
EriC^^wilmer_: try to check what version libc6 is00:00
Bashing-omEriC^^: is there an " /etc/X11/xorg.conf  " that is controlling the mouse and keyboard ?00:00
wilmer_EriC^^, Yepp it stoped working when I first was able to log in after kernel was reinstalled. I'm on a live session from a usb-stick on the same machine so I don't think its a BIOS thing00:00
wilmer_EriC^^, didnt make a copy of sources.list :-(00:01
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :: If we are certain we are up on 14.04 .. might try and install an old lernel of the 14.04 series and see what then results ?00:01
wilmer_EriC^^, or.. should it be a sources.list.d in that folder?00:01
EriC^^wilmer_: no problem http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9573805/00:02
EriC^^wilmer_: type apt-cache policy libc6 | grep Installed00:03
wilmer_EriC^^, Can I copy/paste that pastebin in the sources.list?00:03
EriC^^wilmer_: yes00:04
wilmer_Installed: 2.19-0ubuntu6.400:04
EriC^^i have that too00:04
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ Sure looks 14.04 to me ! think up another package that is unique to 14.04 . See what is .00:06
wilmer_EriC^^, sources.list is back on the old one again00:07
EriC^^wilmer_: ok00:07
EriC^^wilmer_: you could try to apt-get update00:08
EriC^^then apt-get dist-upgrade00:08
EriC^^if it's all already there it might just upgrade stuff00:09
EriC^^if it's not and it breaks you can try to do-release-upgrade to 14.10 maybe00:09
wilmer_EriC^^, hmm... still gets error on apt-get update..00:10
EriC^^what's the error?00:10
wilmer_EriC^^, did my changes not get threw in sources.list maby00:10
tewardwilmer_: what's the error say00:10
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tewardooo that looks like DNS.00:11
EriC^^wilmer_: also do as Bashing-om suggested and install an earlier kernel, 3.13.0-40-generic00:11
* teward leaves it to EriC^^ and others though, as they're already helping :)00:11
wilmer_EriC^^, should i do a do-release-upgrade instead?00:12
EriC^^wilmer_: i think you have to copy the /etc/resolv.conf from the live session to the chroot00:13
EriC^^Bashing-om: teward ?00:13
EriC^^what do you think?00:14
bekksEriC^^: It's a DNS issue, yes.00:14
wilmer_tried to do a do-release-upgrade but no new release found :-(00:14
bekkswilmer_: There is no newer LTS release than 14.04, which you are on, apparently.00:15
Bashing-omEriC^^: Think'n as earlier there were screams and hoolers about "host", -> cat /etc/hosts , cat /etc/hostname . Make sure they agree .00:15
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, type head -n 2 /etc/hosts /etc/hostname00:16
wilmer_Bashing-om, EriC^^ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9574721/00:16
AndrogardCan anyone tell me what I am looking for? I'm hosting a small webshop (Shopware). I need a mail-"something", which just forwards e.g. info@myshop.com to my Gmail account. The webshop should be able to send mails, when user register or order stuff. I thought I need a mail-server and tried to install postfix and dovecot, but it seems to require a great amount of knowledge (abuse/spam protection), because it can do too much (at least for my use case). Can00:18
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Androgard(Since it just forwards mails to one gmail account, I don't need the mails being stored on the server... I think)00:19
wilmer_EriC^^, If it is an option, I don't mind upgrading to 14.10. If it solves the problem and give me a working computor with mouse, network and all my files and configs  I'm shure I can figure the rest out00:19
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, type exit and then cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf00:19
wilmer_EriC^^, done00:20
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo chroot /mnt00:20
EriC^^wilmer_: apt-get update00:20
Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ Not to say I understand all I se in the host files, but the names do agree. What results -> ping -c3 ( maybe networking not enabled in the CHange Root ? ) .00:20
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp! That worked!00:21
EriC^^wilmer_: ok try do-release-upgrade for the heck of it00:21
wilmer_EriC^^, No new release found00:22
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bekkswilmer_: Because there is no newer release than you are on already.00:22
EriC^^if he removes lts from Prompt= it'll offer 14.10 right?00:23
bekksI'd suggest running apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade; instead.00:23
EriC^^wilmer_: do you want to try an earlier kernel like Bashing-om suggested first?00:23
EriC^^bekks: ok00:23
EriC^^i just have a bad feeling about it00:23
EriC^^but give it a shot i guess00:23
wilmer_EriC^^, lets upgrade... Its late, im hungry! :-)00:23
bekksdo-release-upgrade is even worse.00:23
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :: As this is a server, and 14.10 only lives for 9 months, is not 14.10 a means of last resort ?00:24
EriC^^bekks: i was hoping somehow if 14.04 wasn't fully installed it might somehow offer to upgrade to 14.04 ( using saucy in the sources.list )00:24
wilmer_EriC^^, clever! But this server will not last nine months without some rebooting any way. So a upgrade to 15.04 when time comes doesn't mather00:26
bekkswilmer_: Being on 14.04, you have to upgrade to 14.10 first.00:26
wilmer_EriC^^, so, what do you think? Kernel or upgrade ;-)00:27
bekkswilmer_: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade;00:27
Bashing-omwilmer_: ^^ and post the outputs to pastebin .00:28
wilmer_Bashing-om, will do00:28
Bashing-omwilmer_: can not hurt, and might do a world of good .00:29
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wilmer_Bashing-om, EriC^^, bekks http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9574844/00:30
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linuxmintHello, is someone able to work out why Linux plays no sound via HDMI, but when changing the HDMI port on TV from port 1 to 2, then back to port 1, HDMI sound works?00:31
bekkswilmer_: I'd suggest exiting the chroot and trying to reboot into your system now.00:31
wilmer_bekks, EriC^^ Bashing-om oki.. To quote a great man/machine... Ill be back!00:32
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah^^00:32
EriC^^!it | _zeus_00:33
ubottu_zeus_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:33
Bashing-omEriC^^: " E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - openpty (2: No such file or directory) " from that last .. do we need to redo the CHange Root ?00:35
EriC^^linuxmint: i usually have to press on settings > sound select the HDMI one to get it to work ( and click on it again when you unplug it )00:35
EriC^^Bashing-om: i've no idea i hope it wasn't logging to some file from the pts or something00:37
EriC^^Bashing-om: i think it went through00:37
EriC^^it was all installed error free, minus not finding X running and such00:37
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Bashing-omEriC^^: Yes, it does look good . Do some clean up ? take a chance and autoremove ?00:38
EriC^^Bashing-om: yeah00:39
pistdovhttps://torrentfreak.com/bittorrent-anonymous-and-impossible-to-shut-down-141218/  researchers make BitTorrent anonymous, and impossible to be shutdown.00:39
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om bekks, Nope.. No network and no mouse support.. And on the loginscreen it says ubuntu 14.04 LTS00:40
Bashing-omEriC^^: That too is what I think, we await the OP's return . You do have my interest here for sure, just do not know how much help I can be ( LVM !) .00:40
OerHekspistdov, how is that related to ubuntu support ?00:40
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Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ ^^ ::  is not the mouse a component of X ?00:41
EriC^^Bashing-om: yeah00:42
EriC^^i was hoping the upgraded x related packages would help with that00:42
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo parted -l00:42
Bashing-omwilmer_: ^^ We think'n on the mouse; internet: .. hard wired or WIFI ?00:43
wilmer_Bashing-om, wired00:44
wilmer_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9574976/00:44
Bashing-omwilmer_: Good that it is wired .. that I can handle easier .00:45
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt00:45
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot00:45
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done00:45
wilmer_Bashing-om, the mouse is usb and the keyboard is ps2. When I load up Ubuntu it complains that the old raid card isn't responding and I should hit S to continue. Keyboard workes fine. No mouse though. The first time I loged in thou the keyboard wasn't responding eather. So I had to do a hard reset. But since then I have no issue with keyboard00:46
wilmer_EriC^^, done!00:47
EriC^^wilmer_: next time you boot you can try to unplug and plug the mouse back in, it sometimes works00:48
EriC^^wilmer_: sudo chroot /mnt00:48
wilmer_EriC^^, tried it.. didn't work..00:48
EriC^^wilmer_: oh ok00:48
wilmer_EriC^^, I have to do the same with my card-reader.. very anoying00:48
wilmer_EriC^^, done00:49
EriC^^wilmer_: try to install an earlier kernel, apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-40-generic00:49
pac1I've got a folder on one ubuntu installation that I want to share with another.  I've set up sharing on the folder and left things as the default with group set to my user's group.  When I try to access the share from another ubuntu machine, domain is WORKGROUP, username is different so I change to the user name on the other machine and enter the password for the other machine.  Clicking connect just brings me back to the original p00:49
pac1assword required screen with my user name from the second machine.  Is the workgroup setting right?  Is there something to set up on the second machine before I can actually connect to the other machine's samba share?00:49
wilmer_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575009/00:50
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, i guess it was never really uninstalled00:50
EriC^^wilmer_: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image00:51
joesliehave anyone tested to hack wpa2 psk router and is it worked?00:51
pistdovwhat does this error in ubuntu mean?00:51
Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ :: Package manager is sure confused, we know that it is not true that -40 is installed . Think'n .00:51
wilmer_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575027/00:51
EriC^^Bashing-om: it might be cause it was manually deleted from /boot00:52
OerHekspac1, add a user to smb, sudo smbpasswd -a <user_name>00:52
wilmer_EriC^^, I will NEVER do that again *chills*00:52
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yepper ! Now that will really confuse the package manager ! . A chore now to fix .00:52
EriC^^wilmer_: apt-get purge linux-image-3.11.*00:52
Es0terichow do i check if a specific port is open?00:53
wilmer_EriC^^, done... semed to go fine00:53
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EriC^^wilmer_: apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{24,27,29,40}-generic00:54
pac1OerHeks, should it be a user on the machine where the share exists, or the user name from outside?00:54
wilmer_EriC^^, done. Saw some errors fly by... do you need a  pastebin on that?00:55
OerHekspac1, on the pc with the share.00:55
Es0tericcan anyone tell me how to check if a specific port is open?00:55
wilmer_EriC^^, libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod.c:556 kmod_search_moddep: could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.16.0-23-generic/modules.dep.bin'00:55
wilmer_EriC^^, amongst others00:55
OerHekspac1, after that, sudo service smbd restart00:55
EriC^^wilmer_: odd00:55
EriC^^i guess it has to do with the live usb being 14.1000:56
EriC^^wilmer_: apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-40-generic00:56
pac1OerHeks, I tried adding the username from the other machine but it failed.00:56
wilmer_EriC^^, done00:57
pac1The username from the machine with the share does work.00:57
EriC^^wilmer_: try to autoremove it should clean up stuff00:57
EriC^^wilmer_: apt-get autoremove00:57
wilmer_EriC^^, done00:58
EriC^^wilmer_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:58
Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ :: What does the package manager now think ? -> apt-get -f install , dpkg -C <- .00:59
wilmer_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575064/00:59
pac1didn't have to restart the service.00:59
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wilmer_Bashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575067/01:01
EriC^^wilmer_: cat /var/log/syslog01:01
wilmer_EriC^^, is the last 500 rows enough? It's realy big!01:02
EriC^^wilmer_: yeah sure01:03
EriC^^wilmer_: tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog01:04
wilmer_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575075/01:04
wilmer_tvheadend still in debug logging.. .sorry about that :-/01:05
Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ :: Package manager appears to be in a happy state : ) .01:06
wilmer_Bashing-om, When I did the reboot I noticed that it read Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on the loginscreen. ..01:07
wilmer_Bashing-om, always something... At least she is happy01:07
Bashing-omwilmer_: More confidence we are ip solid on 14.04 !01:09
Vivekanandaback after sleep . Can someone tell me how to rsync but without some folders01:09
EriC^^wilmer_: Bashing-om reboot and test earlier kernel?01:10
EriC^^why's the net not working though01:10
wilmer_EriC^^, try it now? just reboot?01:10
EriC^^Vivekananda: add --exclude01:10
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :: I am not too hot on Intel modules, does this say we have a problem " (**) FBDEV(1): claimed PCI slot 0@0:2:0 " Not at all what I expected for a graphics driver ? // And to this time I see no entry for the mouse .01:10
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wilmer_I have not bothered with a graphic card. I use the built in on the motherboard.01:11
VivekanandaEriC^^: also I tried man du looking for du -h --max-depth=1 but output in descending order of size01:12
Vivekanandahow do I do that01:12
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EriC^^Vivekananda: add | sort -nr maybe01:13
EriC^^-n for ascending01:13
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om should i try a reboot?01:13
VivekanandaI dont see -n on the help page though01:14
EriC^^Vivekananda: man sort01:14
Vivekanandaoo ok I thougth was for du . got it01:14
wilmer_Bashing-om, Can it be that my new raid card is on the pcie port on the motherboard and I use the built in graphic card?01:15
EriC^^wilmer_: try nmcli -p con list01:16
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EriC^^wilmer_: maybe we can setup the network manager01:16
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wilmer_EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575133/01:17
batabatuu> i'm having some problems with a modem. Is there a way to "tee" the output of the serial port so that I can monitor it while a program is using it? Eg I'd like to use wvdial to communicate with the modem, but see all the traffic between wvdial and the modem01:17
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VivekanandaEriC^^: -n does sorting based on numbers not ending k / mb / gb so I will look for an alternative01:17
Bashing-omwilmer_: More concerned presently with networking ( that mouse still may be a bios setting !) .. If you are happy with fall back for graphics, fine .01:17
EriC^^Vivekananda: you need to use du without -h01:18
wilmer_Bashing-om, its ok ... I seldom use the monitor on this .. I ssh into it01:18
wilmer_Bashing-om, I have not changed anything in BIOS since it worked. But hey.. its computors were talking about.01:19
EriC^^wilmer_: try nmcli con list uuid e1d7bfb2-539a-4b85-bab6-679f2f4bc48401:20
Bashing-omwilmer_: I went throght power outages last nite - after I had shut down. When I fired up this AM I had to reset my bios !01:20
wilmer_Bashing-om, :-)01:21
wilmer_Bashing-om, magic01:21
wilmer_Bashing-om, Mouse workes in bios settings and now, when on the live session on the same computor...01:22
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om A bit curiouse.. Did we change the kernel version? If so... Should I reboot just to check if there still is problem with network and mouse?01:23
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om or is it not related?01:23
Bashing-omwilmer_: EriC^^ :: I do think it is time to boot into the install proper, to grub and boot up the -40 kernel, see what then is .01:24
Bashing-omwilmer_: I would for the mouse think it is a configuration thing in the install, as mouse works in the liveUSB .01:25
VivekanandaDoes rsync -a -v --relative  source dest . copy all the hidden files too ( system being copied is windows) ?01:26
acuhow can I install virtualenv in ubuntu 12.04 ?01:26
wilmer_Ill do a quick check to se if something has changed. Back in a flash01:26
EriC^^acu: sudo apt-get install virtualenv01:28
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wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om Im back... no luck01:34
Vivekanandawhat is the cli way to encrypt a foder in external hard drive01:35
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om are we running out of ideas?01:35
Vivekanandais there an on the fly way to do so ?01:35
ubuntu22whow difficult would it be to install windows 8 fresh and then ubuntu along side01:35
Vivekanandaubuntu22w: shouldnt be very difficult01:35
bubbasauresubuntu22w, easy here.01:35
Vivekanandajust follow a guide.01:36
EriC^^!uefi | ubuntu22w01:36
ubottuubuntu22w: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:36
ubuntu22wwithout UEFI01:36
ubuntu22was in on a machine that does not have UEFI01:37
wiwahello everyone01:37
Bashing-omwilmer_: No, there is no quit in my nature, ( do not want to interfere with EriC^^ ) .. wilmer_ :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9575251/ ; My /var/log/Xorg.0.log , see how thr mouse is identified and assigned ! Why I keep coming back that bios is not passing off the mouse .01:37
bubbasauresubuntu22w, We will be the best help when you get to installing Ubuntu, after the windows install.01:37
Vivekanandafor the ubuntu version you are installing just follow the dual boot guide on it anywhere. Usually a good idea to have clear correct partitions and also ( for old installs) one did windows first coz grub auto recognizes windows but not the other way round01:37
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Vivekanandabubbasaures: beat me to it :)01:38
wilmer_Bashing-om, still.. it does so to the liveusb...01:38
EriC^^Bashing-om: could a acpi_off help here?01:38
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EriC^^acpi_something i think it has to do with mouse support and other stuff where linux pretends to be windows for the bios01:39
VivekanandaCan I browse a .vhd file in bash / shell/cli on live ubuntu ?01:39
Bashing-omwilmer_: Yes, but the liveUSB does utilize different drivers . // For now though, my little mind, let's see what we can do to get networking up . (??)01:39
acuDoes anyone know how to install python-virtualenv in ubuntu 12.04 ? Obviously I tried apt-get and there is no package01:39
daftykinsVivekananda: anyone in here that's used encryption seems to have suffered from drama at some point or another01:40
wilmer_Bashing-om, oki. Sounds good01:40
EriC^^Bashing-om: noapic or nolapic maybe? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313201:40
trismacu: do you have universe enabled?01:41
Bashing-omEriC^^: wilmer_ :: mouse, All I know presently is that the system is not seeing the mouse. As to why - well, that may be an adventure in learning for me .01:41
flexus2Vivekananda: vbox you mean?01:42
acutrism: how do you do that ?01:42
acuI have precise main restricted01:42
acudo I need to add anything ?01:42
Bashing-omEriC^^: You my friend are the 1st responder .. where do you want to go next with this ?01:42
Vivekanandaflexus2: I had a virtual drive created on win 8.1 an dhad stuff in it01:43
Vivekanandanow want to see what is in there and if ther eis anything worth salvaging01:43
flexus2Vivekananda: vboxmanage - depends what you want to do01:43
flexus2Vivekananda: mount it01:44
EriC^^Bashing-om: googling :)01:44
Vivekanandaflexus2: the current situation is that my windows box is boot. I am logged into it through a ubuntu 12 live usb and trying to back up stuff. I had a file.vhd in windows and want to now browse it to see if anything can be copied over. Also  the live usb is in cli mode and no gui01:45
Vivekanandaflexus2: can I mount is like the other mounts in the cli with : sudo mount file.vhd /destination  ?01:45
flexus2Vivekananda: .vhd is only like the "header" - you want vdi01:45
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om could it be as dumb as that all I have to do is klick on the little network icon and choose my network and .. vola? If I only had a mouse pointer... :-)01:45
EriC^^wilmer_: i don't know if it's a matter of settings or not01:46
EriC^^wilmer_: the nmcli showed it as listed with autoconnect enabled01:46
flexus2Vivekananda: sudo find / -name *.vdi01:46
Bashing-omwilmer_: A server, and you have installed a network manager ?01:46
EriC^^Vivekananda: you need quotes for that01:47
EriC^^( "*.vdi" )01:47
wilmer_Bashing-om, I'm a happy n00b.. I like frontends.. :-)01:47
Vivekanandaflexus2: nope coz currently I tried ls -lha and the filename.vhd says 101G on output. it cannot be just headers. This vhd was not a virtualbox or vmware one. I created it using windows8.1  'create virtual disk '01:47
EriC^^Bashing-om: it's not a server install, is it?01:47
EriC^^wilmer_: it's a desktop install right?01:48
wilmer_Bashing-om, This used to be my little plaything until things got seriouse and became TV-streamer and filesharing01:48
flexus2Vivekananda: ok windows01:48
daftykinsVivekananda: got an external disk to move it onto?01:48
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp its a desktop01:48
Bashing-omwilmer_: Nothing wrong with them there GUI frontends - when they work . Be aware I have not touched a Network Manager in years . Maybe a lot of poking on my part to get to the bottom of where the problem is .01:48
Vivekanandadaftykins: heyyyy01:48
Vivekanandagood to see you01:48
daftykinsmorning o/01:49
daftykinsi warn you i'm rather drunk.01:49
nidalSomeone know how to install the latest Gnome Do on Ubuntu 14.10, please ?01:49
EriC^^lol daftykins01:49
daftykinsEriC^^: :)01:49
Bashing-omdaftykins: " daftykins> i warn you i'm rather drunk. " now are we going to have fun ?01:50
Vivekanandadaftykins: yes I got external disk and currently trying to move the whole of the .vhd file to it01:51
Bashing-omwilmer_: Networking: can you talk to the router ? what returns -> route -n <- ?01:51
Vivekanandabut would help if I can somehow look into it01:51
freeroutenidal: can you speak?01:51
wilmer_Bashing-om, need to reboot to try that ...01:51
nidalyes freeroute :p01:52
Vivekanandaflexus2: yeah . To rieterate I am salvaging files from windows 8.1 machine using ubuntu live 1201:52
EriC^^wilmer_: can you talk from a phone while you're booted01:52
wilmer_I could not se a interface when I did a ifconfig ....01:52
daftykinsVivekananda: if i'm honest i didn't even know windows 8 could create virtual hard disks natively 0o so you're in a live session and just trying to copy a VHD from NTFS to... some external disk?01:52
EriC^^browse to webchat.freenode.net01:52
nidalSomeone to help me please ?01:52
Vivekanandayeah daftykins . And windows 8.1 got that functionality01:52
flexus2Vivekananda: isnt this stuff scrambled..?01:52
freeroutenidal: ok, so if you can speak that means you don't have to register with nickserv here (although it's recommended, but we can do that at a later time)01:52
daftykinsVivekananda: mmm, i know it can mount images directly but i don't know what'd open VHDs on a Linux :(01:53
Vivekanandaflexus2: I will just try to enter it . what did you mean scrambled ?01:53
freeroutenidal: right, ok. So I asked you already how comfortable you were with the commandline. Have you used the commandline before?01:53
EriC^^wilmer_: try to chroot01:53
EriC^^wilmer_: then upgrade to 14.1001:53
flexus2Vivekananda: sometimes windows encrypts his stuff without asking01:53
nidalfreeroute, a little bit :d01:53
wilmer_EriC^^, I was just about to ask that01:54
nidalfreeroute,  some apt-get :d01:54
Vivekanandaflexus2: guess you ar eright . it is just a huge file01:54
wilmer_Ive already chrooted01:54
EriC^^did you mount /dev and the rest?01:54
Vivekanandabut I am copying it fully over01:54
wilmer_EriC^^, How to upgrade to 14.10?01:54
VivekanandaEriC^^: for me ?01:54
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp01:54
EriC^^wilmer_: do-release-upgrade01:54
EriC^^see if it returns anything01:54
EriC^^Vivekananda: no01:54
freerouteok nidal, let's start with the following: what is the problem you were experiencing with Gnome-do which made you look at the possibility of installing the new version from source.01:55
nidalfreeroute, the screen freeze and i need to reboot the computer, or end the processus :/01:55
wilmer_EriC^^, No new release found01:55
acuhello, can anyone tell me how to install virtualenv in ubuntu 1201:56
freeroutenidal: all right, that pretty much sucks indeed. I hate rebooting my computer. So how then do you know that installing the new version will fix this?01:56
EriC^^wilmer_: i think you have to modify the Prompt=01:56
nidalfreeroute, this is the only problem facing everyone with this release on 14.1001:57
Vivekanandaacu: does this help http://roundhere.net/journal/virtualenv-ubuntu-12-10/01:57
wilmer_EriC^^, where did I find that?01:57
nidalfreeroute, first of all i tried with the same Ubuntu on an another computer01:57
nidalfreeroute, then i found the same problem on the gnomedo's website01:58
VivekanandaI am still not very sure of what folders to backup for one note01:58
EriC^^wilmer_: nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades01:58
squintyacu:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=virtualenv&mode=exactfilename&suite=precise&arch=any    if you are using 12.04 then that package should be installable via the standard repo's01:58
nidalfreeroute, https://bugs.launchpad.net/do/+bug/139034101:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1390341 in Do "0.95.1 freezing on Utopic" [Undecided,Fix released]01:58
freeroutenidal: I see. Makes sense.01:59
AlphaTechI made a rsa key (.ssh/id_rsa.pub) and put it onto another server as .ssh/authorized_keys. On the server that I generated the rsa key on, it is still asking me for the SSH password to the other server01:59
EriC^^wilmer_: set it to normal01:59
nidalfreeroute, so i just want to know how to install the latest version from tar.gz01:59
VivekanandaAlso if anyone could advise me. The reason I am backing up windows is I hosed the system and as a result I see " no interface supported" . This solution is for windows but I wonder if I could execute it using my linux live cd  :  http://pyrocam.com/re-register-all-dlls-to-fix-no-such-interface-supported-error-in-windows-7-after-installing-ie7-standalone/01:59
freeroutenidal: have you already tried the workaround which was written in the first comment?02:00
Vivekanandacurrently my system does not recognize anything02:00
Vivekanandaie any sort of clicks02:00
freeroutenidal: I'm first trying to figure out whether there's an easier solution before helping you with compiling.02:00
wilmer_done ... and upgrading02:00
EriC^^wilmer_: nevermind, there are only 2 options anyways, doh02:00
TechspectreSo if I buy this card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829271007R am I in for trouble trying to make it work with ubuntu?02:00
AlphaTechHelp me please!02:01
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EriC^^wilmer_: do-release-upgrade is working? to 14.10?02:01
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wilmer_EriC^^, I changed it to normal02:01
nidalfreeroute, i have not tried the solution on the first comment02:01
squinty!ask | AlphaTech02:01
ubottuAlphaTech: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:01
nidalfreeroute, i do not like use commands i don't know02:01
freerouteAlphaTech: check permissions and the fact that you updated the /etc/ssh/sshd.conf and restarted the sshd02:01
nidalfreeroute, last time i did that i screwed up02:02
freeroutenidal: understandably so, but if you look closely it's not a command. It's just a setting you can reach through the menu.02:02
wilmer_EriC^^, yepp. It downloads all now02:02
nidalfreeroute, okey if you can guide me then...02:03
EriC^^wilmer_: ok02:03
AlphaTechfreeroute: /etc/ssh/sshd.conf exists on neither of the servers. I am not sure how to restart the sshd.02:04
wilmer_EriC^^, O how i hope this workes now... I realy need to get some sleep. Its 2AM and its my turn to get up whach the kids in the morning... oh in some 4 hours or so02:04
freeroutenidal: just whatever it says in the comment. You can disable “show on start”. You can find that under gconf-editor - apps → gnome-do → preferences → CorePreferences → QuietStart.02:04
Vivekanandaanyone care to comment02:04
nidalfreeroute, i don't know what its means and i can't find "gconf-editor"02:05
freerouteAlphaTech: can you ls -lahF the contents of /etc/ssh/ ?02:05
freeroutenidal: how about that menu under apps?02:05
AlphaTechfreeroute: It is named ssh_config02:06
nidalfreeroute, menu under apps ?02:06
freerouteAlphaTech: have you connected to that server before with ssh?02:06
AlphaTechfreeroute: Yes02:07
AlphaTechfreeroute: But I had to use the password (which I don't want to do because I'mm making an automated rsync script)02:07
freeroutenidal: you know where to find that search thingy? I think it's called a glass or something.02:07
nidalfreeroute, yes i know where i can find it02:08
freerouteAlphaTech: that means on that server you should have sshd running, otherwise you wouldn't be able to connect through SSH.02:08
freeroutenidal: right, so what happens if you type gconf-editor there?02:08
AlphaTechfreeroute: The sshd is running!02:08
nidalfreeroute, i don't have it ^^02:09
LoshkiAlphaTech: please pastebin the client output from ssh -v <host>02:09
EriC^^wilmer_: ok, if the tv server doesn't work, get creative with santa claus lines :D02:09
freerouteAlphaTech: congrats, and your key is in the .ssh/ dir of the user you are using to connect to on the server?02:09
EriC^^wilmer_: nighty, have a good one :)02:10
LoshkiEriC^^: my minidlna server keeps crashing :-)02:10
wilmer_EriC^^, That wont be a problem. My children will hang me from the xmas tree.. and all my problems gets solved02:10
AlphaTechfreeroute: Correct02:10
freeroutenidal: hmm, well I have a different interface, so I'm not really sure how you're able to find it.02:10
AlphaTechfreeroute: I also just restarted the SSHd and that didn't help02:10
EriC^^wilmer_: lol :D02:11
nidalfreeroute, i installed02:11
freerouteAlphaTech: if the sshd.conf file is not edited in a manner in which you state that you _only_ want to login using keys and not password, then you can restart the sshd service all you want but it still won't make a difference.02:11
freeroutealso AlphaTech, listen to Loshki02:12
nidalfreeroute, im installing gconf-editor and gnome-do, i need to know how to find a processus and kill him if it's freeze again02:12
wilmer_EriC^^, Bashing-om in five minutes we will know. If it wont work Ill go to sleep and prepare myself for a format and reinstall. Thanks for all help with this. You guys rock!02:12
Bashing-omwilmer_: Hang'n in there . We do try .02:13
freerouteAlphaTech: and make sure you read this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring02:13
freeroutenidal: I think you can do that with gnome-process-monitor (or whatever that is called nowadays)02:14
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nidalfreeroute, gnomedo and gconf are installed, but i can't find gnome on gconf02:14
freeroutenidal: so you don't get any results when searching gconf-editor?02:15
nidalfreeroute, nop but i installed it02:16
freeroutenidal: ah here we go - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor - "The Configuration Editor is hidden by default in the System Tools submenu. Access it by pressing Alt+F2 and typing gconf-editor. Under apps are the settings for all applications that use Gconf to store user preferences."02:16
nidalfreeroute, i already tried that, it's not working, but i installed gconf-editor02:17
nidalfreeroute, on the bug-fix the told to follow this "apps→gnome-do→preferences→CorePreferences→QuietStart" but i can't found that02:18
freerouteyeah that's after you find the mysterious gconf-editor02:18
freeroutelet's see if it can be started from the commandline02:18
squintynidal:  try starting from terminal > see what errors.  also  which gconf-editor    or   locate gconf-editor02:18
freeroutenidal: so just go to terminal and type 'which gconf-editor' (without the apostrophes)02:19
nidalfreeroute, i found this schemas>apps>gnome-do>preferences>Do>CorePreferences02:19
t43tg3hh4hey, i have 2 partitions if i merge the two partitions will it delete the data on both?02:19
freeroutenidal: oh, I suppose that can work too. Is that quiet start option there?02:20
nidalfreeroute, but i can't found the "disable on start" ^^02:20
freeroutenidal: also not "show on start" ?02:21
freerouteperhaps it's there somewhere02:21
nidali can't solve this problem with english seriously...02:21
flexus2Vivekananda: hmm converting to iso seems possible vboxmanage clonehd sourcefile.vhd targetfile.iso --format RAW02:21
freeroutenidal: we're doing fine so far02:22
nidalfreeroute, i found "QuietStart" but i can't find "show on start"02:22
nidalfreeroute, even with the right click mouse02:23
freeroutenidal: btw, have you tried updating your release? Maybe the new version is already there?02:23
freeroutenidal: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade02:23
nidalfreeroute, i tried it's the last version on the ubuntu installer...02:24
t43tg3hh4so does anyone know?02:24
Amr0dhey everyone02:24
freeroutet43tg3hh4: if they are not LVM partitions then yes02:25
freeroutenidal: damn, this seems weird. Can you take a screenshot and upload it to imgur.com?02:25
nidalfreeroute, yes02:25
freeroute(of that corepreferences menu)02:25
xieyiI want to host a ledgersmb on my ubuntu 14.0402:26
AlphaTechfreeroute: I edited the config on the server that I will be accessing to match what I want and then I restarted the sshd. Still, nothing is working02:26
xieyiI have install the prebuilt package02:26
t43tg3hh4freeroute, so how would i check if they are LVM partitions?02:26
nidalfreeroute, http://i.imgur.com/EUShJ0O.png02:26
xieyibut I found I can only access ledgersmb from the server side.02:26
xieyiI cant access from remote side02:27
xieyidoes anyone know how to do it02:28
_303_hello.. what terminal do u prefere to use?02:28
freeroutenidal: what happens if you double-click on QuietStart?02:29
AlphaTechxieyi: http://ledgersmb.org/news/ubuntu-installation-tutorial-ledgersmb-13-series02:29
xieyiAlphaTech: I will check it out02:29
nidalfreeroute, it's in french you're sure you want to know ? :p02:29
AlphaTechxieyi: 'k02:29
jardineworkshey guys -- I'm sure this is an easy one for someone in here.02:30
Vivekanandaflexus2: thanks. but if I copied the whole thing over i should be able to copy it back and open it shouldnt I ?02:30
freeroutet43tg3hh4: if you haven't consciously have to setup LVM, then they're not LVM02:31
jardineworksI have a VM with two interfaces. One is a host-only adaptor and one is a NAT. The host-only adaptor is using 192 and in my route table I can see for eth102:31
flexus2Vivekananda: if you clone it the source should be untouched02:31
bradthepizzamancan anyone help me with ipsec? i tried to verify the install and portfowarding failed and i dont know why02:31
jardineworksthe NAT is dhcp and is a which routes to the correct gateway to get out into the world02:31
freerouteAlphaTech: have you checked the permissions of .ssh/ and .ssh/authorized_keys on the server?02:31
jardineworkswhen I ping google.com, it worls02:31
flexus2Vivekananda: take care of enough free space02:31
jardineworkswhen I ping github,com it fails02:31
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freerouteAlphaTech: also, paste the contents of /etc/ssh/sshd_config on pastebin and give me the link02:32
jardineworksand I think it is because the ip that is resolved is 192.30... so I think it is routing on the wrong interface02:32
jardineworksDoes that sound right?02:32
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freeroutenidal: but when you double click it doesn't say anything about showing on start?02:32
Vivekanandaflexus2: I am not going to extract it right now02:34
nidalfreeroute, nope wait i'll try to translate that02:34
VivekanandaI will just rsync it an dback with the new system02:34
Vivekanandaalso could you tell me how to encrypt a file on the hard drive ( external) quickly02:34
AlphaTechfreeroute: http://btrIRC.zapto.org/ssh_config and http://btrIRC.zapto.org/sshd_config02:34
Vivekanandado I do the tar -xvhf something02:34
nidalfreeroute, Currently, patterns and pairs can not be edited.02:34
nidalThis will be possible in a future release.02:34
nidal(thanks to Google Translate)02:35
jardineworksI am trying to do:: sudo route add -net gw netmask dev eth002:35
flexus2Vivekananda: what is dback ?02:35
jardineworksbut I kepp getting an error about Invalid Argument02:36
jardineworkshah -- got it.. changed my gateway to
Vivekanandaflexus2: typo , I meant rsync it and get back with the new system02:37
flexus2vboxmanage clonehd and pipe it maybe works02:38
freerouteAlphaTech: do 'chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' and 'chmod 700 ~/.ssh' on the server. Also, are you logging in through root?02:38
AlphaTechFreeroute: I do login as root but not using the rsa key... Chmodding now02:39
freerouteAlphaTech: don't. Make a user and login through that user.02:39
freerouteafterwards you can login as root. Logging is as root is VERY ill-advised.02:40
freeroute*you can change to root02:40
Zumbidoisn't more easy to always use the root account, freeroute?02:41
freeroutenidal: ok, well it seems then the only option would be to either compile it or just wait until newer version gets released (which is on schedule). For compiling you can already start reading this a bit - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware02:42
freerouteZumbido: it's easier to just not have a password and login automatically like that. Whether it's secure or not, that's a different story.02:42
AlphaTechfreeroute: The chmod didn't help :/ and why not just login at root (I'm not logging in as root but more like a user with root priveliges.)02:42
nidalfreeroute, héhé okey thanks :p02:42
sgen__Im trying to setup postfix to forward mail to my gmail account, however after sending a test email it doesnt seem to be working. Here are my main.cf and virtual alias file: http://pastie.org/private/p4ea2rarshbyvme5ejay7a , http://pastie.org/private/abc0pwojnqgmfunonmi1g02:42
freerouteAlphaTech: right, login as a normal user and then once logged in you can do 'sudo su' or something like that. I just wanted to make sure you weren't editing the .ssh/ dir of the root account.02:44
AlphaTechfreeroute: No worries, I wasn't02:44
sheaphow would I read line by line from 2 different variables and then output that to one file? like var1line1/var2line2 var1line2/var2line2 >> file.txt02:45
AlphaTechfreeroute: Did you detect any issues in my configuration files?02:45
Ben64freeroute, AlphaTech: shouldn't do "sudo su"02:45
freerouteBen64: how so?02:46
Ben64freeroute: sets an incorrect environment02:46
njordhave a question about how to create a dail up connection from mobile device in cli ..02:46
freerouteAlphaTech: not really, you should probably set 'PermitRootLogin no' and 'X11Forwarding no'02:47
freerouteBen64: right, it then assumes root account's environment right?02:47
psijetHo-hum. I should probably look into changing my icons.02:47
Ben64freeroute: not exactly. anyway, should do "sudo <command>" instead of getting a root shell. if you actually need a root shell (you probably don't) the proper way is "sudo -i"02:48
AlphaTechfreeroute: Okay, I'll try that and get back to you02:49
dm7freekso, I'm trying to be able to mount a folder (/foo/bar) from my wkstn onto my localhost, and I'm getting access denied by the server. here's the kicker: /foo is a mount point on wkstn for a 3rd machine (X). X exports /foo and squashes root to nobody. wkstn exports /foo/bar and squashes root to dm7freek (who owns bar) and localhost is mounting as root.02:50
dm7freeklocalhost is centos, wkstn is ubuntu, and X is BSD02:50
AlphaTechfreeroute: Yup, it's still begging me for the password02:50
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samthewildoneon more serious news, is there a new ati driver ?02:51
samthewildonethe open source one ain't the best thing since sliced bread and the prop drivers are better but, glitch heaven.02:51
freerouteAlphaTech: did you restart the sshd service on the server?02:52
AlphaTechfreeroute: yes I did02:52
batabatuI'm having some difficulties connecting to the internet using a 3G modem. The modem connects fine over usb. However over a serial connection it doesnt. I can send AT commands over the serial port which seem to work fine. I'm using the same wvdial.conf for both USB and serial connection apart from the name of the serial port. But for some reason it just won't connect when using the serial port. Any suggestions?02:52
freerouteAlphaTech: just to be clear, you did that after applying modifications, right?02:53
AlphaTechfreeroute: Of course, I'm not that stupid ^_^02:53
freerouteright, just making sure :p02:53
AssociateXHello all02:54
freerouteAlphaTech: I've stumbled across simpler mistakes :p02:54
freerouteAlphaTech: also, just to be clear, if you configured a passphrase to your ssh key, it will ask you for that.02:54
AlphaTechfreeroute: No, I just clicked return02:56
freerouteAlphaTech: k, well then post the output to 'ssh -v user@host'02:59
freeroute(in a pastebin)02:59
User525253Alright, I'm a somewhat ubuntu/linux newbie, and I need some quick tech support03:00
User525253basically the story is.. my SATA ports on my brother's old HP desktop died (running windows), and I've concluded that the motherboard is now faulty, BUT that is not my issue03:00
User525253So, to make the desktop usuable for my brother for now, I'm thinking of doing a full-ubuntu install on a USB drive, and have it set up before my brother gets home in an hour03:01
AssociateXI need a stripped down release that every thing works. I don't want KDE03:01
bazhanguse persistent then User52525303:01
User525253So I got ubuntu installed, the usb keyboard works.. but the usb mouse doesn't work03:02
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User525253that's my issue03:02
bazhangAssociateX, try lubuntu03:02
bazhangnothing lighter03:02
User525253AND... the operating system is REDICULOUSLY slow at the same time (navigating through usb keyboard), not the case when I'm using the "live cd demo mode"03:02
bazhang!lubuntu | AssociateX03:03
ubottuAssociateX: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.03:03
User525253but I'm thinking of full install mode so my brother can still store documents03:03
batabatuany reason why a modem would connect over USB and not over serial? I'm using the identical wvdial.conf for both and can use minicom to send AT commands with both.03:03
AssociateXbazhang, I'm using that now.03:03
bazhangUser525253, persistent usb03:03
User525253where'd I find that setting?03:03
User525253I never saw such an option03:03
bazhangUser525253, you need to set it up that way03:03
bazhang!usb | User52525303:03
ubottuUser525253: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:03
bazhangAssociateX, you want lighter than lubuntu?03:04
User525253That sounds like installing FROM usb drive.... not installing TO usb drive03:04
User525253am I correct about that link?03:04
AlphaTechfreeroute: http://pastebin.com/fFS6kuk103:04
Vivekanandakind of a non ubuntu question partially but I am trying to find out which drive is the recovery drive on a windows8.1 system using a live ubuntu12. Can someone give me what to look for in the commands ?03:05
bazhangits a run from usb, that allows saves03:05
chris349Is it possible to make a wifi connection always working? I replaced the wireless card and it seems the connections are tied to the card. Also, it would be nice if it connected during boot instead of after.03:05
bazhangfdisk -l Vivekananda03:05
User525253so it'll act more like a full operating system that way?03:06
bazhangmay  need sudo03:06
xieyiI cant get ledgersmb's  perl script parsed.03:06
delinquentmeso if I chmod a bash script to make it executeable ... is there some reason that i SHOULD be naming it with a .sh extension?03:06
User525253meaning documents and settings and programs will all be stored?03:06
bazhangUser525253, yes, but slower03:06
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xieyidid anyone meet the same problem03:06
bubbasauresVivekananda, Oem's set them up how they like it, I would ask in #windows03:06
Vivekanandabazhang: yeah I did that also blkid  but I dont know which drive is the recovery drive in the list03:06
xieyiI have install mod_perl03:06
User525253But..  I'd imagine it'd at least be faster than its Live CD demo mode right?03:06
bazhangVivekananda, check the filesystem, and the size, its small03:07
xieyiwhen i visite ledgersmb apache2 just show the content of the perl03:07
User525253my previous research told me that usb drives are slightly faster than cd/dvd, is that correct?03:07
bazhangUser525253, likely but not a whole lot faster03:07
bazhangxieyi, try #httpd03:08
User525253ahh alright, I'm giving http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ a try!03:09
User525253says it supports "persistence mode creation\"03:09
Rand0m`i would prefer universal ub installer03:10
Vivekanandabazhang: my intent is to find out how big it is and then get a usb with the correct size and create a recovery usb03:10
bazhangAssociateX, if you want lighter than lubuntu, you could try the mini iso and build up from that03:10
bazhang!mini | AssociateX03:10
ubottuAssociateX: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:10
User525253OOOH I think that's the software I've used in the past03:10
bazhangVivekananda, thats the limit of my knowledge, ##windows is superb for this03:11
Vivekanandaa linux question . if I unmount an external hd from live ubuntu does also do the safe to remove ?03:12
Vivekanandaalso what is the unmount command ? : sudo umount destination ?03:12
Vivekanandaor is it sudo umount /dev/sdmyNo ?03:13
freerouteAlphaTech: strange, it says password login is still enabled for some reason. How about do -vv instead of a single -v this time?03:13
PovAddictWwhat's a quick way to get the current ubuntu version/codename?03:14
freerouteAlphaTech: (also use something like kpaste.net next time, pastebin.com makes formatting a bit crap sometimes)03:15
daftykinsVivekananda: you can umount both the device or the mount point03:15
Bashing-omPovAddictW: lsb_release -a .03:16
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tnkhanhHelp! I'm trying to install a package from source but stuck in the loop: run "make" -> missing library -> install library -> run "make" again03:20
trismtnkhanh: did you install the -dev packages for the library?03:21
daftykinstnkhanh: build-essential installed?03:21
bazhanggot build-essential installed?03:21
tnkhanhdaftykins: bazhang: yes I have build-essential03:22
daftykinspastebin some output then03:23
daftykinsalso, what is it - because source is often a bad move03:23
tnkhanhi'm installing qt03:23
AlphaTechfreeroute: http://kpaste.net/c6da28f503:23
tnkhanhoften make fails -> shows missing file -> I apt-file search the file -> install the package found -> rerun make03:24
tnkhanhdaftykins: u got any suggestions?03:25
lasthopetmHello, Im just installing Ubuntu 14.10 64 on a new computer that has a ASUS P8B75-M/CSM LGA 1155 Intel Motherboard and im having problems with the USBs. When I was installing it from the pendrive everything would work perfectly but when I boot for the first time from the actual HDD none of the USB ports work.03:25
lasthopetmCould anyone help me out with this?03:25
bubbasaureslasthopetm, You use a usb to install, just curious?03:26
lasthopetmYes im installing it from a USB, and the keyboard and mouse work in the bios also03:27
daftykinslasthopetm: are you using USB 2 ports directly on the motherboard?03:27
freerouteAlphaTech: just wondering, how did you restart the sshd service on the server?03:27
lasthopetmYes im using the 2.0 ports, ive heard of problems with 3.003:27
bubbasaureslasthopetm, You state installed and installing which is it?03:28
AlphaTechfreeroute: service ssh restart (as rift03:28
PovAddictWcan someone confirm that all these packages exist in ubuntu 14.10? cmake libkf5config-dev kdoctools5 libkf5guiaddons-dev libkf5widgetsaddons-dev libkf5newstuff-dev libkf5dbusaddons-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5init-dev libkf5jobwidgets-dev kio-dev libkf5windowsystem-dev libkf5xmlgui-dev libkf5plotting-dev libkf5texteditor-dev libkf5iconthemes-dev libeigen3-dev libcfitsio3-dev zlib1g-dev libindi-dev03:28
AlphaTechfreeroute: (*as root)03:28
PovAddictWtry to apt-get install -s or something03:28
lasthopetmIts installed right now and none of the USBs work03:28
PovAddictWI'm writing compilation instructions on a wiki03:28
EriC^^PovAddictW: meet /msg ubottu !info <package>03:29
freerouteAlphaTech: and what was the output of that?03:29
daftykinsPovAddictW: you install it and test.03:29
bazhangapt-cache search PovAddictW03:29
PovAddictWI don't have ubuntu myself03:30
daftykinsPovAddictW: so install it with virtualbox or similar.03:30
daftykinsPovAddictW: someone that can't test steps shouldn't be writing a guide, sorry.03:30
EriC^^i agree03:30
bazhangpackages.ubuntu.com PovAddictW03:30
PovAddictWguide is already written, just needs the package list updated03:30
daftykinslasthopetm: are you in the ubuntu install right now? can you install "pastebinit" then run "dmesg > ~/dmesg && pastebinit ~/dmesg"03:31
lasthopetmlet me restart and run Ubuntu from the USB again 1 sec03:32
freerouteAlphaTech: because I think the correct command is 'sudo service sshd restart', but before you do that, enable password logins just in case the keys don't work.03:32
AlphaTechfreeroute: [ ok ] Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.03:33
AlphaTechfreeroute: sshd isn't a service, only ssh03:33
lasthopetmok it gave me a url03:36
Jeeves_MossI'm trying to get my touchscreen installed.  I know it's mapped to /dev/input/event1, but how do I get lxue to map it properlly?03:41
chaospsychexcan ubuntu 12.04 be installed without the DE ?03:43
tnkhanhchaospsychex: u mean with Unity only?03:43
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:43
etzerdhello all03:44
tnkhanhetzerd: hi03:44
bazhangsee above chaospsychex03:44
etzerdhow do I check the version of the distro that I'm using?03:44
chaospsychexno, I already have 12.04 on CD. I want to install without installing the Desktop Environment03:44
bazhangget the mini chaospsychex03:44
etzerdshould I do that from the terminal?03:45
lasthopetmDid I lose you dafty?03:45
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:45
bazhanglsb_release -a03:45
daftykinslasthopetm: sorry just out of the room, looking...03:45
tnkhanhetzerd: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/find-linux-distribution-name-version-number/03:46
lasthopetmNo problem man thanks for the help :D03:46
freerouteAlphaTech: I'm baffled here. You should maybe ask over in #linux03:46
daftykinslasthopetm: hmm ok 1605 BIOS, 1701 is latest but only minor changes. have you tried 14.04.1 also?03:46
lasthopetmyeah I had the same issue03:46
AlphaTechfreeroute: Got anything?03:47
freerouteAlphaTech: not really, maybe add another -v and paste it again? The output would be super verbose but at least I'll get a better picture.03:47
freerouteMy guess is that the server is still somehow not configured properly.03:48
daftykinslasthopetm: are you installing EFI or legacy? (legacy is possibly called CSM)03:48
freeroutethat or the privkey isn't being read right03:48
lasthopetmwhat would be a good way to find out? Im getting the 64 bit right from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop and using Universal USB Installer. then it loads into the test environment and I install fromt there03:50
daftykins!efi | lasthopetm have a read here03:52
ubottulasthopetm have a read here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:52
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we6jboIs there a simple way to distribute my java program and source to a ppa?04:03
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User525253so I got my USB persistent installation working04:04
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User525253But.. one annoying thing is that when things seem to by busy (stalling the system for about 20 seconds), the mouse cursor is stuck on the first/second monitor (aka. cursor cannot change monitor from where it's located)04:05
User525253Correction:  The cursor seems to have a hard time switching from first to second monitor when things are "busy" (and slow)04:06
User525253there's no remedy to that is there?04:06
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
Laureen23 Free Porn for Life!. Click Here! http://bit.ly/1y2SGSo04:08
batabatui have a 3g modem which can connect over usb to the internet. However when connecting the same modem, with the same wvdial.conf, over serial, it won't connect. I can send AT commands to the modem both over serial and USB so I can't figure out why it won't connect over serial04:09
lasthopetmalrighty, ran the USB with UEFI and everthing seems to be working now04:10
lasthopetmthanks for all the help dafty :D04:11
OerHeks!cookie | daftykins04:11
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:11
User525253on an ubuntu installation to a USB drive (persistence mode), is it normal for the mouse cursor to have difficulty switching from the first to second monitor while things are "loading"?04:12
User525253(aka. cursor stuck on monitor #1 until things finish "loading")04:13
User525253it's rlly annoying04:13
daftykinslasthopetm: anytime :)04:13
daftykinsOerHeks: ty :)04:13
freerouteAlphaTech: any luck with the output of that extra -v04:13
dm7freekPlease help me with this mounting problem: https://gist.github.com/dmtucker/3f8f4d40c6c5bdc2340104:28
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xiaojunyujoin 52004:53
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bubbasauresxiaojunyu, /j or /join05:22
bubbasaureshas to be a channel05:23
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leonicsorry about that05:33
dts|pokeballyou should be05:35
dts|pokeballim traumatized05:35
WHAT_UPIf I do xdotool windowminimize `wmctrl -l | grep Spotify | cut -d$' ' -f1`, it minimizes spotify. But if I have that in a bash script, it outputs "There are no windows in the stack" and "Invalid window '%1'". How do I get it to work also from a bash script?05:47
joesliecan anyone help me?05:50
cfhowlett!help | joeslie05:51
ubottujoeslie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:51
joeslieI have a problem using reaver when i going to attack an wpa 2 wifi using the function reaver-i mon0 -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -vv  it shows Failed to associate with XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX essid:NULL05:54
guest989lemme think about it n get back05:57
lotuspsychjemorning to all06:07
cq-auxI'd like to install surfraw [without] surfraw extra, is that ok? and how do I apt-get do it?06:08
cq-auxlotuspsychje: heya06:08
lotuspsychjecq-aux: hello mate06:09
lotuspsychje!info surfraw06:09
ubottusurfraw (source: surfraw): fast unix command line interface to WWW. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.9-1 (utopic), package size 98 kB, installed size 414 kB06:09
lotuspsychjecq-aux: does the extra install by default?06:10
cq-auxI noticed that lynx is really small, but surfraw-extra is quite big06:10
lotuspsychjecq-aux: oh, you searching a text browser?06:10
cq-auxyeah man, I just want to try out surfraw by itself first06:10
drakedouayI bought a windows 8 pc, tried to format and it seems i bricked it. I am trying to install ubuntu now but cannot seem to get by this secure boot nonsenese06:11
cq-aux(I want to google define from cli)06:11
lotuspsychjecq-aux: try links2 instead mate06:11
lotuspsychje!info links2 | cq-aux06:11
ubottucq-aux: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (utopic), package size 1834 kB, installed size 3007 kB06:11
drakedouayam i screwed, or what?06:11
lotuspsychjedrakedouay: no mate, you need to finetune that uefi06:11
lotuspsychjedrakedouay: disable secureboot and fastboot06:12
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lotuspsychje!uefi | drakedouay06:12
ubottudrakedouay: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:12
drakedouaylotuspsychje: cannot boot to 806:12
lotuspsychjedrakedouay: the easiest way is to format your whole hd to ubuntu, no dualboot06:12
lotuspsychjedrakedouay: dualboot with uefi is bit complex06:12
lotuspsychje!es | Guest3610706:13
ubottuGuest36107: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:13
cq-auxdrakedouay: are you dual-booting or completely ubuntu?06:20
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cq-auxlynx -dump http://www.google.com/search?q=define+schedule | head -50 | less06:27
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lotuspsychjerobby2k: welcome06:28
cq-auxthat seems to do it right06:28
robby2ki need steam help06:28
lotuspsychje!steam | robby2k06:28
ubotturobby2k: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.06:28
=== info is now known as sar-
cq-auxnow (I'm using a commandlinefu.com example and I'm not sure about bash etc. syntax) I need to alias this06:29
cq-auxlynx -dump http://www.google.com/search?q=$@ | head -50 | less06:29
cq-auxor something similar, any ideas?06:30
cq-aux(I'm looking at the q=%@ and wondering if that means "what I type next"06:30
lotuspsychjecq-aux: whats your end goal exactly?06:31
sar-I installed 14.04 desktop with lvm  - However, I forgot to mount /boot upon install. How can I move it to a new partition (I have a sda1 ~500MB, set aside for this) - Coz I am getting http://askubuntu.com/questions/468466/why-this-occurs-error-diskfilter-writes-are-not-supported06:31
cq-auxgoogle define sweepstakes06:31
cq-auxI just want to type $define sweepstakes06:32
HerroWorldsubuntu people! anyone have any advice for what i want to do for a network drive setup? i want to connect 2-4 different 3.5 inch drives to a usb hub thats connected to router and use them all as separate network drives06:33
cq-auxfunnily enough I probably want another search engine here because the dump includes alot of cookies06:33
lotuspsychjecq-aux: links2 has a -dump option, not sure how it works..06:34
cq-auxlotuspsychje: I'm running with lynx here06:34
flwicothrottled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding06:35
flwicothrottled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled06:35
flwicodue to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to06:35
flwicoflooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding06:35
flwicothrottled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding06:35
flwicothrottled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled06:35
flwicodue to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding throttled due to flooding06:35
unopasteflwico you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted06:35
lotuspsychje!ops | flwico06:35
ubottuflwico: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:35
cfhowlett!ops | unopaste06:35
ubottuunopaste: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:35
cfhowlettunopaste, doh!  sorry06:35
FlannelWhy do you guys hate the bots? :(06:36
sar-Hi, I installed 14.04 desktop with lvm  - However, I forgot to mount /boot upon install. How can I move it to a new partition (I have a sda1 ~500MB, set aside for this) - Coz I am getting http://askubuntu.com/questions/468466/why-this-occurs-error-diskfilter-writes-are-not-supported06:36
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: maybe the ##networking guys might help you?06:36
lotuspsychje!lvm | sar-06:36
ubottusar-: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:36
HerroWorlds@ lotuspsychje tyvm06:37
lotuspsychjecq-aux: not many change they awake, but you could try the #lynx channel06:39
sar-lotuspsychje: Hi, I finally got the install working, it was the thumb drive. Anyway, I have lvm setup fine. just that i forgot to mount /dev/sda1 500mb ext4 partion as /boot during install. Now I want to move it from / which is in lvm to the dedicated partition.06:39
lotuspsychje!yay | sar-06:39
ubottusar-: Glad you made it! :-)06:39
cq-auxoh that's cool, I'll just try out some alias(es) and get it going06:40
Guest27996help i am getting this error while installing ntopng06:43
Guest27996nbox : Depends: apt-ntop but it is not going to be installed06:43
lotuspsychjeGuest27996: what ddi you write as commandline to install?06:44
Guest27996lotuspsychje:  apt-get install pfring nprobe ntopng ntopng-data n2disk nbox06:45
lotuspsychjeGuest27996: try sudo apt-get install ntopng06:46
Guest27996lotuspsychje : nope it did not work06:48
Guest27996is now says06:48
Guest27996Errors were encountered while processing:06:48
Guest27996 /var/cache/apt/archives/apt-ntop_2.1-263_all.deb06:48
str4n63rHow to mount my data card in 14.04?06:49
lotuspsychje!info apt-ntop06:49
ubottuPackage apt-ntop does not exist in utopic06:49
lotuspsychje!info apt-ntop trusty06:49
ubottuPackage apt-ntop does not exist in trusty06:49
CodeAproblems with screen res?06:50
lotuspsychjeGuest27996: where did you find this package?06:50
lotuspsychje!mount | str4n63r06:50
ubottustr4n63r: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:50
Guest27996lotuspsychje: http://www.nmon.net/apt-stable/06:50
Guest27996i am following this06:51
lotuspsychje!resolution | CodeA06:51
ubottuCodeA: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:51
str4n63rubottu: when I inserted the data card in my system, installation files are not visible to me06:53
ubottustr4n63r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:53
jake_Why does Ubuntu's XORG reset whenever I log out or restart? Does Ubuntu think another user is brining in a different monitor? I don't mean to be a smartass... but WTH.06:53
lotuspsychjestr4n63r: what card is this? sd card?06:53
lotuspsychje!xorg | jake_06:54
str4n63rlotuspsychje : no it's Huawei data card!!06:54
ubottujake_: X.Org is an implementation of the X Windows System, and is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart it on an Ubuntu system, type 'sudo service lightdm restart'. To fix screen resolution or other X.Org problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . See also !xorgconf06:54
jake_I understand how to reset it, thank you. What I confused about is WHY Ubuntu feels the need to dump it constantly on log out or restart?06:55
lotuspsychjejake_: wich grafix card do you have and wich driver loaded?06:55
jake_Nvidia GeForce GTM 560 with : Nvidia proprietary driver 331.11306:56
lotuspsychjejake_: you know if your card is an optimus?06:56
jake_the website says "...and with Optimus support it also provides great batter life." So, I guess so.06:58
lotuspsychjejake_: then you need the nvidia-prime driver, might be the reason xorg is flipping on you06:58
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | jake_06:59
ubottujake_: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.7 (utopic), package size 11 kB, installed size 102 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)06:59
lotuspsychjestr4n63r: type of huawei usb?06:59
jake_synaptic says it's installed07:00
lotuspsychjejake_: can you check additional drivers section, what other drivers show07:00
str4n63rlotuspsychje  : Huawei mobile broadband E173107:02
lotuspsychjejake_: maybe this can help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/412452/getting-hybrid-graphics-to-work-nvidia-prime-gt650m07:02
lotuspsychjestr4n63r: http://askubuntu.com/questions/316139/huawei-e1731-not-getting-detected-in-ubuntu-13-0407:03
jake_Nvidia binary/ version 331.113 from nvidia (Proprietary, test) ||| binary/ version 331.113 from nvidia-331-updates (proprietary) ||| legacy/ version 304.125 from nvidia-304-updates (propreitary) ||| binary/ version 304.125 from nvidia-304 (proprietary) ||| X.org X server07:03
jake_I uninstalled bumblebee, but already had prime installed. Maybe the two were fighting over the Xorg07:06
lotuspsychjejake_: thats possible indeed, bumblebee trigger is outdated07:07
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lotuspsychjejake_: did you install ubuntu with cable on/ updates on?07:08
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linuxwhazzz up07:20
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Herculeshello ? how do I install openssl library on ubuntu with apt ( my ubuntu server version 14.04 x64 bit )07:45
=== terry is now known as Guest32298
lasthopetmHey, im having a problem with my wireless disconnecting after about 10 min of use then not being able to reconnect. Im running 14.10 and using a TL-WN821N Wireless N300 USB Adapter. Anyone have any idea whats going on with it? :)08:01
lotuspsychjelasthopetm: can you pastebin sudo lshw -C network please?08:03
lasthopetmok i have pastebin installed Im just trying to figure out how to use it real quick08:09
lotuspsychje!paste | lasthopetm08:09
ubottulasthopetm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:09
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
lasthopetmSorry that took so long, still new with linux :)08:17
lasthopetmdid I lose you lotus?08:23
lotuspsychjelasthopetm: you might wanna check relateks website for latest drivers08:24
lasthopetmok will do, ill be back as soon check it out08:24
gioansi am a new ubuntu08:30
robby2kplease link to steam ubuntu help room08:38
Ben64robby2k: #ubuntu-steam ... but whats the issue?08:38
=== AriftheLinuxer is now known as kokokokokok
robby2kafter steam installation it doesnt start up08:39
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=== AriftheLinxer is now known as AriftheLinuxer
Ben64robby2k: run it from command line, pastebin the output08:39
Ben64open terminal, type "steam"08:40
robby2klot of output08:41
robby2kSteam needs to install these additional packages:08:41
robby2klibgl1-mesa-dri:i386, libgl1-mesa-glx:i386, libc6:i38608:41
robby2k[sudo] password for robby2k:08:41
robby2kits installing08:43
robby2kworking now ty ben08:47
lasthopetmhey so everything ive seen points to not being able to solve the problem. But there is one last think I would like to try, do you have any expirence with ndiswrapper?08:57
josephhi all08:58
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josephwhois pranav08:59
pranavhi joseph09:00
nso95you forgot the / buddy09:00
nso95like this /whois nso9509:00
josephhi pranav09:00
josephhow are u09:00
pranavgreat how are you ?09:01
josephim good tnx09:01
pranavso whats up !09:01
josephcan u help me to learn linux pls09:02
josephntm and you09:02
pranavwhat do you want to learn in linux joseph ?09:03
josephhacking security09:03
pranavwell no one can teach you hacking security :D the one thing you can do is learn how the security works and try to find a loop hole :)09:05
josephok pranav thank you09:06
pranavsure joseph ! :)09:06
brentim trying to get gedit running with root privileges.. sudo gedit gives: Failed to register: Timeout was reached09:16
brentive since installed gksudo which works but isnt launching gedit either09:16
brenti know if i reboot the system, it will work but im currently not able to do so09:17
robby2khow do i change my user account name09:31
robby2kfrom robby2k back to ablest198009:32
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Seveasrobby2k: in Ubuntu or on irc?09:34
gioansrobby2k: hello09:34
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robby2ki got it09:36
robby2kfor ubuntu09:36
robby2kbbl as ablest09:36
=== Ranma_Simon is now known as Out
cq-auxheya this might sound funny, but windows has FATsort - what do we have?09:40
=== Out is now known as ranma_simon
Ben64cq-aux: no idea what that is09:41
cq-auxsorts the folders+files on a fat32 filesystem09:41
Ben64apparently ubuntu has it09:42
Ben64!info fatsort09:42
ubottufatsort (source: fatsort): utility for sorting FAT directory structures. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 19 kB, installed size 75 kB09:42
=== Ranma_Simon is now known as mantova
KEEmhello guys09:45
KEEmwhere are the file/folders located of software like hexchat?09:45
SeveasKEEm: all over the place. For a full list: dpkg -L hexchat09:45
KEEmthank you alot Seveas09:46
SeveasKEEm: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-alot09:47
KEEmseveas: haha :D09:48
KEEmbye :)09:48
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
nuf0xx!info incinga09:56
ubottuPackage incinga does not exist in utopic09:56
KEEmSeveas: i can see the file location but not the channellogs location09:58
ablest1980how do i change my device name?09:58
nuf0xxfor which device?09:58
ablest1980to ablest1980@ablest1980-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$09:59
nuf0xxthats in /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname09:59
theadminablest1980: sudo nano /etc/hostname, change it there. Then, similarily, sudo nano /etc/hosts and change it there too.09:59
Ukariwhen i use pidgin,i set it top everytime by my hand,how can i auto set a window top when i open it09:59
ablest1980ok ty10:00
shuvojitanybody online?10:00
shuvojiti need some help.10:01
theadminshuvojit: Sure, ask away10:01
nuf0xxdont ask for help, just ask your question10:01
shuvojiti had a 600gb fat32 partition mounted at dos/10:01
ablest1980how do i change it there and save it?10:01
shuvojiti used Gparted to format that space and change it to ntfs to use it as a shared drive.10:02
shuvojitnow everytime i boot, i see an error that ubuntu cannot mount dos/ and i have to press "s" to skip it.10:03
shuvojithow can i fix it?10:03
theadminablest1980: It's just a text editor, change it like you normally would. To save, press Ctrl-O, to exit, press Ctrl-X10:03
theadminshuvojit: Edit /etc/fstab and remove the partition from there.10:03
shuvojitthadmin: Thanks a lot.10:03
ablest1980ablest1980@robby2k-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo nano /etc/hostname10:06
ablest1980[sudo] password for ablest1980:10:06
ablest1980ablest1980@robby2k-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo nano /etc/hosts10:06
ablest1980sudo: unable to resolve host HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC10:06
Ben64ablest1980: restart in recovery mode to fix that10:06
ablest1980how ?10:06
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode10:06
Ben64no... read the link10:07
nuf0xxBen64: lol10:10
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blocmariohi people10:47
blocmariowindows or ubuntu?10:47
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SojakiDepends on what you want to do. But clearly Ubuntu because you are asking in an Ubuntu channel :)10:55
batabatu Im trying to use a 3G modem with a raspberry pi. I can get it to connect using wvdial when the modem is connected to the pi via USB. However when I connect the modem via serial port it won't connect. I'm using identical settings except of course changed wvdialconf to use the serial port /dev/ttyAMA0 instead of /dev/ttyUSB2. Any suggestions?11:03
batabatuin both cases (USB and serial connection) I can send AT commands to the modem via minicom no problems11:04
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MasterPieceubottu, install11:22
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:22
MasterPieceubottu, bot11:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone11:22
Smokiehey guys, i have a remote server running ubuntu, i want to test and install something, but if it messes up i would like to revert back to where i was11:29
Smokieis there a way to make a full backup of a running system by any chance?11:29
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cfhowlett!backup | Smokie11:30
ubottuSmokie: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:30
Smokiecfhowlett, which method do you use?11:34
BlackHornetHi all, Is one able to run the Gnome desktop in 14.04 and bypass Unity?11:35
m1dnight_guys, I want to check if a line contains "foo" from an output so I'm trying to use pipes but it doesnt raelly work11:35
cfhowlettSmokie, as the system can be reproduced, I just backup my data.   I'm in China and dropbox is blocked again.  I use 16 GB USB's11:35
m1dnight_df | grep -qs "storage"11:35
m1dnight_the line is there (the line contains /media/storage)11:35
m1dnight_what am I doing wrong?11:35
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Smokiecfhowlett, only the data in your /home directory?11:37
cfhowlettSmokie, that's the important stuff.  YMMV11:37
Smokiecfhowlett, what about modifications to the system itself? you do everything again with a fresh install?11:38
cfhowlettSmokie, I do.  However, since I only run LTS, I only install every 2 years.11:38
=== ips|malc is now known as PhilS
BlackHornetIs one able to run the Gnome desktop in 14.04 and remove unity?11:59
bazhanginstall gnome-shell BlackHornet11:59
bazhangno real need to remove unity, unless you are extremely tight on space12:00
BlackHornetbazhang: And it will work without a hitch?12:02
foxnethi all, I am trying to change my default game install location inside steam but I get the message that the new folder location must have execution permission. How do I make this work?12:02
bazhangBlackHornet, depending on the extensions you install, sure12:03
bazhang!steam | foxnet12:03
ubottufoxnet: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.12:03
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BlackHornetbazhang: Okay, thanks for the help.12:04
foxnetjoin #ubuntu-steam12:04
brentim pulling out my hair trying to get a windows machine to connect to openssh running on ubuntu 14.0412:10
brenti can connect using PasswordAuthentication yes, but when i do PasswordAuthentication no its failing12:10
brentobviously an issue with keys/permissions12:10
brenti have no idea where to start :(12:11
FlonkI wanted to install mysql-server, but something somewhere went wrong. The prompt to enter the root password comes up, then it tells me that the password can't be set, then the setup just hangs.12:17
FlonkSo i apt-get purge mysql*, autoremove, autoclean, and reinstall, but the same thing still occurs.12:17
vekintrying to install lirc in 14.0.4 and the post install phase is hanging at Setting up setserial (2.17-48) ... \ Saving state of known serial devices...12:17
FlonkAny ideas?12:17
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brentFlonk, how are you installing12:22
Flonkbrent: apt-get install mysql-server12:22
brentubuntu 14.04?12:23
FlonkYup :)12:23
FlonkI went for a rather radical `find -name "mysql" | xargs rm -rf` now and will try again12:23
vekini can't install anything because dpkg --configure -a hangs12:24
Prezidentow guys i did a mistake, i did chmod 700 / , now i dont have permission for anything like sudo etc, anything i can do?12:25
vekinPrezident: have a backup? lol12:25
brentFlonk, check mysql -v12:25
Giwrgarascan anyone help me with this piece of shit?!12:26
Flonkbrent: purged the package, just a sec12:26
bazhangno cursing here please Giwrgaras12:27
OerHeksPrezident, backup your data and reinstall ?12:27
Giwrgarasi try to copy some files in to my usr/lib folder with the command sudo nautilus and then i copy it. The files are there but when i try to open them with my sublime text the files are empty.12:27
Prezidentbah uptime is over 400 days12:27
Giwrgarasthe files are only visible with a sudo nautilus window which it means i cant import them with my python12:28
Giwrgaraswhat is going on here please?!12:28
OerHeksGiwrgaras, sounds like you try to use systemfiles as user, why would you do that?12:29
Flonkbrent: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)12:30
Giwrgarasmy python path is located on /usr/bin/python2.7 on my anaconda. There are my modules. I try to copy some modules there but i can do it only with sudo command12:30
Giwrgarasi did that before with some other modules that i have it worked but on this one its stubborn and while i copy them they are blanc when i open them without nautilus12:31
dmtk_ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER dmtk qxedksyqbfbe12:34
Giwrgarasfuck it going back to windows12:38
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wizzy__Hi. I have a problem with Ubuntu 14.10 on my Laptop. X freezez every 2-3 minute, where i have to ctrl+alt+f1 and then ctrl+alt+f7 to get back. How do i solve that12:46
vekinhow do i get rid of a package that is hanging on configure?12:47
auronandacewizzy__: find out if there are different graphics drivers you can use12:47
vekini can't apt remove lirc12:48
Seveasvekin: dpkg -P12:48
vekinah k12:48
wizzy__There isn't really any alternative to nvidias drivers12:49
yorwoshi every1 , i just noticed a weird thing , if i load skype and quit , some times i find the process running even after , this isnt normal is it ?12:49
SCHAAP137i had that too, quitting doesnt kill the process all the time yorwos, it's a skype thing12:50
yorwosaha , so they could be watching us uh ?12:50
yorwoslike stealing cookies or something ?12:50
auronandacewizzy__: does the same happen when you use the nouveaux drivers?12:50
SCHAAP137in skype they sure are12:50
yorwosthanx schaap13712:50
EriC^^NSA runs skype12:50
vekinman.. ntfs-3g hangs the same way lirc does on "Saving state of known serial devices..."12:52
vekinim starting to think it wasn't a problem with the package12:52
yorwosdo u have an alternative messenger to purpose to me ?12:52
wizzy__auronandace: there is so many display errors on the screen when trying to use Nouveau, that i won't have a chance to know if it's working or not12:53
SCHAAP137yorwos: Pidgin12:53
yorwosthanx schaap13712:53
yorwosu guyz r the best12:53
wizzy__Linux is only free if your time has no value. Wise words.12:55
auronandacewizzy__: i'm guessing you must have a very new nvidia card? are you using bumblebee?12:55
PrezidentNot needed reinstall, used livediska and connected to root promt12:55
Prezidentchmod 755 /, problem solved12:55
Prezidentdont give such tips to reinstall and shit when its easy fixes.12:55
auronandacePrezident: you will likely find using chmod on / will cause all sorts of problems12:56
Prezidentyes thats for sure12:57
Prezidentbut to restore it was easy12:57
PrezidentAslong you got the box at home, at vps its harder i belive12:57
OerHeksPrezident, 755 is not valid for all folders in /12:58
PrezidentWhat is valid?12:58
EriC^^Prezident: there's no one size fits all here12:59
EriC^^Prezident: the sane thing to do would be to reinstall12:59
EriC^^Prezident: the sadistic approach would be to reinstall all packages and hand fix configs and other files12:59
ribasushiA couple of days ago I found a root cause of a problem. As a good netizen I left answers around the web for a similar question. The answer to http://askubuntu.com/questions/456175/logitech-c920-webcam-on-ubuntu-14-04-hesitates-chops-every-3-seconds was deleted by a moderator yesterday: http://i.imgur.com/2MeWyze.png. I think this is (no polite word in my vocabulary). Dropping link here if someone cares to fix the answer.13:06
ribasushicheers & :)13:07
OerHeksribasushi, this is the 'root' of the reason why it is removed, http://sourgeforce.net/p/linux-uvc/mailman/message/33164469/ is dead ?13:11
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OerHeksgood thing moderators check urls13:12
ribasushiOerHeks: you got the wrong domain: the link is http://sourceforge.net/p/linux-uvc/mailman/message/33164469/13:13
OerHeksoops i see my bad, i made a typo13:14
ribasushiI don't care either way at this point, I did my part. Just figured someone with less zealotry may want to fix the delete ;)13:15
Ben64ribasushi: did you even look at the reason it was deleted13:15
ribasushiI did, I find the reason (again, no polite words to express it)13:16
Ben64ribasushi: it makes a lot of sense, deal with it, post the actual answer instead of a link, and don't come to #ubuntu to complain about it13:16
ribasushiI am not complaining about it, I am being constructive13:17
Ben64ribasushi: you're really not13:17
ribasushishrug, fair enough13:17
Ben64spend the time fixing your post instead of complaining, would be done already13:17
dinosaurDo you recommend an open-source alternative for DirectAdmin which is proven to work well with Ubuntu Server?13:18
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BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:22
=== Jen7 is now known as Jen8
Shadow}}A Ubuntu Live-CD can be burnt onto a CD-R,Right?13:29
Shadow}}Only ever used DVDs...13:29
DaekdroomShadow}}, The Live"CD" no longer fits into a CD.13:29
Shadow}}Oh right. So, How bout my USB Drive. How much is the file(s)?13:30
BluesKaj_yeah it's a misnomer, should be called live dvd13:30
BluesKaj_about 1.1.G13:30
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:30
Shadow}}Oh.. So DVDs still work just 1.1+'s?13:31
Daekdroom"a 2 GB USB flash device/drive/stick. If the iso file is smaller than 1 GB, it is possible to use a 1 GB USB device, at least with some of the methods. "13:31
DaekdroomYes. A DVD would still work.13:31
Shadow}}What do you call the language Ubuntu uses?13:32
dinosaurwhat language?13:32
Shadow}}Eh... Linux.13:32
SeveasShadow}}: english :-)13:32
Shadow}}Its coding. o.o13:33
SeveasShadow}}: you mean a programming language?13:33
Seveasthere is no 'the language', you can find software written in a multitude of languages in Ubuntu13:34
DaekdroomThere are several different components to a Linux distribution.13:34
Shadow}}Yep. Lost me.13:35
DaekdroomEach component use a different language / combination.13:35
aubuntuHI there any one here know how to make a robot clock like "clocky" , i want to make it as my hgh school project , and i need some info ,I searched in google but i didnt find any topic talking about how clocky is working and what i need to make one  PLEASE HELP!!!13:35
Shadow}}aubuntu: If you know who "'clocky" is, Can't you find "clocky" on google and find its information to then paste into google?13:36
Seveasaubuntu: that's *very* ambitious for a high school project, I suggest finding something that's not quite as advanced13:36
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Seveasaubuntu: but something with a raspberry pi, a simple LED display, some motors and a 3d printer for making the parts should go a long way. Of course then you need to learn how to control all these things :-)13:37
Shadow}}^3D Printer. 'Nough said.13:38
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
Shadow}}So... I want a VPN. But I failed horribly at creating one by command lines, Is there not a free VPN /program,application,ect/?13:40
MMukherjeePassword: 'wooyeah'13:40
MMukherjeeWhy is it giving this error13:40
SeveasMMukherjee: you need to enable the 'universe' repo13:41
Shadow}}OR a Dumbed down more... Step by Step without assumption of my knowing ANYTHING to setting a VPN up by command lines?13:41
SeveasShadow}}: do you need to connect to an existing vpn, or do you want to create a vpn between two networks?13:42
Shadow}}Seveas: I simply want my IP to stop showing...13:42
ObrienDaveShadow}}, try VPNbook13:42
SeveasShadow}}: for what purpose?13:43
Shadow}}Seveas: I used to have alot of hacker problems.13:44
SeveasShadow}}: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-alot13:45
SeveasShadow}}: hiding your IP is just papering over the problems, you should secure your system.13:45
Shadow}}Seveas: As in, Calls at 1AM you answer only to hear dial-up tones,hackers.13:45
Seveashmm, interesting definition of 'hackers'...13:46
MMukherjeeHow to?13:46
Shadow}}..As in re-burn the disc in your drive to a copy of wind0ws with a special Eula stating I'd owed them 5 dollars per month after in-stallion or aborting after reading the agreement. THAT was kinda funny..13:47
SeveasMMukherjee: same way as you disabled it, but in reverse :)13:48
MMukherjeeWell, I think I didn't.13:48
MMukherjeeI generated one from here: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php13:48
MMukherjeeFound it13:49
MMukherjeeGotta make a new one13:49
SeveasMMukherjee: ooh, that's a recipe for disaster13:49
Seveastry this instead http://askubuntu.com/a/148653/94513:49
Seveasmost repos in that generator are utter rubbish13:50
MMukherjeeIt's a CUI-only sys.13:50
MMukherjeeIt's minimal13:50
MMukherjeeAnd I use it as a server13:50
Seveasthen edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually, and remove all 3rd party crap13:50
Shadow}}Hey Seveas are there any other Repos I should add? Other than universe and all the listed cannonicals that are relative?13:51
SeveasShadow}}: unless you know what you're doing, use only the default ones.13:52
KlausedSourcehow do i redirect output of a command line tool so that it echoes it to a file?13:53
SeveasKlausedSource: with the > thingy13:53
theadminKlausedSource: command | tee file13:53
Seveasexample: ls -la > output.txt13:53
theadminKlausedSource: Or you can use >, but it's less consistent and doesn't work with sudo13:53
Seveastheadmin: neither does | tee13:53
theadminSeveas: It does, if you do it appropriately: command | sudo tee13:54
Seveasfair enough13:54
Shadow}}Seveas: Is there no longer a dist-upgrade line?13:54
SeveasShadow}}: not sure what you mean13:54
Shadow}}or is it cause i'm on LTS..13:54
Shadow}}I used to use "apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove -y"13:55
Seveasexcept fot the autoremove, that's sane13:57
SeveasI'd run that one without -y in case it wants to remove something I want to keep13:57
Shadow}}I don't know if I want to keep any of it, So I just use -y anyway..13:58
Shadow}}I know its not Ubuntu but I'd like to ask if anyone knows a /user friendly/ Puppy Linux OS?13:59
Shadow}}Or actually scratch that, Didn't I see a new Ubuntu??14:00
freeroutedoes anyone have some good guides of installing Ubuntu minimal?14:00
bazhangShadow}}, ask in ##linux14:00
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:00
ChrisP1948So far, knock on wood' the update to kernel version 3.14 has corrected the issue I was having with a black screen and mouse cursor only being non-responsive. I assume I need to check here periodically http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ to see if there are newer versions for Trusty?14:01
keithclarkI have a dedicated server that I'd like to turn into a media server, any help with this?14:01
freeroutebazhang: I already know that resource. I was more wondering if there were any step-by-step guides available done by the community.14:01
bazhangfreeroute, not to my knowledge14:02
freerouteall right, in that case I'll share it here once I come across them14:02
bazhangfreeroute, done by trhe communitry that is, the web surely has some14:02
ChrisP1948I see that there is a v3.15-rc2-trusty/ release candidate dated April of this year but no actual release of the 3.1514:02
aeorilablest1980 hi14:15
ablest1980some one link the unbuntu offtopic room14:15
ablest1980hi aeoril14:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:16
freerouteablest1980: ^14:16
freerouteis there any way to partition LVM during Ubuntu Minimal installation?14:17
strictlybhas there been a deb released for the ntp exploit?14:58
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OerHeksstrictlyb, likely not, and ubuntu does not provide such debs, nor support.15:04
strictlybi did not mean specifically i meant has anyone seen a relased deb for the ntp fix from which ever repo upstream it may be15:06
OerHeksstrictlyb, oh that is an other question, NTP fix instead of NTP exploit15:07
strictlybsorry i mnust of not said that right15:08
strictlybobviously i thought it infered what i meant ;) my apologies15:08
OerHeksno problem, i am searching now15:08
strictlybthanks im looking too15:09
OerHekswhich one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bugs?field.status:list=NEW15:09
strictlybfor others https://isc.sans.edu/diary/Critical+%23NTP+Vulnerability+in+ntpd+prior+to+4.2.8/1909315:10
strictlybi think 4.2.6 is not fixed15:10
strictlybper http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/12/attack-code-exploiting-critical-bugs-in-net-time-sync-puts-servers-at-risk/15:10
blackangelprguys i cant fix W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6000000000  with http://askubuntu.com/questions/308760/w-gpg-error-http-ppa-launchpad-net-precise-release-the-following-signatures give me error  the one show here its no my key i put 000 just in case XD15:12
OerHeksthat isc.sans url says: A few Ubuntu system ... do not seem to use autokey.15:12
strictlyb12.04? does it do you know off hand?15:12
OerHeksstrictlyb, i see no cve-2014-9295 on http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/ALL-linux.html15:13
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-9295)15:13
blackangelpr14.04.1 lts15:13
OerHeksstrictlyb, http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/852879 says linux unknow15:17
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Guest86945ok thanks15:20
areollaGood Morning.15:22
OerHekshi areolla15:23
areollaThanks guys. Son groundednow :)15:23
blackangelprfound my answer for my problem with gpg on update http://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey   seccond post works!15:26
MDT[OnTheGo]is ther a program that will always show the bandwidth it is using at the moment?15:27
blackangelprMDT[OnTheGo],  may be this helps? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/download-monitor/15:30
MDT[OnTheGo]blackangelpr, There isn’t a software package called “download-monitor” in your current software sources.15:32
blackangelprlet me see15:32
OerHeks!info indicator-multiload15:32
ubottuindicator-multiload (source: indicator-multiload): Graphical system load indicator for CPU, ram, etc.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 91 kB, installed size 461 kB15:32
blackangelprMDT[OnTheGo],  : (  seems its pulled out but here its a ppa not the best elegan solution http://www.webupd8.org/2012/07/monitor-network-usage-with-download.html15:33
JeevanHello all i am new to this group and for this OS15:34
Jeevani need some help15:34
blackangelprHi there Jeevan  just ask  :)15:34
MDT[OnTheGo]thx OerHeks15:34
MDT[OnTheGo]that perfect!15:34
Jeevan i am using peppermint os in my note15:35
Jeevanwhich is installed by my friend15:35
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:35
Jeevan i want to change hostname , admin name and credentials15:35
Jeevani added user with my name  and granted admin access15:35
cyberace_hi guys15:36
cyberace_how are ya doing15:36
cyberace_I need some help15:36
cyberace_having problems with my IP address15:37
aeorilcyberace_ what are the symptoms specifically?15:37
cyberace_xchat will not let me mask my ip15:38
cyberace_this is a big concern15:38
cyberace_i switch up to Mirc using wine15:38
cyberace_but the /mode username -x feature is not working15:38
blackyboyHi any one used icinga ? How can i add my client machines with icinga server ? Did i want to install nrpe package in both client and server machines ? Now i have installed icinga2 and its working fine only localhost as now under monitoring, I want to add some of the live production Servers to icinga now15:39
pip__hi everybody.  How do I copy my efi partition to keep it as a backup?15:42
Hw2kWhat would be a good way in a bash script to check if "echo db.system.users.find({ user: "someuser" }) | mongo admin | grep "someuser"" returns anything? just having it inside if [ -n ] seems to fail because the echo part is just empty. Sorry if I can't explain properly, but I'm a bit out of my depth :)15:42
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
cyberace_Can some1 help me setup mIRC via WINE?15:44
dbhi. I'm trying to set the resolution of my framebuffer text console on ubuntu 14.04. I tried various stuff I found on the web regarding modifying GRUB_GFXMODE and ..GFXPAYLOAD in the grub configuration to no avail.15:48
EriC^^pip__: dd if =/dev/sdxY of=/path/to/efibackup.img conv=sync,notrunc,noerror15:49
EriC^^db: what res do you want?15:49
dbNow if I run fbset -i on the console, it always shows 1280x1024, no matter what. I wonder where the available resolutions there are defined (/etc/fb.modes?) and how can I change it?15:49
dbEriC^^: the native res of my monitor would be 1280x800 (i'ts a strange small one)15:49
pip__EriC^^: thanks very much15:50
dbEriC^^: but actually I would be fine with anything I can read, cause 1280x1024 just doesn't display properly on that small screen15:50
db800x600 would be ok15:50
pip__EriC^^ what does the conv=sync,notrunc,noerror line do?15:51
EriC^^db: you can get 1280x1024 if you add vga=795 to the kernel line15:51
ThePendulumIs there a quick way to figure out what on an Ubuntu machine is occupying a port?15:51
dbEriC^^: it says that the vga=xxx settings are not supported any more in grub215:52
dbEriC^^: although there might be a workaround15:52
EriC^^db: they still work15:52
strictlyblsof -i :port#15:52
dbok wait.15:52
strictlyb@ThePendulum lsof -i :port#15:52
strictlybexample port 80 would be15:52
strictlyblsof -i :8015:52
EriC^^pip__: noerror continues if there's an error, sync let's it sync the blocks in case there was an error it writes a zero so the partitions stay in sync as for notrunc it's needed when you copy the partition15:54
ThePendulumstrictlyb: cheers!15:54
pip__EriC^^ you, sir are  a star.  Thank you very much15:54
dbEriC^^: grub itself shows up in that resolution, but then the screen flickers and it goes to a 1280x1024 fb text console.15:55
EriC^^db: i think you need to set the GRUB_GFX_PAYLOAD ( sp? ) to keep instead of none to something else15:56
EriC^^db: so it passes it over to the kernel15:56
dbI had tried that though.. I've been trying to fix this for the last two hours, it's really weird. I'll try again though, thanks15:57
EriC^^db: you tried to set it to "keep" & used vga=<number> ?15:59
EriC^^( together )15:59
dbboth together.. i'm not sure.15:59
LorcatarHi, how can I switch caps and control? Thanks. btw girl coder here15:59
EriC^^you have to use them together otherwise grub won't pass the vga=795 to the kernel16:00
digitsmHello, I have xubuntu installed on a btrfs filesystem. Now my btrfs partition has got filled up. How could I know what files/snapshots has used the most space?16:00
EriC^^db: set GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX to keep16:00
dbit somehow looks as it would work in the begining, you know? boot messages initially show up in the proper resolution, then suddenly it switches to that 1280x1024 framebuffer display and shows the login prompt. maybe i have something not grub-related going on?16:00
dbnow it briefly displayed "vga=xxx is deprecated, use gfx_payload=keep" or something (only saw it for a split second)16:02
rrris there a way to continue downloading where is left after network disconnection?16:02
blackangelprrrr, on ubuntu software center look for Steadyflow Download Manager hope it help16:03
vekinrrr: wget -c16:04
digitsmAnybody is familiar with getting sizes used in btrfs?16:05
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vekindigitsm: btrfs filesystem show16:09
beweeshow do I run mkinitramfs in ubuntu? in archlinux I have to just do mkinitcpio -p linux16:09
bewees(converted ext4 to btrfs)16:11
Jeevan what is the minimum disk space required to install ubuntu server gui 14.0416:11
compdocI think less than 20G16:12
beweesI think in ubuntu I need update-initramfs -u -k all for it :S16:12
shibbolethhttps://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/advisories/ICSA-14-353-01 <--- who is maintaining the ntp packages?16:13
compdocubuntu server with the Mate desktop:    /dev/sda1        40G  3.6G   34G  10% / (root)16:13
lakcaj__bewees, isn't there a mkinitramfs in the initramfs-tools package?16:13
compdoc3.6G used16:13
KlausedSourceany of you have a cubieboard4?16:14
clearcutim starting to get a lot of these websites from my clients, so im thinking to start reseller hosting - what are the best options for resellers in your expirience if you had any?16:14
shibbolethhttps://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/advisories/ICSA-14-353-01 <--- ubuntu does not have an apparmor profile for ntpd so this is baad16:15
BlitzHereMy computer keeps freezing after a few minutes of use16:19
beweeslakcaj__, Don't know which package mkinitramfs belongs to16:20
beweeslakcaj__, Oh, I meant how do I use it to regenerate my initramfs. I didn't mean where I find it :)16:21
clearcuti have like 7000 quotes - i want to create fast search so that when user types in keyword he gets near-live search and filtering - what is the bes option for this fast searching and getting the results, mongodb/map-reduce / elastic search?16:21
Pa^2clearcut, that is hitting a mouse with a sledgehammer.  Postgresql and the "x is like y" criteria will do well.16:24
Pa^2How big are these quotes?16:24
Pa^2Multi-page documents?16:25
clearcutlets say  30 words - up to 500 characters on average16:25
clearcutits a single sentance16:25
Pa^2You mean like sayings and such... yeah, postgresql or mysql have large string types16:26
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skypcehello all16:43
skypcedo you can help me with my buggy code please?16:43
skypcei want show the logout... dialog16:43
skypcebut logout_command start before show the dialog16:43
skypcework , but buggy16:43
scidbHi there16:43
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zerothisI may have compile my kernel with the wrong sound and wireless drivers. Installed the generic kernel but how can I test t be sure my system is using it (I think its still using my custom kernel)16:43
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OnkelTemHi all16:43
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Jeatoni have about 4 or 5 different versions of ubuntu spreaded across two hdd, maybe 8 different partitions16:43
scidbIt's my first time using irc :)16:43
Jeatonhow do I see which partitions im currently using?16:43
OnkelTemSuddenly sound disappeared in Chrome - both in Flash and in HTML video/audio. Any ideas? Ubuntu 12.04. Chrome latest stable.16:43
Pa^2scidb, that's easy for you to say.16:43
scidb@Pa^2,what do u mean16:43
zerothisscidb: オフトピック、ちょうどあなたの質問をする16:43
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scidbzerothis: I don't know Japanese16:43
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BlitzHereAnother freeze. It recovered from this freeze though16:43
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unopasteskypce you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted16:43
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KlausedSourcewhat is the NSA doing to freenode? is this normal?16:44
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* LeoSevilla_ Saliendo, bye!16:48
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stoogenmeyerHi, I have a docker question (tried at#docker, quiet there right now) currently before I call docker run I source a file containing my environmental variables. I then supply them to the docker command one by one with -e. I would like to be able to use --env-file and supply the file instead, but am running into a problem where the first line does not resolve as it normally should under a normal sourcing operation. here is a similar 16:51
NCS_OneI have a laptop that boots to a "initramfs" console, what can I do to fix it?16:51
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bencchow can I turn off the Ctrl+M keybinding = Enter?16:54
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landauhello I need a python module for ubuntu 12.04, the glob2, because I have this error :ImportError: No module named glob2. How to install it?17:02
blackangelpranyone else that use multiple country times see it at 24hr format instead of the 12hr ? even if selected?17:03
landauplease could you help me?17:05
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Guest13185I'm having some issues running sound on ubuntu 14.10 and have googled everything I could about it but to no avail17:06
Seveaslandau: that module is not shipped by Ubuntu. It's easiest to install with pip: sudo apt-get install python-pip && sudod pip install glob217:07
blackangelprlandau, http://askubuntu.com/questions/95037/what-is-the-best-way-to-install-python-packages17:07
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landauohh thanks!! I'll thy that!17:07
TannerPaaltomocan anyone give me a pointer about the sound issue in 14.10? it all of a sudden started to play on both speakers and headphones then stopped playing any sound at all after i tried a fix17:08
Paul2hello, what's happened to the ubuntu windows installer? I can't find a download link for it anymore17:08
SeveasPaul2: it was discontinued.17:09
Paul2Oh, why? It was the easiest way to install ubuntu!17:09
Paul2Yeah, that was it17:09
SeveasPaul2: but the endresult was ugly and unsupportable17:09
Paul2Do any devratives or other distros use it?17:09
Paul2The end result was brilliant as a user17:10
blackangelprhum i make a usb recently and still have it but i heard that it was going to be removed no point of using it17:10
blackangelprboot a live usb17:10
blackangelprdont know Paul2  sorry17:10
SeveasPaul2: no, nobody uses it anymore17:10
Paul2Yeah cba with that. That means finding a usb, backing up whatever is on it, imaging it, sorting out booting from usb etc...17:10
Paul2THat's a shame :(17:10
blackangelprPaul2, if you are using windows you can use this http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ to create a live usb its very dam easy :)17:11
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TannerPaaltomoanyone have any tips about this sound issue? It's not even showing up in the top right anymore :c17:11
TannerPaaltomomakes me sad17:11
TannerPaaltomowill give spacebucks to whoever can fix this issue for me17:12
* TannerPaaltomo waves around spacebucks17:12
blackangelprTannerPaaltomo, please follow the instructions here http://askubuntu.com/questions/457619/sound-not-working-in-ubuntu-14-0417:12
TannerPaaltomothanks blackangelpr i shall try that :)17:13
Paul2blackangelpr: yeah but then disk partitioning, faff and hassle. sadface.jpg. oh well thanks for letting me know17:13
etzerdhello all17:13
shiggityfor hello all17:14
aguitelhow vlc cast video to cheomecast ?17:15
shiggityfor those of you in #kubuntu I apologize for this repeat msg, but:17:15
shiggity I'm trying to boot Kubuntu 14.10 on my BayTrail tablet, with a custom 32bit UEFI Grub elf, and I got it booting to the initramfs (if I don't set such it yells about not liking the root fs and it kernel panics)17:15
shiggityWhat would I need to type to boot into the GUI installer?17:15
TannerPaaltomoblackangelpr, unfortunately that did not work :c17:17
blackangelprTannerPaaltomo, http://www.unixmen.com/2012003-howto-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu/   step by step17:19
blackangelprhope it works17:19
TannerPaaltomothanks, i'll try that next17:19
TannerPaaltomome too :)17:19
shiggityblackangelpr, can you help?17:19
dbthanks guys & cya17:19
ChrisP1948Does anyone know what the latest 3.14 kernel is for Trusty? I'm currently running kernel 3.14.0-031400-generic17:20
blackangelprshiggity, i do not use kubuntu not sure if startx or something else17:20
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shiggityblackangelpr, yeah startx doesn't exist17:21
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pressure679 /msg Nickserv identify 1234qwer17:21
pressure679No one saw that.17:22
shiggityI did :P17:22
* shiggity hacks17:22
DarthTetris /msg Nickserv identify thisisnotmypassword17:22
DarthTetrisoh god17:22
blackangelprpressure679, then you click xchat set the password there automatically17:22
pressure679Anyway, my mic doesn't work, I tried configuring alsamixer and pavucontrol but no result, any idea how to enable it?17:23
blackangelprshiggity, http://askubuntu.com/questions/168736/how-to-start-gui-from-command-line17:24
Shaanhi, guys ive installed ubuntu 14.04 i plan on running a mail server which will host multiple domains, with catchall, can anyone recommend a guide to follow please?17:24
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usrzrqxrrcan i get signal that indicate a process have finished process?17:26
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PascatHello! I have an HP Probook laptop, with a dock The dock has a VideoPort extention...Is there a way to tell the system to work with that when its detected (both audio and video?) So far, I haven't been able to use the VideoPort (with an HDMI Adaptor), it doesn't seem to detect it. Since it comes from an Expansion Dock, do I have to somehow tell it how to detect it somewhere? And then, How do I tell it to17:27
Pascatautomaticall switch from built-in audio card to HDMI audio when its detected?17:27
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usrzrqxrrcan i get signal that indicate a process have finished process? example  one process is do some process in sheel (tab number1), and how to know that process is stop but we see in sheel (tab number 2) ?17:29
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EriC^^usrzrqxrr: you can check if the process ended with pgrep <process name>17:31
usrzrqxrrEriC^^,  thx sir.17:32
ablest1980anyone can recommend a good python17:33
EriC^^usrzrqxrr: if you need you can use pgrep -c <process name> , it will return the number of matches17:33
EriC^^usrzrqxrr: welcome17:33
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usrzrqxrrEriC^^, ok sir, i will use that '-c' option .thx17:34
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TannerPaaltomoblackangelpr, that helped man! just wanted to say thanks a tonne for your help, you saved my ass :)17:39
TannerPaaltomosaved me from going back to windows lol17:39
blackangelprTannerPaaltomo, happy to help ;)17:40
Shaanhi, guys ive installed ubuntu 14.04 i plan on running a mail server which will host multiple domains, with catchall, can anyone recommend a guide to follow please?17:42
blackangelprShaan, i had not done this since 10 yrs haha so i hope this helps https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-postfix-on-ubuntu-14-04  google and you tube its your allie now XD17:45
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blackangelprShaan, also did you consider using juju ?   postfix have a charm there https://manage.jujucharms.com/~joseeantonior/precise/postfix17:47
Flat4ForLifeAnyone here good with Grub?17:49
Flat4ForLifeHaving video issues booting17:50
bubbasauresFlat4ForLife, Give details for help here.17:52
bubbasaureshardware and what you have done is helpful17:52
Flat4ForLifeDual booting on a dual gpu laptop. After Grub, no video. No prompt or cursor or splash. Intel +& and Radeon card. Tried a few different video params even nomodeset and can't get anything17:53
Flat4ForLifeIntel HD rather17:53
bubbasauresFlat4ForLife, This a UEFI computer and the second OS W8?17:54
bubbasauresFlat4ForLife, So an optimus setup?17:54
Flat4ForLifeNot sure what an optimus setup is17:55
Flat4ForLifeIntegrated graphics and a dedicated video card if that's what you mean, yes17:55
bubbasauresFlat4ForLife, The exact graphic hardware usually matters a great deal here is all, graphics are not my best area of help is all.17:56
Flat4ForLifeIt's an Intel i7 with HD graphics on board, Nvidia 840m on dedicated17:57
bubbasaureswhat happen to the radeon?17:57
Flat4ForLifeOh did I say Radeon? Sorry by bad, must have got it mixed with my desktop. This is an Nvidia17:58
BluesKaj_Flat4ForLife, do you have the pci graphics card set up as default in the uefi/bios ?17:59
Flat4ForLifeThere are no graphics options in bios from what I can tell17:59
BluesKaj_Flat4ForLife, what's your pc model ?18:00
Flat4ForLifeMSI GP60 2PE Leopard,18:00
Flat4ForLifeMs-16gh is the model number18:01
BluesKaj_Flat4ForLife, looks like you should be using the nvidia-340 or higher driver for that gpu18:04
Flat4ForLifeI haven't gotten to a point to install a driver18:05
Simplarhttp://rghost.ru/59836083/image.png << can I have opinions about this? :)18:06
walia6Is it possible to make a file, that when i click on it, it does the same thing as execute 'java -jar whatever.jar' in terminal?18:07
walia6sort of like .bat files in windows18:07
negativezeroHi guys, I'm having a bit of an issue with LightDM at the moment. I have multiple .desktop files in my /usr/share/xsessions folder, but LightDM still wont give me the option to select which session i want to launch with. Anyone have any ideas?18:08
trijntjewalia6: .desktop files, but you will have to specify the full path to what you want to run18:10
negativezeroyeah thats fine18:10
walia6ok, so can each line just be a single command to execute?18:10
negativezerothe .desktop files are fine, im sure. the executable is in /usr/bin18:10
walia6for example18:10
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: Did you reboot or restart X?18:10
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theadminwalia6: You're looking for a shell script, actually. It's just a regular text file, but it has to start with this line: #!/bin/bash18:11
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: Are your .desktop files correctly configured?18:11
trijntjewalia6: is this about clicking once or about running a bunch of 'terminal' commands?18:11
theadminwalia6: Then, list commands on each line. Similar to the .bat scripts.18:11
walia6if the content of lets say... A.desktop was just 'java -jar /home/andre/Desktop/myjar.jar18:11
walia6ah ok18:11
BluesKaj_Flat4ForLife, can you boot with the recovery kernel ?18:11
walia6to make a shell script18:11
theadminwalia6: Then just make it executable and double-click on it to run.18:11
negativezeroSonikkuAmerica: yeah, I git cloned the bspwm source, built and copied the .desktop file that was supplied18:11
Flat4ForLifeBlueskaj_, no18:11
SonikkuAmerica(Hi theadmin , long time no see!)18:11
walia6does it to have a cerain ending18:11
theadminSonikkuAmerica: Hello18:11
negativezeroCurrently im booting into openbox18:11
walia6like .shell18:11
walia6or something18:11
theadminwalia6: No, can be anything. ".sh" is very common though.18:12
theadminwalia6: But it's not required.18:12
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: Did you [ chmod +x ] the .desktop file?18:12
negativezeroI feel the lightdm.conf, might be defaulting into openbox, and not bothing to check, but im lost in the configs18:12
BluesKaj_!boot repair |Flat4ForLife18:12
BluesKaj_!boot-repair |Flat4ForLife18:13
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: Boot Repair is outdated.18:13
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negativezeroSonikkuAmerica: The binary is 755 yeah18:13
BluesKaj_SonikkuAmerica, really it works here18:13
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: Regression to 12.04 is required by manually editing the file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/18:13
BluesKaj_on 14.10 etc18:14
walia6here, i made http://paste.ubuntu.com/9582049/18:14
walia6i double clicked it18:14
walia6and nothing happened18:14
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: So what if the binary is 755. The desktop file has to have execute permissions too! :)18:14
walia6if i run the last 2 lines in Terminal, it does work tho18:14
theadminwalia6: You need to make it executable in properties18:14
theadminwalia6: It's on the Permissions tab.18:14
walia6ok, found it18:15
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: (a) Is it in the repos now? (b) If not, where would I get a utopic version??18:15
walia6i set the permission as 'allow executing file as program' and when i double click it, it opens it in gedit18:15
negativezeroSonikkuAmerica: Ahh you might be onto something, the other files are all 644, so i assumed that it would be fine18:16
BluesKaj_you don't need a utopic boot-repair version , boo-repair is debian based small OS , SonikkuAmerica you can run it  as a live cd/usb to restore grub18:16
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SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj_: Oh. (New one on me.)18:16
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: The .desktop files are 644? How are they even being detected by LightDM then?18:17
pltWhat file has the libesd.so?18:17
bigmacs /msg negativezero Hey bitch18:17
tewardplt: multiple.18:17
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: Scratch that. I'm an idiot. 644 is fine.18:17
walia6i set the permission as 'allow executing file as program' and when i double click it, it opens it in gedit18:17
tewardplt: libesd0 might be what you need18:18
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: However, the .desktop files in /usr/share/xsessions/ need to be owned by root18:18
pltFile is missing.18:18
negativezerothey are18:18
tewardplt: or libesd0-dev18:18
tewardplt: those're package names :)18:18
negativezeroSonikkuAmerica: So im back to square one really. LightDM just isnt displaying he option for what session to choose. but somehow defaulting to Openbox18:19
SonikkuAmericanegativezero: I would tell you to check the Exec= line to make sure it matches where you installed bpswm18:20
negativezeroSonikkuAmerica: Yeah, thats find too. This is very odd18:22
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jakewI am trying to install ndiswrapper on a machine that I cannot connect to the Internet via Ethernet and I'm pretty sure it's the only way the wireless card is supported. There is a bug so that just installing ndiswrapper and its dependencies does not work. I want to try to compile it, but I've been tracking down lots of packages to get gcc up and going and moving them with a thumbdrive. Is there an easier way?18:27
BluesKaj_jakew, which wifi card/chip?18:29
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jakewBluesKaj_: It's a Belkin N600 USB18:29
jakewBluesKaj_: I'm not positive what chipset, but I'm guessing ndiswrapper is the way to go. lsusb and such don't let on18:31
blackangelprtake a look on this post about it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223935918:31
blackangelprlast one18:32
dinosaurIs it a good idea to run rsnapshot on the machine which I want to back up?18:32
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jakewblackangelpr: Thanks, I'll try that18:33
johnd23I am looking for help on getting shotwell to import photos from an iphone 6 + again. It was working fine on 13.10 i had upgraded to 14.04 when it broke and now I am on 14.10. I have upgraded to the latest libimobiledev with no change. Shotwell fails with: 00error message: [-107] Error retrieving file object for /DCIM/924DKYTK/IMG_2558.JPG: Unknown error18:35
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jakewsadly, that still leads me to needing an internet connection to get build-essentials. Is there an easy way to download all the deb files I need in bulk? I'm renting an apartment where I only hae a wireless connection so I can't hook the machine up to ethernet18:36
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krzysztofHi everyone!18:37
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squintyjakew: if you just want the deb packages themselves might want to try using the -d  option in apt-get  (type apt-get in a terminal to see other options too)18:41
blackangelprcd rtl8192du18:42
blackangelprmake install18:42
blackangelprmodprobe 8192du18:42
jakewsquinty: I'll try that18:43
jakewblackangelpr: I don't have gcc working yet...18:43
jakewblackangelpr: that would be easy to do if I just had an ethernet connection to install build-essential18:43
squintyjakew: btw, the package name is   build-essential  not   build-essentials :P18:43
jakewsquinty: got it :)18:44
blackangelprjakew, so a dumb question did you saw anything at all when you write:  lsusb18:44
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jakewblackangelpr: yes, it was a bit vague, but some of these links seems to make sense. It just says ID 050d:110a Belkin Components18:46
jakewdoes build-essential still exist?18:47
SauronAnybody speaks spanish?18:47
blackangelprMe , yo  escribe privado (private plz)18:48
squinty!es | Sauron18:48
ubottuSauron: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:48
blackangelprSauron, a tu izq en rojo apreta en mi nombre18:49
EriC^^^^ plz dont ask me for my number though?18:51
blackangelprtalking about this irc things ubuntu should change default irc channel for the default ubuntu language like this person cant find help now :p18:51
EriC^^blackangelpr: he can easily read ubottu 's msg18:51
blackangelpryou be surprise EriC^^18:52
EriC^^if he can't read that18:52
EriC^^how's he going to get in the channel that speaks the language anyways?18:52
EriC^^*get help18:52
blackangelpri still have problems with my clock it shows me 24 hrs instead of 12 hrs clock do you know how to fix that? kind of annoyed18:53
Bleakwisequestion about centos18:53
Bleakwiseerr sorry, ubuntu18:54
blackangelpri had already click on 12 hour settings on clock,...18:54
Bleakwisewhat is it that lets my windows machines detect my ubuntu machine on the network?18:54
blackangelprBleakwise, !samba18:54
Bleakwisei mean, if i plug in an ubuntu machine, i can just ping it from windows computers, "ping ubuntu-server" it works18:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html18:54
Bleakwiseubuntu doesn't install samba by default does it?18:54
Bleakwisealso, my router picks up the hostname of ubuntu machine as well18:55
EriC^^isn't samba about ubuntu reading windows shares? not the other way around?18:55
popeyBleakwise: no, samba isn't installed by default18:55
blackangelprBleakwise, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html18:55
EriC^^windows can't even read ext anyways18:55
EriC^^oh ok18:55
Bleakwisesamba is about >hosting< windows shares18:55
popeysamba has both a client and server18:55
Bleakwiseanyway, i never installed samba on my ubuntu machine, just wondering what it is that is broadcasing the machine's hostname18:56
EriC^^blackangelpr: try to reset the indicator maybe18:56
popeyBleakwise: it tells the dhcp server (your router) its hostname when it requests an IP18:56
sameer-isaI don't use Ubuntu18:56
popey(like other devices do)18:56
EriC^^blackangelpr: try restart indicator-datetime18:56
Bleakwisei see, so it's a dhcp deal, thx18:57
blackangelprEriC^^,  do not work i try many things XD and the worst i cant take screen shot lol because it auto hide the clock /calendar area when doing it to show you18:57
Bleakwisehere we go, this is what i found to solve my issue http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/120007/centos-6-not-regestering-new-hostname-on-windows-server-200318:59
blackangelpri give up i can read 24hr any way :'( but others might not  seems to be a a bug18:59
Bleakwisethx ubuntu guys, i'm actually trying to get my centos machine to behave more like ubuntu in that reagrd, this should do it, thx again18:59
popeyyeah, we figured that when you lied about which distro you ran when you arrived!18:59
Bleakwisei'd just always thought dhcp was a 1 way street18:59
EriC^^Bleakwise: yeah19:00
EriC^^freudian slip on irc19:00
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lubuntubiggestfamy steam won't launch on lubuntu, it was running fine last night but this morning it's not runniing19:01
lubuntubiggestfawhat gives?19:01
lubuntubiggestfai've already restarted my computer like 10 times i don't get it19:01
blackangelprpopey, thanks for the google+ comunity Q&A enjoy them getting the news from the source :-) and to all your team !19:02
lubuntubiggestfaplease someone who knows a lot aboiut steam help me :( I'm miserable right now man!19:03
popeylubuntubiggestfa: what happens when you run steam from the command line?19:03
lubuntubiggestfalet me try19:03
lubuntubiggestfaI type "steam" and i get...19:04
popeypastebin the output19:04
lubuntubiggestfaright here?19:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:04
anarkhos|2"npm install" results in "ENOENT" error, errno 34. the installer can't find "package.json", but im following the steps as explained on the getbootstrap site. is this a common problem?19:04
lubuntubiggestfait says it's already running?19:04
lubuntubiggestfathat can't be possible19:04
popeylubuntubiggestfa: thats not what it says19:06
lubuntubiggestfait says "it's running steam" so i'm assuuming that means it's already running19:06
bekkslubuntubiggestfa: whats the exact, unchanged output you are seeing?19:07
lubuntubiggestfathat information dosen't tell much though19:07
Bleakwisedoes ubuntu install samba-winbind by default?19:07
popeyis that all it says?19:07
bekksBleakwise: No.19:07
lubuntubiggestfabekks:  yeah that's all it says19:07
lubuntubiggestfathose two lines19:07
popeylubuntubiggestfa: ps aux | grep steam19:07
popeylubuntubiggestfa: any steam processes running?19:07
lubuntubiggestfanope pope popey http://paste.ubuntu.com/9582469/19:08
bekkslubuntubiggestfa: Which two lines?19:08
popeylubuntubiggestfa: yes. you do.19:08
lubuntubiggestfathe first pastebin i showed you19:08
lubuntubiggestfahas two lines19:08
lubuntubiggestfaweird if it's running then hwo come i don't see it?19:09
bekkslubuntubiggestfa: It does not say a word about "already", actually.19:09
lubuntubiggestfamy mistake, that's how I interpreted it19:09
Bleakwiseahh okay, found the thing i think: http://possiblelossofprecision.net/?p=1377  if anyone cares19:09
popeylubuntubiggestfa: is there a steam icon in the indicator area?19:09
lubuntubiggestfathere is19:09
popeylubuntubiggestfa: its running then19:10
popeyclick it19:10
bekksBleakwise: Which "thing"? And how is that related to samba-winbind?19:10
lubuntubiggestfanothing is popping up19:10
lubuntubiggestfai exited it and now it opens19:11
BleakwiseI was trying to get my router/windows machines to detect my linux machines hostname, just like it does with ubuntu by default19:11
lubuntubiggestfathanks, time to game all day cya19:11
lubuntubiggestfayou are teh solutionist popey !19:11
Bleakwiseie if i plug in an ubuntu machine i can do "ping unbuntu-host" on a windows box19:11
popeylubuntubiggestfa: enjoy CS:S ☻19:11
Bleakwiseand samba-winbind is related because it's also a method to share hostnames on a network19:12
bekksBleakwise: Thats not true.19:12
Bleakwisewinbind and dns are aimed at the same problem, resolving hostnames19:12
bekksBleakwise: Winbind is a samba method of accessing network sharing hosts by their names. Not a method to resolve hostnames. Winbind requires Samba, and qorks with samba only, and has nothing to do with DNS.19:13
Bleakwisebekks, on a fresh install of ubuntu yes it is true, you just plug it in your network and it will even show up on a window's machines "network" list, fresh install, without samba selected19:13
bekksBleakwise: On a default install, their is no samba-winbind installed.19:14
Bleakwisewell i never said there was19:14
Bleakwisei just said a freshly installed ubuntu box will show up in "network neighborhood"19:14
mirakcan i live without a swap file ?19:15
Bleakwiseand yes, Windows Bind functoin is aimed at the same problem as DNS, assocating ip addresses with names19:15
popeymirak: depends19:15
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bekksBleakwise: No. Winbind is aimed towards resolving hostnames of servers with samba shares - nothing to do with DNS.19:16
popeymirak: http://askubuntu.com/questions/49109/i-have-16gb-ram-do-i-need-32gb-swap/49130#4913019:16
popeymirak: basically "It depends what you do with your computer"19:17
Bleakwiseyou just finisehd telling me Winbind has nothing to do with "resovling hostnames" now it does? lol19:17
bekksBleakwise: Do you actually read what people tell you? Do you even know the difference between Samba and DNS?19:17
popeynow now.19:17
Bleakwiseyes, do you?19:17
Bleakwiseevidnelty you have no clue, they're both two methods addressing the same problem19:18
bekksBleakwise: Obviously you dont know what Winbind does.19:18
Bleakwiseyou obviously have no clue, both of them assocate a network address with a human readable name19:18
Bleakwisedo you even read what people say? i never said they were the exact same thing19:18
Bleakwiseclassic projection much?19:19
bekksBleakwise: Do you know what a kill file is? *plonk*19:19
BleakwiseLOL you're so cool bro19:19
bekksNo point in wasting my time any further with you.19:19
Bleakwisedo you even c++19:19
mirakpopey, it's just that I want to use btrfs, and need to create partitions for swap because swapfiles are not supported yet in btrfs19:19
Bleakwisedo you even know what OOP is19:19
popeyBleakwise: enough.19:19
popeythis is a support channel not a way to show the size of your whatever.19:20
Bleakwisesorry popey, i just don't respond well to trolling19:20
popeymirak: i use btrfs with swap partition personally.19:20
Bleakwiseand i'm not the one trying to brag or condescend on people19:20
popeyfinal warning. enough now.19:21
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tewardBleakwise: ***enough***, you can stop now.  (listen to popey)19:21
Bleakwiseanyway, i would like to know, what feature of ubuntu is it that gives it's hostnames off to windows machines on a network?19:21
bekksmirak: The filesystem used (besides swap) is actually irerelevant to swap. More likely, the question "Do I need swap?" can be answered by knowing more about your usecase. Do you just want to test out btrfs, or do you want to build a server with it, etc.?19:22
mirakbekks, you are wrong19:23
mirakbekks, if you want to use a swapfile, instead of a swap partition19:23
mirakbtrfs doesn't handle swapfiles, unofrtunely19:24
mirakfor now19:24
mirakso you have to create a separate partition19:24
bekksmirak: Yeah, so the question "Do I even need a swap partition?" has to be answered.19:24
popeyi ended up using ext4 for root, and a swap partition19:24
popeyand if i need additional swap I add a swapfile to the ext4 partition19:24
popeyin general you should have *some* swap.19:25
Bleakwiseis nmbd installed in ubuntu by default?19:27
shuvojitanybody online?19:28
tewardBleakwise: nmbd?19:28
tewardshuvojit: ask your real question instead19:28
tewardto the channel19:28
shuvojiti just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, whenever i open youtube and open any video page. the whole screen goes black, and only pointer can be seen, the audio of the video can be heard in background.19:29
tewardBleakwise: do you mean 'samba'?19:29
EriC^^!find nmbd19:29
Bleakwiseit's curious that af reshly installed ubuntu machine is detected by windows machines on my network, that's why i ask19:29
Bleakwiseand no, i don't mean samba19:29
ubottuFile nmbd found in apparmor-profiles, ko.tex-extra, ko.tex-extra-hlfont, manpages-zh, samba19:29
EriC^^i think you mean samba19:30
Bleakwisenmbd is only a small part of samba19:30
tewardBleakwise: nmbd is part of samba, but it's part of smaba19:30
Bleakwiseactually nmbd isn't even samba, samba is much more than the wins protocal19:30
popeyBleakwise: no19:30
tewardBleakwise: extracted from the trusty manpage for nmbd:  "This program is part of the samba(7) suite."19:30
Bleakwisethe samba suite isn't installed on ubuntu by default19:31
fanisbackhey popey  i'm back19:31
Bleakwiseyet ubuntu boxes show up on windows machines network list by default, without samba19:31
Bleakwiseapt-get install nmbd is not the same as apt-get install samba19:31
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EriC^^Bleakwise: because ubuntu is about sharing19:32
EriC^^( tm )19:32
popeyBleakwise: either way, the answer is still no.19:32
fanisbackI've been trying to get sc2 to work on my lubuntu, but nothing works. I tried wine.19:32
Bleakwisewhat is no?19:32
popeyneither samba nor nmbd are on by default.19:32
shuvojitwhenever i open youtube and open any video page. the whole screen goes black, and only pointer can be seen, the audio of the video can be heard in background. any suggestions? !!19:32
Guest65611What package provides the ability to take a screenshot?19:32
popeyGuest65611: gnome-screenshot, shutter, there's a few19:33
Bleakwisevery odd that my windows boxes are getting netbios packets from a fresh ubuntu install then19:33
EriC^^Guest65611: alt+printscreen does it for me19:33
EriC^^Guest65611: shutter is excellent though19:33
Guest65611EriC^^, alt+printscreen isn't working for me19:33
Guest65611So I'm trying to file a bug about it19:33
popeyGuest65611: is this ubuntu?19:33
Guest65611popey, yeah19:33
popeywe dont support 15.04 here19:33
popey#ubuntu+1 is for 15.04 support19:34
Guest65611popey, I'm not asking for support19:34
Guest65611Ah thanks19:34
squintyhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=nmbd&mode=exactfilename&suite=trusty&arch=any  seems it is   afair, I did not install nmbd on my ubuntu system but it is installed anyways19:34
fanisbackanyone in here know whether sc2 runs on lubuntu in 2014?19:35
Meerkatfanisback, it does, atleast on my machines.19:35
fanisbackMeerkat:  do you know how to install it easily19:35
fanisbackor did you just use wine19:35
tewardfanisback: I think you need Wine.19:35
fanisbacki tried19:35
fanisbackwine doesn't work for me19:35
MeerkatWine, yes. Wine is required.19:35
tewardfanisback: unless they developed a linux version19:35
mirakbekks, right now my computer as  2Tera drive in raid with a layer like : gpt > mdraid > lvm > ext4    . I was thinking btrfs would reduce the layers. and there is also checksuming that intersts me19:36
fanisbacki need the version you're running on Meerkat19:36
Meerkatfanisback, do you have wine installed?19:36
mirakbekks, also in the futur the possibility to do raid0 and raid1 at subvolume level19:36
fanisbackya Meerkat  i do19:36
popeymirak: personally I would stick with what you have. btrfs isn't stable yet.19:36
fanisbacki know wine works since i downloaded notepad and ntoepad +++19:36
fanisbackbut when i select sc2-wingsofliberty ,it g ives me an error19:37
Meerkatwhat is the error?19:37
fanisbacklet me run the install again and see what the error said19:37
fanisbackone sec19:37
fanisbackok the error popped upt for a second19:39
mirakpopey, lol.19:39
mirakpopey, yeah, they say it's better now19:39
mirakpopey, but you certainly have a point19:39
fanisback"we cannot access folder because you're not logged in as adminstrator"19:39
fanisbackit doesn't get passed this point19:40
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Meerkatfanisback, https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu you should update to the latest Wine version as instructed here.19:42
Proga4451Hello! Today i have installed Kubuntu 14.04 but i have some problem with the "Terminal" i think its an encoding problem, so when i write in Terminal something like "t" it gives me "t: \u043a\u043e\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0430 \u043d\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0430" How can i fix that?19:42
fanisbackmeerkat will do that19:42
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Meerkatdo a software update to get the latest Wine version.19:43
Bleakwisepopey: i'm assuming what I saw as there froma  "fresh install" was just an illusion of Ubuntu installing some kind of windows sharing on its own whever I first clicked "network" in nautalus19:45
BleakwiseMeerkat look up the wine ppa19:47
Bleakwiseprobably the easiest way19:47
fanisbackMeerkat:  im confused19:47
Bleakwiseyou were trying to get starcraft going right?19:47
fanisbackim looking at it19:47
fanisbackfor like 5 minutes19:47
Meerkatfanisback, looking at what?19:48
fanisbackthe directions to install wine19:48
fanisbacki clicked on it19:48
fanisbackand it gives me an error19:48
Proga4451So anyone knows how to fix my problem? :)19:48
popeyProga4451: maybe ask in #ubuntu?19:49
Meerkatfanisback, enter this in a terminal window: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa19:49
popeyer, #kubuntu19:49
fanisbackok Meerkat19:49
Bleakwiseif you realy want to do gaming on linux http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html19:49
fanisbackdone Meerkat19:49
Proga4451popey: But they are similar?19:49
flexusreinstalled 14.04 and getting hangs in X every minute. only mouse move possible.19:50
popeyProga4451: no, ubuntu ships with gnome terminal, kubuntu ships with konsole19:50
Proga4451popey: Oh ok19:50
popeyflexus: what video card?19:50
flexusold ati x120019:50
popeyah okay.19:50
flexuspopey, (acer)notebook19:50
Meerkatfanisback, now do a update wherever Lubuntu has the updater. There should be a new version of Wine available. Install that then start the installation for Starcraft 2.19:50
popeyflexus: sorry, i know nothing about ati19:51
Bleakwisefanisback: let the play-on-linux guys do all the work, their program has a ton of different verions of wine, compiled differently for different games,19:51
flexusplugin container uses 23% proc or so19:51
popeyflexus: flash? ☹19:51
fanisbackBleakwise:  i also tried that, did not work19:51
fanisbackMeerkat:  okay19:51
soonWhen installing an ubuntu server from scratch -- I can not create a MySQL root when prompted (I enter a password, but a little later, I'm informed it failed...) Whats going on there?19:51
flexuspopey, already tried pepperflash19:51
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fanisbackMeerkat:  do you mean do a system update ?19:51
flexusmouse movement stays fluent, but rest of system hangs19:52
Meerkatfanisback, yes19:52
fanisbackis it "software & updates"?19:52
MeerkatI think it is called software updater19:53
fanisbacki only have synpatic package manager19:53
fanisbacki found it19:53
Meerkatthey have to be confusingly similar in name or it isn't hard enough.19:53
fanisbacksorry im a total newb :)19:53
fanisbackso far the only thing i have done on my linux is gaming19:54
fanisbackok its updating stuff now19:54
EriC^^my friend has windows xp and we're trying to install lubuntu 14.04, he doesn't have a windows xp cd, in case he wants to remove lubuntu later, can we just dd the first 512bytes of the disk and then dd them back to fix the mbr later?19:54
squintysoon: #ubuntu-server19:55
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=== YunKa is now known as YnK
scriptThishow can I see which PPA's I've added via add-apt-repository?19:56
EriC^^scriptThis: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*19:56
OerHeksEriC^^, you can use UBcd, freeware mbr and file tools, to restore the mbr again, clean.19:57
imastupidguestI keep getting a crash. Something about indicator-session crashing. When I look at the dependencies (in the crash report details) it looks like some important system stuff (massive list of it). Can anyone help?19:57
EriC^^OerHeks: ok, thanks19:57
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fanisbackMeerkat:  the update finished, I ran the sc2 installer again, and it still doesn't install.19:58
fanisbackMeerkat:  how do I run as administator to install it?19:59
Bleakwisefanisback you tried this? http://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-661-Starcraft_II_Wings_of_Liberty.html19:59
scriptThisEriC^^, Thanks19:59
Bleakwiseevidently the installer is what's difficult to run, the game itself isn't the problem19:59
fanisbackBleakwise:  trying now19:59
Meerkatfanisback, you shouldn't run as admin. Open a terminal and enter: wine path/to/sc2-installer.exe20:00
Bleakwisebe careful with scripts and things you download, that one says it's been approved by the playonlinxu team but.... well i doubt you're playing on a bank-dtabse anyway20:00
Meerkatsee if that helps any. You should atleast get a useful message.20:00
Bleakwisejust don't try it on the work-computer xD20:00
fanisbackMeerkat:  "wine: cannot find 'wine path/to/sc2-installer.exe'20:00
fanisbackthe installer i downloaded is in the download folder20:01
Meerkatyou have to enter the actual path.20:01
imastupidguestOk, so here's a screen shot of the top of that dependency list - looks like security related systems being effected (to me) : http://imgur.com/tw1Ypca20:01
fanisbackif it's in /home/zero/Downloads then is it wine path/to/home/zero/Downloads?20:01
Bleakwisewine is in $home/.wine/drive_c/20:02
Bleakwiseor something liek that20:02
Meerkatfanisback, wine Downloads/sc2-installer.exe20:03
Bleakwisei'm not aware of the whole situation tho tbh it shouldn't matter where it is as long as you specify the right path to the file20:03
Meerkatbut make sure you enter the actual file name. you cant just copy-paste my lines20:03
fanisbackMeerkat:  still cannot find20:03
Bleakwiseyou need the installer.exe?20:03
fanisbacki was copying and pasting20:03
Bleakwisewell the CD is probalbyu mounted in like /mount/disk/20:04
Bleakwiseor /mnt/disk20:04
MeerkatBleakwise, there is no CD.20:04
Bleakwiseyou installing from CD or download?20:04
Bleakwiseoh okay20:04
Bleakwiseso /home/fanisback/Downloads/installer.exe?20:04
fanisbackMeerkat:  i ran it and still the same "run as admin" error20:04
Bleakwiserunning it from command line?20:04
Bleakwiseadd "sudo" before the command20:04
imastupidguestThe govt is hacking my computer an no one cares20:05
imastupidguestyes, linux could get viruses too.20:06
fanisbackwhen i do sudo wine Downloads/sc2-installer.exe , it tells me that wine isn't owned by me20:06
popeyyou dont want to run wine under sudo!20:07
popeyyou'll end up with files all over your home directory owned by root20:07
popeywhich is sub-optimal20:07
fanisbackthat sounds terrible20:07
popeyimastupidguest: troll elsewhere please.20:07
imastupidguestpopey: rude20:08
imastupidguestyou are extremely extremely rude sir20:08
popeydo you have an ubuntu support question?20:08
gear4whenever I try to remove a foldeer, "rm" reports the directory as not being empty, but when I do "ls -a" that returns "Input/output error"; any idea why ?20:08
imastupidguestI came here to ask a question - JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE20:08
imastupidguestpopey: Do you see it ^ ??20:09
popeyimastupidguest: ask it rather than make stupid pronouncements20:09
imastupidguestpopey: Do you see it ^ ??20:09
gear4 /ignore20:09
popeyimastupidguest: https://imgur.com/tw1Ypca ?20:09
popeyimastupidguest: just press continue button and a crash report will be uploaded20:09
imastupidguestthat's right popey - from the one you call a troll!!!20:09
popeyor close the window20:09
gear4can I please get some help ?20:10
popeygear4: is it a hard disk or usb stick or what?20:10
imastupidguesthey fucker - I'm here in #ubuntu asking the question - not pushing a fucking button and hoping something comes of it20:10
gear4hard disk20:10
imastupidguestpopey: YOu don't know - then don't answer20:10
popeyimastupidguest: i do know and I did answer20:11
popeyimastupidguest: look in /var/crash to see what crashed.20:11
EriC^^popey: did you set it to invite only?20:12
popeyah crud20:12
imastupidguestpopey: So you're trying to suggest that this is something that can't be dealt with outside the company Ubuntu?20:12
imastupidguestlike most of our other problems?20:12
popeyimastupidguest: nope, didnt say that20:12
popeyimastupidguest: I said you could look in /var/crash to see what the crash was20:13
gear4why not just +pg instead of +mispg then setting -mis20:13
popeyimastupidguest: i also suggested how you could upload the crash report20:13
imastupidguestlike this is somehow different and only a dev working for ubuntu could deal with it (by pushing the button to send a report)20:13
Bleakwisebtw Popey: i'm starting to see the idealogical diff between ubuntu and cenots. in Ubuntu you set your hostname yourself during setup, on centos, they (by default) leave it blank to be set on a router and grabbed via dhcp20:13
imastupidguestwhere? when?20:13
popeyimastupidguest: about 4 minutes ago20:13
EriC^^popey: something's still off i think, nobody's joining, what's p and g?20:14
popey\o/ works20:15
popeysorry about that :D20:15
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gear4you should set +G20:16
gear4it's a family channel no ?20:16
popeyI'm not touching it for now.20:16
popeydont want to break it further ☻20:16
gear4+G strips profanity20:16
popeyI dont think we set that usually.20:17
gear4just saying ^^20:17
popeythanks ㋛20:17
gear4np lol20:17
gear4but I'm still waiting anyhow20:17
popeyimastupidguest: the crash report can be unpacked and you can diagnose the issue youself if you're a developer20:17
popeygear4: did you reply to my question? i may have missed it?20:18
popeyis it a disk or usb or sd card or something?20:18
gear4yes I did20:18
gear4hard disk, external20:18
popeyah i see20:18
popeywhat disk format?20:18
popeyI mean, filesystem20:19
popeyrun a check on it?20:19
gear4did do20:19
gear4all clear20:19
gear4also the folder's size is null20:20
gear4so idk why the check said all clear20:20
popeysounds broken20:20
gear4which is why I came here lol20:20
gear4because I can delete/change anything else20:20
gear4except that folder20:20
imastupidguestpopey: I have uploaded crash reports before and have seen things work out bc of it. I don't recall how I had it set up but the update would come in. It's just that it takes a while (weeks or months) and is not guranteed to happen at all. It wan't the kind of answer I had expected to receive.20:21
popeygear4: ugh, dunno then.20:22
gear4haha it cool but thanks20:22
popeyimastupidguest: indeed, no guarantees..20:22
gear4I need to reinstall windows ..20:22
popeyimastupidguest: but still worth uploading anyway ☻20:22
gear4anyway before I go; Eric^^: +p disallows KNOCK, and +G strips profanity; most likely +p disabling joins20:24
gear4merry (soon) christmas to everybody! :D20:25
bubbasaures+f converts that to happy holidays a generic proclamation20:26
EriC^^gear4: ok, thanks20:28
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dw1what's a ubuntu app for silverlight that actually works20:42
dw1rather what silverlight plugin20:42
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
OerHeksdw1, html5 i guess, chrome ( not chromium ) should support that standard.20:43
dw1packagei need silverlight plugin to watch silverlight vid20:44
Chuck_Norrisdw1: pipelight?20:44
dw1trying pipelight .. 300MB lol20:44
OerHeksthe only solution to watch netflix is chrome AFAIK20:45
bekksOerHeks: Silverlight isnt part of HTML5.20:45
BottinoHi all, How can i get terminal to automatically launch Bash when its opened? When ever I alunch an xterm session, I have to always type bash to launch the bash shell20:45
Chuck_Norrisdw1: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/06/pipelight-027-brings-new-system-check.html20:45
bekksBottino: instead of typing bash, type: echo $SHELL;   what does it return?20:45
=== Jon3345 is now known as Jon2312
dw1"Note: Pipelight does not work in Chrome / Chromium version 35 or higher" fml20:47
basketballllI am trying to use uck but i get the error message You asked for a hybrid ISO but isohybrid command was not found20:48
bekks!file isohybrid20:49
naftilos76Hi, does anybody know of any command that can load all files of a website and report loading times or other data ?20:49
basketballll!file isohybrid20:49
dw1good in firefox...20:50
basketballllbekks: is there a different program i can use20:51
bekksbasketballll: I dont know what that program is used for. Just install syslinux-utils, since it provides the file you are looking for.20:52
basketballllbekks: how do i install the latest libreoffice from terminal20:55
bekksbasketballll: sudo apt-get install libreoffice20:55
RootoverflowChrome crashed on me earlier, forcing me to do a hard reboot. When I booted up again, my Wifi dongle doesn't work, my fonts have changed, I can't change my screen settings and a load of other things seem broken. Any idea where I should start to look for errors?20:55
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streulmaUbuntu on a Mac is a problem, except in a virtual machine21:01
Julia7Hi! Should I format my USB drive as NTFS, FAT32 (Default), or exFAT if I want to install Ubuntu from it?21:01
Eduard_MunteanuJulia7, no formatting needed21:02
carbon13Julia7, use fat3221:02
streulmaJulia7 FAT3221:02
Julia7Eduard_Munteanu: carbon13: streulma: Thanks.21:02
Eduard_MunteanuIf you simply write an ISO to it, that is.21:03
carbon13Julia7, no worries21:03
japroso uh, something seems to spin up my laptops disk every 3 seconds but... how can i find out why? iotop doesn't really tell me21:13
popeyjapro: probably something in /var/log21:14
Nectar_Could someone help me with an Ubuntu theme. Im tryign to set it though Emerald but when is elect it and double click it does nothing..?21:14
xangua! Emerald21:16
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.21:16
Nectar_recommend any good alternatives for themeing ubuntu?21:17
Nectar_thanks guys21:18
Chuck_Norrishttp://www.deviantart.com/  np21:18
Shaanhi, guys ive installed ubuntu 14.04 i plan on running a mail server which will host multiple domains, with catchall, can anyone recommend a guide to follow please?21:22
puranaShaan: you could find guide for debian that would work just as well.. you going to run an smtp server too?21:23
DrkShdwhey guys,  I recently inherited a server running an old and no longer supported version of ubuntu.  my backgroupd is mostly RH.  I've cloned the machine into a VM, and want to try a few upgrades.21:27
DrkShdwwhen going from a non lts version, to an lts version,  is there anything special I have to do?  is "LTS" just a thing we humans use to denote a version, or is there something software/config/upgrade wise that is significant to denote an LTS?21:28
puranaDrkShdw: how old of a release?21:28
DrkShdwIt started as jaunty. I've successfully upgrade the vm to karmic which is where it's at currently.21:29
puranaDrkShdw, maybe send us the lsb_release -a output from old box so we know how old21:29
DrkShdwnext upgrade would by lucid,  which if I understand correctly is an LTS which I can then upgrade later directly to precise.21:30
puranaDrkShdw, I think your strategy is a good one21:31
puranaDrkShdw, not had loads of experience with the upgrade hops you say, so will be interested to see how you go..21:31
DrkShdwso, thee is nothing config-wise I'd need to do,  to go from a non-lts to an lts?  it's just a human naming convention?21:31
DrkShdwit just kinda stinks I have to do 5 upgrades in a VM,  and then do those 5 upgrades again on the actual machine (jaunty -> karmic -> lucid -> precise > trusty)21:33
puranaDrkShdw, i'd rather do the test on the vm vs the real box21:33
DrkShdwabsolutely.  hehe21:33
puranaDrkShdw, at least you will have confidence it will work21:34
DrkShdwmostly.  not entirely. but thats why I have backups.21:34
puranaDrkShdw, image if you just did it and it broke, the workload the box does could be important so goes a weekend fixing it21:34
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ESphynxhey guys why did the mouse sensitivity suddenly jumped super-high after I updated?21:46
ESphynxit's annoyingly high yet the setting has pointer speed at the slowest setting21:47
puranaI've got no sound, something I think I need to fix ;)21:47
DrkShdwpurana: I just finished the reboot after upgrading to lynx.   lsb_release -a nor cat /etc/issue seem to indicate LTS21:47
teaearlgraycoldIs it possible to use my Ubuntu laptop as a wireless adapter for my desktop?21:47
bekksDrkShdw: Whats the output of those commands?21:48
DrkShdwhold on, I'm ahead of myself.   this was the upgrade to karmic.  not lynx.  looked at the wrong line on my paperwork.21:48
bekksDrkShdw: karmic?!21:49
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.21:50
bubbasauresESphynx, Have you modified any configs, you can to change this.21:50
DrkShdwbekks: I'm aware.  see my conversation may ~8 lines above.21:50
ESphynxbubbasaures I have not21:50
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
bekksDrkShdw: So you finished the update to lynx - ands whats the output of the commands you posted?21:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:51
DrkShdwno, I just finished the update to karmic.  I had gotten ahead of myself.  I'm about to start the upgrade to lynx.21:51
bekksDrkShdw: I guess reinstalling a current 14.04 will be the quickest solution.21:52
carbon13teaearlgraycold, yes ... you must route ip traffic from wlan0 to eth021:52
DrkShdwbekks: that's not really an option right now.   I'm doing the 5 upgrades to trusty.21:52
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, thanks. I actually found that just now and I'm setting up iptables21:53
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DrkShdwbekks: if reinstalling was an option,  we're a RHEL shop.  I'd be migrating it to RHEL instead of going to trusty :P21:53
bekksDrkShdw: RHEL has entirely nothing to do with it.21:54
DrkShdwcontext is key, man.21:54
bekksDrkShdw: I dont see any context involving RHEL. :)21:54
bekksHowever, good luck.21:55
DrkShdwthe point was: reinstalling isn't currently an option.  if it were, I wouldn't even be in the channel, as we'd be moving it to RHEL.21:55
popeyDrkShdw: hang on, why are you doing so many upgrades?21:55
popeyDrkShdw: oh, read back, i see21:55
bekksDrkShdw: Why isnt reinstalling an option? Just for the sake of it, or is there a technical reason?21:55
DrkShdwpopey: recently inherited an old EOL machine.  trying to get it to a supported version21:55
popeyI'd start fresh and migrate over21:55
popeyrather than re-install over the top21:55
popeycreate a new vm, keep old machine running, and migrate services over to new install21:56
popeythat way you get new goodness and keep old machine for reference21:56
popeyand don't have the pain of upgrades21:56
DrkShdwbekks: I can't have an hour long outage,  and the machine is in a remote part of the world.  hands-on will be difficult.21:56
popeyWell the fact of the matter is someone neglected this server, and you're unfortunately picking up the pieces of that neglect21:57
bekksDrkShdw: Your services are down for far more than an hour when doing 5 upgrades.21:57
DrkShdwcorrect, I'm not disputing that.21:57
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DrkShdwbekks: so far,  they've been down for the length of the reboot.21:57
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, I've ran these command but without any luck: http://pastebin.com/E3zN3Rka21:58
teaearlgraycoldThe lights on the ethernet ports are blinking and the other machine is getting some kind of partial connection but no IP21:59
bubbasauresESphynx, you can mess with dconf not sure the same control in in the regular gui, http://askubuntu.com/questions/254847/how-do-i-adjust-the-pointer-speed-and-scrolling-speed-of-a-trackpad   There is a config though I am not remembering it however21:59
carbon13teaearlgraycold, what is the setup of wlan0?22:01
teaearlgraycoldWhat do you mean?22:02
teaearlgraycoldIt's connected to a router22:02
teaearlgraycoldThe laptop's wifi connection seems unaffected22:02
carbon13type 'ifconfig -a' in the console22:02
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, http://pastebin.com/4TMXDDMx22:03
carbon13ok ... to summarize22:04
carbon13192.168.1.1 (router) -> (wlan0) -!-> 192.168.0.x (eth0) -> 192.168.0.y (PC)22:06
Guido1Hello, I have some trouble with syncronising my apod nano 5G. If I add music to my ipod mini, everything works. If I do the same with the nano the music is copied, but the ipod doesn't see the music (using xubuntu 14.04)22:06
carbon13teaearlgraycold, that's it?22:07
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, well the PC has no IP address at all right now. So your -!> symbol means that the bridge is broken?22:07
teaearlgraycoldThat's the structure though yeah22:07
bekks12Most likely the wifi driver isnt capable of bridging.22:07
bekksSo you would have to setup a router.22:07
carbon13teaearlgraycold, you must assign an IP to your pc22:08
carbon13otherwise the route is broken22:09
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, do I need to do that manually?22:09
teaearlgraycoldSo do I just punch in a static IP to the PC?22:09
carbon13teaearlgraycold, safest bet to do it manually22:09
carbon13teaearlgraycold, yes ...22:09
Nectar_Hi. I've noticed that there are a number of themes in the ubuntu 'usr/share/themes/' folder but in the ubuntu 'Apperence' setting it only lists the three. Whats all this about?22:11
Nectar_i also extracted a theme i wanted to use in there22:13
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, okay I gave it the ip with the subnet mask at and gateway at The machine claims it has as its IP but can not ping and has no internet connection22:13
teaearlgraycoldIt gets a response from saying the host is unreachable22:14
carbon13teaearlgraycold, which IP has eth0 of your notebook?22:14
=== MasterFascism is now known as Arbition
carbon13teaearlgraycold, hmm .. sure that eth0 of your pc is up and running? (type 'ifconfig -a')22:15
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, oh. That doesn't have an IPv4 address. I guess I should give that as a static IP?22:15
carbon13teaearlgraycold, yes ... static ip is better22:15
carbon13teaearlgraycold, otherwise you have trouble with setting up dhcp on your notebook22:16
carbon13teaearlgraycold, you might try also to "bridge" the pc with the router using the same network like 192.168.1.x22:17
carbon13teaearlgraycold, but you must then block the IP 192.168.1.x at your routers dhcp22:18
basketballllbekks: whoopsie : Depends: libwhoopsie0 (= 0.2.39) but 0.2.39ubuntu0.1 is to be installed22:18
bekksbasketballll: I dont have any context on what you are doing there :)22:19
basketballllsudo apt-get autoremove22:19
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, okay now I can ping my laptop from my desktop22:21
teaearlgraycold192.168.0.1 is reachable22:21
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carbon13teaearlgraycold, great ;-)22:21
basketballllThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  whoopsie : Depends: libwhoopsie0 (= 0.2.39) but 0.2.39ubuntu0.1 is to be installed22:21
Guido1Hello, I have some trouble with syncronising my ipod nano 5G with rhythembox. If I add music to my ipod mini, everything works. If I do the same with the nano the music is copied, but the ipod doesn't see the music (using xubuntu 14.04). Can someone help me?22:22
basketballll???????? please22:22
OerHeksbasketballll, run updates first, before you install anything.22:23
teaearlgraycoldcarbon13, but my router isn't reachable yet22:23
teaearlgraycoldRequest times out22:23
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carbon13teaearlgraycold, probably the problem is the routing /iptables... can the pc ping the wlan0 of the notebook?22:25
xertownikktoś z pl??22:25
carbon13xertownik, only english please ...22:26
basketballllOerHeks:  when trying to install spotify and yes i ran updates http://paste.ubuntu.com/9583904/22:26
teaearlgraycoldSeems like my laptop can't connect to the internet when my desktop can connect to my laptop22:26
xertownikso is someone from poland?22:26
teaearlgraycoldhttp://pastebin.com/HTeaV9mD my interfaces22:27
carbon13teaearlgraycold, in other words: the routing is fcked up ;-)22:27
teaearlgraycoldI got it from ubuntu.com IIRC22:27
teaearlgraycoldSo I'd expect it to work22:27
OerHeksbasketballll, E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install ?22:29
teaearlgraycoldI think I'm going to give up on this22:29
OerHeksbasketballll, what guide do you follow , what download etc?22:30
bekks!pl | xertownik22:30
ubottuxertownik: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:30
acovrigI'm planning on building a budge media center, has anyone successfully gotten this (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116028) to work on ubuntu (I'm thinking XBMC?), I will be running ubuntu 14.1022:32
basketballllOerHeks: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-install-spotify-in-ubuntu22:32
ryoga1It's really weird. In Ubuntu 14.04 I can't get eth0 to show up in ifconfig. (Only lo shows up).22:32
ryoga1lshw -C network shows both devices though.22:32
carbon13teaearlgraycold, if you're using ubuntu: have you tried this: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/?PageSpeed=noscript?22:33
bekksryoga1: Does it show up in ifconfig -a ?22:33
puranaryogal: dmesg | grep eth22:33
ryoga1purana: nothing shows up.22:33
basketballllOerHeks:  this is what happens when i run apt-get -f install22:34
OerHeksbasketballll, i don't know, maybe you need an other package from http://repository.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify/22:35
basketballllOerHeks:  what are the commands to undo all that22:35
bekksryoga1: Whats the output of "lshw -C net" then?22:36
OerHeksbasketballll, it didn't install22:36
basketballllsudo: unable to resolve host harris-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP296UA-ABA22:37
ryoga1bekks: Do you look for anything in paticular, or should I just type it all?22:37
bekksryoga1: I am just curious which network adapter you have :)22:38
ryoga1bekks: No problem :) the problem is, I'm logged in via the recovery thing of ubuntu, so I can't easily copy and paste.22:38
ryoga1It basically shows the AR9285 wireless network adapter and the AR9285 gigabit ethernet.22:38
carbon13teaearlgraycold, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router22:39
ryoga1bekks: The only configuration seen is "latency=0" anything else is just hardware information.22:40
bekksryoga1: The AR9285 is a wifi adapter, and no gigabit, for sure.22:40
ryoga1bekks: Oh sorry, AR8131 is the ethernet adapter22:41
bekksryoga1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/105607/how-do-i-get-an-atheros-ar8131-ethernet-card-working22:41
ryoga1bekks: Thanks! Okay, I'll try that now :)!22:42
=== aewing_ is now known as aewing
ryoga1bekks: Just for the record, my problem stems from the fact, that the upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 crashed, and now I try to finish the upgrade after a reboot but it won't let me connect to the web.22:44
almostgrownyouthhas anyone (hopefully just) a few minutes to help me with a problem with encypted disks? i googled for hours so you're my last resort before giving up -.-22:49
guntbert!ask | almostgrownyouth22:49
ubottualmostgrownyouth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:49
almostgrownyouthok, so, i encrypted a not used laptop months ago, never used it and naturally forgot my password. now, there isn't anything on it with value, i just need to know how to re-install ubuntu without knowing the diskpass22:50
bekksalmostgrownyouth: Insert the install cd, and install Ubuntu.22:51
almostgrownyouthas strange as it sounds, i could not find any information on google. probably just googled the wrong stuff and a hint in te right direction would already be enough.22:52
badcomHi guys. When I SSH my Ubuntu 14.04, it shows that there are 76 packages that can be updated and 43 are security updates. How do I update only the security ones via command line?22:52
almostgrownyouthno, rebooting from a livecd/drive is not working, i end up always at the point where i have to unlock the disk first22:52
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bekksalmostgrownyouth: You dont have to unlock anything when just reinstalling. Do not boot from the harddisk :)22:53
ubotturaf: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:54
almostgrownyouthbekks: when i try to boot from the usb-drive (choose the conected drive in the bios as bootdevice) i still end up at the grub-menu, where i only can choose the already existing partition, followed by cryptsetup. does that mean thet either my usb-drive is not working or bios is ignoring the usb-ports?22:58
bekksalmostgrownyouth: Correct. Your USB doesnt boot.22:58
almostgrownyouthok, thanks. i feel pretty dumb. i almost ripped the harddrive out of the laptop ;)22:59
almostgrownyouthby guys, thanks for the help23:03
Nectar_Im trying to install a theme on Unity Tweak Tool but it only changes the colour scheme not the full theme; minimize, close buttons etc. Whats the problem?23:05
Nectar_ive tried different themes, only the defualt ones work23:06
Nectar_they end up all looking high contrast23:06
adsadsi needh elp23:09
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
BlueProtomanHelp!  I can't push to a remote git repository on Ubuntu 14.10!  I get this error: "git-remote-https: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhogweed.so.2: undefined symbol: __gmpn_cnd_add_n"  Any tips?23:31
QuittaHi after updating my ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.04, after rebooting I got an error of the form 'end_request: I/O error, dev sdg, sector' which keeps repeating. I booted with a live cd and performed sudo badblocks -sv /dev/sda5 and which returns Pass completed, 8 bad blocks found. (8/0/0 errors).. I have no idea what I should do next.. Anyone got more experience with this?23:31
bekksQuitta: You should not use that disk anymore, ensure you have a current backup, and get a new disk.23:32
bekksThat disk is going to die very soon.23:32
QuittaThats not really an option, I already have a backup23:33
bekksThat is your only option.23:33
Quittabut I want to use it for those few days that I have left23:33
Quittaits not temp fixable23:33
bekksQuitta: No.23:33
Quittasince it happened after an upgrade which is pretty weird,no?23:34
Guido1Hello, I have some trouble with syncronising my ipod nano 5G with rhythembox. If I add music to my ipod mini, everything works. If I do the same with the nano the music is copied, but the ipod doesn't see the music (using xubuntu 14.04). Can someone help me? please23:34
QuittaAnd I can still access it without problems with my live cd23:34
bekksQuitta: No, the disk is just going to die.23:34
QuittaI cant stretch it for a few more days/weeks?23:35
bekksQuitta: No.23:36
basketballllErrors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/whoopsie_0.2.39ubuntu0.1_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:37
basketballllYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these. The following packages have unmet dependencies:  whoopsie : Depends: libwhoopsie0 (= 0.2.39) but 0.2.39ubuntu0.1 is installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.23:37
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
Quittaok then :S ty bekks23:38
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
basketballllOerHeks: ???23:39
Quittabut bekks. the weird thing is that Im using dual boot on the same drive. But I dont experience any problems on my windows OS, only ubuntu wont boot23:40
QuittaHow could you explain that?23:40
rosaecaeruleaehow do I "install" a picture as booting screen when turing on my machine?23:41
=== NotANick[BDC] is now known as NotANick
OerHeksbasketballll, if apt-get -f install does not fix, contact the spotify maintainer, as it is not an ubuntu issue23:48
darkadHi all, I got a problem with my laptop hard disk, its led on laptop often turns on, as on read/write operations, although there is no process that does a write o read operation on hard disk. May you help me?23:48
bekksdarkad: Why are you concerned about that?23:49
basketballllOerHeks:  it isnt spotify23:49
basketballlli am using uck23:49
Bashing-omrosaecaeruleae: Easy to do for boot background contained in : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaintenanceFreeCustomGrub2Screen .23:49
OerHeksbasketballll, looks like your pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/9583904/ ???23:49
darkadbekks it's a fresh install and it never happened in any other machine23:50
basketballllOerHeks:  i am going to try something else how do i install this https://github.com/clearkimura/Customizer23:50
OerHeksbasketballll, so uck is giving this issue?23:50
OerHekswhy do we need to ask these important details ?23:50
darkadI tried the WD test software to scan for any physical problem but the disk seems to be healthy23:51
mojtabaHi, I know how to extract geotags of the image using exiftool. Do you know how can I convert them to the location name? (ultimately I want to rename the image file based on the location.)23:52
lagboxanyone know anything about a memory leak with xorg and fglrx  14.1023:52
bekksdarkad: It did happen, but you just didnt notice it. Most likely, the buffer or I/O cache is accessing the disk, which is nothing to worry about.23:52
bekkslagbox: What if someone does? :)23:52
lagboxbekks, would be insightful :)23:52
bekkslagbox: I bet someone does, then.23:52
bekkslagbox: But maybe you want to ask a specific question? :)23:53
basketballllOerHeks: yes23:53
lagboxyea how do i stop xorg from leaking memory constantly every day and causing me to have to restart X23:53
basketballllOerHeks:  i just want to make a live cd with my programs preinstalled why is this so hard23:54
darkadbekks thank you23:54
=== badon_ is now known as badon
mojtabaHi, I know how to extract geotags of the image using exiftool. Do you know how can I convert them to the location name? (ultimately I want to rename the image file based on the location.)23:56
basketballllOerHeks: ??23:57
lagboxi will just reinstall and see if it fixes it .... i upgraded the day 14.10 came out and have nothing but issues since23:58
xavii added atl1c to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but it's still being loaded, how do i blacklist it so alx loads?23:58
OerHeksbasketballll, i dont know, ask the room about uck + spotify, maybe better askubuntu or forum if you don't find an answer here23:59

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