
skellatwxl: If a person is a member of a LoCo group they are by reference members of pad.lv/~ubuntu-etherpad00:04
skellats/a LoCo Group/Not Canonical/g00:07
skellatActually it is right both ways00:07
skellatIf you are part of a LoCo team on LP or part of Not Canonical on LP you're indirectly part of ~ubuntu-etherpad without further action00:08
* wxl wonders if he should join not canonical or if that's a bad political move ;)00:08
* wxl ducks00:08
skellatMeh: https://launchpad.net/~skellat/+participation00:09
wxloh hey lyz is a member00:09
wxlif lyz is in, i'm all over it XD00:09
popeyI think i made that team00:09
popeyand was the first person to leave it ☻00:09
skellatThe amount of things I have indirect membership in these days by dint of LoCo Council membership is growing00:11
skellatAnd that is disturbing00:11
* skellat goes to run listadmin00:12
popeylaunchpad just times out when I visit https://launchpad.net/~popey/+participation00:12
skellatpopey: It tells me I am forbidden from seeing that page00:12
popeyah well00:13
josewell, lp may have its reasons ;)01:09
elfyjose: it will have :)01:10
elfyfrankly  while it's not perfect - because nothing is - it works for me with the little bit I do01:10
elfyif people who use LP daily constantly see a need for change - then I would try and work with that - but I WOULD stand behind them01:11
elfythem being the ones who *really* need to use it01:12
elfyskellat: I just timeout trying to see popey ...01:12
elfymight be deliberate :D01:12
pleia2wxl: hah, popey gave the team to me when he joined Canonical, sneaky guy01:44
pleia2it's been kind of fun to see who has joined/left over the years, often times it's the way I learn that they've left01:45
belkinsaThere was a point why I posted it as blog post, to get more readers outside the mailing-list.  I guess that was a bad move.01:46
pleia2belkinsa: I wouldn't call it "bad" - you can share as you like, it just isn't very helpful if you want discussion on the mailing list01:46
belkinsaRight, right.  I think I lost my train of thought there.01:47
belkinsaWhen posting the thread.01:47
elfybelkinsa: I think the thing from where I stand is - blog alone is bad :)01:48
* belkinsa nods01:48
elfyand I'm reminded to mail you if nothing else :)01:48
elfybelkinsa: I very rarely even do more than skim read blog posts01:49
elfyof course I'm not all :)01:49
elfyif I read more than the headline you've won - or lost01:49
pleia2maybe if you title the blog post "Launchpad is terrible, you'll be a astonished when you find out how"01:52
benonsoftware(Just read belkinsa's post about LP) Not sure if I imagine it or not but I thought LP was placed into "Maintaince Only" mode a while back? :)02:01
pleia2that's the other thing, discussion becomes fragmented between blog comments, mailing list, now IRC ;)02:02
pleia2benonsoftware: yep, afaik it still is02:02
pleia2it's been a discussion point on the ubuntu-community-team mailing list02:03
benonsoftwareAh, I'm glad I didn't imagine it then. :)02:03
elfynope - no imaging benonsoftware :)02:04
* pleia2 passes elfy some warm milk02:04
pleia2isn't it the middle of the night there?02:04
elfymilk !!!02:19
elfyoh wait ...02:19
benonsoftwareI've just been looking at the LeadershipActions pad and would be willing to help with the last set of work items. Is there anything stopping someone helping with those ones?02:27
elfybenonsoftware: the thing is what we need02:27
elfyis not people adding a name because no-one has - but adding a name because foo thinks it is important02:28
benonsoftwareAh, okay02:28
elfyI would rather have a bunch of blanks - and a bunch of names who'll follow through02:29
pleia2benonsoftware follows through \o/ add your name :D02:29
elfybenonsoftware: you know me - you know how I think :)02:29
elfypleia2: yep :)02:29
* benonsoftware nods02:30
elfybenonsoftware: I would love you to do so - I would just want you to to do so when you know what's needed and know you can help02:30
elfyand I know you CAN help :)02:31
benonsoftwareYep :)02:31
benonsoftwareI'll start to think about them and how I can help with them.02:34
elfybenonsoftware: that's cool :)02:36
elfybenonsoftware: UBT had a bunch of "I'll do that's" doesn't work unless you follow uo :)02:36
elfythat is something  that I really don't want now02:38
elfyso - if you see something you can do and will do - add your name :)02:38
benonsoftwareSure thing02:38
elfyit really is better to have 1 thing actually be looked at and dealt with than myths imho02:39
elfyyou know how I look at things, if you can remember, nothing has changed ;)02:43
dholbachgood morning07:07
dholbachhey dpm - how are you doing? can you take a look at lp:~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/1403818? also, what's your opinion on bug 1404137?08:18
ubot2`bug 1404137 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Create stop-gap page for /zh-cn/community" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140413708:18
dpmmorning dholbach08:18
dpmdholbach, which pages are linking to the zh-cn/community page?08:20
dholbachwherever we say "if you have problems, get in touch with someone else"08:20
dpmdholbach, ok08:21
dpmdholbach, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/1403818/+merge/245121 approved08:21
dpmdholbach, I think this week might be a bit challenging to find someone to write the page in Chinese, it seems XiaoGuo and some other folks are traveling08:22
dholbachdpm, that's why I made this bug just for a stop-gap measure - for now I think it'd be even OK to just drop the English page in there08:23
dholbachbetter than "add content here" :)08:23
dholbachdpm, it also looks like changing the /publish IA broke a couple of links from myapps08:31
dholbachI pinged the myapps team about it08:31
dpmdholbach, I think we can set up redirects for that in the meantime. I saw mhall119 was setting some up without IS intervention, but I don't know how to do it myself08:32
dholbachI don't know either08:32
dpmdholbach, sent e-mail about the community page08:36
* dholbach goes back to fixing links and 作用域 occurrences08:46
dholbachdpm, https://developer.ubuntu.com/zh-cn/apps/qml/tutorials/writing-qml-acceptance-tests/ also has no content - shall I put the English content in there as a placeholder?08:53
dpmdholbach, no, we decided to not translate that page for now, as it's not essential. I'd rather not have mixed content unless the page is essential. The only English content that we should put in there until the pages are translated is the HTML5 section08:54
dholbachshall I remove a link to it from elsewhere?08:54
dholbachit's linked to from https://developer.ubuntu.com/zh-cn/apps/qml/tutorials/08:55
dpmdholbach, good point, yes please08:55
dholbachI'll see if it's linked from elsewhere as well08:55
dpmdholbach, here is an example of an essential page that could not be translated in time. I added a note in Chinese mentioning that it'll be translated soon: http://developer.ubuntu.com/zh-cn/publish/web/packaging/08:56
dholbachah ok, yep I saw that earlier08:56
mhall119dpm: dholbach: to make a redirect create a new page with the original slug, then in advanced settings set the redirect URL13:14
dpmmhall119, ah, nice, thanks!13:14
dholbachah ok13:14
dholbachgood to know13:14
mhall119un-tick the "in menu" circle in the pages list13:14
mhall119dpm: FYI, picture uploading on the blog is fixed13:24
dpmmhall119, awesome, thanks! What was it in the end?13:25
czajkowskiattempting to get to inbox 0 is proving very difficult today13:52
mhall119dpm: the ckeditor setup Zinnia used was trying to do some post-upload processing of the image and was corrupting it13:52
czajkowskilast day of work and have a shiny new laptop I've yet to play with :(13:52
mhall119dpm: so there was a file in the right place in the Swift bucket, but it wasn't a valid image file13:52
popeyczajkowski: close email client, that's equivalent to inbox 0 for me ㋛13:53
popeyI can't see it, therefore it doesn't exist.13:53
popeyThis is why I like having two browser profiles, one for home, one for work. When I'm not at work I close the work tab and at that point work doesn't exist.13:53
czajkowskipopey: oh how I wish :(13:53
czajkowskiI have yet to download new Ubuntu to make usb for X113:54
czajkowskineed to get through as many requests for January done this week and off to mountain view 2nd week so trying to get as much done today so I'm not online over xmas13:54
czajkowskiI can see me being online... :(13:54
dpmdholbach, mhall119, I've got a call that conflicts with the community team Q&A, so I can probably only join 20 or 30 minutes in. Would you mind starting the hangout?15:35
dholbachI totally forgot about it15:38
dholbachsure, starting15:39
dpmthanks dholbach15:42
dholbachubuntuonair.com is updated15:43
dholbachI'll inform Twitter and FB15:43
dholbachcan somebody do G+?15:43
* dpm hugs dholbach15:43
dpmI can15:43
silverlionhey there15:44
czajkowskiregarding UoA is the code for the page somewher on LP ?  like how you have the page and G+ just work so nicely plus the irc channel ?15:45
dpmczajkowski, jose might know15:47
dpmdholbach, g+ updated15:48
czajkowskidpm: ty15:49
* mhall119 also forgot about the Q&A, is that in 7 minutes?15:54
mhall119czajkowski: that's all done in HTML in a standard Wordpress page15:54
czajkowskimhall119: ahh right15:54
czajkowskiso nothing too fancy15:55
mhall119czajkowski: nope15:55
mhall119just iframes and stuff15:55
czajkowskicool thanks15:56
wxlpleia2: :)16:56
* dholbach hugs you all16:58
* belkinsa hugs back16:58
dholbachhave a great holidays/break/christmas/time!16:59
dholbachbig big hugs to you all16:59
joseczajkowski: as mhall119 said, it's all html under wordpress, with an irc bot running here, and IFTTT for twitter with the calendar18:10
czajkowskijose: cool thanks18:11
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
wxlwhy can't i get to my pad? :( http://pad.ubuntu.com/O0j1wrmUcs21:53
wxlwrong one :)21:53
wxli assume this is not an etherpad problem so much as an ubuntu instance problem21:54
wxlsorry if this is the wrong place for this. i don't know what *IS* the right place. #canonical-sysadmin?21:54
pleia2yeah, #canonical-sysadmin and if they are asleep, ticket to rt@ubuntu.com (they may ask for a ticket anyway)21:55
wxlthx and sorry :)21:55
pleia2looks like that's the only pad that's gone sideways21:55
wxlthank god21:55
pleia2with etherpad sometimes the renderer on the back end gets stuck for just one pad, hopefully an easy fix21:56
josewxl, pleia2: Canonical is on vacation until next year22:20
pleia2haha, what?22:21
pleia2ah europeans :)22:21
czajkowskipleia2: :p22:29
czajkowskinot our fault we embrace holidays22:29
czajkowskisome people are working on monday and maybe tuesday next week22:29
czajkowskibut most are finishing today until January 5th22:29
josewell, I'm on holidays until April22:35
czajkowskinow that's just greedy :p22:36
czajkowskifew more jira tickets and almost done..22:37
josedon't blame me! university put it that way :P22:37
benonsoftwareJust a chart I made with the amount of new Ubuntu members for each cycle https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aBfjiPZOZy6jYsaUZvRbOy5nlhCZlvFkBhOJPLPPbPg/edit?usp=sharing23:21
benonsoftwareIt doesn't count people who've left or are members via different teams (dev, Kubuntu, etc.)23:21

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