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thor77i added the universe-repos to my sources.list to install swig3.0 but it still doesn't work after sudo apt-get update, what's wrong?00:26
thor77paste of my sources.list is following00:26
ikonia!info swig3.000:26
ubottuswig3.0 (source: swig): Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.2-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 902 kB, installed size 4435 kB00:26
ikoniathor77: can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update" please.00:27
ikoniaand now apt-cache search swig please00:31
thor77only swig and swig2.0 :/00:32
thor77looks like there was an error adding the universe-repo00:32
ikoniawhere ?00:32
thor77_i_ think there was an error00:33
ikoniaahhhh hang on00:33
ikonia!info swig3.0 trusty00:33
ubottuPackage swig3.0 does not exist in trusty00:34
ikoniayeah, it's not in trusty00:34
ikoniait's in utopic00:34
thor77what can i do now?00:34
ikoniathats why you can't see it00:34
ikoniasorry, missed that you where not on the current release00:34
thor77http://img.thor77.org/22-12-14_01-36.png its the latest available at my hoster :(00:36
ikonia14.04 should have it00:37
ikoniaahh wait00:37
ikoniano it doesn't00:37
ikoniautopic is the first to get it00:37
thor77i have 14.04 installed00:38
ikoniayeah, and it doesn't have it00:38
thor77what can i do know?00:38
ikoniaso 14.10 is the first00:38
thor77the only option is begging my server-provider to provide 14.10 images?00:41
ikoniaif you want to use stable supported repos00:42
thor77can i download this package somewhere?00:43
thor77i think i only need this one00:43
thor77uhm, okey, i will start begging at my hoster to provide me a 14.10 image, thanks for your help ikonia :)00:51
tewardthor77: i could try and backport the package - it'd be in a ppa and i cant guarantee functionality but...01:17
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LucidGuyI have a linux server with an xfs filesystem thats access by both windows clients and linux nfs clients.  Does this mean that each file/directory contains both windows ACL and Linux ownership/permission information?05:43
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lordievaderGood morning.09:16
thor77yey, begging was successfull, i got an 14.10 image \o/09:54
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esdei've got 14.04 in read-only mode, logged in as a non-root user. im at a remote location currently. is there any hope for rebooting the machine or will i need to wait until i can physically reset the machine? (i can't switch user to root or use sudo)14:57
ikoniaesde: sudo reboot should still work15:12
ikoniait doesn't require any write access apart from the securiy log which it should just warn on15:12
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esdeikonia, ^16:19
ikoniawhat ?16:19
hariomHi, I am trying to create an upstart script on my remote server (on cli, no GUI). When I check the syntax using init-checkconfig I get this error: ERROR: failed to ask Upstart to check conf file16:23
LarsNkirkland`: I have an orange box, and I'm having a small problem I hoped you could help me with.  Two of the 10 nodes aren't responding to the out of band tools.  one of them (node 7) powers on on AC restore, and since it doesn't respond out of band I can't power it off.17:28
LarsNnode 4 doesn't appear to be powering on (but  also isn't responding to the Out of band bits)17:29
LarsNbased on LEDs on the front of the chassis.17:29
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MagicMystichas NTP been updated for 14.04?17:57
MagicMysticjust saw the post about it...17:57
PiciMagicMystic: I just ran an update a few hours ago and got it.18:07
MagicMysticPici: let the upgrade process begin! Just updated on 2 of 4 machines :-(18:09
LarsNIs that NTP update "security" related?18:13
LarsNis there a bulletin someone can point me at please?18:14
patdk-lapdo people not bother to read?18:14
LarsNpatdk-lap: I'd be happy to read.  I however don't read every page on the internet.18:15
LarsNI guess I'll add http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ to the list of daily pages18:16
MagicMystici don't read that's what #ubuntu-server i sfor :-P18:18
LarsNfor the most part, I pay the junior guys to read for me. ;)18:20
LarsNlooks like my nodes will all update between 23:00 and 01:00 tonight.18:21
LarsNand firewall rules should prevent any badness between then and now.18:21
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MagicMysticso many of the issues seem theoretical...the chances of my little machines getting hit seem small18:25
MagicMysticseem like someone attempting the attack would go after bigger fish18:25
MagicMysticnonetheless, upgrading is a good idea18:26
patdk-lapwell, ubuntu sends out email alerts for all security updates18:26
patdk-lapand it's posted18:26
patdk-lapand well, kindof all over the place18:26
MagicMysticpatdk-lap: yeah...saw it first posted on ars a couple days ago or was it yesterday18:27
LarsNI first saw it posted by MagicMystic about 30 minutes ago, above.18:27
LarsNars technica.18:27
patdk-lapdunno, been posted all over the place, first saw it on the ntp mailing list18:27
LarsNI can't join any more lists. they all get the same level of attention, which is filtered to another folder that hasn't been looked at in months.18:28
patdk-lapsame here, but attempts to read daily :)18:28
LarsNthat's what the Junior guys are for ;)18:28
patdk-lapthough, the unread count going up fast, is normally a given it needs to be read18:28
patdk-lapor a flamewar18:28
thor77i forgot to check the "install openssh server"-option on installation of my ubuntu-server, how can i reproduce it after installation?19:24
bekksthor77: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"19:26
thor77it doesn't do anythin else?19:27
thor77i think it could be it would configure smth19:28
bekksThats done by installing it.19:29
imanHi, is that possible to close root user in ubuntu server, because every day i see a lot of logs hackers are trying to my server with root user and different password19:48
LarsNiman: by default the root user doesn't have a password, and can't be accessed.19:48
LarsNiman: you can further improve security by disabling password auth in ssh.  (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and installing/configuring something like fail2ban or denyhosts19:49
LarsNdisabling password auth would require you to use ssh keys to log in remotely19:49
imanLarsN: I have another username as root and i dont use root at all, can i do "sudo passwd -l root" ?19:51
LarsNiman: unless I'm mistaken, that's the default state of the root users's password.19:52
bekksiman: By default, you dont need to do that, because that would make using sudo impossible.19:52
bekksLarsN: You are mistaken :) The root account is not locked, but it has no password "only". :)19:52
LarsNbekks: rgr, yeah I opened man passwd, AFTER i typed that19:53
LarsNyou verified, before I got back here.19:53
dasjoebekks: locking the root account doesn't make sudo impossible by default, only if sudo always asks for the root user's password19:54
LarsNthe default state for user root however, is a "passwd -d"19:54
bekksdasjoe: Locking the root user would mean that you cant get a root environment anymore, wouldnt it?19:54
bekksdasjoe: So that effectively makes using sudo impossible.19:55
LarsNbekks: the passwd -l just locks the password, not the account.19:55
LarsNat least as I read the man page.19:55
dasjoebekks: afaik "locking" only means setting the /etc/passwd password field to x, which disables the password but not the account19:55
dasjoeYou can still log in via key files19:55
dasjoeOr by using sudo when configured to ask for the sudoing user's password19:55
bekksI have to test that out, for my own curiousity :)19:56
LarsNiman: for your underlying problem of brute force attempts against ssh.  the two things I'd suggest are.  1: set password login to false in sshd_config19:56
LarsNand 2: turn on either fail2ban or denyhosts19:56
dasjoebekks: I'm pretty sure, as somebody locked my account on a box but forgot to remove my authorized_keys file19:56
LarsNthis will help secure ALL the user's accounts against brute force.19:56
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davidbowlbyhello all23:21
davidbowlbyI have a 14.04.1 LTS server that has a drive going bad and apparently I set it up to use LVM.  I'm trying to migrate the data (fully bootable move would be nice) to a smaller drive.  I've confirmed I'm nowhere near the space limit of the new drive, but since it's LVM, I'm afraid of missing something.  I have already created partitions, but am kinda clueless on what to do next.23:23
davidbowlbyif they were the same size I would just DD it23:23
dasjoedavidbowlby: mount the old and new partitions, then rsync the data over?23:46
moonlightanyone used kernel 3.18.1 on ubuntu server 14.04.1 lts?23:57
moonlighti tried it but when i noticed, kern.log and syslog files grow in size23:59

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