
shadeslayeryofel: do you have any experience making apt-cacher-ng cache custom repos? like a ppa?02:54
shadeslayeryofel: nvm, figured it out03:26
Mirvsitter: re; qtscript the packaging branch is still at 5.3.2 and requires no changes besides version bumps. if it worked before, maybe you didn't bump the build deps before or something? (s/5.3.2/5.4.0/ in debian/control would lead to 5.4.0+dfsg qtbase dependencies)04:59
bukaiGood Morning!06:59
soeegood morning07:15
sitterMirv: with the not updated branches I do absolutely nothing as jenkins enforces order ^^08:07
sittermost peculiar08:07
sitterall mitya57's fault xD08:10
sitterah yeah, I used the git version because we have a conflicting patch in launchpad08:24
sitterMirv: do you by any chance already have something to push for qtscript?08:24
Mirvsitter: well I have a local diff I can push. I'm not going to need it myself now that I can sync qtscript 5.4.0+dfsg-1 from debian experimental instead.08:32
sitterMirv: nevermind then08:32
sitterI just made a branch on debian git. good enough for now08:33
Mirvok, sounds good08:33
lordievaderGood morning.09:02
bukaiRiddell: ping09:28
Riddellhi bukai 09:29
bukai Hi, I am very confused now. I asked ovidiu-florin  for setting up wordpress he asked me to install it on some other private server what do I do?09:35
bukaiRiddell: ^^09:35
Riddellset it up on that test2 domain I made09:40
sitterand of course plasma5 isn't starting with qt5.4 anymore09:41
Riddelluh oh09:43
Riddelldoes other stuff?09:43
Riddellmost of the plasma devs use qt5.409:43
sitter            if (d.n == 0) {09:54
sitterwhy use names when you can use letters09:54
sitterbad feeling I have10:10
Riddelldlopen, I've no idea how to debug that10:19
Riddellexcept recompile everything and hope it helps10:19
Riddellbut then why would it if it's all binary compatible10:19
yofelplugin ABI mismatch?10:19
sitterthat would be very scary10:22
sitterI only switched out qt5.4 core pieces that were required to make the packaging ABI dependencies resolved10:22
sitterso either there is a problem with the ABI tracking magic or 5.4 has a BIC or a framework leaks private qt symbols through its own API10:24
sitternone of them explain why it would crash on kStoreUmask though10:24
sitterand yet rebuilding kdelibs4support fixes it10:24
sittercould be that this changed 10:28
sitterother than that kstoreUmask is a posix function operating on pod statics10:28
sitterhasn't changed in 2 years -.-10:31
sitterMirv: please add kdelibs4support to the nochange rebuild upload list10:42
sitterplasma-nm also has flaky symbols10:47
Mirvsitter: hmm, why it'd need a rebuild? it does not seem to depend on the private headers and does not depend on qtbase-abi-5-3-2 or qtdeclarative-abi-5-3-2 -> it should just work? or was it that you have some different behavior anyhow #ifdef:d in there?10:48
Mirvsitter: bug #1395651 :)10:48
ubottubug 1395651 in plasma-framework (Ubuntu) "plasma-framework needs symbols updates for Qt 5.4.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139565110:48
Mirvsitter: I'm reading the backlog..10:49
Mirvthat's quite weird + unfortunate behavior..10:49
sitteryeah, not sure how to debug it either10:50
MirvI can add a new section "rebuild for weird reasons" for now in the Qt stack document10:50
sitterMirv: sounds good10:50
Mirvwe haven't noticed such needs in the past with 5.3.0/5.3.2 migrations though10:50
sitterkf5.kded: Could not load KDED module "networkmanagement" : "Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kded_networkmanagement.so: (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5KDELibs4Support.so.5: undefined symbol: _Z20qMessageFormatString9QtMsgTypeRK18QMessageLogContextRK7QString)" (tried plugins named: ("networkmanagement", "kded_networkmanagement") )10:51
sitterthat's somewaht more interesting10:51
sitterperhaps that ultimately is why ksmserver crashes as well10:51
Mirvnotably though with 5.4.0 I haven't gotten to run unity8 yet so I wouldn't yet know if there's something evil lurking now with 5.4.010:53
sitteroh actually10:54
sitterMirv: check out the symbol retractions here https://launchpadlibrarian.net/192781773/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.plasma-framework_5.5.0%2Bgit20141216.1359%2B14.10-0ubuntu0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:55
sitterit seems a bit odd that these symbols would show up in plasma-framework at all10:55
sittershadeslayer, Riddell: one of you available right now?10:59
sittershadeslayer: please run for f in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5*.so; do echo $f; objdump -tT $f | grep "_Z20qMessageFormatString9QtMsgTypeRK18QMessageLogContextRK7QString"; done11:01
sitterMirv: core lost a symbol :O11:01
sitterhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9549433/ that's mine with 5.411:02
sittershadeslayer: see, there's another reason why we should CI qt :P11:02
Mirvsitter: right, I can see that. that's ugly indeed.11:03
Mirvthe 5.4 transition might get a bit ugly then11:05
shadeslayersitter: one would think Qt has ABI breakage checking11:05
sitterone would assume KDE has it...11:05
shadeslayerin their own CI11:05
shadeslayersitter: sure, they're called packagers11:05
sitterthe qustion is how or why a random exported symbol got to show up in kdelibs4support at all11:13
sitter./src/kdecore/kdebug.cpp:extern Q_CORE_EXPORT QString qMessageFormatString(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext & context,11:15
sitter./src/kdecore/kdebug.cpp:    return qMessageFormatString(type, context, str);11:15
sitterWHAT THE FUCK11:15
* sitter shakes head11:15
sitterMirv: there's your reason for why it broke. it's a one-time 5.4.0 rebuild ... kdelibs4support with qt<=5.3 externs a function exported but not "headered" by qtcore thus doing implicit private api usage11:17
Mirvsitter: whee... anyhow, if this is now limited to kdelibs4support the world still has hope11:18
MirvI'll keep the "weird" section of the needs-rebuilds just for that, though11:19
sitterweird sounds like an understatement now that I know why it breaks, but yeah ^^11:19
sittermhhh, running startkde in fluxbox, the only real way to start a proper plasma instance \o/11:24
Riddellsitter: dare I ask how qca is getting on?11:39
sitterI need to send a mail polling opinions though11:39
sitteractually let me do that right now before I forget again11:39
sitterRiddell: what's the new packager list?11:40
RiddellI dare say okteta will live without it11:40
Riddellsitter: what new packager list?11:40
Riddellhi Neo31!11:40
sitter :P11:40
Riddelloh, no idea what that thing is for11:40
Riddellwe get rid of one silly list and replace it with another11:40
Riddellmaybe you can give it purpose11:41
Neo31hi Riddell 11:43
Neo31how r u today11:43
RiddellNeo31: all good11:46
RiddellNeo31: are you able to do some testing for alpha 1 today?11:46
sitterRiddell: no, I decided that distro is not relevant enough :P11:48
sitterbut yeah, the new list I found  a bit weird11:48
sitterlast I followed the discussion the idea was to use release-team which seemed like a suitable place to discuss distro things11:48
sitterbut oh well11:48
Neo31not sure for tonight but probably i will get one hour at least11:57
Neo31that's in 9 hours from now, when I am setup at home11:58
Neo31Riddell, i have vivid already installed, all i need to to is apt update & upgrade then do some testing ?11:58
RiddellNeo31: nope needs full installs (can be on virtual machines or real)12:00
Riddellhi kranzer 12:00
kranzerhi Riddell 12:00
Neo31so i need to start downloading the daily iso ?12:00
kranzerRiddell: I'm starting doing task12:00
kranzerRiddell: I downloaded all stuff yesterday12:00
RiddellNeo31: yep please :)12:00
Riddellkranzer: great12:01
kranzerRiddell: I'll use Oracle Virtual box12:01
Neo31i'm on it Riddell  ;)12:01
Neo31downloading from here Riddell http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ ?12:02
kranzerRiddell: so12:03
kranzerRiddell: I just need to install it and use, don't I?12:03
Riddellkranzer: yep, install in the various different scenarios12:06
kranzerRiddell: what scenarios?12:06
Riddellmanual partitioning, full disk, resize disk, disk with lvm etc, listed on  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/328/builds/85671/testcases12:07
Riddelldon't be afraid of duplicating tests, my testing does count as I'm the release manager and testing your own stuff is always prone to failure12:07
Riddelland you can duplicate each other, the most tests the better12:08
kranzerRiddell: I can install only x86 version12:08
Riddellkranzer: no amd64 machine?12:09
kranzerRiddell: virtualbox allows only x8612:10
Riddellkranzer: that'll be the case if you have a 32 bit install yes12:11
Riddellthen concentrate on i386 and Neo31 can concentrate on amd6412:11
kranzerRiddell: could you give me link of testcases for i386?12:12
Riddellkranzer: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/12:15
macstarguys there is something wrong the ppa:kubuntu-ci/unstable .... when i manually add this to a kde4 based kubuntu 14.10 and then do a dist-upgrade and upgrade it installs only the libs but not the plasma desktop12:17
Riddellmacstar: it's for vivid only12:18
macstarriddell since when? i remember a few weeks back i ran 14.10 in vbox with the plasma next daily updates12:18
* Riddell lunches12:18
sitteryou really should not add unstable12:20
sitterat all12:20
macstarbut i am trying this in virtualbox and want to hape it as up2date as possible to do some bug reports maybe12:20
sitterunstable breaks every other day12:21
sitterso unless you know how to recover broken packages you really should use unstable-daily for testing12:21
macstarsitter so what would you recommand then?12:22
sitterwhat I just wrote12:22
macstarthat i should use unstable-daily... but i am doing this with kubuntu-ci/unstable or am i wrong?12:23
sitterthere's 3 ppas12:23
macstarthere for daily builds it only links to ci12:24
* sitter sighs12:24
macstarnow that makes sense ty sitter12:25
BluesKaj_'Morning all12:28
kranzerRiddell: one done!)12:32
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
kranzerRiddell: everything's tested13:25
kranzerRiddell: no problems at all13:25
kranzerRiddell: what should I attach to melange?13:30
Riddellkranzer: Non-English Live Session & Installation ?13:44
kranzerRiddell: I did kubuntu-desktop13:51
kranzerRiddell: not kubuntu-desktop-extra13:51
Riddellkranzer: how do you mean?13:51
kranzerRiddell: type: mandatory13:52
kranzerRiddell: like this http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/328/builds/85672/testcases/1301/results13:54
Riddellkranzer: would be great if you can do Non-English Live Session & Installation too13:55
Riddellignore Live (netbook) that's not valid any more13:56
soeecan someone givce link to isos testcases ?13:57
kranzerSo, I need to install it again, don't I?13:57
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
Riddellsoee: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/13:58
Riddellkranzer: yep13:58
kranzerRiddell: okay but first I need to do some maths13:58
soeevalorie: hiho, did you had time to work on the content for "Contribute" page ?14:00
kranzerRiddell: okay, I have installed it, and everything is ok)14:17
Riddellshadeslayer: what did I break?14:21
Riddellthis doesn't sound like me14:21
shadeslayerRiddell: kscreen branches et all14:22
shadeslayerin debian git repo14:22
shadeslayercan't merge master into kubuntu_unstable14:22
shadeslayerthat's what sitter says14:22
shadeslayerRiddell: it's holding up Debian CI :(14:22
shadeslayerI could cherry-pick the relevant commit from master14:23
shadeslayersitter: ^^14:23
sitterjust merge it14:24
shadeslayerI have conflicts14:24
shadeslayerand shitty ones at that14:24
shadeslayersitter: ok, fixed14:26
kranzerRiddell: are you here?14:31
Riddellhi kranzer 14:33
kranzerRiddell: I did non-english one14:35
Riddellkranzer: was evening in the right language after install?14:36
kranzermaybe everything?14:38
Riddellkranzer: yes, was everything in the right language after install?14:38
Riddellgreat, that's a pass14:39
kranzerRiddell: I tried russian14:39
Riddellkranzer: you can't do any amd64 tests?14:40
kranzerRiddell: no, I can't(14:40
Riddellkranzer: can you take a screenshot of the russian install? just something for melange14:41
Riddellah you added a url, I'll close it14:42
Riddellgreat, thanks14:42
kranzerRiddell: thanks)14:42
kranzerRiddell: are there other tasks?14:43
Riddellnot currently sorry14:45
Riddellmake an alpha 1 page for vivid? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/Alpha1/Kubuntu14:45
Riddellbut saying it's all plasma 5 now, woo14:46
Riddellcomplete with screenshots14:46
Riddellkbroulik: sorry I need to leave now, let me know if you want that one14:47
kbroulikI guess you meant kranzer? :D14:47
Riddellmm yes sorry14:49
* Riddell out14:50
Neo31sorry internet went down15:24
Neo31Riddell, i have the iso already, should i use the iso tracker for testing or follow other stuff?15:24
RiddellNeo31: yes please report on iso tracker15:36
Neo31ok Riddell thx15:38
* Riddell out for evening17:03
=== amichair_ is now known as amichair
mparilloRiddell: kranzer: I took a start at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/VividVervet/Alpha1/Kubuntu20:48
Riddellmparillo: ooh great20:48
SergobotRiddell: can you add a task for updating packages in repositories?20:57
SergobotRiddell: Hello :)20:59
RiddellSergobot: any package in mind?21:12
SergobotRiddell: no21:12
RiddellSergobot: calligra 2.9 beta needs doing21:12
SergobotRiddell: can you create a GCI task for it?21:13
RiddellSergobot: done21:16
Riddellwill need to wait for valorie or someone else to approve it21:16
Riddellbut you can start if you wish21:16
SergobotRiddell: okay21:17
Neo31hello Riddell 21:18
Riddellhi Neo31  how did testing go?21:18
Neo31I started testing on two Kubuntu 14.04 machines using virtualbox and i got an error related to virtualbox/kubuntu21:20
Neo31it shows a broken screen of colors when booting, then i have to hit host+F2 then host+F1 to get the graphics running correctly and proceed with the install21:21
Neo31where can I report such a bug Riddell ?21:21
Neo31one VM in doing entire disk test with updates, the other doing the same without updates (still in progress)21:22
mparilloNeo31: Could you bug be similar to: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34096621:23
ubottuKDE bug 340966 in general "Plasma 5 crashes maximizing VMware Player" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]21:23
mparilloThat is my upstream version of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+bug/136263121:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1362631 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "Enter Full Screen Mode crashes Plasma Next Desktop in Kubuntu 14.10 and Daily Build of 15.04" [Undecided,New]21:23
Riddellmparillo: 14.04lts should be 14.10 for upgrades on alpha 1 page21:25
Riddellmparillo: link to bugs is utopic one and list of bugs are utopic ones, grab the new vivid link at qa.kubuntu.co.uk21:27
Riddelland the new bugs21:27
Riddellalthough would be good to triage the utopic ones to see which apply to vivid21:27
Neo31mparillo, no i don't even have to touch anything on a virtualbox VM it crashes without maximizing anything, but if i do the workaround it shows up correctly21:29
Neo31after the workaround everything is fine on virtualbox, i can maximize and everything...21:29
Neo31so mparillo Riddell on which platform i need to search for the bug please? bugs.kde.org or where exactly ?21:32
Neo31I will add the details on reproducing it21:32
geniiHm, updates to sddm aren't seeing there has been manual changes to /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup and just wipe it out.21:34
RiddellNeo31: I really don't know it could be anywhere of X, virtualbox, kde, plasma , qt :(21:34
SergobotRiddell: should I write in changelog file vivid or utopic?21:34
yofelgenii: needs to be marked as conffile for it to do that21:36
yofelwhy's that in /usr/share anyway -.-21:37
geniiyofel: It's the only place I could reasonably find in sddm to turn off extra monitors before starting ( with xrandr)21:38
geniiIt would be easier if it honoured xinitrc or xsession settings in it's own home dir but it doesn't.21:44
yofelit's own home dir? You mean the users, or...?21:46
geniiyofel: It's own, yes. The idea here is I want to turn off screen spanning for sddm, but not for users21:49
geniiyofel: If I put the xrandr commands needed into /var/lib/sddm  .xinitrc or xsession, they are not executed21:50
Neo31Riddell, I don't know on what platform to report bugs for KDE5 and plasma21:50
yofelNeo31: plasma bugs go to bugs.kde.org21:57
RiddellSergobot: vivid21:57
yofellets see if I can get vivid+ci to crash21:59
yofelno, but that VM also has the vbox x11 driver installed22:01
Neo31thx yofel 22:02
yofelFWIW, the crash that I can reproduce is the one from kde 34096622:02
ubottuKDE bug 340966 in general "Plasma 5 crashes maximizing VMware Player" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34096622:02
mparilloyofel: Thank you. There was some confusion on the notes to that bug, but it seems to be resolved in 5.1.2 (not 5.3.2). Is that an easy way to see when that lands in Vivid?22:06
yofelgive me a minute to check whether it's the driver that matters or the fact that I have updated plasma and kscreen snapshots from CI22:11
yofelok, the driver was already installed, so it's indeed fixed in the CI snapshots22:13
yofelmparillo: should be fixed in 5.1.2 from what I see, and that's in vivid-proposed22:25
Neo31Riddell, when i'm not sure the bug is related to which product exactly should I still report it and put in on iso tracker? I think this is a major bug because we cannot proceed with vivid installation if we don't do the workaround22:29
soee_if we try OEM install and pick some custom language the live session loads with english but ubiquity (when we click to install system) uses our custom language - this should work like that ?22:35
mparilloyofel: Thank you.22:37
shadeslayeroption parsing sure is shit in all languages22:43
shadeslayerpython had shit optparsing22:43
shadeslayeras does ruby22:43
shadeslayer-r '' -w foo gets parsed as : option : r , value : -w22:43
Neo31hey guys, other than dmesg output what else do i need to report on a system startup crash GUI ?22:45
yofelhm, when exactly does it crash again?22:46

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