
wxljose, can i bug you again please? if you're tired of me i understand :)00:17
wxli have too many damn accounts :)00:17
wxlaw jeez wrong channel on that last one. request for jose still stands :(00:18
skellatwxl: I am able to assist?00:19
wxlskellat: you may be able to. i've had this rt ticket lingering FOREVER to get us hosting for our loco. jose's helped a couple times to try to push it forward but nothing seems to be happening.00:19
skellatWhat's the number for it?00:20
wxl1s i mean00:20
skellatLet me see here00:21
skellatThere's no vanguard at present00:21
wxlwhen i first started the ticket i didn't exactly realize it was a ticket system and included too many things in one mail so it's kind of a mess00:21
wxltl;dr really all i need is oregon.ubuntu-us.org set up00:21
wxlskellat: vanguard?00:22
wxli.e. owner?00:22
skellatNobody is on watch duty over in the sysadmin channel00:23
wxlwell if you or anyone could do anything to facilitate this it would be great00:23
wxli know that i'm going to get hounded by people at our irc meeting about how rt takes forever to respond00:23
wxli've had people bugging me to set up hosting elsewhere and frankly i'd really like to keep it in the family as it were00:24
skellatFound the ticket and reading through it00:26
* skellat is up to August and is trying to digest the stream of actions00:26
wxlit's really disgusting, skellat. and it's my fault. unfortunately there's a lot of confusion.00:28
skellatNo problem00:28
wxlif i would have only known it was a ticket system :(00:28
skellatYou may not be able to get an empty site00:29
skellatYou may get a Drupal install to fiddle with00:29
wxlif that's what i'm forced with i can live i guess00:29
wxli would like wordpress in there somehow, that's the only thing i'll say00:30
skellatForum, wiki, or Drupal with oregon.ubuntu-us.org00:30
skellatI'd go with the Drupal option00:31
skellatDrupal isn't so bad00:32
wxli don't know drupal all that well but as long as i can have people contribute to a "blog" of some kind and make an rss feed out of it, that's all i care about00:32
skellatAfter all, the White House uses it on www.whitehouse.gov 00:32
wxloh well, gee. :)00:32
skellatFor what you're wanting, take a look at www.lisnews.org00:32
skellatThat's probably what you want operationally00:32
wxlwell any blog engine really00:33
wxli *THINK* there is a such a thing in drupal00:33
wxlthis is drupal?00:33
skellatwww.lisnews.org is not as pretty as www.whitehouse.gov00:34
skellatBut both utilize Drupal00:34
wxlahh cool00:35
wxlthat's what i want. i'll live00:35
wxlwe have our own wiki and forum so no need for that garbage00:35
wxlso administration is all taken care of by canonical then?00:35
skellatYou'll have things to play with on the Drupal site00:36
skellatIt isn't that bad00:36
wxlwell, do i handle updates and things like that?00:37
skellatThey do stuff on the back-end00:37
skellatYou get to fiddle with presentation stuff00:37
wxlthat's a boon in my opinion00:37
skellatWhat was the old vanity domain for your LoCo?00:38
wxlwhich would be nice to have but someone's squatting on it now00:39
wxlbkerensa suggested i ask to have canonical do a cease and desist order which i kind of suggested in that ticket00:40
wxlbut if we don't get that, i can live00:40
nhainesI suspect that is something that can be handled separately.00:40
wxli agree but jose said if i made a separate ticket it would just inevitably get merged with that one00:41
* wxl shrugs00:41
wxli'll just make a new ticket and we'll see what happens00:41
skellatPlease don't make a new ticket00:41
wxloh ok00:41
skellatWait for the spammage to show up in your inbox00:41
wxlhahah ok00:41
skellatI updated it to have actionable things that can be driven forward00:42
skellatHowever, come to think of it, we don't have a policy on vanity URLs for teams00:42
skellatJust small-c canonical URLs00:42
wxlyeah i hear you00:42
wxli'm not too concerned about it00:42
wxlif it CAN happen, great. if it DOESN'T, oh well. :)00:43
wxljust as long as we have *A* website that we can control that will make a big difference00:43
wxlthank you much for the help00:44
skellatNo problem00:44
skellatI'll leave further poking and prodding to jose00:44
wxlhehehe ok :)00:44
josewxl: do not make a new ticket01:02
josewxl: IS's got a lot of work right now, but I'll see what an I do01:03
wxljose: will do01:06
wxljose: i mean thank you sorry XD01:06
dholbachgood morning07:07

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