
lindolhi all00:13
octoquaddarkxst, any updates for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/123674900:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1236749 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Gnome shell extensions disabled at every startup" [Low,Confirmed]00:16
darkxstoctoquad, I know the cause, but haven't had a chance to look into it02:07
darkxstoctoquad, bug 138557202:08
ubot5bug 1385572 in upstart (Ubuntu) "gnome-session not shutting down cleanly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138557202:08
darkxstand it will go away anyway, once we are switched to systemd init02:09
darkxstbut does need to be fixed for trusty02:28
darkxstNoskcaj, can you rebuild g-s-d so I can test your ppa?02:35
darkxstNoskcaj, and it would possibly better to use a team ppa for these transition type things ubuntu-gnome-packaging perhaps? you should be able to make ppa's there!02:38
Noskcajdarkxst, Yes, i should have used a team ppa. Rebuilding now04:38
darkxstNoskcaj, seems to be dependency issues06:00
darkxstNoskcaj, oh gnome-backgrounds is stuck in proposed06:02
darkxstcan you copy that to your ppa06:02
darkxstalso gnome-shell-extensions06:02
darkxst^also in proposed06:03
darkxstNoskcaj, no matter, moved everything to ppa:ubuntu-gnome-packaging/core3.1406:11
lindolhi all06:41
lindolI came to Ubuntu Korea forum in Seoul. :)06:43
darkxsthi lindol06:47
lindoldarkxst, hi :)06:49
darkxstlindol, how is the forum?06:52
lindolUbuntu Korea forum is Ubuntu Community for Korea in Repulbic of Korea (South Korea)06:54
darkxstany other of our crew there?06:55
lindolNo any one, Sorry.06:57
darkxstmaybe they are hiding (though I don't know if we have any other Korean members ;) )07:01
LinDol_phonesorry.  My computer was disconnect. no any one. Sorry I just talked it.07:16
LinDol_phonedarkxst, Sorry07:18
darkxstLinDol_phone, ok07:18
octoquadThere doesn't seem to be any builds for the yesterday and today. Is there a problem again?12:16
superdingusHello. Having trouble with keyrings/seahorse15:33
octoquadHello superdingus. What problem are you having?15:34
superdingusSorry if I take long to explain. See, I have autologin set to off15:34
superdingusAnd each time when I log in, I must also unlock a keyring (empathy wants access for my chat accounts)15:34
superdingusI then set the keyring to automatically unlock when I log in, since they have the same password15:35
superdingusInstead of logging in manually and having the keyring unlocked automatically, I am forcibly autologged in, and met with the same "unlock keyring" prompt15:36
superdingusThe issue is that I cannot seem to set the behavior to what I expected15:36
octoquadWhat version of Ubuntu Gnome are you using? 14.04 or 14.10?15:37
octoquadWas this an upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10?15:39
superdingusNope, a fresh install15:39
superdingusmay be worth noting that in config, autologin is still shown as set to off, despite this latest behavior change15:40
octoquadare using stock 14.10 or do you have either the main or main and staging ppa's enabled?15:41
octoquadI've had this problem before, but in another release15:41
octoquadHave you tried resetting your password for you login?15:42
superdingusstock 14.10, no additional PPA's enabled at all15:44
superdingusI can try resetting the password now, should I reset password for the login and keyring at same time?15:44
octoquadok, yes, please change your password to something else and log out and log in again. If it still asks for a password for the keyring change the password again for the user account and for the keyring at the same time and log out and log in again.15:45
superdingusAlright thank you, will try that now15:46
superdingus_No go, tried resetting each password seperately, to no avail15:57
superdingus_keeps bypassing my login15:57
octoquadinteresting so the user account and for login under seahorse are exactly the same?16:08
octoquadis login also set to default?16:09
octoquadin seahorse16:09
octoquadsorry I meant: interesting so the password for the user account and for login under seahorse are exactly the same?16:11
superdingus_sorry. Yes, the passwords are the exact same, and login is set to default in seahorse16:24
superdingus_Should I just destroy the old keyring and force empathy to generate new keyring under default (which is now login)?16:25
octoquadsuperdingus_, yes you can try that as well.16:26
superdingus_giving that a shot now16:27
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x00eis it safe to add gnome3 staging ppa ?19:16
Noskcajdarkxst, I'm going to be away for the next week. Anything i should do before i leave? (lunchtime)20:06
darkxstNoskcaj, did you file MP's for 3.14 updates?20:06
NoskcajI'd just left everything on the bug. Should i be filing MPs even though geoclue-2.0 isn't actually in main yet?20:07
darkxstNoskcaj, yes20:08
darkxstonce an upload depends on geoclue it will get promoted20:08
darkxstNoskcaj, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/193116367/gnome-settings-daemon_3.14.2-2ubuntu1~ppa1_3.14.2-2ubuntu1~ppa3.diff.gz20:19
darkxstNoskcaj, g-c-c can drop the zoom patch20:37
darkxstNoskcaj, you should use --author when merge other peoples diff's ;020:40
NoskcajI just copied stuff from what was in the diff, but ok20:41
darkxstok, everything else looks fine20:47
darkxstNoskcaj, if you have time, epiphany needs a merge21:05
darkxst(there is a headerbar patch on ppa)21:06
darkxstand empathy should enable geoclue-2.021:06
Noskcaji'll see what i can do21:07

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