
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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hatchuiteam still need 2 for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/683 thx14:50
hatchuiteam ok now I just need a qa14:51
rick_h_hatch: try to get Makyo to qa please14:51
hatchI need a wall of clocks to know when people get in every day14:52
kadams54hatch: I can also QA.14:52
hatchkadams54: thanks14:52
hatch new startup idea - company that doesn't do timezones14:52
kadams54hatch: isn't Makyo in your timezone? ;-)14:52
hatchkadams54: only part of the year :)14:52
hatchbut I don't know which part lol14:52
kadams54Gah! You don't do DST?14:52
hatchnope GMT-6 year round14:53
hatchit's dark when we go to work and come home from work so DST wouldn't help haha14:53
hatchkadams54: downside is we can't say we forgot about the tz change and skip the first hour of work for a week14:54
kadams54I hate DST, so more power to ya.14:55
hatchdoes anyone know how to get `bzr grep` to have colour output like `git grep` ?14:56
rick_h_bzr grep | grep 14:57
rick_h_my grep has color14:57
hatchpipe the grep to grep?14:59
rick_h_grep has color :)15:00
hatchohh functional charm tests15:12
hatchyou take so long15:12
hatchrick_h_: when you ran the functional charm tests did you get a few which had the following error: skipped 'admin secret was not found'15:39
rick_h_hatch: don't reca;; check with frankban please otp15:40
frankbanhatch: looking15:40
hatchthe env it's deploying to is aws if that matters15:41
frankbanhatch: ok so the charm skips tests requiring authentication if the environment you use to run the tests does not have an admin-secret defined in ~/.juju/environments.yaml15:42
hatchdoh! I wrote this config manually15:43
hatchso I missed that15:43
frankbanhatch: this can be improved instructing the charm to retrieve the password from the jenv file, but there where no jenv files at the time those tests where initially written15:43
hatchI guess I'll need to restart this now15:43
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hatchok I've got the changes to the charm made and the tests/lint pass16:43
kadams54hatch: just +1'd https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/68316:43
hatchkadams54: thanks16:44
hatchfrankban: so now that I have these changes made and committed how do I get it up for review without lbox? :)16:44
hatchpush to my 'branch' and make a merge on LP?16:44
frankbanhatch: you can propose it in launchpad16:45
frankbanhatch: against lp:~juju-gui/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk16:46
frankbanhatch: reviewers should run make unittest and make lint since that's what usually lbox run 16:46
hatchok thanks16:47
hatchfrankban: this done properly? https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/charms/trusty/juju-gui/hide-login-button/+merge/24513716:48
frankbanhatch: the target should be lp:~juju-gui/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk16:49
hatchtrying again https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/charms/trusty/juju-gui/hide-login-button/+merge/24513816:50
frankbanhatch: better :-) just set a commit message and a description please16:51
hatchuiteam lf review and qa on my guicharm changes https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/charms/trusty/juju-gui/hide-login-button/+merge/24513816:54
hatchMakyo: should I move the bundle yaml card into coding with your head on it?16:56
Makyohatch, I don't think they should be separate cards.  One card per branch is my preference.16:57
hatchcool, updated your card and deleted the old one16:57
hatchback to queue eh!17:08
hatch^ british canadian version of qa17:11
hatchthere is a weird bug in the guicharm where if you change the source before it's deployed it'll fail to build the source17:16
hatchbut it appears to be random as to when the bug happens17:16
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frankbanhatch: never encountered that17:43
hatchafter logging in using the latest charm and gui I get an http auth popup?17:44
hatchhttps://admin:<the admin secret>@
hatchbecause of this request17:45
hatchany ideas?17:45
hatchhmm the code that's generating that icon path is definitely not right17:47
frankbanhatch: why it isn't?17:49
frankbanhatch: and shouldn't the user in basic http auth be user-admin rather than just admin?17:49
hatchfrankban: well it needs to be able to make the request without the extra http auth17:49
frankbanhatch: you are requesting the local charm icon from juju-core, and that requires auth17:50
hatchso I don't recall any of that code being changed17:50
frankbanhatch: perhaps I am wrong, but the user there should be user-admin. could you try? maybe Makyo can help with the user stuff in the GUI17:51
hatchoh maybe that was changed with the login stuff17:52
hatchif it's supposed to be user-admin17:52
hatchthat's somewhere to start17:52
hatchfrankban: yes it's that it should be user-admin18:01
hatchfrankban: so for all users should it be prefixed with 'user-' ?18:01
hatchor only admin18:01
frankbanhatch: cool, all users18:01
frankbandone for the day, good night all!18:02
hatchnight frankban 18:02
hatchit's interesting how the terminal and sublime are using the same fonts at the same size but they look completely different19:44
hatchwe should find some time to go through the entire test suit and remove the foo.should.equal() stuff 19:59
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hatchuiteam lf 2x review and a qa for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/68421:03
hatchok here is to hoping that's all the bugs heh21:04
hatchuiteam I also still need one qa on https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/charms/trusty/juju-gui/hide-login-button/+merge/24513821:04
hatchguicharm change21:05
hatchI think that that's all the gui bugs21:30
hatchbesides the ones we already know about it seems pretty stable21:30
hatchupdate your gits https://github.com/blog/1938-vulnerability-announced-update-your-git-clients21:31
hatchanyone use an apple 'magicpad' with ubuntu? It seems to fail the sync22:36
hatchbleh I had to install blueman - apparently the default ubuntu bluetooth software is no good22:44

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