
PrincessAuvThe version of Git in Utopic seems to not have a maintainance release to fix the new bug :(00:00
daftykins!info git00:00
ubottugit (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.1.0-1 (utopic), package size 2311 kB, installed size 22920 kB00:00
=== Josh is now known as JU1CE
PrincessAuvdaftykins: Oh I was reading the wrong version number - 2.2.1 seems to be the one with the fix in it though00:01
PrincessAuvOr 2.1.400:01
daftykinsheh, perhaps you should hop in a git channel if there is one?00:01
=== tcpman is now known as Guest60222
daftykinsbear in mind ubuntu's version numbers aren't attached to the source ones i don't think (though i have no clue on this topic)00:02
Pencil_how do I launch Deja Dup?00:02
PrincessAuvdaftykins: There is but the release is already out - I'm wondering if there's a way I could request for the Ubuntu devs to add it to the repos?00:02
daftykinsno idea, just volunteers in here.00:02
PrincessAuvCause I don't really wanna build Git from scratch - it'll just get out of date without the package manager managing it.00:02
vvijayaraghavan p[00:04
dgarstangSigh. Ldap causes great sorrow00:04
zerowaitstatePrincessAuv: look for backports00:04
vvijayaraghavanhah! :) my colleague was complaining about the same ting00:04
Pencil_I try  to start backup and it says waiting for 16gb filesystem to connect.00:04
Pencil_The thumb drive is connected00:05
daftykinsPrincessAuv: i can't verify the authenticity of this PPA, but you could put this on and then revert once it's available in main - https://launchpad.net/~git-core00:05
daftykinsso use at your own risk00:05
zerowaitstatedaftykins: ubuntu's version numbers are to a point, however, they tack on "ubuntu<number>" at the end to specify any patches they deployed. They backport security fixes from newer stuff addressing CVE's and increment their ubuntu patch number00:08
zerowaitstatedaftykins: feature-wise, though, the upstream version number is accurate00:09
frequarkHow can I see FPS of a Java application on Ubuntu?00:09
daftykinszerowaitstate: thanks, i could've sworn i'd seen some version numbers before that didn't even look like that of the original before though00:10
=== MeltedLux is now known as MeltedDed
dgarstanghow do I enable pam debugging?!00:10
zerowaitstatedaftykins: well, ubuntu considers debian to be upstream. If debian decides to throw up a weird version number that doesn't match THEIR upstream then ubuntu would just follow debian's lead00:11
zerowaitstatedaftykins: and if there is an ubuntu-specific package that doesn't come downstream from debian, then who knows00:13
daftykinsyeah, i can't remember the specific example so i guess it's moot for now :)00:14
zerowaitstateoh I'm sure there's an example out there. science isn't an exact science with packaging00:14
zerowaitstateI grew up on RH 5's RPM hell, so Ubuntu feels like a smooth ride to me00:16
dgarstangLDAP.. :(00:21
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest1470
N3sh_Jordan_U: I think Im just going to reinstall...00:22
N3sh_I'm just wasting time00:22
N3sh_I tried to remove nvidia and still nothing00:22
RoloDeOvohai gais!00:30
stobix_hmm. update-manager tries and fails to do a "partial upgrade". do-release-upgrade finds no new release (I'm on 13.10). apt-get dist-upgrade will remove my xserver video drivers. Suggestions?00:32
Bashing-omstobix_: 13.10 release upgrade is an EOL upgrade.00:34
Bashing-om!eol | stobix_00:34
ubottustobix_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:34
stobix_Bashing-om: So, basically, once every year ubuntu releases a troll edition, with no way to upgrade and no support. Nice.00:37
daftykinsand the inattentive install the non-LTS ;)00:38
NorwackHow can i whitelist (or something like that) certain commands and executables a group can run?00:38
dean_ok guys im stuck. Im trying to install ubunut using a usb. I downloaded the latest version, and used unetbootin afterwords and when I restarted my laptop and went into bios and selected the usb option it said it would automatically reboot in 10 seconds and nothing has happend00:38
daftykinsdean_: what OS are you on now?00:39
stobix_daftykins:  Well, that's one way to wedge out the inexperienced, I guess. ;)00:39
dean_linux mint00:39
dean_I dont like it so im trying to switch00:39
daftykinsdean_: use 'dd' to put the ISO on the flash drive.00:39
dean_disk driver?00:39
daftykins"sudo parted -l" - confirm what device name is your flash drive, then "sudo dd if=/path/to/ISO of=/dev/sdX bs=2M"00:40
stobix_I'd be using linux mint right now if the 17.1 installer hadn't been all herpy derpy when it comes to EFI partitions.00:40
=== duoi_ghost is now known as duoi
daftykinsalright, this isn't the place to talk about Mint.00:41
Norwackstobix_: hehe, i had to manually create EFI partitions etc when installing Arch on my desktop00:41
Bashing-omstobix_: Not at all. Ubuntu release a new release each 6 months. Every two years is released a Long Term Support version that has support for 5 years. One is expected to release upgrade prior to going End-Of-Life . And When that dead line is not observed, there is a menas to still release-upgrade ( but it can be error prone ) .00:41
ChaserNorwack: You can use Command Aliases for sudo. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers00:41
NorwackChaser: I don't think that's what i want, i don't want anyone in that group to have access to anything but what i let it. For example, let's say i only want them to have access to cd, ls and nano00:43
daftykinsNorwack: why not give them some utils in a local /bin and chroot them00:43
stobix_Bleh. I guess I'll let apt-get screw around with my system, and hope that tre video drivers stay in RAM so I can repair stuff before everything breaks.00:44
stobix_I guess. Backup what, exactly? The system state?00:45
daftykinsyour call.00:45
stobix_I copied everything on the / partition to another drive before. I hope it will suffice.00:46
Bashing-omstobix_: 13.10 no longer has access to the software repository as you may have known it . Expect great breakage .00:46
stobix_Bashing-om: Oh. Well, that might explain why things don't work.00:46
Bashing-omstobix_: Yepper .. The package manager tries, and the repository is not there .00:47
stobix_Bashing-om: Having a broken 14.4 will leave me with something more repairable, no?00:47
stobix_Bashing-om: is it just a question of the sources no longer existing?00:48
Bashing-omstobix_: That is a fact. The greater breakage I see in 14.04 is old video drivers that the OEM has dropped support for .00:48
daftykinsstobix_: i'd just clean install 14.04.1 and bring your /home back in personally00:49
DirnanIm having some trouble with postfix any body wanna give a hand00:49
daftykins(though i'd be selective with that too)00:49
daftykinsDirnan: #ubuntu-server for that, might even be a postfix channel00:50
Dirnancan send and recieve local but not outside my domain00:50
stobix_Ah. And I'm updating mainly to get the new drivers to finally get my card to work.00:50
Bashing-omstobix_: A bit more than just the source moved ,, there are no longer any security or any other updates done for and EOL version .00:50
Dirnanok thanks00:50
stobix_daftykins: I will not get anywhere near the "oops, the installer wiped out your entire disk" bug.00:50
daftykinsyou never know ;)00:51
Bashing-omstobix_: Seiver ? what returns from -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga <- make sure we have support for that card . (graphics)00:51
SchillingHi all.00:53
Dirnanno one seems to be chatting in server group00:53
stobix_Bashing-om: IIRC, the proprietary nvidia drivers above 334 or something like that have support for my 860M00:53
* stobix_ is kinda thinking about installing gentoo instead. :/00:55
Bashing-omstobix_: Yepper, BUT is 960(M) optimus technology ? -> then yer looking at Nvidia-Prime to support those graphics .00:55
stobix_Bashing-om: well, yeah, there's that as well. I don't think it's totally neccessary to get things running, though.00:56
stobix_Why is there no "'repair' my system but don't fuck with my /home"-option on the install disc?00:57
Bashing-omstobix_: Well, IF this is optimus, ya might have success with the "nomodeset" boot parameter .00:58
fsestinihi guys. i'm trying to mount a ntfs partition in /media, and i've put a line in fstab for this. the thing is i want it to be mounted with "my user" ownership, but i keep getting root. what should i put in fstab to make sure the filesystem is mounted with the proper permissions?00:58
Bashing-omstobix_: Others in the install process have greater experience/knowledge, but in the installer, do not format the /home partitionl all should be well (??) .00:59
EriC^^fsestini: add uid=<your uid> in the options maybe00:59
stobix_Bashing-om: perhaps. When I first isntalled, the graphics driver (whichever it was - memory hazy) liked to fill up /var/log with error messages until my ssd got full. I've been waiting for proper acceleration since then.00:59
mefistofeleshttps://www.alertlogic.com/blog/dont-let-grinch-steal-christmas/ so is this a distro fail?01:01
mefistofelesin Ubuntu packagekit is a direct interface to apt, I believe01:01
mefistofelesas in Fedora to yum01:01
Bashing-omstobix_: While I am looking ; See http://www.webupd8.org/2013/12/more-work-to-support-nvidia-optimus.html .01:01
fsestiniEriC^^: it worked, thank you! the group is still root, though. is it group=myuser?01:02
EriC^^mefistofeles: isn't it the other way around? :D01:02
mefistofelesEriC^^: what do you mean?01:02
EriC^^fsestini: great, yeah gid=<your gid>01:02
stobix_Bashing-om: looks nice.01:02
EriC^^mefistofeles: you're saying ubuntu is just an interface for apt01:03
mefistofelesEriC^^: no, I'm not saying that01:03
mefistofelesEriC^^: please re-read :)01:03
stobix_EriC^^: isn't it, though? ;)01:03
EriC^^mefistofeles: we're getting off topic, but what do you mean by packagekit?01:04
Bashing-omstobix_: We may have to do some additional checking as that 'M' in 860m may also denote "mobility" . There is that possibility .01:04
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mefistofelesEriC^^: packagekit is a software, would you mind reading the link?01:05
fsestiniEriC^^: you're right, just read the man page of mount. thank you very much!01:05
EriC^^fsestini: no problem :)01:05
stobix_Bashing-om: Well, this is a laptop, so it would make sense.01:07
stobix_anyways, I think I'll call it a night now. Gotta sleep some hours before showing up at work and all that.01:07
Bashing-omstobix_: Yeah, 1st thing first . Get yer z's and ducks in a row. We see later what it will take for your graphics.01:08
SchillingAnyone here familiar with install/setup of dual boot with Win7/ubuntu?01:13
stobix_Bashing-om: yeah. Nightie night.01:13
icesherpa24Hi Guys I just installed ubuntu 14.04.1 on a mac hard drive but the wireless is not working I saw something on youtube about downloading a binary package and wireless drivers can anyone give me a link01:13
mefistofelesicesherpa24: do you know what wireless chipset is it?01:13
JU1CESchilling, I have a dual boot setup with Win701:13
icesherpa24sorry I should have checked that first right back soon01:14
SchillingJU1CE:  I'm new to the entire process. Just spent the last few hours reading up on the procedure and it seems pretty straight foreward. Anything I should be aware of beforehand?01:15
JU1CEDo you have an install disk/USB stick?01:15
SchillingI don't. I gotta get those tomorrow.01:15
JU1CEOkay. Run the disk, and you'll get an option to install it alongside Win7. When you reboot, you'll be able to choose which OS you want.01:17
JU1CEIf you don't have any Win-only programs that you need, I'd suggest backing up files and doing a full install.01:17
Schillingok. I just read through this. Go a second to look through and tell me if it's accurate or outdated? I notice the version is back a few compared to the new one. http://neosmart.net/wiki/easybcd/dual-boot/linux/ubuntu/01:18
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JU1CEYup, it's all there.01:19
JU1CEIt is really simple, just follow the prompts.01:19
daftykinsJU1CE: ah you returned01:19
JU1CEdaftykins, No luck on the BIOS update.01:19
SchillingWell, I don't know anything about Ubuntu so I wanted to make sure I had Windows available to ensure I can still do something. I've been learning web dev/programming and people keep telling me Ubuntu will make things easier for me once I learn it. The workarounds I have to go through in Windows for simple PHP issues is tedious.01:19
daftykinsJU1CE: i see your board has an external ASMedia chip providing USB 3, you are using the USB 2's yeah?01:19
JU1CEI'm not sure what I'm using.01:20
JU1CESchilling, dual boot then. You can always wipe the drive and reinstall later if you decide Windows sucks (which it does) ;)01:21
daftykinsJU1CE: the USB 3's should be blue.01:22
SchillingYeah, I know windows sucks. :)01:22
JU1CEdaftykins, right now I have a USB stick in the front USB drive, and it's working, but the phone still doesn't work. I have several USB ports in the back, including a PCI card which is probably the ASMedia you speak of?01:22
daftykinsnah the ASMedia is providing the onboard USB 3 ports01:22
daftykinswhat kind of phone is it?01:23
kleiberhello all01:23
kleiberneed help ubuntu in spanish01:23
kleiberany know server01:24
Ukikie!es | kleiber01:24
ubottukleiber: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:24
SchillingJU1CE: you have anything stop working when you switched over to Ubuntu? USBs, video, etc?01:24
kleiberthx ubottu01:24
daftykinsSchilling: JU1CE is a bad example right now ;)01:25
JU1CEdaftykins, I found the blue ports. Nothing works in them.01:25
daftykinswell i was aiming to avoid them anyway :>01:26
JU1CELOL! Schilling I didn't have any problems at first. Recently I've been having USB issues, but I suspect it is hardware related, not Ubuntu.01:26
daftykinsso, phone type?01:26
JU1CEdaftykins, the phone is a Droid Maxx01:26
daftykinsso, android? :>01:26
JU1CEIphone also doesn't work in USB. I have both.01:26
daftykinsdid you pop it into Windows for fun to see that it was ok?01:26
daftykinswell you don't get a drive come up with iPhones01:27
Schillingok, sounds good. Aside from that, you guys know any good forums or books I can get on Ubuntu to get me familiar?01:27
daftykinsso not entirely surprised there01:27
icesherpa24hey guys anyone have the command line input for finding out the wireless chipset info or other info to get the wireless up and running ?01:27
JU1CEdaftykins, iPhone just registered in the front USB port....01:27
JU1CEAndroid still doesn't.01:27
daftykinsi was more concerned with your mystical disappearing /dev/sdb earlier01:27
daftykinsJU1CE: have you used it at all with a computer yet? so you know you have the storage settings correct?01:28
JU1CEWait.... I *think* so. I can go back to Win and plug it in and check again.01:29
daftykinswell step 1 is use a USB 2 on the motherboard IO, i'm a bit dubious about any case based ones or what not01:29
daftykinssounds good01:29
daftykinssaves us fault finding when it wasn't even ok :D01:29
Bashing-omSchilling: Register on http://ubuntuforums.org . Lots of guides and tutorials available .01:30
Bashing-om!manual | Schilling01:30
ubottuSchilling: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:30
SchillingThanks! I'll have a look.01:31
kleiber_ubottu you talk spanish01:35
ubottukleiber_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:35
kleiber_any can help with ubuntu01:36
kleiber_me language is spanish, sorry by bad english01:36
Tekillayes kleiber?01:37
Bashing-om!es | kleiber_01:37
ubottukleiber_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:37
kleiber_tekilla you talk spanish01:38
Tekillahow can i publish an application on the Ubuntu Software Center? do you have a link or something like this?01:38
Tekillafr and en kleiber01:38
kleiber_you can help with ubuntu01:39
Tekillawhat's your problem?01:39
kleiber_explain you01:39
kleiber_me have 3 DD01:39
kleiber_first 500 GB01:39
kleiber_second 250 GB01:39
kleiber_last 40 GB01:39
daftykinskleiber_: we said join #ubuntu-es01:39
kleiber_have ubuntu-es open01:40
daftykinsnobody answering?01:40
kleiber_no connected people01:41
icesherpa24dose any one have the command line input to findout he chipset and wireless info required Ubuntu 14.04.1 I have   -S l spci  -vvnn  grep  14e4  but its wrong ?01:42
kleiber_Today install ubuntu 14.04 LTS01:43
kleiber_but on my computer do I have 3 hard drives rigid01:43
kleiber_one of 250 MB I have installed windows 701:43
kleiber_in another 40 GB I have only personal information01:43
kleiber_and the last is 500 GB which you install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on this day01:43
kleiber_the disadvantage is in:01:43
unopastekleiber_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted01:43
JU1CEdaftykins, the phone may have a configuration issue. However, the SD card reader and other USB slots are still not working. I'm just assuming the phone will work when the other ports are fixed.01:43
daftykinsJU1CE: did you use the motherboard IO panel ones?01:43
daftykins(USB 2.0 only)01:44
JU1CEI just tested a USB drive in all of the USB ports, and it worked in all of them. SD card slot still doesn't work, and the phone doesn't initiate any prompts or windows when it's plugged in.01:46
daftykinsJU1CE: it's definitely unlocked when you plug it in, yes?01:47
daftykinspattern/PIN entered and sat at the home screen01:47
JU1CEiPhone gives me a message that the phone is locked, which is correct. I don't get anything when plugging in the Android.01:47
daftykinsgo into settings -> storage and check MTP is enabled (might be off three dots in the top right)01:48
daftykinsdepends on android version to be sure.01:48
JU1CETo be honest, I'm stoked that the USB is working on the drive, but being able to manipulate media on the phone would make life more enjoyable. I'd also really like to know why the USB sticks didn't work before.01:48
daftykinsi only deal in forward looking not past, really01:49
JU1CENo problem, I appreciate greatly all of your help. I wasn't looking for post-problem solving :)01:49
daftykinsdefinitely sounds more phone related, though i'd probably pull the mains from the box after shutting down, pull the power connectors from the PSU going into the motherboard to reset the controllers for sure then fire back up01:51
daftykinsbut then i love my hardware so i'm happy to do that01:51
JU1CEMTP was disabled. I have enabled it, but nothing is coming up. I have no problem pulling wires and such.01:52
JU1CENot sure how it got disabled, as I know I've enabled it before, but that's not a major concern now.01:52
Bashing-omkleiber_: Win8 == UEFI == GPT partitioning  == A small separate /boot partition. Now depending; did you match UEFI when installing ubuntu ? Show the channel -> sudo parted -l | pastebinit.01:52
daftykinsJU1CE: show us "dmesg | tail | pastebinit" now :>01:53
Snow-Mananyone seeing crashes under the latest 14.04 kernel (3.13.0-43-generic #72-Ubuntu) in KVM guests?01:53
SirTheoIs there a way to set up X11 so that  the three window control buttons all show mouseovered state at the same time as in OS X?01:54
verityhow to use LOIC ?01:54
JU1CEdaftykins, I had Dev mode on. When I turned that off I got a Disk icon. When I clicked it, I got a disk image to upgrade Verizon Wireless stuff...01:54
daftykinsJU1CE: err, as in it had a windows program on it? don't quite follow01:54
kleiber_bashing but win8 no are install only windows 701:55
daftykinsJU1CE: ah, a virtual CD drive - how quaint01:55
JU1CEVerizon is quaint, if by quaint you mean I really want them to go the way of Lycos.01:55
daftykinsdoes a nautilus (file explorer) window not show you the phone in any manner then?01:55
JU1CENautilus only shows a CD drive with the verizon crap on it.01:56
Bashing-omkleiber_: But, when it was Win8, was how the hard disk(s) was set up .01:56
kleiber_yes bashing01:57
kleiber_but now hard disk 500 GB is free, no data01:57
kleiber_today install ubuntu in hard disk 500 GB01:58
Bashing-omkleiber_: Show for confirmation -> sudo parted -l | pastebinit <- .01:58
daftykinsJU1CE: hmm, i'm at a loss to think what to do next... probably wouldn't hurt to reboot after that debug mode disabling though02:00
daftykins(the phone)02:00
JU1CERebooting phone.02:00
daftykinswikipedia claims you could be running android lollipop (version 5) on that ;)02:01
JU1CEAs soon as I unlocked the phone the install disk image appeared on Ubuntu again. I'll check the version once it's loaded.02:02
JU1CEAndroid version 4.4.402:03
daftykinsah yes kit kat still02:03
bubbasaureslollipop is delicious02:03
JU1CEI haven't gotten any version updates from Verizon, and the phone isn't rooted.02:04
Aeryn23 Never Pay for Porn ever again. Click Here! http://bit.ly/1y2SGSo02:04
JU1CEAt this point I'm going to assume that the phone is the problem, since my USB woes all decided to go away now that I've bugged you about them.02:04
kleiberhello all02:06
kleiberneed help with ubuntu02:07
daftykinsyeah you did earlier too, but your english is a bit challenging.02:07
daftykinsyou should wait for a reply in #ubuntu-es02:07
kleiberdaftykins you can help02:08
daftykinsno, your english isn't very good.02:08
JU1CEThanks again daftykins. I need to run outside for a smoke and call it a night. I appreciate your help and patience. Even if the phone won't register, I'm glad to have USB drives working again. I will poke around on the various phone forums for a solution. Have a good night!02:14
daftykinsJU1CE: no problem :) enjoy02:14
apb1963phones? register?  looks like I missed a discussion of interest. :(02:17
apb1963I only caught the last line of that, so I don't know if my problem is similar to his or not, but based on those two words.... it seems it is.02:18
apb1963ubuntu 14.0402:18
apb1963I'm not sure where to start...  I have two seperate asterisk servers, on two entirely different networks - in two different states.  Long story short, I can't get one to register to the carrier, while the other one can.  The one that cannot is giving me a "timed out" error, which implies it's a network issue.02:21
kleiberyou're now02:21
apb1963so I tried ping and traceroute.  ping works, traceroute does not.02:22
kleiberbashing-om you're now02:22
apb1963since the man page for traceroute says it uses UDP by default, that implies something is blocking UDP... so I tried specifying a specific port with UDP.02:23
apb1963traceroute -U 5060 localphone.com02:24
apb1963Cannot handle "packetlen" cmdline arg `localphone.com' on position 2 (argc 3)02:24
apb1963so I'm missing something, or there's a bug... I suppose I'm missing something.02:24
apb1963in traceroute02:24
JasakaHmm, I don't know if this is the right place to ask: I'm setting up a dual boot machine with win7 and ubuntu right now. Right now im trying to get thunderbird to work like it did before on my earlier dual boot system, sharing the profiles folder. So I created a symbolic link to the shared Profiles folder. But it seems that didn't do anything, doas anyone know what the problem could be?02:25
daftykinsJasaka: symlink to NTFS? probably won't work02:25
Jasakadaftykins: Shouldn't it work with an ntfs driver? I thought I read something like that :/02:28
daftykinsNTFS doesn't have permissions02:29
genderqueryAnyone wanna help me getting Bluetooth to work? Atheros AR9462, 14.1002:30
genderquerytired btcoex_enable=1 option02:31
genderqueryfound this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/102488402:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1024884 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "Bluetooth with AR9462 WLAN/BT-Combo don't work" [High,Fix released]02:32
genderquerybut it seems to be for USB and is a bit outdated02:32
JasakaOh. That makes sense. I'll create a new partition then, Thanks!02:32
=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
Schillingis there any need for me to configure partitions manually when setting up for a dual boot?02:37
daftykinsSchilling: separate /home's make life easier than having everything as one, in my opinion02:38
Schillingok..so, Windows 7 would have one partition, correct?02:39
SchillingThen Ubuntu can have another, but can be divided up into many?02:39
mobilelinux OS has a mounting concept02:40
nmatrix9Hi all Iam trying to do a sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*02:40
mobileit failed?02:41
nmatrix9But I get a E: Unable to locate package nvidia-metamode02:41
mobileit means the package name is incurrect02:42
Bashing-omSchilling: Also there may be some lingering : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1265192 . Windows is generally reduced to 2 partitons. And in general a "extended" partiton is made up to contain the logical partitons that contain ubuntu . Terminal command -> sudo fdisk -lu <- to see the partitioning, from the liveDVD .02:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Fix committed]02:42
mobileu can use aptitude utility to remove it02:42
nmatrix9mobile, use utility to do a full purge of my nvidia drivers?02:43
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
crashoverride198Is there a way to change the background colour of terminal?02:45
Schillingok...I'll look into that, Bashing. I still haven't installed anything, but don't want to do any permanent damage.02:45
SchillingWill the install do what is needed for partitioning depending on what i specify? Also, can I change these partitions later?02:46
Bashing-omSchilling: Remind me again, what version of Windows is installed . A lot depends on how the hard drive is presently set up .02:48
SchillingWindows 7.02:49
nmatrix9Anyone else experience this error when trying to remove nvidia drivers?02:49
nmatrix9E: Unable to locate package nvidia-metamode02:49
BuJitsuBrownis there a way to change my mac adress?02:51
crashoverride198Nope. Because Nvidia is lame.02:51
BuJitsuBrownhuh ?was that for me ? if so whats Nvidia?02:52
crashoverride198Not you BuJitsu02:52
BuJitsuBrownoh ok sorry02:53
=== Apate is now known as Jake0720
nmatrix9crashoverride198, Yeah I hear ya, Nvidia is really starting to piss me off.02:55
ignacioBuJitsuBrown, what about http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Changing_Your_MAC_Address/Linux02:55
Bashing-omSchilling: Have you seen : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2126166&page=2 , http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/05/17/how-to-dual-boot-ubuntu-12-04-and-windows-7/ .02:55
BuJitsuBrownignacio: ok thank you i take a look02:57
xCMxis this room for ubuntu in general or Unity DE?02:58
SchillingBashing-om: yes, I read those earlier.02:58
suicidebaitlooking for a programmer against deserpate noobs.......02:59
suicidebaitcuase someone keeps teaching the "noobs" how to hack.02:59
suicidebaitcuase like, im bout to have to break all over these hoes.03:00
suicidebaitbefore you do.......03:00
suicidebaitand that just gonna make the most of you look irresponsible and uncaring to the rest of the world.03:00
suicidebaitcuase im like, the awesome.....03:00
suicidebait1900+ people?03:01
BuJitsuBrowngo home go to sleep your drunk bro03:01
suicidebaitno response?03:01
suicidebaityour wrong, does that make you a homosexual?03:01
suicidebaitor are you talkin to someone else.03:01
suicidebaiti dont appreciate you calling the cops when i kill a faggot.03:02
suicidebaityou aint doing it....wow03:03
suicidebaitits the eternal fountain of food!!!!!03:03
suicidebaitlook how  far ahead of you i am.03:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:04
* rww looks up03:04
rwwsuicidebait: keep to Ubuntu technical support, please03:04
suicidebaitso theres a bunch of queers working the local electricity.03:04
suicidebaitaint that an emergency?03:04
suicidebaitcause like, we didnt always have elctricity right?03:05
rwwsuicidebait: nope, that's not Ubuntu support related. Try again.03:05
suicidebaitwtf is going on here?03:05
suicidebaitthanks ubuntu.....your free and worthy to the people.03:05
suicidebaitthough it would be nice to limit your software to people WHO AINT HOMOSEXUAL!03:05
suicidebaithows that?03:05
owen1why does xdg-open opens ff instead of chromium? (update-alternatives --get-selections|grep x-www-browser => chromium-browser)03:07
john67i want to install ubuntu 14.10lts along side with windows 8.1 . i created usb bootable, but it doesnt boot on the usb03:07
john67i dont have uefi on my pc03:08
john67dont get why03:08
john67does some 1 have any idea?03:08
john67thnx in advance03:09
ignacio-macHi all, I need help. I have Xubuntu 14.10, and tried to install "ubuntu-desktop" package.. But when i run the unity session I get: http://pbrd.co/1zCxrKh any idea how to fix it?03:10
xmetalI am not expert, but I have had issues tryibg to get unity on other distros (I will not get into that) ... i may be easier (if you want unity and KDE DE's )03:12
xmetalinstalling Ubuntu then "kde-standard"03:12
xmetal(or "KDE-minimal" or "KDE-Full" ... your choice)03:12
ignacio-mac^ thats for me?03:13
xmetalyes ... i think its easier (probably anyway) installing KDE on Ubuntu then Unity on Kubuntu but someone else in here may provide a better solution03:14
ilkI am not able to get a VPN connection working. Is there some snafu that I am overlooking? I have never gotten it to work, however the login information is good, as it works on my phone.03:14
grublesjust use ubuntu / kubuntu03:14
xmetaloops that picture just loaded03:14
xmetalreally there is no need for Kubuntu/Ubuntu (if you want both Unity and KDE)03:15
grubleswhy would you install KDE on ubuntu / Unity on kubuntu03:15
grublesthats so bass-akwards03:15
ignacio-macI just want unity in xubuntu03:15
ilkUnity is so laggy on my 2004 Dell GX270, it is unusable03:15
ilkKDE and Gnome both work well03:15
grublesthe whole point of those distros is to integrate $DE better03:15
ignacio-macwow, KDE? that crazy03:15
grublesjust use lubuntu ffs03:16
xmetali have never liked unity (laggy and buggy) but I have to say I love it in 14.1003:16
ilkyes i am using KDE PLasma Workspace...KDE-Full03:16
grublesim on 14.10 ubuntu as well03:16
grublesworks fine03:16
ilkLubuntu is so fast...heh03:16
grublesas intended03:16
ignacio-macI love Lubuntu :P03:17
xmetali (just my opinion) dont see the point in installing a distro multiple times (say on different drives/partitions) to get different DE's03:17
ignacio-macI think I will install Lubuntu and forget my Xubuntu03:17
ignacio-macIts virtual machine, so, no problem03:17
ignacio-macthank you guys :)03:19
BuJitsuBrownim still having problems trying to change my mac address whenever possible may i get some help please?03:20
[Ex0r]Im having an issue with torrentflux, and was wondering if I could get some assistance. I have torrentflux 2.4 installed, but whenever I try starting a torrent, or even downloading one directly from a URL, it doesn't start downloading.03:20
[Ex0r]It sits a connecting to peers03:21
=== ignacio is now known as ignacio|afk
compdocBuJitsuBrown, youre trying to spoof the mac addy?03:21
ignacio|afkops, sorry for the nick.03:21
BuJitsuBrownaddy? change my mac tho yea please03:22
BuJitsuBrowni tried the instructions here but i goe this"SIOCSIFHWADDR: Operation not permitted"03:23
compdocBuJitsuBrown, why fight it? why not just make the existing mac address work?03:24
BuJitsuBrownb/c i think it will help me with being a little more protected03:26
BuJitsuBrownand i guess if im not breaking somthing im not learning03:27
BuJitsuBrownwhat could go wrong if i change my mac?03:31
ans4175anyone here work with Hadoop ?03:32
avishow do i cancel an accidental dist-upgrade from a new install.  i tried cancel but i can no longer uncheck proposed despite it not bugging me.03:36
[Ex0r]I'm trying to get torrentflux working. Every torrent comes back as 'connecting to peer', than eventually times out. They aren't bad torrents, because I can download them on my local machine fine.03:37
daftykins[Ex0r]: firewall'd from opening a port, perhaps. read the application logs, if any03:39
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
[Ex0r]dafty- I disabled UFW to check that and it's still doing it. It's the DMZ on my local network so it's not that03:39
daftykinsassuming you set that up properly03:40
[Ex0r]Yes, because I can access the torrentflux page from outside of my network, as well as the mysql server and other http services03:40
daftykinswow that's an incredibly bad idea03:41
[Ex0r]daftykins- It's done for testing to see if it's a firewall/port issue03:41
gadsdinSay I have (legitimate) sudo access to an outdated Ubuntu legacy server that we're revamping. How should I go about determining which packages are vulnerable, and what CVEs they're vulnerable to? Is there a script for this?03:42
=== kyle_ is now known as kyle__
daftykinsgadsdin: what's the point? it has to be updated.03:42
gadsdindaftykins: yes, it will be updated. the point is incident response - primarily, seeing if any of the vulnerable daemons were owned by root03:43
[Ex0r]so now I have to find out why. If I even give torrentflux a URL location to a .torrent, it says it can't retrieve it.03:44
daftykinssounds like you're missing something.03:45
[Ex0r]I don't know what it would be.03:45
[Ex0r]the error on the tracker after timeout is: Problem connecting to tracker - ('url error', 'unknown url type', 'udp03:45
daftykinssounds like it relies on something you don't have 0o03:46
daftykinsi'd be willing to bet it's failing to allocate sockets03:46
[Ex0r]I need to figure out why. I used apt-get to install it03:47
daftykinsyeah, i can work out your objective pretty easily :>03:47
BelorixCan anyone point me in the direction of restoring the purple splash screen after installing a Nvidia driver on 14.10?03:48
owen1why does xdg-open opens ff instead of chromium? (update-alternatives --get-selections|grep x-www-browser => chromium-browser)03:49
=== jack is now known as Guest81518
SirFunkI'm confused, I have an old precise box that I am trying to get a newer version of nginx on. I added the nginx-stable ppa and apt-cache-policy shows it has a newer version. I even pinned it at a higher priority, but it still is installing the lower version from another ppa04:03
SirFunkhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9566227/ is my apt-cache policy output04:03
Mani23 Never Pay for Porn ever again. Click Here! http://bit.ly/1y2SGSo04:04
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how to use tor in cmd?04:15
=== l2ksolkov___ is now known as l2ksolkov
kellabyteI'm on 14.04 and I somehow got a non-standard kernel I think with 3.16-lowlatency, I'm having trouble getting "perf" to run, it complains and won't run, how do I revert back to the right kernel? I'm not sure what I did to get into this kernel but here I am lol04:35
cfhowlettkellabyte, reboot.  choose and older kernel.  purge the kernel you don't want.04:37
sara_finally got ubuntu 14.04 desktop installed on my HP dc7900 (thanks Ben64, Lotus) However, my fans are running at full speed all the time. I installed lm-sensors and fancontrol, sensor-detect shows only coretemp, but no fans info in sensors output.. how do i proceed?04:38
kopI need to run <pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover> just after boot but "conventional" means arn't working . Options please ?04:38
kellabytecfhowlett: what is the correct kernel version for 14.04.1? I see 3 kernels on my system I think when I go to /boot04:39
cfhowlettkellabyte low-latency is native to Ubuntustudio, but on my dist-upgraded 14.04.1, it's only 3.13.0-43 ...04:39
cfhowlettkellabyte, paste the output of cat /etc/issue and dpkg -l | grep linux-image04:40
daftykinssara_: have you done anything about graphics drivers?04:40
sara_daftykins, no, what should I be doing?04:40
dyeomanswould anybody be able to help me with an issue i'm having with cron? i can't get it to run a bash script04:40
cfhowlettkellabyte, for comparison but note: I'm on Ubuntustudio   paste.ubuntu.com/9566396/04:41
daftykinssara_: finding out what graphics hardware is in your system first off. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "lspci | pastebinit" in a terminal04:41
kellabytecfhowlett: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kellabyte/158ff0841a3c11561396/raw/c2aaa807b2ccaad490913332132c53cb1abd9bc9/kernel.txt04:41
Guest55467Anyone know if it's possible to install the Unity-next ISO in kvm and then run it?04:42
Guest55467I tried, but I can't log in04:42
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
sara_daftykins: it has a Radeon HD 2400 PRO04:43
cfhowlettkellabyte, only thing I can think of is you authorized "proposed" or some PPA in your software sources04:43
daftykinssara_: oh so this thing is ancient, desktop machine?04:43
sara_daftykins: kind of.. core 2 tho04:44
daftykinssara_: have you tried looking for BIOS updates from HP?04:44
kellabytecfhowlett: possible when I tried to get another package perhaps, can I revert to the stock kernel?04:45
kellabytecfhowlett: or maybe I should figure out how to resolve the packages perf keeps saying I need, but when I try to apt-get them it says they don't exist04:46
sara_daftykins: yea, there is an update, exe file (may be autoextract). Can I check bios version without rebooting? from ubuntu?04:46
daftykinsjust boot into the 3.13 and purge the others, simple.04:46
daftykinssara_: possibly. "dmesg > ~/dmesg && pastebinit ~/dmesg"04:46
sara_BIOS 786G1 v01.16 03/05/200904:47
sara_there is one from 201104:47
kellabytedaftykins: is there a way to do that over ssh without physical access?04:47
sara_may be i should start there.04:48
cfhowlettkellabyte, if the package demands it, I guess you install it ... otherwise selective boot?  and yes you can revert to stock kernel.04:48
kellabytecfhowlett: perf complains I need linux-tools-3.16.0-031600-lowlatency04:48
daftykinskellabyte: reconfigure the default with grub :>04:48
cfhowlettkellabyte, perf is the package name?04:48
daftykinssara_: i would not even attempt to install a BIOS update from non-windows, by the way04:49
cfhowlettkellabyte, I'm not finding any info on perf ...04:49
kellabytecfhowlett: it comes with linux-tools I think04:50
cfhowlettkellabyte, but I note you've got a precise (!) kernel in your trusty list, so you've definitely done some exotic things..;04:50
cfhowlett!info linux-tools04:50
sara_daftykins: thanks.. I would boot in freedos or something.. another question - How can I make the ubuntu desktop boot only on demand. like runlevel 3 and then startx only when I want04:51
ubottuPackage linux-tools does not exist in utopic04:51
cfhowlettkellabyte, as daftykins suggested, you could boot 3.13.0 generic and purge the undesirable kernels.  I don't know anything about perf so can't advise you there.04:51
daftykinssara_: startx is deprecated, runlevels are not used with ubuntu so pass and pass :)04:52
sara_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9566417/04:52
kellabytecfhowlett: ok, I should figure out how to set the default kernel so I can reboot via ssh then04:52
daftykinswell, not so much deprecated as "don't use startx" :)04:53
sara_daftykins: ok, thanks.. I will try bios update and see.. GN04:53
cfhowlettkellabyte, pretty sure there's a grub script you can edit / set defaults but ... over my head.  sorry.04:53
kopI need to run <pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover> just after boot but "conventional" means arn't working . Options please ?04:54
kellabytecfhowlett: okie I'll do some looking, thanks so much for the help!04:54
Snow-Mankellabyte: heya. :)04:54
Snow-Mankellabyte: I've played w/ perf a fair bit, if you have questions there.04:55
kellabyteSnow-Man: hey! yeah, can't seem to get it going with this kernel04:56
Snow-Mankellabyte: well, as mentioned, you probably want 3.13.0-43.7204:58
Snow-Mankellabyte: and then linux-tools-3.13.0-43-generic04:59
kellabyteSnow-Man: weird that none of my kernels are that version04:59
Snow-Mankellabyte: Of course, you might be running a different kernel than what you've got installed.04:59
Snow-ManYou can check w/ uname -a04:59
kellabyteSnow-Man: this box was a ubuntu 12.04 box before I upgraded it to 14.0404:59
Snow-ManThat is curious.  This is a pretty stock 14.04 box.05:00
Snow-Mankellabyte: what does lsb_release -a give you?05:00
kellabyteSnow-Man: Description:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS05:00
Snow-Mankellabyte: well, you could check your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/05:02
Snow-Manbut at least the 3.13 and 3.16 kernels are available in 14.0405:02
Snow-Manso it's perhaps not too surprising to have those.05:03
kellabyteyeah but my 3.16 kernel doesn't seem to be one that has linux-tools packages for05:03
kellabytelike, the minor version is off, so I dunno how I got that and why it doesn't line up05:03
Snow-ManThe thing is, those 3.16 kernels don't have meta packages to keep them maintained and in sync.05:04
Snow-ManIf you want that, you should be using linux-image-generic and linux-tools-generic, which will pull in the 3.13 kernels and tools.05:04
Snow-Man(currently, of course, that'll change when/if things move to the next LTS kernel)05:05
kellabyteI was flailing a bit and trying various linux-tool packages to try and get perf to work, so I'm not sure if that pulled in some bad things05:05
kellabyteI have vmlinuz-3.13.0-34-generic it seems in /boot05:05
Snow-ManI'd suggest doing an apt-get update; and then apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-image-tools05:06
Snow-Manand then remove anything newer than that (unless you're currently running on it... ;)05:06
Snow-ManIf there isn't a specific reason/need to have those other kernels then they'll just get in the way, imv.05:06
Bashing-omkellabyte: Humm ... apt-cache search linux-tools >> linux-tools-3.13.0-43-generic - Linux kernel version specific tools for version 3.13.0-43 , linux-tools-3.13.0-43-lowlatency - Linux kernel version specific tools for version 3.13.0-43 .05:07
Snow-ManDo you recall any particular reason you needed them?05:07
kellabyteSnow-Man: don't think so, might have pulled it in by accident doing something else a few months ago or something05:07
Snow-Mankellabyte: what's uname -a; give you?05:08
alfonsojonHello :)05:08
Snow-Manalfonsojon: hi05:08
alfonsojonI have a PowerPC Power Mac G4, and I'm going to be upgrading the GPU. Is the Nvidia GeForce 7800 GS supported under Ubuntu? I'm having very little luck with my Radeon 9000.05:09
Snow-Manalfonsojon: nVidia's have, in general, much better support than the Radeon's have had.05:09
alfonsojonI'm aware that PowerPC isn't officially supported, but I'd just like to know about nouveau support for the GPU I'd like05:10
alfonsojonSnow-Man: Fantastic.05:10
kellabyteSnow-Man: 3.16.0-031600-lowlatency #201408031935 SMP PREEMPT Sun Aug 3 23:44:11 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:10
Snow-Mankellabyte: ok, so you're running on that 3.16 kernel.  You should be able to reboot and during the grub menu hit a button or two and get to a point where you can select to boot to the 3.13 kernel.05:10
alfonsojonAre there any issues with Ubuntu 14.10 and AGP 4x cards?05:11
Snow-Mankellabyte: Once you do that, and confirm that it'll all happy, you should remove the 3.16 kernel (by doing apt-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-031600-lowlatency).05:11
alfonsojonI'm going to be using an AGP 8x card, but running in AGP 4x mode05:11
Snow-Mankellabyte: You should also apt-get purge 3.14.5-031405-generic05:11
Snow-Manalfonsojon: Linux in general, including Ubuntu, shouldn't have any problems with that.05:11
alfonsojonSnow-Man: Fun!05:12
kellabyteSnow-Man: will this remove from grub and stuff? I don't really want physical access to this machine right now, thats kind of problematic05:12
alfonsojonThis Power Mac G4 keeps showing ways to keep up05:12
alfonsojonIt's 12 years old, but functions very well, so I'd love to run Ubuntu on it, naturally05:12
Snow-Mankellabyte: If you apt-get purge those kernels then they should be removed from grub, yes.  It'd really be best if you had physical access or at least console-level access to the host in the event that the 3.13 kernel isn't able to be booted on the box.05:13
Snow-Mankellabyte: that's more-or-less true of any kernel-level change tho. :/05:13
kellabyteSnow-Man: yeah, true05:13
Snow-Manalfonsojon: Neat!  I have to say that I'm not as confident about the level of support for a G4 as I am newer and more main-line systems.05:14
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:14
kopI need to run <pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover> just after boot but "conventional" means arn't working . Options please ?05:14
Snow-Manalfonsojon: The nVidia support is best from the nVidia binary drivers and it's, while still decent, not the same when you can't use those drivers.05:14
[Ex0r]okay this is annoying me, something is wrong here. my FTP connections keep timing out after 5-6 files uploaded, torrentflux isn't working05:14
alfonsojonSnow-Man: Naturally so, but obviously I can't get the proprietary drivers.05:15
alfonsojonSo long as I have stable 3D acceleration of some sort ,I'd be happy05:15
alfonsojonI'm obviously not using this as a gaming machine05:15
Snow-Manalfonsojon: Good. ;)05:15
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how to use tor in cmd?05:15
lotuspsychje!tor | mojtaba05:16
ubottumojtaba: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl05:16
lotuspsychje[Ex0r]: did you try other ftp packages to test?05:19
kellabyteSnow-Man: that worked, thanks so much!05:23
Snow-Mankellabyte: no prob. :)05:25
Snow-Mankellabyte: perf is some good ju-ju05:26
kellabyteSnow-Man: perf runs now but complains about Kernel address maps (/proc/{kallsyms,modules}) were restricted. and won't show me annotate or report05:26
Snow-Mankellabyte: are you able to run it as root..?05:27
kellabyteSnow-Man: ahh, that helped lol05:29
Snow-Mankellabyte: :)05:29
Snow-Mankellabyte: Not sure exactly what you're trying to do with it, but I generally use perf record -a -g sleep <however long>05:30
kellabyteSnow-Man: trying to see what calls are holding up performance in my code so I can see what I need to improve on05:30
Snow-Mankellabyte: So, perf record -a will get info about everything going on, which might be more than you really need, but can also be really useful depending on what you're doing.05:31
Snow-ManThe -g gathers call graph info05:31
kgalahassai don t know why my keyboard change input source once a get in my account, my session05:37
kgalahassathe touch change position and i don t  recognize initial place of them, the touch m give ; now05:38
kgalahassa i don t know why my keyboard change input source once a get in my account, my session, the touch change position and i don t  recognize initial place of them, the touch m give ; now, how can i maintain my input source in french and type in french , please help me, that is ubuntu 10.201405:40
kellabyteSnow-Man: this is awesome, thanks so much for the help, now tomorrow I can work on some perf improvements :)05:40
lotuspsychje!keyboard | kgalahassa05:40
ubottukgalahassa: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout05:40
Snow-Mankellabyte: haha, great, good stuff. ;)05:40
Snow-Mankellabyte: you should come to NY for PGConf US, btw. :)  Gonna be fun.05:40
kellabyteSnow-Man: when is it?05:41
Snow-Manuhm, March?  sec.05:41
Snow-Manyea, end of March; 25th-27th: http://www.pgconf.us/2015/05:41
kellabyteah, maybe I should try to get my interview in NY at the same time and get 2 for 1 lol05:44
Snow-Manhah! :)05:44
kgalahassaubottu, please help me more, the problem is that everything seems ok on keyboard parameters, but my touch change positions and I am wasting time searching usual symbol on french keyboard05:44
daftykinsyou'll find ubottu is a bot05:45
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: did you change your keyboard to FR ?05:47
lotuspsychje!fr | kgalahassa maybe the french guys can also help you05:48
ubottukgalahassa maybe the french guys can also help you: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:48
=== Xiti` is now known as Xiti
kgalahassaubottu, lotuspsychje, english is not my matter, my keyboard has changed i can t type symbols , that is why my english seems broken, and the keyboard is still in FR05:51
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: can you give us an example wich keys are wrong when you press?05:52
zykotick9lotuspsychje: fyi, ^ isn't above 6 on french keyboards...  i was using a FR keyboard until a couple of weeks ago, i was SO happy to get an english one again.05:53
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I search web through command line anonymously?05:53
kgalahassalotuspsychje, when I type m , i get ;  and m is below the touch j now05:53
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: thats sounds like an azerty/querty change05:54
kgalahassalotuspsychje, how can i fix this05:54
zykotick9lotuspsychje: i agree, letters where NOT symbols on my FR keyboard ;)05:55
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: change the right keyboard layout, there are several FR layouts you can choose..05:55
kgalahassalotuspsychje, where and how please05:55
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: click the FR icon in your right upper corner05:56
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: maybe this can guide you: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/configurer_le_clavier05:59
kgalahassalotuspsychje ok06:00
lotuspsychjekgalahassa: or here: http://www.g00dt0kn0w.com/ubuntu-14-03-passer-qwerty-azerty06:01
amadewshy all have on esk  i just instaled ubuntu and i whana see the wind partition  how can i do theat ?06:04
lotuspsychjeamadews: check /media/06:05
amadewsther is nothingg06:06
lotuspsychjeamadews: and /mnt ?06:07
amadewsthe same06:07
lotuspsychjeamadews: can you do sudo fdisk -l from terminal06:08
lotuspsychjeamadews: you see any windows partition there?06:10
amadewshave  /dev/sda2 extended partition06:10
amadewsi thing theat is the win part06:11
lotuspsychjeamadews: under system it must show ntfs06:11
lotuspsychjeamadews: otherwide its possible you overwrite your windows partition at install06:11
amadews:))n  i thing theat what i done06:11
lotuspsychjeamadews: you can install gparted, if your partition doesnt show, its gone :p06:12
lotuspsychje!info gparted | amadews sudo gparted after install06:12
ubottuamadews sudo gparted after install: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19.0-1build1 (utopic), package size 498 kB, installed size 1860 kB06:12
lotuspsychjeamadews: there is a package that can scan for lost data on your hd, let me know if you want it06:13
amadewsif is posible06:15
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | amadews06:16
ubottuamadews: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3 (utopic), package size 314 kB, installed size 1269 kB06:16
lotuspsychjeamadews: sudo photorec in terminal after install, then scan your whole partition06:16
duoihi all06:17
lotuspsychjeduoi: hi06:17
duoihow can i add a display resolution which isn't showing up automatically?06:17
lotuspsychje!resolution | duoi06:17
ubottuduoi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:17
DarkAceZhow can I have it automatically mount my secondary drive on login?06:22
lotuspsychje!fstab | DarkAceZ06:24
ubottuDarkAceZ: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:24
SnwspeckleHey everyone I am trying to install a .deb package but I am getting an error saying openfire.deb is not a debian format archive?... Lol what am I doing wrong?06:45
=== Stained_hat is now known as Stainedhat
lotuspsychjeSnwspeckle: do you have an url for this package?07:10
Snwspecklelotuspsychje, I evetually realized I was doing wget on the html lol07:10
lotuspsychje!yay | Snwspeckle07:11
ubottuSnwspeckle: Glad you made it! :-)07:11
=== scott is now known as Guest41378
Guest41378anything exciting going on?07:39
rolandvoire video07:40
lotuspsychjeroland: install vlc07:41
user13suck m y dck07:42
user13ya lubly free ass07:42
user07sosi shltyxa07:42
user13марк ганд11он11107:42
=== whowantstolivef2 is now known as whowantstolivefo
lotuspsychje!ops | user1307:42
ubottuuser13: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang07:42
user07timoxa cykin kot07:42
user13sooqa mark tu pidoras gori v adu svin`ya hohlyatsya07:42
kloerienough of that07:43
lotuspsychjeFlannel: tnx07:43
bender|I installed a TTF font recently, however I am unable to set it as my font in the terminal. Surprisingly, the font is available for other applications (gedit, firefox, etc.)08:17
Gr4cchusomg that is scary, i can find logs for any day in here all the way back to 2004.08:21
theadminbender|: Gnome-Terminal only supports monospaced fonts. If yours aren't, that's the reason.08:21
therueanyone have experience with vmware?08:31
N00bwhy ?08:31
therueplanning on setting up ubuntu on vmware08:31
theadmintherue: I suggest Virtualbox instead, if possible.08:32
theadmintherue: It's free, after all, and also works very well.08:32
Gr4cchuslast time i setup ubuntu on vmware there was a problem with unity, but this was like a year ago08:33
Ladduyea... m good in vmware08:33
theruei'm probably gonna set up lubuntu on it to be honest since it's light weight08:33
Laddufor unity prob just install gnome session fallback08:33
Gr4cchusit would basically start to slow down were you would have to revert snapshots in a couple of days. I doubt its problematic anymore though.08:33
theruehey Laddu, when setting up linux on vmware, is there any settings i should pay close attentions to?08:34
theruei see Processors08:34
Gr4cchuson the subject of visualization, has anyone used anything other and vmware like xen or kvm? i was thinking about trying those linux alternatives.08:34
therueif i pick 2 or more, it'll just mean that when i have the vmware up and running linux from it, the 1-2 core will be dedicated specifically for my vmware right"?08:34
therueso best use default 1 core i'm guessing?08:35
Laddunope just dont forget to install vmware tools after installing buntu ...these days vmware come wid easy install it ll do everything for u..08:35
therueso just use all the default settigns then?08:35
theruefor vmware08:35
theruek k z;f08:36
therueoops.. hands on wrong keys08:36
Gr4cchusso a dedicated core is not actually exclusive to that vmware, basically another vm could be using it?08:37
=== EuaD is now known as ubuntuaddicted
Ladduit online a way of telling how it gonna emulate the cpu arch to guest os ...depending upon max cpu config08:41
Ladduoops... **its only08:41
Ladduvmware is a user level app ...so it ask for resource from host os...now its upto host os totally08:42
adminewbI need some help with how graphical desktops might best coexist on a given installation of trusty 14.04.1 LTS: in principle, can one active login run xfce desktop while another uses unity?08:48
theadminadminewb: Sure.08:49
adminewbthat is, both on the system console, switching between with Ctrl-Alt-Fx08:49
adminewbok good, there are complicating factors though08:49
adminewbthis is a multiboot arrangement with a shared /home filesystem, which the sharing may long term be not so desirable08:50
adminewbprior to now, I haven't tried installing xfce at all, because it gave me bad nerves, the thought that different OSs would both be using the same config folders for the desktop08:51
iptablewhat's the actual problem?08:52
theadminadminewb: Generally, with a shared home, they would be, yes08:52
theadminadminewb: So if you were to start Xfce on the other OS, it would read your config. It should be totally fine though.08:52
adminewbwell, I'm trying to use wine to run a badly behaving Windows app, and compiz seemed to be running amok08:52
adminewbduring an app upgrade process, that is08:53
theadminAh... Wine doesn't like composition.08:53
iptableah, so wine is the actual problem08:53
adminewbdesktop composition?08:53
theadminadminewb: Yeah. Things like Compiz.08:53
theadminadminewb: Unfortunately, Unity is a Compiz plugin, so you can't disable Compiz if you're running Unity08:53
iptablenow, define "running amok"08:53
adminewbI take it xfce doesn't have such a laborious window comp process as compiz08:54
iptableno, it doesn't.08:54
iptablebut that's why it doesn't look as pretty08:54
adminewbrunning amok: consuming an entire cpu core getting nowhere08:54
iptablethat doesn't sound like a compiz issue08:54
adminewbpretty is not so compelling to me atm08:54
iptableoh, you mean compiz was consuming the whole CPU?08:54
adminewbiptable yes08:55
iptablewhat graphics card do you have?08:55
adminewbit's ATI based08:55
adminewbI'd have to dig a bit for details08:55
iptableok, what drivers are you using? opensource?08:55
iptableok, so we found the source of the problem08:55
adminewbno proprietary graphics driver08:55
iptablecompiz is GPU-accelerated window compositing system08:56
iptableif you don't have good GPU drivers, like for example the proprietary ones, but run opensource, which are lacking, you get this08:56
aaaahhhhello there! is it possible to [when i open the program-window] to place on the center screen. every program i opened it is on the different place of the screen08:56
iptableGPU drivers are one thing that is hard to make good opensource for when the protocol isn't opensource :/08:56
adminewbso what amounts to good GPU drivers?08:56
iptableif you install proprietary graphics card drivers and run them, and assuming they work (ATI is pretty bad at it with linux), compiz should be lightning fast08:57
adminewbok, atm I'm still seeing xfce as preferable to elaborate screen management08:58
iptableUbuntu has a good "additional drivers" section where you should be able to select them (I hope). My experience with ATI is - avoid.08:58
iptablechanging WM just to workaroudn the problem. If you feel it to be ok... Just understand, some things will not work. Never had VLC work properly in xfce for example.08:58
adminewbiptable, that doesn't trouble me any, until I run into a true show stopper08:59
iptableaaaahhh: you want all graphical applications to open on the same spot of the screen? or in the center? In the center will be close to impossible unless you also resize them - which might blow away some functionlity form unresizable windows09:00
iptableadminewb: ok09:00
adminewbmy question still remains: how to get different desktops to play together, and not stomp on config from another OS?09:02
adminewbis another channel more likely to commonly field such cases?09:05
xanguaif by play toguether you mean they don't install all their extra applications and you end up with 2,3 or more programs that do the same you could start with ubuntu minimal and install the bare minimum of every desktop09:07
xanguainstead of installing metapackage xubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, etc.09:08
adminewbxangua the minimal approach does appeal, thanks09:12
Gr4cchusis the minimal install another iso you have to download from the basic ones featured on the main pages?09:14
DJones!minimal | Gr4cchus09:14
ubottuGr4cchus: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:14
Gr4cchusoh that automated response or w/e that is awsome, how the hell does that work.09:15
DJonesGr4cchus: Yes, if you download that, it will install a basic system, but you have to select what apps etc you want to install09:15
DJonesGr4cchus: Just one of the commonly asked questions Ubottu is set to respond to09:15
EsorGood morning09:18
=== tcpman is now known as Guest38969
theadmin!brain > Gr4cchus09:21
ubottuGr4cchus, please see my private message09:21
ZeedoxHi, I'm modifying my xorg.conf as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Xrandr_Graphical_Front_End_GUI09:38
ZeedoxBut how do I know what Options and Identifiers to use for my specific device?09:39
Zeedox`cvt 1280 720 60` gives me the Modeline I need to use, but I'm wondering about the other information.09:39
adminewbtheadmin, still trying to distinguish what you were getting at with an earlier response: "Unfortunately, Unity is a Compiz plugin, so you can't disable Compiz if you're running Unity";09:41
theadminadminewb: Well, in short, Unity can't work without Compiz09:41
adminewbsure that's fine09:41
adminewbwhat I believe to be all right would be if compiz controls one graphical terminal while another one runs xfce without compiz benefit09:42
adminewbthe xfce desktop running a wine app should be ok if compiz is away on another desktop's login09:43
kiki67100Hello all09:45
kiki67100My ubuntu-server i just crashed ( no response ) and on my syslog on see that what is it ?09:45
adminewbso are there any known issues with switching between graphical terminals with Ctrl-Alt-Fx, when terminals run different window managers?09:46
kiki67100I seem the kernel has crashed09:46
Gr4cchushey whats the command to look at log files in realtime? like say for instance people trying to gain access to a server? (heard there were multiple log files , hopefully thats more specific)09:51
sursHi, I'm trying to connect to a remote vm (proxmox) with remmina. I get various errors (authentication failed no scheme, and  not a valid vnc server (200 wrong nu)) or it asks me for certificates. How do I connect to a proxmox vm?09:51
theadminGr4cchus: You can use "tail" for that09:52
theadminGr4cchus: tail -f /path/to/file09:52
ash`Gr4cchus: also depends on what you mean by "access"09:54
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
balancehi Im running ubuntu on a vm and would like to make the files available on my host for development. whats the fastest "mechanism" for that?10:04
adminewbbalance what sort of vm?10:05
balanceadminewb, virtual box - Cant use the sharing folder feature10:06
adminewbhow's that?10:06
adminewbare you not running the guest additions?10:06
hateballbalance: so share over ssh or smb or nfs or whatever protocol is available to both machines10:07
balancehateball, yeah just asking whats the best choice. :)10:07
hateballif you dont need RW you can just fire up "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000" in the current dir to share over http10:08
hateballbalance: best depends on what you intend to achieve10:08
balancehateball, web dev using phpstorm. I need to connect to the web dir with my ide installed on my host somehow.10:09
hateballbalance: what OS is your host running?10:10
balancehateball win8.110:10
hateballthat's unfortunate10:11
balancehateball, yeah, I really considering just installing ubuntu on a 2nd partition.10:11
hateballbalance: well I'd use NFS or SMB if you need to be able to mount the servers files. I dont know if windows has any way of mounting things over ssh10:12
hateballbalance: I guess you could use webdav also10:12
hateballthen again, not sure if windows lets you mount that as an actual mountpoint that applications can use10:12
balancehateball, I once used samba on ubuntu and mounted it as a drive on win 7. so I think NFS should work as well, but smaba was slow, but that was ages ago. I'll just try NFS thanks10:14
hateballbalance: NFS is much simpler to set up on the linux side at least10:15
adminewbiptable, when you say additional drivers section, you refer to package ubuntu-drivers-common?10:15
balancehateball, ok nice thanks10:17
aeorilI have a new Ubuntu 12.04 server.  How do I best monitor for attacks/intrusions?  I am thinking of something like file auditing and looking at logs, etc.10:17
kiki67100i ask me a question why the default value of swappiness is 60? I understand when the swappiness is high the kernel swap more, and why use swap against memory ?10:18
aeorilAlso, maybe monitoring network traffic?10:19
iptableadminewb: no, in your GUI, you will have, somewhere in I think software centre, "additional drivers" tab10:19
iptableclick on it, it will list drivers10:19
adminewbiptable that tab in "software & updates" shows nothing available; probably why I never probed deeper10:21
balanceanother question, is it possible to have dual boot without that selection menu but rather something like: if I don't press button X while booting, run win?10:21
iptableadminewb: oh. how old is your graphics card?10:21
iptableand preferably model10:22
iptablefrom lspci10:22
iptablebalance: yes. you can configure grub to have the menu hidden and boot windows by default. Then if you hold, I believe, shift, it will show menu and let you choose otherwise10:22
adminewbiptable, it's ATI Radeon 5xxx series10:22
adminewbfairly old10:22
iptablebalance: or you could have the menu at all times with a veyr short timeout10:23
iptablewhat does lspci say?10:23
adminewb"01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series]"10:23
adminewbit loads kernel module radeon and a couple others10:24
adminewbcedar is the name of the microcode10:24
iptableadminewb: searching the web for that and ubuntu lets be believe the drviers are not very well done for it. and no proprietary exist either.10:25
adminewbI see10:25
adminewbno great surprise there10:25
iptablelet me check ati website10:25
adminewband the payoff for me, for spending $$$ on new graphics card are not anywhere near reasonable10:25
iptableI don't think fglrx even supports it10:25
iptableok, so DamnOldHardware(tm) ;)10:26
adminewbit would have shown in additional drivers if fglrx would talk to it10:26
=== badon_ is now known as badon
iptableadminewb: so for old HW, you are bettter off with lubuntu, xubuntu, or, my favourite (I use even on new and old HW), Linux Mint. Pick Mate edition for old HW. WOrks a treat and is ubuntu underthe hood. Just a different GUI10:27
iptableand in mint everything runs, just like in unity, i.e. polished like it, unlike xfce10:27
adminewbso is there wine support in Mint?10:27
iptableI use (albeit, it's Office, so ...) Outlook under wine.10:28
iptableAs we speak in fact10:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:28
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:28
iptableInstalled via PlayOnLinux package (it's a GUI which pre-configures wine for you with dependencies for a lot of applicaitons, so you don't have to screw with it)10:28
iptableWell, it's wine/playonlinux chat now, thanks hateball10:28
hateballiptable: Things quickly derail is all, some of us are here to help rather than read banter ;)10:29
bubbasaures#ubuntu-offtopic is for chat this is support10:29
iptablehateball: well, I finished anyways. given advise and moved on.10:29
adminewbthanks :)10:30
iptablebubbasaures: this IS support for a user for whom under unity with his GPU wine causes compiz to max out CPU10:30
iptableRight, move on10:30
adminewbonly for a certain wine app upgrade10:30
iptableadminewb: you *could* go to AMD website and download catalyst drivers for ubuntu10:31
iptablebut I can't say if that will work or break things.10:31
iptableIt has catalyst for deb packages for ubuntu 64 and 32 bit10:31
iptableapparently supports 5x series10:31
adminewbyes when I ran windows it used catalyst drivers10:32
adminewbnever touched those with linux10:32
iptablethey *might* help if you are not afraid to test them and possibly nuke the GUI if something goes very wrong10:32
iptablei.e. I can advise10:33
iptableI simply don't know10:33
adminewbthanks for the info10:33
Gr4cchusif you mess up the drivers and boot to a black screen is this why u would need to nuke the gui? How do you nuke it?10:35
iptableIf you reboot and all you get is a black screen, you have just nuked it :D10:36
iptableUnnuking might be harder than just driver blacklisting. I had some cases of where reinstall was easier10:37
adminewbthat's why I'm not inclined to mess with it10:37
iptableay. messing with it on fresh install yes. on a non-fresh-install ... not so much10:37
iptableI use btrfs filesystem though with fs snapshot feature. so I snapshot my OS, check things and revert back if I broke it.10:38
adminewbjust inventorying my current trusty config, not worth the bother10:38
* iptable goes to get another coffee10:40
Overlordzwondering why the newest nvidia package in ubuntu (ignoring ppas and such) is 331 which evidently doesn't support the newer cards10:44
bubbasauresGr4cchus, You can try a safe x boot from the recovery or a nomodeset boot to get to the desktop and fix it maybe.10:46
=== Osenpai__ is now known as Osenpai
balanceon my ubuntu guest I want to have 2 adapters, how do I tell ubuntu about the 2nd one?10:57
=== _morsnowski is now known as morsnowski
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
tekkuhi guys, i'm doing a headless install of ubuntu over KVM... however the video mode of the ubuntu installer somehow isn't supported by my KVM unit, is there a keyboard shortcut to exit the ubuntu installer?11:21
tekkui.e. reboot11:21
tekkuCtrl+Alt+delete doesn't work11:21
EriC^^tekku: try ctrl+alt+f111:22
EriC^^then sudo reboot11:22
tekkuthanks, will try now11:23
tekkui've purchased a remote power management unit btw, so this won't happen again :)11:24
tekkuEriC^^ your trick worked. great11:25
CtrlCHi, When choosing windows 8 in the grub, it returns back to grub.windows works fine.Can it be because of installing grub in sda1 which belongs to windows?11:25
EriC^^tekku: no problem11:26
EriC^^CtrlC: nope, are you in ubuntu right now?11:26
CtrlCEriC^^: ^11:26
EriC^^type grep -A20 Windows /boot/grub/grub.cfg11:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:27
tekkui'm at the grub prompt now for the installer... gonna try  vga=79111:27
EriC^^CtrlC: going off a hunch here, did you use boot-repair?11:29
sgfltcan anyone advice me on PPAs? specifically, is there a build service for packages? i want to set up a PPA for nightly builds of some software i wrote, but I really don't want to have to build it on a clean, minimal system each time myself11:29
EriC^^CtrlC: nevermind11:29
tekkuinteresting, this must be a dodgy KVM... vga=791 should be 1024x768 with 65k colours... any KVM built within the past 15 years should handle that11:29
tekkuit auto adjusts and then says "unknown video mode" in the KVM.... very dissapointing11:29
justafraidtobreai just try to replace fedora with ubuntu but am struggling with the partitioning, because if want to keep my parallel windows 7. anybody could guide me maybe? do i need to set mount points?11:30
justafraidtobreathis is how it looks till now> http://i.imgur.com/ce0eWgD.png11:31
=== ujjwalkanth is now known as pers3us
CtrlCEriC^^:Sorry!My PC went off!Power issue.waiting for electricity.:(11:32
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: if you already have everything backed up, then delete sda3 and sda5 and make a single partition with the mountpoint set to "/"11:33
justafraidtobreaEriC^^: so just choose them and klick the minus symbol11:33
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: if you want a seperate /home partition, then make sda3 about 15gb or so and leave the rest for /home11:34
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: yes11:34
EriC^^CtrlC: no problem11:34
EriC^^tekku: that sucks11:34
justafraidtobreaEriC^^: no i got around 60 GB free space11:34
justafraidtobreaprimary or logical doesnt matter?11:35
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: ok11:35
EriC^^primary should be ok11:35
justafraidtobreait s marked as logical11:35
justafraidtobreaas default11:35
EriC^^you get 4 primaries with msdos partition tables11:35
EriC^^if you plan to have more than 4 partitions in sda then use logical11:36
justafraidtobrealets say i would love to have 35 GB home and the rest for the rest11:36
justafraidtobreaand it would be even cooler if the 35GB or everthing could be encrypted again11:36
EriC^^then make the first partition 25gb ( that's a bit excessive though, 20 gb maybe )11:36
balanceanyone knows how to make nat and host only adapter working in ubuntu (vbox)?11:36
tekkuEriC^^ does ubuntu still have a command line install option? or now gui only?11:37
justafraidtobreaand mountpoint to home_11:37
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: ubuntu is about 7gb the rest will be used for apps and stuff11:37
EriC^^tekku: i think the minimal install is command line as well as the server11:37
tekkuof course, thanks11:37
bobby5just installed ubuntu on my  c720 - every time i shut down, it gets stuck on the ubuntu shutdown screen. is there an easy fix to this?11:37
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: yeah11:37
EriC^^bobby5: press esc and see what it's hanging at11:38
justafraidtobreaand use as > physical encrpytion_11:38
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: no idea about encryption11:38
bobby5EriC^^: okay, i'll check11:38
CtrlCEriC^^:‌By the way,Didn't use boot-repair.11:39
justafraidtobreawhat just sounds strange is the "physical" in it11:39
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: yeah11:39
justafraidtobreaok i got the 40gb home now with ext411:40
krambiorixhi guys, i have following problem : http://pastebin.com/MPWsGg9v11:40
justafraidtobreaand now just set one more partition with the rest of space to / ?11:40
justafraidtobreaor do i need to create partitions for every mount point option now?11:41
bobby5EriC^^: of course that time it shut down with no errors...i'll check the error next time it happens11:42
justafraidtobreaEriC^^: thats my new setup: http://i.imgur.com/GTDuGAz.png11:42
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: ok it looks good11:43
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: is the sda5 decrypted right now?11:43
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: cause there's the mapper there11:43
justafraidtobreayes it should be encrypted11:44
justafraidtobreai mean, it was encrypted11:44
EriC^^i think the installer will tell you it will unmount it to perform any operations i think11:44
justafraidtobreai thought this will be overwritten now? what does this mapper mean?11:44
justafraidtobreawill my sda5 -> home now overwrite the more generic sda6 -> root?11:45
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
EriC^^i think it will just remove the partitions and create these new ones, unencrypted11:45
justafraidtobreaand where will the boot partition go? this 500mb thing?11:46
justafraidtobreawill he take ot from / ?11:46
justafraidtobreajust a bit nervous, would be great to not break my windows partition because it takes hours to setup and install the adobe suite without having a cd drive ...11:47
EriC^^no, the partition table is like a map that says the partition is from here to there, it will delete that map and make a new one11:47
justafraidtobreadont get it, sorry. i have not used the "New Partition Table", because my windows partitions are gone then, or?11:48
EriC^^it won't delete the partition table, just the partitions, and make new ones with those sizes as unallocated11:48
justafraidtobreaso you think i can just go now with the setup like in my second screenshot?11:48
justafraidtobreathen i ll give it a try ^^11:48
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: i think so yes11:48
justafraidtobreaok i ll give it a try ^^11:49
bivasplece ans me11:49
justafraidtobreathere is an info because of swap11:50
justafraidtobreai got 12 GB of ram11:50
justafraidtobreai dont neet swap or?11:50
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: you only need it if you want to hibernate, or have a special need for it11:51
brenti have a question hopefully someone here can help me with, for some reason now if i "sudo gedit" i get "timout was reached". I can still open things from within unity (without root)11:51
EriC^^brent: timeout reached? maybe they are talking about the timestamp?11:52
justafraidtobreahibernate would be great ^^ i guess i use this everyday, like closing a notebook?11:52
EriC^^brent: do you know the password?11:52
brentyea i have a sudo password set11:52
EriC^^brent: try sudo -k11:52
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: hibernate saves the contents of the ram into disk and then turns off the pc11:53
brentit did nothing, eric11:53
hateballfor GUI stuff you should use gksu rather than sudo anyhows11:53
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: you can still use suspend without swap, the pc will use little power to keep the contents of the ram alive11:53
brentthis is from terminal11:53
brentoh ok sorry hateball11:54
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: if you want hibernation you should make a swap of 13gb or so ( should be as much as your ram )11:54
justafraidtobreaso suspend is fine?11:54
hateballbrent: sudo can and will mess up file permissions if you run GUI apps with it11:54
justafraidtobreawell 13gb would be bad because of so less space ;D11:54
justafraidtobreashould my windows be automatically in the boot list11:55
justafraidtobreaor do i need to fix this later?11:55
brenthateball, i've had troubles with this in the past. Wasnt with gedit mind you, but sounds like i need to fix it11:55
EriC^^brent: sudo -K maybe11:55
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: grub should pick it up automatically11:55
brentEriC^^, did nothing.. when i checked the procresses running it has gedit.. and its not running within unity11:56
brentand i cant kill it either11:56
brenti usually reboot and its fixed, but i have having to11:56
justafraidtobrea"Partitions 5,6 on /dev/sda have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change... you should reboot now before making further changes11:57
brentuser@ubuntu-server:~$ sudo chown -R user: /home11:58
brentchown: changing ownership of ‘/home/user/.gvfs’: Function not implemented11:58
EriC^^brent: maybe sudo service sudo start11:58
brentok ill try that11:58
EriC^^justafraidtobrea: ok reboot11:59
justafraidtobreaand just start the installer again and i ll see my new partitions t hen?11:59
EriC^^yeah, you should, then select the mountpoints and install12:00
brentdidnt do it eric :/12:00
justafraidtobreaok thanks12:01
justafraidtobreaill try it12:01
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:01
brentis there a way to fix the damages caused by running sudo for gui apps12:02
Madeline23 Free Porn for Life!. Click Here! http://j.mp/Rh9YfS12:04
CtrlCDoes grub hav to be installed in boot partition?12:07
hichamatCan I install old version of php and apache in Ubuntu 14 directly from apt-get or I must compile them myself12:07
hichamatI want to install php 5.3.3 on Ubuntu 14 but I can't apt-get install php-5.3.312:08
CtrlCAny idea?12:11
EriC^^CtrlC: grub is installed to the mbr of the disk, not the partition12:12
aaaahhhhow to replace compiz, what is the command? i know that to run compiz, you need this command: compiz --replace, but how revert this?12:14
aaaahhhi know how to run compiz with command: compiz --replace, but what is the comand to revert this process?12:15
theadminaaaahhh: Revert? You'll need to start whatever window manager you had running before that.12:15
aaaahhhtheadmin, pls, can you tell me, what is the window manager on the mate?12:16
aaaahhhso, this mean something like: marco --replace?12:16
theadminaaaahhh: Yeah, that should work. Most likely.12:17
theadminaaaahhh: You may also want to add &disown at the end so that you can close the terminal.12:17
theadmin(without the window manager dying, that is)12:17
aaaahhhtheadmin, thanks, i will try it now12:18
aaaahhhtheadmin, yes, this is it! thanks theadmin!12:18
Vivekanandahow do I boot into a live usb from lenovo y510p having windows 8.1.12:19
CtrlCEriC^^:Used boot-repair .Still have the same problem.Here's what you asked:  Paste.Ubuntu.com/9569254/12:22
=== d3vlin_ is now known as d3vlin
EriC^^CtrlC: ls-ld /sys/firmware/efi12:23
EriC^^*ls -ld /sys/fir...12:23
EriC^^CtrlC: and sudo parted -l12:23
CtrlCEriC^^:Should I paste that again?12:24
CtrlCthis? :ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi12:24
EriC^^CtrlC: as well as sudo parted -l12:25
CtrlCEriC^^Would you explain what they are?12:26
CtrlCI'll paste right now.12:26
EriC^^CtrlC: the first command will list info about the directory efi, if it's there then you're booted in efi mode12:30
EriC^^CtrlC: the second command will give info about your drives and partition table12:30
EriC^^CtrlC: win8 is usually installed in efi mode, it could be used with legacy too12:33
CtrlCEriC^^: Sorry for the delay.12:37
slawekhow to drop all input udp trafic except multicast by using iptables? I've tried iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp -J ACCEPT ; iptables -A INPUT -p udp -J DROP12:40
CtrlCEriC^^:Have any idea?12:40
slawekbut it blocks all input udp traffic12:40
bazhangtry #netfilter slawek12:40
slawekjoin #netfilter12:40
slaweksorry -_-;12:40
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slawekbazhang: thanks for info12:42
CtrlCGuys any idea why when I choose windows 8 in grub it returns back to grub?12:44
eXistenZNLthey never liked each other12:44
CtrlCeXistenZNL:Any idea how to fix it?12:44
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest77649
CtrlCEriC^^ : Are you here?12:46
Guest77649Hi, how do I get kernel 3.17 in ubuntu 14.04 ?12:46
eXistenZNLCtrlC, nope, cant you use debug mode or something like that?12:46
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Guest77649I basically have a alps v7 touchpad, which has drivers in 3.17.x but not <=3.16.x12:47
CtrlCeXistenZNL: Windows debug mode or what?Ubuntu is fine.12:47
eXistenZNLgrub debug12:47
eXistenZNLsee what itś doing12:48
eXistenZNLalso, please post grub config?12:48
CtrlCWhere it is?(debug.)12:48
geckooooHi i'm new on ubuntu, is "deepin sofware center still available?? thanks12:51
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bazhang!find deepin12:52
ubottuFile deepin found in ubuntu-kylin-software-center12:52
Danielc1234Hi all, If I wanted to move some folders, sub folders and all files to another directory without wiping out the files that are already there how would I do this? I want to really overwrite the new files and leave the other files in that directory alone.12:53
ubottuUbuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin12:53
Vivekanandacan someone tell me how to do the nomodeset during booting from ive usb12:53
bazhanggeckoooo, see above12:53
EriC^^CtrlC: sorry no idea12:53
Danielc1234I tried this, but did not work cause it would not overwrite the existing files..   mv -n magento/* magento/.htaccess .12:54
balanceI want to have host only and NAT adapter (vbox) working. ubuntu is my guest. there seems to be a configuration issue because I cant connect to the internet if host only is enabled. how do I configure it?12:54
EriC^^CtrlC: you can try to update-grub if you want12:54
EriC^^CtrlC: or manually add the windows entry12:54
CtrlCEriC^^:NP. Thanks.12:54
tnkhanhhi I got this error while trying install qt 5.4 from source http://paste.ubuntu.com/9569349/12:55
CtrlCEriC^^:Did so.The same problem.12:55
EriC^^CtrlC: updating grub? or manually adding?12:55
CtrlCI'll install grub in boot partition.(it is on sda now)Hope it'll help.12:55
CtrlCEriC^^:Using boot-repair12:56
CtrlCEriC^^:Did sudo update-grub2 .but the same issue.12:56
tnkhanhHelp! I got this error: http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.4/5.4.0/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.0.tar.xz trying to install qt 5.4 from http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.4/5.4.0/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.0.tar.xz12:56
tnkhanhsorry this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9569349/12:57
EriC^^CtrlC: which partitions of win8 do you have12:59
EriC^^CtrlC: i mean is C:\ 315gb ? or 210gb?12:59
CtrlCit's in sda112:59
EriC^^CtrlC: ok13:02
CtrlCEriC^^: Think it'll help/13:02
EriC^^CtrlC: i think the mbr of sda1 was overwritten13:02
CtrlCEriC^^:What does that  mean and how can I fix it?13:03
EriC^^you need to use a windows cd to repair it, or use testdisk to recover the backup boot sector13:03
EriC^^sudo apt-get install testdisk13:03
VivekanandaI set no modeset just before the word quiet as indicated here :  http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu   for ubuntu 14.04. I did not get a gui but got connected. How do I get a gui for the live usb13:04
CtrlCEriC^^:What to do with testdisk then?13:04
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EriC^^*mbr = boot sector btw13:05
EriC^^CtrlC: you can recover the backup boot sector13:05
CtrlCEriC^^:How exactly?recover sda1?:/13:05
EriC^^scroll down to the partition, the boot sector for the windows partition seems to be overwritten13:06
EriC^^CtrlC: do you have a windows cd?13:08
CtrlCEriC^^: Yes.13:08
CtrlCWhy it get's overwritten?13:08
CtrlCEriC^^: &^13:08
DzAirmaXhi guyz13:10
EriC^^CtrlC: i don't know, you did mention grub being installed to sda1 earlier13:10
EriC^^why did you mention that?13:10
tom[]in the installer disk partitioning section, are partition size prefixes binary or decimal? e.g. is 1KB 1000 or 1024 bytes?13:10
CtrlCEriC^^:Thought maybe it can help.13:10
DzAirmaXcan someone help me to change the permission right to an existing user to --disabled-login ?13:11
EriC^^CtrlC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootSectorFix13:11
CtrlCEriC^^: Ok, I'll do that.13:13
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=== eden_ is now known as doodz
doodzI have a hybrid GPU(Ubuntu 14.10).How can i switch between them?13:16
Vivekanandano answers for me I guess13:18
DJonesdoodz: I've got INtel/Nvidia and use the nvidia-prime driver, I can switch between them using (I think) the nvidia-settings tool13:19
EnissayHow to select all lines from a file using nano ? (in order to copy)13:20
doodzDJones, http://s18.postimg.org/cu37vc7fd/Nvidia.png13:21
DJonesdoodz: There's an nvidia-settings package that I don't think gets installed automatically, I did mine from command line rather than using additional drivers13:22
chr1stopherEriC^^: thanks. i am back again and installed ubuntu now. thanks for helping me with the partitioning13:23
doodzDJones, can you prompt me somewhere?13:23
DJonesdoodz: Try sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and then run that package13:24
BluesKaj_Hi all13:24
EriC^^chr1stopher: great, no problem13:25
doodzDJones, http://s14.postimg.org/5uq69whhd/nvidia_settings.png13:25
doodzDJones, it seems that it is not complete.13:26
=== theadmin|ghost is now known as theadmin
Vivekanandaanyone care to commenti13:26
Vivekanandaalso is startup disk same as live usb disk ?13:26
DJonesdoodz: I'm not on Ubuntu at the moment so I can't actually check what it should be showing, but from memory, thats not showing a lot of options I have13:27
EriC^^Vivekananda: yes, i think the startup disk is the same as a live usb disk13:28
doodzDJones, how can i check what GPU am i using now?13:28
DJonesdoodz: How did you install your nvidia driver? Did you use nvidia-prime13:28
DJonesdoodz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/412452/getting-hybrid-graphics-to-work-nvidia-prime-gt650m13:29
doodzDJones, i will restart my pc.13:30
VivekanandaEriC^^: thanks. Also any clues on the previous question13:32
doodzDJones, it seems that it is working.I can change between them.13:33
doodzDJones, but i have to log out.13:33
EriC^^Vivekananda: what do you mean by you got connected?13:33
Vivekanandaconnected ? let me read what I said13:33
DJonesdoodz: ok, thats good13:34
VivekanandaEriC^^: sorry  I mean I could boot in the live usb but did not get the gui13:34
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DJonesdoodz: Your welcome13:34
EriC^^Vivekananda: what did you get?13:34
VivekanandaI just got the cli with ubuntu@ubuntu:13:36
memphistoHello to all13:36
memphistoi have my primary disk encrypted and i want to have another disk , also encrypted, automount during boot13:36
memphistoroot@mybook:~# cat /etc/crypttab13:36
memphistosda5_crypt UUID=4ae5e9fc-38d0-4641-ba6f-55ca07550d76 none luks,discard13:36
memphistodrugi_disk /dev/sdb1 /root/crypt.pass luks,discard13:36
memphisto3.13.0-43-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP13:36
unopastememphisto you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted13:36
EriC^^Vivekananda: did you checksum the iso?13:37
EriC^^( it's a long shot but just in case )13:37
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VivekanandaEriC^^: I had used the drive before but did create it now. it is an older drive13:39
Vivekanandaalso I used nomodeset but I wondered if I had to use some other flags during the booting13:40
EriC^^Vivekananda: ok, and you used startup disk creator to make it?13:41
Vivekanandano I justuse it as a rescure disk13:41
Vivekanandasorry I meant I am creating a new usb out of 12.04 currently but I had this other one for 14.0413:42
EriC^^Vivekananda: so you want to fix your installation?13:42
EriC^^Vivekananda: what are you trying to achieve?13:42
VivekanandaI use both for rescuring systems. Right now my windows machine is a mess and I need to back up13:42
Vivekanandathen recover the system and get it to the oritinal state13:43
VivekanandaI just created a fresh 12.04 and hope thatfares better than my 1409413:44
Vivekananda14 .0413:44
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf
rubickjoin #freenode14:06
DarkAceZI just installed a new U14.04, and I expected to be able to browse the files on it over STFP, basically out of the box... but it's refusing the connection14:06
DarkAceZit's the exact same settings I used to connect with my other OS (13.04)14:06
PiciDid you install ssh on it?14:06
DarkAceZI just compiled OpenSSH, too, no dice14:07
PiciCan you connect to it, from itself? i.e. ssh localhost ?14:07
DarkAceZssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused14:08
k1lDarkAceZ: did you manage the config? what error message do you get?=14:08
DarkAceZI'm probably forgetting something14:08
k1lDarkAceZ: are you trying root account login14:08
DarkAceZI'm logging in as my normal user, with password14:08
andreas_Hello! I am having trouble insatlling things. When I try I get this error message: http://pastebin.no/34vm, I have deleted the steam entries in /var/lib/apt/lists/ three times now but they come back by themselfs14:10
k1lDarkAceZ: see auth.log whats wrong with that login14:11
andyfiedDarkAceZ: firewall settings?14:11
DarkAceZno need :) apparently I needed to install a few more packages14:12
Piciandreas_: The settings are stored in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:12
DarkAceZI figured it would something silly14:12
DarkAceZthanks for your time14:12
k1landreas_: please pastebin "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"14:12
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo
andreas_http://pastebin.no/34vn the first, http://pastebin.no/34vp <- the second k1l14:15
andreas_now I see them there again14:15
k1landreas_: steam and steamlauncher might be doubled14:17
andreas_hmm.. I don't' really need steam, would just uninstalling the whole thing suffice?14:17
k1landreas_: you still need to remove (or disable) the PPAs. if that is a desktop uncheck them in systemsettings->software&updates->3rd tab14:18
andreas_ok thanks14:19
=== ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN
Vivekanandahi . I  can boot into a live usb from lenovoy510p  windows 8.1 system ( trying to back up some files) but i dont get a gui. I also dont see the windows partition anywhere and navigating in the cli is a little tough.  How do I get the gui ?14:22
compdocVivekananda, sounds like the usb you created isnt working properly14:24
Ozstrikerjoin !ubuntu ita14:24
Vivekanandacompdoc: I have two usbs and both have the same problem . Are you sure it is the usb?  each has 14 and 12 repectively14:25
Ozstrikerqualcuno che parla italiano14:25
Vivekanandacompdoc: can it not have something to do with nvidia drivers or lenovo y510p settings or my own inclusion ( nomodeset) ?14:25
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
DJones!it | Ozstriker14:25
ubottuOzstriker: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:25
ashmael@Vivekananda did u boot from the usb?14:26
Vivekanandabooted from both in turn and get only the cli for both14:26
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: if you got an external HD i could give you a command for you to back the entire windows HD14:26
ashmaelor service lightdm start14:26
ashmaelwith $14:26
ashmaelor u could use dd \14:27
VivekanandaChuck_Norris: if you are talking about dd I guess that would do it but before I can do that I need to first somehow find out where the hard drive is ( blkid gave me that) and then mount it and then access it14:27
Chuck_Norrisyeah dd14:27
OzstrikerDJones ubottu ho bisogno di aiuto per un problema con grub14:27
ashmaeltry to see what sd is your usb14:28
ashmaeldf -h14:28
ashmaeli think14:28
DJonesOzstriker: Sorry, I don't speak italian, join #ubuntu-it for support in italian language14:28
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: fdisk -l14:28
t0ntinHi, all. My screen shuts off completely when I try to play a youtube video using Chrome. I just went to the chrome extensions page using firefox and it shut off again. Anybody know why this is happening?14:29
VivekanandaI tried that and get the output but it woul help a lot if I can load the desktop management14:29
VivekanandaI will try lightdm once again14:30
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: install curl: apt-get install curl14:30
ashmaelthe hdd is sd014:30
ashmaelthe usb is c or c14:31
VivekanandaChuck_Norris: how does that help14:31
Chuck_Norriswe will get a paste using it14:31
ashmael@Vivekananda try to see what sd* is our usb14:31
Vivekanandasure looking14:32
ashmaelthan u can try to mount sda or copy it directly14:32
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: then:  fdisk -l | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw     that will create a shrted url with the output of fdisk -l14:33
Vivekanandabtw I gried service start and everything got stuck14:33
Vivekanandabtw wil it matter much if the system is 64 bit but the live usb is 32 bit14:33
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ashmael@Vivekananda nope14:33
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: ok, then, let use a cli14:34
VivekanandaChuck_Norris: that I want to avoid :(14:34
VivekanandaI will try installing curl14:34
VivekanandaI will reboot14:34
Vivekanandabut before I do that how do I get out of the loop14:34
Vivekanandactrl c doesnt work14:35
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: why? nothing is going to happen' to you data, cli or X it the same for most users that helps in here14:35
KorkelHello, is it easy to install Ubuntu next to Windows on a OTHER partiton?414:35
KorkelBecause I'm gonna re-install my system, and want to know if that can easy.14:36
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: loop? if you wanna reboot try:  systemctl reboot14:36
Chuck_Norristo your* dat...14:36
VivekanandaChuck_Norris: I tried sudo service lightdm start and then I am on the ctrl alt f714:36
Vivekanandaand notihng started14:37
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: switch to TTY 2: ctrl + alt + F214:37
Vivekanandayeah I am there14:37
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VivekanandaI tried to do the restart again but it is still there14:38
Vivekanandaie nothing happening14:38
Chuck_Norrisdo you have ubuntu@ubuntu?14:38
Ozstriker !grub14:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:39
Vivekanandayes I do Chuck_Norris14:40
Vivekanandabut on running th ecommand I believe it switches to the F7 and there nothing happens just a bunch of oks and is stuck right after stopping log inial device creation14:41
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: ok press at the same time  "alt + print pant"   and one by one " r + e + i + s + u + b "14:44
Vivekanandawhat is print pant ?14:45
VivekanandaChuck_Norris: ?14:45
EriC^^it's next to print skirt14:45
Chuck_Norrisi meant, holdin' "alt + print pant" press one by one: r + e +...14:45
EriC^^Vivekananda: it's print screen14:45
Vivekanandayeah but I did not understand what "print pant is "14:45
Vivekanandawhat is the meaning of the word pant here ?14:46
Chuck_Norrisyes print pant, ty EriC^^14:46
EriC^^Chuck_Norris: why do you keep saying print pant?14:46
Vivekanandawhat the heck is print pant ?14:47
Chuck_Norrisdoh! mah head a little mess up, yes it is "print screen" :P14:47
VivekanandaEriC^^: you know what he is saying ?14:47
Vivekanandaokay I pressed alt + print screen14:47
VivekanandaI dont see anything happening14:47
cobalt237After I purge fglrx should I no longer see the module in /sys/module?14:47
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VivekanandaChuck_Norris: I tried alt+print scren14:48
Vivekanandanothing happens14:48
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: that is like the old "ctrl + alt + backspace" in the "good" old windows XP  :p14:48
EriC^^Vivekananda: hold alt+printscreen , and type reisub slowly14:49
cobalt237After installing fglrx X segfaults at boot even after following guides for purging it14:49
Vivekanandaokay trying again14:49
N3shhey Jordan_U :D14:49
Chuck_Norriscobalt237: use another kernel14:49
schneekluthHello everyone. Last week I've purchased a cheap notebook from Acer (Aspire E15 E5-571-33SS) and installed Ubuntu 14.04 on it. On first boot I encountered two major problems. The trackpad did not work at all but I could solve this issue by upgrading to the latest Kernel 3.18. The other still remaining problem is that Wifi and Bluetooth is not working. Inside theres a Broadcom BCM43241 Chipset that handles both.14:50
schneekluthRunning "lspci" shows: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev1)14:50
schneekluthThe system recognizes the hardware but i cannot use wifi or bluetooth at all. It seems to be a driver issue. When clicking on the wifi icon above right the only option to connect to a network is a wired option. Has anybody a solution to get my wifi and blutooth working?14:50
Vivekanandaokay I tried it and things popped up14:50
voidhello how do i change th root password for ubuntu i know its not enabled ... but i need to start ubuntu 14.04 in recovery mode to edit some files in the system14:50
voidhow do i do this ??14:50
Vivekanandawhat was intended ? Chuck_Norris ?14:50
Chuck_Norrisremove the one who is segfaul, but first you make sure that you have another kernel to use14:50
Chuck_Norriscobalt237: -----^14:50
EriC^^void: you don't need the root password for recovery mode14:50
Chuck_NorrisVivekananda: so... you got a workin "ubuntu@ubuntu" now ?14:51
cobalt237I've removed the fglrx package, but I still see references to it on the file system including a module, which X appears to be loading14:51
VivekanandaChuck_Norris: I already had a working ubuntu@ubuntu the whole time. I said that when I tried sudo service lightdm restart then "F7"   terminal nothing happens there.  my terminal 2 ie tty2  is still there and has the prompt14:52
EriC^^Vivekananda: do you have the .iso file you used?14:53
VivekanandaEriC^^: yes I do14:53
EriC^^Vivekananda: ok, type md5sum /path/to/is14:53
Vivekanandait is on this computer ( ubuntu 12)14:54
Vivekanandaokay one sec14:54
EriC^^Vivekananda: what iso is it? ubuntu 14.04.1 ? desktop? amd64?14:54
mustmodifyMy development process involves SSHing into an ubuntu machine from a windows machine. I often keep n terminal windows open, using vim to edit.14:54
Vivekanandanope it is ubuntu 12.04 desktop14:55
VivekanandaI think 3214:55
jpds_mustmodify: OK.14:55
VivekanandaEriC^^:  ubuntu-12.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso14:56
compdoccant imagine a more painful editer than vi14:56
EriC^^Vivekananda: is this the number you got? c7f439e864d28d9e5ca2aa885c4ec4cb14:56
EriC^^compdoc: try ed14:56
Vivekanandaone sec14:56
EriC^^Vivekananda: it's 64bit btw14:56
Vivekanandayeah . I thought I only had 3214:56
VivekanandaI have c7f439e864d28d9e5ca2aa885c4ec4cb  ubuntu-12.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso14:57
EriC^^Vivekananda: ok, the iso is correct14:57
EriC^^Vivekananda: maybe it's a vga issue or something? do you have another iso you could try?14:57
EriC^^maybe a newer kernel would help14:58
Vivekanandayeah . Dont I have to put some other flags during bootup to get the gui like a low graphics mode or something ?14:58
VivekanandaEriC^^: nope14:58
Vivekanandait happens with the 14.04 too14:58
EriC^^Vivekananda: there might be other options you can add14:59
agendhi - i'm just setting up server - and I need plenty of requests per second, started with ubuntu, and had nf_conntrack problem - fixed it, got better rps troughput - but I wonder is there linux distro which would be tuned for high permormance http serving out of the box?14:59
VivekanandaEriC^^: I guessed so too15:00
Vivekanandaike on low graphics mode or something15:00
Vivekanandabut that would also leave the system dysfunctional15:02
Vivekanandaan dnot of muchhelp15:02
EriC^^Vivekananda: try to add xforcevesa at the end of the kernel line after splash15:03
Vivekanandawhere at the end of the line ?15:03
Vivekanandavery end ?15:03
EriC^^quiet splash ... xforcevesa15:03
VivekanandaEriC^^: Chuck_Norris  if it doesnt work I sitll want to try and back up parts of the system into the external drive via thecli15:06
Vivekanandawonderhowdifficult it would be15:06
EriC^^pretty easy15:07
VivekanandaEriC^^: two problems15:07
Vivekananda1. the disk is 1 tb and but has like 700 gb free  ( actually I think more than 800) so I dont wish to back up the whole of 1 tb15:08
EriC^^Vivekananda: do you want to backup the whole os or only your personal files?15:08
Vivekananda2. I had created some "stored disks" as virtual disks on the windows machine ( the one that is messed up )  and I want a folder from there too.  I also want a folder that I had locked up using an encryption program  ( folder lock)15:09
VivekanandaEriC^^: only files. Prograns I cam reinstall15:09
VivekanandaThis ime I will set up a way to backup disk images at regular intervals15:09
EriC^^Vivekananda: when you say files you mean the OS?15:09
Vivekanandano only "personal " files . no os files15:10
EriC^^Vivekananda: i don't know how you could retrieve the folder that is locked up using a windows encryption program15:10
EriC^^Vivekananda: ok, then that's easy, just rsync them to your external drive15:10
VivekanandaEriC^^: if I could just copy the folder overI can then copy it back later and decrypt it when I install the same program agian15:10
EriC^^Vivekananda: about the encrypted folder i have no idea15:10
Vivekanandahmm okay15:11
EriC^^Vivekananda: are you sure? what about any keys and such that might be needed for decryption?15:11
Vivekanandabut to rsync I need to firt boot15:11
Vivekanandafolder lock is a simple program . It just asked for a password and encrypted the folder and hid it15:11
EriC^^Vivekananda: windows isn't booting right now right?15:11
arhi. why is losetup on ubuntu so lacking? proper losetup; http://dpaste.com/1S3WQHQ.txt ubuntu losetup: http://dpaste.com/2Z0J56K.txt15:11
VivekanandaI am not sure where15:11
Vivekanandait is booting but what I did was I stupidly , in the process of unistalling a malware program , deleted some other files that  revo uninstaller 'suggested' . Now it boots up but when I click anything  eg a  folder or  an exe  it says  " no supporting interface found"15:12
ar(it just so happens i need --partscan on a loop device15:13
direwolf7I am new here, help me to contribute!!15:13
VivekanandaEriC^^:  I am trying xforcevesa15:14
VivekanandaEriC^^:  I still get ony the cli15:16
Scriptonauthey guys, if I'm in the middle of a make install, can I somehow pause it, turn the machine off, and then resume it next time I start the machine? Or will it either start over or error?15:17
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Vivekanandacan I use fdisk to also see the size in mbs ?15:18
VivekanandaScriptonaut: it usually doenst work ike that as far as i know15:19
VivekanandaScriptonaut: depends on what u are installing too15:20
Vivekanandasometimes the instal script has 'clean'  ie make clean and simiar commands but will have to read that15:20
ScriptonautMy raspberry pi has been compiling/installing curl for 24 hours and I desperately need to charge my phone before work :P15:20
mike_nDoes anyone know why "apt-get autoremove" doesn't remove old kernel versions? I have several, and they're quickly consuming my boot partition. There are many tutorials out there on how to remove them manually, but I want to know why they're not being handled automatically by apt-get...15:30
chr1stopheri tried to install jdk 7 and afterwards jdk 6, but something seems to have gone wrong: Errors were encountered while processing:15:32
chr1stopher icedtea-netx:amd6415:32
jimmy51v_mike_n:   sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-VER-generic linux-image-VER-generic  (where VER is the version) seems to15:32
balance1is it possible to do dual boot without boot menu, so by default X starts and if I press somethign while booting the other thing boots or something like that?15:32
mike_njimmy51v_, yes, giving the name works fine, but I periodically run "sudo apt-get autoremove", which manages to clean up old packages automatically (without me having to name them); I'm just wondering why it won't do the same for kernels...15:33
jimmy51v_mike_n: ah... good question15:33
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EriC^^mike_n: less /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal15:36
jimmy51v_mike_n: looks like perhaps aptitude safe-upgrade would remove unused kernels15:37
jimmy51v_if that's how you upgraded15:37
jimmy51v_other than that i guess running `dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge` manually every now and then would clean up all of the old ones15:37
jimmy51v_EriC^^: hmm.... that looks like it should only mark 2 or 3 to be preserved15:39
mike_nEriC^^, thanks, I'm looking at it... not sure what I'm supposed to do with it, though (it looks like a script to remove all but the last 2-3 kernels).15:39
EriC^^mike_n: there's probably the reason why it's not removing the rest15:40
EriC^^mike_n: cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels15:41
VivekanandaEriC^^: still there15:41
Vivekanandadid you leave me a message too?15:41
EriC^^mike_n: it looks like it saves the list of kernels to keep there, you can check if it has more than 2 added there or what15:41
mike_nEriC^^, is it run automatically already? Because I will accumulate like 7 or 8 versions, and then my whole boot partition is consumed.15:41
EriC^^mike_n: i think that's the postinst script for kernels, it runs after installing a new kernel15:41
mike_nEriC^^, hmmm.... 01autoremove-kernels contains two versions for me...15:42
jimmy51v_EriC^^: is that apt-autoremoval script a new thing?15:43
EriC^^jimmy51v_: no, i dont think so15:43
EriC^^Vivekananda: ?15:43
jimmy51v_EriC^^: I have about 8 kernels in /boot but there is a gap between an old 6 and recent 215:44
jimmy51v_( i should have said 'relatively' new)15:44
jimmy51v_dang.  phone.  good luck mike_n.  at least you know how to purge them manually.15:45
* jimmy51v_ asks if they've tried rebooting15:45
VivekanandaEriC^^: I meant that I tried the reboot with xforcevesa and nomodeset as flags and still no gui15:45
mike_nThanks, jimmy51v_ !15:46
EriC^^Vivekananda: ok, do you want to back your files up? did you read about folder lock?15:46
K4kHey, how can I get onboard to show up if I don't have a keyboard to attach to my tablet?15:46
VivekanandaEriC^^:  I want to back up and I will read th efolder lock thing later15:46
K4kI've gone to the accesibility menu and toggled the on screen keyboard to on but it's not showing up15:46
Vivekanandafor now I know all other files I need backed up15:46
VivekanandaEriC^^: can you tell me how to see the disk sizes of the connected ext hard drive partitions .  fdisk -l lists cylinders and stuff but nothing readable15:47
EriC^^mike_n: ok it looks like that list is the list of stuff to never autoremove15:47
EriC^^mike_n: so what you need now is to know how does apt-get autoremove know what to remove15:47
VivekanandaEriC^^: ^^15:51
chr1stopherare there any ways to fix a broken installation? tried to install jdk 6 but something went wrong; now every time i try to do something with apt-get i get an error from /usr/bin/dpkg15:53
EriC^^mike_n: man apt-mark has more info15:53
VivekanandaEriC^^: ?15:53
EriC^^chr1stopher: what's the error you're getting? paste it in paste.ubuntu.com15:54
Vivekanandachr1stopher: broken packages. guess you woud have to clean them15:54
Vivekanandacould be dpkg is stuck , did you try a restart ?15:54
EriC^^Vivekananda: sudo parted -l15:54
mike_nThanks, EriC^^ .15:54
chr1stopherVivekananda: just restarted in the hope it goes away15:54
Vivekanandayeah :) chr1stopher15:55
chr1stopherwell i restarted my machine, or do you mean restart dpkg?15:55
VivekanandaEriC^^: is there a way to see mbs and gbs in the output ? ie an -h flag or something ?15:56
VivekanandaEriC^^: sorry my bad. I see gbs15:56
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Vivekanandaokay so now I have to mount them right ?15:57
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EriC^^Vivekananda: yeah15:58
EriC^^( sudo mount /dev/sdxY /path/to/mountpoint )15:59
VivekanandaEriC^^: so I see that /dev/sdb = 1000gb ( ie my windows)  and has like 11 partitions ( stupid windows) and I need to mount one of them15:59
VivekanandaI am trying to figure out which one that is but dont see it in the output for parted15:59
shibbolethhttp://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/1853266 <--- Who is maintaining the git packages?15:59
ZOMB|Estupid windows? since when does windows make 11 partitions15:59
EriC^^Vivekananda: ok, do you know it's size?16:00
shibbolethZOMB|E: it creates four by default on UEFI systems16:00
EriC^^and if you opt to reinstall it creates them again ^^16:00
chr1stopherthis dkpg thing is making me crazy :-( just cant find the right command to get rid of it or jdk 616:01
Vivekanandayes the biggest size 950 gb16:01
EriC^^chr1stopher: what's the error?16:01
Vivekanandaso how do I check that elsewhere ? df ? or blkid or something ? EriC^^ ?16:01
chr1stopherEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/iNsN5gdF16:02
chr1stopherEriC^^: this was the output of dpkg --configure -a16:02
g0tchahey guys, how can i restart the network interface on 14.04 LTS? services network interface doesnt work and /etc/init.d/networking doesnt apply the changes as well16:03
Noirowhat's the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade?16:04
VivekanandaEriC^^: I got it . it is /dev/sda5 . so I am doing sudo mount /dev/sda5  /media/windows   . did  I not have to use some more flags for mounting ( there was something called mount -l althought I dont know what it was cleary )16:05
shibbolethNoiro: apt-get help16:05
jimmy51v_Noiro:  "apt-get upgrade" will never add/remove any packages from your system. (similar to "aptitude safe-upgrade")  "apt-get dist-upgrade" will add/remove packages if necessary. (similar to "aptitude full-upgrade")16:06
jimmy51v_(from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1916099)16:06
balance1is there a wacom feel driver ubuntu version?16:07
EriC^^Vivekananda: mount -l is just to display a list of the mounted filesystems with their labels, i think you mean umount -l which is a lazy mount16:07
EriC^^*lazy unmount16:08
tewardbalance1: check with WACOM, I know the standard tablets have drivers already in the kernel, but I don't know about the specific variant tablets and such16:08
SonikkuAmericabalance1: There may not be an Ubuntu- or Debian-specific version (read: .deb package) but there may be a module you can install16:08
balance1teward i have a yoga and not an actual wacom tablet. but yoga has wacom display. :) thanks for the info16:08
VivekanandaEriC^^: yeah16:09
Vivekanandaalso I got both to mount16:09
EriC^^chr1stopher: try to reinstall it maybe? sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>16:09
chr1stopherhaha and now my android sdk / adb is broken again ... this was my day with ubuntu ...16:09
Vivekanandanow I have to find the correct command for rsync16:09
Vivekanandaie the flags for it16:09
Vivekanandathat is another mess16:09
EriC^^Vivekananda: rsync -av <source> <destination>16:09
chr1stopherEriC^^: i removed all iceadt* packages, this helped maybe.16:09
VivekanandaEriC^^: why  -a ? why do I archive it ?16:12
VivekanandaI just want to regular mount16:13
neVehello :)16:13
chr1stopherEriC^^: thank you eric for all your efforts, but i ll switch back. have a nice day16:14
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VivekanandaEriC^^: why the archiving flag ? do I really need that16:16
balance1I'd like to install ubuntu. Normaly I have a vm with ubuntu server and do everything in the command line. but now I want a gui because I want to do other stuff as well, so what should I take?16:18
bubbasauresbalance1, You mean what desktop?16:19
Vivekanandabalance install any desktop for ubuntu or install the server and then install the windows manager and then start it16:19
Vivekanandaeither should work16:19
balance1bubbasaures, Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Server (iirc you can install a gui on it) I don't know the difference in detail between the two.16:20
balance1so there are no big differences?16:20
theadminThe server edition just has a different default package selection.16:20
bubbasauresbalance1, Well one is a desktop one is a server, as you have used the terms.16:21
balance1theadmin ok thanks bubbasaures sure thanks16:21
bubbasauresSalvador ;)16:23
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LordDragonhey all16:28
Guest79642hi all16:28
SzymonHello, Im installed ubuntu on virtual box, the installation was successful but i have problem with run16:29
LordDragonanyone much about "boot to vhd" in windows 8? wanted to know if it was possible to use that functionality to boot into a ubuntu vhd on my windows partition. that way i wouldnt have to repartition my ssd16:29
Szymononly wallpaper16:29
cfhowlettLordDeath, install virtualbox to windows.  install ubuntu to virtualbox.  no partition of ssd required.16:29
swizgardhi. if tls verification fails in firefox but not in chromium. what could that mean?16:30
bubbasauresswizgard, what FF version?16:30
swizgarddeleting ~/.mozilla doesn't help16:30
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swizgardbubbasaures: (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:34.0)16:31
SzymonHello, Im installed ubuntu on virtual box, the installation was successful but i have problem with run; http://scr.hu/0oin/pgtto see only wallpaper16:31
swizgardbubbasaures: 34.0+build2-0ubuntu0.14.04.116:31
LordDragoncfhowlett: i dont want to run it under virtualization though. i want to run it native16:32
LordDragonthat way its faster and smoother graphics16:32
bubbasauresswizgard, I'm not sure exactly what you mean myself, I suspect more details are needed, like a context. To the channel however.16:32
cfhowlettLordDeath, native = partition ...16:32
cfhowlettLordDragon, ^^ ^ sorry 'Death ...16:33
LordDragoncfhowlett: i think there is a way to run native but instead of running off a partition, you run off a image file on the windows partition16:33
swizgardbubbasaures: if i go on a website which e.g. has comodo certified certificates, i get an "untrusted blabla" error16:33
LordDeathnever mind ;-)16:33
LordDragonthere used to be wubi for that16:33
swizgard"untrusted connection" "This Connection is Untrusted" ... you know the drill16:34
cfhowlettLordDragon, even when it worked ... it was a very unstable solution.  Your proposal is interesting ... I'll have to reserach it.16:34
bubbasauresswizgard, This is using ubuntu? Are you checking every one or are these popups, I rarely see this and when I do it is for legit sites.16:35
beweescreating a package for ubuntu is the same as in debian?16:35
cfhowlett!bewees | !packaging16:35
TLoFPdoes anybody have experience using rsync with LTFS, I am trying to find some tutorials online but I don't have any luck on google16:35
cfhowlett!packaging | bewees16:35
ubottubewees: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring16:35
LordDragoncfhowlett: in windows 8 pro, there is that sort of functionality. called "boot to vhd". however its intended for multiple windows installs. so i was thinking about trying it for linux instead16:35
swizgardbubbasaures: yes. it is for ubuntu. other people with same ubuntu version don't have the problem16:36
LordDragoncfhowlett: im reading that grub can boot to image files. maybe thats an option too16:36
swizgardi actually exchanged the whole /etc/ssc/certs folder with a colleague, but that didn't help16:36
cfhowlettLordDragon, if it actually works, write it up.  My bet: no way would MSoft leave a linux-friendly window open ...16:36
SzymonHello, Im installed ubuntu on virtual box, the installation was successful but i have problem with run; http://scr.hu/0oin/pgtto see only wallpaper16:37
swizgardLordDragon, cfhowlett: https://github.com/infinity0/uberimg16:37
beweescfhowlett, Links dead16:37
EriC^^Vivekananda: the archive option is for rsync not mount16:37
bubbasaurescfhowlett, MS was the biggest contributor to the kernel at times, you don't like MS we know that, jeez.16:37
beweescfhowlett, Is it basically the same as in debian or different?16:37
cfhowlettbewees, as I understand it, it very similar16:38
cfhowlettbubbasaures, ?  I have no complaints about mssoft, merely stating they don't make co-existing with linux easy16:38
MarcGuayUpHi folks.  Is it possible to assign the compose key to the "windows" key on my keyboard, and if so, how?16:38
MarcGuayUp(Ubuntu 14.04)16:38
daftykinssuper already does other things16:39
daftykins(super = windows key)16:39
EriC^^Vivekananda: it doesn't archive ( tar ) it, it preserves ownership and permissions if the filesystem supports that, and runs recursively etc.16:39
beweesI am sure it is similiar, but I wonder if you can use a debian package in ubuntu and reverse16:39
MarcGuayUpdaftykins, And I can't unbind it easily?16:39
daftykinsno idea :> just beware you know what it does as-is before changing it16:39
bubbasaurescfhowlett, You wording was just charged and from the king off that's off topic......16:39
bubbasauresI'm not a MS fan, just the facts help rather than charged statements16:40
tekkhi guys16:46
tekkin ubuntu server (14.04)… it boots in 1024x768 mode i believe…. but after its done initialising everything it switches to a different video mode that my KVM-switch doesn’t support… anyone know what it is or where that is controlled from?16:46
daftykinsyou might be able to pass some kind of kernel parameter to change console mode, assuming we're talking about the console16:47
daftykinsbear in mind #ubuntu-server exists too16:47
riverloopDoes ubuntu mesa package support 'EGL_MESA_platform_gbm' extensions or do I have to compile mesa separately?16:47
cfhowlettbewees, looks like the definitive answer to your query is "it depends"; https://wiki.debian.org/Ubuntu16:48
tekkah ok16:48
tekkthanks i’ll go three16:48
cfhowlettbewees, also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/ForDebianDevelopers?action=show&redirect=UbuntuForDebianDevelopers16:49
VivekanandaEriC^^: thanks. Also I wonder if i partition the hard drive on the lenovo machine iwll the recovery then not be able to recover the C then16:50
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daftykinsVivekananda: brand Windows recoveries? it could affect it yep. best to use the software to burn off discs before, if possible16:51
Vivekanandadaftykins: I  just grandly messed up my windows an dusing ubuntu to recover.16:52
EriC^^Vivekananda: you can maybe repair windows leaving your programs intact maybe16:53
Vivekanandaimportant data. I wanted to know if there is a way I can create the backup disk using ubuntu live cd from the windows partition or the other one on a usb16:53
EriC^^using the windows recovery16:53
daftykinsVivekananda: oops.16:53
VivekanandaEriC^^: yes I will test the maybes myself. that is why I am getting all the data first16:53
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daftykinsVivekananda: dropped you a private message by the way16:57
EriC^^Vivekananda: backup everything and then give the windows recovery a shot16:57
VivekanandaEriC^^: I am backing up most of the stuff .16:59
Vivekanandafortunately I did ont have much stuff ( ie only 100 gigs or 150 ) so should be done fast17:00
VivekanandaI do need to backup some pesky locations that I need to read about17:00
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Michelangelo3589 Il mio amico Nanuk17:15
k1l_!it | Michelangelo358917:15
ubottuMichelangelo3589: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:15
cfhowlett!it | michael17:15
ubottumichael: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:15
jmaderohi all - I'm having a lot of problems getting rsync to work right. the problem is one of the partitions is NTFS which apparently even the owner has no permissions to change anything17:21
ubottu_zeus_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:21
EriC^^jmadero: mount it using your uid,gid17:22
jmaderoEriC^^: doesn't resolve anything. I think what's going on is the Windows user owns the files....17:23
barrapontodpkg -i seems to have marked the package for installation, i see it popping up every time i try apt-get install something17:23
barrapontohow can i unmark it?17:23
EriC^^jmadero: type ls -l /mountpoint17:23
jmaderoEriC^^: so she does seem to be the owner, -rwxwxrwx 1 bhavani plugdev17:24
barrapontowait, dpkg -i installs even if i don't have the dependencies?17:25
Picibarraponto: yes.17:25
Michelangelo3589 Il mio amico Nanuk17:27
EriC^^jmadero: type find /mountpoint ! -group plugdev17:27
k1l_Michelangelo3589: i think we had this already17:27
EriC^^jmadero: use sudo17:27
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jmaderoEriC^^: hmm nothing found with that command17:29
EriC^^jmadero: great so all files have the group plugdev17:29
jmaderoEriC^^: so ...what's that do for me? :-D17:29
EriC^^jmadero: type sudo find /mountpoint ! -perm /44417:30
EriC^^jmadero: if nothing shows up then all files can be read by the group17:30
EriC^^jmadero: add your user to plugdev, usermod -aG plugdev <user>17:31
jmaderoEriC^^: nothing showed up17:31
EriC^^then rsync everything17:31
jmaderoEriC^^: ah - will try now :)17:31
jmaderogood thinking17:31
jmaderoEriC^^: but why can't I change anything even with the owner?17:31
jmaderoif I right click and go into the file properties and try to change group, I get an error17:31
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EriC^^jmadero: i think you can use sudo with rsync to copy everything17:32
jmaderoEriC^^: that doesn't work, already tried :-/17:32
jmaderoEriC^^: so I'm going to have to have the same user on all machines?17:32
jmaderoEriC^^: someone in Linux chat suggested another solution17:33
EriC^^jmadero: just have them in the plugdev group17:33
jmaderoEriC^^: changing mount to ntfs-3g instead of ntfs17:33
jmaderosound sane?17:33
jmaderoI've been fighting this bloody rsync crap for months17:34
EriC^^jmadero: i think you're mounting not with your uid17:35
daftykinspeople still use ntfs-3g in mounts? pretty sure that has meant the same thing for over 5 years17:36
EriC^^grep 1000 /etc/passwd17:36
EriC^^jmadero: ^^17:36
daftykinsmaybe even 7 years :>17:36
jmaderoEriC^^: give me just a few seconds :)17:36
EriC^^jmadero: you have exactly 417:37
jmaderoyes ntfs-3g did nothing17:37
jmaderothe number is 100017:37
EriC^^what's the line return?17:37
jmaderoEriC^^: let me get on chat on that system17:38
jmadero2EriC^^: bhavani:x:1000:1000:Bhavani Smith,,,:/home/bhavani:/bin/bash17:39
EriC^^jmadero2: see you're mounting it with bhavani17:39
jmaderoI know I am17:39
jmaderothat's my wife ;)17:39
jmaderoit's her computer17:39
EriC^^jmadero2: which user would you like to mount it as17:39
jmaderobhavani :-D17:39
EriC^^well i can attest to your loyalty17:39
EriC^^which user are you rsyncing as?17:40
jmaderoEriC^^: so on my system the files are owned by me, on hers they are owned by her17:40
jmaderothey are our music17:40
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jmaderowow that sounded like caveman speak...I am syncing our music17:40
jmaderoEriC^^: you're going to love this :) so I'm syncing with the Pi....default user "Pi"17:40
jmaderoso I include options --no-u and --no-g17:41
jmaderothinking that would resolve it....it does not17:41
jmaderoEriC^^: sudo doesn't resolve it either (running sudo from pi)17:41
efraingonzalezsoy mexicanito17:41
EriC^^jmadero: ok, type id17:42
EriC^^or id Pi17:42
jmadero2EriC^^: uid=1000(bhavani) gid=1000(bhavani) groups=1000(bhavani),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),105(fuse),109(lpadmin),110(sambashare)17:42
jmaderoah I should really take sudo group away from her :-b17:42
jmaderoshe's likely to abuse that17:42
jmadero"oh google says to run sudo rm /*"17:43
EriC^^google is evil17:43
daftykinslike messing with permissions to make jmadero's day a long one *whistle* ;)17:43
jmaderolol EriC^^ that was a joke :-D17:43
jmaderoabout how she'll abuse sudo17:43
EriC^^lol i didn't see the quotes17:43
EriC^^haha :D17:43
* EriC^^ has a really awful cold17:44
jmaderowant same from my system?17:44
jmaderomy user from my computer: uid=1000(joel) gid=1000(joel) groups=1000(joel),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)17:44
jmaderoso we're both part of plugdev...17:44
jmaderoohh but the pi user isn't! I wonder if that's causing the headache17:45
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jmaderoalthough.... --no-g should resolve that17:45
EriC^^jmadero: mount it with the Pi user's id17:45
jmaderoEriC^^: there is no pi user on her computer17:45
jmaderonor on mine17:45
EriC^^it doesn't matter17:46
EriC^^you're rsyncing using the user Pi right?17:46
jmaderolol ..... same uid ;)17:46
EriC^^ntfs won't hold the permissions anyways17:46
jmaderoall are the primary users so all have uid 100017:46
EriC^^jmadero: then why's it mounting with her user?17:46
jmaderoon her system, uid 1000 is bhavani, on my system uid 1000 is joel, on the pi uid 1000 is pi17:47
resc_032b3_4558есть кто по русский понимает ?17:47
EriC^^jmadero: ok, mount with uid=1,gid=117:47
EriC^^is part part of the plugdev group?17:47
DJones!ru | resc_032b3_455817:47
ubotturesc_032b3_4558: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:47
EriC^^*Pi part17:47
jmaderoEriC^^: no it's not but shouldn't --no-g resolve any group issues?17:47
jmaderoor running sudo17:48
EriC^^jmadero: using sudo you should be able to copy whatever you want17:48
jmaderoEriC^^: well it does copy17:48
jmaderoit just doesn't sync right, so every fresh run of rsync copies everything again17:48
jmaderovs. ignoring unchanged folders/files17:48
EriC^^jmadero: what command are you using?17:49
jmaderoEriC^^: I've tried a ton, from rsync -avz --no-u --no-g, rsync -rvz --no-u --no-g17:49
jmaderorsync -rvzt . . .17:49
jmaderohold on I'm going to compare the same file on both systems to see who owns what, and when it was last modified17:50
Chuck_Norrisin the meanwhile jmadero's computer:  http://i.imgur.com/tgozRbp.gif17:50
jmaderolol imagine that but it's swinging back17:51
jmaderoand landing some solid punches17:51
jmadero(to make things even more awesome, my 10 year old amazing external drive failed me last night)17:51
jmaderoso . . . the files are last modified on the same date17:52
jmadero1 second apart (probably time to sync it)17:52
ImQ009How about we ban G2APROMO17:52
ImQ009Spams whoever joins this channel17:52
jmaderookay I'm running another test....will be back in a few (trying to just sync the two computers, without the Pi in the middle)17:53
PiciImQ009: can you PM me what you got from them?17:53
jmaderoPici: I got the same message17:54
jmaderoit's something about today being last day of sales for video games or something17:54
OerHeks 17:54
Vurtatooplease kick G2APROMO. Hi senging spam in pm17:54
Vurtatoo[20:52:58] <G2APROMO> hey Vurtatoo THE BIG WEEKLY GAME SALE ON G2A IS HERE! Check it out at: http://bit.ly/weekly_sale (Up to 80% off on games!)17:54
KarunamonI've got spam from him as well as some random guest fool PMing me stuff about intelligent design17:54
PiciI now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.17:55
Karunamon(why anyone would think that would play on freenode is anyone's guess)17:55
OerHeksKarunamon, please PM Pici about it17:55
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Karunamonit's already been sorted :)17:55
KarunamonAnyways - ubuntu questions time; is anyone aware if it's possible to control the install dialog during a preseed/kickstart install?17:56
klaas_Hello :) I have a probem with my Samsung printer driver. Is this the right place to find a solution for that?17:57
jmaderoEriC^^: suggestions for first test to sync systems (without pi in the middle)17:57
jmaderocurrently just using -avz17:57
thumpbais there an iso for snappy, i want to install locally17:58
OerHeksklaas_, yes, just ask17:59
resc_032b3_4558кто есть тут17:59
OerHeksthumpba, it is a cloud image AFAIK17:59
daftykins!ru | resc_032b3_4558 Go here17:59
ubotturesc_032b3_4558 Go here: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:59
OerHeksthumpba, install ubuntu cloud server, then install snappy ?18:00
thumpbawhich is better to run docker images on ubuntu cloud server or ubuntu server18:02
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klaas_Okay, thank you OerHeks :) When i want to print more than 1 page with my Samsung clx 6220fx it always sends one page and the printer prints it and then there happens just nothing for one minute or so.. After this the next page, then a break of one minute and so on. How can i solve this problem?18:03
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jmaderoklaas_: what driver are you using for that thing?18:04
OerHeksklaas_, check the paper type, is it A4?18:04
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cousteauis there a way to cleanup /usr/share and /usr/lib/modules?  I have so many kernel versions they are 5 GB total18:07
klaas_It is A418:07
daftykinssounds like the wrong printer language is being used18:07
cousteau(an easy and clean way, if possible)18:08
daftykinscousteau: apt-get autoremove ; to get rid of your old kernels. no point keeping them18:08
klaas_And i do not exactly know which printer driver i use, I installed the printer in the system settings (GUI)18:09
cousteaudaftykins, that doesn't seem to actually remove the kernels18:09
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cousteauor do you mean apt-get autoremove applied to each of the old kernels?18:10
wilmer_tusan med. Slant på tangenterna och råkade radera initrd.img-3.13..0.43-generic i /boot... kan man få tag i den och lägga tillbaka den så man kan starta upp datorn igen?18:12
daftykinscousteau: what version is this?18:12
daftykinscousteau: can you pastebin an "ls -l /boot" ?18:13
cousteauXubuntu 12.0418:13
OerHeks!se | wilmer_18:14
ubottuwilmer_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!18:14
jostI have just installed a new screen, which has a default resolution of 1920 x 1080. Now I have to connect it via VGA (for now), and the display resolution is only 1024x768. How can I change that, is it possible to use VGA with full resolution?18:14
cousteaudaftykins, sure.  I have 20 kernels, if that's what you want to know18:14
daftykinsjost: what graphics card + driver?18:14
cousteauafaik I need 19 less18:14
daftykinscousteau: nah i want to see their numbers, unless you're ok with how to remove them manually :)18:15
daftykins+1 to squinty, always best to keep at least 218:15
cousteausquinty, yeah, true18:15
cousteauat least when you just installed a new one18:15
daftykinsoh wow you're not even using the LTS HWE18:15
EriC^^jost: type xrandr18:15
jostdaftykins: Graphics card: "Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)", and no driver that I know of (so ubuntu stock driver, I suppose)18:16
cousteauyeah, I installed this a while ago and have been too lazy to upgrade18:16
cousteauit's the pc at work; the less things I touch the better18:16
zcvdon't really know where to ask, so apologies for just throwing this out here. i think i may have been blocked from a dns server, is there a site or something i can use to test if the server is working for others?18:16
daftykinscousteau: so i'd just "sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-49-generic linux-image-3.2.0-51-generic ... and so on until 7018:16
imbezolzcv: host google.ca dnsserver.com18:16
cousteaudaftykins, I wouldn't.  Bash has { ... }18:17
daftykinscousteau: what? i don't follow you.18:17
squintyzcv:  http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/18:17
cousteausudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-{49,51,52,53}-generic18:17
daftykinscousteau: oh right, well sure if you know a better way that's fine :D18:18
daftykinskill all the 50s and 60s for sure18:18
cousteauI think I can even type hybrid lists/ranges, like {49,51..59}18:18
cousteauI think I'll keep the 49 for historical reasons18:18
batabatuI can't get my 3g modem to connect. It's a ZTE MF636. I've tried it both with my laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 and with a raspberry pi running raspbian. I run wvdial and get "CONNECT 3600000" and a pppd started, but ifconfig doesn't show any ppp interface eg ppp0. http://pastebin.com/vSAgQyWC18:18
daftykinscousteau: then sudo apt-get autoremove after to get rid of headers for the removed ones18:18
wilmer_I made a bo-bo. I accedently removed initrd.img-3.13..0.43-generic in /boot. Can you get hold of this file somehow and put it back?18:19
daftykinswilmer_: reinstall that kernel version18:19
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic ( or something )18:19
daftykinsand don't mess with live files in future! *rename* if you must18:20
wilmer_I cant start the computor now...18:20
wilmer_Or can I?18:20
EriC^^wilmer_: boot an older kernel18:20
wilmer_EriC^^, I think I removed all of them. There where no space left on /boot and I just wanted to remove unused files.. gues I did the job to well18:21
daftykinswilmer_: that was really silly. boot a live session and chroot18:22
wilmer_Ca I find the file somewhere and just put it back using a usb boot device?18:22
cousteauapt-get remove linux-headers-3.2.0-{{51..61},64,65,67,68,69} linux-image-3.2.0-{{51..61},64,65,67,68,69}-generic, there I go!18:22
daftykinsi'd have just autoremoved :P that's what it's for! that was a waste of effort.18:23
wilmer_daftykins, I know! Sorry :-(18:23
EriC^^wilmer_: you can chroot easily and reinstall the package18:23
daftykins!chroot | wilmer_18:23
ubottuwilmer_: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot18:23
cousteauyay, I ran out of memory again :/18:23
cousteaubetter do this later18:23
cousteaudaftykins, I'm not sure headers were an automatic dependency on the image18:24
wilmer_EriC^^, Take it slow, Im a newbee ;-) How do I make use of chroot to reinstall? Do I boot up with a USB device and use chroot? How do I re-install?18:24
cousteaudamn, my system is dangerously running out of memory18:25
imbezolhow are you determining that it's out of memory?18:25
EriC^^wilmer_: boot a live usb and report back we can walk you through it18:25
* cousteau is running a program that apparently uses a ton of memory18:25
basil1xNasty little rude programme, that.18:26
wilmer_EriC^^, thank you Ill switch computor and I'll be right back18:26
jostEriC^^: I xrandr does not output anything that helps18:26
EriC^^jost: what's the max resolution it reports18:26
EriC^^not the one in the list, the one next to the device18:27
jostScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 32767 x 3276718:27
EriC^^try to add it yourself, who knows18:27
EriC^^jost: type gtf 1920 1080 60 ( if you want 60Hz )18:28
EriC^^jost: did you get the modeline?18:31
jostTrying to do something with it :-)18:32
jostEriC^^: Is suppose 'xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" <values>' is what to do?18:33
EriC^^jost: yes18:33
EriC^^then xrandr --addmode ...18:34
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jostEriC^^: ok... but when I try to change the mode, it fails: http://dpaste.com/3T634FT18:38
OerHeksjost, try 59 hrz, that might do the trick18:39
jostOerHeks: ok... help-menu of monitor says that 60Hz is the optimal setting18:39
jostOk, worked (not quite sharp, but ok for now), but not the left and lower edges of the screen are cut off, and the right side has a padding18:41
wilmer_EriC^^, not my day.. I managed to hit the busybox problem when booting a live session. I'm downloading the 14.10 version hoping that solves my problem..18:43
wilmer_Back in ten minutes. Hope you still here...18:43
EriC^^wilmer_: ok18:43
jmaderoEriC^^: Finally done with the test - it's the pi causing the problem, syncing the two machines....works fine18:43
EriC^^jmadero: i see18:44
jmaderoso....now to determine what about the pi18:44
batabatuI can't get my 3g modem to connect. It's a ZTE MF636. I've tried it both with my laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 and with a raspberry pi running raspbian. I run wvdial and get "CONNECT 3600000" and a pppd started, but ifconfig doesn't show any ppp interface eg ppp0. http://pastebin.com/vSAgQyWC. Any suggestions?18:45
ara_any idea why i'm getting this on epiphany? http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?24324618:45
ara_er i mean this http://postimg.org/image/52pdxwc6n/18:46
jostEriC^^: ideas? Just tried to add another mode with a smaller resolution (1800x1000), does not work - Screen goes white, and red, and black etc.18:47
EriC^^jost: you could play it dirty and set it in grub18:47
EriC^^jost: sudo nano /etc/default/grub18:48
EriC^^then sudo update-grub18:48
cousteauI had never heard of postimg.org; I'll try to remember it.  It's similar to imagebin, which recently started doing weird things18:48
jostEriC^^: Nope... If that's the next thing to try, I'll just wait for the graphics card to ship. Should be tomorrow18:48
ara_cousteau, ??18:48
EriC^^jost: there might be a better way18:49
EriC^^jost: boot just one time using vga=18:49
cousteauara_, back in the day I used a site called imagebin which was rather simple.  But it recently got infested in malware or something, so it's being blocked by Google's anti-phishing filter18:49
EriC^^in the kernel line, using grub, hold on18:49
cousteauso I'll use postimg now :)18:50
EriC^^jost: nevermind i think it doesn't reach that high a res18:50
EriC^^jost: anyways as i said there might be a better way18:51
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tnkhanhhi why does the system know to #include from /usr/include18:51
tnkhanhI want my program to include from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu too18:52
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jostEriC^^: what would that way be?18:52
EriC^^jost: no idea :)18:54
jostEriC^^: :-)18:54
jostEriC^^: thanks for the help18:54
EriC^^no problem18:54
aeorilI am running Ubuntu server 14.04.  I am going to use it for LAMP for several websites (WordPress and Jekyll), some small node.js apps and little else.  How much ram might I typically need for such a server?18:58
aeorilOh, I guess I will run a mail server on it as well, and of course DNS and firewall, etc.18:59
trismtnkhanh: you can see the search order with: cpp -Wp,-v;19:01
ara_aeoril, how much traffic are you expecting?19:02
ara_aeoril, how big is your DNS and mail domain19:02
aeorilara_ probably not much, dns and mail just a few entries - no more than 3-4 to start out with19:03
ara_aeoril, TCP connections could get expensive, if you had lots of users.19:03
aeorilara_ only 1 user (me, admin)19:04
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aeoril(admin is not the user name, I just mean I would be the only one logging in doing the administrative functions and developing)19:06
zerowaitstateI never use anyvname other than admin and never any password but password19:07
ara_aeoril, modern ubuntu server recommends 2GB.19:07
zerowaitstatenobody could ever guess that19:07
aeorilara_ do you have a link for that recommendation?19:07
ara_aeoril, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements19:08
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zerowaitstateyou can run them on 1 GB.  I have cloud instances that do that.19:08
ara_yeah, minimum 1GB19:09
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aeorilhmmm ... am I reading this wrong?  That link says 192 MiB19:09
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ara_aeoril, CLI version19:10
tnkhanhtrism: I dont understand the outcome at all :(19:11
aeorilara_ that is what I am running ...19:11
tnkhanhI want the include path to be more19:11
aeorilI guess I could have included that choice piece of information in my query ...19:11
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mrjeromeI installed and uninstalled some software, did an autoremove, rebooted, and now my unity desktop font has changed and there are menus in the titlebars even though it isn't set for that and the look/style of applications has changed slightly. It kind of looks like kde. How can I fix this?19:12
ara_yeah. Then go with 512MB to be generous.19:12
ara_if you have more RAM19:12
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aeorilara_ Is 1GB overkill though, considering lamp, firewall, mail, dns, node.js, etc.?19:12
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aeorilara_ I could save 7 bucks a month going down to 512MB, which would be nice ...19:13
aeorilara_ I am thinking "try 512MB at first, I can always resize ..." which is maybe what i should have done at first, but I wanted to be safe19:14
ara_aeoril, Since you don't have much traffic going on, 512MB should be okay.19:17
aeorilOk, thanks - I will save some moey then.  Also, I disabled password login by putting "PasswordAuthentication no" in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config - just wanted to make sure that covers it?19:17
aeorilJust want to make sure there is nothing else I need to do for SSH only logins19:18
McErroneousHi, i would like to know for which Ubuntu-Version this Webpage is valid, since the information displayed does nor work for me...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems#Sending_a_file_to_the_printer_unfiltered19:18
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zerowaitstatedon't run PHP on 51219:20
ara_aeoril, and restart sshd.19:21
aeorilara_ yes, did that - thanks :)19:21
zerowaitstatephp in default config is memory hog.  you will need to adjust apache worker params as well19:23
zerowaitstateotherwise a bunch of simultaneous requests will kill apache19:24
zerowaitstateI say that since mod_PHP requires mpm prefork19:25
aeorilbummer ... cannot "fast resize" my server for some reason - not sure why - probably have to open a ticket to do it.  Easier to destroy it and start from scratch at this point - hardly did anything yet on it19:26
bekksWhats "fast resize" of a server?19:26
whitorhi all.  This is for you CUCM guys and gals: I'm setting up my first system. I've got a 2951 voice enabled router. Registerd via sip to my ourside provider. (sh sip-ua register status, confirms this)   Problem is... phones registered to the cucm can't make outside calls.  though they can call each other. .... is there anyway for me to see a live, verbose output of voices commands as they are processed?19:27
zerowaitstatewhich host company?19:27
aeorilJargon my vps host uses19:27
aeorilbekks ^19:27
zerowaitstatewhitor: take your question to #cisco19:27
aeorildigital ocean, zerowaitstate19:27
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whitorzerowaitstate, woops! thought I was in there!... had the wrong tab open19:27
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zerowaitstateNP brah19:28
aeorilzerowaitstate have you heard of them?  It was recommended to me by someone on another channel.  They seem very inexpensive.19:29
zerowaitstatewhitor: also you should be able to wireshark it if you have an Ethernet tap or monitor port19:29
zerowaitstateI have.  is it VM or a Virtuozzo container?19:31
aeorilzerowaitstate KVM?19:32
zerowaitstateFYI VMs at most only require a reboot for RAM add/remove.  it's very fast19:32
zerowaitstateKVM is red hat hardware virtualization.  its good.19:32
aeorilI wonder why I cannot do it from their web interface then?19:32
gabb0Hi.  Are Ubuntu MATE questions allowed here?19:33
aeorilzerowaitstate yah, I saw redhat all over lshw - good to know it is goood19:33
zerowaitstateprobably because they may have to load your image on a different node in their cluster19:33
bekkszerowaitstate: It isnt "hardware virtualization", it is "kernel virtual machine". Hardware virtualization is just a part of it.19:33
aeorilmpm prefork -> Apache Multi Processing Modules Pre-Fork?19:34
aeorilzerowaitstate ^19:34
zerowaitstateI am being imprecise.  I meant as opposed to a container like LXC.19:34
lasdamIs there a way to find out what packages I have manually installed (not pre-installed with Ubuntu) with apt-get or just in general?19:34
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aeorilSounds like PHP with Apache might be more comfortable in 1GB?19:35
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dgarstangSo, Ubuntu 14... the nscd package is configured to run as the nscd user, but there's no post install to create the nscd user, so it fails. What's up with that?19:36
zerowaitstateaeoril from personal experience I recommend 1gb unless you know what you're doing19:36
aeorilzerowaitstate well, never used LAMP before, so it will really be a learning experience.  I guess I should stick with 1GB until I get some experience with it.  Thanks. :)19:37
aeorilzerowaitstate also, I am very worried about security issues as I learn to configure LAMP - any good suggestions for resources on that?19:38
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zerowaitstateaoeril mostly static content will work fine on small memory footprint.  a WordPress site would not.19:38
aeorilzerowaitstate ok, yah - I would be doing WordPress sites on it, maybe several19:38
zerowaitstateaeoril PHP security sucks IMO19:38
aeorilzerowaitstate what alternatives do I have?  I am also familiar with Jekyll, which does not need mySql/PHP (static) - but you don't get "instant websites" with it ... time to develop websites is much greater.  I should probably ask this on a different channel, though19:41
zerowaitstateI'm not trying to discourage you.19:41
aeorilZerant well, I need to know these things, though - I don't want to get into problems with security if I can avoid it19:42
aeorilZerant sorry, meant zerowaitstate19:42
zerowaitstaterun the latest php available if possible.  always sanitize user input and http session variables.19:44
zerowaitstatemost issues come down to that.19:44
zerowaitstateif your just using WordPress, always use latest available and keep it up to date.19:45
aeorilzerowaitstate WordPress automatic updates now, but you have to keep on top of your themes and plugins ...19:46
aeorilzerowaitstate yah, I guess I would also have to keep on top of LAMP updates as well then ...19:47
zerowaitstatethere are a bunch of Nessus signatures that target WordPress specifically19:47
aeorilzerowaitstate I am guessing apt-get update/upgrade would take care of that?19:47
aeorilzerowaitstate I guess I need to be running nessus then because other people will to ...19:49
zerowaitstateUbuntu is pretty good about backporting fixes to CVEs on LTS versions.19:49
zerowaitstateso apt-get upgrades should work okay19:50
Hedgeworkzerowaitstate: it's approaching 24h, and I still am not getting an update for the recent git/hg vuln, and it's pretty bad.19:50
Hedgeworkzerowaitstate: That's actually why I just popped in here, to grab the channel list link and look for one where I can grumble at the security team.19:50
zerowaitstateI got the bash update the same day19:50
zerowaitstatethat's kinda disappointing19:51
zerowaitstateraise Cain on launchpad19:51
HedgeworkI'm thinking someone who doesn't grok infosec looked at the vuln, saw that only users of git/hg on case-insensitive or case-normalizing filesystems were affected, and passed on without another thought (given that Ubuntu, like most Linux, uses case-sensitive filesystems)19:52
HedgeworkHowever, if git/hg on an ubuntu system is patched, it pretects vulnerable clients using that server from being attacked via repos on that server.19:52
zerowaitstatethat actually sounds like a possible scenario19:53
aeorilHedgework if you are just using Github, they say it is safe, I think19:54
HedgeworkI've already tested it, and I am correct.  This is what I do for a living. :)19:54
ledanseurbonjour a tous19:54
Hedgeworkaeoril: I'm talking about this as an administrator of a server hosting git repos19:54
PiciHedgework: Looks like thats the case, going by the notes on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-9390.html19:54
zerowaitstateno I meant your guess regarding their reasoning19:55
aeorilHedgework ah, well good luck then19:55
Hedgeworkzerowaitstate: ahh, gotcha :)19:55
zerowaitstatedid it get fixed upstream?19:56
Hedgeworkalmost 24h ago19:56
aeorilHedgework if Github can secure screen repo pushes for safety, could you as well?19:56
PiciHedgework: You might want to drop in #ubuntu-security and poke someone there.19:56
aeorils/secure screen/screen/19:56
Hedgeworkaeoril: I've already (via a custom script) verified that neither of my servers was hit by this.19:56
Hedgeworkaeoril: However, I don't know that every other git server admin using ubuntu has done so, and none of us have a "safe" version of git yet19:56
aeorilHedgework ah, that is good19:56
aeorilHedgework can you screen pushes in real time like Github going forward?  To implement security on your server like Github does?19:58
Hedgeworkaeoril: If yelling at the security team doesn't work, I'll set up pre-receive hooks to do that (or just package the new versions of git myself)19:59
Hedgeworkaeoril: but I shouldn't have to19:59
balance1Maybe someone in here cna help me setting up nat and host only adapter (vbox)? I'm trying and trying and I always get  "unkown host" errors.19:59
aeorilHedgework I was just thinking, unless you secure your server, you never really know if a user is using the up-to-date client, unless you have control over that too19:59
zerowaitstateaeoril defense in depth20:00
aeorilzerowaitstate ?20:00
zerowaitstateone does not preclude consideration of the other20:00
aeorilzerowaitstate yes, of course20:01
Hedgeworkaeoril: exactly, so I need to secure my server.20:01
=== soee_ is now known as soee
aeorilzerowaitstate but the point I was making is whether or not the client update becomes available, the servers need to be secured20:01
zerowaitstatesame point I was making.  I misread your comment.20:02
aeorilnp :)20:03
aeorilHedgework is the server git repos software different than the client software?  If so, will git developers eventually secure the sorver software agaisnt this threat, if you happen to know?20:04
Hedgeworkaeoril: the git package is the same package for client and server20:05
aeorilHedgework that is what I thought20:05
Hedgeworkaeoril: an ubuntu user running the vulnerable package as a client only won't be harmed at all.  An ubuntu server running the vulnerable package won't be harmed BUT it *will* pass on the attack to any vulnerable clients that connect to it and pull a compromised repo20:06
championofcyrodihi all... i'm still stuck on this issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225707120:06
aeorilHedgework good luck with that!20:06
championofcyrodiany help would be appreciated.  nobody has responded to the forum thread.  maybe it's more of a gnome tweak than ubuntu?20:07
HedgeworkTalking to a member of the security team now, they seem responsive so far.20:07
aeorilHedgework that is good ... I think this is a pretty big deal, sounds like20:07
HedgeworkI agree.  The people whose repos I host trust me, and I have know way of knowing if any of them have a naive user who may be on an affected system and not patched.20:08
Hedgeworkerr, no way of knowing20:08
HedgeworkI remember how to type, really ;)20:08
aeorillol yah, I am definitely feeling your pain - not a good situation to be in as a service provider! :(20:09
jmacdonaldhi. I'm trying to apt-get update on a 12.04 machine.. i get errors like this W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  Hash Sum mismatch20:09
Snake2kjmacdonald: http://goo.gl/Vox35g20:12
Snake2kjmacdonald: Maybe that helps20:12
EriC^^jmacdonald: try sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*20:12
jmacdonaldno sooner did i type my question that i tound that :)20:12
jmacdonaldtryig it now.20:12
jmacdonald"bada" "bing"20:13
cyberaceHey guys20:14
cyberaceCan you help me get Kali-Linux on Xhat IRC?20:14
* Hedgework peeks in20:14
stdvectorIs there a way to hide a network icon in Unity's taskbar?20:14
stdvectorYou can paradoxally do it for the sound icon, but I haven't found a way to hide the network icon (which is used far far far less often than changing volume)20:15
yorwosHi all , i have a hardware question if any1 happens to know plz. I use an external soundcard for  recording audio (mobo sound off from bios). Is there any advantages on connecting the cards spdif in/out with the mobo directly ?20:19
trismstdvector: dconf-editor org/gnome/nm-applet/show-applet uncheck20:19
EriC^^wilmer_: hey man you good?20:20
wilmer_EriC^^, Hello! Im finaly back! It took forever... but if you still got the time to help me I would be most grateful. Im on a live session on the right machine now20:20
wilmer_I think I have runned into every problem there is creating a live USB drive20:21
EriC^^wilmer_: hehe20:21
yorwosgot my answer ok ty20:21
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, type sudo parted -l and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com20:21
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573020/20:22
matyewDoes ubuntu use DPMS by default to turn off monitor or some kinked up system.20:25
wilmer_I have the mountpoint for the boot disk if that helps.. Its the one thats about 255mb in size if that help20:25
beweesI am on ubuntu 14.10 (utopic) but I see that there are still trusty repo urls in source.list, should I just remove them?20:28
wilmer_EriC^^, if this is fixable... Ill promise never to delete that file again!20:28
EriC^^wilmer_: how big is your ubuntu installation?20:30
EriC^^wilmer_: i'm not so good with lvm stuff20:30
Bashing-ombewees: Short answer, yes ! Not generally a good thing to mix release repos . Might investiage and see if the old 'trusty' sources are supported in 14.10 .20:30
=== me is now known as Guest14293
beweesBashing-om, Thanks for assuring20:30
beweesI think my sources.list is messed up totally. Can someone upload his so I can copy it?20:31
wilmer_hmm... good question.. do you meen the size of the partition that I have my ubuntu on?20:31
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah20:31
wytrzeszczi using pulseaudio on arch and i have problem : my 5.1 spekers sytems play to much bass how to config that (any easy eqalizer?)20:31
Bashing-ombewees: If ya want. post back the source lists ( and the 3rd party directory list ) and I see what I can do to confirm if they have 14.10 support.20:31
wilmer_the ubuntu partition is about 491GB in size20:32
wilmer_The boot partition is 255MB20:32
DJoneswytrzeszcz: What do the Archlinux support channels ssay?20:32
wilmer_the boot partition is mounted at /media/ubuntu/1fbfb588-2691-4635-80b8-a267f22f1b8420:33
Bashing-ombewees: In that ^ case -> cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit , tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit  <- we take a gander at it .20:33
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, umount it20:33
OerHeksbewees, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9573092/20:33
wytrzeszcznothing yet DJones:20:33
EriC^^wilmer_: try sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt20:34
wilmer_EriC^^, done and done20:34
k1l_wytrzeszcz: for arch support please see their channels. this is the ubuntu support channel.20:34
tekkbuzzwytrzeszcz: don't u have a knob on the woofer?20:34
hillshumWhere does Ubuntu store downloaded deb packages?20:34
wilmer_EriC^^, done20:34
EriC^^ok ls -l /mnt/boot is the dir there?20:34
trismhillshum: /var/cache/apt/archives/20:34
beweesBashing-om, Nvm, I just replaced the sources.list because I had no important special repos in it20:35
EriC^^wilmer_: is grub there and other files?20:35
DJones!guidelines | tekkbuzz20:35
ubottutekkbuzz: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:35
wilmer_EriC^^, nope total 020:35
beweesIs deb-src necessary? I found a sources.list on german ubuntu docs which commented tehm out20:35
Bashing-ombewees: : ) all's well that ends well .20:35
OerHekshillshum, in var/cache/apt/archives20:35
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, is the installation in /mnt though?20:35
EriC^^cat /mnt/etc/issue20:35
hillshumOerHeks: Thanks20:36
tekkbuzzDJones: what are you talking about, I was asking him a legit question!20:36
hillshumtrism: Thanks20:36
Bashing-ombewees: Not needed IF you are not into development and coding .20:36
hillshumHow long is that cache kept?20:36
DJonestekkbuzz: no you didn't20:36
beweesAh I see, guess if I need one of those dev packages I'll realize early enough that I miss its repo and then I can still add it20:37
wilmer_EriC^^, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l20:37
wytrzeszcz<tekkbuzz> yes i have and i set it down as i can20:37
OerHekshillshum, as long as you don't clean it, forever20:37
EriC^^wilmer_: ok try sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/boot20:37
tekkbuzzDJones: see, I got the answer.20:37
beweesIs dist-upgrade is still recommendable? I read that some people use aptitude safe-upgrade20:38
wilmer_EriC^^, and there it is!20:38
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, we'll need to mount the virtual filesystems20:38
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done20:39
Bashing-ombewees: Nope not even in that event, 'src' is so if ya want/need ya can get the source code . Has no direct connection to the binaries that are in the repos .20:39
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo chroot /mnt20:39
beweesOh I see. Won't need the src then20:39
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp20:41
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, apt-get install linux-image-generic20:41
Bashing-ombewees: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgade' is used to install new packages that the package manager's 'upgrade' will not handle .20:42
beweesBashing-om, Thanks, I'll go with that then20:43
EriC^^wilmer_: sorry, apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic20:43
tekkbuzzwytrzeszcz: do you have pavucontrol installed?20:43
aeorilWhat is the preferred method of doing persistent command shells?  I used to use screen ...20:43
wilmer_EriC^^, to late.. I'm fast :-P20:43
wilmer_Should I run apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic now instead20:43
wytrzeszcztekkbuzz i think no ... its program to control sound ?20:43
wilmer_EriC^^, hmm.. I think I managed to interuped it before it installed.20:43
tekkbuzzwytrzeszcz: yah, and it has a mixer.20:43
wilmer_EriC^^, Then I did a apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic20:43
tekkbuzzPulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol)20:43
wytrzeszczgnomeshell have it in packed?20:43
EriC^^wilmer_: hehe20:43
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573178/20:43
wilmer_EriC^^, '1 reinstalled' equals good news?20:44
k1l_tekkbuzz: wytrzeszcz since arch packs the stuff other than ubuntu, what about you try to solve that in #archlinux ?20:44
EriC^^wilmer_: i thought so but the error at the bottom doesn't look too good20:44
wilmer_EriC^^, true20:45
EriC^^wilmer_: try to manually install it20:45
Bashing-ombewees: If ya do and "sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade " in terminal, and get the advisory of ' held packages ", then it is good to run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to install those new packages that 'upgrade' will not handle . Hope this helps .20:45
EriC^^apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic20:45
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573197/20:46
tekkbuzzk1l_: must have missed something, who's on arch?20:46
k1l_tekkbuzz: wytrzeszcz. and that is what DJones was about.20:46
DJonestekkbuzz: wytrzeszcz Is20:47
wilmer_EriC^^, still a error att the very bottom20:47
tekkbuzzhah, ohh well20:47
EriC^^wilmer_: type df20:47
EriC^^df -h20:47
EriC^^it says there's no space left on /boot20:47
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_  I see "failed to write (No space left on device) " !20:47
EriC^^that's odd though20:48
EriC^^you said you wiped it out already20:48
flexus2wytrzeszcz: if you equalize too much you will get delay20:48
wilmer_EriC^^, /boot does not get listed when I do a df -h20:48
DJonestekkbuzz: It was pretty obvious with their first comment "i using pulseaudio on arch"20:48
flexus2if you are ok with it: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html20:48
flexus2wytrzeszcz: configure pre delay in pavucontrol for this one20:49
wilmer_EriC^^, It is higly lightly that there is no room left on /boot. I tried to remove som files there to get more space when I took one file to many...20:49
OerHeksflexus2,  useless, he is on Arch20:49
tekkbuzzDJones: I'm on 10 channels dude.20:49
k1l_flexus2: doesnt help him since he is on arch. guys can we drop that topic now?20:49
EriC^^Bashing-om: yeah, pretty odd20:49
EriC^^wilmer_: type df -h to make sure though20:49
* WLM is away: In a super important meeting with my friends at the Illuminati20:49
k1l_!away > WLM20:50
ubottuWLM, please see my private message20:50
Bashing-omEriC^^: I have not paid real close attention, here . LVM ? that bug ?20:50
flexus2wytrzeszcz: dont see you in #archlinux, join,.. if you dare20:50
EriC^^Bashing-om: yes it's lvm and wilmer_ was removing some kernels to make space and removed almost all, he's reinstalling the latest right now20:51
EriC^^wilmer_: is it a 32bit machine btw?20:51
wilmer_EriC^^, its a 32 bit installation20:51
tekkbuzzk1l_ , DJones: you don't have to be on ubuntu, or arch to have a volumn control on your woofer. Is when I first replyed. Just trying to help someone.20:51
EriC^^wilmer_: type exit, then type df -h again20:52
k1l_tekkbuzz: just drop it.20:52
EriC^^wilmer_: does /mnt/boot show up?20:52
lotuspsychjetekkbuzz: this is an ubuntu support channel, not arch20:52
wilmer_EriC^^, the strange thing is that when I installed Ubuntu (way back) on this machine I let the installationprogram deside the partitions. And ended up with a 255MB /boot. Now, there is almost no files left (except grup) so I dont know what takes upp all space..20:52
flexus2he got some equalizer answer, problem solved maybe20:53
wilmer_EriC^^, nope.. it doesnt20:53
=== Artemis3v_ is now known as Artemis3v
EriC^^wilmer_: does mount | grep /mnt/boot20:53
EriC^^mention it ?20:53
Bashing-omEriC^^:  ? maybe -> cd /boot , sudo du -sx * | sort -n <- give us an idication of what is going on ??20:53
wilmer_EriC^^, can there be some tmp-files on /boot that I don't see?20:53
EriC^^wilmer_: maybe, yeah20:54
aeorilhow do I scan my drives for errors, or is there a log I can look in for a scan Ubuntu 14.04 does on boot up to see if it saw or fixed any errors?20:54
wilmer_EriC^^, I have the same problem on several other machines that I simply cannot upgrade to new version due to lack of space on /boot20:54
wilmer_EriC^^, Can you tell me the last command I should do again?20:55
EriC^^mount | grep /mnt/boot see if anything shows up20:55
EriC^^and du -sx /mnt/boot | sort -n20:55
EriC^^as Bashing-om suggested that will show the size of /mnt/boot20:56
wilmer_EriC^^, seems I have lost /mnt/boot du: cannot access ‘/mnt/boot’: No such file or directory20:56
EriC^^wilmer_: ok try sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/boot20:57
wilmer_mount point /mnt/boot does not exist20:57
wilmer_EriC^^, what happened there?20:57
EriC^^no idea20:57
EriC^^wilmer_: try sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt20:58
EriC^^that's either really odd, or i have no clue on lvm at all20:58
wilmer_EriC^^, yep back again20:58
* WLM is back (gone 00:09:02)20:58
EriC^^wilmer_: ok try sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/boot20:58
lotuspsychjeaeoril: what kind of problems do you experience with your HD?20:58
EriC^^next type du -sxh /mnt/boot20:59
wilmer_EriC^^, sudo du -sx ... gave me this: 4/mnt/boot20:59
Bashing-omEriC^^: ^^ See, that is why I peek over your shoulder, never can tell what tid bits you will teach me .20:59
EriC^^did you do that after the mount /dev/sdc1 ...?20:59
aeorillotuspsychje I may have accidentally shut it down "non-cleanly" and wanted to know how to see if indeed I did that and if so if fsck found any errors, or whatever20:59
EriC^^Bashing-om: hehe :P20:59
aeorillotuspsychje I do not know of any problems but I just logged on after booting it back up - did not see anything of note21:00
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp21:00
lotuspsychjeaeoril: check your /var/log/syslog or dmesg for issues21:00
EriC^^wilmer_: ok21:00
EriC^^wilmer_: what does du -sh /mnt/boot give?21:00
aeorillotuspsychje I guess look for "fsck"?21:00
aeoril(in the logs)21:01
lotuspsychjeaeoril: any issues with your hd, if you think there are issues21:01
wilmer_EriC^^, 4.0K/mnt/boot21:01
wilmer_EriC^^, by the way... /mnt/boot is now empty ... can't be good right?21:02
EriC^^wilmer_: if you ls -l /mnt/boot files are there?21:02
EriC^^wilmer_: nope21:02
EriC^^why's it keep unmounting?21:02
wilmer_EriC^^, good question. I have had no trouble with the disk, till I made my bobo21:03
EriC^^i'm wondering if you could crack open the .deb and remove th initrd21:03
wilmer_EriC^^, Should I mount it again?21:03
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah try21:03
* EriC^^ googles for lvm and separate /boot21:03
wilmer_mount: according to mtab, /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root is already mounted on /mnt21:04
EriC^^wilmer_: try to mount /dev/sdc1 on /mnt/boot21:06
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ Given the situation as above and no kernels installed, bear in mind will have to re-establish symlinks when the new kernelS are installed " vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-43-generic " .21:06
wilmer_mount /dev/sdc1 on /mnt/boot doesnt compute ;-)21:07
wilmer_EriC^^, done21:07
EriC^^ok, ls -l /mnt/boot do the files show up?21:08
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp! There they are!21:08
lotuspsychjeseems like clamav database can find that new linux trojan linux.backdoor.turla http://clamav-du.securesites.net/cgi-bin/clamgrok21:08
EriC^^wilmer_: is it still there?21:09
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp21:09
EriC^^try df -h21:09
wilmer_/dev/sdc1                    236M  228M     0 100% /mnt/boot21:09
OerHekslotuspsychje, nice21:09
wilmer_EriC^^, In plain writing.. there are no space left!21:10
EriC^^wilmer_: yikes, it's full21:10
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: scanning my system now, rkhunter didnt have it in database21:10
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah, try du -h /mnt/boot | sort -n21:10
wilmer_EriC^^, But why? If Ubuntu have decided that 255MB is enough?21:10
EriC^^wilmer_: that will give a comprehensive list of all the files and their sizes21:11
wilmer_EriC^^, A lot of trash!21:11
wilmer_EriC^^, Is it to easy to think that my missing xxxx-generics file is in the trash?21:12
wilmer_EriC^^, ;-)21:12
shahid_is this general ubuntu chat?21:12
tewardshahid_: this is Ubuntu Support.  If you have a general discussion question on Ubuntu, try #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic21:13
EriC^^wilmer_: it could be so!21:13
shahid_teward: thanks21:13
EriC^^wilmer_: find /mnt/boot/.Trash-021:14
EriC^^wilmer_: or ls -lhR /mnt/boot/.Tra*21:15
wilmer_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 80 Dec 19 18:44 initrd.img-3.13.0-43-generic.trashinfo21:15
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om You guys don't have to worry. I'm getting a good scolding from my girlfriend when I go uppstairs.. She cant whatch TV if I don't get this up and running... (no pressure)21:16
EriC^^wilmer_: since /mnt/boot seems to stick21:16
EriC^^wilmer_: try to install it as usual via apt21:16
EriC^^mount the virtual filesystems again21:17
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done21:17
wilmer_EriC^^, done21:17
EriC^^rm -r /mnt/boot/.Trash-021:17
wilmer_EriC^^, done21:18
EriC^^sudo chroot /mnt21:18
hikenbootthis is going back a ways but anyone rember what the program that is used to form pictures from alphabet and numbers is called...I am willing to bet it still exists in the repository!21:18
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp21:18
EriC^^wilmer_: apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic21:18
hikenbootgoing back all the way to dot matrix printers i know21:19
lotuspsychjehikenboot: what does that do exactly?21:19
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573503/21:19
shahid_sorry for asking again , does a question regarding crashing of system settings on ubuntu 14.04 belongs here?21:19
k1l_hikenboot: you mean mplayer with ascii mode?21:20
OerHeks!info jp2a21:20
ubottujp2a (source: jp2a): converts jpg images to ascii. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-4 (utopic), package size 19 kB, installed size 71 kB21:20
lotuspsychjeshahid_: yes mate, ask your question21:20
OerHeks!info cacaview21:20
ubottuPackage cacaview does not exist in utopic21:20
Pici!info caca-utils21:21
ubottucaca-utils (source: libcaca): text mode graphics utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.beta19-2 (utopic), package size 46 kB, installed size 539 kB21:21
OerHeks!find cacaview21:21
ubottuFile cacaview found in caca-utils21:21
OerHeksah pici is faster :-D21:21
shahid_lotuspsychje: system settings crashes whenever i click appearance in the system settings window how can i fix it?21:21
wilmer_EriC^^, Now it's just mean21:22
aeorillotuspsychje I looked all through the syslog and dmesg log - did not find anything - wouldn't it have had an "fsck" line if it detected an unclean power off?21:22
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ Relevant at this point ? " Failed to symbolic-link boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-43-generic " should we look and see what is presently established for the 'vmlinuz' sym link ?21:22
aeorillotuspsychje or a line saying that it detected an unclean power off?21:22
lotuspsychjeaeoril: if no hd problems show your logs, i dont think your hd is damaged in any way21:23
hikenbootno it takes a picture and remakes the picture out of ascii characters or numbers21:23
hikenbootit used to be a big think way back in the 70s21:23
aeorillotuspsychje no, I do not think so - just wondering what to look for exactly in the future21:23
EriC^^Bashing-om: wilmer_ it won't hurt, ls -l /vmlinuz21:25
aeorilThe only line that looked funny was this (in red in the syslog in vi): "EXT4-fs (vda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro" did that mean it remounted because it found errors?21:25
aeorillotuspsychje ^21:25
shahid_lotuspsychje: system settings crashes whenever i click appearance in the system settings window how can i fix it? should i present the crash report?21:25
coreyfarrellsorry if this is the wrong place to ask, does anyone know how to "scp" to stdout?  I want to cat a remote file and pipe into a local program.21:26
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Dec 17 16:20 /vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-43-generic21:26
lotuspsychjehikenboot: apt-cache search ascii21:26
EriC^^wilmer_: i think you should purge then reinstall21:27
EriC^^wilmer_: it seems to complain and say the error was there before etc etc21:27
EriC^^wilmer_: try apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic21:27
EriC^^then apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic21:28
wilmer_EriC^^, done21:28
EriC^^wilmer_: you installed it?21:28
lotuspsychjeshahid_: did you check your additional drivers section?21:28
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp!21:29
EriC^^wilmer_: cool21:29
trismcoreyfarrell: can't you just: ssh user@host cat /path/to/file; ?21:29
wilmer_EriC^^, I know! :-)21:29
EriC^^did it mention that it picked it up? ( grub )21:29
EriC^^Found ....3.13......21:29
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :; confirm ? -> ls -al /boot/vmlinuz-3.13 < - ??21:29
coreyfarrelltrism: wow, apparently I ignored that as "too easy to be possible"21:30
wilmer_EriC^^, I think so: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573567/21:30
ara_Could not find DocBook XML DTD V4.1.2 in XML catalogue , i get this when i do jhbuild sanitycheck, Any idea how to fix this?21:30
EriC^^wilmer_: great21:31
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :; err, ls -al /boot/vmlinuz-3.13* <- .21:31
wilmer_EriC^^, did we get it right?21:31
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah i think so21:32
shahid_lotuspsychje: what should i check in additional drivers section ?, i must add that it was working ok but a few weeks ago it started crashing.21:32
wilmer_EriC^^, should we test it? Reboot and se if I can fire it up?21:32
snypWhy does removing some packages make apt-get install some other packages?21:32
snypapt-get is kind of mysterious.21:33
lotuspsychjeshahid_: are there any drivers that show in list? wich one is enabled?21:33
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, type exit then reboot21:33
wilmer_EriC^^, brb then...21:33
OerHekssnyp, what21:33
k1l_snyp: they are not needed anymore. so they get removed21:33
OerHekssnyp, what 'some packages' ?21:33
snypOerHeks, apt-get remove-ing makes apt-get want to install some other packages21:33
k1l_snyp: wait, isntall some others?21:33
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :: heed the advise ? " you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub] " -> sudo update-grub <- .21:33
snypk1l_, yes21:34
EriC^^Bashing-om: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573567/21:34
EriC^^Bashing-om: it picked up the kernel and initrd :)21:34
OerHekssnyp, details?21:35
shahid_lotuspsychje: yes , it says one propriety driver in use which is my wifi driver i think : Broadcom 802.11 linux STA wirless driver21:35
Bashing-omEriC^^: When you are good, YOU are good .21:35
snypi did sudo apt-get autoremove libqt5*21:35
lotuspsychjeshahid_: what kind of graphics card do you have?21:36
EriC^^Bashing-om: it's in grubs hand now :D21:36
snypOerHeks, i pasted21:36
Bashing-omEriC^^: Humm, OK, will grub require vmlinuz.old ?21:37
lotuspsychjesnyp: can you tell us wich ubuntu version you are on?21:37
snypAlso, why the hell does apt-get autoremove work on both ways of the dependency chain?21:37
snyplotuspsychje, 14.0421:37
snyplotuspsychje, but this has happened before21:38
EriC^^Bashing-om: i don't think so21:38
snypso i wanted to know _how_ apt-get works21:38
EriC^^Bashing-om: he only has 1 kernel installed21:38
snypLike, apt-get autoremove A will want to remove package B if B *depends on* A.21:39
OerHekssnyp,  i think qt5 is past of the desktop, that shouldn't be removed?21:39
lotuspsychjesnyp: wich package did you want to install exactly, for what purpose?21:39
snyplotuspsychje, i don't remember qpdfview which depends on libqt4 i think.21:39
shahid_lotuspsychje: it is intel built in  gpu i do not remember the model my pc is an old one. can i check this from the terminal?21:39
snypbut i saw qt5 installed too, so i wanted to remove that21:39
snypi mean i don't remember how qt5 got installed21:40
snypprobably by default...21:40
lotuspsychjeshahid_: maybe ubuntu is bit heavy for your grafix, that make appreance crash maybe? did you try lubuntu?21:40
lotuspsychjeshahid_: sudo lshw -C video21:40
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yeah, but there is the possibility that "  vmlinuz.old -> boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-40-generic " as a fall back will come into play - not real sure how grub.cfg handles this .21:41
snyplotuspsychje, i will keep qt5 then21:41
snyplotuspsychje, but care to explain with autoremove works like that?21:41
snypit just sounds wrong21:41
lotuspsychjesnyp: if you uninstall default stuff, other packages will uninstall also21:41
snyplotuspsychje, no i mean like, apt-get autoremove A will want to remove package B if B *depends on* A.21:41
snyplotuspsychje, and not just some package C that only A depends on.21:42
EriC^^Bashing-om: to be honest i thought the vmlinuz were there for a kind of standard thing, and they aren't used, hehe but now that i think of it and you mention it i think grub uses it to know which was the last kernel that was loaded ? and what was the one previous to that? so if it fails it doesn't show the grub menu?21:43
OerHekssnyp so if package c wasn't removed, then you would end up with errors using package c, no?21:43
Bashing-omEriC^^: Well, I am interested to see what does result at this time .. maybe reboot into the install now - see what in fact does happen ?21:44
shahid_lotuspsychje:  product: Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller, width: 64 bits, clock : 33 mhz,  bus info: pci@0000:00:02.1,pm,  bus_master cap_list,21:44
snypOerHeks, autoremove A is supposed to remove all packages that A depends on and installed solely for that purpose, right?21:44
lotuspsychjeshahid_: try xubuntu or lubuntu, maybe that will work smoother for you21:45
EriC^^Bashing-om: maybe load a vm and mess with it's vmlinuz and see if it changes the loaded kernel21:45
OerHekssnyp, removal of package b which depends on package a seems legit to me21:45
lotuspsychjeshahid_: also check your syslog or dmesg for errors when crashing21:45
snypOerHeks, but it seems to also remove all packages that depended on A, without warning or failure.21:45
snypOerHeks, which is weird21:46
lotuspsychjeshahid_: or do a tail -f /var/log/syslog and open appereances to see the error in realtime21:46
Bashing-omEriC^^: I do not have a VM set up, I keep at this and I may do so . FYI I dos have 4 'buntu installs on this box - bare metal .21:46
EriC^^Bashing-om: 4 ubuntu installs?21:47
EriC^^lol :D21:47
wilmer_EriC^^, so close! I could boot but I ended up with no mouse and no network21:48
lotuspsychjewith each 4 workspaces :p21:48
wilmer_it seemed to boot 14.10 and not 13.10 also.. but that could have worked to21:48
shahid_lotuspsychje: kernel: [ 9737.639456] unity-control-c[10449]: segfault at 14 ip 00007f6a1c0f5867 sp 00007fff073c21f8 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.4103.0[7f6a1c0c4000+4f000] ,,, this is what i get , so this is because i my system can not support unity ?21:49
lotuspsychje!apt-get | snyp21:49
ubottusnyp: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)21:49
EriC^^wilmer_: you mean you have 2 ubuntu installations?21:49
lotuspsychjeshahid_: try to install lubuntu-desktop from your existing install in ubuntu, then logout and log back into lubuntu to check21:50
wilmer_EriC^^, no... The live version on my usb stick was a 14.10.. it was the only one I could boot from without getting into a hole mess of problems (it droped me to a strange shell)21:50
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-desktop | shahid_21:50
ubottushahid_: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.55 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)21:50
wilmer_EriC^^, I run 13.10 on the broken machine21:50
EriC^^wilmer_: but when you cat /mnt/etc/issue21:50
shahid_lotuspsychje: ok checking that21:51
EriC^^i remember ubuntu 14.04 almost21:51
wilmer_EriC^^, nope 13.10...21:51
EriC^^wilmer_> EriC^^, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l21:51
EriC^^this is odd..21:51
wilmer_EriC^^, strange21:51
wilmer_EriC^^, maby itś time to wave the white flag and just reinstall21:52
wilmer_EriC^^, Hard to do anything without network connection.21:53
EriC^^Bashing-om: i have like 4-6 VMs, i recently installed debian, they are pretty cool to test stuff with especially the snapshot feature21:53
EriC^^wilmer_: nah21:54
snyplotuspsychje, ok ok i got it. but look for example i just did sudo apt-get install gedit, then i did sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins. Then I did sudo apt-get autoremove gedit, and it removed both gedit and gedit-plugins and some other packages, without warning.21:54
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo parted -l21:54
lotuspsychjesnyp: autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically21:55
lotuspsychje           installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are now no21:55
lotuspsychje           longer needed.21:55
wilmer_EriC^^, :-) Just so you know.. Im back on the live session again... here I have mouse and network support21:55
snyplotuspsychje, but gedit-plugins was not automatically installed.21:55
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah i know :) your identd is ubuntu :P21:55
Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ "" UNgood "  EriC^^, I run 13.10 on the broken machine " as we have no access to the software repository . 13.10 is EOL and no longer has support .21:56
snypand i think gedit-plugins -depends on- gedit21:56
snypnot the other way21:56
snypi just want to know how apt-get resolves dependencies.21:56
ara_is there like ppa for the latest and coolest for ubuntu? unsupported and beta i know.21:57
ara_something along that line21:57
EriC^^Bashing-om: it's very odd as soon as he mounted i asked him to cat /mnt/etc/issue and it said 14.04 , also apt sees the 3.13 image in the repo so that's fine21:57
EriC^^Bashing-om: so he does have 14.04 installed21:57
k1l_ara_: latest what?21:58
EriC^^( i think )21:58
ara_k1l_, latest webkit and epiphany21:58
wilmer_Bashing-om, I know. But there is some problem with installing drivers for my tv-card and dvb-t card reader so I can't upgrade for now... The machine in question is a tv-server supporting a tv-streaming to the hwole household (4 children). Can you emagine what happens tomorrow when they wake up and there is no tv? ;-)21:59
ara_k1l_, it don't have to be beta, latest stable works too21:59
k1l_ara_: if you want stable whats wrong with the one in the ubuntu repos?22:00
wilmer_EriC^^, I have got help from here to upgrade the linux-kernel, maby this is why there is mixed messages about the version?22:00
EriC^^wilmer_: it could be22:01
wilmer_EriC^^, Maby it will work on a 14.10 installation? Could I upgrade from my live sesion without loosing files and settings?22:01
wilmer_EriC^^, if I allready run on kernels that comes with 14.10... then... It could work?22:02
Bashing-omwilmer_: Oh what technology has done to us . BUT, running an unsupported release, that gets no security updates - or nnay updates for that matter - is not a good thing to do . IF this server is exposed to the world, just an explosion waiting to happen .22:02
EriC^^wilmer_: not sure i read a bug earlier about it in 14.04 ( wiping files when you choose to upgrade using a cd )22:02
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo do-release-upgrade is way better, but what if it doesn't work the way you need it to?22:02
EriC^^wilmer_: can you test it in the live session?22:03
wilmer_EriC^^, Well.. as for now it dont work period!22:03
ara_k1l_, webkit 2.4 which is in the repos, which what epiphany 3.10.3 uses, has an old bug were stuff don't render well. like http://postimg.org/image/52pdxwc6n/, the guys at #epiphany say webkit 2.6 has fixed this. They never found out what the bug is or why it occured.22:03
k1l_!info webkit22:03
ubottuPackage webkit does not exist in utopic22:03
wilmer_It takes some time to get the tv-card, tvheadend-server and newCS (cardreader to work) so it doesn't matter... It don't work now eather..22:03
EriC^^wilmer_: what's the 320gb partition?22:03
k1l_!info epiphany22:04
ubottuepiphany (source: epiphany): clone of Boulder Dash game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-6 (utopic), package size 82 kB, installed size 244 kB22:04
ara_k1l_, they said, try latest webkit, and if the bug still exist, file a bug report.22:04
k1l_ara_: which is latest? did you file a bug?22:04
ara_yeah, the one in utopic still uses webkit 2.422:04
wilmer_EriC^^, it seems to be the old raidcard with my mp3 collection...22:05
ara_k1l_, 3.15 is latest epiphany, which uses webkit 2.6.x22:05
EriC^^wilmer_: the ata one22:05
wilmer_I have two raidcards in the server. None that contains the operating system. It is on a disk that has no raid22:05
EriC^^ dev/sdc22:05
EriC^^oh ok22:06
ara_k1l_, and no i didn't yet.22:06
wilmer_Can't mount it. It seems to be broken. I get an error now when I start the computor that the raid is not ready yet22:06
k1l_ara_: so file a bug. maybe the solve it and you dont need a PPA at all22:06
EriC^^wilmer_: ok22:06
k1l_ara_: and all other users benefit from that22:06
EriC^^wilmer_: try sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt22:06
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot22:07
EriC^^wilmer_: for i in /dev /sys /proc; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done22:07
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo chroot /mnt22:07
wilmer_EriC^^, done22:08
EriC^^wilmer_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list22:08
EriC^^wilmer_: does it work with an older kernel?22:09
wilmer_EriC^^, I have not tested that either22:09
snypi will be off. i still don't get apt-get's process through. lol.22:10
EriC^^wilmer_: looks like it's using the trusty repos22:10
EriC^^wilmer_: have you since done a sudo apt-get upgrade ?22:10
EriC^^or dist-upgrade ?22:10
EriC^^wilmer_: i mean did it used to work before ? why did you upgrade the kernel anyways?22:11
apterDoes someone run ubuntu as main OS on a Macbook Pro retina here? And are you pleased with it?22:11
wilmer_EriC^^, nope. The full /boot kept me from it. And the fact that I read on the net that there where issues with my cardreader and tv-card22:11
k1l_ara_: after you filed the bug you can scroll down here and click on the green PPA line which links to a gnome PPA with updated packages.22:11
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wilmer_EriC^^, When I installed the driver for the tv-card I runned into problems and someone suggested that I upgrade the kernel. I did and then it worked22:12
someone__how can I get the terminal to pop up everytime I run a script?22:13
EriC^^someone__: what do you mean? run it how?22:14
thumpbaim looking for ubuntu core iso, is this avail?22:14
wilmer_EriC^^, Can i do a sudo apt-get upgrad from my live session to upgrade the broken machine? This could maby get my support for mouse and network back and maby, just maby the tv-card and card-reader works.. .like magic you know? ;-)22:14
someone__EriC^^: I set my behaviour to run scripts on double click22:14
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo do-release-upgrade would be better i guess22:14
someone__so run it that way22:14
someone__execute I should say22:14
EriC^^wilmer_: if it offers trusty then go for it i guess22:14
wilmer_EriC^^, ok. But can I do it from my live session? to the broken machine? I'm thinking that this would keep all my config and files. I just need to reinstall drivers for my tv-card and card-reader?22:15
EriC^^wilmer_: i think do-release-upgrade would be better22:16
EriC^^it would keep your programs i think and everything else22:16
flexus2wilmer_: upgrade from livecd is bad22:16
wilmer_EriC^^, Just like that? I don't need to mount anything? It should overwrite the broken installation?22:17
wilmer_flexus2, It seems to be my only option... I have no network support and no mouse when I boot my machine22:17
wilmer_I can't do a sudo do-release-upgrade without any network support?22:18
wilmer_flexus2, I have no CD-drive in this computor eather22:18
flexus2i mean why no network, cause of kernel upgrade? whats the hardware?22:18
k1l_flexus2: why is it bad?22:18
flexus2you can try but i didnt see an upgrade function last time22:19
flexus2on livecd22:19
flexus2it turned out it installed a second ubuntu22:20
jhutchinswilmer_: How did you install it in the first place?22:20
wilmer_flexus2, I don't know. Its some nomname network card. And it stoped working when I finaly could boot back into the broken machine. It is likley its because the reinstallment of the kernel22:20
flexus2wilmer_: whats in lspci ?22:20
wilmer_jhutchins, I didn't it worked right out of the box when I installed it in the first place. And it workes when I run the live session. But not when I boot the machine.22:21
wilmer_flexus2, To know that I need to reboot into the broken version and write it down..22:21
jhutchinswilmer_: What are you running the live session from?22:22
flexus2wilmer_: ok you only got 1 host22:22
wilmer_jhutchins, the same computor that is broken22:22
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wilmer_EriC^^, Don't dissapear on me now ;-)22:22
EriC^^wilmer_: if you never ran sudo apt-get upgrade /dist-upgrade you could remove the trusty sources and install the kernel and22:22
flexus2so didnt you chroot into it ?22:22
jhutchinswilmer_: Yes, I understand that.  How are you getting a live session?22:22
kubuntoanyone know how to get a raspberry pi a wireless driver22:22
wilmer_jhutchins, usb stick22:23
EriC^^wilmer_: then if it doesn't work but boots and has network you could do-release-upgrade22:23
flexus2kubunto: non-free repo22:23
jhutchinswilmer_: Ok, you can reinstall from that, or use it to fix packages.22:23
kubuntoflexus2: not sure what you mean22:23
wilmer_EriC^^, sounds like a plan...22:23
kubuntoflexus2: i have a wireless usb device but it isnt recognized22:23
jhutchinswilmer_: You can chroot to the HD install and run aptitude from there.22:23
flexus2kubunto: somewhere in settings, additional drivers if you have propritary drivers22:24
EriC^^wilmer_: if you can do-release-upgrade from the live session i guess that would be best22:24
tewardkubunto: you need to use the additional drivers tool.  if you don't have any network connection, that will be tricky, though.22:24
EriC^^if it's ok to upgrade in a chroot22:24
tewardkubunto: (even more tricky if CLI only, too)22:24
jhutchinsEriC^^: Yes, that works fine.22:24
jhutchinsEriC^^: I had a broken testing that I did that on  until they fixed it.22:24
wilmer_EriC^^, could you walk me thru that to? or am I on my limits now ;-)22:24
EriC^^wilmer_: cause the /etc/issue having 14.04 doesn't sound too good unless the kernel installation modifies that file, but i dont think so22:24
EriC^^wilmer_: sure thing22:25
wilmer_EriC^^, thank you so much!22:25
kubuntoteward: how would i find these connections?22:25
flexus2kubunto: got x running?22:25
kubuntoflexus2: i have it on gui22:25
jhutchinswilmer_: /msg dpkg fixgrub - that'll give you the basic instructions for setting up the chroot, then instead of doing grub-install fix aptitude and fix the system.22:25
flexus2kubunto: kde22:25
kubuntoflexus2: raspbian22:26
flexus2somewhere in the start menu is additional drivers maybe22:26
wilmer_EriC^^, ready! :-)22:27
kubuntoflexus2: is there a way i can get the stuff off my current machine as i have used it with the thing already22:28
flexus2kubunto: the propritary drivers? some ethernets dont work without22:28
flexus2kubunto: what is it? which type of ethernet controller?22:29
EriC^^wilmer_: ok!22:29
kubuntoflexus2: i had the wireless card pluged into this machine22:29
EriC^^so you're in the chroot right now?22:29
kubuntoflexus2: can i get the information from this machine to the raspberry pi22:29
flexus2man, you wont guess, both of my logitech remote mice are getting cracy22:29
wilmer_EriC^^, nope. Doesnt seem so.22:30
flexus2kubunto: you mean ethernet info ? lspci22:30
kubuntoflexus2: i mean the driver files22:30
thibauldhello what is the best channel to ask questions about ubuntu core "snappy" ?22:31
flexus2kubunto: i think /lib/firmware22:31
EriC^^wilmer_: what did you last do? type echo !!22:32
OerHeksthibauld, @ #ubuntu-server maybe ?22:32
wilmer_EriC^^, returns nothing. If i hit arrow I cant get futher back than listing sources22:33
thibauld0erHeks thanks, I'll try there!22:33
EriC^^wilmer_: ah ok22:33
EriC^^wilmer_: you're chrooted then22:34
wilmer_EriC^^, :-)22:34
EriC^^wilmer_: type exit22:34
EriC^^wilmer_: let's mount the rest of the virtual filesystems just in case22:34
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done22:35
kubuntoflexus2: i am looking at that folder and i am not seeing that much there22:35
kubuntoat least useful stuff22:35
wilmer_EriC^^, done22:35
flexus2kubunto: you need to copy a driver from 1 host to another?22:36
wilmer_EriC^^, I can se everything in boot now..22:36
kubuntoflexus2: i am not sure it will work given architecture actually22:36
flexus2kubunto: right, kernel and so on22:36
kubuntoflexus2: this is a laptop22:36
flexus2kubunto: raspbian is a little bit different, it wont pay to play around like that22:37
wilmer_EriC^^, I can se everything in /mnt/boot like before22:37
flexus2kubunto: next update kills your action22:37
flexus2kubunto: you have somewhere in the starting menu the additional drivers, or in this update tool on the right side22:38
cyberaceanyone in infosec here?22:38
tewardcyberace: probably better to ask your real question instead22:39
kubuntoflexus2: i am getting it back to startx22:39
flexus2kubunto: i thought you where on x22:40
EriC^^wilmer_: ok22:40
EriC^^wilmer_: 1 sec22:41
kubuntoflexus2: i am in and out of startx22:41
k1l_kubunto: what is the issue?22:42
kubuntok1l_: i am trying to get a raspberry pi to go wireless22:43
k1l_kubunto: well. rasbian is based on debian. but they have a own #raspbian channel here22:44
k1l_best is to ask them22:44
brentim after the best sudo app for launching gui apps, is there one that stands out?22:44
kubuntok1l_: tyvm22:45
kubuntoill look there22:45
k1l_raf: no warez in here. thanks22:46
zykotick9brent: gksudo?22:46
wilmer_EriC^^, Did i loose you?22:48
brentzykotick9, yea looks like it will do, have you tried pkexec?22:48
Angeles4fourI borked my X server whilst updating my nvidia drivers (with a broken package tool). see my most recent post in my thread with Xorg.0.log: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/broken-apt-fail-to-boot-w-init-nvidia-persistenced-4175528488/22:49
zykotick9brent: i have not.  never heard of it actually...22:49
EriC^^wilmer_: no, i'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:49
EriC^^wilmer_: i think you need to fix the sources.list then do-release-upgrade22:49
wilmer_EriC^^, ah sorry :-)22:49
Angeles4fouris there any more information i could provide here to help you folks help me?22:49
EriC^^wilmer_: it should say deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy main restricted universe multiverse22:50
EriC^^old-releases before ubuntu and saucy as the release22:50
wilmer_EriC^^, just that? Should I erase all other things?22:50
EriC^^wilmer_: replace them with old-releases and saucy22:51
EriC^^wilmer_: hold on22:51
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EriC^^sed -i 's/se.archive/old-releases/g' /etc/apt/sources.list22:51
EriC^^sed -i 's/trusty/saucy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list22:51
wilmer_EriC^^, done22:52
EriC^^sed -i 's/security/old-releases/g' /etc/apt/sources.list22:52
EriC^^i think that's needed too22:52
Bashing-omzykotick9: FYI // Gksudo and others are deprecated now and not recommended any more. Pkexec is the new boy but it is not straightforward either. Discussion here; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2225832 . The reason they(gksudo) are no longer installed by default is that there are no GUI apps in the default install with launchers using gksudo/gksu. All default GUI apps that need elevated privileges most of the time now use PolicyKit to a22:52
EriC^^wilmer_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list22:52
zykotick9Bashing-om: Thank you!  interesting.  brent see above!  sorry.22:53
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9574151/22:53
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EriC^^wilmer_: that's odd22:55
EriC^^wilmer_: i thought you were chrooted?22:55
wilmer_did I loose that again22:55
EriC^^type cat /etc/issue22:55
wilmer_Ubuntu 14.10 \n \l22:56
flexus2for version you can do lsb_release -a22:56
wilmer_EriC^^, do I need to do a sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt  again?22:57
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah22:58
EriC^^wilmer_: my bad22:58
EriC^^wilmer_: i forgot that we exited and mounted /run and the rest22:59
EriC^^sudo chroot /mnt22:59
wilmer_EriC^^, np done22:59
wilmer_EriC^^, I did a chroot /mnt22:59
wilmer_EriC^^, learning... slowly ;-)22:59
EriC^^sed -i 's/se.archive\|security/old-releases/g' /etc/apt/sources.list23:00
wilmer_EriC^^, So now I do the replace in sources.list?23:00
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah23:00
EriC^^sed -i 's/trusty/saucy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list23:00
EriC^^wilmer_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list23:00
flexus2make some diff fileA fileB to compare them (if i understand correct)23:00
wilmer_EriC^^, (I saved them in a textfile just in case)23:00
Bashing-omEriC^^: Do we need to check "way/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]23:01
EriC^^Bashing-om: wrong paste?23:01
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9574208/23:01
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yesh, beats me where that came from. wait 1 .23:01
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, that's a good idea23:01
Bashing-omEriC^^: Do we need to check "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" see what it is set too ?23:02
kim__good night party people!23:04
EriC^^wilmer_: oops, type sed -i 's/-old-releases/-security/g' /etc/apt/sources.list23:04
EriC^^wilmer_: it also changed the trusty-security part23:04
wilmer_EriC^^, done23:05
EriC^^wilmer_: cat /etc/apt/sources.list23:05
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9574248/23:06
=== Josh_ is now known as JU1CE
wilmer_EriC^^, still awake?23:16
stethoI know this isn't the "correct" place to ask as such but has anyone here had any success setting up an Ubuntu mirror on a Synology disk station?23:16
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah23:19
EriC^^it looks good23:19
EriC^^wilmer_: try do-release-upgrade23:19
EriC^^see if it offers anything23:19
flexus2good luck23:20
Bashing-omwilmer_: fingers crossed .23:20
wilmer_Bashing-om, Can't breathe ;-)23:21
Bashing-omwilmer_: The good news, if it breaks it is fixable ( EriC^^ is good ! ) .23:21
wilmer_No new release found23:22
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades " ??23:23
wilmer_sudo: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades: command not found23:25
Bashing-omwilmer_: No, we just want to know what is set there -> cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades <- and That should show Prompt=lts if the settings are correct.23:25
EriC^^wilmer_: add cat23:26
wilmer_Bashing-om, EriC^^ Yepp.. It workes23:26
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om Prompt=lts23:26
Bashing-omwilmer_: OK, good, back to my lurking mode .23:27
wilmer_Bashing-om, EriC^^ No, lost my chroot again23:27
Bashing-omwilmer_: Makes little sense that you keep dropping out of the CHange Root . A bit concerning .23:28
wilmer_EriC^^, can you give me the command to chroot again? Promise to write it down this time23:28
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo chroot /mnt23:31
EriC^^Bashing-om: wilmer_ yeah it's very odd23:31
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chris349Im trying to turn off and on a display through software, Ive managed to switch it off with the command xset dpms force off, but I cant figure out how to turn it back on (other than rebooting)23:32
EriC^^chris349: it should turn right back on when you move the mouse or hit a key23:33
flexus2some fuser magic ?23:33
wilmer_EriC^^, strange.. sudo /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt23:33
wilmer_sudo: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: command not found23:33
wilmer_chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’23:34
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt23:34
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot23:34
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done23:35
wilmer_EriC^^, got it23:35
wilmer_sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot     ->    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot  sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot23:36
rosaecaeruleaei need a manual to add a boot screen to my machine23:37
EriC^^rosaecaeruleae: you want grub to show?23:37
wilmer_EriC^^, now something is wrong.. cant do the if statement neather23:37
wilmer_EriC^^, sorry for statement23:37
EriC^^what's it say?23:37
chris349EriC^^, Thats not working. I can use xset dpms force suspend or xset dpms force standby and then activiate it again but with those commands the screen doesnt turn off, it only shows a black image23:37
rosaecaeruleaeEriC^^, yes and change it to a fixed screen23:37
wilmer_sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu23:38
EriC^^chris349: oh ok23:38
EriC^^chris349: well to turn it back on you can bind a key to run the same command with on23:38
dgarstangisn't tehre a update-motd bin on Ubuntu?23:39
chris349EriC^^, Which command turns it on? xset dpms force off turns off the monitor I just havent figured out how to turn it back on.23:39
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EriC^^chris349: make a script that has #!/bin/bash as the first line and xset dpms force on as the second23:39
EriC^^and in settings > keyboard bind a key combo to bash /path/to/script.sh23:40
EriC^^rosaecaeruleae: what do you mean by a fixed screen?23:41
chris349EriC^^, Currently that command isnt switching on the monitor23:41
EriC^^rosaecaeruleae: a background ?23:41
rosaecaeruleaeEriC^^, yes23:41
EriC^^chris349: it should23:42
EriC^^chris349: on my laptop if i move the mouse it turns it on23:42
EriC^^chris349: anyways you can use xrandr if you want23:42
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
dgarstangisn't tehre a update-motd bin on Ubuntu?23:43
EriC^^xrandr --output <display> --off ( or --auto to turn it back on )23:44
EriC^^wilmer_: something is really odd23:44
Bashing-omwilmer_: Maybe you are at 14.04 ? .. What returns -> dpkg -l libc6 <- >> This " ii  libc6:amd64    2.19-0ubuntu amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: Shared l " ??23:44
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo says that sometimes if /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname aren't the same23:45
Bashing-omwilmer_: ^^ once the CHange Root is re-established .23:45
compdocdgarstang, yeah, kinda23:45
wilmer_EriC^^, still not shure if I'm still chrooted..23:46
EriC^^wilmer_: you should have a # prompt if you are23:46
wilmer_cat /etc/issue gives me Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l23:47
wilmer_EriC^^, but my prompt reads root@ubuntu:/#23:47
EriC^^wilmer_: i think you're chrooted23:47
flexus2what says hostnamectl23:47
EriC^^wilmer_: do you want to try to upgrade to 14.10 ?23:48
wilmer_EriC^^, can i ignore the sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu23:48
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah that's ok23:49
wilmer_EriC^^, At this time Im willing to do anything...23:49
EriC^^i wonder if you upgrade like debian does with just dist-upgrade and a changed sources.list what would happen23:49
wilmer_if I can get my files and config back I'll can start working on getting the tv-card back23:50
EriC^^Bashing-om: any idea why do-release-upgrade doesn't show anything?23:50
EriC^^wilmer_: try apt-get update23:51
wilmer_EriC^^, I tried sudo do-release-upgrade but that gives me No new release found23:51
wilmer_EriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9574592/23:52
EriC^^Bashing-om: any idea why saucy isn't there? http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/23:53
bekksEriC^^: Because it is still here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/23:55
EriC^^isn't it eol?23:55
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy23:55
bekksIt is. But it hasnt been moved to old-releases yet.23:55
EriC^^bekks: ok, thanks23:56
wilmer_EriC^^, time to rewrite sources.list? :)23:56
Bashing-omEriC^^: I am begiining to believe that wilmer_ IS already on 14.04 . I would think that libc6 would be at the above version in an upgrade, as that package would not have been installed in any manual method .23:56
EriC^^wilmer_: load up the backup sources.list23:57
EriC^^Bashing-om: i don't know why is his mouse not working and whatnot though?23:57
EriC^^Bashing-om: could it be he has like half 14.04 half 13.10?23:57
wilmer_EriC^^, Did we take a copy of that?23:58
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah, you said you did23:58
wilmer_EriC^^, no mouse and worse.. no network!23:58
Bashing-omEriC^^: It is all possible .. the mouse and keyboard might be because of what is set in bios, as to what bios passes onto grub for the drivers to use ?23:58
EriC^^Bashing-om: he said it stopped working after the kernel upgrade though23:59

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