
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
opdopcan someone help me about rf-kill and hard blocking of wireless device?00:48
tewardopdop: hard blocking usually indicates something else is blocking00:53
tewardeither a driver incompatibility or a hardware switch00:53
opdopit happens that the wireless device is turned off at startup00:54
opdopi have to turn on via its button everytime00:55
opdopi would like to know if I can get it on at startup in some way00:55
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t43tg3hh4how do i add something to start up02:15
t43tg3hh4so does anyone know02:27
Unit193Dropping a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart/ or depending on what you need there's other ways too.02:28
t43tg3hh4i did this... sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart02:32
Unit193Not what I'm talking about, http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Autostart02:33
t43tg3hh4then added this... @python2.7 /home/supersexystudmuffin/ssokolow-quicktile-8335c0b/quicktile.py -d02:33
t43tg3hh4the first way is too difficult02:34
t43tg3hh4but my way didn't work lol02:36
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=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
t43tg3hh4there is a bug in Lubuntu, when uninstalling Transmission from the lubuntu software center it just uninstalls the gtk version and installs QT-transmission10:11
t43tg3hh4and if you uninstall QT- transmission in just reinstalls the regular Transmission10:12
t43tg3hh4if i have multiple grouped windows on the task bar how do i close all the windows at once with right clicking?10:26
Thunder2my laptop freezes durung shutdown :(10:32
Thunder2what can i do10:32
t43tg3hh4when did it start freezing10:32
Thunder2when the lubuntu logo appears10:34
t43tg3hh4omg the LXpanel in the newest Lubuntu release is outdated by about 4 years10:34
Thunder22 loading dots10:34
t43tg3hh4did it freeze before?10:34
Thunder2now shut down worked10:35
Thunder2very strange10:35
t43tg3hh4i did my magic :)10:35
Thunder2there are many bugs releated to this shutdownproblem10:36
Thunder2hopefully now it will work better10:36
t43tg3hh4Lubuntu needs to update the LXDE version it is giving LXDE a bad reputation10:38
t43tg3hh4closing multiple grouped windows on the task bar at once when right clicking is something you can do in Windows9510:45
t43tg3hh4please just make an official update the LXpanel to the newest version10:45
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=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
wxllubuntu testing needed today https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-users/2014-December/009100.html17:48
tewardwxl: no issues if this is run via VM?  (I don't have any hardware lying around, but I"m bored)17:52
wxlteward: that's how most of us do it, so yes17:52
holsteinvm testing *is* a test..17:52
tewards/hardware/spare hardware/17:52
wxlteward: in fact the notice specially mentions it17:52
holsteinit would be nice to do some on metal, but vm works17:52
tewardwxl: i'll poke entire disk install for you, lemme provision a VM up, duping my Trusty VM specs.17:52
tewardothers probably have faster ISO download speeds though >.>17:53
wxlteward: just rename some other iso and use zsync17:53
wxlthat's what i do :)17:54
wxlp.s. teward bored? you release a new nginx ppa and suddenly you're bored? :)17:54
tewardwxl: well, i have an nginx merge sitting in the sponsoring queue... waiting for xnox and the DMB to apply my nginx PPU rights so I can upload it myself...17:55
wxlahhhh that kind of bored17:55
tewardand i'm waiting on Debian to respond on the nginx BREACH not-mitigated issue17:55
teward15 minutes until downloaded apparently17:58
tewardwxl: and yes, that kind of "Stuck waiting for things to get done" bored18:01
tewardat least, until 1:45.18:01
tewardthen i'm off for my poli sci exam18:01
wxloh FUN18:01
tewardwxl: incoming link to a GIF set that shows you what i'm thinking in response to having the exam, over PM if you don't mind (not public-IRC-sane)18:02
tewardit's relatively SFW... but meh18:03
* teward yawns18:03
teward49% done18:03
Erkan_Yilmazoh, you guys are late :-( started before a 32bit desktop install of 14.10 ...18:08
tewardwell i'm working amd6418:08
tewardand ISO testing isnt usually on my radar, bug triage being my primary18:08
tewardi'm just bored from the hold on my current tasks/assignments/projects :)18:09
wxlit's only too bad i can't coerce you to play bug triage for lubuntu teward :)18:09
tewardwxl: server's my focus, right now, especially nginx because upload-rights-in-progress18:09
wxli know, i know18:09
wxljust expressing my appreciation for you and my deep sadness that i can't have you XD18:10
tewardwxl: hehehe18:11
tewardi betcha balloons wanted me to assist with ISO testing in ubuntu too, but meh.18:11
tewardlubuntu actually loads better in the VMs :)18:11
wxlyeah don't tell him nothing18:12
tewardand bug triage is a bugsquad / bugcontrol shared duty :)18:12
wxli'm on both teams myself18:12
wxlof course wait you know that :)18:12
wxli need to find more time to do it18:12
wxlwhich is why i'm looking for an assistant18:12
tewardwxl: amd64 Desktop full disk installation completed without major errors - minor issues noticed have been recorded in comments18:24
tewardnow i'm going to go beat myself with a hammer, yell at Windows for an hour, throw /dev/urandom at xnox, and go find some coffee18:24
wxlteward: thx!18:24
tewardwxl: in the comments section, i went into detail about the enviornment and the 'take note of..." items in the testcase as well18:25
teward(and yes I love details)18:26
tewardwxl: i saw you got a laugh from the gifset :)18:27
tewardwxl: your response in PM on the gifset :)18:39
tewardgrrrrr, now i have to go for exams18:39
wxlOHH that one yes :)18:39
teward<--- exuding extreme evil hatred for exams right now18:39
tewardback later18:39
wxlhave fun18:39
tewardwhen i get back i'll throw my VM at the i386 environment18:40
tewardand poke xnox on other issues :P18:40
ianorlinoh wow I think I may have found something wierd is trying to run an autoresize on a system installed with btrfs it doesn't give the install side by side option :(19:01
ianorlinit worked with ext4 yesterday19:03
wxlyeah well btrfs is a bit funky afaik19:04
ianorlinlubuntu installed with btrfs fine and I got it to boot19:05
wxldon't knwo what to say19:05
wxlbut i would suggest that's certainly an edge case19:05
ianorlinyeah I can understand if traigers mark this as low19:25
wxlwe don't have many!19:42
ianorlinok I found a way to manually get it to work but what should I mark the auto resize testcase19:47
ianorlinIt is insatlling manually now19:47
wxlyeah i think so19:47
ianorlinif I mark it fail I should note that I can get it to manually install19:48
Unit193 /wii teward19:55
tewardUnit193: ?19:57
Unit193teward: Extra space, sorry.  Was seeing what channels we share to find another one.  Poking you about a bug if someone else doesn't have the right permissions.19:58
tewardUnit193: ack20:05
tewardwxl: so far I have yet to have a failed install in my VM environments... is this unusual?20:05
teward(everything including sound works)20:05
Unit193(Bug 1302963, trying to get it tagged for trusty.)20:05
ubottubug 1302963 in parsedatetime (Ubuntu) "Calendar() class can not be initialized" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130296320:05
tewardUnit193: well, its already 'fix released', if the issue is in Trusty you should update the bug description saying it's replicated there, and get it ready with an SRU template - might want to coordinate with Noskcaj on that one20:07
* teward throws /dev/urandom at Noskcaj in the mean time, unendingly20:07
* Noskcaj waves20:08
tewardNoskcaj: Unit193 needs you to work with him on LP #1302963 - looking to tag it as Trusty20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1302963 in parsedatetime (Ubuntu) "Calendar() class can not be initialized" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130296320:09
* teward can only nominate for Trusty, can't confirm that nomination20:09
Unit193I *think* that's all I'm looking for.20:09
tewardNoskcaj: looks like it'll need an sru possibly20:10
teward(nominated for Trusty in the interim)20:10
* teward goes back to stabbing the VM20:10
tewardwxl: check: is it supposed to ask you to hit Enter or something to reboot after removing the install disk?20:11
teward(previous ones gave me that prompt, daily isn't, not sure where to report that against)20:11
teward(good news: i386 desktop install in the VM environment succeeded without bugs)20:16
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
mikhail_ i've got a question to make21:10
mikhail_ does anyone know why qbittorrent doesn't work properly on lubuntu?21:11
joppe_mine does21:11
holsteinmikhail_: no, but, share some details.. so, you *can* run qbittorrent on your machine in other desktops?21:11
holsteinits only under lxde/lubuntu that you cant use the software?21:11
mikhail_it's under lxde in 12.0421:12
mikhail_I mean it runs but when I am downloading multiple torrents it crashes21:12
holsteinmikhail_: so, it works in other desktop environments? then?21:12
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:12
mikhail_it's via ppa qbittorrent stable21:13
joppe_switch to 14.04 or 14.1021:13
joppe_my 14.10 qb is working fine21:14
mikhail_yeah but I got the impression that qbittorrent uses qt libraries and lxde uses gtk21:14
mikhail_python in exact21:14
mikhail_maybe even it's 12.04 maybe there are some outdated libtorrent-rasterbar libraries right?21:15
joppe_well im using 14.10 and everything is running fine21:17
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
mikhail_ok thanks for the info maybe I will upgrade or install 14.04 as in favor for an lts release21:20
ianorlinwxl do you know what happens when somone comments on a bug affecting them but doesn't mark it as confirmed?21:23
holsteinvery little..21:23
wxlianorlin: yeah it should be automatically marked as confirmed after 2-3 people mark it as affecting them21:30
wxlteward: no not unusual that the dailies work :)21:31
tewardwxl: looks like some of the dailies are throwing issues, judging by the iso tracker22:08
wxlteward: papercuts on edge cases, it seems.22:08
wxland i assume s/dailies/alpha1s/ ?22:09
tewardwxl: yes22:10
* teward misspoke :)22:10
* teward yawns22:10
tewardwxl: my brain is nuked by exams :/22:10
wxlhad to be suer :)22:11
* wxl slaps Unit193 22:16
* teward throws wxl into /dev/null for no apparent reason...23:30
* wxl removes teward from crontab23:39
* teward removes wxl from sudoers23:40
teward(lol not sorry!  *runs*)23:41
* wxl su's his way to root and forcibly removes teward from /etc/passwd23:41
* teward uses the serial console to access `root`, accesses the account, resets the password to a string only he knows, remounts the drive as read-only, and laughs23:43
* wxl installs windows, which naturally formats the entire drive23:45
Unit193Right, well #lubuntu-offtopic exists for a reason, if you'd like to continue to out do one another there, that'd be great.23:45
wxloh jeez, Unit193. such a party pooper. and we helped you with your bug!23:45
wxlbesides, i won. ;)23:46

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