
dpmmorning everyone07:04
dholbachgood morning08:01
dpmmorning dholbach08:03
dholbachhi dpm08:03
bkerensadpm: http://i.imgur.com/DvhghZA.png08:23
dpmwhat's that?08:25
bkerensadpm: 32 CPU 60GB Ubuntu Cloud Server folding proteins08:25
bkerensaat 100% utilization08:26
bkerensadpm: its basically the Ubuntu Orange Box 3x08:27
bkerensabut in the cloud08:27
dpmnot bad, I'm sure jcastro will be happy to hear about that08:27
czajkowskigoooood morning folks10:05
dpmhey czajkowski, happy Wednesday :)10:13
czajkowskihappy 2 days left of work this year :)10:15
bkerensaczajkowski: congrats on the couchbase gig10:26
czajkowskibkerensa: cheers10:33
czajkowskiwill be in portland this year and in mountain view every 6 weeks if you're about10:34
bkerensaczajkowski: sure ping me when you come in perhaps we could do a Ubuntu Hour10:36
czajkowskisounds good10:36
czajkowskibut does look like I may even be at Oscon this year !10:36
* popey wants to go to FOSDEM10:38
czajkowskioh the land of waffles and beer10:38
czajkowskiI'm there10:38
czajkowskibut annoying I didnt see floss metrics which starts at 2 on the friday10:38
czajkowskidont think my train gets in till later10:38
popeyhttps://www.packtpub.com/packt/offers/christmas-countdown - "Python 3 Web Development Beginner's Guide" today.10:42
popeyfree epub, mobi and pdf10:42
czajkowskioh nice10:42
* dholbach lunches11:44
czajkowskiAnyone going to http://flosscommunitymetrics.org/12:23
popeynever heard of it till now!13:08
marcoceppiczajkowski: interesting, it's the same time as fossdem, wonder if that was intentional13:12
marcoceppioh, actually, it's the night before, cool13:12
czajkowskimarcoceppi: yeah ther rae a lot of sub events around then13:58
czajkowskiconfig managment camp is the 2/3 days after13:58
marcoceppiczajkowski: yeah, we'll be at fossdem and cfgmgmtcamp for Juju, for sure13:59
czajkowskijust curious what folks use to track community/health/metrics13:59
czajkowskimarcoceppi: my other half is going to that I'm heading back on the Monday, need to head to chicago13:59
marcoceppiI'm interested as well, I'll see if we can add this to our (juju) stuff13:59
czajkowskiI swear if I get stuck in O'hare this time I'll cry13:59
jcastrohey czajkowski14:21
jcastroare you going to fosdem?14:21
czajkowskiI am14:22
jcastrohey so marco and I aren't going, but I'm sending chuck14:22
jcastrohe's pretty cool14:22
czajkowskisomething like my 12th yr14:22
czajkowskibkerensa: any suggestions of a central zip code for portland ?14:22
czajkowskiwhere tech may be located14:23
czajkowskijcastro: cool I usually camp out in the legal track14:23
czajkowskiit's pretty interesting or lighnting talk room14:23
czajkowskithey got rid of the community session this year :(14:24
czajkowskinot running the NoSQL room this yr14:24
czajkowskiwhooo new laptop arrived14:29
czajkowskimarcoceppi: http://metricsgrimoire.github.io/14:30
popeyI regret this. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxActionShow/comments/1v43gi/ubuntu_touch_wont_support_nexus_5_will_drop/ceriljm15:45
jcastropopey, hah awesome17:11
* czajkowski cannot get her head aroubd zip codes 17:24
wxlczajkowski: what's there to get your head around? :)17:25
czajkowskisearching for them17:26
czajkowskilooking for a portland one17:26
wxldo you know the address, czajkowski ?17:27
czajkowskinope see that's the issue I need to find something central to set up a meet up17:27
czajkowskiso like portland city :)17:27
wxlwell portland's a big city17:27
czajkowskiso looking for a technical area17:27
wxlwhat about free geek?17:28
czajkowskibased some in canada around University17:28
czajkowskiwhat;s that ?17:28
wxlthe loco has used it before http://www.freegeek.org/17:28
wxlit's in se which is not necessarily downtown proper but it's not far from downtown17:28
czajkowskiahhh nice17:29
wxlpioneer place (97204) is abotu as downtown as it gets but i don't know if there's much around there17:29
wxlunless you know people with office buildings17:29
wxlczajkowski: you should hit up bkerensa as he lives there and used to run the loco17:29
czajkowskiwill do17:30
wxlczajkowski: this might be useful too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam#Getting_together17:30
wxlczajkowski: if you need further help, let me know. i used to live there. a long time ago, but i'm still not too far away and i know others that are still in that neck of the oregon woods ;)17:33
czajkowskihttp://www.meetup.com/Couchbase-Portland/ :D17:34
czajkowskigetting there17:35
czajkowskithank you for your help17:35
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benonsoftwarepopey: Not long left. ;)21:04
josepopey: where's proof?21:09
joseskellat: https://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxActionShow/comments/1v43gi/ubuntu_touch_wont_support_nexus_5_will_drop/ceriljm21:26
skellatShould we see about reserving a billboard in Times Square in NYC for that?21:29
czajkowskiI'd back that!21:36
mhall119poor popey21:56
skellatI'll gladly replace my Windows Phone 8 device once a commercially available Ubuntu Touch device is available rather than performing surgery on something to make it an Ubuntu Touch device.22:02
mhall119skellat: Nexus 4 doesn't require anything other than `ubuntu-device-flash`22:27
benonsoftwareskellat: How's WP8 been for you?22:29
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm

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