
bluesabreochosi: poke00:09
* ochosi pokes bluesabre back00:09
bluesabreI think you mentioned that the catfish ugliness was a greybird thing?00:10
ochosihaven't had time to look cause now i have to test panel stuff, which i only build in my dev env00:10
ochosiwhich is (weirdly) 14.04lts00:10
bluesabreand, if greybird is now gtk 3.14 friendly, want to give a point release?00:10
ochosii do, but i'm not sure it's all done yet00:10
bluesabreI can also drop other themes as you request from shimmer depends00:11
ochosiyeah, i'll give knome some time to think whether he really wants to maintain those three00:13
knomemaintain... don't know, but i could give them a bump at least00:13
knomeand tbh, i'm mostly interested in albatross only, so it might be just that00:13
ochosibluesabre: parole's osd buttons look weird now unfortunately. should check how they look with adwaita to be sure who's at fault...00:14
bluesabrewill try to work on that a bit this weekend00:15
ochosii'm not sure i'll get to much before christmas00:15
ochosiand then after christmas it's not looking much better until the 3rd or so00:15
bluesabreplanning to be around for a change, hopefully those plans don't change for me00:15
ochosiwhich is why i tried to push some gtk-theme patches today00:15
ochosibut synaptic's toolbar-buttons still have weird white borders :'(00:16
bluesabreI'll roll out another release then00:16
JackFrostscreenshooter will roll soon too it looks.00:16
ochosiand taskman00:18
ochosinight everyone00:18
bluesabrenight ochosi00:21
knomeok, off as well00:43
knomenighty people!00:43
NoskcajAre we going to have adwaita-icon-theme or gnome-icon-theme for vivid?00:57
shnatselAny tips on how to reach tumbler (XFCE thumbnailer) devs? xfce.org seems to be down01:28
shnatselI want to run a fuzzer on their various thumbnailers, but for that I need a way to invoke and monitor them more or less directly. The regular daemon architecture won't do.01:29
Noskcajshnatsel, #xfce-dev on freenode, direct emails, or filing bugs01:31
NoskcajIncase it's not been mentioned, transmission has some theme issues with the new gtk too05:31
JackFrostThat's alright, deluge is better anyway. :>06:05
elfyochosi: ok - got those updates late yesterday - http://i.imgur.com/JkArMFn.png  http://i.imgur.com/ussMCJ4.png 08:14
elfyI can't tell if what you think is skewed is or isn't still :)08:14
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ochosielfy: yeah, that's how it's supposed to be13:03
elfycool - I can forget about that now then :)13:06
ochosisynaptic is not 100% fixed yet unfortunately13:08
elfywell ... 13:08
elfyI guess the priority has to be our *packages* 13:09
elfyand I would just assume that things are supposed to look like they do - unless it was horribly broken of course :)13:09
bluesabregood morning guys13:11
ochosinah, but the synaptic bug points to a general issue13:11
ochosihey bluesabre 13:11
* ochosi is about to sneak out again13:11
bluesabreofc :P13:12
ochosipushed another fix to greybird quickly13:12
ochosiand i'm out.13:12
ochosielfy: that one should fix synaptic and co13:13
elfyok ochosi - I'll keep an eye out for that - have fun 13:16
elfyhi bluesabre 13:16
bluesabrehey elfy13:16
elfykeeping busy then :)13:19
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