
Kilosmorning all05:39
Kiloshi drussell we are legal again for 2 years05:39
Kilosoh hes still sleeping05:44
bduk1More almal05:52
Kiloshi bduk1 05:53
Kilosmorning Squirm 05:54
Kiloswe missed you last night05:54
Kiloswb ThatGraemeGuy 06:06
SquirmKilos: yeah... works been hectic06:31
Squirmworked here until 16:30 and then worked at a client until about 21:0006:31
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:37
Symmetriamd0 : active raid5 sdf[5] sde[3] sdd[2] sdc[1] sdb[0]06:39
Symmetria      11720540160 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4] [UUUU_]06:39
Symmetria      [=====>...............]  recovery = 27.9% (820151512/2930135040) finish=270.7min speed=129895K/sec06:39
ThatGraemeGuyhow big is each drive?06:40
Symmetria3TB each06:41
Symmetriaonce its finished will do a speed test on it and see if this is gonna realistically or if I need to get a proper raid controller and potentially even replace those with faster drivers (its a second machine I built and I'm running iscsitarget)06:42
ThatGraemeGuyI think the bigger problem is how are you going to walk around in general06:43
ThatGraemeGuyrunning RAID5 with 3TB drives takes some seriously massive balls06:43
Symmetrialol ThatGraemeGuy well, what about this one:06:44
Symmetria./dev/md0        121T   35T   86T  29% /mirror-data06:44
Symmetriathats 3 raid-5 hardware arrays that we then concat together06:45
ThatGraemeGuygood luck with that!06:45
Symmetriait works pretty well, but mainly because I have a.) got hotspares in there as well and b.) a cupboard full of new drives to replace any failures instantly and c.) something emailing me the moment a disk dies ;p06:46
nuvolario/ oh hi06:47
nuvolariltnc Symmetria 06:48
* nuvolari tips hat06:48
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy 06:48
Kiloshi there nuvolari 06:48
Symmetriaheh am ordering 6 of these though:06:49
ThatGraemeGuySymmetria: http://www.standalone-sysadmin.com/blog/2012/08/i-come-not-to-praise-raid-5/06:50
Kilosmorning superfly 06:52
Symmetriaheh ThatGraemeGuy Im aware of things like that, the drives I have though are not standard desktop drives, they are raid edition drives06:52
Symmetriafar lower ure rates 06:52
ThatGraemeGuyyeah those are definitely worth the extra cash when you start running a lot of them in an array06:54
ThatGraemeGuyi still have 3 lowly 1.5TB rust spinners06:54
Symmetriaheh I built the new machine purely so I could have more disk space, I hit the absolute limit on my first machine with what I could do in terms of disk space07:00
Symmetriaheh, first machine has 6 internal 4TB disks and 10 USB-3 4TB disks attached to it07:00
Symmetriaand had a spare gtx680 video card and spare 32 gig of ram lying around and like 8 3TB disks that I had replaced from other things in teh past so just bought myself a new motherboard cpu case and cooler 07:01
ThatGraemeGuyok thats enough shut up now07:02
ThatGraemeGuypro tip: don't have kids :P07:02
ThatGraemeGuy(just kidding kids, daddy loves you!)07:02
Symmetriahaha dont think Im gonna have 2 much of an issue when I have kids, wifeys company is starting to do really well :)07:02
Symmetriaand Im doing ok for myself :P07:03
Symmetriawanna buy one of these:07:11
superflyhi Kilos07:19
superflymorning ThatGraemeGuy, Symmetria, nuvolari, Squirm, bduk107:19
bduk1hi superfly 07:20
ThatGraemeGuyhi fly07:31
Squirmsuperfly: when are we grabbing a coffee somewhere?08:27
nuvolarioh hi superfly08:32
superflySquirm: any time (sortof)08:33
superflySquirm: I've got next week and the week after off, can do something sometime then08:33
SquirmCool. Maybe early next week at some point - Will be busy Christmas and after08:44
* nuvolari prods Squirm09:13
nuvolarineed to try some squash too09:13
Squirmnuvolari: when you find us a cheap but decent court ;)09:15
SquirmI didn't have time to check out Bergvliet09:16
drussellKilos: congrats on being legal.09:44
Kiloscool ty drussell 09:44
Kilosthank heavens its only every 2 years09:45
charlgood morning09:48
charlMaaz: coffee on09:48
* Maaz puts the kettle on09:48
Kiloshi charl 09:48
Kilosgreet before ordering cyber coffee09:48
Kilosoh you did09:48
charlhi Kilos 09:49
charlhow are you this fine morning ?09:49
Kilosim good ty and you?09:49
KilosMaaz: coffee please09:49
MaazKilos: Done09:49
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!09:52
KilosMaaz: gracias09:52
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!09:52
charlMaaz: danke09:53
charlKilos: i'm also good !09:53
charli was tired for a couple of days but am feeling much better now after some good sleep09:53
ThatGraemeGuywhat are people using for dynamic dns nowadays? DynDNS started charging a while ago and I'm a cheapskate13:57
KilosMaaz: google free alternative to DynDNS14:31
MaazKilos: "The Best Free Alternatives to DynDNS - Lifehacker" http://lifehacker.com/the-best-free-alternatives-to-dyndns-1561556205 :: "DynDNS Alternatives -- No-IP Dynamic DNS (DDNS)" http://www.noip.com/blog/2014/04/24/dyn-dns-integrated-api-alternatives/ :: "Dyn Alternatives and Similar Software - AlternativeTo.net" http://alternativeto.net/software/dyndns/ ::14:31
Maaz"Looking for a DynDNS alternative? Try DuckDNS! - Roy Tanck" http://www.roytanck.com/2014/05/…14:31
KilosThatGraemeGuy: ^^14:32
ThatGraemeGuyI don't care what google says, I could've done that14:49
ThatGraemeGuybut thanks for the thought :)14:50
Kiloslol no man its just to keep the bot happy , otherwise he strikes14:53
Kilosif you dont use him now and again one day he'll tell you I'm not your bitch14:54
inetprogood mornings15:02
inetprooh shucks Kilos, who ate my time?15:02
Kiloslol sorry inetpro evening15:06
Kilossjoe! jy G+ baie ne15:30
Kiloswhew, not just that green stuff kids dont like15:34
inetproKilos: uh?15:41
inetpro"jy G+ baie ne"?15:42
Kiloslol did you buy one of those tvs?15:44
inetprowhat tvs?15:44
Kilosai! in there somewhere man15:45
inetpronee meneer, geen nuwe tv hier nie, weet nie waarvan jy praat nie en ek post nie so baie nie15:47
Kilossomewhere in that link is a link about being scared of the new tv. i thought you wouldnt go for that15:48
Kiloscurved screen15:48
Kilosyou wasting my data man15:49
Kilosi should have asked those okes for a ubuntu fone last night15:50
Kilossjoe found it http://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/im-terrified-my-new-tv-why-im-scared-turn-thing15:58
Kilosis that other peeps in your circles stuff that show inetpro or do you kinda retweet it15:59
inetprothat was written by Michael Price man16:00
* inetpro just posted it for interest sake like I do with many articles16:00
inetproto tell you to be careful about the TV spying on you16:01
Kilosim looking at apt-fast now16:06
Kilosbut cant copy/paste from there. what am i doing wrong16:06
Kiloshi my magespawn 16:06
magespawnhello Kilos 16:07
Kilosmagespawn: we need to go back to last nights meeting and ask for ubuntu fones16:07
Kilosi think i could enjoy that kinda fone16:08
Kilosmaybe put kde on it too16:08
inetproI still have my doubts whether it really is all stable yet16:09
Kilosi have lots of clever guys here to ask for help16:09
Kilosinetpro: do you use apt-fast?16:10
Kilosok ty i wont install it then16:11
Kilosinteresting though16:11
Kiloshi Private_User 16:11
* inetpro didn't say that you should not install it16:11
Kilosyou didnt come to the meeting grrr16:11
Kilosif you dont use it inetpro thats good enough for me16:12
Kilosmy internet is faster than yours anyway16:12
Kilosmaybe i must save up for a d-157 modemthen squeeze telkom a bit16:13
Kilosthat one can do 23mB/s16:14
Kilosor mb. i forget16:14
Kilosya must be mb/s16:14
Kilosinetpro: you worked it out yet?16:24
KilosIn Kubuntu 12.04 you could choose the default components for various services under System Settings | Default Applications. If someone would want to set the Opera Browser as his default browser where would one do it with release 14.04 of Kubuntu?16:24
Kilosmine works but dunno what i did16:25
inetprouh... I don't use Opera...16:25
Kiloswhy you have that in the G+ thing then16:26
Kilosty i enjoyed reading all that stuff, even though it ate data16:27
inetproKUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS still has System Settings | Default Applications16:27
Kilosi make it default easy by removing firefox16:29
inetproai! You read old stuff!?16:30
Kilosi read it all16:30
Kilosvery lekker16:30
Kilosno wonder you always busy16:30
* Kilos ducks16:31
inetproI think I posted that to help you nogal16:31
inetprodid you read the comments?16:31
Kilosduh! then that was dumb16:32
Kilosyou know i do everything from here16:32
KilosG+ is for modern peeps16:32
Kilosuncapped peeps16:33
inetprowhat I really like about G+ is that you get proper results when searching about historic postings, unlike facebook and twitter who still haven't figures how to search properly16:36
magespawnwell they have built there service on being able to do that16:40
magespawnmaybe it si just not a priority for the othere16:40
Kilosthe thing last night was fine G+ only show text posts16:49
magespawnhow did you manage that?16:50
Kilosi dunno16:51
Kiloswhere peeps said we are legal again and the congrats  and stuff16:51
Kiloslemme see if opera remembered16:51
Kilosthat i dont mind using16:54
magespawndinner time17:34
KilosMaaz: forget re-verification17:35
MaazKilos: Done17:35
magespawnwe could have him remember it for next time17:44
Kilosoh ok17:45
Kilosoh my17:45
Kilosnow he lost the link17:45
KilosMaaz: re-verification17:46
MaazKilos: What?17:46
Kilostwit bot, you mustnt always listen to me17:46
KilosMaaz: re-verification17:49
Kilosmaybe i wont be here17:51
Kilosohi ThatGraemeGuy 17:52
magespawnback agaain18:01
Kilosyou reboot?18:02
magespawnpc froze on me18:15
magespawnit does that sometimes when i have too many windows open in firefox18:25
Kilosor buntu18:47
Kilosjust for interest sake install the latest opera and see if it also causes pc freeze under same conditions18:53
KilosMaaz: google latest opera-browser for ubuntu18:53
MaazKilos: "Opera for computers - Opera Software" http://www.opera.com/computer/linux :: "Download Opera browser - Opera Software" http://www.opera.com/download :: "Opera 12.16 for Linux x86-64 - Opera Web Browser | Faster & safer ..." http://www.opera.com/download/guide/?os=linux :: "Download - Opera Web Browser | Faster & safer | Download the new ..."18:53
Maazhttp://www.opera.com/download/linux/ :: "OperaBrowser - Community Help Wiki - Official Ubuntu Documentat…18:53
Kilosthe new one is even better than the old one18:54
magespawni will have a look in a second18:56
Kiloswhats specs pc you using?18:59
magespawnold as in 1.7 512 ram19:01
Kilosopera is lighter so might be better19:02
Kilos512 ram is min19:02
Tonberrymy phone has more than that19:05
theblazehenTonberry: same, 2GB here...19:06
theblazehenI almost feel like giving my old netbook away to him..19:06
magespawnahh but does it have a full size screen?19:08
magespawntheblazehen: any donations are most welcome, that is how i got this machine19:08
magespawnthe wife is using the newest machine, because of studying through unisa and using pastel she has to have windows19:09
theblazehenmagespawn: 1024x60019:10
theblazehenMight wanna get a USB GPU though..19:10
theblazehenIn terms of graphics an old celeron 600MHz easily beats the atom19:10
theblazehenLike 7 FPS extra in that Linux lemmings game19:11
theblazehenMinetest with minimum graphics is 3-20 FPS19:11
magespawndo not use much in the way graphics, i hardly play games on the laptop, that is for work only19:11
magespawni have desktops at home for that19:12
theblazehenBut I assume you watch video at least...19:12
magespawnsometimes not very often19:13
magespawnit seems to handle youtube okay19:14
theblazehen Mine can't handle 480p mp4s in vlc...19:15
theblazehenAt least not action scenes, or when a scene changes 19:15
theblazehenBut I think you can hook a GPU up to it19:17
theblazehenRemove the sdcard slot, and use a pcie riser, or something19:17
magespawntheblazehen: the one i am on now is not the netbook19:28
theblazehenmagespawn: yeah, just saying about my netbooks performance19:29
theblazehenIt sucked real bad running it in a multi monitor setup...19:29
theblazehenHi captine 19:37
Kiloshi captine 19:37
magespawnahh right, understood theblazehen 19:37
theblazehenmagespawn: just wondering: what netbook do you have? Which processor/GPU?19:38
magespawnnot sure let me check19:38
captinehi all19:41
magespawnhi captine19:41
magespawnthat one theblazehen 19:41
captinejust finished installing openmediavault on a machine.  anyone used it?  really neat web interface for nas setup19:41
theblazehenmagespawn: mine seems a little better, are you running Linux on yours? Does that atom also use GMA3600 graphics?19:43
theblazehencaptine: never used, just run my own on Ubuntu server19:43
magespawni am running lubuntu, no idea, how do i check?19:43
theblazehenHmm.. "lsmod | grep GMA" what does that show?19:44
theblazehenMight need sudo19:44
theblazehenGrep -i gma *19:44
magespawnlet me see19:47
magespawnfirst one does nothing19:49
magespawneven with sudo19:49
magespawnthe last does "grep: Desktop: Is a directory" , for Documents, Downloads etc19:50
theblazehenSorry, meant the star as a correction :/19:53
theblazehenmagespawn: "lsmod | grep -i GMs"19:54
theblazehengma * not GMs19:54
theblazehen"lsmod | grep -i gma"19:55
theblazehenAutocorrect ...19:55
magespawnstill nothing19:57
magespawneven with sudo19:57
theblazehenCan you get the driver like from http://askubuntu.com/questions/23238/how-can-i-find-what-video-driver-is-in-use-on-my-system ty19:59
theblazehenTop answer19:59
theblazehenSorry for all the trouble..19:59
magespawnwill do, but i have to go now they want to lock the office20:00
theblazehenAlright no problem20:00
magespawngood night all20:00
inetpromagespawn: when the desktop freezes try CTRL+F1 then login on the CLI and kill the firefox process20:01
inetproeish... missed him20:01
Kiloshi nlsthzn 20:01
inetprooops... CTRL+ALT+F120:01
theblazeheninetpro: you get that on newest Firefox?20:02
Kiloswhat does that do inetpro ?20:02
theblazehenOh, and hi..20:02
Kilossame as f3 and f220:02
theblazehenKilos: same as your f3 thing20:02
theblazehenGoes up to 6, 7 is graphical20:02
theblazehenCan get more if you want20:02
Kilosi like that if you can remember things and have internet you can fix lots20:03
Kiloswb nlsthzn wassup you20:03
Kilosbad connection again?20:03
nlsthznhi, sorry was configuring quasel20:04
theblazehenI'm off, cya all.20:04
theblazehennlsthzn: good choice20:04
Kiloscheers theblazehen 20:04
Kilosyou quassel peeps walk around with your noses in the air20:05
Kilosohi superfly 20:05
inetproreboots are very seldom able to address the real problem20:05
Kiloslol it kills the freeze and the fox20:06
nlsthznso all are well>?20:06
superflyhi Kilos20:06
nlsthznand yes uncle Kilos, using Kubuntu ;)20:07
Kilosyeah we good ty nlsthzn and you?20:07
Kiloswell done20:07
theblazeheninetpro: yeah, kill -9 will fix it... Right?!20:07
Kilosnlsthzn: look at konversation20:07
inetprofirst is to identify the relevant process that causes the hang and then take it from there20:07
Kilosyou can configure it lekker to even bloep20:07
nlsthznI also enjoy konversation... installed it but decided to try quassel again20:08
nlsthznso does quassel20:08
theblazeheninetpro: well, indirectly, init spawns the process that will hang.. Kill -9 120:08
theblazehenYeah, I get what you saying20:08
Kiloswow i battled with quassel to get the bloep then went konversation and stayed20:09
Kiloscan do ctrl+r to underline 20:09
nlsthznwell I am glad it works well for you uncle Kilos :)20:09
Kilosai! wat ai! jy nou weer20:09
Kilosthis 14.04 kde is kinda bullet proof20:10
theblazehenKilos: I think me :)20:11
Kilostheblazehen: you what?20:12
Kilosoh the ai!20:12
Kilosrofl too20:12
* Kilos bumps head on the bed20:12
Kilosnlsthzn: i cant do the membership thing man20:13
nlsthznyou can't or you do not want?20:13
Kilosno i was reading there somewhere20:14
Kiloswhats the word when you do or give stuff20:15
Kilosi done none20:15
Kilosi can fill in there why i think i deserve it\20:15
nlsthznwell uncle Kilos I believe you missunderstand what itmeans to contribute... but I am going to go for a quick sleep, tomorrow I will convincve you otherwise ;)20:15
nlsthzngood nigth all20:16
Kilossleep tight and dont break kde20:16
inetprogood nght nlsthzn20:17
captinetheblazehen, i was trying that, but i kept breaking my ubuntu server when trying new things etc... this tool has nice gui and plugins for plexmedia server etc20:28
Kilosnight all you strong ones20:29
Kilossleep tight20:29
superflywho all was interested in the site?21:36
superflyinetpro: ?21:36
superflyMaaz: tell magespawn http://ubuntuza.snyman.capetown/21:37
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell magespawn on freenode21:37
superflyMaaz: tell nlsthzn http://ubuntuza.snyman.capetown/21:37
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell nlsthzn on freenode21:37
superflyinetpro: ^^21:37
superflyjust a start21:37
inetprosuperfly: now how about hosting the files on github?21:38
* superfly vomits in his mout21:38
superflyhow about we do things the Ubuntu way and use Launchpad?21:38
inetprono problemo21:39
inetprois bzr even alive still?21:39
* inetpro just thought it could be nice to have it in a repo of some sort21:41
inetprothen anyone who wants to update the site is forced to learn the basic pull and push commands from where you can update to the server if you're happy21:43
inetprojust an idea21:44
inetprorephrase: just another crazy idea21:45
superflyinetpro: totally, just not with git21:49
inetprosuperfly: haha, sorry to spoil your appetite 21:53
* inetpro didn't realise that he didn't like git after all this time21:53
superflyI could rant about it, but I won't.21:54

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