
cmaloney21 library books?02:59
brousch_LotR Fellowship of the Ring is free today https://play.google.com/store/movies/details?id=rAUJN48IHXw14:07
ColonelPanic001too many books14:27
cmaloneyToo many books14:46
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: https://plus.google.com/+thereadingroom/posts/1g9PkR81KJh14:46
jrwrenyes, 21 library books :)14:46
cmaloneywhat does that even mean?14:47
cmaloneyDId you take out 21 library books?14:47
* ColonelPanic001 sings too many boooooks14:47
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: Now you're getting it. :)14:47
ColonelPanic001My wife (then gf) once made me agree to not buy any more books unless I got rid of some to make room for them14:48
ColonelPanic001now I have a house and am no longer bound bu such dumb agreements14:48
cmaloneyI bought another bookshelf and pretty much filled it on the spot14:48
cmaloneywith more on the way because I am insane14:49
jrwrenyes. greg-g and I were talking yesterday about library use. I said "I've got at least a dozen checked out right now." so when I sat in my reading chair last night, I counted.14:51
jrwreni rarely buy books anymore.14:51
cmaloneyGood god that's a lot of books checked out.15:02
cmaloneyThough I love love love checking out books from the library and having them store them when I'm done. :)15:02
cmaloneyin the beta release15:20
cmaloneyI don't think it's been pushed to the mere masses yet.15:20
cmaloneyThat said I'm refreshing like crazy. :)15:21
ColonelPanic001I'm holding out until the FDA approves ocular implants15:22
ColonelPanic001my eyes are fairly crappy anyway15:22
cmaloneyI'd rather not15:22
cmaloneyThat's all I'd need is to have to force-quit my vision15:22
ColonelPanic001just one eye15:22
ColonelPanic001you have a spare.15:22
ColonelPanic001My left eye especially is pretty bad, not legally blind in it or anything, but not exactly sharp vision. Replacing it with a decent cybornetic replacement would be neat.15:23
brousch_Why replace an eye when you can just add a third one in between the current ones?15:23
ColonelPanic001brousch_: what, and looks weird?15:23
brousch_make it stylish like http://www.shorthairlooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Wedding-Crown-.jpg15:25
ColonelPanic001I think I might look a bit elven15:25
ColonelPanic001that strikes me as something an elf would wear15:25
brousch_See, cool, not weird15:25
ColonelPanic001I can't argue with that.15:26
ColonelPanic001You may have won me over.15:26
ColonelPanic001on the other hand, I could realize my lifelong dream of being a cyborg.15:26
brousch_good call http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130202120854/lotr/images/9/9f/Elrond_of_Rivendell.jpg15:26
brousch_A third eye wired into your skull is just as cybernetic as replacing an existing eye15:28
jrwrennow link a pic of hugo from Priscilla15:29
ColonelPanic001brousch_: seems easier to just use an existing ocular cavity15:29
ColonelPanic001I wonder if a third eye would improve depth perception significantly15:29
brousch_No way. then you are limited to the pre-existing size and ports15:30
ColonelPanic001If I were Bill Gates Rich, I would probably soon resemble a comic book villian, without all the murder (probably)15:30
ColonelPanic001invest in artificial limb R&D, then replace all mine with superior ones15:31
ColonelPanic001it would be a race against my limited human lifespan to find a way to exist in a computer15:31
brousch_That is dorky15:31
ColonelPanic001"sonochromatism" doesn't sound that useful15:32
ColonelPanic001extending visual range outside of just "visible" light does though15:32
brousch_Could let you see UV and IR15:32
ColonelPanic001yeah, but I could do that with the implant15:33
ColonelPanic001+3 per15:33
ColonelPanic001<insert Cavil's speech from Battlestar Galactica here>15:34
cmaloneymrgoodcat: around?16:20
cmaloneyreminder: CHC tonight from 8-10pm16:28
rick_h_have fun folks16:29
brousch_There's no fun without rick_h_ . It is like a funeral16:32
cmaloneyrick_h_: Offer still stands if you want me to drive up and pick you up.16:33
cmaloneyIf not we'll need to figure out when over the holiday we can jam. :)16:33
cmaloneynote: not mutually exclusive. :)16:33
rick_h_cmaloney: no way :P16:34
rick_h_yea, we should party at some point16:34
cmaloneyyeah, I need to figure out a day when we can make that happen16:37
cmaloneyStupid holidays are sneaking up on me.16:37
cmaloneyThough they're not being too terribly stealthy, but they're sure persistent16:38
mrgoodcatcmaloney: pong16:47
mrgoodcatbrousch_: sorry about our game16:47
mrgoodcati've been so busy i completely forgot about it16:48
brousch_NP. I assumed you'd died16:48
_stink_how's the afterlife16:48
mrgoodcatmuch like normal life16:48
mrgoodcatbut busier16:48
_stink_sounds terrible16:49
brousch_mrgoodcat: I've found a lot of good, active games in the tournaments16:55
mrgoodcati forfeited my tournament games too. work is super busy right now16:55
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yeah, was going to say thanks for the win. :)16:59
cmaloneyHoping things calm down for you.16:59
cmaloneyBut was more concerned you went AWOL.16:59
cmaloneyGood God, The Simpsons is 25 years old today.17:01
cmaloneythere are people who can legally drink who have no concept of a Simpsons-free world.17:02
greg-gwhoa, I was only 7? that makes sense I guess. I was about perfectly timed for it17:30
jrwrenman, that Cavil speech is a great example of why BSG is awesome.17:37
jcastrojrwren, http://www.concentratemedia.com/features/AnnArboraffordable0308.aspx19:05
jcastrogreg-g, are you home yet?19:05
jrwrenjcastro: the rent is too damned high!19:05
greg-gjcastro: yep, got home at 1:30ish Pacific19:05
jcastrogreg-g, ok, will sync next time19:05
jrwren"The middle class cannot afford to live in Ann Arbor. "    wtf does that make me?19:05
jcastroIf we knock down Michigan Stadium we could build all sorts of high rises there.19:06
greg-gaware of hyperbole19:06
greg-gthat was a hella (omg, I'm one of them now) long day. 6:50am Eastern to 4:30am the next day19:07
* cmaloney got more Go books for the holidays. :)19:07
cmaloney(Game, not language)19:07
cmaloneyThough I find humor in the Ubuntu of this channel is being replaced by Go (game and language). ;)19:08
jrwrenjcastro: this article is very interesting.19:08
jcastroI don't get the appeal of living in downtown AA proper19:16
jcastrobut whatever19:16
jcastro465k for a 100 year old house that's 50 grand somewhere else on the planet, but whatevs19:16
jrwrenjcastro: I get the appeal. You get excellent city services and you can walk everywhere.19:18
jrwrenwalking downtown from a west side house is life changing.19:18
jrwrenand I've barely experienced that.19:18
jcastrothere's tons of downtowns in the area though19:18
jcastrowith less people, less pricey19:18
jcastrothough, I doubt Plymouth is cheaper than AA19:19
jrwrennone are ann arbor.19:19
jrwrenoh, I don't know Plymouth at all.19:19
jrwrenAnn Arbor is like iPhone in the "I want the one with the most GBs" video.19:19
brousch_Hm, yes I remember walking across Ann Arbor. I was so thin back then.19:20
brousch_Ann Arbor's downtown largely lacks the seedier elements of most towns19:20
greg-gbrousch_: true19:22
greg-gI lived .7 miles from downtown/ABC area. It was amazing.19:22
greg-gbad for my liver, but good for social life :)19:22
cmaloneyYeah, if I were more social I'd really appreciate having things within more walking distance19:24
greg-gbut really, also nice for A) library B) decent food C) yoga classes D) farmers market E) everyone delivers to you F) uhh, I ran out19:28
cmaloneyI can walk to our library but it's about a mile away19:32
cmaloneyand it's across a few roads. :)19:33
jrwrencmaloney: and is it a pleasant walk? is crossing roads scary? are you going to get hit by a car?19:33
rick_h_2.6mi on the walking desk today woot! no dangerous crossings :P19:41
greg-grick_h_: #winning19:42
rick_h_and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1mSYgGN45c ftw19:43
rick_h_who knew tying shoes could be cool :)19:44
jrwrenrick_h_: that just seems convoluted.19:46
rick_h_jrwren: great fit/feel though19:46
jrwrenI'll try it someday. :)19:46
jrwrensince I don't run, I keep 'em loose and slide 'em on and off19:46
rick_h_right using it on the walking shoes for the walking day19:47
cmaloneyI always wondered what those extra holes were for20:21
cmaloneyBut I wear converse so no such luck. :)20:21
cmaloneyFamily-friendly RPGs21:07
rick_h_cmaloney: what do you use for epub on ubuntu?21:23
cmaloneyLet me check21:29
cmaloneyHonestly for most of my reading I use Google PLay Books21:30
cmaloneyBut just to see what's in there I use FBReader21:30
cmaloneyIf you find something better let me know21:30
cmaloneyMost of the ones I've seen make XPDF look great.21:31
cmaloneyYay. :)21:33

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