
pittiGood morning04:31
pittibonjour didrocks06:53
didrocksça va pitti ?07:00
* didrocks digs into ubuntu archives about the hibernate removal discussion :p07:00
pittididrocks: ça va bien, et toi ?07:01
didrockspitti: ça va bien ! Il fait encore un peu trop nuit pour aller faire du vélo avant la pluie :)07:01
pittioui, c'est encore sombre ici aussi07:02
mlankhorstHello, world!07:34
didrockshey mlankhorst!07:37
mlankhorstca va?07:40
didrocksça va bien ! et toi ? :)07:43
mlankhorstca va :p07:43
pittihmm, did anyone try ubuntu-desktop-next? I just tried the amd64 one on my thinkpad, and I don't get very far07:47
pittiI see the "welcome to your phone" wizard coming up (using only a small part of my external screen, and only rendering halfway on the internal one)07:48
pittiI can move the mouse cursor, but that's it -- no clicking, no "continue", no changing lanugage, keyboard doesn't do anything, etc.07:48
pittiLaney: ^07:48
didrockspitti: did you try only with one monitor?07:51
didrocksI know multiple monitors are not supported yet, so maybe that's what puzzle Mir?07:51
pittionly external one would be ok too :)07:52
pittino, I didn't try yet, I'll do now07:52
didrockspitti: maybe it can't just decide between your two shiny monitors ;)07:53
pittididrocks, Laney: ok, with just the internal monitor it worked better08:03
pittithe terminal app doesn't install, though :/08:04
pitti(install button doesn't do anything)08:04
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pittianyway, I could do what I wanted on VT1 after finding out how to log in :)08:04
pittican we pretty please pre-install terminal-app?08:07
didrockspitti: that would be for Laney's seed I guess, but yeah :)08:07
didrockspitti: did you log in to sso by any chance?08:07
pittididrocks: yes, I had to08:07
pittiotherwise you can't install apps08:07
didrocksok, so termina app doesn't install? weird08:07
didrocksok, going for some cycling before the rain08:08
didrocksttyl guys :)08:08
mlankhorsthave fun08:08
mlankhorstcold cold cold08:41
Laneypitti: it's click only and we can't/don't install them09:04
Laneyand it's not "my" seed09:04
Laneyalso hi09:04
mlankhorstooh, greece spam09:24
mlankhorsthelpfully with a english translation below it09:25
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willcookedidrocks, thank you for you email re: hibernate - very interesting10:12
willcookeI agree, we shouldn't/couldn't use it10:12
didrockswillcooke: yeah, the feature is great under really specific circumstances10:18
didrocksbut not widely applicable unfortunately10:18
pittiLaney: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-glib2.0/28 regression (email notifications are still broken)12:04
pittiit also seems to have regressed deja-dup12:04
Laneypitti: blag, ok12:08
LaneyTest glib/network-monitor.test failed: Child process killed by signal 1112:09
Laneyinteresting that it worked at build time12:11
Laneylet's see12:11
pittiLaney: I can retry the glib one12:12
Laneyit's probably real12:12
Laneywell bah, it works in a chroot12:14
* Laney does the adt dance12:14
Laneyoh man, accidentally hit ctrl-c after it failed12:26
Laneyat least it did fail12:26
Laneylarsu: gdbus question13:25
LaneyIt's possible to create a GDBusProxy for any name if you give G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTOSTART isn't it?13:25
larsuLaney: you can also create it for any name if you don't pass that flag :)13:27
Laneywon't it try to start it and give an error then?13:27
LaneyI mean a name which you don't have a .service for on the system13:28
larsuright, it will error out with "no such name"13:28
ochosilarsu: not sure whether you're seeing this in unity too, but indicator sound's scale is reacting a bit odd to click-events with gtk3.1413:28
larsuLaney: but the same happens if the name doesn't exist and you pass DO_NOT_AUTOSTART13:29
Laneyrun this test program13:29
larsuochosi: indeed...13:29
ochosilarsu: ok, good to know. i was afraid it would only be in xubuntu...13:30
larsuochosi: thanks for pointing it out :)13:30
LaneyI get "yes"13:31
ochosilarsu: no worries, i guess that's the whole point of testing the gtk3.14 PPA ;)13:31
larsuLaney: not sure right now what the semantics are. The proxy definitely calls GetNameOwner(), so "g-name-owner" should be NULL for you13:35
larsuLaney: but it doesn't seem to watch the name. Strange.13:35
Laneyright I'm wondering if you need to do a test like this before using it13:35
Laneythis is coming from glib itself https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/tree/gio/gnetworkmonitornm.c#n24813:35
Laneythis code crashes if nm isn't installed13:36
larsudo you have a bt?13:36
Laneyover there ->13:36
Laneyline 222 props is NULL13:36
Laneyfrom line 26013:36
larsuit should definitely not crash, even if you call a method on a non-connected proxy13:36
LaneyI think 256 probably just wants to check the owner as well?13:37
larsuLaney: g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property_names() is documented to return NULL in some cases13:37
larsuso that code should check for that13:38
larsuLaney: not sure, let me check when this even happens13:38
Laneyand probably check for NULL there too I guess, for safety's sake13:39
larsuLaney: ah, it only returns NULL if it cannot connect to the bus at all13:39
larsuit should probably check for name-owner13:40
larsuand also for NULL in 22213:40
larsubut that won't ever be a problem I think: properties are always loaded when the name exists13:40
Laneymight as well, or an assert ...13:41
larsuthis code also doesn't deal with nm restarting13:42
larsunot sure if that is ever an issue though13:42
Laneylarsu: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74165314:02
ubot5Gnome bug 741653 in gio "gnetworkmonitornm: Check if network-manager is running" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:02
Laneysomething weird happened to the bt14:03
* Laney lunch14:07
Sweet5harksoo, people onboard UAL28 seem to be doing sightseeing over the Isle of Wright and the Channel for 2-3 hours now ... thats not exactly on the way from Heathrow to NY.14:12
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willcookedidrocks, qengho, bregma - got a familly emergency, have to cancel our meetings.  WIll catch up with you later.14:53
willcookemlankhorst, ^14:53
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mlankhorstok bb15:05
mlankhorstgood luck15:09
tkamppeterLaney, hi15:14
tkamppeterLaney, about the syncing of cups-filters, I asked OdyX already some weeks ago and there he already told me that he had started on the ippusbxd package and so I did not do the same, already done work. He told me that he will put the ippusbxd package into experimental for now, due to the Debian freeze.15:18
larsuLaney: just pushed two commits which to ~larsu/ubuntu-themes/gtk-314 which fix all button issues I was aware of15:20
larsuand updated the pad15:21
Laneytkamppeter: I see some recent commits there actually, would be nice to find out what's left to do and get it uploaded :)15:29
Laneylarsu: cool, care to make a MP?15:29
larsuLaney: sure15:30
Laneydoes anyone normally review those?15:30
larsuLaney: seb does15:31
larsuwhen I ask him too :)15:31
larsuLaney: are you subscribed to unity-control-center MRs?15:48
larsuLaney: this trivial fix would be nice-to-have: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity-control-center/primary-toolbar/+merge/24500515:49
LaneyI joined the team but it's not enough to get notifications15:50
Laneyyeah looks good, thanks15:51
larsucan you approve though?15:52
Laneytrade for a review of my glib patch15:52
Mirvis it just me having funny issue logging in vivid/lightdm today? it claims I can just "log in" (no password), but it fails to do so (obviously). if I login from tty1 and press enter in lightdm, it logs in..15:55
larsuLaney: bah, that g_free() in the middle of the function is quite ugly16:00
larsuI see why you did that though16:00
larsudesrt: do you have a strong policy for this? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74165316:01
ubot5Gnome bug 741653 in gio "gnetworkmonitornm: Check if network-manager is running" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:01
larsuman, why does _get_name_owner() even return a copy?16:01
larsuoh, threading16:01
desrtlarsu: looks like a danw bug16:02
desrt(this is where the "Dan W." problem gets extra confusing)16:02
desrtDan Williams = NetworkManager maintainer16:03
desrtDan Winship = GIO Networking maintainer16:03
larsudesrt: I asked if Laney's patch is ok for you (g_free() in the middle of the function)16:03
desrtNetworkManager issues in GIO = probably you want Dan Winship16:03
larsuthis is more a gdbusproxy issue16:04
desrtthe patch appears to be in gnetworkmonitornm.c16:04
larsuwhich I hear is maintained by you now :P16:04
larsutrue, but that part of the question was more general16:05
larsumeh, whatever. I won't accept_commit-now for this part anyway16:05
desrtimho the correct thing to do here is to create the proxy with only unique names16:05
desrtproxies on well-known names have always been a mistake in my opinion16:05
larsuand deprecate g-name-owner?16:06
desrtthe trouble is that david one thought it would be reasonable to try to support this..16:06
desrtbut seriously... what do you do when people query properties on a dead service?16:06
larsuya, clearly16:06
larsubut you could still create a proxy for a non-existent unique name16:07
larsuor the unique name you created it for disappears16:07
larsuwhy? Same problem, no?16:07
desrtthe idea is that you'd use watch_name_owner() to uncreate the proxy as soon as the name vanishes16:07
larsuof course, but you'd still need to return something from _get_properties()16:08
desrtwell, the thing is... with the unique-name-disappears case we can reasonably assume that someone will be cleaning up the mess soon16:08
desrtso we can just return the old values16:08
larsuGetProperties() call might not succeed when you first create the object16:09
desrtwith the well-known name, we need to pretend16:09
desrtlarsu: isn't GDBusProxy init failable?16:09
desrti think that's what happens in that case16:09
larsuno, it only fails when it can't connect to the bus16:09
larsuaka never16:09
desrti'm pretty sure you're wrong16:09
desrtg_dbus_proxy_new_sync() takes a GDBusConnection and returns GError16:10
larsuI checked earlier - but maybe I missed something16:10
larsuthat file is a bit convoluted16:10
desrti really hate that class16:10
desrtnever use it myself16:10
* didrocks should stop writing g_debug in systemd code…16:10
larsudeprecate it!16:10
larsudidrocks: s_debug!16:10
desrt"just use gdbusconnection, you wimps"16:10
didrockslarsu: almost, log_debug ;)16:11
larsudesrt: anyhow, is danw actively reviewing patches?16:11
desrtlarsu: trouble is that we can't really change this code to introduce new ways to fail16:11
desrtlarsu: on this sort of stuff?  yes.16:11
larsuok, I'll wait for him to comment then16:11
larsuLaney: sorry :/16:11
larsudesrt: why not?16:12
Laneyseparately, want to push https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=741259 ?16:12
ubot5Gnome bug 741259 in .General "gtkmodelmenuitem: force icon scaling" [Normal,New]16:12
* Laney will cherry-pick it for the upload16:12
larsuLaney: ah, mclasen ok'ed it. I missed that. I'll push it when I'm back home16:12
desrtlarsu: this code makes me want to cry16:13
larsudesrt: stop reading it ;)16:13
desrtbut anyway you're right16:13
desrt  if (result == NULL)16:13
desrt    {16:13
desrt      /* We just ignore if GetAll() is failing. Because this might happen16:13
desrtis gdbusproxy actually crashing, or what?16:15
desrtor just returning null strings?16:16
larsuno, gnetworkmonitornm is, because it doesn't check the return value of get_cached_properties() for NULL16:16
desrtbecause unless gdbusproxy is crashing in response to relatively innocent outside uses, i'm not inclined to change anything inside of it16:16
larsuI wonder if NULL is correct there, or if { NULL } would be better16:16
desrtright.  so we need to fix the nm code16:16
desrtNULL is better16:17
larsuthis is what Laney's patch does16:17
larsudoes it return NULL when the name disappeared, too?16:17
desrt{ NULL } means "i'm connected and i see that there are exactly 0 properties"16:17
larsuI agree16:17
larsusomething like _is_connected() might be nice to have16:17
larsuso that you don't need to make a copy of the name owner16:18
desrtyou have it.  it's called g-name-owner.16:18
desrtthis shouldn't make a copy.16:18
larsuyay threads16:18
desrtyay bad api design16:18
desrtthe proxy belongs to a particular context.  it receives all notifications through dispatches on that context16:18
desrtif you're querying it from that context (as you must) then there is no way that it can see changes from the bus while you're querying it16:19
desrtyou have to return to the mainloop16:19
desrtit's just plain old bad api16:19
larsuyou must?16:19
desrtoh please tell me you must...16:19
larsuotherwise why would it need the property_lock?16:19
desrtoh.  you not must.16:20
desrthead → desk16:20
larsuright. I had the same reaction earlier today16:20
desrtand here i am in kdbus land figuring out a way to forbid even touching the _connection_ from the wrong thread16:21
desrtand we have proxies taking locks all over the place16:21
desrti can't even imagine what horror show awaits me when i try to get gdbusproxy working on a kdbus gdbusconnection16:22
desrti particularly love how they use code locking here and not even data locking16:23
desrtlarsu: my suggestion is to slowly back away from GDBusProxy and fix things in the nm code (as the patch does).  danw is your go-to for that, though.16:24
larsudesrt: backing away from GDBusProxy towards subscribing to property change notifications manually?16:28
desrtbacking away as in typing ":q" into any relevent vim windows16:28
* desrt is having lots of fun in kdbus land this morning16:32
desrtit turns out that pretty much everything is racy16:33
larsuuh oh16:34
desrtthe cookie-based approach turns out to be kinda bad -- so we're trying futexes instead :)16:35
larsuuhm, yay!?16:35
desrtya.  i love futexes.16:36
larsuLaney: pushed the patch to bug 74125916:52
ubot5bug 741259 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Transmission hangs no matter what" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74125916:52
larsu(gnome bug)16:52
* Laney screams16:54
Laneyci traiiinnnnn16:54
didrockschoooo choooo16:55
didrocksLaney: not sure how they handle the REQUEST_ID nowdays16:57
Laneyyeah pinged in the channel16:57
didrockswaow, they reintroduced all the variable in prepare-silo?16:58
didrocksinstead of having to click in the spreadsheet, filing the REQUEST_ID and fetching the info from there?16:59
didrocks(this was still available manually in the prepare-silo-manual beforehand, but that was for emergency)16:59
Laneyright then, climbing time18:02
Laneysee you!18:02
Laneylarsu (everyone): gtk is in ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-00818:02
LaneyI think it's ready to go and will do that first thing tomorrow18:02
Laneyit's there with theme and u-c-c18:02
Laneythere's an alpha freeze so now/then doesn't matter much anyway18:02
Laneydarkxst: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fyi18:02
* Laney waves18:03
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larsuLaney: neat, thanks!18:08
LaneyI shit myself because all of the theme fixes went away18:08
Laneyluckily it had been downgraded by mistake :)18:09
* didrocks waves too18:13
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darkxstLaney, Great!20:35
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