
lazyPowerdesignated: he does, he's UK based - so timezone offeset00:57
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tvansteenburghdpb1: bundletester 0.4.4 up on pypi16:18
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tvansteenburghjose: ping17:06
noise][hi, i'm having a problem where a previously working local juju environment suddenly won't bootstrap anymore18:21
noise][getting: "start: Job is already running: juju-agent-bret-local18:21
noise][Bootstrap failed, destroying environment"18:21
noise][but no juju procs running, nothing in lxc-ls18:21
marcoceppinoise][: have you tried `juju destroy-environment --force local`18:23
noise][marcoceppi: yes, i started with a running env, destroyed it to start clean w/that command, then it failed to bootstrap18:24
marcoceppinoise][: what dose `sudo initctl list | grep juju` show?18:24
noise][marcoceppi: juju-agent-bret-local start/running18:25
marcoceppinoise][: do this, `sudo stop juju-agent-bret-local`18:25
marcoceppinoise][: then `sudo rm -f /etc/init/juju-agent-bret-local.conf`18:25
marcoceppithen try to bootstrap18:25
noise][marcoceppi: that worked, thanks for the quick help!18:26
marcoceppinoise][: no worries, I'm working on a "juju local provider power plugin" which will make these weird edge cases easier to detect and fix in the future18:27
noise][excellent :)18:27
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