
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
=== elky_ is now known as elky
=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsoftware
elachecheHey! I share a photo for my engagement Cake, I'm an Ubuntu Member and I'm engaged to an Ubuntu member too :) So we wrote this on our cake "Special thanks for the UBUNTU Community" → https://twitter.com/hashtag/ubuntu?src=hash10:56
elacheches/for/of 10:56
elachecheoups wrong url sorry → https://twitter.com/elacheche/status/546696499137355776/photo/110:57
nhaineselacheche: hey, congratulations!  And all the best to you both.  :)11:22
elachecheThx nhaines :D13:04
nhaineselacheche: I'm so happy for you both.  :D13:06
elacheche:D That proves that community is like a 2nd family for all of us :D 13:07
nhainesI'm definitely lucky to be a part of it all.  :)13:07
elachecheYep :) And We are blessed too :))13:10
nhainesIRC does not work that way!19:03
wxlyeah you can't say hi19:03
wxlit's against the rules!19:03
nhainesI know.  The nerve of some people!19:03
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:04
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:04
wxloh jeez two ubots19:04
wxlthis channel's extra mean19:04
nhainesThat redundancy though.19:04
wxlso sweet.19:04
belkinsaEr, I think you scared them away.  ;)21:17
pleia2ubuntu engagement cake is the most amazing thing I've ever seen <321:24
nhainespleia2: isn't it great?  :)21:25
wxldid someone get engaged?21:28
pleia2elacheche did :)21:29
pleia2he shared a picture of his cake up there ^^21:30
wxloh i missed that21:30
wxlthat's just darn cute21:30
wxlalthough the ubuntu artwork police might come after you21:31
pleia2oh, but czajkowski also got engaged :D21:31
pleia2I don't think she had an ubuntu cake though21:31
wxlthere's neither ubuntu orange or any sort of aubergine21:32
wxli'm going to have to report you, elacheche 21:32
wxlj/k ;)21:32
pleia2pink is the best21:32
wxlpink aubergine? i don't think so!21:32
* wxl can't wait to give his daughter her new Utopic Unicorn shirt for christmas!21:32
* wxl grumbles something about how men always get the stupid colors21:33
pleia2oh my gosh, I didn't realize the ladies' version was pink21:33
wxlit's SO COOL21:33
wxlfrankly, i may have to report the new men's shirt to the design team too21:33
wxlthere's no navy blue aubergine, you jerks!21:34
wxlstupid navy blue.21:34
* wxl needs to get around to making a Lubuntu Utopic Unicorn shirt with Lennicorn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Marketing/Lenny?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=lennicorn.png21:34

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