
MrSavageGu akk02:54
MrSavageHi all02:54
MrSavageTrying out this distro02:54
MrSavageseems pretty cool, only thing bothering me is that you're using nautilus for the file manager02:55
darkxstMrSavage, nautilus is the GNOME file manager so of course we use it03:16
darkxstof course you are free to use any other filemanager if you prefer03:16
MrSavagedarkxst: how can i change the defaults to nemo?03:19
MrSavageoh well i'm going to bed03:19
indistyloI am using ubuntu 12.04, since long time Battery indicator is not showing up in gnome applet,  How can i resolve it10:13
=== hyperdrive is now known as hdrv
mgedminindistylo, remind me please, what version of gnome-shell is in 12.04?11:27
indistylomgedmin : gnome-session 3.2.111:48
amjjawadhello indistylo11:50
amjjawadwhy not try Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 or 14.04 ?11:51
indistyloamjjawad: Same issue with that, too13:03
mgedminis there a setting for hiding the battery icon?13:07
mgedminthere used to be a long time ago13:07
mgedminindistylo, if you open the gnome-shell menu on the top-right corner, does it mention a battery?13:08
indistylomgedmin: No it does not mention battery13:34
mgedminok, do you have upowerd running?13:35
mgedmindoes upower -d show information about your battery?13:35
indistylomgedmin : Check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9550604/13:44
mgedminit seems your upower thinks you don't have a battery13:45
mgedminls /sys/class/power_supply/13:46
mgedminI have AC and BAT0 there13:46
mgedmindo you?13:46
indistylomgedmin : At present while I am talking to you, My Laptop is presently running on battery and this information is not shown in upower -d13:46
indistylothe option on-battery : no13:46
indistylols /sys/class/power_supply > ACAD13:48
indistyloSo now can you help me to zero on the issue, I will be thankful to you.13:48
mgedminlooks like the kernel module is missing13:49
indistylook so how it can be curbed out13:49
mgedminI think on my laptop the battery driver is thinkpad_acpi13:51
mgedminbecause it's a thinkpad :)13:51
indistyloYou can check my kernel info http://paste.ubuntu.com/9550654/13:51
indistyloThere is ATI radeon on my Toshiba, recently i updated kernel. openGL also stopped working. I think they have withdraw the support for my series card., thinking to install "fglrx-legacy "13:53
mgedminthat doesn't really say anything useful about this problem13:53
mgedminthe laptop vendor and model might be useful13:53
indistylomgedmin : Check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9550671/13:55
mgedmina battery is not a pci device13:55
indistyloI suppose this may help you something to figure out13:55
mgedmincat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor13:57
mgedmincat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name13:57
mgedmincat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_version13:57
indistylook thanks for making me learn that13:58
indistylomgedmin, Requested info, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9550707/14:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 995794 in linux (Ubuntu) "toshiba l640 battery not detected in ubuntu 12.04" [Medium,Expired]14:01
indistylook so according to that thread this is a bug and as of now it cant be fixed. is it?14:03
mgedminwhat happens next: you click on "does this bug affect you", say yes, maybe post a comment saying "this is still a problem in ubuntu 14.10" (or whichever latest version you tested)14:04
mgedminat best the bug will be reopened and you'll get a few questions like "can you try the latest upstream kernel from this PPA and tell us if this is still a bug"14:04
mgedminand if it is "can you report this upstream following the instructions at ..."14:04
mgedminbut basically the ubuntu people aren't likely to fix the bug14:04
mgedminbecause there are many many bugs and very few paid developers14:04
mgedminand they don't have the hardware to test everything14:05
mgedminif you have the patience to follow the instructions and report upstream (which means I don't-even-know what, a mail to the linux-kernel list?  cc: to the acpi maintainer?)14:06
mgedminmaybe this'll get fixed14:06
mgedminomg the workaround at http://techinterplay.com/fix-toshiba-battery-issue-linux.html14:06
mgedminoooh https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1570714:08
ubot5bugzilla.kernel.org bug 15707 in EC "_REG evaluation required while no EC OperationRegion" [Normal,Closed: code_fix]14:08
mgedminindicates that this was supposed to be fixed some time in 2012, assuming it's really the same bug14:08
indistyloThat solution is partial one and does not solves the problem in its totality14:09
mgedminso this is supposed to be fixed in kernel 3.1114:09
mgedminand hey, you pasted uname output already :)14:09
mgedminbut then you said you also had the problem with ubuntu 14.10?  that should have a 3.16.0 kernel14:10
indistyloIt shows some error hence I might think to drop that idea to follow that thread14:10
mgedminI don't know which solution you're talking about -- using a custom DSDT?  I wouldn't do that, I'd try to get this fixed upstream14:11
indistyloYa it shows same problem, I cant figure out what the problem it is14:11
indistyloI am talking about this http://techinterplay.com/fix-toshiba-battery-issue-linux.html14:11
mgedminif I were you I'd open a new bug at bugzilla.kernel.org14:12
mgedminmention the hardware (Toshiba L640), the problem (battery not detected: ls /sys/class/power_supply lists only ACAD), the kernel version (but surely after repeating the tests on something newer than 3.2.0!)14:13
mgedminoh, and I'd attach my /var/log/dmesg14:13
mgedminmaybe mention that "this was supposed to be fixed in 3.11 according to bug 15707, so this might be a different bug"14:14
ubot5bug 15707 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "ifupdown: new changes from Debian require merging" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1570714:14
mgedminno, silly ubot5, this bug number was on bugzilla.kernel.org, not on launchpad :)14:14
indistylook I will do that, I suppose that will suffice the problem if mere reporting help the issue to solve14:19
MrSavageHi all14:22
MrSavageHi all14:36
MrSavageIs there a way to splay out all opened windows?14:36
MrSavageAlso when I use activities? Can I get an icon in the middle of the window?14:36
MrSavageIt's hard to see what's the the actual window being displayed but an icon would help me realize what it is14:37
mgedmin"splay out"?  like Expose?  press <Super> aka the Windows key14:37
mgedminwhich is what you do when you use activities, so I don't understand your first question14:37
mgedminas for icons, search in extensions.gnome.org, I think there was something that added icons to the overview window views14:37
MrSavagemgedmin: yes splay out in that manner14:40
MrSavagejust installed ubuntu gnome, trying to get used to this14:40
MrSavagethe only thing i dislike about gnome 3 is that for small windows it's hard to see14:51
MrSavageif i have a dialogue/popup, then i don't see it too well in activies14:51
MrSavageAnother thing is that I can't change the date formation, i can't make it say Decemeber 16,14:55
MrSavageluckily there's an extension for that14:56
MrSavagehow can i move the title of the window to be beside the icon?15:10
MrSavageWhen i press the <Super> key, how can I make the title of the window be beside the icon?15:17
MrSavageor at least move the title of the window?15:17
MrSavageI want to make the font bigger as well15:17
MrSavagemgedmin: would you know?15:17
mgedminthat's a job for an extension15:19
MrSavagei can't seem to find one15:21
mgedminI guess you need to write one then15:22
mgedminor find somebody to write it for you15:22
mgedminor live with the standard layout15:22
MrSavagei guess i could write it but i'm not familiar with gnome lol15:24
mgedminare you familiar with javascript?15:25
MrSavageAlso i can't seem to open backups15:25
MrSavagemgedmin: yes i worked in it before15:25
MrSavageI just don't know where these configuration files are15:25
MrSavagesuch as the files holding values for text of the windows15:26
MrSavagebeing font size, and location15:26
MrSavagedoes gnome have an api for this?15:26
mgedminhttps://github.com/GNOME/gnome-shell/tree/master/js/ui/ is the core gnome-shell code15:26
mgedminit's all done in JS15:26
mgedminyou could download the extension that adds window icons and see how it does that15:27
mgedminI see an "overview.js" but it doesn't seem to contain the code for positioning window titles15:27
MrSavagemgedmin: and am i able to publish easily or it needs to be trialed first?15:27
MrSavagemgedmin: yeah i got that extension15:27
mgedminI've never written an extension15:28
MrSavageit sounds easy enough. it's just annoying that i have to hunch over to read the window titles in activity15:28
MrSavageway too tiny to read15:28
mgedminafaics anyone can upload a new extension15:28
mgedminas far as I can see15:29
mgedmini.e. it lets me go to https://extensions.gnome.org/upload/ and asks me for a file to upload, after I log in using my gnome.org account15:29
mgedmin(which was also trivial to set up a while ago when I needed it to rate existing extensions)15:29
mgedminspeaking of font size15:29
mgedminperhaps you can change it via gnome-tweak-tool?15:30
MrSavageso gnome's UI is all in javascript?15:30
MrSavagemgedmin: i already looked15:30
mgedminor you can enable large text from the accessibility control panel15:30
mgedminor the font scaling thingy in gnome-tweak-tool15:30
mgedmin(I wonder if that's the same knob that accessibility uses?)15:30
MrSavagefuck, i set the dpi to 50 and i can't even see the whole ui15:31
MrSavageI can't see the bottom of this chat15:31
MrSavageand i'm unable to see the text bar for cahnging the DPI15:31
MrSavageI need help, i'm stuck with this15:33
mgedminhold on15:35
MrSavagewhat's the command for changing the dpi15:35
MrSavagei'll do it through tty115:35
mgedmineh, gnome 3.14 has no setting for font dpi15:35
mgedminremind me please what gnome version you have and how you changed it?15:36
mgedminin tweak-tool?15:36
mgedminyou can alt-drag windows by grabbing them in the middle15:36
MrSavagei can't see the whole window15:36
MrSavageand i tried, it won't let me drag it up15:36
mgedminand move their topmost part above the top of the screen15:36
MrSavageit's glitching out15:36
mgedminthat way you can see the bottom of a window that is too larget to fit15:36
mgedminit's a life-saver on tiny netbook screens and situations like yours15:37
MrSavageit won't go past the top of the screen15:37
MrSavageit keeps resetting15:37
mgedminwhat do you mean by "resetting"?15:37
MrSavageit just moves itself back down15:37
mgedminin a terminal try gsettings list-recursively | grep dpi15:38
mgedminor grep for the DPI value you selected15:38
mgedminfind the name of the setting15:38
mgedminthen gsettings reset org.gnome.whatever that-setting15:39
MrSavagedj@ShodanV4:~$ gsettings list-recursively | grep dpi15:39
MrSavageorg.gnome.SimpleScan text-dpi 15015:39
MrSavageorg.gnome.SimpleScan photo-dpi 30015:39
mgedminshould change it back to the default value15:39
mgedminI don't know what the setting is called, maybe not dpi15:39
mgedminas I said gnome 3.14 doesn't have a dpi setting in gnome-tweak-tool15:39
MrSavageam i gonna have to reinstall gnome...15:40
mgedminyou can reset ALL THE SETTINGS if you don't mind losing them15:40
mgedmingsettings reset-recursively15:41
mgedminhmm, it needs a schema name :/15:41
mgedmintry org.gnome.desktop.interface15:41
mgedminorg.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor is the thing for zooming text in gnome 3.14 (maybe older versions too?)15:41
MrSavagedidn't fix it15:42
mgedminI wish I knew what setting you changed15:43
mgedmincan you tell me what app you used?15:43
MrSavagei think desktop15:43
MrSavageor windows15:43
MrSavageat the bottom dpi15:43
MrSavageset that stupid thing to 5015:43
MrSavagecan't even click in firefox15:44
MrSavagedue to this buggy ass option15:44
MrSavagethis is ridiculous15:44
mgedminI'm mystified by your inability to move windows15:45
MrSavageand why wouldn't gsettings have a default all options15:45
MrSavagemgedmin: i'm able to move the terminal15:45
MrSavagebut the gsettings likes to move back15:45
MrSavagei mean the tweak tool15:45
MrSavagei'm able to move hexchat too15:45
MrSavagebut tweak tool is stubborn in staying after moving15:45
mgedminaha! the scaling factor overrides need an xsetting15:47
mgedminwhich is a thing I don't understand15:47
mgedminbut it lives in org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings15:47
mgedminso try gsettings reset org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides ?15:47
MrSavageah it's fixed15:48
MrSavagethank god15:48
MrSavagei'll upload images of the bug15:48
mgedminyes please15:48
MrSavageit also made my clicking messed up15:49
MrSavageit wouldn't click where i'm actually pointing15:49
mgedmincan you screenshot the tweak-tool setting page with the dpi setting?15:50
MrSavage@ mgedmin15:51
meetingologyMrSavage: Error: "mgedmin" is not a valid command.15:51
mgedminah, the HiDPI setting15:52
mgedminand you set it to 0.5, not 50 :)15:52
mgedminwait or did you actually set it to 50?  I don't think that would be allowed15:52
MrSavageI don't even want to touch it because of that lol15:52
MrSavageyes i set it to 5015:52
MrSavageand it messed up my desktop so badly15:52
mgedminyeah, making all the windows 50 times bigger would be unpleasant15:52
MrSavage.5 doesn't work15:52
mgedminI want to try!15:52
MrSavageregret it15:53
mgedminok, typing in "50" changes it to "2" actually15:53
mgedminand I can move gnome-tweak-tool to above the screen15:53
MrSavage2 also makes it messed up15:54
MrSavagejust tested it15:54
mgedminwell, as long as I don't let my mouse cursor touch the top, since that would make the window maximized15:54
MrSavageYeah i tried moving it by 1 mm each time15:54
MrSavagebut it would move back if i moved it up too much15:54
mgedminwhat gnome-shell version do you have?15:54
MrSavagethat setting is so buggy15:54
MrSavageit only lets me choose 1 or 2, and it makes the same buggy desktop15:54
MrSavagehow do i check my version of gnome-shell?15:55
mgedminthis is for window scaling for people who have high resolution monitors (e.g. 4K)15:55
mgedminyou don't want it15:55
mgedminyou maybe want the font scaling, which can also be set to 1.515:55
mgedminin a terminal gnome-shell --version will print it15:55
MrSavageGNOME Shell 3.12.215:56
MrSavagei installed ubuntu-gnome 4.1015:56
mgedmin14.10, yes, it comes with 3.1215:56
mgedminbut some people also enable the PPA with gnome 3.1415:57
mgedminso it's not safe to assume everyone running ubuntu-gnome 14.10 has gnome 3.1215:57
MrSavagemgedmin: I also noticed there's a problem fullscreening liveleak videos16:13
MrSavageIt's not happening now16:14
MrSavageare there problems with fullscreen applications though? Such as games?16:14
mgedmindunno, haven't played any in a while16:14
mgedminI can <f11> fullscreen a browser fine16:15
MrSavagemgedmin: I mean openGL16:15
mgedmin3d drivers are always a pain :(16:15
MrSavagethe drivers aren't the issue16:17
MrSavagei mean16:45
MrSavageMy drivers shouldn't be an issue16:45
octoquadMAE all :)16:58
octoquadCan some one tell me what "ricotz" is as mentioned here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/138681517:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1386815 in Ubuntu GNOME "gedit assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/gedit terminated" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:27
MrSavageHow can I make it so the the favourites dock gives the option to close the program there?18:37
MrSavageI'm getting a weird issues when using vim in terminal19:07
MrSavagethe commands are very delayed19:07
MrSavageWhy is there delay when using Esc?19:19
darkxstoctoquad, https://launchpad.net/~ricotz20:34
octoquadaah lol20:41
darkxstNoskcaj, gtk should land on friday, can you start preparing re-merges (and put in a ppa) clutter/mutter/gnome-shell/g-s-d/g-c-c/gnome-themes-standard?20:54
darkxstgtk is here: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-00820:55
MrSavagehow can I get shell themes?20:58
darkxstMrSavage, you will find plenty on google20:59
darkxsttheres quiet a few on deviantart20:59
octoquadMrSavage, I currently use Moka: http://mokaproject.com/21:03
MrsSavageoctoquad: is moka supposed to make the title bar darker?21:09
Noskcajdarkxst, ok21:29
MrSavagehey all21:36
octoquadhello :)21:36
MrSavageso i'm fixing up my themes21:37
MrSavagewhy don't i see window themes on gnome eye candy?21:37
MrSavageon gnome-look.org21:39
Noskcajdarkxst, should gnome-themes-standard recommend gnome-icon-theme, adwaita-icon-icon, or gnome-icon-theme | adwaita-icon-icon22:07
octoquaddarkxst, for input sources, is it normal for new input sources to be missing from the login screen, but available again after login?22:10
octoquadone more question am I suppose to be testing vivid + main ppa + staging ppa or will updates for gnome trickle in to vivid at some point?22:44
amjjawaddarkxst, good morning :) I wonder if you're around? I still can't see the images on here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/328/builds23:27
amjjawadshould we wait? or should we contact the release team darkxst ?23:27
darkxstamjjawad, contact release team23:58
darkxstNoskcaj, I think gnome-icon-theme | adwaita-icon-theme, would be ok23:59
darkxstwe are going to have to pull in adwaita-icon-theme somehow, without affecting ubuntu since they are not using it yet23:59

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