
mRMansping wgrant  when you are back and got a second.  It is about using 14.04 for building lp compared to to 12.04 and changing the apache conf files03:36
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wgrantmRMans: Launchpad doesn't run on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS today.05:37
wgrantThere are Apache config incompatibilities plus some other issues.05:37
wgrantWe recommend Ubuntu 12.04 LTS instead.05:37
mRManswgrant,  hello05:40
mRMansI made a LXC that is 12.04 and built but can not seem to get it in a browser05:40
mRManslast thing that I did was make run05:40
mRMansand it is hanging at 2014-12-21T22:22:51 INFO root Startup time: 8.001 sec real, 7.720 sec CPU05:41
wgrantThat indicates that startup is complete.05:41
mRMansyeah but I can not see it in a browser on local or portforwarding via tomato05:41
wgrant"can not see it"?05:41
wgrantWhat exactly are you trying, and what goes wrong?05:41
mRMansmeaning that It can not load in the browser05:42
mRMansjust says connecting and never does05:42
wgrantLoad what?05:42
mRMansgoogle chrome tools says that it is just waiting to resolve05:42
wgrantWhat's the URL you're using?05:42
wgrantHave you set your /etc/hosts?05:43
mRManslooking at etc host in the LXC now05:43
mRMansthanks wgrant for your time05:43
wgrantIf it's hanging on name resolution, that suggests your /etc/hosts is misconfigured.05:43
wgrantWhich URL were you using?05:43
mRMansthe name of the lxc container05:44
wgrantEnsure you've followed https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/RemoteAccess05:44
wgrantYou need to use a correct hostname.05:44
wgrantLaunchpad uses vhosts extensively.05:44
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
wgrantSo it'll want to be launchpad.dev.05:44
mRMansyeah I tried to point the browser to http://lpNew:8087/ but get nothing looking at hosts now05:45
wgrant8087 is only a local port05:45
mRManslooks like this05:45
wgrant80 and 443 are the interesting ones.05:45
mRMans127.0.0.88      launchpad.dev answers.launchpad.dev archive.launchpad.dev api.launchpad.dev bazaar.launchpad.dev bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev blueprints.launchpad.dev bugs.launchpad.dev code.launchpad.$05:45
wgrantPut that in your system's /etc/hosts, except with the container's IP address rather than
mRMansthat is ok if it is only local I have someone at the office ATM05:46
mRMansso you are saying replace with the avahi name ? example:  <lxc host name>      launchpad.dev answers.launchpad.dev archive.launchpad.dev api.launchpad.dev bazaar.launchpad.dev bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev blueprints.launchpad.dev bugs.launchpad.dev code.launchpad.$05:47
wgrantNo, normal /etc/hosts format.05:47
wgrantThe first field is the IP address.05:47
wgrantThe following fields are hostnames that should resolve to that IP address.05:48
mRMansIf i just point my browser to or any of the host names then I still got "nothing" back in the browser05:50
mRMansrestart the lxc networking ?05:50
wgrant127.0.0.88 on -- it's a loopback address, valid only within the container.05:50
mRManscigarettes coffee and beer oh my ! Thanks wgrant05:52
mRManswgrant is there a blueprint for lp-dev in 14.04 ?05:52
mRManswhat is the main issues ?05:52
mRMansbesides apache 2.4 that is05:52
wgrantThe main issue is the Apache config, but I believe there are also some other minor bits and pieces that will be broken. We do not run the test suite on 14.04 yet.05:53
mRMansis there a sprint ?05:53
wgrantA sprint?05:54
mRManslike a sprint to get it done by a certain time05:55
mRMansor a milestone maybe it is called05:56
wgrantLaunchpad.net won't be upgraded from 12.04 for at least several months, so I can't give a definite timeline.05:57
mRMansAlso last question is there armhf that I could build as a lot of my in-house packages are armhf05:57
mRMansodroid stuff ^^05:57
mRManslike in the LXC can I just pass -a armhf ? seems to error out05:58
mRManss|LXC| LXC build|g05:58
mRMansI was using reprepro wannabuild and buildd before trying to move to LP05:59
wgrantA local Launchpad instance is a lot of work to maintain. And you can't run a buildd in an LXC containre.05:59
wgrantBut you can create cross-architecture containers.06:00
mRMansCool !06:00
mRMansso like a mounted chroot then06:00
mRManswith g++ ect06:00
mRMansor am I going down the wrong path ?06:00
wgrantWhat exactly are you trying to do?06:01
wgrantRunning a local Launchpad instance is probably not the easiest way to achieve your goal.06:01
mRMansI want to use dput or something like that to build all armhf i386 amd64 and ppc builds of everything on a cron or something06:02
mRMansof the in-house packages06:02
mRManslike openzwave stuff a lot of Qt Libs that I have made.  Some backup ec2 scripts ect06:03
mRMansso that end users can use PPA for there systems and I do not need to use crons to update the packages.  As that is whta is going on atm06:04
mRManswhat *06:04
wgrantWhy did you need cronjobs if you were using reprepro already?06:05
mRMansto run checks on incoming06:05
wgrantLaunchpad PPAs and reprepro repositories are just normal apt repositorys. There's nothing particularly special about PPAs.06:05
wgrantWell, you have to do that with Launchpad too :)06:05
mRMansI see06:07
wgrantWhat improvements do you want over your current reprepro+wannabuild+buildd infrastructure?06:07
mRManshow do you trigger with upload to say build/launch a new LXC to build a package from something like ubuntu-minimal ?06:08
wgrantLaunchpad.net provides private PPAs as a commercial service, which would certainly be much easier for you. But running your own Launchpad is a complicated endeavour.06:08
wgrantWe don't build in LXC containers.06:08
mRMansbugs translations and many other things06:08
wgrantLaunchpad.net builds packages with launchpad-buildd, which handles chroots itself.06:08
mRMansthere is also jenkings running for all the Java stuff that we do. I want to merge into one framework06:09
mRMansbut that also means lots of debian dirs06:09
mRManswith config ect files06:10
mRManskinda trying to see if there is anything that can "do it all"06:10
wgrantLaunchpad doesn't maintain your debian directories for you.06:10
mRMansalso needs to be for debian and Ubuntu06:11
wgrantYou still need to create the source packages.06:11
wgrantAh, Launchpad.net cannot build packages for Debian today, just Ubuntu.06:11
wgrantBut a local Launchpad instance could do Debian as well, if you have the expertise.06:11
mRMansaka make debootstrap debian and Ubuntu as we were using just Ubuntu but (no offense) but maintaining debian seems to be a little bit easy.06:12
mRManslike when I got the job and looked at servers and embeded systems there was no "common theme" example some were raring some were lucid06:13
mRManslots of upgrades06:13
wgrantAnybody distributing a system with a non-LTS release is probably wrong :)06:13
wgrantUnfortunately many ARM vendors do that :(06:13
mRManseverything is now trusty that was once whatever which is nice.  But Have spun up my own armhf debian jessie and wheezy06:14
mRMansYour telling me ROTFLMAO06:14
mRManswould also like to automate building img also06:14
mRMansin due time06:14
mRMansbut just tring to look at all the options that are out there. Looked at suse builder that mer uses and what not. Which is nice.  But would like to take all of this put it together and see what comes out of it06:16
mRMansin other words we make a lot of armhf img per week but everytime I upgrade say a simple bash script package I have to upload to builder wait for cron to run.  or every time I make a IMG .... Now that is a mess06:17
mRMansmaybe I should make some sorta tool (qt or gtk ) that is used to do diff's and what not to update the img06:18
mRMansnot sure how to make all that automated.06:18
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