
=== alket_ is now known as alket
apparlehi, does KDE not load KCM modules, services installed under /usr/local ? How do enable this?04:28
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valorieoh very nice05:56
valoriehappy Christmas to you, MerryChristmas05:56
MerryChristmasHeh, thank you valorie :)05:58
* tazz hugs valorie 06:05
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you as well, tazz06:06
valoriechristmas cheer is welcome06:06
valorieI got bad news today: my cousin has cancer06:06
valorieeverywhere: lung, brain, stomach, lymph06:07
valoriehe's only 5706:07
* tazz hugs valorie 06:28
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lordievaderGood morning.09:16
* Neo31 back to town Riddell 09:16
Neo31how did things go ?09:17
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sitterdoes anyone want to review tarball of qapt3.0 before I release?10:27
_Groo_hi/2 all10:28
_Groo_could someone take a look at this10:29
_Groo_utopic cant be upgraded anymore with kubuntu-ci because of the changes in qt10:29
_Groo_it breaks a lot of stuff like appmenu-qt5 checkbox-gui kubuntu-driver-manager kubuntu-notification-helper liboxideqt-qmlplugin liboxideqtquick0 libqt5organizer5 libunity-webapps0 python3-pyqt5 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras-browser-plugin10:30
_Groo_sad face :(10:30
sitterall of which are not CI supported10:31
_Groo_sitter: hi sitter10:31
_Groo_sitter: so what can be done about it?10:32
sitterpy-qt5 needs CIing10:32
sittereverything else needs to wait for 5.4.0 to be completely landed10:32
sitterand even then stuff is going to be not installable10:32
_Groo_if i opt to remove it as per apt-get, what will it break? will i be able to still use unity + kf5?10:33
sitterprobably not10:33
sitterunity things heavily insist on linking against private API from what I have seen10:34
_Groo_well im gonna test and revert (thank you apt-btrfs) if all breaks10:34
_Groo_do you know if btrfs will be the default for 15.04? because if it is it would be nice to ship apt-brtfs by default10:36
_Groo_well it worked, so im happy :D10:48
_Groo_i just need some unity has a fallback when kf5 is broken10:48
sitterI keep telling you not to use landing10:53
_Groo_sitter: i eat our own dog food10:55
_Groo_sitter: im the one always reporting stuff thats broken :) pitty i dont have more time to be more active doing packages10:55
_Groo_sitter: at least i maintain the graphics ppa https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa/10:55
_Groo_phoronix users use it a lot10:56
sitteryou report things we know10:57
sitterthings turn red when something is astray10:57
_Groo_sitter: not really, most of the stuff i report are errors in the packages themselves, but if you think im not being useful, ill just crawl to my corner :)10:59
sitter_Groo_: errors in the packages apply to snapshots as well11:00
sitterI am not saying you are not being useful I am saying you are making your life harder by not using the daily snapshot because the landing ppa is breaking a lot by design11:01
_Groo_sitter: noted, ill stay quiet11:01
SergobotRiddell: are you here?11:09
sitteryofel: what's the plan for tagging and debcommit? I seem to have forgotten :O11:33
bukaiRiddell: ping11:58
BluesKaj_hiyas all12:16
soeehiho BluesKaj_12:17
BluesKaj_hey soee12:17
Riddellhi Sergobot, bukai 12:18
RiddellI'm mostly not here today12:18
bukaiRiddell: Hi, Christmas celebrations?12:19
bukaiRiddell: I have tested the theme properly but the pages were not a part of the theme , any Idea how to import the pages created on the local machine?12:20
bukaior else I have to redo the entire news page :(12:21
Riddellbukai: no I don't know, you'd need to ask someone who knows more about wordpress like ovidiu-florin or soee 12:22
bukaiRiddell: ok12:23
bukaisoee: ping12:23
ovidiu-florinbukai: how did you make the pages?12:28
bukaiovidiu-florin: I went to pages and then add page12:28
ovidiu-florinand what's the problem?12:29
bukaifor the news it was posts.12:29
ovidiu-florinbukai: to me the homepage still look's not finished: http://test2.kubuntu.co.uk/wordpress/12:30
ovidiu-florinand there's no link to go to the news page12:30
bukaiovidiu-florin: yes the news page is not done! it is done on my local system . is there any way to put it on the remote system?12:32
ovidiu-florinI think easiest would be to replicate the settings12:34
ovidiu-florinand safest12:34
ovidiu-florinso that you don't break some DB settings12:34
ovidiu-florincan you give me an admin user on that WP instance?12:35
ovidiu-florinbukai: ^12:35
bukaiovidiu-florin: i removed the widgets but it seems i put an extra s somewhere :(12:38
ovidiu-florinbukai: first of all, let me get this WP instance up to date12:38
* sitter wonders12:41
sittershadeslayer: piiiiing12:41
ovidiu-florinsitter: what about?12:42
sitterif we should put energy into the ubiquity UI or just wait for calamares12:42
sitterperhaps we should wire up calamares UI to ubiquity :O12:42
shadeslayersitter: huh?12:43
sittershadeslayer: how feasable would it be to make calamares a UbiquityUI instance?12:44
shadeslayerNot sure tbh, dont think its structured that way12:47
sitterkubotu: order cookies, xmas12:48
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of last year's, now all dry cookies, down the crappy decorated and totally falling apart bar to sitter and shouts: Happy whatever -.-12:48
sitterkubotu: u really should get newar cookies12:48
sittershadeslayer: anyone ever tossed the idea of adopting calmares as debian-kde?12:48
ovidiu-florinbukai: you mentioned some images that need to be uploaded12:49
shadeslayerNope, though it needs d-i support before it gets adopted probably12:49
shadeslayerSince it has 0 d-i support you cant do preseeding and other fancy thinga12:50
sitterI experience a pain in my bum brought on by lack of longterm planning!12:50
bukaiovidiu-florin: yes12:51
BluesKaj_get out of the chair once in a while12:51
ovidiu-florinbukai: can you please upload them?12:52
bukaibut I am unable to upload it from the browser, should I directly put in on the server?12:52
ovidiu-florinyou can upload them from the browser now12:52
bukaiovidiu-florin: ^12:52
ovidiu-florinI've fixed that12:52
shadeslayersitter: the long term plan is to get d-i support somehow12:53
sittershadeslayer: kindly talk to people about these matters please ... if debian doesn't want to adopt calamares then we'd have to maintain a replicate of ubiquity-core on our own which won't end well, or we'd have to wire up ubuqity-core to calamares ui, or we'd have to cleanup ubiquity-kde code and possibly adopt general calamares UI design as to have at least some uniformity which would require dev resources in 15.04+12:54
bukaiThanks, ovidiu-florin , what was the problem?12:55
ovidiu-florinno problem, just a default setting12:55
ovidiu-florinNews should not be a page, it should be a Category feed, IMO12:56
ovidiu-florinbukai: do you have a different suggestion?12:56
bukaiovidiu-florin: I was thinking of making a page called news and there all the news will be posted in different catagory12:58
SergobotRiddell: what's about my task? 13:00
ovidiu-florinbukai: and how do you provide the feed on that page? using Javascript?13:05
bukaiovidiu-florin: just using http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/category/news will just post the news without any design. Will it look good?13:10
ovidiu-florinbukai: no, but you can change that13:16
ovidiu-florinthat's what a theme is13:17
bukaiovidiu-florin: ok, will do it. Btw thanks for making it editable from the browser, it is finally easy to work with.13:19
ovidiu-florinI fixed the permissions to 664 for all files and 666 to wp-content and this: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/update-wordpress-without-ftp/13:22
ovidiu-florinand updated plugins, themes and WP itself to latest13:23
ovidiu-florinbukai: also13:24
ovidiu-florinplease keep all the theme changes in the github repo13:24
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
ovidiu-florinand keep a history of the changes13:24
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kranzerRiddell: hello, are you here?15:19
yofelsitter: errr, good question. IIRC debcommit is unfeasable because nobody non-hardcodes "debian/" as tag prefix, so gbp would be the way to go15:41
yofelsomething like...15:41
yofelgit-buildpackage --git-ignore-branch --git-tag-only --git-sign-tags --git-debian-tag='ubuntu/%(version)s' --git-keyid=$GPGKEY15:41
sittermight as well use git directly then :P16:34
RiddellSergobot: how's the task going?17:41
SergobotRiddell: I finished it17:42
RiddellSergobot: ooh? even those gemini files in a .deb ?17:42
SergobotRiddell: I didn't do anything with gemini. Debs are built and I'm happy :)17:43
RiddellSergobot: well the new files need to go somewhere17:44
Riddellelse calligrra devs won't be happy17:44
SergobotRiddell: okay :(17:44
SergobotRiddell: so, what should I do?17:45
RiddellSergobot: make a new calligragemini package and put all the gemini files in it17:46
Riddelland for all the other files in dh_install --list-missing work out what .install file they need to go into 17:46
Riddell(many need not go anywhere as listed in not-installed but many do need to be installed)17:47
SergobotRiddell: could you give me ec2 server's IP adress?17:48
RiddellSergobot: ec2-54-92-241-134.compute-1.amazonaws.com17:49
RiddellSergobot: --list-missing is on stderr not stdout so you need to do some weird bash redirect thing 2>&117:56
RiddellSergobot: .so files in /usr/lib/libfoo.so are developer files that we don't want installed17:56
RiddellSergobot: .so files in /usr/lib/kde4/foo.so are plugins that do want to be instaled17:57
SergobotRiddell: I can't see all the output18:01
RiddellSergobot: F12 then page up/down to scroll within byobu18:02
Riddellor pipe to less should work18:02
SergobotRiddell: no effect with F1218:04
RiddellSergobot: voila,  |less18:05
SergobotRiddell: no effect :( Now it shows only .so files byt I can't scroll up18:07
RiddellSergobot: it's at the top18:08
Riddellyou can scroll down18:08
Riddellwith arrow or page down18:08
SergobotRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/Gn7LubJ.png18:09
RiddellSergobot: yeah that's what I see, press down arrow to scroll down18:09
RiddellSergobot: and q to quit18:11
SergobotRiddell: how to resize orange frame?18:12
RiddellSergobot: it uses the smaller size of our two screens18:13
RiddellI detached18:13
RiddellI'm on my laptop which has a small screen rather than the large on in our office18:14
Riddellnice e-mail du jour https://paste.kde.org/ptgdjusz118:16
* Riddell out18:16
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=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
soeehiho, im back @ home20:23
BuddybHi all20:57
soeehiho Buddyb21:02
Buddybhi soee, having issues with audio in a fresh lubuntu install21:04
soeeBuddyb: try at #lubuntu21:04
soeethis is kubuntu developers channel21:04
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:04
Buddybok thanks21:05
Buddybno one there in lubuntu21:05
Buddybso i thought i'd try21:05
soeeBuddyb: you can always try @ #ubuntu as it is global *ubuntu channel21:06
Buddybyea not very responsive ther21:08
Buddybnobody responds to me21:08
soeedid you described the issue, symptoms etc21:08
Buddybyes, i guess i can go into further detail. should i specifiy i'm on lubuntu or will they not help21:10
soeeyuo can try21:12
Buddybwill do21:18
Buddybthanks again, have a good one21:18
=== alket_ is now known as alket
=== soee_ is now known as soee

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