
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* Azelphur puts a sock in diddledans mouth01:22
AzelphurI have returned from yankland \o/01:22
diddledanwhat were you doing yanking?01:22
Azelphurtypical work trip, so Disneyland and parties.01:23
diddledanI missed a 12 hour minibus drive with work yesterday for their xmas do01:23
diddledanthey went to frogland and I didn't have a passyport01:24
Azelphuroops :)01:24
diddledanI wasn't the only one01:24
daftykinsmorning o/01:24
diddledantime for the night-shift then01:25
daftykinsno passport!?01:25
daftykinshave you ever had one? :>01:25
daftykinsyep, i warn you i'm a tad merry though01:25
diddledanI had one in the past but it expired01:25
daftykinsjust had the first of my christmas do's01:25
diddledandrunky dafty01:25
diddledanor should that be dafty drunky01:25
Azelphuryea, I've been in LA for the past 2 weeks, as I say did disneyland, a couple parties with a bunch of B-List models, chilling at my bosses mansion in Beverly hills, loads of restaurants, Dave and busters, nickel nickel, balboa island, etc etc. xD01:26
daftykinsAzelphur: wat01:26
diddledanyou lucky get01:26
daftykinsyour boss in Beverley Hills O_O01:26
daftykinsyou've been holding out on us!01:26
Azelphuryea, there is nothing to complain about with this job01:26
diddledanseriously, your boss has a mansion?!01:26
Azelphurall of ^ was paid for by my boss too01:27
daftykinscor la01:27
Azelphurdiddledan: yup01:27
diddledanno wonder they didn't argue about paying you in bitcoin - prolly a crime empire behind it :-p01:27
Azelphurdiddledan: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4snqdjbe4z0h2y/2014-12-09%2000.49.26.jpg?dl=001:27
diddledanseriously, way01:28
diddledanthat's not a mansion, that's a palace01:28
daftykinswait a minute, the Azelphur i know uses owncloud 0o01:28
Azelphurdiddledan: yea, it was very palace like.01:28
Azelphurdaftykins: yea, I'm doing a release upgrade on my microserver so dropbox it is :)01:28
daftykinsok i'll let you off!01:29
diddledanI want a microserver01:29
Azelphurjust fitted a SSD and 5TB drive I nabbed from USA for cheap :)01:29
Azelphurdiddledan: was only $13901:29
AzelphurI managed to glide through customs while being over the duty free limit too lol01:29
diddledanI think I need to find a boss who'll pay for me to go yanking so I can stock up on huge-ass drives01:30
Azelphuryea, it was pretty cool01:30
AzelphurI got a 500GB Samsung EVO for my laptop too01:30
diddledanblackfriday in amazon uk had a 1TB EVO for cheap01:30
diddledanI succumbed01:30
Azelphuryea I went for the 500GB one, didn't really need a TB01:30
Azelphuroh, and the company is buying me a £1.5k laptop, so that's cool too01:31
Azelphurbasically, this job is good.01:31
diddledanwhat do they have you doing, hacking the pentagon?01:31
daftykinsi was talking to a student from my old College who works with security in London now, he said he's found a umm, a crash with 'rm'01:32
Azelphurdiddledan: right now I'm working on an ATS01:32
zmoylan-pihacking the pentagon: step 1) email them a copy of vnc and setup instructions 2) you're done :-)01:32
daftykinsi forget the term but i'm a little too merry to remember it01:32
AzelphurI went a bit nuts though, I think I spent my entire months salary pretty much on toys01:32
Azelphurbut, black friday + usa, have to take advantage of that01:33
diddledandaftykins, "complete *uckup"?01:33
daftykinshe said he runs a fully up to date gentoo system (which you'll love, diddledan ) then that he was rm'ing off his flash drive and that something failed horribly01:34
daftykinsso whether that pans out to something exploitable i don't know01:34
diddledanmethinks it's more likely an io error01:34
diddledanyou've found another dead drive01:35
daftykinsthat did call to me as soon as he said external drive01:35
daftykinsargh i can't even remember the two words with which he said 'rm' failed though01:35
daftykins___ ___01:35
Azelphuroh, in other shenanigans I also got to play with Google Glass01:35
diddledanseriously, what do you do to everyone's drives to make them fail all the time?!01:35
Azelphuroh and we got VIP seats to go see a recording of the big bang theory :P01:35
diddledanthat completely takes the buscuit01:36
diddledanNOT FAIR!01:36
zmoylan-pia panel beating hammer to a hard drive leaves no marks to invalidate the warranty01:36
diddledanthat sounds dangerous to the drive's health01:36
zmoylan-piwell if you want to replace a wonky drive under warranty and they say it needs to be completely dead for it to be replaced...01:37
diddledanI wonder if the oven is up to temp yet01:37
diddledancould also plug it into 240v mains01:38
zmoylan-pithat leaves scorch marks, don't ask how i know01:38
zmoylan-pithough my favourite was the customer who shipped back a pc for repair after it had been underwater and had been rusting on journey for a day or so.01:40
daftykinszmoylan-pi: you fiend!01:40
diddledanflickrgeddon is over01:40
zmoylan-pipoor yahoo can't catch a break01:41
diddledanindeed. I saw no issue with the idea whatsoever.01:41
daftykinsAzelphur: ermagerd BBT01:42
shaunoheh, we have a customer who completely submerged a 600kW UPS01:42
zmoylan-pias long as there was an easy way to opt out what was wroing with the idea?01:42
Azelphurdaftykins: yea, they did one of the song and dance things like the old call me maybe thing01:42
diddledanthe uploaders specifically chose not to use the NC variant of the license01:42
Azelphurbut, I don't see it on youtube anywhere, which is sad :(01:42
daftykinsAzelphur: wow, so taught the cast to dance 0o01:42
Azelphuryea and the camera crew01:42
Azelphurbasically everyone01:43
diddledanshauno, I'll bet that sparked a bit when it happened01:43
daftykinsi can imagine being a camera man and then "you have to learn to dance" ... "wat"01:43
diddledanshauno, does your company's warranty cover floods?01:43
diddledansurely it's an act of gord01:44
shaunonope.  he's still using it, but the unit's no longer elligible for .. anything01:44
diddledanit still works?!01:44
zmoylan-pibe a good doorstop01:44
diddledanzmoylan-pi, bit big01:44
diddledanzmoylan-pi, you might trip over it01:44
zmoylan-pithat door ain't going nowhere01:44
zmoylan-piwe used a full height 5mb hard drive from cpm computer for years till we sold it to customer to replace their damaged 5mb hard drive :-P01:46
zmoylan-pithey really don't make them like they used to...01:46
shaunolol .. "you want to buy my .. doorstop?  well, okay .."01:46
zmoylan-piby using it as doorstop it didn't seize up like they usually did. the vibrtations of door bouncing off it kept it working01:47
diddledanmy old college used old winchester hard drive platters as door stops in the computing department01:48
diddledanas in the 24inch ones01:48
diddledan(I think they're 24 anyway)01:48
* zmoylan-pi remembers the huge winchester disk packs from the dec i learned to program on01:49
diddledanmight have been 1801:49
diddledanyeah those01:49
diddledanthe ones you put into the upright tumble dryer01:49
diddledansimilar to that01:52
diddledanthis puts the size into perspective: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/IBM_350_RAMAC.jpg01:53
diddledanthat's actually an ibm ramac01:54
diddledanah here we go: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/Fotothek_df_n-10_0000117.jpg01:54
diddledanthat bit on the top is exactly the thing my college were using as doorstops, only without the plastic protective carry case01:55
diddledan(I believe you took them out of the plastic to put them in the machine)01:55
zmoylan-piwhen a 5mb hard drive was more than a doorstop http://telstarlogistics.typepad.com/telstarlogistics/2010/01/on-air-freight-and-old-hard-disk-drives.html01:57
Hornetanyone here installed openjdk jre from scratch?02:01
Hornetreally need openjdk-8-jre-headless on my 14.04 server, and nobody is packaging it02:01
diddledannot even webupd8?02:01
Hornetiirc that pulls in all the X stuff?02:02
AzelphurHornet: nope, https://launchpad.net/~openjdk/+archive/ubuntu/ppa02:02
Azelphuralthough it doesn't look like they have builds02:02
daftykinssounds like you must go oracle02:03
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1341628 in openjdk-8 (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging]openjdk-8 in 14.04" [Wishlist,Confirmed]02:03
Hornetvarious noise on there about it all02:03
AzelphurHornet: https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2014/04/msg00003.html might be useful02:04
HornetI've been waiting ages and have given up now, might have to go to sodding fedora02:04
Hornetthat's not the headless one :\02:04
Hornetand has issues in any case by the look of it02:05
Hornetthis is why I'm looking to build it myself, I really can't see an option otherwise02:05
Hornetbut frankly have less than no idea about how to do so02:05
diddledanHornet, it's all the related openjdk 8 packages including the headless:
diddledanit's available as aptable repo:
Hornetif this is actually usable I'm amazed it's not mentioned on the bug thread02:06
Hornetwill give it a shot and see what blows up02:08
Hornetmany thanks02:08
Hornetlooks like it wants to pull in all of x11-common02:11
Hornetamong other friends02:11
HornetThe following NEW packages will be installed02:11
Hornet  libxi6 libxrender1 libxtst6 openjdk-8-jre-headless x11-common02:11
m0nkey_diddledan, netflix is the answer.02:15
Hornetseems that's not what I thought it was, thankfully02:15
diddledanm0nkey_, yeah someone twatted them earlier and they agreed with the suggestion02:15
Azelphurso, interesting things. I have a Logitech Harmony remote, and I also have a cheap unbranded USB IR Receiver and remote. I want to make the Harmony do what the crappy remote does, any ideas?02:16
AzelphurI can't find any make/model anywhere on the thing02:16
daftykinswith XBMC i've always gone by what irw reports02:16
daftykinsas a kind of generic template02:17
Azelphurno the original crappy remote works fine, it seems to just emulate a keyboard for the most part02:17
Azelphurit's getting the harmony to send the same stuff as the crappy remote that is the problem, because it wants a make and model for the remote02:17
Hornethttp://kodi.wiki/view/Keymap that's probably useful02:18
daftykinsoh keyboard ones, eww02:19
HornetI did a lot of research with my xbmc setup, so managed to get a remote that was OOtB perfect02:19
Hornetfor about a tenner from fleabay iirc02:19
Hornetnever had an issue02:19
* Azelphur stabs02:19
Azelphurbut XBMC isn't involved and has nothing to do with the question02:19
Azelphurin fact I didn't even say XBMC XD02:20
Hornet...so what are you using it with, your coffee-machine?02:20
Azelphurwhat I'm using it with isn't relevant, the question is how to program the harmony remote to act like the old crappy remote02:20
Hornetwell, you can't02:21
Azelphuras no amount of fiddling with XBMC is going to fix ^02:21
Hornetyou can program what's recieving it to act differently, perhaps02:21
Hornetbut that depends on what it IS02:21
daftykinsnah i just said XBMC as it's my main experience with remotes, really02:21
diddledanAzelphur, find a well-supported make and model on google and program the harmony to emulate that?02:22
HornetI read xbmc, didn't realise it wasn't Azelphur who introduced it though02:22
Hornetanyway, xbmc has a whole load of research about remotes, what they do and how02:22
Azelphurdiddledan: I don't think the IR receiver will pick up on anything it doesn't recognise02:22
Hornetso if you find the models on their wiki that would help I'm sure02:22
diddledanergh, that be annoying02:22
Azelphurit doesn't flash its little LED if I use the harmony for other stuff02:22
Azelphurso the harmony is a learning remote isn't it? It's supposed to be able to do this kind of thing :P02:24
Azelphurwoot, I remembered where the remote came from02:27
AzelphurI think I might be able to solve it02:27
Azelphuror not, looks like it isn't in Logitechs dropdown list, at least under the name I bought it as02:30
Azelphurw00t got it to work, plugged it in and dmesg'd it, turns out its a xenta wireless receiver, a google for the product ID reveals an alternate brand name for the same hardware, the MS-Tech MC-80, which was present in Logitechs site \o/03:11
daftykinsi figured you'd already been down that avenue D:03:15
Azelphurthe dmesg thing didn't occur to me for no apparent reason03:19
Azelphur2 days later, I've nearly set up all the crap I bought on black friday.03:19
daftykinsi got a switch, a microSD that's still in its' package and a powerline kit i tested03:20
Azelphurjust the sound bar and an ssd to go03:20
Azelphurdaftykins: I got a 5TB HDD, 500GB Samsung EVO, 120GB Crucial M4, Logitech Harmony 700, 2 chromecasts, a Sony Smartwatch 3 new case for my phone, and a new 7-port USB charger.03:21
Azelphur</having money>03:22
Azelphurbut nah it was all ridiculously cheap03:22
daftykinsi was amazed to see this Linksys 16 port gigabit switch for twice the price afterward, £100 instead of £49.9903:22
Azelphurthe 5TB was $139, the 500GB EVO was $189, £20 for the Crucial M4, $75 for the Logitech Harmony, $35 for the chromecasts, $200 for the SW3, case was free, and the 7 port was like $25.03:22
AzelphurI almost bought an 802.11AC router but decided not to03:23
diddledanAzelphur, no video, but http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_bang_theory/news/1003613/03:27
Azelphurdiddledan: hehe I know...I was there ;)03:28
diddledanyeah, I was just expanding on your comment above with actual documentary evidence03:28
diddledanlooks like that was posted about an hour ago03:29
Azelphurdiddledan: I could give you loads of spoilers :P03:29
diddledanhow many episodes did you see recorded?03:30
Azelphurjust one03:30
Azelphurbut it isn't aired till the 15th :P03:30
diddledanthat's last week :-p03:30
Azelphurno, Jan :P03:31
diddledanoooh, jannywary03:31
diddledanI really need to check this against a more recent version of wordpress - I've listed it as compatible up to 3.7.1 - we're on 4.1 now03:32
diddledanhmm, seems I've also got conflicting advice in the readme03:35
diddledanin fact the description section's "getting the value" looks to be completely incorrect03:38
daftykinsmisleading people? for shame, sir!03:49
diddledangive it a mo to update03:50
diddledanhaha, cute: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=690b0543a813b0ecfc51b0374c0ce6c8275435f004:44
diddledana 4yo committed to the linux kernel04:44
daftykinslittle piece of news from this evening, i met the guy that called the ambulance for me and bought him a pint :) poor guy lost a pair of trousers to my blood apparently :(04:45
daftykinsapparently my blood patch stayed on the road for over a week :) pretty chuffed04:45
diddledanI'm glad you're ok now04:45
daftykinsty sir :)04:45
diddledanis it me, or does this cat look like a zombie? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5RZBaxIgAEojT7.jpg:large04:47
daftykinstotally zombie-cat.04:47
daftykinsok i have an engagement party to attend in... 7.5hrs04:47
daftykinslaters \o04:47
diddledanlol: https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10857947_1130053837024068_4177800206569031590_n.jpg?oh=d2c273827a5c437578b6aeb579ec8c51&oe=553842DB04:51
mappshi all05:38
mappswhat was that show again..sorry man il make a note this time05:39
mappszmoylan-1i, >05:52
diddledanallo mapps05:57
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:18
TheProphet[S]Hi all10:24
brobostigonhi TheProphet[S]10:24
foobarryheh, chrimstas party season http://www.itv.com/news/london/2014-12-16/passengers-along-entire-platform-burst-into-song-and-belt-out-1980s-erasure-classic-while-waiting-for-tube/10:26
TheProphet[S]I have Ubuntu 14.04 suddenly freezing quite often. I checked online and noticed it is a common problem. So far I found no solution though. Most people suggest to swap nvidia drivers to the proprietary tested, which I have, but the problem persists10:28
TheProphet[S]It doesn't matter what I'm doing, it just freezes and I have to reset from the pc tower, nothing else works. When I reboot I have to go to recovery or the video card won't show anything on screen (the pc is connected via hdmi to the tv10:29
TheProphet[S]I can't even access the tty10:30
TheProphet[S]Perhaps I should try to reset grub, as I fiddled with that to restore Plymouth, and that didn't work either10:32
TheProphet[S]I wanted the old style Linux boot splash, tux and text flowing10:32
TheProphet[S]I don't see how grub would affect the system once it's booted though10:33
TheProphet[S]The freeze happens after login, I can start some applications but after a while that's it, I have to hard reset10:34
TheProphet[S]I spent all morning trying to solve this problem10:35
TheProphet[S]I assume you never encountered this problem with your Ubuntu installations10:37
ali1234i have seen a small increase in freezes recently10:43
ali1234very much nvidia related10:43
TheProphet[S]Froze again as I was installing gparted, I'm going to have to deal with broken packages too now :-(10:46
TheProphet[S]Is there a way to determine the error?10:46
ali1234just the usual10:46
TheProphet[S]What happens exactly at the moment of freezing,10:46
ali1234if it's nvidia problems what normally happens is the computer keeps running but the display just stops updating10:47
TheProphet[S]So if I go to tty2, to which I already logged when the display was working, I should be able to reboot? Because if the computer works I can usually press the start physical button on the tower and reboot, but not in these cases. It seems it's not just the display that freezes, it's the entire system. Nothing works, not just visually10:50
ali1234it depends how quick you are10:51
ali1234once the display stops working other things will pile up behind it essentially10:51
ali1234more and more stuff will start to deadlock because it is waiting on something else10:51
ali1234these types of problems are nearly always caused by hardware failure though10:52
TheProphet[S]You suggest the video card might be failing?10:53
ali1234or power supply or motherboard10:53
ali1234or anything else that contains capacitors really10:53
TheProphet[S]I do get a strange error in Windows too10:54
TheProphet[S]As I said the video card is connected through hdmi to a tv10:54
TheProphet[S]In Windows the audio (coming from the video card in this case) fails, or the video does I'm not sure. When that happens I have to use the Jack from the motherboard for audio, and the hdmi audio doesnt respond anymore10:56
TheProphet[S]Perhaps it's just the video card hdmi that is having issues10:57
TheProphet[S]I'm going to connect the TV to the dvi output and see if I can replicate the error10:57
TheProphet[S]If it works I'll try to connect the hdmi again but selecting the analog audio output11:01
TheProphet[S]Instead of the hdmi11:01
TheProphet[S]No freezing so far11:09
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie
TheProphet[S]I can't replicate the error with the DVi cable. I'm going to connect the hdmi cable now and see if by selecting the analog audio output I can replicate the error11:18
TheProphet[S]It's working fine so far, no freezing, video through hdmi and audio through standard analogue output11:59
=== paulb_ is now known as bluap
popeyyay! Something on my wishlist just dropped by 50% and camelcamelcamel told me \o/15:26
popey☹ out of stock15:27
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
foobarrypopey: what was it?16:28
foobarryi wonder if there room in the market for a camel^2 to autobuy16:28
ali1234why not go all the way and allow limit orders in both directions16:33
mapitoapprentice final tomorrow16:50
foobarryto find out who is king of the numpties16:51
mapitoit is rather amusing how full of it they all are16:54
mapitoand like uh none of them are ever proposing anything 'new; .recruitment agency..wow groundbreaking..a restaurant etc16:54
mapitoboring..and uninteresting ..hardly innovative16:54
foobarryits a poor programme really16:55
mapitoif they proposed anything really new innovative and cool fair enough16:55
mapitobut none do16:55
foobarrythe performance along the way is suddenly now irrelevant16:55
foobarryused to be diffrerent when he would employ them16:55
mapitoand this Roisin..qualified accountant..high flyer etc..quits her 'high flying job' -- clearly cant hve been that high up why would u quit to come on a show yoiu may not win16:55
foobarryshe seems decent enough16:56
mapitoand her product was a ready meal thats healthy..claimed it's unique..but it wasnt and then after 3months she's burnt through all 250k LOL16:56
mapitoand was relying on getting bank loans of 500k16:56
mapitoyea but burnin through 250 and relying oin 500?16:56
mapitol o l16:56
foobarryM&S can just release that product next week16:56
mapitoshe was saying shed get it in a few stores it sells out then 100s16:57
mapito because eeryt5ing always goes to plan:)16:57
foobarrynot her money ;)17:01
foobarryi'd love to blow 250k of sugars cash and fail17:04
mapitosiphon it into your own ac17:06
foobarrywatching snowman and snowdog with the kids17:17
=== shauno_ is now known as shauno
popeyfoobarry: a case18:14
popeyfoobarry: ali1234 i recall someone setting up a bot that would buy random things under $5 from amazon and send them to him18:15
penguin42an early xkcd story?18:17
Seeker`hmm. Any bets on whether this Amazon order is actually going to be delivered today...18:32
penguin42seems a bit late18:35
Seeker`penguin42: just arrived18:39
penguin42Seeker`: I guess they're very busy elves at the moment18:40
diddledanlol @ xkcd link18:44
popeysomeone did actually do that though18:44
* penguin42 sigh - just got a survey URL from ovo energy with my name, the service team leads name, my account number, customer ID, tarriff, call time, signup date (and something called AHI?) in the URL18:53
diddledanpenguin42, awesome18:59
diddledanpenguin42, is it anonymous?18:59
penguin42diddledan: Haha I guess not19:00
crebleyListening to Benji B, drinking vodka and installing Ubuntu. I guess that's a very small intersection on anyone's Venn diagram?20:16
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonblackadder2, bbc2, 9:35. :)21:06
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet

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