
dunpealHi!  How do I enable 5.1 surround on Xubuntu?00:05
dunpealIt's easy to do on Ubuntu by just clicking the Volume Manager, but I can't find the options on Xubuntu's equivalent.00:06
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reggie-mandunpeal: Try running pavucontrol, going to Configuration, then changing the profile.00:38
dunpealreggie-man: I tried, it doesn't include an option for anything above Stereo for a device that is 5.1 capable (and I was able to configure as 5.1 on Ubuntu 12.04)00:39
reggie-manI'm not sure then. I'm sorry.00:40
dunpealreggie-man: nvm, thanks.00:41
Primula1380Would it work if I ran a live Xubuntu CD on a PowerMac?05:27
Primula1380Oh, it's a Mac Mini05:29
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Primula1380It's a MacMini 1,105:29
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Primula1380It's running Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) right now05:31
Primula1380I would like to run a Xubuntu live CD on a MiniMac...is that doable?05:44
cfhowlett!mac | Primula138005:45
ubottuPrimula1380: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:45
Primula1380Is it true that xubuntu would slow down the Mac?05:48
cfhowlettPrimula1380, ??? highly unlikely05:48
Primula1380The xubuntu OS is much easier to use than this Mac OSX system05:49
Primula1380Since I got MacMini1,1, does that mean I just need to download Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx to create an installation CD?05:55
cfhowlettPrimula1380, 10.04 is LONG past end-of-life.  get 14.04.105:57
Primula1380That would work with a MiniMac1,1?05:58
Primula1380this MniMac is 200605:58
cfhowlettPrimula1380, 10.04 is no longer supported = no security05:59
Primula1380I mean it's old...from 200605:59
Primula1380yeah, the updates built in would be useless for security05:59
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xubuntu05iI'm trying to install Xubuntu and having problems >.>20:08
xubuntu05iLenovo ideapad y50020:09
xubuntu05iOn the install it is failing to mount parititions on the terabyte drive.20:10
xubuntu05iand failing to remove partitions on the 16gb solid state drive20:10
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rosaecaeruleaehi, I still need help to see a wallpaper / screen as I boot my xubuntu23:32
rosaecaeruleaecurrently I only see a blank screen23:32
deshipurosaecaeruleae: press alt+f2, type "xfdesktop" and press enter23:34
rosaecaeruleaedeshipu, am I gonna leave xcfe?23:35
rosaecaeruleaeam I gonna get a full screen terminal?23:35
rosaecaeruleaedeshipu, cannot launch it, nothing happesn23:38
brainwashrosaecaeruleae: why can't you launch it? does it generate any error message if you run the command in a terminal window?23:44
rosaecaeruleaebrainwash,  whats the command? ./xfdesktop ?23:45
brainwashshould be just "xfdesktop"23:46
brainwashto start the application which manages the desktop (icons + wallpaper)23:46
rosaecaeruleaebrainwash, doesnt launch23:46
rosaecaeruleaebrainwash, it is installed23:46
rosaecaeruleaejust checked synaptic23:46
brainwashit terminates immediately and returns to the command prompt?23:47
brainwashno error messages?23:48
rosaecaeruleaea new terminal line23:48
rosaecaeruleaeto type a new command23:48
brainwashdoes this problem affect other user accounts or the guest session?23:48
rosaecaeruleaeim the only user23:49
rosaecaeruleaethis is not a guest session23:49
brainwashyou should be able to select the quest session and check if the problem is user specific23:49
brainwashfrom the login greeter23:49
rosaecaeruleaebrainwash, are you telling me to change sessions?23:50
brainwashyes please, it helps to debug your problem23:52
brainwashif the guest session is working properly, then there is something wrong with your user account23:52
deshipualso, what did you do just before it broke? :)23:53
rosaecaeruleaewould uninstall and reinstall xfdesktop in synaptic do something?23:54
brainwashit won't harm your system, but it might have no effect at all23:55
knomerosaecaeruleae, why don't you try to log in with the guest session as suggested?23:55

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