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tsdgeosMirv: did you get time to rebuild the packages?08:19
tsdgeosah you did08:19
tsdgeosdidn't read my emails yet08:19
Mirvtsdgeos: yeah, so no crash anymore, unity8 runs, but just black screen. bug #140375808:20
ubot5bug 1403758 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 shows black screen with Qt 5.4.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140375808:20
tsdgeoswell i guess it's progress08:20
Mirvyes I can like completely use it via adb shell :)08:20
tsdgeosk will give it a try and see why i can find stuff is black08:21
tsdgeosyesterday it was very funny since at the same time i was complaining about how gles was broken there was a discussion about that patch itself :D08:21
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tsdgeosinteresting unity8 needs stuff from universe11:51
tsdgeosi thoought it was all main alrady11:51
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om26erSaviq, hey! will Manage Dash have search in it ?13:40
cwayne_i really wish renderers could be result-specific instead of category specific :/14:06
mzanettiom26er: it's already there in the code, but design wanted to deactivate it for now14:10
om26ermzanetti, strange, search would have helped in long lists14:11
cwayne_do we expect the store button on the manage dash to ever take you to a scopes department or anything like that?14:16
cwayne_it seems weird to have a bunch of apps listed, would kind of expect scopes14:16
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mzanetticwayne_: not sure I understand what you mean14:31
mzanettiah, now I do14:32
mzanettihm... fair point.14:32
mzanettidunno about the plans14:32
cwayne_im pretty sure its not in the plans, just wishing :)14:34
tsdgeosom26er: there's no "scopes deparment" afaik14:45
tsdgeosand i think people are against it since they don't want to promote stuff as being a scope or not, but as doing something (i.e. accessing twitter) or not14:46
tsdgeosbut i can be totally wrong :D14:46
om26ercwayne_, that one for you ^14:46
cwayne_tsdgeos, that is a fair point, it just seems odd that in manage dash it gives you a special button to download apps that won't show up there14:52
tsdgeoscwayne_: agreed14:52
om26ermzanetti, btw are we not using the bottom edge component from the uitoolkit ?15:56
om26erthe animation with which 'Manage Dash' comes up is different from whats in the apps15:56
mzanettiom26er: no, I don't think we're using that16:03
om26erwould have helped with a consistent experience16:05
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