
rwwstop making new nicks Unit193 :(00:35
rwwalso, always-opped sounds fine to me00:35
JackFrostrww: What?  I can't change my nick every so often, but IdleOne gets to change his all the time now?!00:36
rwwIdleOne doesn't change his all the time00:37
JackFrostUsed to be every release, pity he didn't last time.00:37
bazhangspecial holiday exemption even?01:08
bazhang /nick bakwanza01:08
JackFrostbazhang: Do it!01:09
JackFrost/nick bazhang01:09
bazhang /regain01:09
IdleOneJackFrost: I was too busy. I completely missed the release01:10
JackFrostIdleOne: Ah, that's alright.  There's another here soon.01:14
IdleOneyeah and with any luck I'll be too busy01:15
ubottububbasaures called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:04
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kgalahassa said: ubottu, please help me more, the problem is that everything seems ok on keyboard parameters, but my touch change positions and I am wasting time searching usual symbol on french keyboard05:44
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kgalahassa said: ubottu, lotuspsychje, english is not my matter, my keyboard has changed i can t type symbols , that is why my english seems broken, and the keyboard is still in FR05:51
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (user13)07:42
k1l_@mark #ubuntu WLM messaged about his awayscript20:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:59

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