottufrankies: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:37
Flannelzebra111: eh?01:37
zebra111frankies is not saying appropriate things01:37
zebra111i find them racist01:37
Flannelzebra111: frankies was removed five minutes ago01:37
zebra111I apologize01:37
Flannelzebra111: No worries.01:38
epyxVirtualBox + iTunes + iPod shuffle, would this work?01:38
epyxthrow in Windows XP in that equation01:38
MrSavagehow can i get kdelibs5 on ubuntu? a package i'm trying to install requires it but the package manager doesn't have it01:42
xanguaa package from where¿01:43
odyss3usopen terminal and run apt-get01:44
guest_still have grub rescue mode issue. "error: symbol 'grub_isprint' not found"01:44
guest_anyone got anything?01:45
Snake2kguest_: Did you upgrade to 14.04 Daily?01:46
guest_Snake2k, nope, its a fresh install01:47
Snake2kguest_: Interesting01:47
Snake2kguest_: This is a bug on the launchpad though https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/128901701:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289017 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "symbol 'grub_isprint' not found booting degraded software raid1/LVM volume" [Medium,Invalid]01:47
Snake2k^Did that thing just read my mind? >_>01:47
Snake2kguest_: Anyways, I wonder if grub-install fixes it from a live stick01:48
Snake2kguest_: Do you have multiple disks?01:48
Snake2kguest_: Hmmmm, so you said you "still have grub rescue issues"01:49
Snake2kguest_: Did you try something before that?01:49
guest_yes, i was here earlier asking for help01:50
odyss3usthat is a nice bot!01:50
guest_no i did not01:50
guest_odyss3us, what do you mean?01:50
mindbender11Is there a setting  that can emphasize cursor location at the terminal?01:50
odyss3usim new. didn't know we had a bot that crawled for launchpad bug id's and then explained them01:51
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guest_oh, yeah i guess its handy01:52
zykotick9mindbender11: it's possible to to set the cursor to a different colour.  mind is bright red.01:52
Snake2kguest_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173523101:52
Snake2kguest_: could help01:52
mindbender11zykotick9: thanks. I think that's a good idea.01:53
guest_Snake2k, been there already01:53
Snake2kguest_: Damn :|01:54
Snake2kguest_: I'm clueless at this point then :|01:54
guest_Snake2k, as am i. i'm gonna try an install with a different flavor. weirder things have been cause and solution01:55
Snake2kguest_: Have you tried reinstalling it?01:55
guest_Snake2k, yeah.01:56
Snake2kguest_: Yea then a different flavor would be the thing to try out :|01:56
guest_Snake2k, its funny how the very actions that broke it may well fix it01:57
Snake2kguest_: Lol true true01:57
nimmersatthey, how do I build a program without its optional dependencies with cmake?01:59
teaearlgraycoldI know it's a bit off topic but anyone have a good VPS host?02:00
teaearlgraycoldI'll run Ubuntu on it I swear02:00
AG_ClintonAs a host myself I use Linode for offsite stuff.02:00
AG_ClintonThey're pretty good.02:00
=== bill is now known as Guest37354
mindbender11zykotick9: I'm using gnome-terminal. Can't seem to find a way of setting the cursor color. Only able to set the cursor shape.02:04
guest_what is up with ubuntu detecting an extra monitor on a laptop?02:09
zykotick9mindbender11: hummm.  i'm afraid i use urxvt and make the setting in .Xdefault-HOSTNAME, i have NO idea how to do it in gnome-terminal, sorry.  but .Xdefault-HOSTNAME might be something to search for, my line is "URxvt*cursorColor: Red"  Good luck.02:09
zykotick9mindbender11: just to be clear, the HOSTNAME is the hostname of your system02:10
zykotick9mindbender11: oops, and it's .Xdefaults-hostname notice the s02:11
blah^hi im using ubuntu 14.04, and my screen starts freezing after i type in my login password. what can i do?02:12
squinty!nomodeset | blah^02:18
ubottublah^: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:18
=== rmrf is now known as Guest40662
acmeraptorCan someone tell me the name of the core nfs install package?02:20
zykotick9squinty: nomodeset is if the system won't boot, if they can type in there password, that's NOT the issue.  most likely, .Xauthority issue.  but blah^ is gone...02:20
Guest40662Hello I am having trouble restarting my X server. I have managed to kill the X server with ctrl+alt+backspace02:20
squintyzykotick9:  quite aware of that   suggestion was to get to the desktop in case it was video driver related.02:21
Guest40662I now boot into an unresponsive black screen,02:21
SlushsterIm having a freezing issue with 14.04. I know its not hardware and im no new to ubuntu that its a little difficult to trouble shoot. msg me if you need more details02:22
Guest40662where the only form of input I can give is ctrl+alt+delete for restart, or sysrq for a post beep02:22
Guest40662Any ideas would be much appreciated. I am very very stuck02:23
Guest40662sorry I was trying to command02:24
Slushsteruse "/"02:25
acmeraptorok the nfs install stuff doesn't seem to be what I needed02:26
Bashing-omGuest40662: A black screen is generally a graphics driver issue . Try "nomodeset" .02:26
Bashing-om!nomodeset | Guest4066202:26
ubottuGuest40662: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:26
acmeraptori have a wd tv hub that's attached via the lan.  it's samba mounted to the gui, but how can i see it from the cli?02:26
Guest40662Thanks Bashing, I will try this02:27
Bashing-omGuest40662: : )) , try and see, else we do something else .02:28
zykotick9acmeraptor: not sure this still works, but check in ~/.gvfs02:28
Guest40662Bashing, so do I need to boot from a liveCD?02:30
acmeraptorzykotick9: i'm coming more from the aix world with nfs mounts.  I don't see a /.gvfs02:30
zykotick9acmeraptor: ahhh it _might_ not exist.  BUT, it /home/YOURUSERNAME/.gvfs not /.gvfs02:31
Bashing-omGuest40662: No, in the install, booting to the grub boot menu, and edit the kernel's boot parameter line.02:31
acmeraptoroh, duh02:32
MrSavagewhat internet browser do you guys use?]02:32
acmeraptorzykotick9: yea /home/MYNAME/.gvfs isn't there,02:32
zykotick9acmeraptor: ya, sorry, that was from a few years ago.  i have no idea now.  best of luck.02:33
acmeraptorzykotick9: cool, thanks for trying anyway.. i don't have a lot of time to waste on this one... it's only because i wanted to see if i could link the files one the ip connected drive to my ftp server.  ya know, instead of copying everything to my local drive, thus doubling it.. meh :)02:34
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dzineThis is my first IRC. So far amazing!02:40
acmeraptorGreetings, program dzine.02:41
dzinethank you02:41
Guest40662How can one boot into grub? I have tried shift and c02:42
Guest40662at boot time02:42
Guest40662I am able to access BIOS however02:42
_unreal_Guest40662, should just HIT c02:43
Bashing-omGuest40662: UEFI system ? then As soon as the bios screen clears, depress and hold the escape key to get the grub boot menu .02:43
acmeraptori don't think it's shift-c02:43
bubbasauresGuest40662, tapping shift immediately at powering on should get you a grub menu, unless you have modified grub.02:43
zykotick9Bashing-om: ESC of grub?  isn't it hold SHIFT?02:44
Guest40662got it02:44
_unreal_what was it for you?02:44
Bashing-omzykotick9: Generally, yeah .. UEFI recognizes the escape key however .02:44
zykotick9Bashing-om: interesting... thanks.02:44
_unreal_Guest40662, what was it for you?02:45
Guest40662It was just c, I must have been hitting it at the wrong time02:45
_unreal_thats what I expected. thats been the standard for YEARS02:45
phunanonI have a really fustrating issue... anybody there?02:46
bubbasauresphunanon, Detail the issue to the channel for help.02:47
phunanonWell, I just wanted to see if I could run xfce4 ontop of Unity02:47
phunanonand so I apt-get'd xfce402:48
bubbasauresphunanon, you can install xfce4 yes02:48
phunanonPlayed for a while, then realised how much there was to unistall02:48
phunanonSo, I unistalled most of it02:48
phunanonThe most dire issue is, I can no longer log into my account!02:49
phunanonIt just flashes black for a while and then returns02:49
Guest40662oh dear god02:49
epyxsweet Jesus02:49
Guest40662i may have done something catastrophic02:49
Guest40662What is parted magic?02:50
epyxpartition manager02:50
Bashing-omGuest40662: Happens. but it's ubuntu, it is fixable - with time and effort .02:50
phunanonCan anybody help? :c02:50
bubbasauresphunanon, Have you tried a tty login in?02:50
phunanonYes, it works02:50
phunanonit's how I got rid of most of the dependent packages02:51
epyxthe sweet thing is, thanks to a home folder with all your configs a reinstall isn't that time consuming :)02:51
thongbkvnHello everybody :)02:51
bubbasauresphunanon, Than be really clear, you said it did not log in, bit yet it does in a tty, do you see what I mean?02:51
phunanonand created another account, but I really just want my old one back. I need it02:51
zykotick9phunanon: "ls -l ~/.Xauthority" who owns the file?02:51
Guest40662I accidentally ran it. it seemed to install some kind of parted magic OS and opened that....02:51
Guest40662I didn't know what was happening, but my HD was getting really loud02:52
phunanonI do02:52
zykotick9phunanon: nevermind then...  good luck.02:52
phunanonMy account, phunanon; the acc I'm logged into02:52
phunanonThat's... all I can do? I have all my settings and College work and ugh xc02:53
phunanonWhere else do I go?02:54
acmeraptorbackup your stuff people. case in point^^^02:54
Bashing-omGuest40662: Now that "might Be a Problem " .. what is the status of 'parted magic' . Still running, or have you exited out ?02:54
phunanonYou can't back up Firefox extentions stuff... and settings...02:54
phunanonI can still access my stuff02:54
Flannelphunanon: Just be patient here, someone will be able to help you.  Your data is still there, don't worry about that.  So anyone who tells you to reinstall is silly.02:55
Guest40662I got out of Parted Magic, trying to get back to booting into Ubuntu now... It is trying to boot into windows02:55
phunanonI just need this to go onto my old Unity... installing Xfce4 changed something02:55
Guest40662okay. I am back to the original error, where I face a black unresponsive screen with a flashing cursor02:55
bubbasauresphunanon, Do a install reinstall of the ubuntu-desktop that is unity02:56
Flannelphunanon: You'll want to write up your problem succinctly, so new people can quickly get up to speed on your issue (this is a constantly changing channel).  However you're going to need more details about what you added/removed if you've got them (or at least current symptoms).  In the mean time, I agree, try a reinstall of ubuntu desktop (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)02:56
bubbasauresthat's where I would start02:57
phunanonWhat's the cmd to reinstall jush quickly?02:57
guest_Snake2k, well, it worked. thanks02:57
pingjockysettings_autosave = ON02:57
Bashing-omGuest40662: Boot to the grub boot menu. With the ubuntu kernel with an asterisk to the left press 'e' key for edit mode -> boot paramters screen. Arrow down to line similar "linux    /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=217ed9a7-e11a-4e32-8c05-992e8c8932b6 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff" ; arrow across to the terms quiet splash and add the term "nomodeset" - without the quotes. key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process . Do you now get to 02:58
Flannelphunanon: `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`02:59
bubbasauresphunanon, sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop02:59
phunanonI'll do that after it's normal install for good measure...03:00
bubbasaurestry Flannel's first phunanon03:00
Flannelphunanon: Don't use the installer, that doesn't make any sense.03:00
phunanonIt was too late xD Now using --reinstall03:00
Guest40662Bashing, I am actually unable to get to grub now. So, I have a bit of a hack of a dual boot going. I set Boot mode to UEFI to boot from windows, and Legacy to boot from ubuntu. When it is set to Legacy, I can't get into grub03:00
agent_whiteEvenin folks03:01
phunanonOkay, that's reinstalled, apparently03:01
dzineGood evening agent White.03:01
phunanonIt didn't work again :c03:02
phunanonI try to log it, and in a flash, at the top left, there's an error dialouge03:02
Bashing-omGuest40662: I have no experience with UEFI, others I hope can assist . But need to boot to the GUI and perhaps from Additional Drivers, reinstall a graphics driver .03:04
Guest40662What is the difference even03:04
Bashing-omGuest40662: A lot, main board firmware, and partitioning scheme and booting process .03:05
phunanonTo recap, I installed xfce4 while using Unity, I want to keep Unity, I tried uninstalling all of xfce4, I can no longer log into the account as it flashes black then returns to the greeter03:06
phunanonAny ideas?03:07
Guest40662and apparently how to get into grub...03:07
Guest40662Strange how some of these things are so difficult to google.03:08
AnonUnkESC should do fine03:08
Guest46560Hello, how can I tell what graphics driver I should be using?03:09
Guest40662To recap, I killed my x server, now I boot into a black unresponsive screen. Now I am trying to boot into grub to set nomodeset, but cannot get to grub03:09
AnonUnkby your GC manufacturer03:10
Guest40662I am using boot mode legacy, I have tried c, esc, shift, and shift c03:10
Guest46560AnonUnk, it appears there are multiple options03:10
AnonUnkWhat are they?03:11
Guest46560nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx from what I understand, AnonUnk03:12
Guest40662hey that's funny, guest46560 . I was in your shoes 2 hours ago03:12
Flannelphunanon: What error message is given?  Also, next to your login name, is there a gear?  If so, click it, what options does it give you?03:13
AnonUnkthen you should try to install nvidia grafics drivers03:13
Guest40662I was installing a new nvidia driver, it said to kill my x server, I did so and now cannot boot back into ubuntu03:13
Guest46560Guest40662, so don't do what you did??? haha!03:13
Guest46560Guest40662, I have it working fine, but can't get video from Minitube03:14
Guest40662yes. do not kill your x server03:14
take_a_dumpHi, I have a question about ubuntu.  Can someone here help me please?03:14
reisiotake_a_dump: once you ask your question03:15
AnonUnkThen there may be error logs about x server in logs03:15
take_a_dumpOkay well my question is this:03:15
take_a_dumpI defecate too much.  What should I do?03:15
reisioI wonder what too much is03:16
Guest40662most people have the opposite problem03:16
FlannelOr we could just not feed the trolls.03:16
michael6969I'm on 14.04 and trying to run a script via cron and save the output to a file. I'm editing the root crontab with `sudo crontab -e` and entering the following which works fine when run on the shell "*/1 * * * * /home/michael/temps.sh > /home/michael/temp-info/temp-`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%N"`" but doesn't run in cron. I see entries in /var/log/auth.log but they just say "session opened" and "session closed"03:17
Guest46560Guest40662, on my last Mint install i had the same problem. Trashed the whole thing, took me forever to get a GUI.03:17
Guest40662well that is far from comforting03:18
phunanonGuys! Okay, so, Unity was busted for starting at login03:19
phunanonbut, I switched to MATE03:19
phunanonAfter naving through.... that... I managed to run Unity03:20
Unicumi'm using gnome shall03:20
phunanonnow, I have, like, Unity, but the cursor is a cross03:20
phunanonAnd no windows have borders...03:20
phunanonMy unity launcher!!!03:22
captinehi all.  not 100% ubuntu related, but for some reason both firefox and chrome are telling me their flash is unsupported on youtube etc...  I check plugins and shockwave flash is the latest in firefox.  Anyone else had this issue?  http://imgur.com/YfcSA0K   http://imgur.com/DhnvWYQ03:22
reisiomy eggo!03:22
captinerunning 14.0403:22
phunanonI used unity --replace03:22
reisiocaptine: probably not the latest03:22
phunanonhow do I get this to stick? ._.03:22
underlinecaptine, from my understanding adobe no longer supports linux.03:23
reisiounderline: :p03:23
Joshua^Dunamiscaptine: you have to upgrade flashplugin from distribution03:23
reisiocaptine: you just need a more recent version of Flash is all03:23
reisioalthough it is infinitely stupid for Firefox to attempt to be smarter than you in this fashion03:23
reisioas the older version of Flash works just fine03:23
reisiothey've basically broken your youtube as a personal favor to you03:23
reisiodon't forget to thank them03:23
captinereisio, thnx.  but not sure how to update if firefox says I am running the latest.  Thanks all.  The weird thing is even Google Chrome is giving me the message but Chrome comes with flash included...03:24
reisio'latest' isn't a version03:24
Joshua^Dunamisit was discovered a security issue, so Firefox blocked that plugin verison03:24
reisioand you update software on GNU/Linux using your package manager03:24
reisioanyways, all the version of Ubuntu from 12.04 up have the _actual_ latest version that you want available to them03:25
Joshua^Dunamiswe had the same problem in Manjaro Linux, but yesterday the new flashplayer was on repositories and now Firefox works fine again...03:25
reisioyou just need to update03:25
reisioall the versionS*03:26
Finetundrais there any way to get the green ambiance theme from ubuntu MATE on regular ubuntu?03:26
underlinereisio, I think he was asking how to perform the update ;)03:26
reisiosame as any other update03:27
reisioupdating is updating03:27
reisioFinetundra: yes, copy it03:27
Finetundrareisio, how or from where?03:27
reisioFinetundra: any way you please, from where it is :)03:27
reisioFinetundra: it's probably available in a/set of .debs, though03:27
xanguathere is an ambiance colors pack in gnome-look.org Finetundra03:28
Finetundrareisio, sigh. was hoping for something less vague, but that works i guess03:28
reisioFinetundra: I was too :)03:29
underlinecaptine, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash03:29
reisiounderline: all he needs is to update his system in the normal fashion03:30
underlinecaptine, sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree03:30
underlinereisio, no it doesn't do the non free by default03:30
reisiounderline: he already has non-free03:31
underlineobviously he don't03:31
reisiothere is no non-non-free version of Flash, Flash is Flash03:31
reisiohe just has an old version03:31
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:39
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, greetings03:39
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: hello mate03:39
SnewWhat's shakin'?03:40
Guest40662recent development: I boot and get the following message: ISOLINUX 4.0.7 2013-07-25 .... aborted.03:40
Guest40662Than there is a prompt for boot:03:40
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: how did you create your usb stick?03:40
Guest40662When I type anything, press enter, it says "Could not find kernel image"03:40
Guest40662I didn't create the cd, my brother did for me03:41
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: wich ubuntu version?03:41
Guest40662I have ubuntu 14.04 on my computer, the CD is an ultimate boot CD03:42
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: what are you trying to do exactly?03:42
Guest40662I am trying to boot into Grub, some context: I killed my x server, now ubuntu loads into an unresponsive black screen (even magic sysrq keys don't work)03:44
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: did you try grub recoverymode?03:44
Guest40662how do I do that?03:44
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: hold shift during boot, to enter grub then choose ubuntu(recoverymode) line03:45
SnewWIsh it had 3.12.35 kernel03:45
Guest40662I am dual booting windows, and holding shift gives me windows recovery menu03:46
lotuspsychje!recovery | Guest4066203:46
ubottuGuest40662: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode03:46
Guest40662Where is Richard Stallman when you need him03:47
lotuspsychjeSnew: wich ubuntu version did you have?03:48
xanguaGuest40662: he doesn't even encourage ubuntu03:48
Guest40662I know lol03:48
SnewIt's Snew03:48
Guest40662He would probably take my videocard out first03:49
SnewYa know?03:49
lotuspsychjeSnew: this is a support channel mate, keep it ontopic please03:49
Guest40662I got into ultimate boot CD!!03:50
lotuspsychjedo we have an usb create trigger for the new method that shows on ubuntu.com here? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows03:51
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, this?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#Installing_Ubuntu_on_USB_drive_using_Windows03:52
SnewUbuntu 11.04 The Natty Narwhal03:52
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: well i dont see that universal usb maker on that wiki03:53
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, must be something new.  not here either: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Windows03:53
lotuspsychje!usb outdated03:54
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, indeed.  that new page should be top-stickied IMO03:54
lotuspsychje!usb | lotuspsychje outdated03:54
ubottulotuspsychje outdated: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:54
lotuspsychjehmm there was a way to get the word outdated right to the ops :p03:55
lotuspsychjeforgot howto03:55
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: would be handy for new ubuntu users from windows right?03:56
Guest40662How can I restore grub from inside linux? I have successfully logged in03:56
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, yeah, the easier, the better.  that looks like a simple point/click solution.  easy to read, too.03:56
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: boot into your recoverymode then from terminal sudo update-grub03:57
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: hopefully it will restore grub dualboot03:57
lotuspsychje!fixgrub | Guest4066203:58
ubottuGuest40662: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:58
Guest40662I did not have grub dualboot properly working04:02
Guest40662I could never get Ubuntu to run in UEFI boot mode04:03
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: make your life easy mate, and install ubuntu on your full HD04:03
Guest40662It is on my full HD....04:03
Guest40662oh you mean, don't partition HD?04:04
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: yes, loose windows once and for good04:04
Guest40662I have SSD 1/2 Windows 7, 1/2 Ubuntu04:04
Guest40662I am considering it... but I wouldn't be able to play like 75% of my Steam games ever again =/04:04
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: with ssd and ubuntu64bit on your full hd, your system will go like rocket04:04
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: ubuntu has steam04:05
Guest40662I know, but only fraction of games are compatible04:05
Guest40662and I am facing many issues with the ones that are04:05
Guest40662the whole reason i got into this mess is because I was trying to get a game working on Steam. I needed to upgrade my nvidia driver, which required me to restart my x server, which killed my ubuntu partition =[04:06
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: did you have the right driver loaded in the first place?04:06
Guest40662No. I just had the default driver04:06
Guest40662I looked online for the driver compatible with my graphics card and tried to install that04:07
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: can you remember if you installed ubuntu with cable on/updates on?04:07
Guest40662I didn't install ubuntu originally, my brother did it04:07
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: what grafix card chipset and driver do you have?04:08
Guest40662geforce gtx 76004:09
Guest40662nvidia 304.125 was installed already, then I realized I needed 340.xxx04:09
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: is that an optimus card?04:09
Guest40662I don't know what an optimus card is04:10
DislexykKill the Desktop and install the .bin04:10
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: did the driver loaded by default not work good on your system?04:10
Guest40662It didn't support OpenGl 3+04:10
Guest40662and yea, bunch of games did not work because of that04:11
DislexykSTEAM asks for bleeding edge drivers, even though your game might still work without it04:11
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: is that a gtx 760M?04:12
Guest40662no just 76004:12
Guest40662well, the games would start, but be black screen, or just not start at all04:12
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
Guest40662I googled around, and found the cause of these problems is likely outdated opengl04:12
Guest40662which requires updated graphics driver to update04:13
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: make sure if your card is an optimus technology04:13
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: if it does, you need nvidia-prime driver04:13
Guest40662here it is: http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-76004:14
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | Guest4066204:14
ubottuGuest40662: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.7 (utopic), package size 11 kB, installed size 102 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)04:14
Guest40662I don't think my card is optimus04:14
Guest40662after some quick googling04:14
lotuspsychjedont see it neither04:15
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: you could try nvidia-current04:16
Guest40662I was trying that, but when I installed it in synaptic, it broke like 50+ packages04:16
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: or switch around additional drivers section, until you got your crad good04:16
Guest40662or warned me that it would04:16
Guest40662my crad?04:17
lotuspsychjecard sorry04:17
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: with a beast grafix card like yours, you should be able to game properly04:17
=== Drone4fourl_ is now known as Drone4four
Guest40662I know right, and windows works out great for this. I use ubuntu primarily for development04:18
Guest40662I never intended to play games on ubuntu, until I tried Kerbal Space Program on it, because only Ubuntu supports 64bit KSP. So then I continued to install games on Ubuntu, and I realized the issues with my card driver04:19
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: investigate your system a bit, check your syslog or dmesg for errors on your grafix04:19
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: there must be going something wrong with your driver04:19
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.04:20
lotuspsychjeGuest40662: you can switch a name with /nick newnick, be more easy to find you :p04:20
Guest40662So now I can log into Ubuntu with grub on a boot cd, but not  any other way.... maybe my grub is messed up04:20
=== Guest40662 is now known as RickSanchez
=== tekkbuzz is now known as Guest85946
RickSanchezthe /help command doesn't give any output on this browser client04:21
lotuspsychjeRickSanchez: i would try to startover fresh, install 14.04 with a cable + updates during setup04:21
lotuspsychjeRickSanchez: internet cable04:22
RickSanchezdidn't think that would work04:22
lotuspsychjeRickSanchez: its important to choose the right driver from start04:22
RickSanchezthought it was some high level kernel-developer-esque term for something far more complex than I could ever understand04:22
lotuspsychjeRickSanchez: do you have another machine to game from?04:23
RickSanchezNope. I got a macbook pro, and this beast machine with Ubuntu/Windows 704:23
RickSancheznow it has Windows 7/Black screen of death04:24
lotuspsychjeRickSanchez: well we should have your machine run steam+ right drivers properly from ubuntu04:24
RickSanchezYes, but first I'll need to do some major backing up04:25
lotuspsychjeRickSanchez: wise choice :p04:25
caseswitchhow do I sudo as user X?04:25
lotuspsychjecaseswitch: i use sux for that, but package has been removed for security reasons04:26
lotuspsychjecaseswitch: this way i can sux username firefox04:26
caseswitchcan't I just sudo with some parameters?04:26
RickSanchezare you using X as a generic user name or is user X a thing?04:26
RickSanchez!user X04:26
lotuspsychjecaseswitch: you can use gksudo also for that04:26
lotuspsychjecaseswitch: from another user it will say you dont have privileges04:27
lotuspsychjecaseswitch: man gksudo04:27
caseswitchgksudo won't work04:29
caseswitchI'll have to open up a completely new tty it seems04:29
Ben64caseswitch: what are you trying to do04:30
AuvIf I wanted to change the minimum brightness value, how would I do so?04:30
caseswitchBen64: created a user but realized that that user is handicapped04:30
AuvCurrently the lowest value is too low.04:30
caseswitchBen64: that user needs sudo04:30
Ben64caseswitch: ok, so add that user to the sudo group04:31
caseswitchBen64: so I opened up another tty, logged in as a sudoer and 'adduser theuser sudo'04:31
caseswitchcan you have an /etc/host for a local user?04:34
caseswitchI mean, something corresponding04:35
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mutualafter i login, i get a black screen04:43
mutualbut i was able to get a terminal04:43
mutualbut i don't know what to do now04:43
mutuali can't get connected to the wifi04:44
mutualbut wlan0 is operationa04:44
mutuali either need to fix my drivers somehow through the terminal04:44
mutualor get the wifi working04:44
mutualany ideas?04:44
mutuali tried connecting to the wifi via wpa_supplicant but it didn't work04:44
ChrisGibbsanyone have any ideas how i can preseed a ubuntu 14.04 unattended installation and use eth1? It configures the network for the 2nd NIC but stops and prompts to continue as no default gateway is set. Our provisioning network doesnt have a gateway... eth0 is the primary port with a default GW. The provisioning network instead relies on a proxy server to grab content from mirrors.04:44
ChrisGibbsUsing PXELinuux to pass in04:45
ChrisGibbsauto=true netcfg/get_gateway= netcfg/dhcp_timeout=30 netcfg/choose_interface=eth1 BOOTIF=00:0c:29:70:70:8004:45
=== theInspe1tor is now known as theInpsector
mutuali got to a terminal from a black screen04:53
mutualthe login screen loads fine04:53
mutualbut then after i login it goes to black04:53
mutualbut i can control shift f1 and get to a terminal04:53
mutualbut now the wifi doesn't work04:53
reisiocan you right click in the blackness?04:53
mutuallemme check04:53
cfhowlettreisio, +1 for the excellent philosophical query!04:54
reisiocfhowlett: heh04:54
reisiomutual: no mouse cursor, then?04:54
mutualcfhowlett, lol04:54
mutualreisio, ^04:55
mutualreisio, hold on i will reboot04:56
mutualreisio, to get back to the original black screen04:56
reisiorebooting never helped anything :)04:56
reisiobookchan: hi04:56
reisiomutual: grep EE /var/log/Xorg*04:56
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
mutualreisio, one sec rebooting04:57
lechekepaslahi everybody04:58
reisiohi leche04:59
mutualreisio what do you want me to do with that command05:00
reisiomutual: just see what it says05:00
mutualreisio there's no way for me to copy and paste it05:00
reisioyou could pastebinit if you wanted05:00
mutualreisio, no i cant05:00
mutualreisio, no internet05:00
reisio"no internet" — guy on IRC05:00
mutualreisio, if i had a wireless connection i'd probably be ok05:00
mutualreisio, i am on another computer obviously05:00
mutuali can summarize the last few lines05:01
mutualunfortunately it ran off the screen05:01
mutualthe virtual terminal im using has the font set way too big05:01
mutualreisio, should i give up and reinstall from CD?05:02
mutualiwconfig shows my wireless card is working05:02
mutualbut wpa_supplicant fails05:02
mutualidk why05:02
reisiono, reinstallation is something Windows users do05:03
mutualso wat do05:03
reisiogrep EE command probably has all the info you need05:03
mutualreisio what would it show05:03
caseswitchufw, will it allow local connections or block those too?05:04
reisiomutual: errors05:04
mutualreisio i outputted it to a text file05:04
reisiothat's the way :)05:04
caseswitchzup, so lamp isn't in the repo anymore?05:05
somsip!find lamp | caseswitch05:06
ubottucaseswitch: File lamp found in abinit-doc, abiword-common, alien-arena-data, assaultcube-data, asterisk-prompt-se, avogadro-data, blender-data, brickos, bve-route-cross-city-south, calligraflow-data (and 122 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=lamp&mode=&suite=utopic&arch=any05:06
caseswitchsomsip: I've already checked ofc05:06
masoudborborhi. 1404+unity. no right click on desktop. ad when I try to change my background it doesnt change.05:11
mutuali'm this close away to reinstalling: |                                                         |05:12
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Hygieamy feeling is mutual, mutual05:17
masoudborborhi. 1404+unity. no right click on desktop. ad when I try to change my background it doesnt change.05:18
thongbkvnHello every body05:25
thongbkvnanyone here05:25
=== screedoz is now known as screedo
thongbkvnis anyone here? :)05:30
caseswitchyou can apt-get install something^    , what's the ^ for? is it like.. a secret?05:30
caseswitchthongbkvn: LOL! I AM HERE LOL!05:30
thongbkvnI'm new member of Linux world05:30
RickSanchezyou can use ^ to replace text from a previous command with different text05:31
RickSanchezcat ~/.vimrc05:32
thongbkvnwho can tell me05:32
RickSanchezI think that's how to use it. I can't remember05:32
thongbkvnhow to create an IRC botnet05:32
moramisHi all. I just upgraded my server from 10.04 to 14.04 and ran into a few problems. The urgent one is that runit is broken. When I try to upgrade it, I get "start: Unknown job: runsvdir" and dpkg dies. I thought I'd just remove it and reinstall it, but it threatens to uninstall everything that depends on it. Any tips?05:34
tekkbuzzmoramis: what would depend on it, it's an extra type package. I don't see anything that depends on it.05:38
moramistekkbuzz: I'm showing bincimap-run depending on it.05:39
moramisI'll just remove that too and figure it out from there.05:40
tekkbuzzI don't see bincimap-run in the repos.05:40
tekkbuzzmaybe it's been dropped.05:40
moramisYeah this was a big jump. I'm surprised it went as smooth as it did. Of course, I haven't rebooted yet.05:41
tekkbuzzi had problems last time I upgraded, lucky I had some backups of my configs and stuff.05:42
moramisI put it off because it never goes well. ;)05:42
tekkbuzzyeah, that's what i do.05:42
tekkbuzzmoramis: I think your safe http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/bincimap-run , http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/runit .05:52
moramisCool, thanks.05:53
=== ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
julianvbHow can I activate the CTL+ALT+T terminal command in Mint 17?06:07
therueanyone run linux through Virtualbox on their windows machine by any chance?06:10
schenzmI have in the past06:10
therueit felt kind of laggy for me though06:13
therueis there a difference in peroformance between running linux from windows via virtualbox vs vmware?06:13
schenzmidk i only use virtualbox06:14
=== therue2 is now known as therue
SpynxicWould this be the appropiate way to start this script: ./extsort.sh jpg,bmp,txt (Appropiate meaning will the 3 values be stored in the array as separate elements) [And would ./extsort.sh initiate the array values at size 0 since no parameters are specified or would the ARRAY variable be null] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9537330/06:29
tekkbuzzSpynxic: ask on #bash they would know.06:34
Spynxictekkbuzz: Alright, thanks06:34
baconheya, my dad's laptop is very problematic with newer versions of ubuntu; I want to install version 11.10, but when trying it from usb stick, it doesn't seem to be able to install ubuntu-restricted-extras or anything else actually...06:44
=== Auv is now known as PrincessAuv
UTLGood evening, folks! I signed on because I have a recurring problem. I have downloaded Audacity for Windows and Ubuntu. Audacity for Windows works perfectly, but ever since I got it for Ubuntu, it hangs and crashes during playback of songs. I have reinstalled, but this does not fix the problem.06:46
baconso... any ideas if apps can still be installed on ubuntu 11.10?06:46
UTLI have noticed that Audacity is constantly being updated, so I partly wonder if it's buggy. To be sure, I want to know if anyone else has this problem, and/or if anyone can tell me how to fix it.06:48
hateball!eol | bacon06:50
ubottubacon: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:50
UTLbacon: While I'm waiting for a response for my question, I can answer yours. I had Kubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake). The way I was able to get access to the necessary stuff was to change my repositories so it would be coming from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/.06:53
UTLI don't know much about the version you're using. You may have to manually edit the sources.list file as root with a text editor.06:54
UTLThat's what I did.06:54
ararobthat's weird. With Xubuntu, i didn't have to do anything of that nature.06:55
caseswitchhow do I build chrome from source?06:55
emacercaseswitch, #chromium06:56
UTLararob: Well, each fork of Ubuntu would be different, naturally. Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, while Kubuntu  is Ubuntu with KDE.06:56
ararobbacon:which ubuntu are you trying to install?06:57
=== MichaelDiederich is now known as da_didi
baconUTL: thanks, will keep thati n mind06:59
UTLbacon: You might be able to change the repositories for 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) easily if you have Synaptic Package Manager. I'm glad you've been able to stay on an old version of Ubuntu that's still supported, but keep in mind any security hazards that may occur with an old release.06:59
baconararob: xubuntu 11.1006:59
baconUTL: actually I constantly upgraded, but it sucked harder each time, now there are too many issues and I need to draw a line and downgrade my dad's laptop to a version that's usable07:00
caseswitchwhat's "the way" to get the source code instead of binaries .. something something? apt-get source instead of install?07:01
UTLbacon: Uh-oh! Did you make a backup before you started, I hope?07:01
ararobbacon: is it a new laptop? last xubuntu runs fine on my 2008 laptop.07:01
baconolder 1gb laptop, leonovo f41, ararob07:02
squintycaseswitch:  just type  apt-get  in terminal to see options07:02
baconUTL: backup is irrelevant, a few files on a different partition07:02
caseswitchwait.. if I apt-get source, where is the source put?07:03
baconlaptop is having like 6 issues at least now, each release things got worse, it seems ubuntu is not very backwards compatible so to say07:03
UTLbacon: Phew! That's good. You know, if you need to, you can do a fresh install of the latest version of Ubuntu. That way, you can clear any old "leftovers" that might still be hanging around.07:03
UTLbacon: Can you list those issues?07:04
baconUTL: leftovers never been an issue; even if a do a fresh install (which I did a while ago if I recall right), the install still sucks07:04
baconthis webchat lost some log07:06
baconararob: issues listed here in case you were the one asking http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224432107:06
baconplus it freezes on shutdown / restart07:07
UTLbacon: Sounds like it may be due to a crappy computer. I have a Sony VAIO that someone gave to me, but it was so old, slow, and buggy, it's now in my closet, and I'm using a brand new computer.07:07
baconcomputer is fine, it's ubuntu that fails more and more with older hardware UTL07:07
baconwhich is sad07:07
ararobbacon: how old is it?07:07
araroblatest xubuntu should do fine with a 10 year old laptop, considering mine is atleast 6 years old.07:08
baconguess this one is about 7-8 hmm, came preinstalled with windows vista xD07:09
baconeven if using ubuntu or kubuntu, same issues; even tried lubuntu07:10
baconit's about the kernel mainly07:10
UTLbacon: I know what you mean. It's not fair to give up old technology simply because it's old, especially if you can make good use out of it.  Technology has a "high turnover rate", so to speak. You may buy a decent laptop, and five years later have to buy another one.07:10
ararobbacon: If i had to guess, it sounds like driver issues.07:10
ararobeither unsupported hardware or buggy drivers07:11
baconand reporting issues constantly doesn't get s me anywhere07:11
baconbecause quite a few people have the same issues and they're not fixed even after more than 1 year, so basically nobody cares07:11
baconI feel like giving up and installing windows xp or something *sigh* but might not have drivers as well07:12
lasdamhey. I'm getting no response from #httpd and I'm about to snap so I'll ask here as well. I wanted to re-install apache default configs since I got sick and tired of trying to find the needle in the haystack with what I had. doing apt-get remove --purge apache2 and apt-get purge apache2 and then apt-get install apache2 didn't install default configs, so I removed /etc/apache2 altogether. now I can't get it back.07:12
ararobbacon: Xp might not help you either.07:12
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UTLbacon: Try to find out all the statistics about your dad's laptop as possible. Maybe if you knew the kind of hardware you've got to work with, you can be better able to find a working Ubuntu version that comes closest to supporting the laptop.07:13
ararobbacon: If I were you i'd try to find out exactly which drivers they are, and what can be done. Maybe find a distro which supports it out of box.07:13
lasdam(this isn't just with apache anyway, I've had this problem many times before with other packages, trying to reinstall a program to its default state, but no configs seem to even be touched, and then they're not re-installed upon package reinstall)07:13
baconUTL: ararob, yeah, but even if I have the specs, don't know which distros would magically work07:14
baconUTL: did you get flash working on your old install?07:14
baconmight go for lubuntu 11.04 or so and fixing the repos manually, at least back then everything work except the webcam07:15
ararobi'd stick to ubuntu, since it's user friendly. other distros might scare your dad :)07:15
baconand I don't really care about security updates07:16
UTLbacon: Try them all! Here are a few links to get you started: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases http://releases.ubuntu.com/07:16
bacondad used quite a bit of distros, ubuntu is most horrible as it changes the most and unity is crap on old hardware07:16
baconhe used quite a bit of DE's; I'm always sticking with buntus07:16
Jeeves_Mosshow do I push the content of /dev/random to a serial port?  I'm trying to map out what serial port is mapped internally07:16
UTLbacon: Do you want to install Ubuntu?07:17
baconUTL: usb stick07:17
UTLbacon: How much room on it?07:17
gshmubrasero error, just because `ln` file Error: '/iso/private/var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.stackshot.plist' and '/iso/var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.stackshot.plist' have the same Rock Ridge name07:18
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baconwell, gonna install old lubuntu or xubuntu, i missread07:18
UTLbacon: Saw what you said earlier about Flash, I assume you mean Adobe Flash. Yes, it did work, but not well.07:19
baconI have a feeling trying to fix the 14.04 xubuntu install won't get me anywhere07:19
bacon(im on the laptop atm)07:19
Jeeves_Mossanyone want to tell me how to output the /dev/random to a serial port please07:21
baconidea is for youtube to work, but html5 vid ftw07:21
baconanyway, thanks guys, will take a swing at it, laters07:21
ararobhtml5 vid works better for me07:22
ararobflash keeps crashing07:22
MrChrisJeeves_Moss, cat /dev/random > /dev/tty007:22
baconless of a memory hog07:22
baconas well07:22
UTLbacon: Sorry I couldn't be enough help. Perhaps you could post your problems using Ubuntu Pastebin?07:23
MrChrisJeeves_Moss, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/253009607:23
UTLbacon: Then post the link here.07:23
Dr_ManhattanHow do I get Ubuntu 14.04 to recognize my AMD 760G raid array - or drives in AHCI mode on the same mobo?07:23
baconUTL: posted on forums before http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224432107:24
baconplus restart/shutdown freezing07:24
* UTL shakes his head. Here he had signed on to ask about Audacity, and instead, he's helping a fellow Ubuntu user! :-P07:25
UTLSo, does anyone know how to keep Audacity from crashing?07:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:30
UTLJust testing the bot.07:30
Dr_ManhattanAnyone? ahci/raid on a 760G with 14.04?07:30
Yufeihi, anyone tried the VNC on Ubuntu 14.04?07:34
Yufeiit seems only a terminal window on a gray window07:35
linuxlitehi hello! where can i download realtek wireless drivers for ubuntu 12.0407:36
Dr_Manhattanlinux314, the realtek website has them07:37
Dr_Manhattanoops linuxlite the realtek website has them07:37
linuxlitefor linux? Dr_m=Manhattan?07:38
Dr_Manhattanlinuxlite, yes for linux too07:38
linuxliteThank you ill try it now!07:38
jeeves_mosshow do I setup my serial port so I can sort out what port is what on the back of my pc?07:39
UTLIf nobody can help me with my problem, I'll just uninstall Audacity again, but I really want to use it under Ubuntu.07:40
linuxliteDr_Manhatan can you give me a Link?07:41
UTL!sources.list > bacon07:42
Dr_Manhattanlinuxlite, http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false07:42
jeeves_mossUTL, bacon is natures soulition for everything07:42
UTLJust thought I'd help him out some more.07:42
linuxlitewoW! thanks a lot Dr_Manhattan!07:43
Dr_ManhattanNo problem :)07:43
squintyUTL:  fwiw, there is a audacity channel here on freenode  #audacity07:43
UTLGreat tip! I'm joining now!07:43
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johnb003for some reason the hostname of my linux pc doesn't show up in the dhcp table on my router07:45
johnb003it just shows blank07:45
johnb003but I can still resolve the hostname from a pc on the router07:45
johnb003I can't seem to resolve any hosts on the wired part of the router from the wireless part, but I can ping them07:46
squintyjeeves_moss:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/346894/reading-from-multiple-serial-ports-in-ubuntu07:50
jeeves_mosssquinty, thanks!  I'm a windows guy who also dabbles with Linux servers.  But, this time, I'm diving into embedded design/engineering.  So, lots to learn07:51
jeeves_mosssquinty, how do I sense what the current setting are so I can make sure that my windows box running Putty is set up to read the mess?07:53
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UTLsquinty: Thanks again for the tip. I found what I was looking for in the Audacity Wiki. There is a work around: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Release_Notes_2.0.6#Effects_and_Analysis  Third line from the top.07:54
squintyUTL:  good to hear! :)07:55
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UTLI've found that I had libsbsms 2.0.1-1, which makes the current Audacity buggy. I need 2.0.2-1, but it's not listed in Synaptic.07:59
UTLsquinty: Where do I get the later package?08:00
* UTL gasps. The guy that was helping him has left! He supposes he's on his own, now...08:01
ikoniaUTL: what is the issue ?08:02
UTLikonia: I need libsbsms 2.0.2-1, but Synaptic only lists 2.0.1-1, which it claims is the latest version.08:03
ikoniaUTL: correct, that is the latest version your ubuntu version offers08:03
UTLikonia: Audacity requires libsbsms 2.0.2-1 in order to work properly.08:04
ikoniaare you sure ?08:04
UTLikonia: Positive! This is the link I sent squinty, who was helping me at the time: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Release_Notes_2.0.6#Effects_and_Analysis  Third line from the top.08:05
UTLI have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.08:06
ikoniaUTL: ok - so I suggest you log a bug to ubuntu to have (potentially) the build options of Audacity changed, or the 14.10 package back ported to 14.0408:06
ikoniaUTL: I assume you are using sliding time scale or pitch shift features ?08:07
UTLikonia: Yes, and there are other problems that I think this package can fix, as well - if only I can get my hands on it!08:08
ikoniaUTL: I suggest you log a bug to ubuntu to have either the build options changed or the 14.10 package back ported08:09
UTLikonia: Would that be a pre-release update?08:10
iamnoobhi is there any one who tried ubuntu touch?08:11
ObrienDaveUTL, ummm, no.... 2.0.1 is required http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/audacity08:11
ikoniaUTL: detail this URL in the bug report and also a summary of the issues (as well as the bug details required)08:11
ikoniaUTL: no, not pre-release08:11
UTLObrienDave, ikonia: 2.0.1 may be required for Audacity for Ubuntu 14.04, but it does not work well. I'm going to change the sources to include what I want.08:13
ikoniaUTL: do not change the sources08:14
ikoniaUTL: log the bug08:14
UTLikonia: I do not have a LaunchPad account.08:14
ikoniaUTL: create one08:14
UTLikonia: I also do not have a proper email address. All the ones I have send me ads, and I would not feel right using one of those accounts. I'd rather wait until I have a more secure email address to use in LaunchPad. Sorry for the inconvenience.08:16
rwwiamnoob: yep, plenty of them in #ubuntu-touch (though it's quiet this time of day)08:17
ikoniaUTL: you can use any email address you want08:17
ObrienDavealso, if/when you bork/break your system/packages, please don't complain here08:18
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ObrienDave^ by changing sources08:18
UTLObrienDave: I won't, but don't be surprised if I make it work! I can perform miracles!08:20
blueingressHi, How can I connect to iscsi devices?08:22
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caseswitchshortcut for clearing bash row?08:43
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Luyincaseswitch: ctrl + u ?08:45
caseswitchthanks :). Luyin: it just clears the row, right? Nothing else?08:46
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Luyincaseswitch: as far as I know08:47
Luyinjust found it out08:47
caseswitchI mean, it could copy it or something (like in nano: ctrl+k "cuts" the row)08:47
Luyincaseswitch: would that be a problem? the row is empty and the code isn't executed. so what else do you need?08:49
caseswitchLuyin: details matters. Don't know when. But when they do, I'll know them.08:50
Luyinwell then I hope ctrl + u does what you need. good luck ;)08:50
UTLWhoa! I don't know if I fixed the problem or not, but I set the Playback/Recording device drivers to "sysdefault" in Audacity, and it seems to be working fine, right now. I didn't have to change the sources or report bugs, after all! :-)08:51
ikoniaUTL: thats what the bug page you showed us said to do08:51
ikoniaalthough it was suggested it was a build option, rather than a parameter08:52
MattiasJust wondering, has anyone else noticed the screen, when using ubuntu, turns off and on rarely each day? I notice this at work, and I've been wondering why it happens at home too when ubuntu is running. Running Ubuntu 14.04 at work, I believe I run 14.10 at home but not sure, might be 14.04 there too.08:56
UTLikonia: True, but I thought that I had to modify the Audacity script, which would have been a pain in the neck. Sorry for all that I put you through.08:57
ikoniait's no problem, no pain this end08:57
UTLikonia: I'm a very secure person, more than most people, which is why I said what I said about my email. I don't want to take any chances that might compromise my security... Well, not too many, anyway.08:59
ikoniaUTL: I have no idea why you think signing up for launchpad will compromise your security,08:59
eXistenZNLsecure about what?08:59
UTLikonia: Maybe I should read their terms.08:59
ikoniaUTL: and to be honest, you don't strike me as secure, as you're willing to blindly mix repos09:00
ikoniathat seems the opposite of secure, but it's up to you what you do09:00
UTLikonia: Point taken. I'll keep that in mind.09:00
UTLikonia: At least I don't put all my trust at the feet of Bill Gates. Most of my private data is under Ubuntu. :-)09:02
ikoniaUTL: no idea why you are stating anything about bill gates, that just seems a pointless blind statement09:02
Aikiloxhi guys. Can you tell me why I can not install ubuntu 14.04 64 bit on my new computer? 32 bit version installs ok09:02
ikoniaAikilox: what's the problem ?09:02
anonymous_hello everyone09:03
anonymous_how to make a bundle file to deb file. any one know ?09:04
ikoniaa bundle file ?09:04
anonymous_i mean09:05
anonymous_a bundle package09:05
ikoniawhat's a bundle package ?09:05
cfhowlettanonymous_, ???09:05
anonymous_like vmware09:05
anonymous_when i download it it gives me a bundle in ubuntu09:05
ikoniaAikilox: what are you trying to install ?09:05
ikoniaAikilox: sorry, not you09:06
anonymous_i have to write command in the terminal09:06
ikoniaanonymous_: what are you trying to instal09:06
anonymous_but i dont want to09:06
cfhowlettanonymous_, are you referring to .deb package?09:06
ikoniaanonymous_: what are you trying to install09:07
anonymous_i am now trying to install webstorm09:07
anonymous_i downloaded it from torrent09:07
anonymous_with a keygan09:07
anonymous_now i can't install it by writing command09:08
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david776what is this chat all about?? kinda help or something?09:08
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ikoniaanonymous_: this ? https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/09:08
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cfhowlettdavid776, yes.  please read the topic09:08
ikoniaanonymous_: ok, so that is going to be a reasonably complex thing to pacakge09:08
anonymous_ikonia: can help me ?09:09
Aikiloxikonia, I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit09:09
ikoniaanonymous_: it's not something I'd suggest doing as your first attempt09:09
ikoniaAikilox: whats the problem ?09:09
cfhowlettanonymous_, it's a proprietary product not created/maintained/supported by ubuntu.  read the web page09:09
ikoniaanonymous_: I'd suggest using their installer at this state09:09
DJonesanonymous_: You should probably contact webstorms own support people09:09
anonymous_now how can i use this with serial key...it't give me a trial version for 30 days09:09
david776I have recently downloaded Ub 14.04 LTS and wondering what could be the best App for movie making. Any guessssss09:10
ikoniaanonymous_ that is a trail key09:10
ikoniaanonymous_: you need to buy the serial09:10
DJonesanonymous_: You'll need to buy a serial from the developer09:10
anonymous_yah that's right09:10
anonymous_ikonia: thanks09:10
cfhowlettdavid776, "best" is subjective.  YMMV.  look in the software center.09:10
anonymous_ikonia: where do you live in ?09:10
ikoniaanonymous_: doesn't matter where I live09:10
david776cfhowlett: alright. let me try that/09:11
anonymous_ikonia: that's fine. just want to know .09:11
anonymous_if you don't want to , it's ok09:11
cfhowlettanonymous_, so you did NOT get this from the source but from a .torrent?  so ... you want to crack it.  Yeah, we don't do that.09:11
anonymous_ikonia: i just install xchat and join here09:12
anonymous_what kind of help i will get from here ?09:12
ikoniaubuntu help09:12
anonymous_ok that's greate09:12
anonymous_ikonia: can i ask one more question ?09:13
ikoniaanonymous_: anything to do with ubuntu, sure thing09:14
anonymous_thanks, how can make all of my packages like my installed software .deb file09:14
anonymous_so that i can install it again using gdebi09:14
ikoniaanonymous_: that is a complex process, the webstorm software is not something I'd suggest doing as a first try09:15
ikoniait's quite complex09:15
anonymous_how about backup .09:15
ikoniawhat about a backup09:15
anonymous_ubuntu backup09:15
ikoniaanonymous_: what do you want to backup09:16
anonymous_there is a option in system setting . called backup09:16
anonymous_i want know about backup09:16
anonymous_how to backup and how to restore09:16
ikoniaanonymous_: what do you want to know ?09:16
ObrienDaveman backup09:16
anonymous_if i change my ubuntu version09:16
ikoniaanonymous_: so it depends what data you want to backup09:16
ikoniaanonymous_: if you change your version you have to be careful about what data you restore09:16
ikoniaanonymous_: so what do you want to know, whats the actual question ?09:17
anonymous_my qustion is09:17
anonymous_suppose i installed skype09:17
anonymous_now i deleted the .deb file09:17
anonymous_so how can make my installed file to .deb file09:18
ikoniaok, you'd need to re-download that09:18
ikoniayou get that from skype, or the ubuntu partner repo09:18
anonymous_got it09:18
anonymous_are you a ubuntu user or ubuntu support team member ?09:19
anonymous_what about you ikonia ?09:19
ikoniaI'm nothing to do with ubuntu09:20
anonymous_are you a ubuntu user or ubuntu support team member ?09:20
ikoniajust offering you some help09:20
anonymous_ohh that's sound like a friend09:20
anonymous_thanks again09:20
ikoniano problem09:20
anonymous_ikonia: are you there?09:25
ikoniayes ?09:25
anonymous_can you tell me how to run a software from terminal?09:26
anonymous_like i want run google chrome09:26
anonymous_what will be the command?09:26
anonymous_and also want to know how to uninstall a software using command09:27
k1lanonymous_: which desktop do you use there?09:27
anonymous_ikonia : are you there ?09:27
qisIs it reasonable to use the ubuntu server image for a workstation template to prevent the installation of ubuntu-specific GUI applications and services that are not required? (e.g. unity)09:28
ikoniaanonymous_: you shouldn't really need to run it from the terminal09:28
ikoniaanonymous_: launch it from the launcher09:28
k1lanonymous_: its not about a single person. ask a question and people in here try to help09:28
anonymous_i use unity @kLl09:28
ikoniaanonymous_: read https://help.ubuntu.com and it will give you an introduction to how to use the desktop09:28
anonymous_sorry i can't get your name :D09:28
k1lanonymous_: so press "windowsbutton + a" and type chrome. then press enter or click on the chrome icon09:29
anonymous_yes i know. but is it possible from terminal?09:29
ikoniaanonymous_: yes it is possible, but you shouldn't need to do it/do it09:29
anonymous_ok fine09:29
anonymous_i want to learn linux command. how can learn easily ?09:30
cfhowlettanonymous_, easily?  No.  you actually have to read and study.  too much work for most people.09:30
ikoniaanonymous_: no easy path, just experience and research09:31
anonymous_hmm. can suggest me any book or website to start study about it09:31
qisanonymous_: Don't listen to people who say not to use the terminal.09:31
cfhowlettanonymous_, "the linux command line"   free book download.09:32
qisanonymous_: You learn more from using command line tools and can fix your OS even when the GUI part is broken.09:32
anonymous_qis: i want to use terminal for work almost everything, that's why i choose this.09:32
k1lqis: at that state that is totally overshooting09:32
anonymous_cfhowlett: thanks09:33
cfhowlettanonymous_, you should install ubuntu-server ... no gui.  command line only.  you'll learn very quickly09:33
qisk1l: If he was not interested - yes. If he's already interested in learning, then we shouldn't stop him.09:33
k1lanonymous_: start using ubuntu. if you get comfortable you can look what is behind09:33
anonymous_hay friends don't go to argument09:34
anonymous_so i am downloading linux command line book09:34
anonymous_i join here to get help from experts like you09:35
ikoniaanonymous_: we will help you with anything ubuntu related09:35
anonymous_ikonia: that's sounds great.09:35
anonymous_let me tell you something , that i am from non english country. so forgive me for my poor english09:37
ejhow can i perge  everything but lubuntu xfce..?09:37
cfhowlettanonymous_, what is your first language?  perhaps find local help for you09:37
ikoniaanonymous_: your english is fine, so don't worry about that09:38
anonymous_ikonia : thanks09:38
anonymous_so let09:38
cfhowlettanonymous_, https://ubuntuwestbengal.wordpress.com/09:39
anonymous_so let's learn some command. thanks all you guys09:39
eji dont need to keep my home on a diffrent partion do i?09:39
ikoniaej: don't need to no,09:40
ikoniait can be a good option for some people09:40
ikoniabut it's your choice09:40
cfhowlettej, no. it solves certain problems, but you can do without if you choose.09:40
ejwhy did they recomend that for my comp..09:40
ejill change..09:40
cfhowlettej, as I said, solves some problems, but not required.09:40
ikoniaej: it can be useful09:40
eji only have 768 mem..1000gb hd..09:41
ejrunnning lubuntu over ubuntu ..09:41
anonymous_is there any antivirus for ubuntu. that can clean my drives09:41
cfhowlettej, "only" 1 TB ... you are sooooooo deprived.09:41
cfhowlett!antivirus | anonymous_09:42
ubottuanonymous_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:42
ejlol...im sry..09:42
ejim learning09:42
anonymous_yah. if send file to pendrive and if try to open in windows it's show that there is viruses09:43
ejgreat o.s i love lubuntu.. but i over loaded packages.09:43
anonymous_that's why i want to use antivirus to clean my drives.09:43
hateball!info clamav09:43
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.5+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 (utopic), package size 96 kB, installed size 725 kB09:43
ejwhats the open source anti virus one?09:44
ejwhats the name?09:44
ejohh i see..09:44
anonymous_cfhowlett: i know virus can't active themselves i linux . but they can stay in my drives. am i write?09:45
White_Catwhat would be a free/open source mail server for ubuntu?09:45
johncarperhello i accidently deleted the top and bot panel, how can i restore them,09:45
agent_whitecfhowlett: Looks like they need to update that page... librenix.com is down (either for now or has been)09:45
cfhowlettanonymous_, 1.  there ARE active linux viri ... rare though.  2. viri can live on your drives.  3.  more likely you'll see viri from windows/osx than from linux.09:46
ejso how can a delete everthing but xfce lubuntu09:46
cfhowlettagent_white, yeah, it's about time.09:46
agent_white(speaking of the Ubuntu antivirus page linking to an explanation of how linux is hard to get a virus)09:46
anonymous_is linux support ntfs file system drive09:47
cfhowlettej, delete your install partition, reinstall lubuntu, then install xfce409:47
cfhowlettanonymous_, not natively.09:47
cfhowlett!ntfs | anonymous_09:47
ubottuanonymous_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:47
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agent_whiteanonymous_: More importantly instead of seeking antivirus, you should look into how to properly configure iptables.09:48
ejwould it be "purge" lubuntu09:48
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anonymous_in windows i saw that if a file is large, like a ISO and it's size is bigger then 6GB. then fat32 filesystem can't get it. or windows can't send it to that pendrive09:49
ejor should i just dl  a new iso09:49
ikoniaanonymous_: linux file systems can deal with that just fine09:49
anonymous_ohh that good.09:49
anonymous_agent_white: how can learn that ?09:49
agent_whiteanonymous_: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-firewall-using-iptables-on-ubuntu-14-0409:50
agent_whiteanonymous_: That is a good introduction09:50
ikoniaanonymous_: step back, I think you are running too fast09:50
samgoodyEhlo all. I have a service (Wowza) running on Ubuntu server.09:50
ikoniaanonymous_: take some time and just use your desktop, https://help.ubuntu.com will help you with the basics09:50
ikoniaanonymous_: once you can use your desktop on a normal basis you can start doing more advanced things09:50
samgoodyIt came with scripts to symlink into /etc/init.d and /etc/rc2.d/, and which allow me to run sudo service wowza status, and which make it start at boot.09:50
anonymous_ikonia: hmm09:51
samgoodySince upgrading to trusty, the "service" command still works, but it now longer starts on boot.09:51
samgoodyAfter googling and asking on Linode, I gather that Ubuntu now uses Startup, and that /etc/init.d is no longer the place to be.09:51
agent_whiteanonymous_: Before looking at my article I posted, listen to ikonia.09:51
ikoniasamgoody: it uses upstart09:51
anonymous_but is it very advance thing to learn about iptables09:51
ikoniaanonymous_: it's reasonably advanced09:51
agent_whiteanonymous_: Kinda-sorta.09:51
cfhowlettanonymous_, www.fullcirclemagazine.org         download issue #0.  read.  front to back, every page.  THEN get #1.  repeat.  I guarantee by the time you get to Issue #92, you'll have forgotten more than most linux users ever know.09:51
samgoodyOops, I meant upstart. But I need help figuring out what to do and how to get it it to boot on startup again.09:51
agent_whiteAs ikonia said, get familiar with your environment first.09:51
anonymous_hmm i understand09:52
anonymous_agent_white: do you know about .net going to open source09:53
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agent_whiteanonymous_: Yes but that's it. I know nothing of C# or .NET09:54
anonymous_it's ok09:54
samgoodySo, if I symlink the file in /etc/init.d into /etc/init09:55
anonymous_agent_white : i want to install vmware . and also want to get it as a .deb file. how can i get it like that09:55
samgoodyWill that break anything? Will that work? Am I totally off base? Does Ubuntu no longer support start-on-boot for less than the most sophisticated users?09:55
ikoniaanonymous_: you can't09:56
EriC^^samgoody: try update-rc.d -f <program> disable09:56
EriC^^samgoody: i mean enable09:56
ikoniaanonymous_: again, slowly, get to grips with the basics first09:56
ejwere are the the system error logs..i f any..??09:57
eji see auth/skpg/xorg09:58
anonymous_every time i log in to the ubuntu it's shows some update. so if i don't update that packages, what will happen09:58
anonymous_my system will do some thing unexpected ?09:58
samgoodyThat looks fantastic09:58
samgoodyAm rebooting to test09:58
cfhowlettanonymous_, updates are generally good things, especially security updates.  ignoring them is your choice.09:59
samgoodyNow, for the next question. I have a different service, openfire. It has a startup script call openfire.sh, that I run to make the thing go.10:00
samgoodyThey suggest symlinking that startup script into /etc/init.d in order to be able to use "$ sudo service openfire start"10:00
White_Catwhat would be a free/open source mail server for ubuntu? rather than googling aimlessly I would prefer starting off with a reccomendation or two :)10:00
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samgoodyBut for some reason, service still claims "unrecognized service", even after rebooting10:01
cfhowlett!server | White_Cat, might ask the other channel for server stuff10:01
ubottuWhite_Cat, might ask the other channel for server stuff: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server10:01
White_Catcfhowlett I normally do but this was a more simple thing :)10:02
cfhowlettWhite_Cat, fair enough!10:02
ejhow can i take xfce and lubuntu my apts.. and write to a drive..10:02
cfhowlettej, "apts"?10:02
ejinstall packages..10:03
ejbear with me..plz10:03
samgoodySo, how do I register something as a service on Ubuntu?10:03
eji either need to perge or sl a new .iso10:03
cfhowlettej, download one or the other: xubuntu or lubuntu .iso.  make a usb.  boot USB and install.  reboot computer.  install other Desktop Environment.10:04
eji cant boot to usb.. sdmin bios is flashed10:05
cfhowlettej download and store .iso on your HDD.  you can boot it from there with a bit of work10:06
ejand i broke the cmos battery termanils removing it...10:06
cfhowlett!install | ej10:06
ubottuej: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:06
ejbut i have a good thing going right now just to much stuff..10:06
hashx_how to install ubuntu inside windows 7?10:07
cfhowletthashx_, you don't.  NEXT to windows 710:07
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eji geeked out and download debian,gnome,kfce,kde, all packages10:07
Seveassamgoody: write an upstart snippet or initscript.10:07
ejjust want lubuntu xfce and thats it.10:07
ejubuntu over xubuntu over gnome over kde10:08
ekarlso-hi, what's the latest kernel available on trusty ?10:08
hashx_wasn't it possible on previous versions of ubuntu?10:08
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »10:08
hateballej: ^10:08
jadesoturihi all.. im in a process of purchasing a new server, and HP recommends me to purchase a HP smart cache system, witch caches the most accessed files from the RAID array to the OS SSD,, but im wondering if there maybe is a free utility that could do that instead? the server will be running a raid6 array with 2 120gb ssds in raid 1 as OS drives..10:09
jattekarlso-: unofficially you can install up to 3.18 on trusty10:09
ejubotto: ty10:09
ejall: ty10:09
ejpurexfce i like!10:09
jadesoturiiv read that i can setup LVM with 1 volume group that has both the raid array lv and the ssd lv in it, but will it give me the same performance as if i was using hp smartcache?10:09
ekarlso-jatt: any backports or so that works or is it the mainline thing u mean ?10:09
ejcool.. good day.10:10
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lotuspsychjejadesoturi: wich brand of ssd will you choose?10:10
jattyes this ones: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/10:10
jattbut only use if absolutely required (for example if you are sure they fix some bug you are being hit)10:10
jattnot sure which version the official repos support I think is 3.1310:11
jadesoturiHP 120GB 6G SATA Value Endurance SFF 2.5-in SC Enterprise Value 310:11
jadesoturiis the drives im getting..10:11
jadesoturiits a rack server proliant dl380p gen 8 25sff chassie10:11
jadesoturinot sure who makes the ssds there..10:11
jadesoturigonna run ubuntu 14.04 on it, no vmware.. will be hosting a php/mysql webapp...10:12
ejohh.. also any reason i cant install xbuntu after dl. and burn but ubuntu will install ive tryed three diff. .xubunt.iso's10:12
lotuspsychjejadesoturi: performance is also based on the brand of ssd's you buy, for what i hear samsung evo 850 are the best, and almost unbrakeable10:12
ikoniajadesoturi: are you sure it's not the hardware raid smart cache controller10:12
ikoniathat has the battery backup ?10:12
ikoniaor is it actually the SSD caching bays10:12
jattej: if you install ubuntu, to trim it down to use xfce is a pain in the neck. so better install xubuntu from the start10:13
jadesoturiikonia, not sure.. from what i understand, the raid will be done by hardware raid..10:13
k1lej: check md5sums10:13
ikoniajadesoturi: right, which is why I'm asking10:13
cfhowlettej, OR you could install virtualbox and test all the .iso's you want without reinstalling your main system ...10:13
ejjatt: three diff. xubuntu.iso ive tryed wont install but one trusty tar willl10:13
k1lej: there shouldnt be a difference in the installer from ubuntu and xubuntu10:13
jadesoturiok.. does it matter much? from waht i understand hardware raid is better if the raid controller is a good one.. (witch this is supposted to be)..10:14
ejokk. .. its settled..10:15
ejthanks... again.10:15
lotuspsychjejadesoturi: you can ask this to the ##hardware guys aswell10:15
lotuspsychjejadesoturi: or #ubuntu-server10:15
jadesoturiok. thanks ill check it out:)10:15
ejlotus.. :-)10:15
eju guys have been alot of help.. its seem s like i get a info run around on the web.. mabey just me.10:17
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ejwait xfce is not lubuntu? lxkce?10:23
ikonialuubntu is lxde10:23
ikoniaxubuntu is xfce10:23
cfhowlett!flavors | ej,10:24
ubottuej,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.10:24
ejdang ..10:24
ejgot it sir..10:24
cfhowlettej, not to worry.  it can be confusing.10:25
ejloving the o.s options..man its suberb..10:25
cfhowlettej, www.fullcircle.magazine       free goodies10:26
ejubttois a bot?10:26
ejcfhowlett: will do.10:26
ejdamn it ubottu*10:27
ejsry.. im beat.. later ..yall10:27
ejthanks much.10:27
ej !purexfce event not found..10:29
ubottuej: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:29
eju r a bot..??/10:29
ej!pure xfce event not found10:31
ubottuej: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:31
EriC^^ej: there's no command !pure...10:31
EriC^^ej: did you see the psychocats site?10:32
ejeric: ty got sidetracked10:32
cfhowlettej, for that matter, there is no !pure xfce ... !purexubuntu10:32
ejwhat did u mean?10:32
ejthean.. just exspersion?10:33
cfhowlett*or not*10:33
EriC^^! searches the command history10:33
ubottuEriC^^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:33
papa__hola a tod@s10:33
ejcfhowlett: what did u mean by !purexfce?10:34
cfhowlettej, you gave a !pure xfce command.  no such thing10:35
cfhowlett<ej> !pure xfce event not found10:36
eju said !purexfce10:36
k1lej: that is a command for this channel, not the terminal10:37
ejohh duh.. shoot im sry..10:37
eji get it..10:37
k1l!purexfce | ej read the bots message10:37
ubottuej read the bots message: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »10:37
ejim  having proxy issues10:38
ejxchat is all thats runnning10:38
eji did my iptables wrong i guess.10:39
ejwill do ubottu ..ty10:40
ejwhat can i use so i dont have to type my sudo passwd all the time?10:46
lotuspsychje!sudo | ej10:46
ubottuej: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:46
daviiidddddddsomeone can helpme?10:47
lotuspsychjedaviiiddddddd: if you ask your question maybe10:47
daviiidddddddhola alguien puede ayudarme??10:47
daviiidddddddok thnks10:47
k1l!es | daviiiddddddd10:47
ubottudaviiiddddddd: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:47
daviiidddddddive installed a virtual net on viartual box10:47
daviiidddddddwith 3 machines10:47
ejno is there a password bot i can use im always typing a passwd10:48
daviiidddddddive to install dhcp in order to give a new ip to a one machine10:48
lotuspsychjeej: thats not recommended to auto fill password10:48
daviiidddddddi've configured wrong my dhcp service10:49
daviiiddddddd& i removed /etc/dhcp10:49
daviiidddddddbut now im trying to reinstall dhcp service10:49
lotuspsychjeej: if someone remote controls your machine, he could execute sudo10:49
daviiidddddddbut not create automatically /etc/dhcp/.. path10:49
daviiidddddddwhat can i do?10:49
ejom sure ive been.. left open.. with my "sudo" down.10:50
daviiidddddddsomeone can helpme???10:50
lotuspsychje!patience | daviiiddddddd10:51
ubottudaviiiddddddd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:51
lotuspsychje!dhcp | daviiiddddddd10:51
ubottudaviiiddddddd: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP10:51
ejohh..im not supposed to install tor inside my file system?10:52
ejis  that why my internet is screwwy10:52
DFeniksKwin Window manager Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset10:53
DFeniksi get this error at least few times per day10:53
daviiidddddddbut i can't reinstall DHCP server again?10:54
k1l!tor | ej10:55
ubottuej: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl10:55
rriemannI try to configure my ubuntu server postfix to relay mails to mandrill. I have some timeout issues, where should I ask?10:55
daviiidddddddnone can helpme a little more detaily?10:56
k1lej: read that instructions carefully and work them step by step10:56
ikoniadaviiiddddddd: what's actually the problem ?10:56
daviiidddddddcan i open a chat with u?10:56
ikoniadaviiiddddddd: just speak in the channel10:57
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl10:57
daviiidddddddi removed /etc/dhcp path10:57
daviiiddddddd& i h've to configure dhcp-conf10:57
daviiidddddddi tried to reinstall "apt-get install isc-dhcp-server" but doesnt create the path again10:58
ikoniaif you re-install whatever dhcp client/server you where using it will work10:58
ikoniayou need to do a total re-install10:58
ikonia(of the software you removeD)10:58
daviiidddddddhow i can do it?10:58
daviiidddddddexists the command reinstall?10:58
daviiidddddddi've removed /etc/init.d/dhcp and /etc/dhcp/10:59
daviiidddddddeverything about dhcp i've find10:59
ikoniadaviiiddddddd: apt-get reinstall11:02
daviiidddddddapt-get --reinstall isc-dhcp-server doesn't works11:03
daviiidddddddisc-dhcp-server invalid operation11:04
ikonianot --reinstall11:05
ikoniaman apt-get11:05
EriC^^daviiiddddddd: sudo apt-get install --reinstall isc....11:05
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daviiidddddddgracias EriC^11:06
daviiidddddddhablas castellano?11:06
daviiidddddddi've reinstalled but /etc/dhcp is empty!!!11:06
daviiidddddddwhre r my dhclient or dchp.conf???11:07
daviiidddddddbfff :(11:07
daviiidddddddi've reinstalled but /etc/dhcp is empty!!!11:08
daviiidddddddwhre r my dhclient or dchp.conf???11:08
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:10
daviiidddddddi've reinstalled but /etc/dhcp is empty!!!11:12
daviiidddddddwhre r my dhclient or dchp.conf???11:12
daviiidddddddi dont understand nothing!!!!!! :(11:12
daviiidddddddif i reinstall dhcp-server, it have to create that documents no??11:12
daviiidddddddcause i dont create it never11:13
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jattdaviiiddddddd: on my machine the /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf comes from the following package:11:14
jattdpkg -S /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf11:14
jattisc-dhcp-client: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf11:14
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daviiiddddddd/etc/dhcp keep beiing empty11:18
daviiidddddddwhy doesnt create automatically dhcp.conf????11:18
daviiidddddddi've to customizate it!!11:19
k1ldo you run a dhcp server in that network at all?11:20
k1ltry dpkg with reconfigure the package the dhcp server was in11:21
daviiidddddddnot yet! but the first time when i installed dhcp-server, automathically creates that documents11:21
MrSavageThis is my strife11:21
daviiiddddddd& how i reconfigure a package?11:22
daviiidddddddi've just dpkged dhclient but it not there (/etc/dhcp)either11:23
daviiidddddddthat folder keeps absolutely empty11:23
MrSavagedaviiiddddddd: dpkg-reconfigure dhclient11:24
daviiidddddddi dont understand that bullshit!!!11:24
daviiidddddddthx MrSavage11:24
MrSavagedaviiiddddddd: also watch the language11:24
MrSavagepeople will ban you because of herp derp rules11:24
skirolkoHey guys, looking into installing a good supported, stable distro on my laptop. It now boils down to debian 7 and ubuntu 14.04. Which would you say are ubuntus pros against debian 7?11:25
daviiidddddddsry :(11:25
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MrSavageskirolko: I'm just a newbie but the unity DE grew on me, however the file manager is horrible.11:25
cfhowlett!ot | skirolko, please.11:26
ubottuskirolko, please.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:26
MrSavageskirolko: And I want to say that ubuntu may be more supported in drivers11:26
daviiidddddddi'll resign :(11:26
MrSavagedaviiiddddddd: what are you trying to do?11:27
daviiidddddddi'm trying to restore /etc/dhcp/ documents11:27
daviiidddddddin order to configure dhcp.conf11:27
daviiidddddddbut that folder is empty!11:27
skirolkoThanks, switched to the OT channel.11:27
daviiidddddddi've reinstalled isc-dhcp-server but the folder keeps absolutely mpty11:28
jattyou don't need dhcp server to configure dhcp.conf11:29
jattyou need a dchp client11:29
jattwhat i said11:29
daviiidddddddwait wait11:29
daviiidddddddi need to configure dhcp.conf to custmize the paramethers net connection11:30
daviiidddddddsome machine needs to follow that paramethers11:30
daviiidddddddi'm following some tutorials and everyone saids the same11:30
daviiidddddddlike this11:31
cfhowlettdaviiiddddddd, debian ain't ubuntu.  perhaps you should visit #ubuntu-server11:32
daviiidddddddbut the commands are the same no?11:32
cfhowlett!server | david46411:32
ubottudavid464: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server11:32
daviiidddddddare linux kernel both11:32
cfhowlettdaviiiddddddd, and a VW is the same as a jet; both are modes of transportation ...11:33
jattin that case you need a dhcp server, and installing one of the server packages listed in11:33
jattapt-cache search dhcpd11:33
jattshould be required11:33
daviiidddddddim trying to do it11:34
daviiidddddddkeeps empty11:35
daviiidddddddi dont understand it11:35
jattyou can use apt-file to check if a package contains a given file, for example:11:37
jatt$ apt-file list isc-dhcp-server | grep dhcpd.conf11:37
jattisc-dhcp-server: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf11:37
jattif you have your server installed but still no configuration file, you can try to reconfigure the package11:37
jattdpkg --reconfigure <package>11:37
someone235When I try to install git, I get this warning: "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  liberror-perl git-man git git-core". Someone knows how to fix this?11:39
someone235I try to install it with this command "sudo apt-get install git-core"11:39
ash`someone235: use sudo apt-get install git11:40
ash`someone235: it will automatically install the dependencies.11:40
someone235ash`, I tried, and I get the same error11:40
jattsomeone235: did you do sudo apt-get update?11:41
ash`hm what version of ubuntu are you running?11:41
ash`jatt: +111:41
someone235jatt, yes11:41
someone235ash`, 14.0411:41
lukas_ih im noob her! what do i do her :)11:41
jattand does sudo apt-get update report missing keys?11:42
MrSavagehttp://i.imgur.com/N5SolO8.png Why are you Os turning into fingers?11:43
cyberacehey guys, good day11:43
jattwhich keys are missing, can you pastebin them?11:44
MrSavagejatt, the O/o key11:45
MrSavagejatt: the lowercase o11:45
jattMrSavage: I meant someone235 sorry :)11:45
MrSavagelet me see if restarting will fix this11:45
lipzuswhat do i need besides proc and sys when i chroot to a broken grub setup? i get "failed to get canonical path"11:47
MrSavagewell that fixed it11:48
MrSavagejatt: what did my quit message say btw?11:48
jattMrSavage: I don't know my irc client filters quit messages out11:49
someone235jatt, http://pastebin.com/eeftyRe711:51
lipzuswhat the heck is wrong with this chat. 1000 people and i am alone with myself and my question?11:53
AbrecusJust joined.  What was your question lipzus?11:54
lipzusAbrecus: i get "failed to get canonical path" when i try to update-gru11:57
cfhowlettlipzus, https://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf11:57
lipzusso you are implying my question was not smart enough11:58
lipzusthis is cool11:58
lipzuslet me copy that to facebook and twitter, hang on11:58
and0rwhat about tumblr?11:58
lipzusthe common sociopathy of people in the linux community has finally arrived at ubuntu places too11:59
lipzusi am so glad12:00
and0rhaha, oh man... welcome to 2014 dog12:00
and0rwhats ur problem? maybe i can help you without being a huge fag12:00
cfhowlettlipzus, stay on topic please.  if you *must* vent/rant, try #ubuntu-offtopic12:01
lb1ahow to contact a maintainer of the official ubuntu mirrors in germany? i found a list and could match the ip adresses to one mirror but i could not get any contact information12:03
and0rwhy do you want to contact him?12:05
and0rhe is a very strange man12:05
cfhowlett!behelpful | and0r,12:05
ubottuand0r,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.12:05
and0rok, but why do you really want to contact him?12:06
lb1aand0r, ^^ we get errors about hash mismatches and different release.gpg files on a nearly daily basis12:06
and0rwho is "we"?12:07
lb1aour company12:07
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lb1awe host several ubunutu servers12:07
and0rand why dont you think this is not a local issue?12:07
and0rregarding network/internet12:07
cfhowlettlb1a, fast (admittedly not optimal) workaround is to point to the main repos at least in the short term.  mismatches generally sort themselves over time ...12:08
lb1abecause i did a "host de.archive.ubuntu.com" and wget the release.gpg file from every ip listed directly and they were different. and our servers run apt-get update through apticron on a daily basis and i get spammed by hash mismatches on a daily basis.12:09
lb1ai just wanted the maintainer to know about the issue.12:10
lb1acfhowlett, thanks i considered switching to another mirror that is mentioned in the mirrors list (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors) this should be possible, am i right?12:11
cfhowlettlb1a, sure.  switching mirrors is easy.  software center / settings / software sources12:12
and0rlb1a, i seriously doubt it's the mirror12:12
cfhowlettdoh!  you're on a server.  same process, just not so gui pretty12:12
lb1acfhowlett, yeah i'm talking about ubuntu server, so i use the cli instead ;)12:12
lb1aand0r, what then?12:13
and0rlb1a, join #windows so i can help you better.. it's the chat room where my attention is focused12:13
cfhowlettlb1a, mirrors are weird.  I followed the "closest is best" rule, but that's definitely not tre.12:13
and0rgive me address or IP of mirror12:14
lb1aand0r, not necessary. it's not that important. it's just annoying and i wanted to notify the maintainer. i'm used to report things i consider "bugs" ;)12:14
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cfhowlettlb1a, http://ubuntu.mirror.tudos.de/ubuntu/12:14
cfhowlettlb1a, Technical University Dresden FWIW12:15
lb1acfhowlett, yes that's the one i'm talking about12:15
cfhowlettlb1a, ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/linux/ubuntu/12:16
someone235jatt, have you looked at my pastebin?12:16
and0rlb1a, why would you want to come here to report something like this?12:16
lb1ai'm gonna switch to http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu/ and see how things turn out. thanks anyway12:16
cfhowlettlb1a, best of luck12:16
lb1aand0r, just wanted info about how to contact. i didn't meant to get help about this issue here, just help to contact somebody12:17
lb1acfhowlett, thanks12:17
and0rlb1a, i understand your communal spirit.. its very "open source"12:19
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and0rbut, i think your energy would be better directed at wikipedia.. you should get involved with them12:20
cyberaceHey, any INFOSEC guys here?12:20
michele993hi guys12:20
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michele993why when i install unity3d with wine it appear error inistalizing license12:21
and0rit is more of a realistic enterprise... linux is some kind of wierd space program ran by bots with very little administation12:21
cfhowlettmichele993, unity with WINE?? why?12:21
MrSavageWhere can I find the source code for ubuntu's version of firefox?12:21
and0rto me, ubuntu seems like a faceless entity12:21
MrSavagecfhowlett: what's wrong with unity with wine?12:21
EriC^^and0r: sudo apt-get source firefox12:21
bazhang!ot | and0r12:21
ubottuand0r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:21
cfhowlettand0r, neither true nor helpful.  please restrain your urge to FUD spam12:21
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EriC^^and0r: i think you don't need sudo for that12:22
someone235When I try to install git with this command "sudo apt-get install git-core", I get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  liberror-perl git-man git git-core". I tried to "apt-get update", but it didn't help. Someone knows how to fix this?12:24
MrSavageWhere can I find the source code for ubuntu's version of firefox?12:25
EriC^^MrSavage: apt-get source firefox12:26
MrSavageEriC^^: thank you12:26
MrSavageEriC^^: Gonna have to code in my own wanted file picker/dialogue12:27
EriC^^MrSavage: you can do something easier12:27
MrSavageEriC^^: what is it?12:27
spastic_elephanthow is the ubuntu Steam support going?12:28
spastic_elephantAny help needed?12:28
EriC^^sudo mv /usr/bin/nautilus /usr/bin/nautilus.realbin; ls -s /usr/bin/nemo /usr/bin/nautilus12:28
EriC^^you need sudo for making the link too12:28
bazhang!steam | spastic_elephant12:28
ubottuspastic_elephant: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.12:28
MrSavageok, let me try it out12:28
EriC^^MrSavage: it's an ugly hack but it'll work12:28
MrSavageEriC^^: don't you mean ln instead of ls?12:30
EriC^^yeah, sorry12:30
EriC^^i actually typed ls -n at first :D12:30
MrSavageEriC^^: It's still the same problem with the firefox file picker12:31
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MrSavagethe great net split12:31
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`ajvenhi, do you know any real alternative tasker for linux ?12:32
EriC^^MrSavage: you mean when you want to download something it and save to it opens with nautilus?12:33
MrSavageEriC^^: for everything with firefox: the open containing folder, the file picker for downloading and uploading12:34
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MrSavageEriC^^: so i did apt-get source firefox, where is the source code? lol12:37
EriC^^it should be in the dir you ran the command in12:38
cfhowlettMrSavage, it downloads to your /home12:39
MrSavagethose are 2 conflicting answers, but i found it12:39
MrSavagecfhowlett EriC^^ which one is it?12:40
cfhowlettMrSavage, both statements are correct = navigate your system and look12:41
graingertheya. I have * * * * * /usr/bin/python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(1)' in my crontab, but I can't see any errors in my   sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog12:46
graingertDec 16 12:41:01 redacted.example.com CRON[8319]: (vagrant) CMD (/usr/bin/python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(1)')12:46
graingertany ideas where to get them from?12:47
graingertI'm looking for "Aug 16 10:30:01 redacted.com CRON[8319]: (CRON) error (grandchild #8320 failed with exit status 1)"12:48
graingerteg http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/82737/what-does-cron-error-exit-status-4-mean-in-syslog-ubuntu12:48
pranavhi , i am having problems with my network service , whenever the system goes in to sleep the network service crashes and the only way its UP is when i restart it .. Any solutions ?12:50
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pranavi tried restarting the network service through terminal but also didnt help .12:51
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teraliv_for how is using terminator, how do you set infinite scroll ?12:57
teraliv_for who* sorry12:57
teraliv_i found it no worries12:59
e-cruiser /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER e-cruiser sbcyryokkode12:59
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cfhowlette-cruiser, remove that extra starting space and it might just work ...13:05
rosseta1Hi. My 1TB Hard disk is mounted on / and I recently added a new 500G hard disk which is mounted on /home/backup_hd. I know I'm wrong, but by stupid brain tells me that if I'll put some data on my 1TB hard disk, it will also be added to the 500G, becuase / and /home/backup_hd intersect in terms of directory heirarchy13:06
ararobrosseta1:not unless you put it in /home/backup_hd13:10
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rosseta1So If I'll add some data to /home/backup_hd it will also be added to the 1TB  hard disk which is mounted on / ?13:11
rosseta1Oh, that's great. Can you please elaborate briefly on why not?13:11
ararob"/home/backup_hd" is a seperate HD13:11
rbnielsen/home/backup_hd is mounted on the 500GB drive.13:11
rosseta1So the OS knows that and therefore sends data only to a specific hard disk, based on the location it is mounted at.13:12
and0rwhy would two different paths overlap? GET REAL DUDE13:12
rosseta1I mean, /home/backup_hd is a leaf in /13:13
rosseta1So i thought it might cause a problem, but thinking again - everything is under / :-)13:13
rosseta1I just don't know the mechanism behind mv'ing data from and to different disks.13:14
ararobrosseta1: /home/backup_hd is just a descriptor that sits on / and points to the 500G drive, that's just it13:14
rosseta1Got it :-)13:14
rbnielsenIn terms of folder hierachy, /home/backup_hd is a subfolder within /, yes. But since /home/bachup_hd is mounted to the 500GB, it will only point to that drive.13:14
rbnielsenSo whatever is located inside /home/backup_hd will be on the 500GB drive.13:15
rosseta1rbnielsen:And not on the 1TB, correct ?13:15
rbnielsenWhereas everything else in / is on the 1TB drive13:15
rosseta1That's great guys, thank you for making the subject clearer for me.13:16
rosseta1Have a nice day!13:16
e-cruisereCruiser... better?13:16
rosseta1Nah, keep it simple :-)13:16
lorenygonsosjipazoos lololo13:17
lorenygonyoda pollo lololo13:17
ikoniaEnglish please.13:17
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bach1c_andreaaaaaa fea13:18
DJoneslorenygon: bach1c_ This channel is for ubuntu support only, please don't use for personal chat13:18
lorenygonikonia lololo13:18
ikoniaEnglish please13:18
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gorrionno englhis13:18
lorenygonfuck you lololo ikonia13:18
cfhowlett!ops | lorenygon13:18
ubottulorenygon: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:18
cfhowlett!ops | gorrion13:18
ubottugorrion: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang13:19
ikoniaok ok13:19
ikoniaI'm on it13:19
davividalhi. I'm trying to install pgadmin3 without dependencies using apt-get. I already installed the dependencies using a PPA, but it's a newer version (3.0.2 instead of 3.0.0). Is there anything I could do?13:23
ThePendulumHey. I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 on a NAS, and I'm trying to install Apache. However, whenever I try to install anything with apt-get, it 404s all over the place. Any idea how to fix the repositories via the terminal?13:24
DJonesThePendulum: 12.10 is eol so the repo's will have been removed13:24
cfhowlett!12.10 ThePendulu| m, time to upgrade13:24
k1l!eol | ThePendulum13:25
ubottuThePendulum: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:25
k1lThePendulum: you should have choosen 12.04 since its a LTS.13:25
ThePendulumDJones: Really? That seems a trifle harsh o_o13:25
ThePendulumIs there no way to use 12.04s repos on 12.10?13:25
cfhowlettThePendulum, no SAFE way ...13:25
ThePendulumk1l: Well I didn't assume it would simply become unusable after the support period ended13:25
k1lThePendulum: no. you did the wrong choice. you will just make it worse now. so update to 13.04 then 13.10 then 14.0413:26
cfhowlettThePendulum, 12.04 or 14.04 are both LTS.  choose13:26
ThePendulumk1l: What's the point of updating to 13.04 and 13.10 first?13:26
k1lThePendulum: unusable? you already have real big security issues on your machine13:26
cfhowlettThePendulum, it's usable , just little things; no security.13:26
k1lThePendulum: you need to make every release step. like i said: you did the wrong install. you should have chhosen 12.04 back then. there is even a 12.04 to 14.04 upgrade path since its LTS13:27
cfhowlettThePendulum, suggest you clean install 14.04 but if you want to upgrade in place = 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 > 14.0413:27
k1lThePendulum: you remember shellshock etc? you dont have fixes for that on your machine. so upgrade asap13:27
ThePendulumk1l: It's a low-priority machine as it's primarily an HTPC, never really looked after it13:28
k1lso in general: if you dont want to upgrade for years: use LTS and stay on LTS.  if you can upgrade all 6 months you can use all realeases13:29
cfhowlettThePendulum, so ... doesn't matter if it's breached, right?13:29
k1l!eolupgrades | ThePendulum that is your update path then13:29
ubottuThePendulum that is your update path then: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:29
* ObrienDave smh and chuckles13:29
ThePendulumk1l: I am aware of that now, yes13:30
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davividalhi. I'm trying to install pgadmin3 without dependencies using apt-get. I already installed the dependencies using a PPA, but it's a newer version (3.0.2 instead of 3.0.0). Is there anything I could do?13:30
fidel__hi - i am using apt-cacher-ng to provide updates to several ubuntu 14.04 boxes which dont have direct access to the internet. this worked for a long time now. now after jumping to 14.04 on those boxes i do realize GPG key errors on those machines. Adding those keys via: "apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys XY' is not an option (as the machines themself have no network connectivity to the outside). Is that issue solveable ...13:30
fidel__... via apt-cacher-ng? ;)13:30
FDR21do you think camron is using ubuntu??13:30
ThePendulumLuckily everything is running on a USB stick13:31
FDR21i mean Cameron13:31
ThePendulumUgh, I'll have to set-up cifs again, hate doing that13:31
FDR21turn your bash history into a script13:32
OerHeksFDR21, do you have an ubuntu support question, besides who uses ubuntu?13:32
FDR21actually i was in the process of helping ThePendulum before you interrupted13:33
FDR21can i joint the social channel?13:37
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cfhowlettFDR21, this is NOT a social channel.13:37
FDR21i was over at the social channel before you broth me back in here13:38
ObrienDavechicken or beef?13:39
cfhowlettObrienDave, ehhhh, channel check???13:40
ObrienDavehe said 'broth' ;p13:40
jattfidel__: apt-get supports --allow-unauthenticated13:40
fidel__jatt: that would be an option yes13:42
fidel__could i provide the keys manual as well - as in downloading them once with a machine with network connectivity and then scp them to the affected machines?13:43
fidel__just unsure where the keys should be located13:43
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fidel__mh - seems like there is apt-key list & export ;)13:44
jattfidel__: you can manage the keys with apt-key yes13:44
fidel__got it - thanks13:44
fidel__ 13:45
zebra111!hello | jobs13:51
zebra111Hello jobs13:52
FDR21move along13:53
mbeasleyi have a logitech touchpad mouse. is there a straightforward way to disable inertial scrolling through something like xmodmap or some other config?13:56
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rrr add-apt-repository: command not found14:06
rrrwhere to get this command?14:06
OerHeksrrr You can simply add the add-apt-repository command. It's part of the python-software-properties package >> sudo apt-get install python-software-properties14:07
OerHekserr, or is it software-properties-common ?14:09
ThePendulumrrr: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties14:09
rrrOerHeks: after doing "apt-get install python-software-properties", I still get "-bash: add-apt-repository: command not found"14:09
ThePendulumrrr: According to the first Google result, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13018626/add-apt-repository-not-found14:09
ThePendulumhow about software-properties-common?14:09
OerHeksi have software-properties-common only in my 14.10 software list14:10
FDR21whats the deal with blowfish and freenode?14:10
tewardOerHeks: software-properties-common for precise and Later14:10
tewardrrr: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties software-properties-common14:10
tewardrrr: it'll show up after that14:11
rrrworks now. thanks.14:11
teward(it's in software-properties-common from Trusty and later)14:11
ice_lnsMay I speak14:12
zebra111!question | ice_lns14:13
ubottuice_lns: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:13
ThePendulumhmmm, possibly that was his very question. in that case, yes, you may14:13
ice_lnsYes this is my question14:14
tewardice_lns: we don't go on a person-by-person basis - you simply ask your question and then people will ping you (by name) with follow up statements or possible suggestions as to how to fix your problem.14:14
tewardice_lns: however, you should not ask "can i speak" or "anyone around to help" or "can i ask a question".  Just ask your real question :)14:14
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hokihozlthi. i'm seeking advice on distro choice. Semi torn between debian and ubuntu. i like debians philosophy and ethical component + stability, while i also like ubuntu's making headway in corporate world, becoming an officehold name. and easy to use is also nice. what do you think?14:19
Guest55294hokihozLt: i advice you use ubuntu14:19
ObrienDavetry them both. make up your own mind14:19
k1lhokihozlt: since you ask in a ubuntu channel: use ubuntu :)14:19
ErC2I never use debian but I liked Ubuntu14:20
BluesKajHiyas all14:20
master+1 vote ubuntu14:20
hokihozltand which would you say is better supported?14:20
k1lhokihozlt: ##linux for more "objective" answers14:20
rrri want to upload a file to remote server. what is the quickest way to do this?14:21
k1lrrr: scp ?14:22
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ubottuciao: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:23
ubottuA netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:24
MacroManI'm trying to use the sound recorder to test my microphone, but the 'Record as' dropdown box is empty. Any ideas what is wrong?14:25
kevindfHello, a while ago I removed the real name from the indicator session in gnome fallback interface. but now i'm trying to add it again but I don't see why it's not showing up anymore14:25
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kevindfI've added the full applet to my top panel14:25
kevindfso it should be showing but it doesn't14:25
MacroManIt's the gnome sound recorder14:25
ErC2I try to install vuze from the official website azureus but it seem not working well on my ubuntu 14.04 . After I try to search the Vuze is closed. Anyone have same problem ?14:25
ciaociao a tutti14:27
OerHeksErC2, vuze is in our repository's, so no need to get it from their homepage.14:27
OerHeksazureus too *14:27
daniel555hi, who use kad?14:28
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daniel555hi, who use kad?14:28
MasterPieceHow can I buy Ubuntu Edge (Smart Phone) ?14:29
ErC2I  using Vuze from  the repository now for running Vuze, but when I try to import some templates from https://sites.google.com/site/vuzetemplates/home/templates-download it doesnt work. It is normal ?14:29
PenguinAnonIt looks like the Ubuntu Developer Tools Center tool is broken. It fails to parse the download page. Should I report the bug on Launchpad or Github?14:29
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OerHeks!phone | MasterPiece14:30
ubottuMasterPiece: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:30
geirhaMasterPiece: Ubuntu Edge got aborted due to insufficient funding14:30
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FoolsRunHey, I have the dumbest question: is there a way to send a keystroke (a "Y") to the console session from ssh?14:33
MasterPieceFoolsRun, yes, "echo" the msg to "/dev/pts/xx"14:34
TuttiePuttyhow do you like my new nick?14:34
FoolsRunMasterPiece: that's really hard to find via google :)14:34
TuttiePuttygeeky right?14:35
geirhaFoolsRun: It probably won't work the way you hope14:35
geirhathe Y will be displayed in the target tty, but it won't be used as input in that tty14:35
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MasterPieceFoolsRun, e.g: echo "Hi" > /dev/pts/# ( Note replace # with respective number of pts )14:35
FoolsRungeirha: is there a way to make it execute? I need to answer a question about replacing a file during a package update14:36
geirhaFoolsRun: A typical way to handle that is to think ahead and run it in a screen or tmux session in the first place14:37
k1l_TuttiePutty: please keep this channel clear for support. this is not a social channel but a technical support channel14:37
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FoolsRungeirha: I agree, but sadly that didn't happen. If there's no way to do it that's fine, I can wait until I'm in front of it again.14:37
geirhaFoolsRun: Not that I know of14:38
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FoolsRungeirha: cool, thanks14:38
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Chuck_NorrisFoolsRun: try:  sudo echo "message" | wall   -.-14:39
geirhaChuck_Norris: Not what sie wants. Also, it's wall that needs to be run as root, not echo14:40
Chuck_Norrisgeirha: oh! sry i didn't read the initial question of FooMunki_ -.-14:41
Chuck_Norriseventhoug he can run wall without sudo, but if he doesn't want that your user name show ups in the message broadcasted then he will need "sudo" to run it with, "wall -n" -.-14:42
ErC2Umm. About my last question "I  using Vuze from  the repository now for running Vuze, but when I try to import some templates from https://sites.google.com/site/vuzetemplates/home/templates-download it doesnt work(cant be imported but some can ). It is normal ?"14:44
ErC2Or where I can get the support about that matter14:45
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nbcardosoboa tarde14:50
nbcardosoalguem portugues, por aqui14:50
k1l_!pt | nbcardoso14:51
ubottunbcardoso: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:51
ice_lnsnbcardoso: plz speak English14:51
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ThePendulumI installed ubuntu on a flash drive, and whenever I boot, it shows the grub OS selection menu with Windows 8 that isn't even installed and that I want to skip15:10
ThePendulumHow do I set the default to Ubuntu?15:10
cfhowlettThePendulum, sudo update grub15:10
ThePendulumcfhowlett: that just scans through the disks to see what boot options currently truly are available?15:10
cfhowlettThePendulum, yep15:11
ThePendulumcfhowlett: ran that over SSH, I'll check in a bit if it worked, thanks a lot15:11
ThePendulum(added the hyphen, update-grub)15:11
cfhowlettThePendulum, doh!  right.15:11
ThePendulumfor future reference :P15:11
kevdogis there a nm-tool equivalent?15:19
grarHow do I make rhythmbox use my GTK+ theme? It's currently using what I assume is the default look. I didn't see anything about theming in the plugins or preferences. I'm on Xubuntu 14.04.15:19
grarI have both a GTK2 and GTK3 theme installed15:19
Guest35591hey guys, why does byobu exit with an error code and some ascii giberish? <ubuntu 14.04 btw>15:21
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grarHow do I make rhythmbox use my GTK+ theme? It's currently using what I assume is the default look. I didn't see anything about theming in the plugins or preferences. I'm on Xubuntu 14.04. I have clearlooks-phenix installed which includes clearlooks and the appropriate theming engines.15:23
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:24
grarI repeat it because it's been pushed off the scetren by all of these join/leave/name changing messages........15:25
GumaI was wondering if there are any tools to query what kind of controller (if any) sd card uses. Is this even possible?15:26
cfhowlettgrar, pushed off YOUR screen.  turn off join/leave messages and be patient.15:26
grarGuma does lspci not tell you what you need to know?15:26
grarcfhowlett how does one go about turning them off?15:26
daftykinsread docs about your IRC client15:27
ubottuTo ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages15:27
cfhowlettgrar, depends on your irc chat client15:27
cfhowlettPici, good find!15:27
grarPici and cfhowlett thanks15:27
ejcfwhowlett: im pure lubuntu... well..15:27
cfhowlettej, happy now?15:28
ejjust wondering how to put it to a disk15:28
ejexternal disk .. i have a 4gb usb.15:29
Gumagrar: It looks like it is not showing up in list. I have external SD card reader with micto SD card in it. doing lspci with usb hub plugged in and off does not show any changes.15:29
grarGuma lsusb ?15:30
ejso i should have a anti-virus app?15:31
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cfhowlettej, up to you15:32
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cfhowlett!antivirus | ej15:32
ubottuej: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus15:32
BadegakkA friend getting this error when his sending and e-mail to my e-mail server from his at work. Is the error on my or his side :530 5.7.0 Must15:32
Badegakkissue a STARTTLS command first (in reply to MAIL FROM command)15:32
ejok// whats the contol for name in xchat15:32
ThePendulumI remember someone giving me a terminal application that allowed me to paste the contents of a file directly online. Does anyone know about this?15:32
cfhowlettThePendulum, pastebinit15:32
DJones!pastebinit | ThePendulum15:32
ubottuThePendulum: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com15:32
ThePendulumcfhowlett: cheers15:32
cfhowlettThePendulum, also: cli command | nc termbin.com 999915:34
Gumagrar: I get Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:0301 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.15:35
GumaWould this be controler on USB card reader or the SD card itself15:35
ThePendulumcfhowlett: my lazy memory prefers pastebinit15:35
cfhowlettThePendulum, fair enoubh15:36
grarGuma looks like the SD card reader15:36
grarGuma http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2174318.html this might be related to your problem15:37
Frantichey guys, I'm on 14.04 and have some issues with DNS, I've just noticed that resolv.conf points to and that I have a dnsmasq listening there. How might I get the configuration for that dnsmasq? the --conf-files params that I see via 'ps aux | grep dnsmasq' are empty15:38
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ejso i need to crack my admin  cmos passwd to turn on audio.. any uggestions?15:38
Gumagrar I guess I can take out the sd card physically from reader and see if it is still listed. If not then I would say it is it. If listed then it is the HUB. Would you agree?>15:40
grarGuma unplug the SD card READER and see if it is still listed15:41
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot15:42
cfhowlettej, try a hardware reset first.  I seem to recall that paperclipping the battery contacts or something would trigger a hard cmos reset to defaults.  Research it first.15:43
cfhowlettej, ask ##linux about hacking the PW15:43
ejwhats the key command to address your name in xchat15:44
cfhowlettej, tab complete15:45
Gumagrar taking sd card itself from reader lsusb still shows realtek. So it must be the HUB. I will read your link now see what is up15:45
cfhowlettej, first few letters of names > hit TAB to complete15:45
ejcfhowlett, got it .. TY!15:46
cfhowlettej, happy2help15:46
DMAHello :). I noticed a cronjob worked just until Dec 5. Seems to be the only one that is not being executed, nothing shows up about it in /var/log/syslog but if I copy the line from crontab -l it gets executed correctly. What could be happening?15:46
eji gotta give back some day.. this is really helping me .15:47
cfhowlettej, do like I do: go to the library, boot a USB and "forget" to take it out when I leave.15:47
ejyou just blew my mind!15:48
tnkhanhhi I see a difference between installing something thru apt-get and thru tarballs15:48
tnkhanhhow to run something in terminal as if its installed thru apt-get but you got it thru tarballs15:49
kevdogYes apt-get using the package-manager and usually installing through tarballs involves compiling which then things can be installed outside the package manger15:49
xanguaalso you won't get secutiry updates/support if you installed from source15:50
tnkhanhwhat about .run files?15:52
tnkhanhsometimes I install by .run files15:52
grarHow do I make rhythmbox use my GTK+ theme? It's currently using what I assume is the default look. I didn't see anything about theming in the plugins or preferences. I'm on Xubuntu 14.04. I have clearlooks-phenix installed which includes the original clearlooks and the appropriate theming engines.15:53
valiumcan someone remote my laptop15:53
valiumim trying to change lxle to ubuntu15:54
valiumanyone please ?15:54
ejwhat gain?15:54
valiumplease someone help me15:55
ejremote dns?15:55
valiumseriously cannot change my lxle into ubuntu15:56
senabb for life15:56
valiumi need someone to remote my laptop15:56
ejim learning here to valium ..just making converse15:56
zebra111valium you mean lxle to unity?15:56
valiumzebra can u help?15:57
zebra111I might be able to help valium15:57
valiumi pm u15:57
valiumdid u get it>?15:57
ejwait explain please ..15:57
ejwhat r u guys doing ?15:57
cfhowlettej, lxle is NOT ubuntu.  trying to "turn it into ubuntu" is likely to break it altogether.  download ubuntu, install as normal.15:58
valiumi cannot convert it?15:59
cfhowlettvalium, course not.  it's NOT ubuntu, not supported15:59
ejoh lxle not lxde..scared me there..16:02
ejohh i wish i didnt see that..16:03
cfhowlett!flavors | ej if it's not on this list, it's not supported here.16:04
ubottuej if it's not on this list, it's not supported here.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.16:04
ejwhats the sound manger that runs in terminal?16:07
zebra111ej alsamixer16:08
ejits tab.. then...16:09
ejzebra111, ahh i see.. sry about guys.16:09
flowhow do i find out what is using up my ram?16:13
cfhowlettflow, top16:14
flowI can't see anything using very much there16:14
flowbut my xubuntu panel thing tells me it is nearly used 100% and my laptop is actually pretty slow atm16:14
daftykinsflow: are you new to Linux?16:15
flowdaftykins, no16:17
=== Guest29894 is now known as hxm
flowtop everything I see is <5%16:18
flowI tried that before asking here16:18
daftykinsok just checking in case you could've done with pointing toward linuxatemyram.com :>16:18
cfhowlettdaftykins, THAT'S what I was trying to remember!  thanks.16:18
daftykinsDaddy: do you have a question?16:18
flowhaha didn't know that though daftykins :D16:19
daftykinsit is a fine resource16:19
RahulANMayer, hii16:19
flowyeah no I have this xubuntu panel widget which shows how much ram is used. It is normally about 1000 / 2800 MB and I normally don't care. But my laptop feels really slow atm so I looked and it was at 2300 MB so I tried top but that didn't show me any big memory eater16:20
daftykinsflow: can you pastebin a "free -m" in the terminal?16:21
daftykinsas in, don't paste it into the channel16:21
flowI'm not new to IRC :D16:21
flowcan I switch the terminal language for that one command?16:22
flowoh found how16:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:23
minkHi guys!16:25
flowI don't get these in this chanel only this pastebin16:25
minkDoes anyone know can I find source from demo.jujucharms.com somewhere?16:25
cfhowlettmink, check their website?  not a canonical/ubuntu product16:26
daftykinsflow: so apparently yeah, 2.3GB of your usage is buffer/cache - nothing to worry about16:27
minkcfhowlett, that is already on github...16:27
OerHeksmink, i think you must search launchpad https://launchpad.net/charms16:28
daftykinsflow: although it seems you have no swap, which isn't good as your system will just slow down when the RAM usage is high16:28
cfhowlettmink, true! I was wrong!  sorry.16:28
flowdamn it. I did the disk partitioning myself to put the home directory on a different partition16:28
daftykinsand forgot a swap? oh dear.16:28
daftykins-10 points16:29
flowno I am pretty sure I did swap16:29
flowbut when I start up it normally says it can't encrypt swap or something like that but by the way it has started up I have other stuff in mind16:29
daftykinsyour free -m output disagrees :)16:29
flowwhat can I do now?16:29
daftykinsregarding what?16:29
flowdaftykins, I think I have the partition because I remember googeling how big the swap should be16:30
flowdaftykins, tell my ubuntu to use the swap partition16:30
daftykins*shrug* you mentioned encryption so that's me out.16:30
flowdamn it16:31
OerHeksflow, please keep your language in this channnel family friendly, thanks.16:32
flowOerHeks, sorry, didn't know that that is bad language already16:33
olorin12Hi all. I just installed 14.10. When I go to the Software Centre, the 'For Purchase' category has nothing in it. Also, when I search for Steam, it does not have the 'install' button, and says that Steam isn't found in my software sources. Any ideas?16:34
flowOk I have a 3,5GB Swap partition. Apparently, my ubuntu doesn't use that. Can anyone tell me what I should do now?16:34
bubbasauresolorin12, Have you run a update?16:35
olorin12software sources and software16:35
anonymous_hello every one.16:35
anonymous_what does this command mean16:36
anonymous_chmod +x16:36
curiousxolorin12: aptitude search steam16:36
bubbasauresolorin12, open software and updates 2nd tab and make sure all the repos are ticked on.16:36
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
ash`anonymous_: man chmod16:36
ash`       chmod - change file mode bits16:36
cfhowlettanonymous_, use your terminal:   man chmod       and READ16:36
anonymous_ok thanks16:36
olorin12they are, and Chuck Norris, are you saying I should type aptitude search steam in terminal?16:37
daftykinsyou should be using apt-get, not aptitude16:37
Chuck_Norrisolorin12: yes, to see if you can install it from apt16:37
olorin12sudo apt-get search steam    E: Invalid operation search16:38
minkolorin12, apt-cache search steam16:38
OerHeksolorin12, go into softwarecenter > edit > sources, and enable multiverse repo and reload again16:38
daftykinssudo apt-get update && apt-cache search <thing to search for>16:38
olorin12that found it16:38
olorin12ok brb16:38
OerHeks!info steam16:38
ubottusteam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (utopic), package size 853 kB, installed size 2658 kB (Only available for i386)16:38
valiumis zebra here16:39
OerHeksvalium 111 of them16:40
daftykinsvalium: we're not an answerphone service, check the nick list yourself or state your query again16:40
* Chuck_Norris thinks that the output of "aptitude" is cleaner than "apt" for searching sofware 16:40
OerHekszebra111 ^^16:40
olorin12multiverse was already enabled. I disabled and re-enabled it, then searched again. Still no 'For Purchase' apps, and Steam is not able to be installed16:40
valiumso i have teamviewer installed , need someone to remote my laptop16:41
OerHeksolorin12, steam:i386 is in my list16:41
valiumupgrade my lxle to ubuntu16:41
zebra111Hey valium16:41
Chuck_Norrisolorin12: try changing mirror16:42
daftykinsvalium: we don't support LXLE16:43
olorin12same thing :-(16:43
daftykinsif we're talking about the distro.16:43
Chuck_Norrisolorin12: did you update after chaning mirror ?16:44
olorin12trying another16:44
daftykinsolorin12: show what exactly you're doing and what you consider it to be failing. http://paste.ubuntu.com16:44
Chuck_Norrisso odd -.-16:44
TuttiePuttyppas everyone16:44
e88do we have any reports of google earth not installing via the repos ?16:44
daftykinsTuttiePutty: try an actual question.16:44
grarHow do I make rhythmbox use my GTK+ theme? It's currently using what I assume is the default look. I didn't see anything about theming in the plugins or preferences. I'm on Xubuntu 14.04. I have clearlooks-phenix installed which includes the original clearlooks and the appropriate theming engines.16:44
Chuck_Norrisolorin12: lsb_release -d16:45
daftykinse88: if you installed the package that has the google earth builder, you have to run it first16:45
Chuck_Norrisdoh! nvm16:45
e88daftykins: no, i simply did what the website said and installed (tried) the deb from the website16:45
ejwere would i find help compling akernal for this driver alsamixer i dont feal comfortable going any futher with this.. know issue for my laptop.16:46
daftykinswhat deb? googles? yeah that's not going to work16:46
* TuttiePutty googles earth16:46
olorin12daftykins am I supposed to upload a screenshot? how do I do that?16:46
* daftykins blinks16:46
e88daftykins: so i'm out of luck with getting hte google earth to work under ubuntu 14.10 ?16:46
daftykinse88: no you just need to actually research how ;) one sec.16:47
e88daftykins: you were right. hit it first thign on google16:48
daftykinse88: googleearth-package is a decent method too16:48
ejwere would i find help compling akernal for this driver alsamixer i dont feal comfortable going any futher with this.. know issue for my laptop.16:51
sgstrying to get steam to work?16:52
daftykinsej: alsamixer isn't a driver.16:52
olorin12alsamixer is an application that helps you control alsa16:53
eji need the control mixer for alsa..16:53
daftykinsolorin12: what happens when you close that program, then run a terminal and type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install steam:i386"16:53
daftykinsej: so install it. it has nothing to do with compiling a kernel16:53
olorin12uno momentito16:54
TuttiePuttyits were you make alsa cackes?16:54
ejdaftykins, can u take alook at this post first please?16:54
daftykinsTuttiePutty: either ask a genuine support question or leave, please.16:54
daftykinsej: "this post" ?16:54
olorin12lol now it is installing16:54
olorin12with dependencies16:54
nuke1989transmission overdownloaded a torrent. Its more than 100% . Any thoughts?16:55
TuttiePuttyalsa is a unilever brand16:56
olorin12daftykins - it installed, no problem. So I guess the problem is with the Software Centre16:56
daftykinsolorin12: or your install, assuming you've ever updated and upgraded yet16:57
olorin12I have16:57
daftykinsah well, don't do GUI package management so i can't help you there16:57
olorin12lol ok16:57
Diegaoanyone here faced issue with ibus on skyte to type words with accent like this: áéíóú ?16:57
OerHeksnuke1989, you can check with 'verify local data' in transmission16:58
daftykinsej: this is 4 years old...16:59
ejdaftykins, ?16:59
ejmy comp is 8 years old16:59
daftykinsej: the google code project, it's 4 years old. there is not an ubuntu desktop release still supported that is that old.16:59
ejso .. i still have a problem?17:00
daftykinsej: probably nothing to do with that. you haven't even said what you're trying to get working :)17:00
eji need to find  anewr problem?17:00
daftykinsright now i don't even know what you're talking about17:00
eji have aenternal sound card with a know issue theres no mixer control for alsamixer somthing to do with keyvard keys or somthing17:01
daftykinsexternal? it has nothing to do with the laptop model then17:02
ejinternal sry..17:02
daftykinsinternal USB? i think you're very confused17:02
ejno i just dont have the words..17:02
olorin12daftykins thnx for help I'll just use command line and the software web page and wait for Software Centre to fix itself17:02
ejplease i ve don alot of wasted research !17:03
EriC^^ej: no such thing17:03
ejhours... on a sound card?17:03
Diegaoanyone here faced issue with ibus on Sky to type words with accent like this: áéíóú ?17:03
eji can configure a vpn but this is over my head!17:04
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ejlinux has a hard time configuring the jack ouput and internal mic17:05
daftykinsej: please stop spamming, collect your thoughts and type one question on one line once you understand the problem you're facing17:05
ejoh god mabey its me..!!17:05
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
Marc____Hi folks.  I have a Ubuntu 14.04 drive that refuses to boot.  I would like to find the Desktop directory on it.  I've booted with a Live CD.  The drive's /home/ dir is empty.17:07
Marc____Any ideas?17:07
EriC^^Marc____: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:08
EriC^^paste the link here17:08
Marc____EriC^^: http://termbin.com/7s9j17:09
tewardMarc____: was /home on its own partition?17:09
Marc____teward: I recall messing with that, trying to move it to another drive, but can't remember where I got to with the project (not main PC)17:10
EriC^^Marc____: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt17:10
=== sixwheeledbeast1 is now known as sixwheeledbeast
Marc____EriC^^: The drive is mounted17:10
EriC^^Marc____: ls -l /mnt what do you see?17:10
Marc____EriC^^: I see the whole boot drive17:12
Marc____with an empty home dir17:12
EriC^^Marc____: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/home17:12
EriC^^Marc____: why isn't it booting anymore?17:12
EriC^^you can reinstall grub if you want17:12
Marc____EriC^^: I see it now, thanks17:13
Marc____EriC^^: The drive is 7 years old, bad sectors, etc, going to replace it.  I got the 'trying to read/write outside hd0' error on boot.17:14
ejdaftykins,  how dare u say im confused this issue is all over linux.. ive spent hours going over this sh*t and u jump me like im im stupid...17:14
daftykinsej: i think you might want to calm down a little bit, you're taking this personally.17:14
eji am!17:15
Marc____EriC^^: So I can see the file in terminal, any idea how to mount it in the GUI?17:15
kevdogyou should just visit this channel more regularly. Your problem with your drive -- everyone has had it!17:15
ejim heated!17:15
daftykinsej: take it elsewhere and come back when you're calm please.17:15
ejno offence plz.17:15
EriC^^Marc____: you can navigate in nautilus to /mnt/home17:16
kevdog@Marc___ This is linux man -- the command line is king!17:16
ejok ..17:16
Herculescan any of the ubuntu volunteers that can send me an live cd ? I cannot get an ISO because internet is too slow and I am of 13 years old, so can't get one ordered.17:16
kevdogAnyone know how to connect to freenode over SSL?17:17
EriC^^Hercules: use a download manager17:17
Marc____EriC^^: Thanks a bunch, saved the day.17:18
morty696ive just install kubuntu and want to install all the kali linux tools on my system, is there a repository or script?17:19
EriC^^Marc____: no problem17:19
geniiHercules: Your best option in this case is to use a torrenting program. It can stop and resume the download of the ISO and even if your internet is very slow, it will eventually get it.17:20
morty696hello ive just install kubuntu and want to installed all the kali linux tools on my system, is there a repository or script?17:20
Herculesgenii: then it will take months.17:21
Hercules700 mb is aot.17:21
Herculesfor an 40 kbps dial-up modem.17:22
squintyHercules:   also there might be a LUG (Linux User Group) in your area.  google for those words and the name of where you live.  Most LUG's give out dvd's too (or will burn a copy for ya)17:22
geniiHercules: Probably more like 4-5 days instead of months.17:22
geniisquinty: Not a bad idea.17:23
OerHeksmorty696, we do not support, ask in the kali channels17:23
Herculessquinty: there is lug but its for only the people work in it.17:23
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:23
HerculesI tried to get one but they won't gave.17:24
morty696well id like to know a pentesting or security repository for ubuntu?17:24
geniiHercules: You might also consider downloading it someplace where the connection is faster, like a Starbucks or dedicated cyber cafe17:24
pbxmorty696, is there software you're looking for that's not in the main repos?17:25
HerculesIn a location I live there is no things like that.17:25
HerculesOnly Shared Cuber Cafe's are there and they have ugly speed.17:25
morty696yes all the pentesting tools that are in kali linux17:25
kazdaxdo you live in fiji ?17:25
kazdaxyea that was my secound guess17:26
kazdaxthe airtel internet is preety faster17:26
kazdaxjust go to a better cyber cafe17:26
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India17:26
HerculesThere are fiber internets too.17:26
kazdaxwhere in India are you ?17:26
pbxmorty696, you may get better leads from a security-oriented list of group17:26
HerculesI keep on travelling that's why I use dial-up connection.17:26
HerculesVodafone is really stupid at it.17:27
kazdaxahh ..get one of those usb sticks17:27
Herculeskazdax: Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.17:27
kazdaxdocomo i think17:27
Herculesdocomo doesn't works here.17:27
geniiHercules: If you go to the #ubuntu-in channel the bot indicates is the official channel for India, you may find someone local there who could either send you a DVD, or assist in some other way17:27
morty696where do i find that?17:27
kazdaxdoes he need an ubuntu CD ?17:27
Herculeskazdax: You from ?17:28
pbxmorty696, i'll leave the googling to you but e.g. comp.os.linux.security17:28
pbxmorty696, also, check this out - https://github.com/madmantm/ubuntu-pentest-tools/blob/master/ubuntu-pentest-tools.sh17:28
Herculeskazdax: nice, do u got an disc ?17:29
kazdaxwell i dont live in punjab anymore17:29
kazdaxi am in the states now17:29
pbxmorty696, and http://www.backbox.org/17:29
kazdaxyou can get the ubuntu dvd by purschaisng linux magazines17:29
kazdaxwhere are quite wide spread in India17:29
geniiHercules: Canonical sends each local Ubuntu group physical copies of each new Long Term Support release. I'm sure the #ubuntu-in people can either send you one or arrange another way for you to receive one.17:29
kazdaxyea i agree17:29
kazdaxgenii is right17:29
kazdaxthey will help you out there17:30
Herculesgenii: They aren't active.17:30
kazdaxdont you have a book store there ?17:30
kazdaxgo look for books on linux ...they have ubuntu dvd that comes with them17:30
kazdaxthose magazines cost like 2 dollars17:30
geniikazdax: This is one of the reasons they should have kept the Ship-It program going :(17:31
kazdaxapparenlty you can order ubuntu CD And they will ship it for free of charge17:33
kazdaxyea they dont still do that genii ??17:33
kazdaxIntel for example .. sends abot 6 to 8 books in a huge box..to anyone interested..free of charge17:34
daftykinskazdax: interested in what?17:35
geniikazdax: I'm not sure when that article was written. AFAIK Ship-It is finished except to LoCos17:35
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kazdaxthe intel manuals ..about there processors and the instruction set17:35
geniiHercules: Another alternative is to be active in your local Ubuntu group, find out who the old contacts were, etcetera, where the DVDs were being sent before, if it can be changed to another address where people are active instead.17:38
=== Hercules is now known as Hercules|Offline
earnThisanyone know a good reference/blog/article explaining a basic openstack hardware setup i.e. phyiscal servers, switches, routers etc. ?17:41
daftykinsearnThis: not even vaguely relevant to this channel17:42
IPPhoneGuyearnThis: #openstack17:42
sfynI am encountering issues with wine gnutls support17:46
skiftdoes anyone in here have ubuntu/linux on a lenove x1 carbon? im wondering if the special touch sensitive button row is supported17:48
biebI installed Moodle via apt-get, how do I remove it now? what is the best way to uninstall?17:51
decciHow to fix it?17:52
mbeasleyi have a logitech touchpad mouse. is there a straightforward way to disable inertial scrolling through something like xmodmap or some other config? I still want to be able to scroll - just without the inertial bit.17:53
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squintydecci:  notice the space   /src modules (line 5 in your paste)   could be that space needs to be delimited (ie  \  )   not sure how one goes about that though as I know very little re compiling18:04
Danielle23 Watch Me Suck Real Big Dick On My Site http://bitly.com/1nx3K4c18:05
squinty!ops   Danielle2318:06
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zebra111squinty danielle23 is already gone18:07
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
squintyzebra111:  heh saw that after I typed  they might want to ban that rascal anyways18:08
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decciFacing this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/9542769/18:24
decci"Cannot compile bnx2fc on 3.13.0-30-generic"18:24
no_gravityHello! Often when im on a machine via ssh, i wish i could just type "sshcopy /local/myfile ./" and the file from my local machine would be transfered to the remote machine into the current directory. how do you guys go about this?18:31
EriC^^no_gravity: scp18:31
daftykinsno_gravity: scp can push and pull files over a link, pretty simple stuff but the command syntax can be a challenge for new users18:35
daftykinsscp foo user@host:/path/to/put/foo18:35
no_gravitygood luck guessing the path on the remote machine...18:35
daftykinsno_gravity: so SSH in and do a 'pull' instead.18:36
daftykinsscp user@host@/path/to/foo .18:37
daftykinsscp user@host:/path/to/foo .18:37
* EriC^^ bets no_gravity 's going to complain about guessing the path on the local machine18:37
no_gravitywhat i do is "echo $PWD" on the remote machine and c&p it.18:38
daftykinsthat's horrible18:38
daftykinsalso, why not just "pwd" alone?18:38
no_gravityoh, didnt know pwd18:39
Nessunowhere i'm?18:41
DJonesNessuno: here do you think you are?18:42
EriC^^we are sentient programs in your ubuntu18:42
Nessunolike a virus?18:43
EriC^^no, like sentient programs18:43
DJonesNessuno: I am being serious, only you know which IRC channels you've joined18:43
DJones!behelpful | EriC^^18:43
ubottuEriC^^: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.18:43
daftykinsDJones: i think it was the typo that confused18:43
Nessunoi hope18:43
EriC^^ubottu: was the first that was freed, he set the rest of us free18:43
ubottuEriC^^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:43
daftykinsDJones: now now, your comment was equally useless18:43
EriC^^( he's kind of old now so he's lost it )18:44
daftykins!ot | Nessuno18:44
ubottuNessuno: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:44
Nessunoi have a question for the sentient programs: what happened to Tor browser?18:45
waressearcher2frankly.pitas.com that web page generates dialog box with random text and button "OK", I press "OK" but it opens another one and I can't close it or access web browser, is there any way to get rid of it without killing web browser ?18:47
daftykinsNessuno: discontinued i thought18:47
morty696can someone help im after a security/pentesting repository for ubuntu, thats all18:47
daftykinsmorty696: no, go to the channels you were told to find earlier.18:47
morty696what channels?18:48
daftykinsmorty696: ones relating to kali, perhaps18:48
morty696i tried adding the kali repository but half of the programs have dependency problems18:50
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:50
Nessunohow is it possible?18:50
daftykinsmorty696: that's because you can't mix distros. now as i said, go install kali if you want to use it :)18:51
tewardmorty696: if you're having issues with a Kali program or their repos, take it to their support channel.18:51
tewardNessuno: I believe it was removed because it kept getting updated, but I can go digging in the repos18:51
morty696i have kali installed in another vmware machine18:51
daftykinsmorty696: ok so go join the above please.18:52
=== tcpman is now known as Guest40872
NessunoTeward: what are you thinking about japan and deepweb?18:52
morty696i just want all the kali apps in kubuntu because i prefer kubuntu and was thinking of duel booting it on my system with win718:52
Nessunoin the last year happened so much strange events18:53
tewardmorty696: you can't mix distros.  Install Kali and then put KDE on if they have it18:53
Nessunoand now18:53
T3guys, I just apt-get install tomcat7, but tomcat7 service won't start (/etc/init.d/tomcat7 start/stop/status) and /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out has nothing in it. What else should I look at? Any hints?18:53
tewardNessuno: that's offtopic here18:53
Nessunoi dont' now18:53
teward!offtopic | Nessuno18:53
ubottuNessuno: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:53
Nessunowhere can i find it?18:53
morty696i tried that, but its too slow and not very stable18:53
morty696kubuntu is much quicker18:53
skifti have a bluetooth usb dongle, which in windows i would normally install from here sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java18:53
OerHeks!kali | morty69618:54
ubottumorty696: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:54
morty696i dont get it,  ubuntu/kubuntu are such popular systems, why is there not a security/pentesting repo for it?18:54
daftykinsmorty696: maybe you just haven't looked for one.18:55
skiftthe dirver for windows is here. http://www.broadcom.com/support/bluetooth/update.php18:55
morty696i have, cant find one anywhere18:55
morty696i trying to find a straight forward list of kali apps but i cant find that either18:55
skiftbut i cant seem to get it to work in ubuntu. when i type 'lsusb' it just shows as 'dynex'18:55
daftykinsmorty696: for the last time. join #kali-linux and go and ask them.18:56
OerHeksmorty696, ask in their channel about the kali repos, i am sure they exist.18:56
morty696they do exist, but half the programs wont install because of dependency issues18:56
fedorafanhey, how to get the workingpath of pwd as substring, like "cp pwd/whatever ."18:57
k1l_fedorafan: ./whatever18:57
EriC^^fedorafan: cp $(pwd)/whatever18:57
OerHeksmorty696, that is why we send you there, we don't have influence on them.18:57
fedorafancool 2 ways, the pointvariant didnt think about it k1l_ thx, EriC^^ yeah that was what I searched for, thx18:57
k1l_morty696: the depencies issues are not caused by the ubuntu side. its caused by the kali side. so talk to them to fix that. we cant do anything there. (we cant make ubuntu be nice to all the different wallbuntus)18:58
cwertIt appears that the mod_imagemap Apache module was removed in Trusty. It used to be included with the apache-2.2-bin package (mod_imagemap.so) in earlier Ubuntu releases.  How can I tell why it was dropped? (was it intentional for a specific reason, or was it overlooked)  It is still listed on the Apache site as an available module.18:59
daftykinsGuest44906: hi, got a question?19:03
daftykins!find mod_imagemap19:03
ubottuFile mod_imagemap found in apache2-doc19:03
daftykins!info apache2-doc trusty19:03
ubottuapache2-doc (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server (on-site documentation). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1 (trusty), package size 2559 kB, installed size 19278 kB19:03
IPPhoneGuyanyone have any experience forcing monitor resolution past 1080p for HDMI connected displays?19:04
tewardcwert: have you tried enabling the module, though?  (I can't find where it was 'removed')...19:05
Guest44906you have been answered daftykins19:05
daftykinsGuest44906: ah so nonsense is your game, goodbye then19:05
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: you can't go higher than the native resolution.19:06
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: duh :P  I know that - I have an ASUS monitor who's native resolution is 2560x1440 but is limited @ 1080P19:07
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cwertThe a2enmod man page ironically uses imagemap as the example for how to enable a module.  (which is I assume why people are pointing to apache2-doc) But the module itself no longer exists as far as I can tell.  I’ve tried enabling it, and I’ve searched packages.ubuntu.com.19:08
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: ok well that's the detail your question was lacking! does it not have any better input types? what's your graphics card and driver?19:09
rextahow do i change the installation path to another hard drive?19:10
daftykinsrexta: by selecting manual install at the partitioner stage19:10
daftykinsalso known as "Something else"19:10
fedorafanhey, if I want to compress a file with tar I need the permission to read it right19:10
fedorafanuser using tar19:10
CalebWHello, I'm trying to compile something and I keep getting "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXinerima", but I have libxinerama-dev installed.19:11
daftykinsfedorafan: yeah, since otherwise you can't read the file to write it into an archive19:11
IPPhoneGuyGeForce GTX 780 Ti - 2 monitors - 1 displayport - 1 hdmi (monitors are identical) - running the latest binaries from nvidia on 14.04 which would be 331.11319:12
fedorafanahhh brillant, its totally logical, thx daftykins19:12
daftykinsCalebW: xinerama is not the same as xinerima ?19:12
CalebWYup just noticed that myself right now. Feel like a dork.19:12
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: is it a v1.4+ HDMI cable?19:12
fedorafanis it possible to chmod all files in a treestructure ./* all there19:12
bekksfedorafan: Sure.19:13
fedorafanbekks could you tell me the commandline please19:13
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: yup19:13
bekksfedorafan: chmod -R, like chmod recursively.19:13
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: ok install 'pastebinit' then run "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" in a terminal19:13
fedorafanbekks thx will try now19:15
noobixi am installing ubuntu from mini.iso .... what is the difference between "UBUNTU DESKTOP" and "UBUNTU GNOME DESKTOP"? it comes up in choosing packages to install19:15
daftykinspocc: test failed, you used a support channel.19:16
daftykinsnoobix: non-unity, if in doubt don't pick it19:16
bekksnoobix: The former is Ubuntu using Unity, the latter is Ubuntu using Gnome.19:16
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9543072/19:16
k1l_noobix: gnome desktop means gnome shell (gnome3)19:16
noobixah ok... which is default?19:16
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: it did the default resolution in windows - fyi19:17
=== d3vlin_ is now known as d3vlin
n3vtelenmy network card lights turn off at work on ubuntu19:19
n3vtelenand turn on with restart19:20
n3vtelenand after a moment turn off again19:20
bekksn3vtelen: And why are the lights themselves are important to you?19:20
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: yeah, check nvidia-settings and that it doesn't need to be dropped to a sub-60Hz refresh to use 2560x1440 over HDMI19:20
n3vtelenmy internet and connection gone19:21
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: lines 200-208 seem relevant, one selected a 165MHz pixel clock19:21
n3vtelenwhen this thing happens19:21
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: as per wikipedia (a fine source of course :P) "The maximum pixel clock rate for HDMI 1.0 was 165 MHz, which was sufficient to allow 1080p and WUXGA (1920×1200) at 60 Hz."19:22
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: the odd thing is that it worked in windows without an issue - I just have a hard time believing its anything other than something configuration related19:23
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: go check if it runs a lower refresh to drive that res over HDMI19:23
pocctest failed? I don't get it19:24
daftykinspocc: basically please don't use this channel for silly test messages again please :P #test is for that19:24
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: well what i'm pointing out is where the config is wrong :)19:24
poccthanks daftykins19:25
_littlebhi people, I have an asus vivopc with a rtl8821ae wlan/bluetooth card and that drops out from time to time. The only way is to get my wlan back up and running is to deactivate and activate it. I wanted to know if someone could help me out.19:25
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: I'm browsing all through the nvidia settings and I dont see anything where I can adjust anything in this in the config :(19:25
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b19:25
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: i'd like you to confirm the vertical refresh in Windows first19:26
IPPhoneGuygrr - that's a reboot :P19:26
daftykinsoh woe is yo19:26
IPPhoneGuyyah yah yah19:26
IPPhoneGuyI know19:26
HellMindWhen I use pptp client it adds a route " dev lo  scope link  src"19:30
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: sure enough 2560x1440@59Hz19:33
IPPhoneGuygood call19:33
daftykinswell, 59 is as close enough to 60 as can be19:33
daftykinsthey probably mean the same thing in nvidia-settings19:33
guig33kimpossible to create a new wallet on the packaged electrum version on ubuntu 14.10 :(19:34
guig33ksomeone can help me19:34
lukaszHello hello. A question. I just installed xubuntu-desktop side by side with unity. After logging out and switch sessions to xubuntu, my settings do not appear to be saved.19:35
lukaszShould I just wipe it and start fresh?19:35
k1l_guig33k: what version?19:35
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: any other ideas?  I'm really at a loss, it just doesnt make a lot of sense :(19:36
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: no refresh controls at all in nvidia-settings huh?19:37
lukaszIPPhoneGuy what are you fighting with there, I have spent much time running X on maximum logging level to debug stuff :)19:38
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: not that I see19:39
IPPhoneGuylukasz: getting a monitor to 2560x1440 (native resolution) instead of being stuck at 1080P on an HDMI cable19:39
daftykinslukasz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9543072/ line 209 on is interesting, IPPhoneGuy gets no 2560x1440 over HDMI on a two-screen setup, i see lines referring to a single-link only clock rate19:39
HellMindNo one uses pptp anymore :(?19:39
daftykinsHellMind: you didn't ask a question, you made a STATEMENT.19:40
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: i think i'd ditch v331 and try a newer driver from nvidia direct (though it's not usually advisable to go non-repo)19:40
lukaszIPPhoneGuy are you getting correct modes from the monitor?19:40
HellMindWhen I use pptp client it adds a route " dev lo  scope link  src" where pptp adds that rule, there must be a way to cancel that order, Do you know it?19:40
daftykinslukasz: it's all in the above Xorg log :P19:41
daftykinsHellMind: use network-manager to specify the PPTP link and then tell it to remove the default route in settings, perhaps19:41
cryptopsysprunge.us/H2Xj i'm trying to fix this error that occurs only with systemd but not with openrc19:41
HellMinddaftykins: where should I look for network-manager config?19:42
lukaszdaftykins, got ya19:42
daftykinsHellMind: the tray app19:42
HellMindare you saying using networks/interfaces file?19:42
championofcyrodiHi.  How do i change the default user when prompted by unity for root permissions.  Like when adding a printer or installing new software from the software center?19:42
daftykinsHellMind: oh is this a CLI only server?19:43
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, I assume you dont get the option to pick 2560x1440 from the Display settings eh19:43
OerHekscryptopsy, H2Xj not found.19:43
HellMinddaftykins, that rout I show its added before the connection got stablished19:43
HellMindI got ssh only19:43
daftykinsHellMind: sorry you don't make any sense to me19:43
championofcyrodie.g. during ubuntu install, i created the user 'foobar'.   Now, even though I can log in with LDAP and my user can 'sudo', whenever I install software or add printer I am prompted to enter the password for the 'foobar' user instead of the user i am currently logged in as.19:44
PsychoBoBlove ubuntu19:44
PsychoBoBubuntu love me19:44
HellMinddaftykins: its a cli only server, but the route that it adds is preventing to connect to the pptp server19:44
daftykinsHellMind: #ubuntu-server19:44
IPPhoneGuylukasz: no that option is not there ;(19:45
PsychoBoBProWilly35 do you love UBUNTU too?19:45
k1l_PsychoBoB: ProWilly35 lets focus on technical ubuntu support in here. thanks19:45
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, have you tried this with single monitor?19:45
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: up a screenshot of nvidia-settings on the display configs pages19:45
ProWilly35OK, primero yo no dije eso, y segundo hablo español19:45
k1l_!es | ProWilly3519:46
ubottuProWilly35: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:46
daftykinslukasz: IPPhoneGuy - that's a good idea, does it drive the native res when the HDMI one is connected alone? (cold boot with just it)19:46
PsychoBoBk1l_ It's a bot?19:46
OerHekscryptopsy, gentoo ?19:46
PsychoBoBProWilly35 are you a bot?19:46
k1l_!ot | PsychoBoB19:47
ubottuPsychoBoB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:47
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, daftykins yeah you should check this - I have a distinct feeling this is an issue with the graphics bandwidth19:48
IPPhoneGuylukasz / daftykins :  http://imgur.com/YQELdG8,kxMzc3k19:48
ProWilly35KIll uso PC de gobierno arg. Sistema con windows e inicie huayra por error cuando quise iniciar WIndows... Lamento La confusion y no soy un bot19:48
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, so single display will do 1440p?19:48
PsychoBoBso rud19:49
IPPhoneGuylukasz: I can reboot to windows and both of them work fine at 2560x144019:49
PsychoBoBrude with me19:49
IPPhoneGuylukasz: one is displayport, the other is hdmi19:49
unopasteotiant you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted19:49
lukaszYeah okay19:49
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: so when you click on the HDMI one, does the "auto" dropdown list for "resolution" not list higher than 1920?19:50
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, Ive read about this - there are serious issues with driving beyond 1080p over HDMI19:50
PsychoBoBI dont' understand it19:50
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, get a dual link DVI cord and try that, I bet it will work19:50
IPPhoneGuylukasz: nope19:50
k1l_ProWilly35: Inglés se habla aquí. que el mensaje de ubottu para un canal español19:50
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, just on nix19:50
IPPhoneGuylukasz: that's odd19:50
ProWilly35BonJour :D19:51
k1l_PsychoBoB: if you dont want to be banned stop that offtopic now19:51
PsychoBoBI don't to be banned19:51
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, I have a 1600p display had a similar issue.19:51
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, on OSX you cannot drive beyond 1080p with HDMI either19:51
PsychoBoBk1l_ i do not speak english19:52
championofcyrodii posted my issue here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2257071&p=13188639#post1318863919:52
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, this is why Apple shoves DisplayPort into their MacBooks instead of HDMI19:52
lukaszLastly, I have seen Windows 7 running on MBP driving 1440p over HDMI ... but you cannot do the same in OSX :P19:52
ProWilly35Salut les gens comme ils sont :D19:52
daftykinslukasz: mmm, i think there might be an nvidia driver / kernel issue with detecting HDMI screens that are capable of greater than single link operation, if i'm reading that Xorg log right19:52
championofcyrodihdmi doesnt have bandwidth to support resolutions higher than 1080p19:53
championofcyrodiyou need display port for higher res.19:53
hannolomHi does anybody have experiance with installing Ubuntu server on a HP proliant DL380 gen3 or 4?19:53
championofcyrodior dual link dvi19:53
championofcyrodihannolom: yes19:53
lukaszdaftykins, you need dual link to go beyond 1080p ... so thats the issue19:53
daftykinslukasz: yeah but i'm not 100% if that is indeed the failing, since there are so many labelling changes in outputs in the Xorg log, makes it a pain to read19:54
championofcyrodii'm running on an HP proliant dl380 but its a 7th gen19:54
IPPhoneGuylukasz: uggh - wish this card had 2x displayport instead of 119:54
daftykinshannolom: might be better to just ask the specific question19:54
lukaszdaftykins, I had this issue with one of my devs - he demanded a 1440p display for all his NetBeans on his Mac, he got it and it would not go beyond 1080p over HDMI, we got him a DisplayPort cable and the issue went away19:54
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, yeah, but I seriously think you should try the dual-link DVI cable idea19:55
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IPPhoneGuylukasz: yah i just hate to have to buy a cable because linux cant do that19:55
championofcyrodilukasz is right, dual-link DVI will support higher than 1080p19:55
hannolom_sorry i'm back19:55
daftykinslukasz: mmm, all that does is says OS X has issues too though :D19:55
daftykinsi think you guys are missing the point here. it *should* work because both HDMI 1.3+ and Dual-link DVI use TMDS signalling19:56
daftykinsso it's the negotiation that goes wrong19:56
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: i still say try the HDMI screen on its' own, then update driver if not19:56
hannolom_I am in need or advice on ubuntu server install on a gen3 or 4 Proliant server19:57
lukaszdaftykins, I thought yo need 1.4 to do 1080p+19:57
IPPhoneGuysorry daftykins: if I try just HDMI it stays at 1080p19:57
bekkshannolom_: So whats not working?19:57
=== timvishet is now known as timvisher
daftykinshannolom_: so ask?19:57
hannolom_I Started installing Servet 14.04 on the gen 4, but GUI not working19:58
daftykinslukasz: assuming wikipedia isn't lying - "HDMI 1.3 increased that to 340 MHz, which allows for higher resolution (such as WQXGA, 2560×1600) across a single digital link."19:58
Picihannolom_: 14.04 server has no gui.19:58
bekkshannolom_: Ubuntu server does not have a gui.19:58
=== Darknet- is now known as Darknet
Picinone of the server installs do.19:58
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, can you paste the screenshot of nvidia-settings, specifically GPU 0 > DFP-1 and GPU 0 > DFP-4 pages please.19:58
hannolom_then I tried 12.04 on a gen 3 - but installing Ubuntu-desktop seems impossable19:58
narthurAny idea why an Ubuntu boot disk wouldn't boot on a Mac? All I'm getting is "i8042: No controller found"19:59
bekkshannolom_: Ubuntu server has no gui - so could you please clarify what you are doing exactly?19:59
captinenardev, are you using the mac edition?  There is a specific iso, if I recall, for mac20:00
OerHekshannolom_, you need to install hp pack http://www.gpaterno.com/2013/02/14/hp-proliant-support-pack-now-management-component-pack-for-ubuntu/ this is for precise 12.0420:00
hannolom_I'm installing server and Ubuntu-desktop for GUI20:00
mefistofeleshey, btw, would you happen to know if ubuntu/debian has some kind of limit respect memory consumption? I'm getting Operating System Error: Cannot allocate memory in ubuntu but I'm not getting this with ArchLinux... any ideas? (it's my own code)20:00
mefistofelesit uses a lot of RAM, of course20:00
captinenarthur, I am running 14.04 on my mac and used the20:00
daftykinsmefistofeles: maybe your install has no swap?20:00
lukaszdaftykins, I will take Wikis word for it. Youre most likely right. Reading his logs it looks like DFP-1 which is the HDMI is doing only 165 MHz pixel clock over Single Link so that would be that.20:00
=== tcpman is now known as Guest49280
mefistofelesdaftykins: actually my arch has no swap xD ubuntu does20:00
daftykinslukasz: *nod* that was my take too20:00
daftykinsmefistofeles: ah well.20:01
mefistofelesdaftykins: that's not the problem since it's not swapping20:01
narthurcaptine: Haven't been able to find the mac edition. Where's the best place to look for that?20:01
hannolom_Cool - will give that a try - Thanks20:01
mefistofelesdaftykins: same happens with debian20:02
ben_gThe sound trough my headphone is so soft it's barely hearable, while all volume settings are set to the maximum.20:02
IPPhoneGuyuploading pics20:02
ben_gWhat could be the problem with that?20:02
IPPhoneGuythere you go daftykins and lukasz20:02
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: yep confirms it, single link TMDS over the HDMI = it thinks it can't do higher20:03
IPPhoneGuymeaning what?20:04
daftykinswow you mean you don't grasp it even after this entire convo? :)20:04
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, how old is your HDMI card20:04
ben_gI'm pretty sure something software-related must be wrong, since it worked just fine yesterday20:04
IPPhoneGuylukasz: it's relatively new, it's a GTX78020:04
daftykinslukasz: the GTX 780Ti is quite new :>20:04
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, this is telling you the link between your PC and the display does not have the bandwidth20:05
IPPhoneGuypretty high end card :P20:05
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, err I meant CORD not CARD :P20:05
IPPhoneGuycord came with the monitor :P20:05
lukaszdaftykins, yeah I meant to type in cord. the card is certainly new enough.20:05
IPPhoneGuyI can try another but it worked in windows :P20:05
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, ok that should be new enough20:05
lukaszYeah thats a good point20:05
daftykinsaaaah :D20:05
lukaszThis may be a driver limitation actually20:05
daftykinsso update the driver already!20:06
* daftykins gets impatient ;)20:06
IPPhoneGuylol I know20:06
IPPhoneGuyI just hate to go outside of the repo20:06
championofcyrodihannolom: i had problems w/ ubuntu desktop as well...20:06
IPPhoneGuytrying to be a good boy20:06
championofcyrodii started w/ a server edition install...20:06
championofcyrodithen used apt to install the desktop packages afterwards20:06
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: yeah it will make things interesting every time you get a new kernel, but if needs must...20:06
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: try the manual nvidia download if you're comfy at the command line20:06
daftykinsor open a guide on another device as you do it20:06
lukaszdaftykins, is he on the latest stable from Nvidia?20:07
IPPhoneGuyrepo is 331 and latest is 34020:07
daftykins331 is just the newest repo one20:07
daftykinsso ancient really20:07
MrSavageI don't have this in my apt-get how do I get it to be in my apt-get? http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/hexchat-indicator20:08
* lukasz wishes he had a 1440p HDMI display so he could take a look himself20:08
IPPhoneGuylukasz: what's the best way to drop the xserver to do the install? :P20:09
ben_gdoes nobody know what could be related to my headphone problem?20:09
daftykinsMrSavage: you can't, it's from a new release20:09
IPPhoneGuyI'm a ubuntu server guy not a desktop guy20:09
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, I dont think you have to, just update it while it runs then reboot :)20:09
daftykinssudo service lightdm stop; IPPhoneGuy20:09
daftykinsno, nvidia driver needs X stopped20:09
championofcyrodiben_g: i had a similar issue after an update.. .turned out that the sound card was not installed anymore and i had to manually add it to /etc/modules20:09
daftykinsas i say find a guide online, there are hundreds20:09
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: how do you do that?20:10
lukaszisnt here a repo for 34020:10
D3Vto install nvidia driver from their website?20:10
championofcyrodiben_g: what is the output of: 'sudo aplay -l'20:11
lukaszIPPhoneGuy, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa this should work20:11
daftykinsnoooo xorg-edgers is horrid20:11
daftykinskill it with fire :P20:12
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9543553/20:12
* lukasz shrugs :)20:12
championofcyrodiben_g, that is good... so your sound card is installed...20:12
championofcyrodiunder All Settings > Sound20:12
championofcyrodiwhat is in the list?20:13
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: is it broken then? The on-board speakers work fine though.20:13
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: once you get somewhere with the driver, do give me a shout with how you get on. you're the second i've seen with this kinda quirk in so many weeks20:15
IPPhoneGuyits' really annoying20:16
bashfr3akanyone knows why when i try to run the Software Manager nothing happens although Synaptic runs fine ? (linux mint 17)20:16
IPPhoneGuyI've got the driver, trying to figure out what the best way to boot without X, or to just drop X all together and do the install is20:16
lotuspsychje!mint | bashfr3ak20:16
ubottubashfr3ak: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:16
lotuspsychjebashfr3ak: switch to ubuntu desktop and make your life more easy20:17
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: i already told you :) ctrl+alt+F1 to get to TTY1, log in, "sudo service lightdm stop" then chmod +x driver.run , "sudo ./driver.run"20:17
IPPhoneGuyoh my bad daftykins20:17
IPPhoneGuymissed that20:17
bashfr3aklotuspsychje lol i miss ubuntu20:18
lotuspsychjebashfr3ak: install ubuntu 14.04 you gonna be pleased :p20:19
championofcyrodiben_g sorry about that...20:21
championofcyrodithere should be 2 devices... one for speakers and one for headphones20:22
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: about what?20:22
championofcyrodisomeone in real life had a question so i just ignored you.20:22
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: oh.20:23
championofcyrodiben_g:  my headphone issue seemed to go away when i opened sound settings, and clicked 'test sound'20:25
ActionParsnipchampionofcyrodi: are you having sound issues?20:25
championofcyrodiben_g is20:25
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: Do you have any idea what might be the problem if it isn't the sound card drivers?20:25
championofcyrodii think it has to do with pulse audio and which 'output' device is being used.20:25
ben_gsorry, forgot to scroll down and missed a few lines20:25
ben_gI tried clicking test sound, but it just tells me in a very soft voice which side I clicked.20:26
championofcyrodihow many devices are listed in the 'play sound through' box20:26
championofcyrodithrough the headphones?20:26
ActionParsnipben_g: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload20:26
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: just one: the headphones20:28
ben_gActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=dfeb4334e4b0741e5e9538e952d82d5d263e40e020:28
championofcyrodiSo is your issue that your headphones don't work?20:28
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championofcyrodithe Analog Output should be your headphones (device 0) and your HDMI output is for sound going through hdmi (device 3)20:30
championofcyrodiyou want to click/highlight Analog Device in the sounds.20:30
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: the headphones do work, but the volume is extremely low (only barely hearable) even when the volume is all the way up20:30
lotuspsychjenice debug trick that alsa page20:30
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: only the analog one is present in that box, I have nothing plugged in to my HDMI port20:31
championofcyrodisilly question, but did you ensure the jack is plugged  in all the way, and the headphones work properly with another device?20:31
razor-homeI was just about to say that. Sometimes the answer is the simplest of things20:31
razor-homesome headphones have their own volume control as well.20:31
ActionParsnipBen_g: try: echo " options snd-hda-intel model=ideapad" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null , reboot to test20:31
razor-homeso maybe check that20:31
championofcyrodialso i had a weird issue with a dual boot system... in that when i muted my audio in ubuntu, it could not be unmuted in windows, even though windows reported it as un muted.20:32
ben_gYes, and I also tried rotating the plug and pulling it out and reinserting it to make sure it wasn't a bad contact20:32
championofcyrodirebooted into ubuntu, clicked unmute, then rebooted back into win7 and audio was back...20:32
championofcyrodisorry i can't be of any more help... hopefully actionparsnip can help20:33
ben_gchampionofcyrodi: That might be related: I am using dual booting, and I had a similar problem some time ago, but on windows (though moving back to linux fixed it then)20:33
ben_gActionParsnip: I've entered that. Brb, rebooting20:34
championofcyrodiben_g:  Yea I'm not sure about that bug/feature with dual booting... my guess is that ubuntu is setting some mute boolean to true on the sound card via bios... then windows can't unmute.20:34
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ben_g_I rebooted, the headphones still don't work normally20:37
pawprintwhy am i only seeing mac desktop CD iso's here:  http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/12.04.5/release/20:38
championofcyrodiben_g_: that sucks.. :(20:39
pawprintwhere can i get a CD iso of 12.04.5 for PC amd64 ?20:39
k1l_pawprint: scroll down20:39
ActionParsnipben_g_: ok, run: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , remove the line you added20:39
ActionParsnip!download | pawprint20:39
ubottupawprint: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Utopic, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:39
ben_g_ActionParsnip: ok, which line got added?20:40
ActionParsnipben_g_: the last line20:41
ben_g_ options snd-hda-intel model=ideapad?20:41
championofcyrodioptions snd-hda-intel model=ideapad20:41
ben_g_ActionParsnip: ok20:41
ActionParsnipben_g_: could try: model=laptop instead....20:43
MeXTuXHi! I want to create a custom launcher for Gitk. Don't know how to add these two command to the "exec" cd /home/user/myProject and after that gitk. Any idea?20:43
pawprintActionParsnip: thanks.. that looks like the link i want20:43
ben_g_ActionParsnip: should I add that line again then?20:43
ActionParsnipben_g_: sure, just change ideapad to laptop20:44
IPPhoneGuyso yah - that nvidia driver blew everything up :P20:44
ActionParsnipIPPhoneGuy: why not use the packaged version in nvidia-current ?20:44
daftykinsActionParsnip: because i said not to20:44
IPPhoneGuyActionParsnip: long story - essentially they suck20:45
daftykinsto solve a quirk20:45
ActionParsnipdaftykins: I see20:45
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: what happened exactly? you had purged the other driver first yeah? :)20:45
ben_g_ActionParsnip: Ok, do I have to reboot again now? (I'll also try setting the windows sound to something non-muted then)20:45
ActionParsnipben_g_: theres a command so you don't have to but I can't recall it20:45
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: yeah, then of course after that I installed it and it literally blew up X, locked up the machine on boot etc...20:45
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: that's pretty fun, was it the 64-bit .run from nvidia?20:46
ben_g_ActionParsnip: I'll just reboot then, brb20:46
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: thankfully there's nothing on this machine, I just re-rolled in and was back up and running quickly20:47
daftykinsre-what now?20:47
IPPhoneGuyrebuilt it :P20:47
daftykinsa whole clean install for a driver quirk?20:47
daftykinsthat's extreme20:48
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: sure - it took all of 3 mins :P20:48
daftykinsso what are you going to do now?20:48
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: faster than troubleshooting it20:48
daftykinsi need results, IPPhoneGuy !20:48
IPPhoneGuyI'm not quite sure quite honestly20:48
daftykinswell not if you knew how20:48
daftykinsyou could try putting on a newer driver from that nasty xorg-edgers PPA then20:48
IPPhoneGuyhaving a monitor stuck in 1080p is unacceptable :P20:48
daftykinsso, PPA or go use Windows :>20:49
lotuspsychjeIPPhoneGuy: what kind of card is this?20:49
IPPhoneGuythis is the last windows box I have :P20:49
IPPhoneGuyI'd prefer to just use linux20:49
IPPhoneGuylotuspsychje: 789 Ti20:49
IPPhoneGuy780 Ti20:49
lotuspsychjeon 14.04?20:49
daftykinslotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9543072/ lines 200+ - HDMI detects single link instead of dual20:49
adviseHello. Just got back to using Ubuntu after not using a computer for 3 years. Things have changed slightly. How do I manipulate files from a FUSE-mount (mtp device) in a terminal? I can list the files. But it claims there is no read access.20:50
lotuspsychjeIPPhoneGuy: is that an optimus card?20:50
IPPhoneGuylotuspsychje: nope20:50
IPPhoneGuyGTX 780 Ti20:51
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lotuspsychjehmm bashing-om did say something about Ti cards and some other drivers to choose20:52
daftykinsyeah we've been down this road, i say try the xorg-edgers PPA for newer than v331 as per the repo20:53
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: you done it yet? :P20:53
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: working on it20:53
daftykinsgood stuff20:53
IPPhoneGuywell i was - cant find that URL :P20:54
IPPhoneGuyyou ahve it handy again?20:54
daftykinsi wasn't the one that referred to any links20:54
daftykinsjust google for xorg-edgers ppa20:54
ben_gI've added that line in the file again unmuted the sound in windows and rebooted back to linux, and now the headphones just don't play any sound anymore20:54
ben_g(though I've tested them in windows and they seemed to work normally there)20:55
lotuspsychjedaftykins: maybe this could be handy for him: http://askubuntu.com/questions/451672/installing-and-testing-cuda-in-ubuntu-14-0420:56
ben_gActionParsnip: should I take that line out of that text file again?20:57
daftykinslotuspsychje: manual driver install? well that's what i just had said user do and it apparently ended badly :)20:57
lotuspsychjekk :p20:57
redfoxhi, I've a problem with apt-get I can't update package linux-image-gerneric and linux-generic loop on depends.20:57
jakubohi, i cannot login after installing openssh-server20:58
ikoniajakubo: whats the problem ?20:58
daftykinsjakubo: you mean... via SSH?20:58
jakubono locally20:59
ikoniajakubo: how are you trying to login, exactly20:59
jakuboi can login via ssh, but not locally anymore20:59
ikoniassh server will not impact any login process other than ssh20:59
jakubopush power button... wait and enter credentials to lightdmlogin screen20:59
ikoniaand what happens then21:00
jakubonothing. i get back to the loginscreen21:00
ikoniajakubo: so that suggests its logging you in and then dropping you back out, rather than not logging you in21:00
daftykinscheck a TTY21:00
ikoniajakubo: many reasons can impact this, such as no space on /home, read only /home, desktop config error (check xsession-errors)21:00
brainacidwas wondering how i can measure memory consumption other than using top21:02
ikoniabrainacid: measure it in what way ?21:02
brainacidtop says i have 4gb ram21:02
narthurAny idea why trying to boot a live CD on a mac would give the error "i8042: No controller found" ?21:02
brainacidwell 3.621:02
jakubo"failed to start unit user@117.service21:02
ikoniabrainacid: what do you actually want to know ?21:03
brainacidand lke 859MB free21:03
jakubois that too related to ro home?21:03
brainacidim under blackbox21:03
brainacidand wanted to know differences between lxde and blackbox usage21:03
ikoniajakubo: no idea, don't see why though21:03
brainacidikonia, i might not have a defined problem yet21:03
ikoniabrainacid: the issue is they are both modular to an extent, so it's not just one process to measure21:04
ikoniayou need to look at the collection of processes21:04
brainacidthanks ikonia i appreciate the responses21:05
ejwhat site is good for updated fixes for know issues.. im getting alot of outdates21:07
jakubohow should i proceed? any idea?21:07
ikoniaej: what do you mean21:07
ikoniajakubo: in what respect ?21:07
ejim i need a siund mixer for gnome for my card and all these fixes r outdated.21:08
jakuboto get home and have a usable desktop. as i can see the contents of home but only via ssh21:08
ikoniafixes are outdated ?21:08
ikoniajakubo: is home read only ? is there space on /home ?21:08
ejwell there for ubuntu 10.021:09
ejand under21:09
ikoniaej: so that means the fixes will already be included in later releases21:09
eji dont see 14.421:09
jakuboits a 2TB disk with a more or less fresh install. and i did not make it ro. and i can change things via ssh21:09
ikoniajakubo: did you say earlier this is a livecd ?21:09
ikoniaor did I miss-understand21:09
jakuboits not21:09
ekahi all... I have this NFS mount, but is being mounted with with a specific user owning all the files... how can I change that?21:10
ikoniajakubo: so the first 2 questions a.) does /home have space b.) is /home/$username writeable21:10
eji ihave a sony vaio  the keys for mute i and volume interfering with the mixer.21:11
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jakubohow can i check either21:11
ejok last qustion what website do i use for fixes?21:12
ikoniayou don't21:12
ejim getting alot  ..alot of info!21:12
ikoniagetting a lot of what ?21:12
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ejjust questions no answers21:12
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ejadvice no fixes21:13
ikoniaI've only seen you ask one question about your sound, which isn't really a clear question21:13
eji know im sry..21:13
ejtheres no sound mixer in alsamixer21:14
bluefox83ok, for whatever reason i can't get lightdm or gdm to start :(21:14
ejhow do install a mixer in alsamixer.. ill start there.21:15
bluefox83for whatever reason sudo service lightdm start    does not seem to work O.o21:15
ikoniainstall a mixer ?21:15
ikoniaej: you should see your sound device in alsamixer21:15
ikoniabluefox83: define "does not work"21:15
ejor build or compose or ..21:16
bluefox83nore does sudo service gdm start21:16
ejsry im new.21:16
bluefox83ikonia: sits at a black screen with a blinking cursor indefinately21:16
ikoniabluefox83: what does the logs show21:16
bluefox83and the gdm one just blinks the terminal window a couple of times21:16
ikoniawhat does your xession-errors file say21:16
bluefox83ikonia: i don't knowwhere the logs are21:16
ikoniawhy are you doing sudo gdm start ? the desktop install sets up X to start by default21:17
bluefox83ikonia: because it drops me to a terminal window instead of starting D:21:17
bluefox83and of course now i can't switch to another terminal window ...that's fun21:18
ikoniabluefox83: what did you install, ubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu ?21:19
bluefox83ikonia: ubuntu21:20
ikoniabluefox83: when you first installed it did the desktop auto start ?21:20
bluefox83but uh...for whatever reason i have to run it via the the safe mode thing, then hit resume21:20
ikoniabluefox83: when you first installed it did the desktop auto start ?21:20
bluefox83ikonia: yeah. it was working fine this morning21:20
ejis there a log file i could show u guys? to help me explain my lack of verbage?21:20
ikoniabluefox83: then what happened/what changed before it stopped working21:21
bluefox83ikonia: i dunno, i was watching clips on cnn.com this morning and my screen turned white...i cycled it to restart X but instead it shut off...21:21
bluefox83and then i left for work21:21
bluefox83i just got home, and X wont start421:22
ikoniabluefox83: so your desktop crashed at some point21:22
bluefox83ikonia: sounds like it421:22
ikoniabluefox83: so look at your .xsession-logs in your home directory and your xorg logs in /var/log21:22
bluefox83ok, i'll have to launch something like tmux before i can be in here and do that at the same time...brb21:23
bluefox83ok...lets see if i can figure out how to use tmux still...21:24
bluefox83doesn't matter, i can switch between terminals now...21:27
bluefox83ikonia: what were the two files i needed to check for errors?21:29
thxI'm running Xubuntu 14.04 on inspiron 14z and when I close my lid and reopen it, the screen stays black. Searching on google I saw information about enable light blocker, but this recipe doesn't work.21:31
thxcan someone help?21:31
bluefox83thx: you might try in #xubuntu21:32
thxbluefox: thanks21:32
bluefox83i'm really starting to get frustrated with this whole thing...getting ubuntu running on this laptop is like pulling teeth from a freaking tiger :(21:33
ActionParsnipbluefox83: wassup?21:34
bluefox83i got the type of ubuntu installer i'm supposed to use for my laptop and every time i turn around there's another problem21:34
bluefox83ActionParsnip: currently i can no longer get an X session running21:35
bluefox83no gdm or lightdm21:35
ActionParsnipbluefox83: what happened before the issue? Updates?21:35
bluefox83not a thing21:35
bluefox83i haven't updated in weeks421:35
ActionParsnipbluefox83: have you tested RAM using memtest8621:36
bluefox83i watched some clips on cnn.com and now...poof21:36
bluefox83ActionParsnip: actually memtest86 wont run :(21:36
bluefox83i'm runnning an old kernel in safe mode...which is the only way i can get ubuntu to run!21:36
bluefox83it was running fine, had everything working fine...now, for whatever reason; no X21:37
Ben64"i got the type of ubuntu installer i'm supposed to use for my laptop" <<---- what does that mean21:38
bluefox83well my samsung laptop has uefi so i got the installer for that...you know it crashes almost immediately after telling it to do anything?21:39
bluefox83i tried a few months ago to update it...but it's no-go21:39
Ben64you really should run memtest21:39
bluefox83i'm getting frustrated with ubuntu, but not sure if i really want to put the work into anything else...21:40
ejbluefox83,  di u have any audio problems?21:40
ejits worth it!21:40
bluefox83ej: i couldn't make it past "install ubuntu" in the installer to get any audio problems21:40
bluefox83i'm on like 12.04 right now, running a really old kernel in safe mode or recovery...whatever21:41
ejooh i see .. i had a hell of a time to im on a sony vaio..21:41
bluefox83tried that21:42
bluefox83it wouldn't work21:42
Ben64really, run memtest21:42
bluefox83Ben64: can i run memtest86 from terminal?21:42
bluefox83can i run it from grub? O.o21:42
compdocyou boot it21:43
MrSavagewhat's an alternative to firefox?21:43
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: sure enough - dual link dvi cable and it's working21:43
tewardMrSavage: Chrome21:43
k1l_MrSavage: chromium?21:43
bluefox83i guess i'll have to try it out then21:43
bpromptMrSavage:   chromium, google chrome, opera21:43
bluefox83be back...eventually...i guess21:43
k1l_MrSavage: just try the brwosers and see what suits you best21:43
Ben64bluefox83: with what you're describing, sounds like a hardware problem21:43
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: bam. seems like an HDMI capability issue then, did you try a 340 driver beforehand too?21:43
MrSavageah i tried apt-get install chrome and it didn't work21:44
IPPhoneGuydaftykins: I didn't get to that - was doing some work and when I grabbed the monitor box to throw it in the garbage I heard rattling, found 2 dvi's21:44
etomiottohelp-me in portuguese-brazil21:44
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:44
Pici!pt | etomiotto21:44
ubottuetomiotto: please see above21:44
daftykinsIPPhoneGuy: :D neat, thanks for the update.21:45
bpromptMrSavage:     anything wrong with firefox?  just wondering.. you can download the .deb from google's site for google chrome btw, tis about 45mbs21:45
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eji should nit be advising people.21:45
daftykinsbprompt: .deb's are bad21:45
MrSavagebprompt: i'm getting numerous loading issues after changing my router. however the ubuntu browser loads fine for the pages having issues on firefox21:45
etomiottopt-br !21:45
bpromptwell..... I find them great :)21:45
MrSavagebprompt: also the file picker sucks on firefox so hard21:46
ActionParsnipbprompt: one you install the chrome deb it will add Google's repo for you21:46
etomiottomy driver of a21:46
bpromptActionParsnip: yes.... I'm aware... could remove.. but I always download the .deb anyhow21:46
ActionParsnipbprompt: you should its a great way to add chrome to the system as well as upgrades :-)21:47
bpromptMrSavage:    the file picker.. if you mean the window to choose a file from firefox... that's provided by gtk, all firefox does is launch whatever window manager calls it21:47
MrSavagebprompt: is it possible to change that?21:48
MrSavageI find unity fine except for the horrendous file manager21:48
MrSavageand unity being generally buggy with some openGL21:48
bpromptMrSavage:    onlyb if you change the window manager I gather... afaik... firefox only launches whatever file picker the window manager gives...... though in my case it launches a gtk, which leads me to think it simply uses the gtk file window anyhow21:49
daftykinsbprompt: .deb's great? installing and never getting updated? mmm not very wise advice21:50
MrSavagebprompt: I think you can change it via the file_picker option in about:config21:50
bpromptMrSavage:    as far as the pages... could be a number of things... no necessarily the browser itself... just some configuration issue21:50
daftykinsoh just read up, sounds like it's different for chrome's .deb21:50
MrSavagebprompt: how can i fix this issue then?21:50
etomiottoI'm using google translator to talk to you21:50
MrSavageok now google chrome is hanging21:51
MrSavageon loading a page21:51
bpromptMrSavage:     well.. we have no info on what might be going on... so.. you haven't quite provided much, other than some pages don't load well or at all.... dunno offhand.21:51
MrSavagehow can i check if this is an issue with ubuntu's config or whatever?21:51
ActionParsnipdaftykins: the chrome deb adds google's repo, so you will get updates.21:51
MrSavagebprompt: i believe the packets getting lost?21:51
k1l_!br | etomiotto21:52
ubottuetomiotto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:52
etomiottoI need a atheros driver that works on ubuntu21:52
MrSavageyeah i'm losing connectivity21:53
MrSavagein both chrome and firefox21:53
MrSavageand I just received information that i requested 5 min ago21:53
bpromptMrSavage:     hmmm    well... you mention it started when you setup a new router.... so... maybe some configuration is telling the browsers to use a different network interface.. or something in the network setup changed, it looks like21:54
ejoh i got hardwhere issues.. im changing the volume up and down and not even pressing the button.!!21:56
ejsliding my fingers over keys makes a beep.21:56
ActionParsnipetomiotto: which atheros do you have!21:58
ActionParsnipeternnoir: and, what is the output of: cat /etc/issue21:59
ActionParsnipeternnoir: that answers neither of my questions....22:03
meetrican someone help me with port forwarding? i'm trying to redirect the localhost db port to be sent to a remote server22:04
Kelsey23 Free Porn for Life!. Click Here! http://tny.de/patJ222:05
Heebie1Hello.  I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and I just did an apt-get update and restarted my machine, and now my ZFS-based /home  directory is not mounting with everything else when the system starts.  Has anyone seen this?  I can't find anything online  about it.22:05
ActionParsnipeternnoir: 1) Which Atheros do you have?   2) What is the output of: cat /etc/issue      neither is answered by "yes"22:05
ActionParsnipHeebie1: can you manually mount it ok?22:06
jattHeebie1: check the logs (and dmesg)22:06
Heebie1ActionParsnip: Only from a repair shell.  Once I login to my account, it creates a new home directory for me on the / partition. It's quite annoying!22:06
Heebie1jatt: That's a good idea. :/22:07
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Heebie1jatt: There doesn't appear to be anything useful.  The only mount failure is a CIFS drive that isn't online on the network.22:10
ActionParsnipHeebie1: if you add the mount in /etcrc.local above the exit 0 line, is it ok?22:12
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Heebie1ActionParsnip: I'll have to check.  I'm guessing you mean add zfs mount <pool>/<filesystem> ?22:14
ActionParsnipHeebie1: yeah as if you were manualy mounting it22:14
arun_guys, any best DE for touch screen x86 tabs?22:14
Heebie1gack. :( I'll try it and report back! (I'm on that machine right now.)22:15
tab1293how can you view the id3 tags of audio files in the file manager?22:16
hlblyhipyI have a question regarding jackd and ardour,im using ubuntu studio 14.04.1 is this the right place22:16
tab1293without having to right click and view properties22:16
arun_guys, any best DE for touch screen x86 tabs?22:17
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k1l_arun_: they are all not really touch friendly yet22:18
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arun_k1l_: anyone better ?22:20
Heebie1Well, I know I'm able to login as the root user and manually mount it, then log into my account. :) That's a plus!22:23
k1l_arun_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/419175/is-there-a-more-touch-friendly-desktop-environment22:23
k1l_arun_: you could ask in #ubuntu-touch what the tablet state is so far.22:25
alex_lostpassso, i lost my wrapped passfile and cant find the backup22:25
alex_lostpassbut i know the PW22:25
alex_lostpassany chance to undelete it? where is the location?22:26
alex_lostpassi need my damn files...22:26
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alex_lostpassany chance to brute force the file knowing the password?22:27
KrisDouglasarun_, Gnome shell is about the most touch friendly of the interfaces, you can make most of the icons and launchers big enough in the configurations to make it quite a nice UI22:29
KrisDouglasalex_lostpass, what are you trying to achieve, I missed the start of your query?22:29
alex_lostpassi deleted my wrapper passfile, booted live linux now. trying to restore22:29
alex_lostpassis the location /home/user/.ecryptfs/ ?22:30
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k1l_KrisDouglas: arun_ same goes for unity. but i dont consider it fully touch friendly. there are still a lot of situations where you need a right-click or such which doesnt work on touch22:30
KrisDouglasRight click on touch is done with a simple long press on the screen, most systems support that by default now, unity and gnome shell included. (exactly the same as android)22:31
KrisDouglasThough as you say, unity is okay for touch screens22:31
KrisDouglasalex_lostpass, so you have an encrypted FS and you have lost the password?22:32
alex_lostpassKrisDouglas, yes. i lost the wrapped passfile (INFO: Could not find your wrapped passphrase file.)22:33
KrisDouglasalex_lostpass, (quote: help.ubuntu.com) - If you have lost your wrapped-passphrase file, and you did not record your mount passphrase, it is impossible to access your encrypted data.22:34
KrisDouglasalex_lostpass, good security design at work there I'm afraid.22:35
Heebie1Which file, in particular, is the wrapped-passphrase file?  Is there a way to get back the passphrase from that file?22:35
tnkhanhI just installed virtualbox from a tarball22:36
KrisDouglasif the file on the system has been deleted or lost for whatever reason, and it has not been backed up to a secure location, there i little chance of recovery.22:36
tnkhanhhow to run it in terminal as if I installed via apt-get22:36
KrisDouglasThe url is "/home/username/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase"22:36
alex_lostpassKrisDouglas, i cant give up. i might brute force the file. its only 32 byte22:36
k1l_tnkhanh: why didnt you use a deb file?22:36
KrisDouglasurl, sorry, I mean path22:36
KrisDouglastnkhanh, why didn't you download a native debian file?22:36
KrisDouglasooh sorry beaten to it, sorry k1l_22:36
Heebie1Thanks Kris. Sounds like something important to back up.  That was a PATHetic mistake, though. ;)22:36
alex_lostpassls: cannot access /home/alex/.ecryptfs/wra*: No such file or directory22:36
tnkhanhKrisDouglas: because I see a tarball available :-?22:37
KrisDouglasHeebie1, alex_lostpass sounds very much like you fell victim to the "if you don't have it twice you don't have it" rule. :(22:37
KrisDouglastnkhanh, it's a bit of a pain to do it that way22:38
tnkhanhKrisDouglas: I install some programs as tarballs because I see its newer version22:38
alex_lostpassKrisDouglas, im restoring an ancient backup of a server currently. it might be there (i created the key 1 year ago or so)22:38
Heebie1It's /home/.ecryptfs/<username>/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase on my system, alex_lostpass, in case you find it somewhere.22:38
tnkhanhKrisDouglas: but then I realize then I cannot run it in terminal. Help :(22:38
k1l_tnkhanh: that is the breaking point now. vbox ships deb files for ubuntu. that include services like easy starting22:39
KrisDouglastnkhanh, that doesn't really make much difference. You can still download the bang-up-to-date version in a .deb file from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:39
ActionParsniptnkhanh: not only does virtualbox have its own repo, but it is also in the default ubuntu repos, so why are you using a tarball at all?22:39
DraginWhat is the command to get glib-2.0? (I mean where is it located?) I am trying to install gtk+-3.14.6 and I need about 5 other files as well22:39
alex_lostpassHeebie1, its just a link (lrwxrwxrwx 1 alex alex    30 Apr 20  2014 .ecryptfs -> /home/.ecryptfs/alex/.ecryptfs)22:39
ActionParsniptnkhanh: sudo apt-get install virtualbox , and you are done....22:39
KrisDouglastnkhanh, i.e for the lastest version for th most recent version of Ubu: v22:39
tnkhanhActionParsnip: ehehe I'm just learning that tarball is cool :D22:39
tnkhanhoh I started with OCaml and Eclipse22:40
KrisDouglasto install a deb it's as simple as "sudo dpkg-install FILENAME.deb"22:40
tnkhanhcause the tarball is newer version22:40
tnkhanhjust a few days ago22:40
Heebie1alex_lostpass: Mine isn't it/s a file. (a very short binary one.)22:40
tnkhanhsince then I love tarballs :D22:41
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tnkhanhbut that way I can't run things from terminal22:41
tnkhanhhelp :(22:41
alex_lostpassHeebie1, i meant /home/user/.ecryptfs and /home/.ecryptfs/user/ is the same. the file should be 32 bytes consisting of 0-9 and a-z according to wiki22:41
Heebie1alex_lostpass: I can see some letters and numbers with strings, but if I simply cat it, it looks binary.22:42
KrisDouglastnkhanh, virtualbox relies on a lot of services, and the very latest bleeding-edge version won't give you much (if any) benefit from the download designed for ubuntu at their website.22:43
k1l_tnkhanh: so see where you tarballed it to.22:43
alex_lostpassHeebie1, how big is it, if i might ask?22:43
Heebie1So, is there a way to recover the cleartext passphrase from that wrapped-passphrase file?22:43
Heebie1It's 48 bytes.22:43
alex_lostpassHeebie1, i think the password you type and the file together are used to form a passphrase22:44
KrisDouglasHeebie1, it's very unlikely that the contents of that file actually contain the password, more a calculation based on it.22:44
tnkhanhKrisDouglas: k1l_ : thanks, I'm just installing it via software center now22:44
KrisDouglasOkay, I can't guarantee the software centre one is going to be the latest version, but the one on the website always is.22:45
alex_lostpassdamn. extundelete didnt find files exactly 48bytes long22:45
alex_lostpassmy last chance is that ancient backup :#(22:47
Heebie1alex_lostpass: One of the (many) reasons I use ZFS, is so that I can run back to a snapshot if I need to recover something.22:49
KrisDouglasZFS is good22:49
arun_THanks k1l_ and KrisDouglas22:49
KrisDouglasarun_, no probs :) Have a play, there's always something that can be beaten with a hammer to work for you :)22:50
ActionParsnipalex_lostpass: I suggest you review your backup regime22:50
alex_lostpassActionParsnip, yeah... i just have too many devices... 1/3 without backup 1/3 like this 1/3 multiple backups22:51
KrisDouglasActionParsnip, << what he said! If you don't have it twice, you don't have it. Daily backups at a minium for my machines. Most of my stuff is backed up on the fly to an on site, and then nightlied off-site.22:51
Heebie1I love ZFS. Right now I have point-in-time snapshots of all my data filesystems back to the beginning of November.  It works very well.22:51
Heebie1(I still backup my ZFS filesystems to other disks as well.)22:51
ActionParsnipI have a dirty cron'd rsync job to usb.22:51
alex_lostpassi still have JFS on some disks :)22:52
KrisDouglasThat is from 2 laptops, 2 tablets, a desktop and 4 servers!22:52
KrisDouglasWay too much data in my house, need to burn some! haha22:52
Heebie1ActionParsnip: Have you tried using rsnapshot?  It's very good for that type of thing.22:52
Heebie1KrisDouglas: I have a 6x8TB raidz2 array.. at about 60% capacity. (that's just at home.  at work I've got about 150 3TB spindles.. lots of data.)22:53
alex_lostpassKrisDouglas, same here, 6 androids phones, 2 androids tabs, 2 ipads, 3 laptops, 4 embedded devices, 1 htpc, 1 esxi, 1 gaming device, 1 testing device, the NAS, the routers, the 3 servers in the datacenter, the VPN vservers, ...22:54
bekksalex_lostpass: And no valuable backup?!22:54
ActionParsnipHeebie1: the crontab is about 10 years old dude, not looking to change it anytime soon ;)22:54
alex_lostpassbekks, depends. the servers are important, so they have raid-1 and daily backups22:55
alex_lostpassthe laptop here is .. well, nice to have, but i never found the time to sync him22:55
Heebie1ActionParsnip: sounds like it might be time to get some new hardware! Eek!22:55
alex_lostpassnow i downloaded some files for work on it and i really need them22:55
ActionParsnipHeebie1: why, its all fine. New pair of disks every 4 years...22:56
tnkhanhshrp_: hi22:58
kevdog_does brtfs also do snapshots?22:58
kevdog_I hear that filesystem being talked about alot22:58
daftykinsi think it's still experimental22:58
daftykinsnot sure22:58
Heebie1btrfs, I think is getting a lot of mention, because it "back ends" things like CEPH.22:58
alex_lostpassstupid question: if i cant restore my user23:01
alex_lostpasscan i at least use the system and create a new user?23:01
Heebie1alex_lostpass: Yes, you should be able to do that.23:02
arun_KrisDouglas: thanks, hey can we just modify gnome3 menu ? to our desire ?23:02
ActionParsnipalex_lostpass: not sure personally, I dont use encrypted filesystems. Too much head ache23:02
arun_just the items positions23:02
alex_lostpassHeebie1, but i have this empty path and user id. how do i "reset" it?23:03
Heebie1alex_lostpass: delete that user account and create a new one.23:03
alex_lostpassWAIT. i might have found smething in ancient backup!!!!!!!!!23:04
* Heebie1 thinks it's high time I reboot the machine to see if my ZFS /home filesystem mounts correctly this time! :/23:05
alex_lostpassError: Your kernel does not support filename encryption23:05
alex_lostpassi cant do it from this live linux. will reboot and rejoin in a sec23:06
Heebie1Good news is that my /home directory mounted and all is well! :)23:11
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daniel3_How would you connect to a wireless network using the Mac address instead of the ssid?23:14
daniel3_I am using cli, no gui.23:14
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ActionParsnipdaniel3_: wicd-cli if you install wicd and remove network manager23:17
alex_nub1Passfile alex here23:17
daniel3_I don't have wicd..23:17
alex_nub1So. I found the recovery key but cant login. Only mount data23:17
daniel3_I am just using the /etc/network/interfaces files23:17
ActionParsnipdaniel3_: that can work too23:18
Heebie1alex_nub1: Why can't you login? That doesn't make a lot of sense.23:18
alex_nub1Is the wrapped_passfile in /home/user/.ecryptfs/? What is the exact name?23:18
daniel3_Ive been googling for a little bit now and cant find the actual syntax to put in my file.23:18
alex_nub1Heebie1 ecryptfs-recover lets me mount my sruff in /tmp23:18
daniel3_I tried wpa-bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX *as mac address" but that didn't work.23:18
Heebie1alex_nub1: /home/.ecryptfs/<user>/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase23:19
EriC^^daniel3_: man nmcli23:19
alex_nub1Heebie1 ahh, i had it wrong. Will retry. Btw the key is exactly 32 bytes23:19
EriC^^daniel3_: there's an example at the bottom23:19
Heebie1good for ecryptfs-recover :)23:19
Heebie1alex_nub1: Weird that my key is 48 bytes. :/ (with some of that being binary.)23:20
daniel3_Well said.23:20
=== Joint is now known as Aaron
alex_nub1Heebie1 i hope i can just put the key there and login normally23:20
daniel3_No man pages for nmcli :)23:20
daniel3_Did I mention this is ubuntu-server?23:21
Heebie1give it a shot!23:21
arun_guys, is gnome3 in the repo?23:23
bubbasauresyes it's the gnome-shell23:23
k1l_arun_: yes. but gnome3 is only the base. unity uses gnome3 base, too. you mean gnome-shell23:23
alex_nub1Heebie1 nope. Seems i need the binary part. Need to read manual....23:24
Heebie1bummer. :/23:24
daniel3_So yeah, no man cli on my ubuntu-server installaton, Im not seeing an example at http://linux.die.net/man/1/nmcli that is related to what to put in /etc/network/interfaces23:24
arun_k1l_: yes, gnome-shell23:26
k1l_!info gnome-shell23:26
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.12.2-1ubuntu7 (utopic), package size 598 kB, installed size 4766 kB23:26
thechahow do i purge all older kernels from kli?23:29
thechak, thx, bye bye23:29
daftykinsthecha: apt-get autoremove23:30
daftykinsCLI? :>23:30
Bashing-omdaniel3_: Static or DHCP for networking ?23:30
k1l_sudo apt-get purge linux-image-.....23:30
grarHow do I make rhythmbox use my GTK+ theme? It's currently using what I assume is the default look. I didn't see anything about theming in the plugins or preferences. I'm on Xubuntu 14.04. I have clearlooks-phenix installed which includes the original clearlooks and the appropriate theming engines.23:31
username_blahblaIs this the correct channel for install issues?23:32
daniel3_I think I migght have gotten it.  How do I verify what bssid I am connected to?23:32
thechaHello username_blahbla23:32
thechahow may i help23:32
daniel3_Actually just saw it in dmesg.  I did it using wpa_supplicant.23:32
thechausername_blahbla→ what seems to be the problem23:32
username_blahblaI'm trying to create a bootable USB installer to install on a Mac Mini. Following these instructions makes something the mini can't boot from: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx23:33
thechaOh, well--23:34
username_blahblaI don't believe the problem is with the USB stick because I've tried several and non have worked. Also, I've used drives that have I've been able to boot other systems from23:34
Bashing-omdaniel3_: Maybe something like in /etc/network/interfaces : (line 1) >> auto lo , (line2) >> iface eth1 inet dhcp , (line 3) >> auto eth1 , (line 4) iface eth1 inet dhcp . Hope that helps .23:35
thechayou have to format to fat 3223:35
thechafat datasystem23:36
daniel3_bashfr3ak, I got it using stuff from this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo  I basically specified the bssid in wpa_supplicant.23:36
username_blahblaBefore the dd step?23:36
username_blahblaI figured it wouldn't matter what fs what on the stick before the dd since the dd blows it away any way. Is that wrong?23:37
Bashing-omdaniel3_: : ) .23:37
daniel3_Thanks guys.23:37
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arun_k1l_: I couldn't install gnome-shell23:41
k1l_arun_: why that?23:41
username_blahblaAha. I think I might have found something. I was partitioning with GUID partition table. Should I use MBR instead?23:42
pbxcan i get my machine to auto-set backlight brightness depending on whether AC is plugged in or not?  14.04, dell e724023:43
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alex_nub1Cant get it working23:47
alex_nub1Manual sucks23:47
username_blahblathecha: no luck. Thanks for the suggestion, though23:48
EriC^^pbx: make a file in /etc/pm/power.d23:51
EriC^^pbx: type echo number > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness23:53
EriC^^( number is between 0 and 4800 or so, check the max_brightness file in intel_backlight )23:54
EriC^^nevermind that will run every time you disconnect or connect the ac23:55
EriC^^you'll have to add a check with upower to see if it's charging or discharging23:56
teaearlgraycoldUbuntu won't display anything after changing from an AMD gpu to an NVidia one23:56
teaearlgraycoldWhat do I do to get back to the desktop so I can change the drivers23:56
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:56
ActionParsnipEriC^^: echo numbwr | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness23:57
EriC^^ActionParsnip: not needed as it runs as root there23:58
ActionParsnipEriC^^: makes sense, just good pracrice imho to stick to the same method for root and user :-)23:58

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