
daftykins YWH_1 reported as CTCP versioning users on join, #ubuntu04:07
daftykinslotuspsychje: just shared it :)04:07
lotuspsychjekk tnx04:07
tewardhas anyone taken a look at the CTCP-on-join issue in #ubuntu (from YWH_1 being the supposed source)04:08
daftykinsjust reported it04:09
daftykinsops tend to be dead at this time, sadly04:09
daftykinsthough they really need to fix that...04:09
chuphunyguy's around atm04:09
chuSorry, I don't have ops in #ubuntu04:09
* teward throws /dev/urandom at phunyguy04:10
* phunyguy looks up04:11
phunyguywhat am I looking at?04:11
chuApparently the user YMH_1 is being a bit of pain, I gather.04:11
phunyguydaftykins: does it appear to be scripted?04:12
tewardphunyguy: YMH_1 CTCPing on join of all users04:12
tewardconfirmed on two test accounts/connectoins04:12
tewardaffected channel is #ubuntu04:12
tewardpossibly others04:13
phunyguyhmmm... I wish I knew more about CTCP, but that user isn't in the channel04:13
tewardthey were04:13
tewardlooks like they may have left04:13
tewardi know that if you are seeking vulnerable irc clients for, say, dcc exploits, CTCP VERSION is one way to go about it04:14
tewardmight keep an eye on it going forward, though.04:14
tewardphunyguy: it gets tricky if they have two connections - one to see JOINs, one offchannel to CTCP04:15
phunyguythat could be it too04:15
tewardif i see it again on my radar I'll do some digging and let you know at least a hostmask to snipe.04:15
teward(we see this tactic in #bitcoin and #bitcoin-otc all the time by scammers who are trying to impersonate actual good-reputation traders, so it's not an uncommon tactic to see, unfortunately)04:15
teward(just sayin)04:15
chuNice guy ^04:16
phunyguyfound it04:17
phunyguytypo in the name above ;)04:17
daftykinsyay for timely resolution04:18
phunyguyyou're welcome.....04:18
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (photons,)04:43
rwwFlannel: fyi that's cholby04:46
FlannelSo, do we ban or remove or whats the protocol?04:46
rwwi'd probably ban, since it's not a throwaway account04:47
Flanneland we're sure it's him?04:48
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (photons immediate and multiple ban requests)04:56
bazhangclang replaced gcc?08:01
rwwno, that's the development tool arquebus uses for gcc :P08:02
rwwerm, for C+08:02
rwwwhich I guess is C++08:03
bazhangso arguebus is just being a wiseacre08:03
rwwnope. that's the downside of questions phrased the way sonny_ phrased theirs08:04
bazhanglike pulling teeth sometimes11:20
phunyguylol @ wiseacre... haven't heard that in YEARS.13:09
bazhangwisecracker seemed too gentle14:52
bazhangarguing wiht seveas about sudo: priceless14:57
bazhangubottu lag15:08
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag15:08
phunyguyObvious troll is obvious.15:21
rwwdodohacker (~smecin-0x@ => latest skraito sighting, keep an eye out for nonsense about "new" OSes that are actually Fedora respins17:50
k1l_wall-dora? :)17:54
rwwerm, not respins. he literally just renames the ISO file17:55
hggdhall: IRC team meeting in  4 minutes17:56
ArchZombieWho is in charge here?18:03
rwwthe Ubuntu Core Ops team. How can we help you?18:04
ArchZombieI am here to complain about abuse from one of your operators.18:04
ArchZombiek1l_ to be specific.18:04
ArchZombieWho should I talk to?18:05
rwwUs here is fine. I'm taking a look at the log of your +q in #ubuntu now, one sec18:05
Tm_TArchZombie: you can just explain the case here18:05
rwwthat works too ^18:05
ArchZombieLong story short. I had a problem, I asked a question, someone posted a "do this instead of what you're trying to do" answer multiple times, I eventually said after re-explaining my problem several times that they were a troll or noob. Then I got muted. Afterwards I had a long query with your operator, and came to the conclusion they are supportive of this.18:07
Tm_TArchZombie: naming people "troll" or "noob" isn't what we expect in our channels18:08
ArchZombie"this" being the attitude of the original person whom was not actually answering my question.18:08
ArchZombie<k1l_> its your ignorance that is just hillarious18:08
ArchZombieis not what I expect from your operators18:08
ArchZombieFurthermore, this is the plain truth of the situation. I asked him not to respond, and that was fair.18:08
Tm_TArchZombie: allright, is your complain about the mute or what k1l discussed with you in private?18:09
ArchZombieBoth the mute and query.18:10
Tm_Thmm, what you stated I see no issue you being muted though, you haven't given anything that would lean me to favour removing it18:10
ArchZombieI am complaining about the mute because the only justification for mute given in query was essentially that I was ignorant.18:10
Tm_Tif you were calling people with names I would expect you to be muted18:11
ArchZombieNonetheless, this was the reason given18:11
rwwif the query conversation is problematic, it might be beneficial if you provided a log of the query conversation18:11
ArchZombie<ArchZombie> Excuse me?18:11
ArchZombie* [k1l_] is away (not here ...)18:11
ArchZombie<k1l_> its enough of your "i am using unity but i hate unity"18:11
ArchZombie<k1l_> people tried to help you but your attitude and your responses show you dont want support you just want to stirr up the channel.18:11
rww(i.e. the whole of it, if that wasn't it)18:12
ArchZombiethat wasn't all of it no18:12
ArchZombieThe link above includes everything though18:13
rww(and as a side note that I recognize is not relevant to the current issue, I think http://www.howtogeek.com/187999/how-to-enable-local-menus-in-ubuntu-14.04/ solves your question?)18:14
ArchZombieexcept the last 3 messages anyway18:14
ArchZombieThat's great, except it doesn't do what I'm looking for. I have disabled unity plugin and enabled the compiz gtk-window-decorator plugin instead18:15
rwwah, sorry, i misread then. ignore that18:15
ArchZombieEverything works except the menu bar (file, copy/paste, about) is missing.18:15
ArchZombieI must offer a correction, it might actually be more lines missing.18:18
ArchZombieHexchat doesn't seem to be supporting copy and paste correctly...18:18
ArchZombiehttp://pastebin.com/xT0zfksE this one is definitely correct18:20
ArchZombieI take it the logs have been examined here?18:24
Tm_TArchZombie: sorry we're middle of a team meeting right now, might take some time to respond here18:25
ArchZombieAlright, I will stay in this channel for a while.18:25
Tm_TArchZombie: thanks18:25
Tm_TArchZombie: hello18:44
ArchZombieTm_T, hello.18:49
Tm_TArchZombie: if you can refrain from namecalling and try not get heated even when you don't get the answer you want then I believe the mute can be removed18:50
Tm_TArchZombie: okay as in you agree?19:02
ArchZombieYes. To that point.19:04
ArchZombieAnd what about the other issue?19:05
Tm_TArchZombie: I'll talk with k1l_ about this all if that's ok with you19:06
ArchZombieGo ahead.19:12
Tm_TArchZombie: I removed the mute, anything else we can help you with here?19:26
rwwi think he was expecting the talk to happen in public (which I'd guess it won't)19:27
Tm_Tit won't, sorry19:30
Tm_Tanyway, I need to go do other stuff ->19:30
ArchZombieI'm still a bit concerned why people are allowed to moderate the chat who don't even hold themselves to the same standard as they hold others to.19:50
IdleOneI am curious to know which standard exactly you are referring to?20:07
IdleOnemind you I haven't yet looked at your copy of the query log20:07
ArchZombieIdleOne, a standard of "decency". Since it's not okay for me to say someone is a noob, even if they deserved it *grumbles*, but regardless, how they acted in a ruder way in query.20:08
IdleOneI am reading through the log now.20:09
ArchZombieI would not be complaining if they just said I should not call someone a noob, but that was not the response I got (originally.)20:11
ArchZombieIt feels to me, that I was being muted primarily because I disliked some aspects of unity.20:12
ArchZombieOr because I simply did not agree with doing it the way they thought that I should.20:13
IdleOneI agree that k1l_ could have been a little more diplomatic, I tend to want to chalk that up to language barrier. English is not his first language. I think it would be best if you did the same and accepted that sometimes people misinterpret intent. I know that k1l_ always comes from a good place when he is trying to explain something.20:16
IdleOneas for your mute I believe you agreed to follow the ubuntu !guidelines and that it has already been removed. I suggest that when/if you return to #ubuntu you clearly explain exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish so there is no misunderstandings that could lead to future mutes20:17
IdleOneAlso, I am going on the assumption that the log you pasted is complete and accurate.20:18
IdleOneif not...20:19
ArchZombieThat is the complete log of the query, but does not include the messages in the channel.20:19
ArchZombieI was having some copy any paste issues with hexchat, where it stopped copying at the red bar for some reason20:20
IdleOneanyway, Tm_T said he would discuss this incident with k1l and you can trust that he will.20:20
ArchZombieI am not confident that this will solve anything, as it seems like a symptom of a larger problem.20:27
IdleOneArchZombie: so the mute has been removed afaict. There will not be any public floggings of ops in this channel if that is what you are waiting for. Please feel free to ask for support in #ubuntu. have a nice day.20:28
ArchZombieDo I not even receive an apology from this operator?20:29
IdleOnenot at this time at least20:29
IdleOneMistakes happen, like when you called a helper in #ubuntu a noob20:30
IdleOneWe are not asking or forcing you to issue an apology for that.20:30
rwwI note that k1l_ is not at his computer right now anyway.20:31
IdleOnethat too20:31
ArchZombieMostly I would like to see that it is made clear that it is not the job of operators to decide how to run the computers of the persons asking for support.20:35
ArchZombieI'm still not sure if the only thing that is disapproved of is that they were rude.20:35
IdleOneWhat I understood was that there was confusion about what exactly it was you are trying to accomplish.20:36
IdleOneAgain, I don't think the intent was to be rude but more of a language barrier.20:37
IdleOnePeople who speak English as a second language often don't think in English. So what they are typing in English is often a direct word for word translation of the mother tongue20:38
IdleOneIn his mother tongue it may not sound rude what he said.20:38
IdleOnejust came out sounding that way to you.20:38
ArchZombieI understand this, but it's not the rudeness that is most bothering to me.20:39
IdleOneRight, and as I said I think there was confusion about what you want to get done.20:39
IdleOneThis is why I suggested you clearly explain what it is you are seeing and what it is you expect to be seeing20:39
IdleOnescreenshots of what you see help20:40
ArchZombieYes, there might have been. But I don't think I was unclear at all that I wanted help with the components themselves.20:40
IdleOne#ubuntu is filled with people from dozen if not hundreds of countries20:40
IdleOneArchZombie: usually best to give too much detail when seeking support20:41
ArchZombieAnd I believe, what was most bothering, was that if they did not understand what I was trying to do, they should not have muted me.20:41
ArchZombieAt least not because I didn't make sense.20:41
IdleOneanother check in the confusion box20:41
IdleOneSee what I am trying to get to?20:41
IdleOneIt was all a big OOPS. There are plenty worse things in life to get riled up about :)20:42
ArchZombieWhat I am trying to say, is that no one has said that it is not ok to mute people because they are trying to do something which is difficult or even not possible.20:45
hggdhArchZombie: it is not OK to mute people because the are trying to something which is difficult or even not possible. On the other hand, it is also not OK to act like you did.20:47
ArchZombieOkay. I understand this. I am assured that the operators here are not bonkers then. Thank you very much.20:48
phunyguywell we may be a little bonkers.  ;)21:05

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