
Bleakwisegrr can't wait until my wife lets me get a WD Black this christmass00:01
Bleakwisetired of this recyled 4600 rpm drive00:01
oussi ve been trying to install Adobe Flash Player, i unpacked it copyed to the personnal file tried the sudo make install, but does nt seem to be working. the only error msg i get is that no file of this type00:02
bekks!flash | ouss00:02
ubottuouss: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:02
oussthank you lots00:03
BTJusticeouss: Did you try installing Ubuntu Restricted Extras in the Software Center?00:04
oussI tried, i receive a msg : no file found00:06
BTJusticeouss: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' in terminal.00:07
brainacidHye yall00:14
brainacidIm having this really crazy problem while using midnight commander Internal edit. I cant use the 'n' key... it starts pgdn00:15
brainacidor deletes crazy00:15
brainacidim so frustrated00:15
Chuck_Norrisbrainacid: sudo apt-get install ranger00:16
xamxamHi, I have a folder of fonts and i want to install them all at once, what should i do?00:17
brainacidChuck_Norris, ?00:17
Chuck_Norrisbrainacid: aptitude show ranger00:17
CRYy0OKmKpJgcxamxam: cp /fonts/folder/* /usr/share/fonts/00:18
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xamxamSo, i should just copy paste entire folder into /usr/share/fonts directory?00:19
brainacidChuck_Norris, this is a nice manager but .... oh well I guess I will use another editor i suppose...00:20
brainacidthanks Chuck_Norris00:20
Chuck_Norrisbrainacid: np:  Description: File manager with an ncurses frontend written in Python Ranger is a free console file manager that gives you greater flexibility and a good overview of your files without having to leave your *nix console. It visualizes the directory tree in two dimensions: the directory hierarchy on one, lists of files on the other, with a preview to the right so you know where you'll be going.00:21
Chuck_NorrisThe default keys are similar to those of Vim, Emacs and Midnight Commander, though Ranger is easily controllable with just the arrow keys or the mouse.00:21
Chuck_NorrisThe program is written in Python and uses curses for the text-based user interface.00:21
Chuck_NorrisHomepage: http://ranger.nongnu.org/00:21
Chuck_Norrisoh! sry00:21
xamxamCRYy0OKmKpJgc: should i type that command in terminal?00:22
brainacidChuck_Norris, its all good I like it but I spent a good time learning mc, but i can learn a new one now00:22
brainacidpython very nice00:22
CRYy0OKmKpJgcxamxam: yes, it is a terminal command00:23
EriC^^brainacid: scite is a cool editor00:24
Chuck_Norrisit got good features like, for example if you do select a video then press <enter> it will call a video players for reprocude that video, in my case "rangers" calls "mplayer"00:24
brainacidhey EriC^^ yeah I checked it out a while back00:24
EriC^^brainacid: i've not tried it that much though but it has syntax highlighting and it installs with little dependencies, it's perfect for a minimal install or something00:24
xamxamCRYy0OKmKpJgc: permission denied, i dont think it executed successfully.00:25
CRYy0OKmKpJgcxamxam: run it as root or put 'sudo' in front of it00:26
brainacidEriC^^, yeah thats what I try to have now, minimal... although I have 1/3 of a TB00:26
kopI need to run <pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover> just after boot but "conventional" means arn't working . Options please ?00:26
xamxamok, it completed successfully, now if i want to use any of these fonts, would those be readily available or will i have to type something which will do this?00:27
umarmuktharWhere to learn all techniques of becoming a pro in Linux00:28
CRYy0OKmKpJgcread a lot of books. If you really want to push yourself, build your own linux00:29
umarmuktharDownloaded some books. But choosing the right one is a difficult task. !00:30
xamxamCRYy0OKmKpJgc: should i restart before i use these fonts?00:30
pixelkatok so im trying to get minecraft working00:30
pixelkatany suggestions?00:30
CRYy0OKmKpJgcNo one book will make you a pro00:30
slyrusI'm trying and failing to get proper ownership/permissions when mounting an ext4 volume on a USB drive by UUID00:30
umarmuktharFor Nw i'm reading LInux for dummies..00:30
CRYy0OKmKpJgcxamxam: you can restart if you want, but you should only need to restart the particular application are trying to use.00:30
slyrusumask, gid, etc... appear to be "unrecognized mount point options"00:31
xamxamumarmukthar: you should try arch.00:31
ikoniapixelkat: yo've had suggestions 10 times now00:32
EriC^^slyrus: what are you trying to achieve?00:32
ikoniapixelkat: 1.) install a stable version 2.) use the jvm supplied by the distro00:32
TomyLobohow trustworthy is https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-i386-vagrant-disk1.box?00:32
slyrusEriC^^: I'm trying to have an external USB drive mount such that all users on the system can access it00:32
TomyLobois it an official image or just hosted for a third party by the ubuntu project?00:32
slyrusI can plug it in and have it automount to /media/<user>/... but I'm trying to make an fstab entry such that it will automount on startup under, e.g., /mnt/stor100:33
pixelkatikonia i really want to keep using 15.04 though00:34
ikoniapixelkat: then learn how to use it, learn to use the correct channel (as you've been asked multiple times)00:34
pixelkati thought this was the correct channel00:35
ikoniathis is #ubuntu00:35
pixelkatwhoops wrong channel00:35
Crazy_Atheistslyrus: /cs info #ubuntu+100:36
Crazy_Atheistforgot i had stuff in my input00:36
EriC^^slyrus: not sure if you add users as an option if they can all read anything00:37
EriC^^slyrus: try the option "users"00:37
EriC^^they can all mount and unmount it, not sure about reading files they dont have permissions to though00:37
slyrusI don't want them to mount it, I want it to be mounted at startup00:38
xamxamWhy these persian fonts dont work on ubuntu? i have tried all means but these fonts just appear disconnected on facebook and other websites00:38
slyrusoh, nvm... it was the permission of the mounted dir...00:38
CRYy0OKmKpJgcxamxam: web sites are typically coded to use a specific font.00:39
xamxamthey work fine on windows.00:39
xamxamCRYy0OKmKpJgc: I have no problems when i browse on windows. this problem is related to ubuntu i think.00:40
xamxami have tried installing all windows fonts, but i think some of the messed up fonts are still there which is causing this issue. i have read somewhere that they just dont get rendered successfully in ubuntu.00:41
gioansi am new ubuntu00:42
xamxamalso chrome is not using those fonts, why is that?00:45
HerroWorldswhat kinda ide would popcorn-time use to dev their working guis that look near identical on mac, windows and linux?00:46
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Bashing-omgioans: Welcome, you have a support question ?00:48
HerroWorlds^^^^ i dooooooo00:48
gioansyes i am00:49
gioansi use ubuntu studio00:49
gioansi want everybody help me00:49
HerroWorldswas ur questioion00:50
gioanswhat are Academic Support Tools for my version ?00:51
HerroWorldsthere is my answer to it00:53
squintyHerroWorlds:  not acceptable  please leave00:54
squintygioans:  there is a #ubuntu-studio channel here on freenode00:55
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UpTil4MusicBTJustice: Fingers crossed, here goes nothing...01:03
pixelkatis it safe to upgrade to 14.10?01:09
pixelkator should i just go to 14.0401:09
somsippixelkat: from what version?01:10
daftykinsyou said you were running 15.04 a minute ago01:10
daftykinspixelkat: which is it?01:10
somsippixelkat: if you're happy not being on LTS, then maybe you'll be okay with 14.10. If not, 14.04 is the better supported of the two01:11
pixelkati had a 13.10 dvd lying around01:11
pixelkatso i installed that01:11
pixelkatgetting the upgrades now01:11
pixelkatinternet speed is fixed01:11
pixelkatill probably be able to run minecraft now01:11
pixelkatis it safe to go to 14.04?01:11
basichashshould i be able to access root_path from my controllers?01:12
pixelkati dont want anything breaking01:12
pixelkatall i need to do is record video and play minecraft01:12
somsippixelkat: 14.04 is safe. Upgrades cannot alway be guaranteed. If you've just installed 13.10 from scratch, maybe best if you format and reinstall01:12
pixelkatoh and record audio01:12
pixelkatformat and reinstall 14.04?01:12
pixelkatcan i just dist-upgrade?01:13
somsippixelkat: yes, and yes.01:13
pixelkati love the smell of sriracha01:13
pixelkatok ill ust dist-upgrade if it only takes me to 14.0401:13
EriC^^pixelkat: you need to do-release-upgrade not dist-upgrade01:13
pixelkatsince ubuntuone is no more01:13
pixelkatsudo apt-get install release-upgrade?01:14
EriC^^pixelkat: sudo do-release-upgrade01:14
daftykinspixelkat: that was really daft, you should've burnt a DVD/written a flash drive of a supported release.01:15
pixelkatoh herro01:17
stalewondering if you can point me to the right person01:17
somsip!ask | stale01:17
ubottustale: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:18
daftykinsyou have to ask a question first.01:18
EriC^^stale: ubottu is our tribe leader01:18
stalehow can i install a graphics card right if my cpu is an apu?01:18
stalethats my Q01:18
EriC^^your cpu is an apu?01:19
stalebasically already has a graphics chip in it. i think its crap and i wanna see if a graphics card from an older system is any better01:19
EriC^^just plug it in i guess01:20
stalewho has experience w amd apu's and discrete gpus?01:21
compdocyou mean running both in a system?01:22
daftykinsstale: plug a card in. done.01:22
stalehaving both. disabling the integrated graphics and using the disrete01:23
daftykinsit's auto01:23
daftykinsjust do it.01:23
daftykinsread your motherboard manual for more01:23
daftykinsstale: this question would be better off in ##hardware01:23
staleafter i restarted my system after installing drivers n whatnot, ununtu wanted to start in low graphics mode01:23
staleso i let it. it didnt get anywhere01:23
stalethanks dafty. ill head there01:24
EriC^^stale: lspci01:24
EriC^^type that and see if it mentions it01:24
iseneUsed privoxy for a while as adblocker. Removed it (apt-get remove --purge privoxy) but there seems to be some underlying setting that is not removed. Firefox is set to use "system proxy settings" and won't dispay any pages unless I teel it to use "no proxy". w3m won't display any pages at all. How do I remove this "system proxy settings" that seems to remain after privoxy?01:24
daftykinswhat's wrong with setting 'no proxy' ?01:25
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iseneIn firefox; No problem - but for other browsers that insist on using "system proxy settings", it cripples the browsers  like w3m and luakit. So, I want to fix this underlying issue01:26
pixelkatminecraft woot01:28
pixelkatcant wait to get it up and running01:28
iseneWhere are these systemwide proxy settings hidden?01:28
pixelkathas anyone used that installer from webupd8?01:28
pixelkati cant get it working. no where to download the file01:28
pixelkatlet me show you what im talking about maybe someone can help01:29
EriC^^pixelkat: they are hidden in settings > network01:29
ausjkecould not find uuid_clear, I did have util-linux on ubuntu 12.04 which is supposedly having uuid_clear?01:29
EriC^^sorry, isene ^^01:30
upsell5hi, i’m reading this tutorial and it say to save a file in my ~/bin01:30
upsell5but I don’t have a01:30
stale##hardware wont let me talk in there01:30
EriC^^upsell5: mkdir ~/bin01:30
NidhoggrHi, anyone interested in doing a translation from Vietnamese to English for me? Tried using google.translate, but that just got weird01:31
upsell5EriC^^: is that a convention that whatever is in ~/bin will be in my path?01:31
iseneEriC^^: I don't use unity or gnome, where do I get hold of these settings from the terminal?01:31
EriC^^upsell5: yup01:31
upsell5EriC^^: so I don’t have to set any permissions on it?01:31
upsell5what is this convention   ./some-file arg101:31
upsell5the dot01:31
upsell5it runs a sh file?01:31
EriC^^upsell5: the dir? nope .profile will handle adding it to the path01:32
EriC^^upsell5: that's to say look in the current directory for ....01:32
k1mmyyy_hi guys, i reset my MBR using boot-repair, so now the grub menu with my different OS choices doesn't appear at boot, how can i get it to again? if i look in gparted only my windows partition has the boot flag, do i just need to set my ubuntu boot partition to have the boot flag or do somethnig more?01:32
daftykinsEriC^^: i took the Windows portion with k1mmyyy_ to PM and booted media to chkdsk the volumes, apparently it completed but it's still bust - so i gave up, i believe k1mmyyy_ wants to restore GRUB to still be able to boot Ubuntu now :)01:32
upsell5EriC^^: i see it online in tutorials, to run an .sh file01:33
EriC^^daftykins: oh ok :)01:33
k1mmyyy_haha thanks daftykins01:33
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: should be pretty simple right?01:33
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: yeah01:33
k1mmyyy_i'm in the liveUSB now01:33
iseneEriC^^: I don't use unity or gnome, where do I get hold of these settings from the terminal?01:33
EriC^^ok sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit01:33
iseneSeems installing privoxy has damaged my basic network settings somehow, somewhere01:35
EriC^^isene: not sure if you have this, try gsettings list-recursively | grep proxy01:35
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: paste.ubuntu.com/959276501:36
iseneEriC^^: I do - many lines... what do I look for?01:36
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt01:37
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: yeah ok?01:37
EriC^^isene: ill try to modify mine and see which one changes01:37
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot01:38
iseneEriC^^: wow, great Thanks.01:38
EriC^^isene: org.gnome.system.proxy.http host 'bla'01:38
EriC^^those ones change01:39
iseneEriC^^: Mine says org.gnome.system.proxy.http host ''01:39
EriC^^isene: you also have to set this org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'manual'01:39
EriC^^isene: gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode manual01:40
EriC^^isene: that's how you set it to manual, you can do the same for other ones to set the host and other stuff01:40
iseneEriC^^: Mine: org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'none'01:40
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: what next?01:41
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: for i in /dev /dev/pts /sys /proc /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done01:41
pixelkatok so i clicked to make a program executable but it still opens with gedit01:42
pixelkatwhat do?01:42
EriC^^pixelkat: it's not really recommended01:43
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: yep, what next?01:43
EriC^^pixelkat: you can install something that opens a terminal with the directory you're in as the pwd01:43
EriC^^pixelkat: like right click open terminal here01:43
iseneEriC^^: Ok, I set it to manual. Now as an interesting side note; I haven't used w3m since before I installed and unistalled privoxy. In the meantime, w3m has set "Use proxy" to 'yes' and "URL of http proxy host" to "" (the privoxy)01:43
EriC^^pixelkat: then ./script.sh01:44
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: sudo chroot /mnt01:44
iseneEriC^^: After the setting to 'manual'... reboot?01:44
EriC^^isene: no idea i've never used a proxy01:45
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: okay, next?01:45
iseneEriC^^: and you shouldn't ;-P01:45
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda01:45
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: installation finished, no error...anything else?01:46
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: yes, update-grub01:47
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: yay! anything else?01:47
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: was windows picked up?01:48
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: yep, it was01:48
daftykinsit needed a reinstall01:48
EriC^^ok, type exit01:48
k1mmyyy_"found windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1 and 2"01:48
k1mmyyy_daftykins: i haven't reinstalled it yet01:48
daftykinsyeah i know01:48
k1mmyyy_sweet, reboot now?01:48
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: yeah01:49
daftykinsdude i don't get how unable to follow convo you are XD01:49
k1mmyyy_EriC^^: i don't have to set any boot flags or anything?01:49
EriC^^k1mmyyy_: no grub is now in your mbr01:49
k1mmyyy_thank you so much01:49
EriC^^no problem01:49
TheBlackRussianI got myself in a messy situation. I formatted my hard drives containing Ubuntu. When i boot up my computer instead of booting to Windows Vista it goes straight to Grub rescue. In order to bypass this i must diable my hard drive however that means i can delete ubuntu01:50
BlueProtomanHelp!  I can't push to a remote git repo on Ubuntu 14.10!  I get this error: git-remote-https: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libhogweed.so.2: undefined symbol: __gmpn_cnd_add_n  I was referred to this Debian thread https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=753423 but I fear I may make things worse if I apply its advice.  What do I do?01:51
ubottuDebian bug 753423 in libhogweed2 "libhogweed: git push to remote not working because of a symbol lookup error." [Normal,Open]01:51
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: you lost me at however01:52
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: you have multiple hard drives?01:52
EriC^^ok the one with ubuntu was erased, and grub now shows?01:52
TheBlackRussianit says grub rescue01:53
TheBlackRussianwhen i turn my computer on01:53
EriC^^set the bios to boot the other one with windows01:53
TheBlackRussiani had to disable my hard drive in order to boot into windows vista because i couldnt bypass it01:54
EriC^^the mbr might still be in tact01:54
iseneEriC^^: The proxy issue runs deeper yet - newsbeuter has stopped loading rss feeds since I removed privoxy :-(01:54
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: ok, so what's the problem?01:54
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: ah, no need to disable it, you can set it later in the boot order01:54
TheBlackRussianwhat do you mean eric01:55
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: press delete or esc when the pc boots, you'll get a bios screen, go to boot options, and change the boot order to have the drive with windows come before the other drive01:55
TheBlackRussianwouldnt that boot ubuntu as well?01:56
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: you might not get a bios screen with esc, if you get a menu try to see if theres bios setup or something and press that01:56
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: no, it will boot what it finds first and won't continue01:56
TheBlackRussianand from there on i can remove ubuntu without causing any problems?01:56
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: ubuntu is removed already, grub is still in the mbr01:57
BTJusticeI seem to have lost sound in Ubuntu.  I have no audio icon and Sound Settings is missing.  What can I do to fix it?01:57
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: if you formatted the partitions ubuntu is gone01:57
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: but you need to delete the partitions and create ntfs partitions instead to use them with windows01:57
TheBlackRussiando i need to run easybcd?01:58
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: no, you can do this with diskpart in windows01:58
EriC^^not sure if disk management in the control panel can do it too, it might01:58
TheBlackRussiani already created a new hard drive however grub is still in it01:58
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: yes it's in the mbr ( the first 512 bytes )01:59
EriC^^it's what the bios looks at that's all, it wont affect anything else01:59
TheBlackRussiancan i delete that mbr01:59
basichashIf i have an articles model and a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship between the two models, how do I add a category to an article in a form?01:59
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: lol, ok01:59
basichashi.e. what name would the checkbox have?02:00
TheBlackRussianyou know what, i just try what you said. If nothing works i will return02:00
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: boot a live usb and type dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=102:00
EriC^^TheBlackRussian: ok, good, nevermind the dd command02:00
TheBlackRussianbe right back02:01
BTJusticeI seem to have lost sound in Ubuntu.  I have no audio icon and Sound Settings is missing.  What can I do to fix it?02:02
OerHeksBTJustice, start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting02:03
BTJusticeOerHeks:  I am going through that now.  My sound card is present.02:05
jdfskitzHello, is there anybody online here that may be able to assist me02:06
somsip!ask  | jdfskitz02:06
ubottujdfskitz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:06
djkalypsoim new to using byobu and for some reason vertical split doesn't work for me when i press ctrl f2 but horizontal split works fine when i press shift f2 can anyone help?02:08
jdfskitzI installed Xubuntu on my Lenovo Ideapad y500 and the only way I can get into the OS, the one I have set up is to A.) set my boot option to my Atheros Network, which doesn't bother me.. but gets me to the grub, B.) When I get to the grub menu I have to go through advanced options and choose the Repair option(I don't remember what it's called) and then choose Resume in order to make it to the OS | If I choose to boot the OS normally without02:09
jdfskitzdoing these steps I get a blank screen as well as if I don't go through the repair option in the advanced options menu.02:09
djkalypsowhen i press ctrl f2 in byobu it splits the screen vertically but it blank and can't switch to it or type anything into it.02:10
somsip!nomodeset | jdfskitz02:11
ubottujdfskitz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:11
jdfskitzso in other words, it's not the grub's fault?02:12
somsipjdfskitz: in other words, there is a very common fix which works often and is worth trying before you spend time looking for other sources for the problem02:13
jdfskitzThank you, I will give it a shot02:17
djkalypsono one uses byobu terminal?02:18
BTJusticeDamn.  The Ubuntu Sound Troubleshooting page yielded no results.02:18
redbanchrome keeps asking me to sign in with my account time after time02:19
jdfskitzjust wanted to say that it worked miracles and I'm in, I just need to get my video drivers again, Thank you :)02:19
somsipjdfskitz: np02:19
redbani get this error: https://imgur.com/BJ1fYZq02:20
daftykinsredban: yep so check profile permissions or create a new profile02:20
daftykinsthat error even tells you!02:20
jdfskitzmaybe they need to know how :)02:21
redbanI sign up with my correct email and password, but still get it02:21
daftykinsyeah but the question would be phrase as such if so.02:21
daftykinsjdfskitz: i've been here quite a few years, i get how it works :P02:21
daftykinsredban: entering an account has nothing to do with your *chrome profile* being writable or not.02:22
jdfskitzwell again! Thank you, made my life so much easier. I'm off. Goodbye :)02:23
redbanI don't understand, googlr profile?02:23
daftykinsredban: browsers use profiles to manage user's data.02:23
daftykinsredban: http://askubuntu.com/questions/299089/profile-error-when-launching-google-chrome02:23
redbanthanks daftykins02:24
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BTJusticeI seem to have lost sound in Ubuntu.  I have no audio icon and Sound Settings is missing.  What can I do to fix it?02:27
daftykinsreboot and test the guest session02:27
bazhangcheck that nothing is muted in alsamixer, try pavucontrol/padevchooser BTJustice02:28
BTJusticealsamixer in terminal shows the card and volume sliders02:28
bazhangwhat is pcm set to02:28
bazhangdial it down to 8002:29
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BTJusticeStill no sound :(02:30
bazhangwhat about using pavucontrol02:31
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BTJusticebazhang:  It's not installed.02:32
daftykinsinstall it...02:33
bazhangBTJustice, install it, also check padevchooser02:35
kasadguys, how ubuntu behaves with that option I remember, to install it in windows, for people who want to try it out02:35
kasadI am doing favour to friend, he wants to outfit his old laptop (core 2 duo, 2 gig ram) for his mother02:35
bazhangkasad avoid wubi02:35
Darknetkasad just put the dvd in, and reboot. then use the demo.02:35
daftykinskasad: never use WUBI, it's the devil incarnate in software.02:35
kasadshe basically needs, skype/web surfing (fb and youtube specifically) and that's about it02:35
bazhangkasad either vm or dual boot, never wubi02:35
Darknetnever wubi02:35
kasadyeah, I don't like the idea of wubi either02:36
daftykinsflash with ubuntu will be a hassle if you provide that02:36
bazhangvbox it then kasad02:36
daftykinsmight want to put chrome on with pepperflash02:36
kasadbut I am not sure if she will like it02:36
kasadwhat's the easiset way to virtualize their current machine?02:36
BTJusticebazhang:  indicator-sound-gtk2 appears to be the culprit.02:36
kasaddo I have to run it from other machine or make a boot cd, or it will behave nicely even tho it's virtualizing system drive?02:37
bazhangkasad point vbox to the iso, load it and go02:37
kasadwait, now you lost me02:37
bazhangkasad install virtualbox02:38
kasadI am talking about virtualizing their existing winxp02:38
bazhangkasad then get the ubuntu iso02:38
daftykinsXP should not be used at all, let alone VM'd02:38
daftykinsit is a dead OS, let it die.02:38
bazhangkasad or whatever iso02:38
kasadyeah  but they have some stuff on it02:38
daftykinsso take the data off02:38
kasadand i'd hate to go trough everything02:38
kasadit's in total chaos02:38
daftykinsoh come on, XP has my documents... back that up :)02:38
bazhangkasad try in #vbox02:38
kasadso virtualizing would be great option, now I did manage to virtualize win7 once without problems02:39
BTJusticekasad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcw25WleOs402:39
kasadI can't remember the name of software I used, I think it was something like disk2vhd02:39
bazhangkasad yes that would do02:39
kasadthen I converted vhd02:39
kasadbut I can't remember the name of software for the life of me02:39
kasadanyhow, I'll figure it out02:40
kasadwhich flavour of ubuntu do you recommend02:40
kasadfor core 2 duo with 2 gig of ram02:40
kasadso no lubuntu or similar02:40
kasadidea is to run as fast as possible02:40
Darknet12.04 maybe02:40
Darknetpuppy linux is the smallest02:40
daftykinsno, 14.04.1 xubuntu02:40
kasadthat was the requirement from friend02:40
Darknetthis is gonna be fast02:40
BTJusticekasad:  Ubuntu MATE 14.04.1 LTS02:41
daftykins^ MATE is also a good idea02:41
daftykinsjust see what your user finds easiest to work with02:41
kasadI remember trying xubuntu and it looked really poor, (it was fast tho) but that was like 7 years ago, maybe 602:42
BTJusticeBut get 14.04.1 LTS not 14.1002:42
kasadwell my user will be my friends mother who has no clue02:42
kasadshe will literally have 3 icons on desktop02:42
daftykinsthen yeah you ought to try these things from a flash drive rather than commit to something ahead of time02:42
daftykinsor you should provide a supported windows version so that they're not out of their depth02:43
daftykinsforcing unknowning users to Linux is not always wise02:43
fedorafanBTJustice is it running fine now02:43
kasadskype, chromium shorctucts to youtube and facebook so she doesn't have to open chromium then type the address02:43
kasadthing is her son (my friend) is kinda in a bind02:43
daftykinsthat's what bookmarks are for.02:43
BTJusticefedorafan:  I Y'd the selection I linked to pastebin earlier.  It's isntalling.02:43
daftykinskasad: how's that?02:43
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kasadhe is great guy, and work(ed) as a cop, only guy in my country to complete FBI training02:43
kasadand he was invited by FBI02:43
daftykinskasad: ok but how does that possibly relate to running Linux...02:44
kasadnot selected by officials in my country, but trough american embassy02:44
BTJusticefedorafan:  I'd love to try Fedora sometime, but I wish they did LTS versions like Ubuntu does.02:44
fedorafanwhat is LTS02:44
kasadand now, since he was meant to be advanced from his position as chief of police station in the city of Kotor to basicaly 2nd guy in hwole police (and fight corruption)02:44
BTJusticeLong Term Support.02:44
wafflej0ck!lts | fedorafan02:44
ubottufedorafan: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)02:44
somsip!lts | fedorafan02:44
fedorafanahhh thanks02:44
BTJusticeCurrent 14.04.1 LTS of Ubuntu is until 2019.02:45
kasaddirty politicans attacket him and currently are trying to smear his name in media02:45
somsip!ot | kasad (enough now)02:45
ubottukasad (enough now): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:45
fedorafanwow thats cool02:45
kasadso whole setup is for his mother to be able to monitor what is going on02:45
daftykinskasad: sorry but this is completely irrelevant to this channel.02:45
kasadwith false accusation against him02:45
kasadwell it's not, I just said what is the purpose of build02:45
BTJusticeAlright the sudo install is done.  Going to reboot.  I got my fingers crossed audio works again.  BRB.02:46
somsipkasad: off topic - stick to the subject or the ops will get involved02:46
daftykinswe don't need their life history, kasad.02:46
fedorafanhope so too02:46
kasadI tend to get into details too much, I apologise02:46
xamxamI have figured out whats messing with my fonts, i have installed fonts but the permission it has is of root, which means i cant use them unless i am using an application as root02:46
xamxamhow can i use them normally? please help02:47
kasadanyhow,  core 2 duo, 2 gig ram laptop, for worried non-tech-savvy mother so she can monitor few news sites, fb support site and yt (and use skype)02:47
kasadverdict is  https://ubuntu-mate.org/02:47
daftykinsput a bunch of ISOs on a flash drive with YUMI on Windows, then you can try them all.02:47
xamxami need to change rights of those fonts02:47
SchrodingersScat!permissions | xamxam02:48
ubottuxamxam: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:48
kasaddaftykins: was yumi suggestion ment for me?02:48
daftykinsit allows a few different ISOs to be loaded up on the same flash drive02:48
kasaddaftykins: I am also kinda in a hurry, I am going on a trip tomorrow, well already today, I have bus in the evening, so I need to finish this in say next 8-9 hours, so no time to experiment, I need to give him laptop today before I am gone (i will be back in 3-4 days but he needs it now)02:49
BTJusticeThat kind of worked.  I still have no audio, but hte icon is back.  It is grayed out with an X to the right of it.02:49
kasadthat's why I came to ask, instead of testing distro by distro, and since I do use and love ubuntu (only I don't really use gui) thought you guys would give me best advice02:49
daftykinskasad: rushing a laptop reinstall doesn't seem wise.02:49
BTJusticekasad:  Ubuntu MATE is pretty damn good.  You'll like it.02:50
kasadagree, but I need to cook something for them, I can reinstall and try out different distros when I am back from hospital02:50
kasadubuntu mate it is02:50
kasadthanks guys02:50
xamxamis there graphical method to do this thing? these file rights changing process seems rather complex02:50
daftykinsxamxam: sure if you want to go one by one :P02:51
daftykinsactually no that'd be too tedious to set up02:51
daftykinsjust run the commands.02:51
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xamxamthere is this sudo nautilus method, but its showing some error: " Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing."02:54
OerHeksxamxam, never run a gui-program with sudo, use gksudo02:55
xamxamok. noted.02:56
xamxamwell that worked :) Thank you!02:59
OerHeksxamxam, have fun03:00
anonymousxAnyone running ubuntu on an ssd?03:04
anonymousxworth it?03:04
cfhowlettanonymousx, no polls please03:04
nmatrix9Though the display is fubar on my box03:04
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daftykinsSSDs are worth using everywhere, just know you'll never be able to go back after you've had a decent one03:04
nmatrix9Hell of lot lighter too03:05
anonymousxwhy do you guys run ubuntu? morality? free? customization?03:05
* OerHeks can't afford windows 1003:06
cfhowlettanonymousx, this is a great topic .... for #ubuntu-offtopic03:06
daftykinsit's great for my HTPC. i don't believe in desktop Linux.03:06
anonymousxcfhowlett: then what is this for?03:07
cfhowlett!ot | anonymousx03:07
ubottuanonymousx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:07
nmatrix9I just reinstalled ubuntu on a ssd, when I reboot half the monitor looks like scrambled static,  thats the best way I could describe it.  Anyone experience that before?03:08
daftykinsover HDMI?03:09
BTJusticeAnyone know how to reinstall sound settings?03:09
Bashing-omnmatrix9: If you boot "rcovery" from grub, is the display any better ? ( maybe it us a grahics driver issue ) .03:11
nmatrix9Bashing-om trying that now03:13
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t0ntinHi, all. My screen shuts off completely when I try to play a youtube video using Chrome. I just went to the chrome extensions page using firefox and it shut off again. Anybody know why this is happening?03:19
daftykinsdefine "shut off"03:20
t0ntinthe screen loses power03:21
cfhowlettt0ntin, get an external monitor and test the YT again.  I have difficulty believing a YT video triggers an actual shutdown ... but I could be wrong03:22
OerHeksvideocard heat issue?03:23
cfhowlettOerHeks, could be ... but INSTANT off??03:23
t0ntincfhowlett: I don't have one :( There is no shutdown. The computer still runs when it happens.03:23
daftykinscould be a bad driver03:24
daftykinst0ntin: do you hear the audio?03:24
cfhowlettt0ntin, do you have any non-internet videos to test with?03:24
t0ntindaftykins: yes, let's say i'm listening to an mp3 and I go to youtube. The screen shuts off and I still hear the mp3.03:25
t0ntinIt does not happen on youtube using firefox, but it has happened in other web sites.03:26
cfhowlettt0ntin, and ONLY on internet videos??03:26
t0ntinno, i think it has something to do with flash because I went into the chrome extensions page and it happened. I just went to the main tumblr page. I was scrolling down to see what tumblr was about and close to the end of their slide show, it happened.03:28
cfhowlettt0ntin, could very well be flash related.  adobe no longer supports linux flash so either use html5 or find a F/Loss replacement.  flash is on its way out.03:28
daftykinstry a clean browser profile03:29
t0ntincfhowlett: so how would I use html5?03:29
cfhowlettt0ntin, you can select html5 on YT videos ... see their site03:30
t0ntindaftykins, how do I do that?03:30
t0ntincfhowlett: oh cool, thanks.03:30
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cfhowlettt0ntin, happy2help03:31
daftykinst0ntin: pass.03:32
daftykinsgoogle will bring up chrome profile management i'm sure03:32
JacksterI have a MAAS server in a ESXi host. I am adding a node, in the power option what do I put? Ty03:42
daftykins#ubuntu-server might be best if you don't get an answer03:44
Jacksterfound #maas :)03:45
lagboxanything i can look into for why any time i change volume (media buttons or panel) my audio starts locking up and skipping for like 2 seconds ?04:05
lagboxjust started today04:06
=== Aaron__ is now known as Aaron
EiEiOhhcan anyone offer a link for a noob to install a driver?04:18
daftykinsdriver for what?04:18
AaronEiEiOhh, specify the question, Please.04:19
Bashing-omEiEiOhh: Is there an over-riding reason the drivers available in the repository are not suitable ?04:19
EiEiOhhCeton InfiniTV 6 ETH its a TV Tuner04:19
AaronEiEiOhh, look for the driver in google, and see if they support Linux04:20
EiEiOhhI ran make  make install  modprobe but I get  Can't read private key04:21
EiEiOhhI found linux drivers on the Ceton website04:22
Aaron!tell EiEiOhh about pastebin04:22
ubottuEiEiOhh, please see my private message04:22
AaronEiEiOhh, pastebin the error and the dmesg04:22
mreutmanHey, so I'm just getting my feet wet with networking by running my own private home server, I have a quick security question though that my google-fu hasn't solved yet..04:23
EiEiOhhsorry 'bout that04:23
mreutmanI generated a ssh key on my laptop, to securely  access my home server04:24
Aaronmreutman, just ask04:24
mreutmanbut what is to stop someone from generating their own key and then pushing it onto the server04:24
mreutmanoutside of the server's password?04:24
mreutmanseems vulnerable to brute force attacks04:24
daftykinsmreutman: are you saying you're disabling password auth and using key auth alone for SSH?04:24
Aaronmreutman, they won't crack it unless they know how to; and what are the odds that people are even interesting on your server?04:25
Aaronmreutman, then  test it your self;04:25
mreutmannot likely, just curious however04:25
daftykins*interested in your server04:25
mreutmanI'm firing up a vm now to test04:25
Aarontest ahead ;)04:25
mreutmanbut I thought I would ask and see if any of you gurus had some insight04:25
Aaronmreutman, try asking in #networking ;)04:26
Aaronmreutman, or google kali linux ;)04:26
daftykinsmreutman: just follow standard sensible practices, don't use SSH on the default port... use strong passwords or key auth, don't allow root access (shouldn't be possible anyway since it's ubuntu with no root password) etc.04:26
mreutmanahhh, thanks for the direction Aaron04:26
mreutmanI may poke my nose over there04:26
Aaronthat's for pen testers04:26
elcHi everyone04:27
Aaronhello elc04:27
leonici have problems whit flash  it work but crash every now and then04:28
leonicand it does not charges the vidoes tumbails04:29
Aaronleonic, open the firefox, in the terminal; and you'll see the Debug information when flash crashes and why it does04:29
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EiEiOhhcan I post a link to my form topic here? it has some details of what Ive tried04:30
AaronEiEiOhh, just pastebin the output of dmesg04:30
Aaronand that yes you may paste the link for the pastebin04:30
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gshmuI think some Chinese mirror should me moved!!!  Under 14.10, using softwallCenter many softwale can't be install04:31
leonicprocess:9327): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed04:32
leonic^C[Child 9365] WARNING: pipe error (3): Connection reset by peer: file /build/buildd/firefox-31.0+build1/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/ipc_channel_posix.cc, line 45004:32
leonic###!!! [Child][MessageChannel::SendAndWait] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv04:32
Aaron!tell leonic about flood04:32
ubottuleonic, please see my private message04:32
Aaronleonic, that might be a bug, so you have to pastebin the output from the terminal;04:34
EiEiOhhdoes dmsg keep a running log or does it clear itself out?04:34
mreutmancircular buffer04:34
AaronEiEiOhh, go to cd /var/log04:34
mreutmanit overwrites itself after it hits the max log04:34
Aaronthere are all the logs, from the System it self04:34
EiEiOhhyike.. Im not sure which of these I need to post04:38
mac_hy all04:40
kostkonmac_, hi04:40
mac_new 14.4 was sucsses!04:40
Aaronthanks mac_04:41
BlackhornetHi all, it's good to see Ubuntu still likes me. I have a fresh install and have been trying to install ubuntu restricted extras but I am getting this error - http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593562/04:41
daftykinsthanks for what?04:41
Aaronfor the success for, 14.4 ;)04:41
daftykinsBlackhornet: ubuntu-restricted-extras04:42
daftykinsit thinks you mean 3 different packages.04:42
mac_just a bit more tweaks.. and will be great os.. why does terminal window can't display (see through) is a mistery.. but this is not why i am here.. i am here because i installed Assault cube.. and.. no server list is updated.. impossible to play online?04:42
daftykinsi don't know if that's even the current way for things.04:42
Anoniem4lgreetings, i am trying to install a graphics driver (AMD) on a kubuntu. it can't find the kernel headers (specifically /usr/modules/3.13.0-43-generic/build/include/linux/version.h). I tried to find that file manually by executing: # locate version.h | grep 3.13.0; and i don't see anything related.04:43
Anoniem4lmoreover, I searched for the kernel headers in the repo and it says i got it installed04:44
AaronAnoniem4l, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:44
Blackhornetdaftykins: Ah, silly me - Sure does make sense now :D04:44
Aaronand you'll be fine,04:44
Anoniem4lAaron: done, 5 minutes ago.04:44
Anoniem4lIt's fully up-to-date, both dist-upgrade and upgrade wise.04:45
AaronAnoniem4l, try asking in #kubuntu04:45
EriC^^Anoniem4l: are you sure you have the right amd driver?04:45
Anoniem4lEriC^^: Yup.04:45
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde04:45
EriC^^Anoniem4l: i doubt04:45
Anoniem4lEriC^^: one moment, let me snapshot04:46
Blackhornetdaftykins: But there still is a problem here, this is the output of: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras (http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593577/)04:47
AaronBlackhornet, nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:47
daftykinsBlackhornet: no you have a DNS issue :)04:47
Anoniem4lEriC^^: http://i.imgur.com/N0UerEJ.png04:47
Aaronand put a # infront of rr http://zw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe04:47
kostkonBlackhornet, you could also open your updater, click on Settings and then select a different server04:48
Aarontry also; apt-get update --fix-missing04:49
daftykinsAaron: with my respect it may be better to start simple. those mirrors are fine here04:49
daftykinsBlackhornet: are you typing from the system you're running this on?04:49
Aarondaftykins, that's fine ;) boss no problem and thank you for the tip ;)04:49
mac_reading news.. hacker attacked again..04:50
Blackhornetdaftykins: I'll be back, I'm going to restart my connection.04:50
leonicit not failinn right now is there  a place or a commant i can use04:50
Aaronmac_, is like saying a Programmer with out a Bug, is impossible ;)04:50
daftykinsmac_: chat is ok in #ubuntu-offtopic but it's support only in here04:50
leonicto test flash _04:51
mac_lol.. hackers allways ataks.. why the news??04:51
kostkonleonic, youtube?04:51
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daftykinsmac_: take it to the other channel please.04:51
mac_sorry.. i am asking and waiting.. sorry..04:51
mac_didn't want to fall asleep04:52
daftykinsyou can keep the support here and chat the rubbish over there :)04:52
EriC^^Anoniem4l: that's kind of old, i think it's at 14 right now04:52
EriC^^Anoniem4l: try to download the latest one that supports your card04:52
Anoniem4lEriC^^: I saw a 16 in the repo as well04:52
Anoniem4lEriC^^: but, shouldn't there be a version.h kernel header?04:53
Anoniem4lfor my own version, so be it?04:53
EiEiOhhis there an alternative to pastebin? I am getting "denies access"04:54
AaronAnoniem4l, it should be you are just confused with the libraries linking04:54
Aaron!tell EiEiOhh about pastebin04:54
ubottuEiEiOhh, please see my private message04:54
Aaronread the message EiEiOhh04:54
EriC^^Anoniem4l: nah i dont think there is any build/linux/version.h in the newer kernel headers04:54
Anoniem4lEriC^^: so the version of the driver is outdated then? because it was the only one available04:55
Anoniem4l(for my GPU)04:55
AaronAnoniem4l, which release are you using?04:55
installingubuntuanybody know why the Encrypt ubuntu installation and the use LVM options might be grayed out in the installer?04:56
EriC^^Anoniem4l: sometimes you can patch it to work, there could be a better way or something else going on though04:56
installingubuntuI've got no clue, searched everywhere04:56
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daftykinsinstallingubuntu: install pastebinit and run "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" ?04:57
Aaroninstallingubuntu, when you in the installation you always read the tty terminals for any errors04:57
EiEiOhhI think this is the log that you need http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593637/04:57
installingubuntuhow do I get to them? dmesg?04:57
EriC^^installingubuntu: did you checksum the iso?04:57
AaronEiEiOhh, omg,04:58
Aaron7 commands for what?04:58
installingubuntuhere's the paste04:59
Aaronand also EiEiOhh who's this client that keep on connecting zamily84?04:59
Anoniem4lI asked in #kubuntu but it's inactive...04:59
AaronAnoniem4l, afraik you'll have to  be patient;05:00
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: which Windows is that?05:00
installingubuntuwindows 705:00
Aaron!next <reply> next $user05:00
EiEiOhhthats me maybe mysql?05:00
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: that 1572MB partition isn't normal at all, you've not really got space to squeeze in ubuntu05:00
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: or did you make that 21GB partition #3 for ubuntu?05:01
AaronEiEiOhh, negative,05:01
installingubuntuthere's 102gb unallocated...05:01
installingubuntuOr at least that's what it says in gparted.05:01
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: that's not what i'm reading :)05:02
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AaronEiEiOhh, that user might be a Hacker,05:02
installingubuntudaftykins: so that partition isn't showing up?05:02
Aaronor who ever is using your system05:02
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: didn't you check out the paste i had you make?05:03
daftykinsall 3 are NTFS05:03
EiEiOhhI think it might be a user I set up.. its defiantly mine05:03
installingubuntuyeah that's really weird05:03
EriC^^daftykins: the disk size is 240gb though05:03
installingubuntuit was previously a fedora install, removed the lvm partitions that were in an extended using lvremove05:04
EriC^^installingubuntu: the unallocated space is between sda2 and sda3 that could be why you can't use lvm05:04
EriC^^( i'm not sure just guessing here )05:04
daftykinsEriC^^: installingubuntu - ah, my bad it's my late night eyes again. i read partition 3 ending at 240 and didn't add them up05:04
Aaroninstallingubuntu, how do you get to tty terminals?05:05
installingubuntugparted screenshot: http://imgur.com/zabBdUT05:06
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installingubuntuwhat do you mean?05:06
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daftykinshah yeah that's messy05:06
installingubuntudaftykins: and I have no control over it...05:07
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: why not burn the discs or backup that recovery partition then kill it?05:07
installingubuntudaftykins: thought about it, never got around to it05:07
daftykinsnow's the time!05:08
installingubuntuhow would that relate to the installer's problems05:08
daftykinsbecause your disk wouldn't be a mess05:08
Aaroninstallingubuntu, install it with virtualbox and report it to the team,05:08
installingubuntuAaron: you said something about tty terminals? would they have a log?05:09
installingubuntuAaron: how would I see them?05:09
Aaroninstallingubuntu, yeah try pressing f1 to f705:09
Aaronand see if there are any errors;05:09
installingubuntuAaron: when should they be pressed?05:10
Aaroninstallingubuntu, ctrl + alt + f105:10
gshmuctrl + alt + f705:11
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Aaronthe tty 7 is for X05:11
Aaronreserve for the X05:11
EiEiOhhI think the COMMANDS are me installing what I thought I needed to install the drivres05:11
AaronEiEiOhh, double check;05:11
Aaronif that's really you;05:11
karstensragehow do you get a newer version of apache to fit the way apt-get installs apache httpd05:12
Aaronkarstensrage, you'll have to make apt-get dist-upgrade afraid;05:12
daftykinskarstensrage: you want a newer version than is available in the repos?05:13
Aaronsince if you install apache, new version might need lots of dependencies and that will brake your system05:13
karstensrageyeah i05:13
daftykinsmy bike has brakes.05:13
EriC^^Aaron: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade the release.05:14
AaronEriC^^, it will update the currently packages install on the system ;)05:14
daftykinsAaron: you've been giving some pretty questionable 'advice' since you joined.05:14
installingubuntuokay, went there, stupidly pressed startx instead of ctrl-alt-f7 and can't see the messages05:14
Aarondaftykins, /whois Aaron05:14
daftykinsAaron: irrelevant.05:15
Aaronindeed ;)05:15
installingubuntuany way to get those same messages back?05:15
EriC^^Aaron: i thought you meant that cause that's what makes sense going by what you adviced05:15
EiEiOhhyes.. that's me. The manufacturers site said I needed build essential, GCC, PERL, kernal headers kernel pachage05:15
AaronEriC^^, making senses is researching your error before asking ;)05:16
installingubuntuAaron: what should I be looking for in the tty?05:16
karstensrageso nothing i can do05:17
Aaroninstallingubuntu, what happen to your installation?05:17
Aarondid something when wrong?05:17
EriC^^Aaron: you leave me speechless, make sense of that as you wish ;)05:17
installingubuntuAaron: what installation?05:18
Aaroninstallingubuntu, are you booting from the installation right now?05:18
installingubuntuAaron: liveusb05:18
Aaronthen recover the partition05:19
Aaronif you want to get back to fedora,05:19
Aaronor ask in #fedora05:19
installingubuntuAaron: I nuked the fedora partition.05:19
daftykinskarstensrage: what version are you on?05:19
installingubuntuAaron: That's irrelevent too. Error happened before fedora05:20
karstensrage12.04.5 LTS05:20
installingubuntuAaron: screenshot of the installer http://imgur.com/9HVPDsz05:20
AaronOkay so far so good,05:20
karstensragewill updating to 14.04 mess up anything i currently have05:20
Aaroninstallingubuntu, what's your error, or concern?05:21
daftykinskarstensrage: you could mess with PPAs but you'd be better off running a newer version.05:21
karstensragedaftykins, ok05:21
Aaronand please be specific installingubuntu05:21
installingubuntuAaron: if you look at the screenshot:http://i.imgur.com/9HVPDsz.png you'll see that there are two options that are grayed out.05:22
AaronYeah the encrypt, and the LVM,05:22
installingubuntuAaron: I want to use them.05:22
Aaronfirst, you can either something else, and do it from scratch05:23
installingubuntuAaron: that's my problem. What could cause this? what log should I look at?05:23
Aaronhit dmesg in any tty05:23
Aaronand you'll see any errors05:23
installingubuntuokay, grep *ERROR* on the dmesg?05:24
Aaronif you wish,05:24
Aaronor try dmesg -E  Enable printing messages to the console.05:24
=== Daemoen_ is now known as Daemoen
Sparkwhat software interprets the volume up/down multimedia keys?05:26
Sparkis it some daemon running in X?05:26
Sparkthey don't appear to work from the console05:26
Sparkhowever I'm not running gnome to my knowledge05:27
Sparkjust running .Xsession05:27
AaronSpark, is because you'll need to configure the keyboard shortcuts05:27
=== SoCold is now known as Ramona
AaronSystem → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts. Find the "Volume up" and "Volume down" entries and click in the box to select the shortcut of your choosing.05:28
SparkAaron: none of that exists if i'm not running a window manager though05:28
AaronSpark, fresh install?05:28
Sparkor are you saying do that just to configure whatever daemon is doing it05:28
installingubuntuthese are the only two errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593764/05:28
Sparkit's a very customised machine05:29
AaronSpark,         xmodmap -pke > xmodmap.conf05:29
Aarontry that ;)05:29
Sparkthat's just hte mapping to keysyms05:29
Sparkis there some x client listening to them and modifying the alsa mixer05:29
Sparkactually not sure if pulseaudio fits into this somehow05:29
installingubuntuAaron: the only errors I get are irrelevant the the partioning. They are errors with the gpu05:29
Aaroninstallingubuntu, try deleting those partitions if you don't have nothing important,05:30
phunyguykeyboard shortcuts are controlled by a running settings daemon like gnome-settings-daemon, etc/05:30
installingubuntuwhich partitions?05:30
phunyguyvor volume that is05:30
AaronSpark, try adding sudo adduser username audio05:30
Aaronjust in case this might help05:30
phunyguyAaron: that command doesn't look correct05:30
phunyguynot at all.05:30
phunyguyAaron: if you are going to have users sudo things, you should probably get the commands right... or hush.05:31
Sparkphunyguy: gnome-settings-daemon isn't running though, nothing with gnome in the name is05:31
Sparkis it built into Xorg htese days?05:31
Aaronphunyguy, that's adding the $home$User to the audio group;05:31
Sparkthat would be weird05:31
installingubuntuthis isn't worth it05:31
installingubuntucould this be a bug?05:31
phunyguyAaron: except it's not.05:32
phunyguyoh, I was thinking of useradd.05:32
phunyguyold habits ;)05:32
phunyguycarry on,.05:32
phunyguybut with that said, the user should already be in that group by default.05:33
Aaronphunyguy, negative,05:33
phunyguyare we talking about ubuntu?05:33
EiEiOhhSo do you think I didnt need to install all of that stuff05:34
Aaronperhaps we are,05:34
Sparkbasically what i want to achieve is that the volume keys increase the volume by "more than 100%"05:34
Sparkwhich can be done via pacmd05:34
phunyguySpark: which version of ubuntu05:34
Sparkthis is precise05:34
phunyguywhich desktop, etc05:34
SparkX = notion via .Xsesion05:34
SparkX + notion rateher05:34
Sparkafter christmas i'll be on trusty05:34
phunyguydo volume keys work at all?05:34
Sparkyeah they work as intended05:35
Sparki'm trying to change their behaviour05:35
Sparki'm not sure exactly what htey're doing or how they're doing it05:35
Sparkthey probably are changing the alsa mixer levels directly05:35
Sparkthat's my guess05:35
Sparkbut pulse audio is also capable of doing that05:35
phunyguyhere is what I do on xfce... I set the volume up key shortcut to sh -c "pactl set-sink-mute 0 false ; pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 -5%"05:35
phunyguyand volume down to...sh -c "pactl set-sink-mute 0 false ; pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%"05:36
Sparkyeah i used to do that on a previous version05:36
Sparkexcept i used alsactl :)05:36
phunyguyI had them backwards05:36
phunyguybut you get the idea05:36
Sparkbut now there is already some software doing it05:36
phunyguyoh... well.05:36
Sparki need to either modify it or disable it05:36
phunyguyprobably pulse, no?05:36
Sparki don't think so because pulse volume control affects the master, speaker, and pcm levels05:37
Sparkwhereas the volume buttons just affect master05:37
Sparkbut it could still be pulse05:37
=== AXE is now known as axe
phunyguysee if you have a pulseaudio process running05:37
=== axe is now known as axe_chn
Sparkyeah i do05:37
phunyguythen it is pulse.05:37
phunyguytry those commands in a terminal over and over again to see if you get 100+%05:37
phunyguythe +5 one05:37
Sparki can use pactl to get them05:38
Sparkbut then if i hit the volume up key, it resets it05:38
phunyguythen map the keyboard shortcut to do it for you and profit.05:38
Sparkso i guess it can't be pulse, or if it is, it's interfering with itself05:38
phunyguyno pulse doesn't control keyboard shortcuts... something else is.... whatever your desktop is most likely.05:38
Sparki have no desktop05:39
Sparki'm running notion05:39
daftykinsinstallingubuntu: you could follow - http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/10/how-to-setup-encrypted-ubuntu-installation/05:39
Sparkactually i better check i didn't implement it and just forget...05:39
daftykinsactually that looks non-LVM05:39
Sparkheh i did implement it, but now it's commented out :)05:39
daftykinsi still think your recovery partition should be resolved.05:40
Sparki probably ocmmented out because of the other daemon watching those keys05:40
phunyguySpark: very interesting.  Either way, you have something mapping the volume up and down keys... does notion come with a default config?05:40
Sparkyeah i deleted it and wrote my own ;)05:40
Sparki grepped the whole lot, nothing binding those keys that isn't commented out05:40
phunyguydoes it contain keybinding stuff for XF86VOL stuff or whatever it is called05:41
Sparkoh but if i sigstop the wm the buttons stop working05:41
phunyguyXF86AUDIO is what it is05:41
Sparkah that sounds promising05:41
Blackhornetdaftykins: Is this problem still something to do with DNS - http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593814/05:41
BlackhornetI am guessing that something is not set right on this fresh install as my other machines around are working with out a problem with my connection?05:41
daftykinsBlackhornet: do you have the universe repos enabled?05:42
Sparkphunyguy: ah i found it, it is in fact some code that i wrote and forgot about05:42
Blackhornetdaftykins: Not sure, where would I check?05:42
Sparki'm doing amixer sset Master 5%+;;05:42
Sparkso i'll just change that to the pactl equivalents05:42
daftykinsBlackhornet: hang on i think the package just got renamed, are you on 14.04 did you say?05:43
phunyguySpark: good deal.05:43
Sparksome of this notion config i wrote in 2002 ;)05:43
Sparkback when it was called ion05:43
Blackhornetdaftykins: Yes, Ubuntu Gnome 14.04.105:44
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
daftykins!info ubuntu-restricted-extras trusty05:45
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 60 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB05:45
daftykinsthere we go, it's in multiverse05:45
daftykinsBlackhornet: wherever your program hides the software and sources program, find the multiverse repo and tick it to enable it, then update and install again05:45
phunyguyI need to go to bed.  Thanks everyone.  Aaron, again, I apologize, yes we are all non-paid helpers, even the ops... we all make mistakes from time to time.  Have a good night.05:46
Blackhornetdaftykins: In the software center?05:46
Aaronlike wise phunyguy05:46
daftykinsBlackhornet: pass.05:47
=== Metachristmas is now known as Chelsie
Blackhornetdaftykins: Well it has a multiverse tick box, but ts under the heading: Installable from CD-ROM/DVD?05:50
daftykinsBlackhornet: well you can uncomment the /etc/apt/sources.list multiverse section, for the alternative method05:51
Blackhornetdaftykins: I would not have the faintest idea of doing so.05:53
daftykinsopen a terminal, "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"05:54
daftykinsfind the links under the 'multiverse' section and remove the # in front05:54
lickalottanyone ever have issues with copying larger files (7gb >) across a network to an NFS share?  It works fine out of the gate then slows to like 3mb/s at around 1.7 - 2.0 gb or so (copied).  Then it will just hang an become unresponsive.05:57
Blackhornetdaftykins: This part? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593887/05:59
daftykinslickalott: anything wrong with source or destination disk?06:00
daftykinsBlackhornet: yep06:00
daftykinsalready has no hashes there, hopefully you already removed them 0o06:00
Blackhornetdaftykins: And you say I must remove the ## in that section at the beginning?06:00
BlackhornetI thought so, I did not see any or change them06:01
daftykinswell there should've been one per line before the 'deb' so if that's how it looks now, then it's fine as-is06:01
daftykinsin which case it's weird that it's not finding the above package as it exists06:01
daftykinsare you sure a "sudo apt-get update" works ok right now?06:01
BlackhornetOne moment06:01
Blackhornetdaftykins: Here's the output, it does not make sense? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593913/06:04
daftykinsBlackhornet: have you got the ubuntu disc in the drive still?06:04
daftykinsyou ought to disable the CD lines really06:05
lickalottdaftykins, negative sir06:05
daftykinshmm no experience with NFS i'm afraid :(06:05
Blackhornetdaftykins: I never installed with an ubuntu disk, I installed via USB. I will disable that in Software Center?06:06
daftykinsBlackhornet: it doesn't mean a literal CD :) yeah, knock it out and re-run06:08
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sebastianI'm new in ubuntu, how can I install java?06:11
Blackhornetdaftykins: I don't get it, now it works and that unticked box was that way in the first place? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9593932/06:12
BlackhornetAnd down its downloading and installing Ubuntu Restricted Extras?06:12
daftykinsBlackhornet: *shrug* :)06:16
Blackhornetdaftykins: Agreed! ;-)06:24
BlackhornetAnyway, thank you for your time and help, happy holidays..........06:24
daftykinsBlackhornet: and to you :) my pleasure06:25
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest18855
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
Smedleshi all - my system (Dell XPS13) running Ubuntu 14.10  on resuming from suspend seemingly randomly, doesn't produce a picture on the secondary monitor. The monitor does power up. Ctrl-Alt-F1 followed by Ctrl-Alt-F7 fixes the picture06:47
Smedlesany suggestions on what logs to capture to raise a meaningful ticket?06:47
daftykinsask Dell what they want :)06:47
daftykinsi'm not sure if Xorg.0.log will show anything other than initial launch06:48
Smedlesdaftykins: doesn't appear to show anything unusual...06:51
daftykinsSmedles: well my uncertainty was my point, i don't know if it'd continue to add anything there after a resume06:52
daftykinsit may only log initial-run of X06:52
daftykinsis it intel graphics only?06:53
Smedlesyeah, intel graphics06:53
Smedlesand monitor is connected vis displayport06:54
Smedlesit's not the end of the world, but it's annoying :)06:56
daftykinswell, ask Dell - see what they want06:56
daftykinsmaybe it's a DP quirk that'll get fixed in time06:57
DomgregHello folks. I am having trouble getting my scanner to work. Can anyone help? Please message me.07:06
bazhangDomgreg, with simplescan?07:07
bazhangtried simplescan yet?07:07
DomgregNo. I will though.07:08
Domgregsoftware centre doesnt seem to have it.07:09
daftykinswhat version?07:09
daftykins!info simple-scan07:10
ubottusimple-scan (source: simple-scan): Simple Scanning Utility. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 143 kB, installed size 684 kB07:10
=== luckybunny is now known as BloodbathnBeyond
DomgregThanks checking.07:11
DomgregOk. Both simple-scan and xsane say same thing. No scanner detected. I have an Epsom 4180 photo.07:14
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drakedouayhow to I open up remote desktops gui via the command line07:28
vnc786has anybody join ubuntu machine to samba domain ?07:28
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rzekaI am using nscd on ubuntu server. How can I allow users defined in mysql to use shell?07:51
=== ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN
PK2I can't install Python anywhere08:00
PK2Debian can't08:00
PK2Ubuntu can't...08:00
daftykinsyour mirror is dead, pick another one08:00
PK2Is there some problem with the Python pkgs. ?08:06
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it08:07
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/08:07
daftykinsPK2: i said change your mirror :)08:08
PK2I'm checking08:09
PK2There was the same problem in Debian08:09
PK2Now trying ch.archive.ubuntu.com08:09
=== Tabmow is now known as Guest39723
PK2what the....08:16
DarknetPK2 apt-get upsate ?08:18
Darknetupdate *08:19
DarknetPK2: -> apt-get update ?08:19
PK2I did it08:19
Ben64PK2: might be a problem with your internet08:21
=== rafael is now known as Guest97209
PK2It's no problem with my Internet08:25
PK2I can at least can 'ping' the server08:25
iptablePK2: wget http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python3.4/libpython3.4_3.4.2-1_i386.deb08:28
PK2I try this ?08:28
iptablechecking here08:29
bodasdpls how do I connect to cplusplus channel?08:30
iptablePK2: works here. This excludes a failure in the repos08:30
PK2It doesn't here..08:30
DJonesbodasd: I think its #c++ or could be ##c++08:30
iptablebodasd: try /join #c++08:30
iptableactually ##c++08:30
iptablePK2: are you using a proxy?08:30
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
PK2No proxys08:31
iptablePK2: wget --server-response http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python3.4/libpython3.4_3.4.2-1_i386.deb08:32
iptablePK2: get me the headers it will print08:32
PK2Am I blacklisted in the server?08:33
iptablePK2: also, give me the result of: wget www.google.co.uk08:33
solarshey, what's the easiest way to access a remote ubuntu desktop? I have ssh access.. had a vnc like tool but don't remember it's name08:33
iptablesolars: vnc08:34
ToshiBoyVNC or Teamviewer08:34
iptablesolars: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers08:34
solarscan I also access the running X?08:34
iptablesolars: you can using x11vnc08:34
solarsiptable, perfect, thanks08:35
PK2So, what to do?08:35
iptablePK2: why ask if you have been blacklisted. what have you been doing?08:35
iptablePK2: so looks like you cannot access the repos but can access other sites. Now the question is whether your ISP is running a transparent proxy blocking those08:36
PK2I just use my PC as normal08:36
PK2Well, I dk08:36
PK2I'm using ABSPLL08:36
iptablePK2: I would not know08:36
PK2Should I contact their support?08:36
cedvanI need solution for connect on VPN ipsec please ?08:37
iptablePK2: wget www.linuxtoolz.net/libpython3.4_3.4.2-1_i386.deb08:37
iptablecedvan: client solution?08:37
iptablecedvan: https://my.hostvpn.com/knowledgebase/11/L2TPorIPSec-Connection-from-Ubuntu-Desktop-1204.html08:38
iptablecedvan: also http://askubuntu.com/questions/295208/how-do-i-connect-to-a-vpn-with-ipsec08:38
iptablePK2: this is MY webserver and the file is there and downloadable.08:39
iptablePK2: and no, I did not blacklist you on my server. Looks like you cannot download DEB files for some weird reason. Either 1. you DO have a local proxy, or 2. you have a proxy on your router, or 3. your ISP has a proxy and is doing something naughty trying to force you onto windows08:40
cedvanhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/werner-jaeger/ppa-werner-vpn/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found08:40
iptablecedvan: try the other link08:40
PK21) I don't have local proxy08:40
cedvanWhen apt update08:40
PK22) I don't08:40
PK23) I dk if he's trying to08:40
iptablePK2: in that case, your ISP most likely...08:41
cedvanOh vpnc don't work, it demand a group name. I have only a key prepartage08:41
iptablePK2: contact their support, complain. get it escalated and good luck, sorry08:41
PK2Wait what08:41
PK2I can download it with my Win. 7 PC08:41
PK2Via Google Chrome08:42
iptablePK2: ? So it works on Win7 and doesn't work on Ubuntu? Is there some IP/IPv6/DNS differences between those?08:42
PK2IP diff. there is08:42
PK2The Ubuntu is
PK2and the Win. 7 is
PK2There's no DNS diffs.08:43
PK2And more weird, I can APT-GET INSTALL other pkgs.08:44
PK2It downloads correctly o.O08:44
iptablePK2: have you tried rebooting?08:44
iptableI find it odd that you cannot wget a file while others work...08:45
PK2OK I should try08:45
solarsis it possible to create a vpn server through the network manager wizard?08:45
iptablesolars: ipsec? no.08:45
solarsiptable, it can only be used as a client right? someone told me I can use it to set up a server as well08:46
iptablesolars: not for ipsec from what I remember08:46
solarsI just need a vpn that I can connect to remotely08:46
iptablewell, not the GUI at least.08:46
solarsto access servers at home08:46
iptablesolars: how abotu ssh tunneling instead?08:46
iptablesolars: more straight forward, save and works from more machines that are locked down.08:47
MasterOfDisastersolars: just NAT punching? what about IPv6?08:47
iptableas long as you can configure firefox socks5 proxy on your machine and run putty, you can tunnel via ssh08:47
solarsit's different applications that have a lot of different connections (webservices) so ssh tunneling is a mess08:47
solarsMasterOfDisaster, I don't know never tried08:47
iptablesolars: IPv6 is not THAT wide yet, so you will find a lot of ISPs without support08:48
solarsjust need an easy setup so i can access these hosts as if they were here08:48
iptablesolars: ssh tunnels though ... why a mess?08:48
iptablesolars: you create a dynamic SSH tunnel and tell you firefox to use that tunnel. It's like being on the remote site for web and other TCP services08:48
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
solarsiptable, because it's 10 different applications connecting to X different ports and I cannot always socksify the connection08:48
solarsits not for browsing08:48
MasterOfDisastersolars: www.sixxs.net offers ipv6 connectivity. fast enough for a ssh connection, and many routers support their aiccu client.08:49
iptablesolars: how about VNC over SSH tunnel?08:49
iptablesolars: alternatively, install and use OpenVPN which is the easiest and safest solution08:49
solarsI will use openvpn08:50
iptablesolars: https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#quick08:50
solarsiptable, thanks a lot08:50
iptableno probs08:50
MasterOfDisastersolars: https://www.debian-administration.org/article/539/Setting_up_a_Layer_3_tunneling_VPN_with_using_OpenSSH08:50
PK2After rebooting the same happens08:51
solarsMasterOfDisaster, thanks08:51
iptablePK2: so other packages download but not this one, and this package works from Win7?08:52
PK2Yes.. :(08:52
PK2Win. 7 can download that DEB pkg.08:52
PK2but Ubuntu can't08:52
PK2Both are on the same LAN08:52
iptableum, omething is not right. Check your router configuration. properly.08:52
solarsMasterOfDisaster, if it is used as an interface, does this tunnel all the connections?08:53
iptablelooks like some kind of filtering is in place, surely...08:53
PK2Well, I can see that the router hasn't blocked the DEB files08:53
PK2Or the other DEBs wouldn't download08:53
cedvanI don't understand VPNC, Where configure key pre shared ?08:53
PK2and I can too see that the router isn't blocking *python*.deb08:53
iptablePK2: there is a filter somewhere ot some proxy blocking based on something. Let's try something else... hold on.08:53
solarsiptable, MasterOfDisaster hm I forgot that I would like to connect to this network from phone/tablet (android) as well.. I assume openvpn is the best solution then?08:54
iptablesolars: yes. OpenVPN works well on android08:55
solarsiptable, alright08:55
iptablePK2:  wget -d --header="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.97 Safari/537.11" www.linuxtoolz.net/libpython3.4_3.4.2-1_i386.deb08:55
=== jack is now known as Guest62574
cedvanplease ? What is group in VPNC ? My admin in my office have no informations of group for vpn ipsec08:57
iptablePK2: yup, it's a transparent proxy filter on your router and/or ISP which blocks certain user-agents (browsers) for some files08:57
iptablePK2: that's is rude, naughty and should be made illegal. It's saying "you cannot download this debian package unless you are doing it from windows" ...08:58
PK2I'm sure Router isn't doing it08:58
iptablePK2: what we have done to prove it, is, we have modified the user-agent string on your wget command to pretend it's a windows chrome box.08:58
PK2At least, I only have access to Router and I haven't configured it to do so.08:58
PK2It must have been my ISP :(08:58
iptablePK2: so now that we know what the problem is, you have 2 options, and I suggest you execute them both.08:59
PK2what are 'em ?08:59
iptablePK2: 1. save the user-agent string form above which worked, then modify the apt-get user-agent in the config to pretend it is windows (workaround).08:59
PK2Where can I modify the apt-get user-agent ?08:59
iptablePK2: 2. contact your ISP, both support and complaints line and give them a right bollocking. Save the steps required for reproduction of the issue and email it to support and complaints too to prove it is them09:00
iptablePK2: for workaround: http://samhassell.com/apt-cant-see-sources-try-changing-the-user-agent/09:00
PK2I should do both09:00
iptablePK2: yes, do both.09:00
iptablePK2: see the link I just sent. you. follow it and just modify the user-agent tot he string that worked.09:01
iptableOk, that issue was more entertaining than I have originally anticipated. I was of a "user error" mindset when we started. I feel quite happy now :)09:01
PK2hmm :(09:02
PK2It made me unhappy09:02
iptablePK2: knowing what the issue is, is more than 50% of resolution. You should be happy. We have the root cause and the workaround.09:02
iptableunhappy = no route cause found, give up, no workaround and no solution09:02
iptableroot cause, not route... been configuring routers for the last 2 hours...09:03
PK2none@userver:~/tmp$ sudo cp /etc/apt/apt.conf ./09:03
PK2cp: cannot stat ‘/etc/apt/apt.conf’: No such file or directory09:03
PK2Another problem arises09:03
iptablePK2: nope, as per the manual, point 1. "Create and edit@09:03
iptablePK2: apt-get doesn't have a config file by default. it uses it's defaults for everything. you create a config and put overwrites in it.09:04
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
PK2Magically it works now09:06
PK2After following this guide :O09:06
PK2The firewall will think it's a Windows trying to download stuff09:07
iptablePK2: there we go :) But please, DO follow point 2 - complaint to ISP on all fronts09:07
iptablePK2: don't just use the workaround and let them get away with it09:07
PK2I'd contact the support today!09:07
PK2And will reck 'em up09:07
iptablePK2: don't call09:07
PK2don't call?09:07
iptablePK2: email them. so you have proof of all communication09:07
iptablePK2: email complaints, customer service and support. Each email separate with full non-tech blurb of issue and full tech explanation of replicaiton and tests performed09:08
iptablePK2: If they fail to resolve fast enough, you might (read your contract) have a right to ask for refund/discount or even complain to your Ofcom equivalent (gov communicaitons regulator) and get more.09:09
PK2I'd try...09:09
PK2Thanks for all suppor09:10
iptablePK2: in UK, it's normally 30 days for broadband and 7 days for mobile communications. But read through and give it a shot. No worries, use Ubuntu, get great (free!) support from community09:10
gdm85hi there! I am having issues with the 'tar' command. Although the man page says that --ignored-failed-read shall not return a non-zero exit code, it does. any ideas?09:10
iptablegdm85: you just want it to return a 0 exit code?09:11
gdm85iptable: only in case of "file changed as we read it"09:11
josejalguien me puede decir como configurar amule  tiene la ID baja y tengo todos los puertos abiertos09:11
PK2Which language is this?09:12
iptablegdm85: the switch you mention is for unreadable files, not for "files changed during read"09:12
iptablegdm85: also, it's ignore-failed-read, not ignored-failed-read09:12
iptable!es |josej09:13
ubottujosej: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:13
gdm85iptable: I mistyped, the command is specified correctly09:13
iptablegdm85 "don't exit with non-zero status on unreadable files" - that doesn't say "on file being written during read", but rather "on bad sectors and files locked form reading"09:14
josejjoin #ubuntu-es09:14
iptablejosej: /join #ubuntu-es09:15
iptablethe /09:15
iptablegdm85: what is the error message & code when tar reads files which are currently being written09:16
iptableoh. file changed as we read it. that one?09:16
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gdm85iptable: yep. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=P1sjbpT809:17
gdm85the second one I triggered it by moving around a file09:17
gdm85somebody advised me about this option, but I get it's not tailored for the file changed issue09:17
gdm85honestly I'd just switch to 7z if I could preserve all filesystem attributes, without tar in the middle09:18
iptablegdm85: try --warning=no-file-changed09:18
gdm85iptable: mh, that might work! thanks09:18
iptablegdm85: it will supress the warning about changed file, not sure, it might supress the error code too. haven't tested09:18
phre4kgdm85: tar.lzma is roughly the same as 7z, only the container is different.09:18
phre4k(joined 10:18 though, could've misunderstood the topic)09:19
gdm85phre4k: I am uncomfortable with tar's command line syntax (and I use CLIs all the day). I know there is an xckd about it, but really - I am ready to give it away any day :)09:19
iptablephre4k: to brief you in, question is: how to ignore tar's "file changed during read" message and make tar still return error code 0 on THAT message and only that message.09:19
gdm85phre4k: yes I usually go for xz09:19
phre4kgdm85: print a cheatsheet :D09:20
gdm85phre4k: it's the only command I fail at learning consistently :P09:20
iptablethat's what the man pages are for09:20
iptableand man page search option using /term09:20
gdm85iptable: I know, but I don't like CLIs with specific parameter order requirements09:21
gdm85phre4k: by the way, instead of --ignore-failed-read I will go for --warning=no-file-changed as iptable suggested. the former was never what I wanted to use09:21
phre4k"I never remember whether tar xzvf or tar xzvf" :D09:21
phre4kgdm85: yeah, I think that's a good solution09:22
iptablewithout the -, it 'desn't matter09:22
phre4k^ thatsthejoke.jpg09:22
iptablephre4k: gdm85 tar is trying to become sane nowadays. tar -zxvf for example is OLD and needs the correct order. tar zxvf and xzvf and vzxf will work as without - is the new way without syntax order. still, loads of syntax ordering for ignore dirs etc, but maybe one day...09:23
phre4kiptable: I know that ;) but yes, you're right. I think Linux CLI has come a great way in the past, I wish I could program reasonably well to help development.09:24
phre4kbut I'm rather in IRC and supporting newbs than debugging that semicolon 3000 LOC ago09:24
iptablehaha, yes09:24
iptableI like helping. We had a real good issue just before you joined. found that ISP was blocking certain files with deb extension (python*.deb) IF the user-agent is other than windows09:25
iptablephre4k: ^ makes me happy to find out and angry some ISP would even do that.09:25
iptablepaid by Micro$oft?09:25
iptableworkaround was changing user-agent in apt ;)09:26
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iptableright, cofee time.09:26
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gdm85iptable: or use SSL/TLS :P09:32
iptablegdm85: that will work if 1. your repo accepts ssl, 2. the ISP is not running a transparent SSL proxy which is possible nowadays09:33
iptablegdm85: all thanks to the SSL-SNI extension09:33
gdm85iptable: eh?09:34
iptablegdm85: ? the user had an ISP transparent proxy issue.09:34
gdm85iptable: so the client had installed custom CAs? that would make SSL not really mitm-proof09:35
iptablegdm85: no, the client did not have custom CAs09:36
gdm85iptable: your ISP cannot impersonate another website identity if you verify certificate chains and CAs09:37
iptablegdm85: besides, the repos did not serve https and the user would like a more permanent solution than hoping for SSL everywhere09:37
iptablegdm85: you ISP can do it if they enforce proxy use and push it's configs to you using 3rd party tools, the router that THEY own etc for example09:38
iptablegdm85: alternatively, a quiet redirect with passthrough using SNI would work, but you would notice that you get redirects to another URL. Like I said, lots of ways09:39
iptablegdm85: also, there is SSLsplit and SSLstrip. 2 more ways09:39
gdm85iptable: I am sorry but that's not how it works. if your client (wget, apt etc) verifies certificates you can't get a mitm on SSL09:39
gdm85we are talking here about apt or cli tools, no?09:39
gdm85it's != than browsers or mobile phones09:39
iptablegdm85: correct. read on sslsplit.09:40
gdm85iptable: you still need forged certificates. I am referring only to an (ideal) situation where you don't have a compromised set of CA certs, nor somebody can forge certs09:40
iptablegdm85: we are talking about an ISP who also happens to have a cert signing authority09:41
iptablebesides, as stated, user-agent rewrite seems like a more permanent workaround for all possible software sources09:41
gdm85iptable: has the customer such CA in its /etc/ssl/certs (or equivalent)?09:41
iptablebesides, as stated, user-agent rewrite seems like a more permanent workaround for all possible software sources09:42
gdm85I would prefer not allowing such ISP eyes pry09:42
iptablegdm85: ^ I'm not willing to entertain the issue any more forward with more information.09:42
gdm85it's not entertainment, I was reading misinformation. have a nice day! :)09:43
iptablegdm85: if an ISP blocks any part of my traffic, other than purely-illegal torrent sites (and that only by blacklisting IP access, not DNS/HTTP redirect voodoo), they are not worth my time.09:43
gdm85yeah I'd agree09:43
iptableI agree (while not happily) that blocking illegal movie downloads is OK, it is law.09:43
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Guest48279bjr tt le monde09:44
iptablebut python*.deb based on user-agent being other than windows? :D09:44
FuchsGuest48279: English works better in here, and not abbreviated French probably in the French channels *nods*09:44
theadminiptable: An ISP blocking a client simply because it's not Windows doesn't make any sense, to be honest.09:45
gdm85iptable: ^ see my previous question. if answer is no then ISP can't do nothing to mitm. and I am not a big fan of SSL/CAs, but at least let's not spoil it for what's working09:45
theadminIf they are, that's not a good ISP.09:45
theadminJust get rid of them.09:45
iptabletheadmin: I know!. But here we go: wget of all possible files works apart from some deb files. Tried everything, including putting those deb files on my own server. He get's 503 with those. WOrks from windows though. faking user-agent to widnows also starts to work :/09:45
iptabletheadmin: not my ISP ;)09:46
theadminiptable: Still get rid of them :P09:46
iptabletheadmin: looks like python*.deb match for user-agent on a filter. If I could, I would fire all of them and hire someone with a brain :D09:46
gdm85yeah indeed. and use an SSL APT mirror. at least they can't check what you download09:46
iptablenot that it matters if they know I downloaded apache :/09:47
iptableNot all mirrors of all packages have SSL, that's the point I was making. Besides, if machine is slow (or connection) SSL == overhead.09:47
theadmin...not too much overhead.09:48
iptable*depends* ;)09:48
iptableanyways, points given and taken, boycott the ISP and move on :)09:48
iptableoh ch.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't have HTTPS :/ Neither does gb.archive.ubuntu.com. So, user-agent is the only way.09:50
Guest48279how ar u09:50
iptableI'm ok09:51
phre4kiptable: blocking DEB files is horrible. I'd certainly quit this contract09:52
Guest48279 so  .  i   have each problem with my computer hp probook 4540 s09:52
gdm85it might also be a simple mistake in their smart firewall rules09:53
iptablephre4k: yes. So I advised the user to complain to support and complains line in email (proof of communication) and if they don't respond within contractual time, ask for refund/discount/cancellation09:53
gdm85that's why I wouldn't want to play whack-a-mole with them09:53
iptablegdm85: hard to misspell python*.deb && user-agent !~ ".*windows.*" :P But yes, it *could* be. hence I advised to complain first.09:54
gdm85iptable: I had once some hosts modifications that would block too much. it was a similar issue..09:55
iptableor they block it as python is a hacker tool :P Just like wget, dig and telnet :D09:55
Guest48279 inh .....09:55
iptableah, good old time of silly corporate...09:55
Guest48279ssomeone can help me09:55
iptablegdm85: could be. but why user-agent type block! that's wrong. It blocks wget and apt user agent. you make it windows and it works.09:56
gdm85iptable: because you hack0rz!!11!! :P09:56
iptableGuest48279: Well, you need to tell us what the problem is first. Saying "I have a problem" doesn't make us know how to help you.09:56
iptablegdm85: haha, yes. wind0ws corporate (IT) policies ... gotta hate 'em.09:57
gdm85iptable: have customer tweet publicly about it. see their reply09:57
gdm85(nowadays that's the fastest lane)09:57
Guest48279 okay .  fine  .    i can use my wirless network with  ubuntu 12.0409:57
theadmingdm85: What ISP is that? Just so I'll know to stay away from them :P09:58
iptablegdm85: now THAT is a good point.09:58
phre4kiptable: proves again many ISPs are mismanaged shitholes of data destruction and politics09:58
gdm85theadmin: iptable knows, not mine :P09:58
iptablecan't remember. PK2 what's you ISP?09:58
phre4khave to go to work, cu there :D09:58
PK2Mine is ABSPL09:58
phre4kah, great. Nothing from Germany. :D09:58
theadminWell... Never heard of that. So probably won't run into it :P09:59
nagromltno sound off speakers09:59
nagromltjust headphones09:59
iptablePK2: what country isthat?09:59
theadminnagromlt: Unplug headphones?10:00
nagromltwant to BUMP Natasha Bedingfield10:00
iptableGuest48279: so you can use your wireless network. and?10:00
PK2I'm in India10:00
iptablethat explains a lot. India ISP...10:00
Guest48279 io don't see wirless option10:00
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iptableGuest48279: what is your wireless network card?10:01
Guest48279realink 329010:01
iptableGuest48279: let me google that for you. http://askubuntu.com/questions/455030/ralink-rt3290-wifi-driver-is-not-working-in-ubuntu-14-0410:02
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nagromlthelp with Ubuntu sound?10:06
iptablenagromlt: so you have sound in headphones but not via speakers?10:06
iptablenagromlt: is this a desktop or laptop? Are the speakers built-in?10:07
nagromltiptable, yeah10:07
iptablenagromlt: yeah which one? desktop/laptop?10:07
nagromltlap built in10:07
nagromlthang on10:07
iptableok. if you unplug headphones, do you get sound?10:07
iptablein speakers that is10:08
iptablenagromlt: ^10:08
nagromltThe program 'snd' can be found in the following packages:10:08
nagromlt * snd-gtk-jack10:08
nagromlt * snd-gtk-pulse10:08
nagromlt * snd-nox10:08
nagromltTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>10:08
iptablenagromlt: do NOT install stuff just like that. You DO have sound in headphones, so obviously it works.10:08
iptablenagromlt: so, if you unplug headphones, do you get sound in the speakers then?10:09
nagromltjust hard sound10:09
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nagromltno jinput10:09
nagromlti guess10:09
nagromltno jinput for 5sound10:09
iptablewait, what's hard sound.10:10
nagromltwtvr it is10:10
iptableCan you please describe the issue EXACTLY?10:10
nagromlthow exactly10:10
iptablewhat's hard sound?10:10
HP__join #kiwiirc-default10:10
nagromltytbesnd continuing...10:10
iptableare you trolling or can't type?10:11
nagromltiptable, drunk10:11
iptablenagromlt: then get sleep.10:11
iptableand no, we will not be watching your youtube link10:11
nagromltI needz to play it loud now.10:12
iptableyou needz to talk normal, respond to questions and behave. Trust me on this.10:12
iptableSo, if you unplug the headphones, does sound come out of speakers at all or not?10:13
nagromltyes, sound,  sorry10:14
nagromlthard sound only10:14
iptablewaht is hard sound?10:14
iptablecan you define that please?10:14
nagromltjust sound out of hard speaker10:15
nagromlt(built in)10:15
iptablewait, what's a soft speaker then?10:16
Guest48279 thank i will try10:16
nagromltintal celeron10:16
iptablecan you please tell me everything. what works and what doesn't? you have10:16
iptableyou are not helping yourself10:16
nagromltIm being fucked with10:16
iptable1. headphones in jack works, right?10:16
iptable2. laptop built-in speaker works?10:16
iptable3. what doesn't work?10:16
nagromltiptable,   yeah10:16
iptableanswer all 310:16
nagromltdpeaker 5.110:17
nagromlthang on10:17
zhanglfanyone here?10:17
nagromltsnd c heack?10:17
nagromltyou want snd check?10:17
iptableso what doesn't work is some external speakers you are putting in the headphone jack while sound works from built-in speakers and when you plugin headphones to that jack it works too?10:17
nagromltor LAN chk?10:17
nagromltjsound-in not yet10:18
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iptablenagromlt: fix your speakers then. if headphones works and built-in speakers work, ubuntu works. your external speakers have a fault, are unplugged from power or incompatible.10:18
iptablenow please have a lie down as you are not making sense.10:19
nagromltwhats that?10:19
iptablelast watning10:19
OerHeksiptable, let him go ( to sleep)10:19
nagromltis there a terminal command i can typ?10:19
iptableI'm done responding OerHeks ;)10:20
nagromltwhat is  a good command to let you know what my sound drivers are doing?10:21
nagromltI though snd ls was good10:22
nagromltTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>10:22
nagromltnagromlt@nagromlt-laptop:~$ drv10:22
nagromltNo command 'drv' found, did you mean:10:22
nagromlt Command 'dav' from package 'dav-text' (universe)10:22
nagromlt Command 'ddv' from package 'ncbi-tools-x11' (universe)10:22
nagromlt Command 'drc' from package 'drc' (universe)10:22
unopastenagromlt you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:22
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nagromltold school had a left stop...10:24
nagromltstoop left10:24
OerHeksnagromlt, easy on the enter, buddy, you are flooding the servers.10:25
nagromltnot trying to10:25
nagromltsign of?10:25
phre4kI'm back and I have a question :D10:25
betehess_hi, I am currently trying to reinstall Ubuntu, but my /home was encrypted and I don't know how to avoid re-formatting it (the Format? box stays checked)10:25
iptablebetehess_: double-click on the /home to edit it and uncheck FOrmat.10:26
iptablephre4k: choot10:26
phre4kdebconf-get-selections --installer doesn't work, the corresponding /var/log/installer/... files are size 0. Why that? I want to install Ubuntu on a few Desktops and it's making my life harder than it should be10:26
iptablephre4k: you want to install same packages on all desktops?10:26
phre4kI don't want to do the preseed txt by hand, I hate that part. I have an existing Debian preseed file but I don't think it works10:27
phre4kiptable: yep, and I have modified some config files I may include in a .deb10:27
betehess_iptable: it stays grey even when I open the box. If I change to ext3, it's ungreyed, then I uncheck and validate, then it comes back checked and grey10:27
phre4kfor now I'd package it and transfer via USB/rcp but in the future I want to to an apt-cache-ng server10:28
Guest2join #tps10:28
iptablebetehess_: you are not supposed to change the filesystem. otherwise of course it will try to format10:29
Fuchsworks a bit better with a / in front of it, Guest210:29
iptablephre4k: dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall10:30
betehess_iptable: I don't want to change it (I always go back to ext4, which I've always used), I am just trying to outsmart the UI...10:30
betehess_iptable: don't know why, but it seems ok with /10:30
iptablebetehess_: so, when you start installer, what changes have you done in the partitioner altogether? at what point did it mark as "format"?10:31
iptablebetehess_: also, make sure you got the right partition in question and you saved the encryption key for your /home10:31
LinuxNewbi accidentally deleted the start menu button, how do i put it back on my lubuntu?10:31
iptablebetehess_: alternative would be to mark /home as "do not use" and manually enable it after install, incuding encryption10:31
jostHi! I'd like to move / and /boot to a new harddrive. How do I do that? In which grub configuration file do I have to set the UUIDs of the new partitions?10:32
betehess_iptable: I don't do anything special. I want to re-used the same formatting, so I first have sda1 as non encrypted /boot, then have sda{2,3,4} as physical encyrpted volumes10:32
iptablephre4k: a better way would be to use aptitude with aptitude search '~i!~M'. It will least manually installed packages instead. which is great.10:33
topandanyone know how fix dpkg error ?10:33
betehess_iptable: then I try to configure /, swap and /home10:33
iptablejost: you have to chroot to new drive installation and update-grub2. you need to mount /proc /sys and /dev first for the chroot.10:33
iptablebetehess_: how did you choose to have /home encrypted? tickbox or dmcrypt?10:34
* iptable goes for a breakd10:34
LinuxNewbso does anyone know10:35
betehess_iptable: ok, will try something else, I hope it will work10:35
alkisgIf I `dd` ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64+mac.iso to a USB stick, is it supposed to be bootable under UEFI?10:37
alkisgI'm not seeing the required "EFI" subdirectory anywhere...10:37
jost__Sorry for the repetition, I'm having connection problems... I'd like to move / and /boot to a new harddrive. How do I do that? In which grub configuration file do I have to set the UUIDs of the new partitions?10:40
alkisgjost__: don't have much time to help you, but one easy way would be to use tune2fs to set the same uuid to those partitions, and then just run grub-install10:41
jost__alkisg: ok, I'll look into that, thanks10:41
marshal0505 /window move 1310:49
cfhowlettcommand or tool to download files from the net.  need to be able to restart after interruptions because China10:50
phre4kiptable: will aptitude list uninstalled packages, too?10:51
iptablephre4k: no, the command I gave you will only list installed manually packages10:52
nagromltwhy 4hreaking yung cmmnd?10:52
OerHekscfhowlett, wget can, doesn't it? wget --continue url10:53
cfhowlettOerHeks, wha ... really?!10:53
nagromltoft aft10:53
fidel__nagromlt: do you expect help after such an input mess? ;)10:54
Ben64nagromlt: can you not10:54
nagromltif ghtu10:54
nagromltthuuu nuu nuu10:54
DJonesnagromlt: Stop that, you're not making any sense, so people can't help you.10:54
phre4kiptable: could I do the following? 1. dpkg --get-selections > .txt, 2. create preseed file for installer, 3. install previously exported packages via preseed plus self-packaged .DEB?10:55
Ben64cfhowlett: look into aria2 , segmented downloader, continues, lots of other cool features10:55
phre4kcfhowlett: if you use BitTorrent it'd work too10:55
OerHekscfhowlett, jups, i just tested it10:56
iptablephre4k: not really. you will mark all dependencies to manually install10:56
OerHeksphre4k, behind that great wall, torrent is not possible as far as i know10:57
phre4kOerHeks: rent a VPN?10:58
phre4kor are VPN connections also firewalled somehow?10:58
phre4kI'd love to see the Great Firewall config10:58
OerHeksphre4k, that should work, but wget -c or --continue works fine.10:59
phre4kOerHeks: I wouldn't use it though, because I'd fear the authorities coming down on me if I look at a web page with "compromising" stuff10:59
phre4kor was that North Korea?11:00
leni1hello all. I have a Debian installation that I have installed  several programs on. I want to make an image of the current  installation as it stands and be able to boot from it. Anyone  who can point me to any good tutorials and tools?11:01
leni114:00 -!- #debian Cannot send to channel11:01
OerHeksyou might need to register with freenode, leni111:02
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:02
Ben64leni1: you may need to register to use that channel, this channel is ubuntu only11:02
Ben64bah, beaten by OerHeks11:02
OerHeksagainst spammers & funny people11:03
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LinuxNewbshould all windows program run on wine?11:08
Ben64!appdb | LinuxNewb11:09
ubottuLinuxNewb: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:09
OerHeksLinuxNewb, should, but they don't ( all)11:09
OerHekssee the wineHQ database.11:09
LinuxNewbi see. because i just downloaded a windows chess interface and it worked and i thought maybe everything else would work11:09
PriceyOerHeks: Ben64: lenil was registered & identified. Check out cap identify-msg, perhaps also bansearch.pl11:10
Ben64Pricey: huh?11:11
OerHeksPricey, never knew about bansearch.pl11:11
phre4kLinuxNewb: you want to run as few Windows programs with WINE as possible, not only because of security risks11:12
PriceyBen64: The user you were saying needed to be identified to speak in the other channel was already identified.11:12
PriceyBen64: /whois first also works ;)11:12
LinuxNewbphre4k:  security risk??  why11:12
Ben64Pricey: not really our job to check all that11:12
PriceyBen64: Really? You were trying to give advice and it was pretty useless advice...11:13
iptableLinuxNewb: it's windows applications, windows exploits etc on a linux-windows API translator to linux stack. It may pose security risks that you get in windows.11:13
Ben64Pricey: i did say "may" and OerHeks's bot trigger directed to #freenode, where they can help with issues like that. this channel is strictly Ubuntu support. thanks for your comments though, i'll take them under advisement (tossed in the bin)11:14
LinuxNewbiptable:  ok that convinces to delete all windows software i just downloaded11:16
PriceyBen64: I'm struggling to see why this is an issue? It would've taken you 5s to check if they really were identified (e.g. with /whois) before giving them useless advice which didn't apply to them, wasting their time?11:16
LinuxNewbthanks for letting me know11:16
Ben64Pricey: i'm struggling to see why you need to even bring this up in this channel11:16
PriceyBen64: Because we want to give good support? :(11:17
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Ben64Pricey: in this channel, good Ubuntu support, #freenode is where good IRC support lives11:17
iptableLinuxNewb: you could instead install windows VM (virtual machine) under VirtualBox software for example and run your windows software there in isolation11:18
iptableLinuxNewb: that makes complete sense then ;)11:18
LinuxNewbdo i need windows key to run that?11:18
iptableLinuxNewb: yes you do. You need a copy of windows11:18
LinuxNewbi need to do that now11:18
PriceyBen64: Ugh, just... just be excellent to each other.11:19
nilekadahow to image a current Linux installation so that I can boot from it and not have to reinstall my programs from scratch11:19
LinuxNewbcan i find VM in software manager?11:19
nilekadaAnyone know any good tutorials and tools11:19
iptableLinuxNewb: 1. install virtualbox (from software manager). It is a computer emulator. In the emulator, you create new virtual machine and install windows in it (you need a copy of windows install media CD or ISO, as said)11:20
iptablenilekada: what's the end goal? moving it to another machine or what?11:21
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phre4kis there a way to only show manually changed package states? iptable?11:22
nilekadaiptable: I simply don't want to do a fresh install on my computer11:23
nilekadaI'm planning to wipe my disk and repartition it11:24
nilekadaSo I wanted to image my current installation as a bootable image, then wipe the disk and install the image11:24
nilekadaSo that I'm up and running11:24
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phre4khm, i just wanted to tell him about tar... :D11:36
iptablephre4k: no. this command (aptitude) will show manually installed packages. No command I am aware of for (manually uninstalled ones)11:38
iptablenilekada I have an answer but you left11:39
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phre4kaptitude search '~i!~M' shows a looong list with unnecessary information, do I have to awk it out or does aptitude have a flag to only show package names for exporting?11:46
phre4kah, got it, -F '%p'11:47
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iptableooh, nice. I normally awk it out. good to know.11:49
* iptable goes for a lunch break11:50
phre4ksooo, if I do the aptitude search '~il~M' -f '%p' > selections.txt, then modify a preseed file to install the system, how do I install the packages again automatically? I know it's possible with aptitude install $(< selections.txt) but how do I put this in the preseed file?11:50
betehess_iptable: looks like there is a bug in the installer: I wasn't able to uncheck the Format? box for the *last* partition I was setting. So I configured /home before swap, and was able to uncheck it. I just hope it's really doing that right now11:50
iptableI believe you can ask preseed which packages to install11:50
iptablebetehess_: cool11:51
iptablephre4k: I believe you can TELL preseed which packages to install11:51
ikoniaphre4k: approach it as if you are doing a net install build11:52
ikoniayou have to define the package manifest11:52
phre4kiptable: is there a preseed file generator somewhere? I just wasted 8 work hours on researching stuff for automatic deployment of Linux installation, no wonder it's so hard to find Linux admins :D11:52
iptablephre4k: see ikonia reply. and no, no generator I ever used. Just research preseed package installation11:53
iptablephre4k: d-i pkgsel/include string package1 package211:53
iptablephre4k: that's how you list packages to install11:53
phre4kthe Ubuntu docs are extremely shitty in this regard. I remember finding the 14.04 preseed.txt but it isn't linked in the wiki anywhere11:54
iptablephre4k: it's debian-installer preseed so check debian manuals. it all works on ubuntu11:54
ikoniaphre4k: tone down the language11:54
ikoniathe docs are pretty good11:54
phre4kikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization → links to 10.04 guide and doesn't have current info11:55
LinuxNewbiptable:  your method will allow me to use lubuntu for the next 10 years.11:55
phre4kand yeah, I know that preseed doesn't change much, but it's still bad the file isn't easily available through the wiki11:55
iptableLinuxNewb: you are welcome ;)11:56
phre4khere's the file I'm talking about: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt11:56
ikoniaphre4k: install CD11:56
ikoniaphre4k: you're not doing an install CD11:56
* iptable really goes for lunch now11:57
phre4kikonia: I don't? I thought I run around installing computers with an USB drive11:57
ikoniaphre4k: are you trying to build a custom CD or a preseed build ?11:57
phre4kI'm trying to install 3 PCs with the same config and don't want to use Ansible/Chef for reasons11:58
ikoniaphre4k: are you trying to build a custom CD or a preseed build ?11:58
phre4kikonia: custom ISO for USB needs a preseed file, doesn't it?12:04
ikoniadepends what you're doing12:05
phre4kI don't want a live CD, I just want to have a CD/USB ISO which allows me to customize what's installed and how it's configured12:05
ikoniado you're trying to make a custom install cd12:05
phre4kfor deploying a few computers now and a few dozens later12:05
phre4kikonia: yes, and for that I need a preseed file, don't I?12:06
ikoniaphre4k: thats certainly a good way of doing it yes12:06
cfhowlett!cookie | OerHeks, man that command was EXACTLY what I needed!  You just saved me multiple trips to the local Embassy for proxy'd internet.  cookies, beer, and a maple bacon flavored eggnog are yours!  Just meet me in Beijing.12:07
ubottuOerHeks, man that command was EXACTLY what I needed!  You just saved me multiple trips to the local Embassy for proxy'd internet.  cookies, beer, and a maple bacon flavored eggnog are yours!  Just meet me in Beijing.: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:07
OerHekscfhowlett, have fun12:08
phre4kis there a way to go through all questions asked by the installer, create a file and then use it? I only found debconf-get-selections --installer but that's empty12:09
phre4kthe package list I have now, thanks to iptable's help12:09
ikoniaphre4k: certainly not that I'm aware of12:09
ikoniaI don't think it's interactive like that12:09
phre4kI did debconf-get-selections and piped it into a file but that file now contains a lot of bullshit, like setting a timezone which I never set, 3 times a different one12:10
iptablephre4k: timezone is being set during installation ;) so you could combine that and the aptitude result for package selection12:12
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BluesKaj_hiyas all12:16
nabn_hi. i have virtualbox installed. but  i get /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found12:18
lantiziaAny ideas how I get this not to alternate? (so it prints 24 spaces then 31 underscores?).....   printf '%.0s ''%.0s_' {1..24} {1..31}12:18
* cfhowlett is amazed how much use and power can be gained by knowing the right command. Hats off to Oerheks and wget -c FOO12:19
phre4kI think I will install the systems manually with the minimal install and just do aptitude install ($ < selections.txt)12:22
phre4k* aptitude install $(< selections.txt)12:22
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lucahat jemand erfahrung mit wine?12:23
fidel__luckybunny: this is the english channel12:24
Herculescan I have a free disc of Ubuntu ? ( I live in India ) I am of 13 years and doesn't have fast internet or can get a CD from local store ( cause they got windows only none of them Ubuntu ) ?12:24
fidel__Hercules: the program shitit was stoped. see: http://www.ubuntu.com/shipit12:27
HerculesI know.12:27
HerculesThats why requesting here.12:27
Jesper--It's not free but you can buy it here: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=114612:28
fidel__Hercules: this is a support-channel - we dont ship marketing things on our costs for canonical ;)12:28
Herculesum.. someone said that ask here.12:29
fidel__as you have internet-access right now - considered using the minimal-cd?12:29
Herculesits dial-up internet.12:30
cfhowlettHercules, best you buy it then12:32
cfhowlettHercules, better idea: your India Ubuntu Group12:32
ahmed__Hello everybody, Kindly I would like to set multiple VLAN ids to one interface with one IP address of Ubuntu VM , Is that possible ? if yes, How to do it please ?12:35
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nabnwhen i do 'lsmod | grep vbox' , it says 'vboxdrv 339502'. how can i find out where vobxdrv is located? i tried 'which vboxdrv', but it doesn't say anything..12:42
Ben64nabn: find /lib | grep vboxdrv12:44
Ben64nabn: why do you need to find it12:44
Nedalhi guys ! well I want to know what command should I do to find the files that exactly are made by 4 characters ( like for example I have ' file' , 'tata' 'toto' and 'tutu' in my directory , what command will print just those 3 files)12:45
j4sonnabn: `modinfo vboxdrv`12:46
nabnBen64, i am having trouble setting up genymotion (android emulator). It needs virtualbox. Though i have it installed, genymotion still fails to load, says i need to do etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. but i dont have vboxdrv under etc/init.d,12:46
* rknk8 slapped zxc with a wet kipper!12:46
ahmed__Hello everybody, Kindly I would like to set multiple VLAN ids to one interface with one IP address of Ubuntu VM , Is that possible ? if yes, How to do it please ?12:47
Ben64nabn: you might want to contact the developer with that, they may have a solution already12:47
nabnBen64, i am trying googling online since this morning. maybe i'll contact the devs now. thanks.12:48
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EriC^^nabn: try to reinstall virtualbox13:00
nabnEriC^^, i did that. i purged vbox that i installed from ubuntu repos, installed again from deb file dwlded directly from virtualbox's website. i now have /etc/init.d/vboxdrv, but still genymotion fails to load. :( looking into it currently.13:02
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EriC^^nabn: oh ok13:08
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iptablenabn reboot13:10
iptabledann, it's udev, reboot would solve it.13:10
ahmed__I would like to set multiple VLAN ids to one interface with one IP address of Ubuntu VM , Is that possible ? if yes, How to do it please ?13:12
iptableahmed__: the othe way13:16
phre4kis there no alternate CD for 14.04+?13:17
iptableahmed__: create multiple vlans for that interface (which create multiple "virtual" interfaces) and assign IPs to those13:17
iptableahmed__: let me google that for you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/vlan13:17
ahmed__is it possible that those IPs are the same ?13:17
iptableahmed__: theoretically yes13:18
iptableahmed__: you need to configure your routing table very carefully though13:18
ahmed__OK I will need also to configure the same VLAN ids at the receiver node ?13:18
ahmed__not the sender only ?13:19
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ahmed__see here please you will find what I am asking for but here the ips are different http://linux.cloudibee.com/2007/12/linux-vlan-configuration/13:20
ahmed__what I want to be the same13:20
ahmed__is that fine ?13:20
DeeJayTwoI noticed apt-get update now gives me this error:13:21
DeeJayTwoW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3B22AB97AF1CDFA913:21
DeeJayTwocan anybody tell me how to fix it?13:21
rio_zentaI recently got a Lenovo machine and when I plug my earphones into the dual headphone/microphone jack, the sound coming out is very soft and the vocals aren't clear. Is there a way to fix this issue?13:24
iptablerio_zenta: change the speaker configuration to "headphones" maybe. sounds like it thinks it's a 5.1 system. try pavucontrol utility (install it).13:25
iptablerio_zenta: if not, then your headphone jack is very bad quality most likely.13:25
rio_zentaiptable, it works in windows 7, so I don't think the jack *is the issue*13:26
iptablerio_zenta: check pavucontrol speaker configuration. somwhere you will have the option to check if it's headphones, 5.1 or whatever else13:27
rio_zentaiptable, apart from that, is it possible that the firmware/drivers arent working properly on linux?13:28
iptablerio_zenta: not if soudn from speakers comes out right13:30
iptablerio_zenta: highly unlikely that is13:30
rio_zentalet me check that to confirm.13:31
rio_zentaiptable, The sound is also quite soft from the speakers. The volume is at +60% and it's "soft"13:33
iptablerio_zenta: install pavucontrol and check the configuration. also, is it still too low at 100%?13:33
iptablerio_zenta: my speakers dont' pickup properly until between 80% and 100% for some reason13:34
phre4ksorry, got disconnected. Is there still an alternate install CD for Ubuntu 14.04+ or did it get merged with the server ISO?13:34
rio_zentaiptable, It's audible at 81% now on the speakers, although for headphones the vocals are poor at most volumes.13:35
phre4ksry, found the answer already. There is no alternate install ISO anymore: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-August/035675.html13:35
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iptablerio_zenta: did you look at all the configuration tabs in pavucontrol yet?13:35
disturberoffilesHi! Suddenly Digikam shows no thumbnails or photos. I'm on version 3.3.0 . I tried reinstall digikam, remove my database, reinstall kipi-plugins but no change. Digikam lists the photos correctly as numbers in each folder, but does not make any thumbnails.13:36
rio_zentaiptable, It says I have pavucontrol installed but I can't find it in the application menu13:38
rio_zentaUnless Pavu is an acronym for Pulse Audio/13:39
iptablerio_zenta: open terminal and type in (surprise): pavucontrol13:42
rio_zentaiptable, I checked all the configurations. It is not Digital Stereo (HDMI) or Digital Surround 5.1 (HDMI)13:42
iptablerio_zenta: so sound config is fine and sound is still too low? could be drivers then. if low in both speakers and headphones13:44
iptablerio_zenta: try loading windows, put sound on MAX and load linux. see if that helps. could be some silly hardwaer control for sound on top of software one13:45
rio_zentaiptable, With headphones, vocals are distorted13:45
rio_zentaiptable, i'll try that. Another question: Is a laptop supposed to get unusually hot on 1 side when using linux?13:46
iptablerio_zenta: yes and no. if it's getting hot, either 1. acpi is not working, or 2. the fans are not working, or 3. it's supposed to be this hot13:48
iptablerio_zenta: install lm-sensors and check temperature.13:48
iptablerio_zenta: you might have a windows-only laptop :P13:48
rio_zentaiptable, It says on the ubuntu site that this machine is linux-certified?13:48
iptablerio_zenta: in which case, you need to sort out the problem.13:50
iptableIs this a fresh isntall? new machine? have you tried 14.04 and 14.10 to see?13:50
rio_zentaiptable, I find PSensor in software centre but no lm-sensors (unless that is not a piece of software)13:50
rio_zentaiptable, yes, a fresh install of 14.04. I like staying on LTS, but do they backport upgrades to LTS?13:51
iptablerio_zenta: aptitude search lm-sensors13:51
iptablep   lm-sensors                      - utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan13:51
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.13:52
OerHeksincluding howto13:52
rio_zentaiptable, I am using PSensor, which provides a GUI13:53
iptablerio_zenta: ok13:54
leni1hello all. I'd like to make an image of my current Linux installation and all the programs I've installed on it. Any ideas/tutorials/tools I can use?14:01
leni1Most of what Google gives me is for a fresh install14:01
rio_zentaUse a burn utility leni114:02
iptableleni1: image, as in, you want to image your installed OS on your HDD?14:03
finn_Hi guys. Any one have problem with wi fi mouse? my problem is when ill start ubuntu and my mouse's wireless adapter in usb, ubuntu didnt start, only black screen. If ill start without adapter its work fine. Anyone pls help14:03
iptableleni1: use clonezilla for example14:04
iptablefinn_: so not wifi mouse. but a wireless mouse?14:04
iptablefinn_: looks like a mouse issue. other USB devices in that slot plugged in and start fine?14:04
finn_iptable Yes. this trouble only with logitech perfomance mouse14:05
iptablefinn_: guess what's wrong then? the mouse.14:06
finn_iptable If adapter of this mouse plugged ubunty didnt start. sry for bad english. ill hope u understand me14:06
iptablewe can't help fix mice here14:06
finn_if i use none wireless mouse, ubuntu loading fine14:06
iptablefinn_: your wireless mouse is at fault!14:07
iptablenot ubuntu14:07
finn_iptable. but windows loading fine with this mouse14:07
finn_iptable. and if i plugged off the adapter ubuntu will start, after this i can plugged on adapter. and mouse work corectly14:08
iptablefinn_: the mouse doesn't work with ubuntu properly. it's badly designed. 99.9% of wireless mice have not this issue. btw, if laptop is plugged into power, same problem?14:08
iptableor just on battery?14:08
japroso it seems i busted a linux install on a usb stick by pulling it to early when shutting down. now googling tells me i should try boot-repair. the thing is said tool gives me no indication what it is actually doing. i can run it from a working ubuntu laptop but i want to repair the plugged in usb stick not the laptops install14:09
finn_no cares battery or power14:09
japroand it doesn't show any indication which device it is operating on or any way to select or specify it is mentioned in the manpages14:09
iptablejapro: data is already corrupt. copy again14:10
iptablejapro: then, once you copy, run this in terminal: sync14:10
iptablethat will ensure data is written14:10
japrocopy again what? i'm not talking about a usb stick that was created by copying a iso onto it. i installed ubuntu on it via the installer14:11
japroalso the device contains a encrypted volume so i hope whatever happened to the drive didn't obliterate that in some unrecoverable way14:11
iptablejapro: do it again. and syc14:11
umarmuktharhow to install latest gcc in Ubuntu14.0414:11
* iptable goes for a break14:12
japroiptable, do what again?14:12
elichai2i have a problem14:14
pbxelichai2, jump right into the details, with plenty of context14:14
elichai2i rebooted my laptop and everything look weird14:15
elichai2like Unity changed it's style&fonts14:15
jmacdonaldthe service "procps" never actually starts or stops does it?14:16
elichai2sorry i left14:16
elichai2<elichai2> like Unity changed it's style&fonts14:16
elichai2<elichai2> http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2014-12-22_16_12_14-8GbB9Bmr.1419257607.png14:16
_Trullois it possible to change google to not move up to the url bar when starting to type something (search)14:17
_TrulloI find it very annoying14:18
elichai2pbx, ?14:19
EriC^^elichai2: what do you mean?14:23
EriC^^elichai2: that's chrome, the fonts are different than unity in it14:23
elichai2EriC^^, it's not just chrome14:23
elichai2everything is diffrent14:23
elichai2EriC^^, look: http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2014-12-22_16_13_37-CTPTNVMi.1419257638.png14:23
elichai2this is xchat-GNOME14:24
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Chuck_Norriselichai2: seems like it is running under wine -.-14:25
elichai2it's not!14:25
elichai2i tired using unity-tweak-tool to reset the theme, fonts, etc. i'll now reboot and check if it worked14:26
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elichai2fixed :)14:29
elichai2Chuck_Norris, EriC^^, :)14:29
anonymous_cyech republik14:29
hadifarn_how can I copy a folder into /dir1/*/dir2 ?14:31
Chuck_Norriselichai2: xD i don't deserve any credit, it was EriC^^14:31
hadifarn_which means I want to copy to every folder that has dir214:31
elichai2lol, he did nothing either but still thanks :)14:31
EriC^^Chuck_Norris: hmm? i didn't say anything either :D14:31
hadifarn_e.g.  /dir1/12/dir214:31
EriC^^Chuck_Norris: it's xmas time14:32
EriC^^thanks for everyoooooooooooneeeeeee14:32
Chuck_Norrisi know EriC^^ just saying :p happy chrismas to everyone :D14:32
japrosigh, so it finds he luks header thingy but when i try to open it it errors with "Requested offset is beyond real size of device /dev..."14:34
japrohrmf, this really makes me question the viability of having a encrypted setup on a usb drive if it's so easy to obliterate14:36
EriC^^hadifarn_: for i in /dir1/*/dir2; do cp -r c $i; done14:36
EriC^^( replace c with the dir you want to copy )14:36
hadifarn_EriC^^: so I copy this exact command? even keep the * ?14:37
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EriC^^hadifarn_: for i in /dir1/*/dir2; do cp -r /path/to/source $i; done14:37
EriC^^yes the * is needed14:37
hadifarn_cheers EriC^^14:37
rubickI'm trying to switch from using ntpd to openntpd. When I try to start openntpd I get a permissions issue. I'm guessing there's some residual files from ntpd causing conflict, but I'm not sure where.14:43
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rubickI got it. it was apparmor causing havoc.14:51
ararobcan i disable a repo temporarely without deleting it?14:53
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tekkbuzzararob: comment it out, or if it's in sources.list.d rename it somehthing.repo.bak14:55
ararobright thnx14:55
dgellingHi, so I have some odd behaviour of tar under ubuntu 12.04 I don't quite understand. I've got a folder with symlinks, but want to include them as copies instead (for windows). When I provide the -h option however, it seems to include the files as hardlinks instead which shows up under windows as empty files. So it seems that the -h option doesn't do quite what it says in the man page, or what am I missing?14:55
BluesKaj_ararob, yes, open /etc/apt/sources.list with root permissions and place a # in front of the repos deb url , it's also aka "commenting a line"14:55
hadifarn_that didn't work EriC^^14:55
Frank_LeachHaving trouble with my laptop...when it multitasks with too many things it shuts down. Is there a command to check what the problem is?14:56
tekkbuzzararob: don't forget to run update after you change it.14:56
ararobtekkbuzz, ok14:56
BluesKaj_Frank_Leach, overheating perhaps?14:57
Frank_LeachYes, perhaps..14:57
Frank_LeachMy Ram is low, i ordered an upgrade set.14:57
BluesKaj_what do have now memorywise?14:57
Frank_LeachI use an old Dell Inspiron 1525, ram is only 2gb14:58
Frank_Leachupgrading to 4gb, sadly the maximum14:58
BluesKaj_that will help some, not a cure tho14:58
Frank_Leachany tips Blue?14:59
Frank_LeachSomeone mentioned clean the fan out...never did it in 6 years I own it. That an option?14:59
fedorafanFrank_Leach sure15:00
BluesKaj_if you don't need fancy graphics then using the minimum desktop effects or none at all can help15:01
ararobtekkbuzz, it worked >)15:01
BluesKaj_Frank_Leach, yes , by all means if you can clean the cpu ..absolutely15:01
hadifarn_this script copies the actual 'builder' folder into /var/www/camva/public/upload/user/*/editor/  i.e. /var/www/camva/public/upload/user/82/editor/builder15:01
hadifarn_I want to copy the files and folders from builder into /editor15:02
Frank_Leachminimum desktop effects...how do i go about doing that?15:03
hadifarn_should I change copy line to cp -r /var/www/camva/public/builder/* $i ?15:03
phre4kFrank_Leach: install XFCE15:03
phre4kFrank_Leach: and use memtest86 to check your RAM for errors, I think it's even included with Ubuntu on boot15:04
EriC^^hadifarn_: it should work i tested it here before15:07
EriC^^hadifarn_: what's the exact command you're typing15:07
hadifarn_EriC^^: I want to copy what's inside 'builder' into that destination. not the actual builder forlder.15:08
hadifarn_I changed it to this one EriC^^ https://gist.github.com/91ad64f0f3ffc6b6e9d115:08
phre4koh, sry :D lol15:10
phre4kterminal ftw15:10
phre4kcu guys, have a nice day15:10
japrooh well so since testdisk apparently can't detect the size of luks partitions it just guessed 2MB which then prompted that size error. so i sfdisked the partition size to the rest of the drive and now it works again15:11
japronow i only need to fix the mbr15:11
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EriC^^hadifarn_: oh ok, well glad you figured out what your /path/to/source should be then15:12
hadifarn_EriC^^: is that rm -rf ok? don't want to cockup15:12
EriC^^hadifarn_: rmdir seems saner15:14
EriC^^hadifarn_: and use "$i" instead of $i15:15
EriC^^actually why remove -r in the first place?15:15
hadifarn_EriC^^: want to keep the actual editor folder though15:15
EriC^^you're only copying the files there that are showing anyways15:15
hadifarn_EriC^^: want to delete what's inside to be sure nothing left over from our previous version15:16
hadifarn_EriC^^: where do you mean I should use "$i"? in echo?15:16
EriC^^no, in the rm -rf "$i"15:17
EriC^^if a user has a space in the nick or something it wouldn't escape it15:17
EriC^^( it's highly unlikely he would but who knows what could happen )15:18
hadifarn_EriC^^: ok then. that removes the whole editor folder. right? cp would work?15:18
hadifarn_since the /editor does not exist15:18
EriC^^yeah cp should create it15:19
hadifarn_will give this one a try now15:19
EriC^^also put cp -r .... "$i"15:19
LNUhello does anyone know if I wanted to change motd i just add a file /etc/motd.tail is that correct?15:20
Teh_Bucketi'm in 14.04, i think this is the unity interface, whenever i hit alt, just alt, a search bar comes up, there's no shortcut for just alt listed in the keybaord shortcuts settings, anyone know how to disable this feature?15:21
EriC^^Teh_Bucket: that's the hud15:22
EriC^^Teh_Bucket: it's program dependent15:22
bunvitahello, I'm sorry for my bad english speaking. would you mind helping me about SDD on ubuntu?15:22
pbxTeh_Bucket, Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Launchers > Key to show the HUD15:22
compdocLNU, I think thats the right filename, but the wrong location15:22
EriC^^Teh_Bucket: you can disable it in settings > keyboard, i disabled to test something once and i can't get it to turn back on though, so just a heads up15:23
Teh_Bucketah thanks pbx15:23
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bunvitaI don't know what FS should I use15:24
Teh_Bucketit said it was set to alt + L but was lying15:24
EriC^^bunvita: ext415:24
digitaljedihello everyone!!!15:24
LNUcompdoc but according to the document http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man5/motd.tail.5.html15:24
compdocits in /etc/update-motd.d15:24
compdocmight not be the right filename either - my bad15:25
bunvitaEriC^^ : thanks for answering, I have alwais used ext4 on hdd but I have read that brtfs is better on SDD. But I'm not sure, then should I use ext4 on the SDD? thanks for the advice15:25
blackangelprbunvita, i am using ext4 on my scandisk extreme ssd and my  laptop its quite old Asus G73jh-A1 and it works perfectly :)15:26
EriC^^bunvita: as far as ive heard brtfs isn't stable yet, i've seen some people use ssd with certain mounting options15:26
bunvitablackangelpr & EriC^^ thanks, I'll use ext415:27
EriC^^bunvita: look into the discard or trim stuff for ssd, blackangelpr do you use these options in fstab?15:28
EriC^^bunvita: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives#TRIM15:29
blackangelprEriC^^,  before i fresh installed i did verify but since i install 14.0.1 i did not do it :p but it workings like magic  i am not sure if in this ver they do it on the installation process automatically need to verify hold on XD15:30
bunvitaEriC^^ thanks, I believe that discard is the better option15:31
bunvitablackangelpr how could you verify ?15:31
EriC^^bunvita: cat /etc/fstab15:31
bunvitaEriC^^ thanks15:32
c-moiHi there. I've installed a 14.04 LTS Ubuntu, I'd like to know what are the possibilities for someone who doesn't see very well. I'm currently trying Orca15:33
c-moi(well, I'm trying to make it work)15:34
EriC^^( i'm j/k :) )15:34
junedany ethical hacking channel for me15:35
mbalmer2B || !2B15:36
junedwe can run c programs  in Ubuntu15:36
c-moiback... xchat just seg faulted15:37
EriC^^c-moi: wb15:37
EriC^^c-moi: alt+super+s turns the screen reader on15:37
c-moiyes, i'm trying this shortcut for some time, with no success. I've tested the speackers, they are working perfectly15:38
c-moiand alt+super+s just made xchat segfault :)15:38
EriC^^it s15:38
EriC^^same here15:38
EriC^^it almost crashed right now :)15:39
EriC^^c-moi: the shortcut seems15:39
c-moiok, glad to know I'm not the only one15:39
EriC^^glitchy, ill brb it keeps hanging15:39
c-moiI tried insert + space, it lauches the Orca configurator15:40
EriC^^c-moi: wow it's pretty annoying15:41
EriC^^cause it keeps saying whatever the mouse is on15:41
c-moiat least you have something15:41
EriC^^can you disable that15:41
c-moiI'll check the sound configuration15:41
EriC^^and have it only read what you highlight for instance?15:42
c-moianother alt+super+s I guess15:42
ubottulolloandmax: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:43
EriC^^c-moi: hold on15:43
blackangelprEriC^^,  i think its not enable do you recommend this http://ivanblagojevic.com/2014/05/ubuntu-14-04-ssd-trim-see-my-settings-first-time-on-ssd/    ??15:44
c-moino problem, I'm on this configuration since a few days :)15:45
mojtabaHi, Do you know how can I remove list of all old kernels from the boot list?15:50
PetazzHi! Can I edit touchpad settings so that two finger scrolling is only enabled if both of the fingers are on the top 80% zone? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad)15:50
PetazzI'm used to keeping my finger on the primary click area and then moving the pointer, but the current setting makes it scroll15:51
AaronPetazz, what are you using gnome?15:51
AaronPetazz, xinput list15:52
zykotick9blackangelpr: fyi, it's better to run fstrim manually then have it constantly enabled (at least performance wise)15:52
PetazzAaron: Not sure, probably gnome. The "basic" Ubuntu 14 install for desktop15:53
AaronPetazz, okay, read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad15:53
PetazzAaron: Just read it15:53
PetazzDoes not answer my problem15:53
Aaronit should;15:53
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blackangelprzykotick9,  XD how to enable it on the fstab then i forgot :( cant find a straight answer on internet15:53
ikonia7/last blackangelpr15:53
AaronPetazz, gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled true15:54
AaronThis usually happens when you disable your touchpad and then suspend your computer. To fix this just run this command:15:54
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zykotick9blackangelpr: not a good idea... but, i don't remember.15:54
blackangelprzykotick9, ok :)15:54
PetazzAaron: What exactly should that fix? Did you understand what I was after?15:55
zykotick9blackangelpr: it's discard in fstab15:55
blackangelprzykotick9, appreciated15:55
AaronPetazz, to enable the scrolls on your Mouse,15:56
PetazzAaron: The scroll works, even too well15:56
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c-moimojtaba, I'd humbly recommend to uninstall these linux kernel package, as Grub automaticaly searches for boot devices at the configuration step15:56
PetazzBut I want to tune it: I want to move the pointer when two fingers are touching the pad15:56
PetazzThe problem is this setting HorizTwoFingerScroll - Enables=1/Disables=0 horizontal scrolling when using two fingers anywhere on the touchpad.15:57
PetazzI'd want to enable scrolling on the top 80% on the touchpad, not _anywhere_15:57
EriC^^c-moi: xsel gets whatever is selected15:57
mojtabac-moi: I am using Ubuntu Tweak, but it just hangs and do not remove those old kernels15:57
EriC^^c-moi: espeak <text> reads the text15:57
EriC^^c-moi: but running espeak $(xsel) in a script.sh isn't working15:58
c-moiEriC^^, I selected espeak for the voice15:58
EriC^^c-moi: any idea why?15:58
c-moioh, I see...15:58
EriC^^oh wait it's working, just not if i run it from a keyboard shortcut hmm15:59
EriC^^maybe launch it in gnome-terminal -e15:59
EriC^^c-moi: nope still wont work15:59
c-moithe application need to be provides the Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface : AT-SPI16:00
EriC^^ok i got it to work16:00
EriC^^by leaving gnome-terminal open after it exits16:00
EriC^^gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'bash ~/bla.sh; bash'"16:01
c-moibingo, xsel is not installed16:01
lolloandmaxjoin #RELOADED16:01
EriC^^i installed xsel first16:01
EriC^^but it needs gnome-terminal to stay open after it runs16:01
c-moiI thought orca would be "out of the box" ready16:01
EriC^^brb power outage i need to go to the circuit breaker box16:01
ubottukikko: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:02
EriC^^c-moi: back16:03
c-moimojtaba, I don't know Ubuntu tweak, do you have a apt-get / aptitude / synaptic interface ? You should be able to see the linux image and uninstall them16:03
c-moiEriC^^, wb, just installed xsel but still alt + super +s does not read anything in my configuration16:04
c-moiI've checked the Orca conf16:04
c-moialt + super + s is the default shortcut16:05
c-moibut in Unity (LTS 14.04), alt + (right)super + s shows all the virtual screen16:05
c-moiperhaps is the a shortcut conflict16:05
EriC^^c-moi: ok this is working gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'bash ~/bla.sh'"16:05
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c-moiI'll try that16:06
mojtabac-moi: I use apt-get normally16:06
mojtabac-moi: Could you please tell me how can I do that? (I am newbie)16:06
c-moiEriC^^, do you have for about half a second, a new term which closes right away ?16:07
EriC^^c-moi: yeah, im reading the man page to see if the window geometry can be selected16:08
japrothis is odd, so i have an usb stick install that was previously messed up but now both partitions (/boot and /) can be mounted again from a different install (ubuntu laptop)16:09
c-moimojtaba, 'sudo apt-cache search linux-image-3' should show you every kernel package available16:09
japroanyway i wanted to reinstall grub on the usb stick again so i can boot the system on the stick16:09
japroi managed to install grub to the stick but it will only boot the laptops install16:10
c-moimojtaba, I'm using 'sudo aptitude search linux-image' to see which one is installed, I don't remember the other way to see (perhaps with dpkg-query, really don't remember)16:10
japroit seems to see the stick but claims "unknown filesystem" (ext4)16:10
japroit should understand ext4 right?16:10
c-moiEriC^^, anyway, there is no sound reading any text on the screen.16:10
EriC^^c-moi: did you install xsel ?16:11
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c-moioh man16:11
japrowhat are the conditions for grub to consider something bootable?16:11
c-moixsel is manually installed yes but...16:11
EriC^^c-moi: if you open a terminal and type espeak $(xsel) with something selected does it work?16:11
c-moiI do have espeak-data, but not the 'espeak' package itself !16:11
EriC^^c-moi: it's kind of odd, it wasn't working without keeping it open earlier, and i keep modifying it to make it better and it acts out16:12
EriC^^apparently when i add a ";" it is working16:12
EriC^^gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'bash ~/bla.sh';"16:12
mojtabac-moi: The aptitude one, gave me a list with a row of (v,c,i,p and i A) What do they mean?16:12
c-moimojtaba, 'i' means it's installed16:12
EriC^^my script is #!/bin/bash and espeak $(xsel) on the second line, and it's chmod'd +x16:13
c-moiEriC^^, ok, i'll try that16:13
mojtabac-moi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9597016/16:13
blackangelprzykotick9, /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /               ext4    errors=remount-ro,noatime,discard 0       116:14
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c-moimojtaba, uninstall all linux-image with a "i" at the beggining, EXEPT for the one you're using ( uname -a )16:16
c-moimojtaba,  I'd recommend to keep at least two kernel16:16
cfhowlettmojtaba, keep TWO kernels; current and immediate predecessor16:17
c-moiEriC^^, ok the script does not end16:17
mojtabac-moi: Linux mojtaba-Studio-1555 3.13.0-43-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 8 19:35:06 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linu16:17
EriC^^c-moi: what do you mean?16:17
c-moiand I have no error, and no sound16:17
EriC^^c-moi: if you open a terminal and type espeak $(xsel) with something selected does it work?16:17
mojtabacfhowlett: thx16:17
c-moiEriC^^, it does not give the shell back (sorry for my english)16:18
c-moii'll try16:18
cfhowlettmojtaba, happy2help16:18
mojtabac-moi: how should I uninstall those with i? (What is i A?)16:18
EriC^^mojtaba: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.xx.x-xx-generic16:19
c-moi'espeak $(xsel)' with a word selected on firefox says the word16:19
EriC^^c-moi: ok, in keyboard and shortcuts, make a shortcut with this command:16:20
mojtabaEriC^^: Will it remove also linux-imgae-extra and other related things?16:20
EriC^^gnome-terminal --geometry=0x0 -e "bash -c 'bash ~/reader.sh';"16:20
c-moishould I hear something ?16:21
EriC^^c-moi: type gedit ~/reader.sh16:21
EriC^^and type on the first line #!/bin/bash16:22
c-moiespeak $(xsel)16:22
EriC^^on the second line type espeak $(xsel)16:22
EriC^^ok great,16:22
c-moihere is the exact content of the script16:22
EriC^^type chmod +x ~/reader.sh16:22
EriC^^what keyboard shortcut did you use?16:22
EriC^^that might interfere or something i dont know16:23
EriC^^try ctrl+alt+e16:23
c-moiunity ?16:23
EriC^^that's what i used, try it for testing purposes16:23
c-moiwhen I type alt+(left)super+s I get the 4 virtual spaces16:24
EriC^^try alt+ctrl+e if you haven't assigned it to something else already16:24
c-moicrtl+alt+e gives nothingh16:24
c-moiI don't think so, this is a fresh install16:24
EriC^^do you get a tiny terminal that pops up for a second?16:24
hariomWhen I check my upstart script using init-checkconfig, I get this eror:   ERROR: failed to ask Upstart to check conf file16:25
EriC^^i get a tiny a terminal next the the dash about half the icon's size16:25
c-moips ux shows that the script is still running16:25
hariomPls note that I don't have GUI, its only CLI16:25
EriC^^c-moi: it shouldn't keep running16:25
EriC^^c-moi: check the command of the keyboard shortcut16:26
EriC^^c-moi: you're adding it in custom shortcuts right?16:27
c-moiarf, no, I was executing it in a term ^^16:27
c-moisorry for that16:28
c-moiEriC^^, ok, I made a custom shortcurts with gnome-terminal --geometry=0x0 -e "bash -c 'bash ~/read.sh';"16:33
c-moiand it reads a selected text16:33
c-moi(I've binded it to ctrl+alt+e)16:34
c-moiin Unity 'Super+s' is binded to go from a working space to another16:36
c-moijust like ctrl+alt+direction16:36
demahum12ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused16:37
demahum12I tried everything from: http://askubuntu.com/questions/403936/ssh-connect-to-host-localhost-port-22-connection-refused16:37
demahum12ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused16:37
demahum12Any help?16:38
c-moiso If I press "super+alt+s" it considers it's super+s. But alt+super+s doesn't trigger16:38
c-moidemahum12, do you have a openssh-server ?16:38
c-moiis it running ?16:38
demahum12c-moi Yes I have it, i installed, uninstalled, rebooted, twice, hundred times... everything...16:38
c-moicheck any firewall and if the program is listening to port 22 (netstat -taupen)16:38
c-moicheck if it's running16:39
demahum12c-moi: It's running.16:39
Priceydemahum12: Can you pastebin the output of `netstat -tnlp`?16:39
demahum12Pricey: moment...16:39
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EriC^^c-moi: xmag is pretty cool btw16:40
c-moixmag ?16:40
EriC^^yeah type it in a terminal16:41
demahum12Pricey: http://pastebin.com/PrXaQshG16:41
c-moiI'll give it a look, I need something which speack what it sees, and a magnifying glass16:41
Priceydemahum12: Looks like you don't have anything listenning on port 22 :)16:41
Priceydemahum12: Do you definitely have an sshd installed and running?16:41
cfhowlettEriC^^, meh.  pastebinit is better16:41
EriC^^cfhowlett: ? what's xmag have to do with pastebinit?16:42
EriC^^it lets you magnify a box on the screen16:42
Priceydemahum12: `sudo service ssh (start|status)` etc.16:42
cfhowlettEriC^^, nicer display for one.  I gather xmag is a copy/paste solution.16:42
EriC^^cfhowlett: no, it's a magnifier, try xmag in the terminal16:42
EriC^^it's part of the X11-apps16:42
cfhowlettEriC^^, ah, it's a different type of tool!  got it.  sorry.16:42
c-moixmag is a magni.. oh well :)16:42
* cfhowlett facepalms keyboard and begs forgiveness16:43
EriC^^cfhowlett: hehe16:43
demahum12Pricey: As you see... http://pastebin.com/eLWcp5ay16:43
c-moiI'll try to make it work "user-friendly-ly" :p16:43
c-moidemahum12, ps aux |grep ssh16:44
c-moiand see the openssh-server file config16:44
c-moiyou should have a "Listen 22" at least16:44
demahum12c-moi: http://pastebin.com/qqmMbx1S16:44
Priceydemahum12: Sorry i meant 'status' or 'start', not both.16:45
c-moidemahum12, 'grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config'16:45
Priceydemahum12: But yes, seems like it's running but not configured to listen anywhere, c-moi's on the ball!16:46
demahum12Pricey: ssh start/running, process 110516:46
Finetundrawhere would i go to ask questions about running something under wine in ubuntu?16:46
demahum12c-moi: Port 21 is the output16:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:47
c-moiftp is on its way16:47
c-moiseriously, try ssh -p 21 localhost16:47
blackangelprFinetundra, https://forum.winehq.org/16:48
demahum12c-moi: I tried it before you even said it. It works!!!! :D :D :D16:49
stoogenmeyerHi, I watned to ask.. where would be a good place to ask upstart related questions ?16:49
demahum12Pricey: Thanks a lot!!! :D16:49
demahum12c-moi: Thanks a looottttt!!! :D :D :D16:49
c-moiyou can change the "Port" directive now16:49
demahum12c-moi: how?16:49
c-moiand restart the sshd daemon :)16:49
c-moivim /etc/ssh/sshd_config16:50
c-moivim/gedit/ your favorite editor16:50
c-moi(as sudo)16:50
demahum12c-moi: haha... I just wanted to say no to vim.. :D16:50
c-moino troll for me ^^16:50
c-moiEriC^^, thanks for the espeak working, still have no clue why Orca is not working. I told it to use the espeak-fr (as I'm french) perhaps it has something to do with this16:51
demahum12c-moi: heh... both vim and emacs are to professional for me...16:51
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:52
zykotick9oh, i guess that doesn't apply anymore...16:52
demahum12c-moi: however, this command outputs: gdk_mir_display_open Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory16:52
c-moidemahum12, both are good, as soon as you know how to use them.16:52
demahum12c-moi: I believe they are.16:52
c-moiafter what command ?16:52
demahum12c-moi: sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config16:53
EriC^^demahum12: you're using unity 8?16:53
EriC^^demahum12: gksu gedit16:53
demahum12EriC^^: haha... I would like if I know! :D16:53
EriC^^demahum12: desktop next?16:53
EriC^^cause it's saying Mir16:54
demahum12EriC^^: ??16:54
demahum12EriC^^: gksu edit output: (gksu:3389): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:16:54
EriC^^demahum12: try DISPLAY=:0 gksu gedit ...16:54
zykotick9EriC^^: i don't think gksu/gksudo are the "new way" anymore....16:55
EriC^^http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/ , it's a replacement for X16:55
EriC^^zykotick9: yeah i heard sudo works without problems now.. dunno16:55
demahum12EriC^^: wow man... A lot of errrors after DISPLAY=:0 gksu gedit16:55
zykotick9EriC^^: ya, i don't know the details...16:56
demahum12EriC^^: GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-tMWeTMYKGa: Connection refused GConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running16:56
EriC^^demahum12: are you on a gui?16:56
EriC^^demahum12: or tty?16:56
demahum12EriC^^: How to know?16:56
blackangelprdamccull, you see only letters?16:57
EriC^^are there windows and a background and stuff? or just a huge terminal16:57
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demahum12EriC^^: haha... I was thinking that you're thinking of something else... Yes. I'm on gui.16:57
demahum12EriC^^: Still here?17:01
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EriC^^demahum12: sorry, im back17:02
demahum12EriC^^: As I said, I'm on gui.17:03
EriC^^demahum12: ok try ls -ld ~/.dbus17:03
randommindsis it safe/good to add ipv6 ips like that: post-up /sbin/ip -6 addr add [...] - I have a /64 subnet17:04
randommindsbecause some of my server don't add them, some do17:04
demahum12EriC^^: drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Dec 22 17:27 /home/hduser/.dbus17:04
EriC^^c-moi: it was working before setting it to espeak-fr ?17:04
EriC^^demahum12: ok, sudo chown -R hduser: ~/.dbus17:05
demahum12EriC^^: Done.17:05
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EriC^^DISPLAY=:0 gksu gedit17:05
EriC^^usually it works without DISPLAY=:0 but you got a cant find display error earlier17:05
EriC^^demahum12: try gksu gedit see if it works17:07
demahum12(gksu:3503): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:17:07
demahum12EriC^^: (gksu:3503): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:17:07
EriC^^demahum12: add DISPLAY=:017:09
demahum12EriC^^: Whouhaaaaaa!! :D It worked! :D Congrats! You know knowledge! :D17:10
demahum12c-moi: Still here?17:11
madm1keI am looking for a device like the Asus Chrombox or Minix NEO X5 that will easily run the latest LTS of ubuntu. Can anyone recommend a device?17:15
cfhowlettmadm1ke, the 2 you mentioned should be fine17:15
demahum12c-moi: I'm sorry. I missed your yes.17:16
demahum12Do you remember where we have been? To change this port, or something like this?17:16
madm1kecfhowlett: i did not find reliable flashing/installation instructions for those devices, is there nothing better?17:16
c-moiyes, /etc/sshd/sshd_server17:16
randommindsIs there a fancy gui tool that's is showing me the load of my servers?17:16
c-moivim /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:16
randommindsand other meta data as well17:17
cfhowlettmadm1ke, best option: get an explicitly supported linux device.  next best option: get a linux-friendly device.17:17
demahum12c-moi: Ok, I have the same error again.17:17
randommindsjuicessh (AndriodApp) for example has a plugin, but I'd like that on the desktop17:17
demahum12EriC^^: Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory  (gedit:3618): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:17:18
c-moidemahum12, what is the command you executed ?17:18
demahum12gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:18
demahum12c-moi: gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:18
madm1kecfhowlett: well that's not good enough. there are boxes out there that run linux with minimal to no chance of ever installing ubuntu on them. I am looking for an actual well documented and supported device17:18
jhutchinsmadm1ke: I guess it's up to you to document it.17:19
c-moidemahum12, try another editor ?17:19
demahum12c-moi: I'm just doing it. :D17:19
c-moithe file is /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:20
c-moi(tab completion is your friend)17:20
demahum12c-moi: Ok, I opened it using nano (I hope so I'll know how to use it). :D17:20
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demahum12c-moi: Now to change instead of 21 to put 22?17:20
cfhowlettmadm1ke, wait 117:21
cfhowlettmadm1ke, xps 13 developer from dell comes to mind17:21
demahum12c-moi: ?17:24
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sophoclesso PBay has been taken down17:26
sophoclesthe end as we know it17:26
ikonianot really anything to do with #ubuntu17:26
ikoniaso please keep it out of this channel17:27
Sh3r1ffdemahum12: you are trying to open a file on a remote server with gedit, right?17:27
Sh3r1ffdemahum12: use vi instead17:27
demahum12Sh3r1ff: no no, it's fine now, I managed to open it... the thing is that c-moi (as I understood) wanted to change is that ssh is not listening to 21 (as it is now), but to 22...17:28
Sh3r1ffdemahum12: by default ssh listens to 22 (21 is ftp)17:29
demahum12Sh3r1ff: Yes, but now it listens to 21... That's the thing...17:29
c-moiyep demahum12, that's it :)17:30
demahum12c-moi: Ok, I have changed it to 22, now what?17:31
sophocleshow do i get a printout of all the channels from xchat to a text file?17:31
sophoclesfrom command line if possible17:32
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LarsNsophocles: if logging it turned on, likely they're already in text files.17:32
cfhowlettsophocles, yep.  check yer xchat logs.17:32
LarsNsophocles: I suspect under .xchat/logs17:32
LarsNor similar17:33
EriC^^sophocles: all the channels?17:33
sophocleswell yeah i have to load them up individually everytime i  logg in17:33
squintysophocles:  xchat > server > list of channels  etc etc17:33
blackangelprbig brother monitoring ? XD17:33
sophoclesnew to irc17:33
c-moioh, auto connect ?17:33
c-moiyou can right click on the channel and set to favorite17:33
LarsNsophocles: in irssi, there's a global config to auto-log any open window.  I imagine xchat is similar.17:34
c-moiI confirm17:34
EriC^^sophocles: you can have them autojoin on login17:34
EriC^^sophocles: press ctrl+s, then edit, then favorites channels at the bottoms17:34
LarsNblackangelpr: grep  on the logs is a fast way to find solutions to problems ;)17:34
c-moiwell, orca is definitely not working. And there is no log to look for. sometimes even inser+h does not show the config window17:35
cfhowlettsophocles, /home/acerimmer/.config/hexchat/scrollback/freenode/         seems to by my location17:35
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demahum12c-moi: Now the output of grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config is Port 2217:35
c-moiperhaps it's a conflict with 14.04 unity.... I'll try xfce17:35
demahum12c-moi: but ssh localhost -p 22 does not work...17:35
cfhowlettsophocles, of course, those are ONLY logs of my discussions, not entire channel logs17:35
c-moidemahum12, you need to restart the service17:35
demahum12c-moi: nor the ssh localhost17:36
demahum12c-moi: I'll try it now.17:36
demahum12c-moi: It worrrrkkssssssss!!!! :D17:37
c-moinice :)17:37
demahum12c-moi: Congratsss!!! You know knowledge!!! D17:38
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affyHi, I just bought a new nvidia card (750-ti), I had AMD. I uninstalled the AMD drivers and I'm about to install the proprietary nvidia ones. However, when I press ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 I get a black screen, so I can't proceed with installation. Any help would be appreciated. As far as how I uninstalled the AMD drivers, I did this: http://askubuntu.com/a/68312 Thanks in advance.17:47
EriC^^affy: boot with nomodeset17:47
EriC^^( maybe )17:48
EriC^^affy: hold on, someone might know a better way or something17:48
michagogoIs this an okay place to ask about a problem with an Ubuntu VM? A couple weeks ago, I made an image of my (Windows laptop) HD onto an external drive and then wiped the laptop. Now, I reinstalled Virtualbox and copied the VM data from the image.17:51
michagogoI just tried to boot the VM for the first time since then, and I'm greeted with a black screen with this message:17:51
michagogoerror: invalid arch independent ELF magic.17:51
michagogogrub rescue>17:51
michagogoWhat might be wrong, and how can I fix it?17:52
EriC^^michagogo: when you setup the vm, did you set the same arch ( 32 or 64 bit )17:52
michagogoEriC^^: I didn't setup the VM again, I copied the vbox file too17:53
michagogoSo yes, the arch does match17:53
EriC^^michagogo: the error sounds like it has a wrong file, that's supposed to be arch independent17:53
MrSavagemichagogo: I'm guessing you're using virtualbox?17:53
MrSavageah you are17:53
michagogoMrSavage: yes, I think I said that17:53
EriC^^so nevermind17:53
EriC^^michagogo: load a live usb onto the vm, and chroot and reinstall grub maybe17:54
MrSavagemichagogo: if you're having virtualbox issues -> #virtualbox17:54
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cfhowlett!vbox | michagogo17:54
ubottumichagogo: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:54
michagogoOkay, thanks anyway :-/17:55
AikiloxHello. I can not install 64 bit version on my computer. It used to work! Do you have an idea why?17:55
madm1keAikilox: please be more precise with your problem17:56
affyEriC^^: Hi, boot with nomodset? How do I do that? I guess I'll try.17:56
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:57
affyok thanks17:57
Jesper--affy, hold shift down while it boots17:58
Aikiloxmadmlke, what details should I give? Instalation process freezes at one point. I cannot use the mouse or keyboard.17:58
madm1keAikilox: and you suspect this has something to do with the 64bit version?18:00
AikiloxNo, other distributions do not work also on this computer18:01
Aikiloxon my laptop works ok18:01
* affy reboots his system.18:01
k0i9094so how do you set a swap partition like how you can easily designate virtual memory on windows?18:01
madm1kemichagogo: did you create the vm from scratch and added the .vdi disk? if the architecture is the same, does (un)checking "Enable EFI" help?18:02
Aikilox<madm1ke>, maybe something in the bios, but I can not figure out what18:02
HikaruBGhi guys18:03
madm1kek0i9094: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/swap#Swap_file18:03
squintyk0i9094:  maybe google "ubuntu create swap file" for a non partition swap alternative18:04
HikaruBGany thoughts on "The best email client for Ubuntu"?   I need something that has the functionality of Outlook18:04
madm1keHikaruBG: just try a lot and make an informed decision (evolution, thunderbird, claws, maybe even mutt..)18:04
madm1keHikaruBG: the most similar to outlook is probably evolution18:05
k0i9094squinty, i made a partition for swap when i was first installing the distro but i guess i didn't do it properly, but i can see the unassigned partition from gparted still18:05
madm1keAikilox: sorry, I don't understand your problem. If you can run the 64bit installation on your machine then it's not an architecture problem18:05
aya_I am looking for a forum or something that can help me learn how to use my ubuntu 14.04lts system more efficiently, needless to say i am a total noob with it18:06
HikaruBGThanks madm1ke18:06
Aikilox<madm1ke>, maybe something in the bios, but I can not figure out what18:06
Aikilox<madm1ke>, I saw on a forum about IOMMU in bios18:06
Aikiloxlet see what happens18:07
madm1kek0i9094: well in that case just "sudo mkswap /dev/sdaX" and add "/dev/sdaX none swap defaults 0 0" to /etc/fstab18:07
Aikiloxthis is very strange for me also18:07
Aikiloxand very annoying18:07
k0i9094madm1ke, ok i'll try that out18:07
squintyk0i9094:  maybe try the following and see if anything applicable  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq18:08
affy"nomodeset" works, thanks. I now did "sudo service lightdm stop", then ran the installer "sudo ./NVIDIA...sh" and it says "the distribution-provided pre-install script failed, continue installation anyway", shall I continue? What's this?18:09
rio_zentaDo windows drivers affect linux/ubuntu in any way?18:10
aya_I am looking for a forum or something that can help me learn how to use my ubuntu 14.04lts system more efficiently, needless to say i am a total noob with it18:10
rio_zentaaya_, what exactly do you want to learn?18:10
cfhowlettmadm1ke, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/18:10
rio_zentaubuntuforums.org will help18:10
cfhowlettaya_, www.fullcirclemagazine.org18:10
madm1kerio_zenta: can you be more precise?18:11
rio_zentamadm1ke, my lenovo machine is having audio issues with the headphone jack. the sound is coming out where it is soft and vocals are inaudible. I postulated a theory by asking if it is possible that a windows driver is affecting the sound18:12
cfhowlettaya_, also, lots of free stuff for each issue:  http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Magazine/Archive18:12
aya_basics at first like I have read a few forums but they dont really give me much just stats about the os. this is the first thing ive been able to download sucessfully because i get alot of error codes im not sure about and have tried to get wine and such so i can run a few of the windows programs i prefer, -__- but between the utube vids and forums ive had no such luck getting it down18:12
jhutchinsaya_: Wine should be in the software manager.18:13
madm1kerio_zenta: in the sense that the windows driver persistently changed the hardware ?18:13
rio_zentaaya_, Ideally you'd want to avoid wine for now. most software you like in windows is available on nix18:13
jhutchinsaya_: Generally you want to use official Ubuntu packages whenever possible.18:13
squinty!wine | aya_18:13
ubottuaya_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:13
cfhowlettaya_, fullcirclemagazine.org Issue #0.  download/read/learn  then move on to #1, #2, you see the pattern here18:13
aya_yea i installed it and the config for it but i says error code programs not able to be installed blah blah blah18:14
rio_zentamadm1ke, Something like that. Possibly that the windows driver is the controlling force or that the ubuntu guys are using the same driver but didn't configure it 100%18:14
rio_zentaaya_, How are you installing programs?18:14
jhutchinsaya_: https://ubuntu-manual.org/18:15
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:15
jhutchinsaya_: There are lots of Windows programs that will never work in wine.18:15
madm1kerio_zenta: windows and linux drivers are completely incompatible and it is unlikely that your windows reflashed some rom that changed your audio jack behaviour18:16
aya_through the terminal, I download the information package enter the suo code into the terminals and after that it wont let me put in my password to accept. I just wanted the utorrent because i know how to use and work that one and itunes for my ipod18:16
rio_zentamadm1ke, then it is likely that the issue lives in the Pulse Audio driver. I'm tempted to update it (ubuntu 14.04) but I've also heard that driver updates can break things18:17
madm1kerio_zenta: maybe it's a pin-layout related problem? is it an intel audio controller with snd_hda_intel ?18:17
squintyaya_:  when entering passwords ina terminal the password is not displayed... just type your password and press the Enter key18:17
rio_zentamadm1ke, yes it is that audio controller. It seems this problem occurs a lot with Lenovo machines for some reason18:18
aya_it tells me password not accepted or entered i tried it a dozen times18:18
madm1kehave you played around with the model parameter of that module? https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt18:18
jhutchinsaya_: What is prompting you for your password?18:19
rio_zentaaya_, You need to use the "root" password to install software18:19
squintyaya_:  your best bet for wine related issues is to join (as the !wine info blurb suggests) is to join #wine channel here on freenode18:19
jhutchinssquinty: No, this is Ubuntu.  You use sudo, which requires the user password.18:19
squintyjhutchins: no me you should be telling  ;-)18:19
aya_jhutchins: ?18:20
madm1kerio_zenta: what lenovo notebook are you using?18:20
rio_zentamadm1ke, t43018:20
jhutchinssquinty: I see that.18:20
jhutchinsaya_: What is asking for your password?18:20
rio_zentaaya_, let me go find you a guide on how to install software. I understand where you're coming from and a guide will help18:21
artiomjarwhen you do the debootstrap with package exclusion parameter, the excluded package is still not excluded. sudo debootstrap --arch=amd64 --exclude=hostname --components=main,universe --variant=minbase --print-debs utopic .kubuntu ftp://mirror.as43289.net/ubuntu/ is this a bug?18:21
aya_o the terminal when im trying to use the extracted files to enter the codes18:21
madm1kecfhowlett: uh thanks for that certified hardware link18:22
cfhowlettmadm1ke, happy2help18:22
jhutchinsaya_: I don't know what codes you're talking about, or what extracted files.18:22
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jhutchinsaya_: Are you trying to install wine or install software to wine?18:23
rio_zentaI hope aya_ is not trying to do compiles18:23
jhutchinsaya_: I don't think anyone has gotten itunes to work on linux.  There are native linux programs that can manage your music and your ipod.18:24
squintyaya_:  might also want to check out the following which displays alternate linux software replacements for Windows apps    http://www.linuxalt.com/18:24
aya_ok so at first it said i didnt need wine to get utorrent or itunes it said i could simply exact the downloaded files put the apt sudo command in and lalala it would be nifty that didnt work so i found another that told me another way and it would use wine to download the files but i get error codes wine package is installed but will not worl18:26
buildjoin #vagrant18:26
aya_rio_zenta: got my noob face on -_______-'18:27
phre4kaya_: what do you actually want to do?18:27
jhutchinsaya_: For torrents you don't need windows software, torrents were invented on linux.  There are many different programs for dealing with them.18:27
squintyaya_:  utorrent only provides a web based interface for the server edition of utorrent.  however, it will work for everyday user downloading though18:27
jhutchinsaya_: For itunes it's not gonna work no matter what you do.18:27
phre4kaya_: do you want a music player with a performant library? Do you want a Torrent downloader? I recommend clementine and deluge for that.18:27
jhutchinsaya_: You want to use the software center within Ubuntu for installing new programs.18:27
madm1kerio_zenta: can I get your output of "lspci -nn | grep Audio" ?18:28
jhutchinsaya_: Downloading packages and installing them is a last resort for advanced users.18:28
rio_zentaaya_, !transmission18:29
rio_zentaaah nothing.18:29
phre4kTransmission <<< Deluge imho18:29
aya_not a music player i just wanted itunes so i can use it for my ipod updates and music n such i know u can sync them but idk how to do that with this os.18:29
phre4kaya_: you can use clementine with your iPod, too.18:29
jhutchinsrio_zenta: That's the format but it looks like there isn't a specific factoid.18:30
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P18:30
phre4kaya_: or Rhythmbox or nearly any other "big" music management/player app on Linux18:30
aya_ummms is there a way for like a private chat so i can take this all in without all the other clutter q\18:31
rio_zentaaya_, Personally, if you want/need software that is specific to windows, you should probably dual-boot and keep a windows OS also18:31
phre4kaya_: I dearly recommend clementine, it's a native app and as such much faster and reliable than iTunes through WINE, also it's not iTunes. I can't even believe you put up with iTunes until this point. Did you use Windows or Mac before?18:31
michagogomadm1ke: No, I copied the vbox file along with the vdi18:32
phre4kaya_: what rio_zenta says btw, but I don't think that's really necessary since there are great alternatives which work even better than iTunes.18:32
aya_phre4k: ive only had windows my entire life ive trying to learn more about the ubuntu i have the 14.04lts and this is all very new all my computer classes ive had was all microsoft18:33
jhutchinsaya_: You probably need to hide joins and parts in your irc client: https://smuxi.im/ezfaq/show/smuxi?faq_id=1318:33
squintyaya_: if using xchat or hexchat, you can disable all the join/leave messages by right clicking on the channel button and then selecting Setting > Hide18:34
jhutchinsaya_: The handbook should be very helpful to a new user.18:34
phre4kaya_: do you like it so far? What don't you like?18:34
phre4kaya_: I think you have to part from the Windows mindset a little. You have a package manager on your hands now ;)18:35
aya_jhutchins: handbook??...18:36
rio_zentaI must tell all of you that it is very nice to see you all being so kind to the newbie. Not all channels are this friendly. so thanks for that guys :)18:36
phre4kaya_: with Windows you always have to research your software, download it from shady sites, install a lot of toolbars. With Linux (Ubuntu in this case) you have a package manager and can search a few thousands of programs within it. You shouldn't circumvent the package manager. And you should part from the idea to find a 1:1 replacement for your Windows apps.18:36
phre4kaya_: we can help you transition. Maybe tell us all your issues and we resolve them one by one. I recommend replacing iTunes with Clementine and ditching WINE for that particular problem.18:37
aya_phre4k: haha i like this program alot and im sure after getting my ps and qs in order i will like it alot more18:37
aya_rio_zenta: -______-' lol :)18:38
KHendrikhi folks18:38
phre4kaya_: which program? p's / q's? Sorry, I'm not a native speaker so that might be lost in translation.18:39
phre4kKHendrik: hi :)18:39
rio_zentaps = playstation ?18:39
KHendrikcan anyone tell me how to start the gtk inspector already googled a lot but that just made me angry cause i still can't figure it out18:39
MrSavageshould i get this repo on my ubuntu 14.10? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg/7:2.5-118:40
MrSavageI hear ffmpeg was reintroduced into ubuntu on version 1518:40
phre4kMrSavage: what do you expect from adding that PPA? Does your ffmpeg not work?18:40
aya_lol it kinda means the same as dotting ur I and crossing your T its a thing lol18:40
squintyaya_:   <jhutchins> aya_: https://ubuntu-manual.org/   (handbook)18:40
MrSavagephre4k: I don't have ffmpeg in my repo18:40
cfhowlettMrSavage, ffmpeg has been deprecated in favor of avconv.18:40
MrSavagecfhowlett: phre4k http://www.webupd8.org/2014/11/ffmpeg-returns-to-official-ubuntu.html18:41
phre4koh, sry.18:41
MrSavageUbuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet currently has FFMpeg 2.4.318:41
phre4kI'm not up2date with Ubuntu.18:41
aya_phre4k: ur all good18:41
MrSavageshould i obtain this new repo? or will it not be compatible with ubuntu 14.10?18:41
cfhowlettMrSavage, I know.  we'll see.  meanwhile, avconv is available and supported.  choose wisely.18:41
squintyMrSavage:   http://packages.ubuntu.com/18:41
MrSavagecfhowlett: sudo apt-get install avconv gives nothing18:41
cfhowlett!info libavtools | MrSavage,18:42
phre4kaya_: haha^^ sorry if I'm unnerving, but did you decide what you do with your iTunes yet?18:42
ubottuMrSavage,: Package libavtools does not exist in utopic18:42
phre4kKHendrik: gnome wiki says "To enable the debugger, you can use the Control-Shift-I or Control-Shift-D keyboard shortcuts"18:42
MrSavagecfhowlett: what does it mean?18:42
cfhowlett!info libav-tools | MrSavage,18:42
ubottuMrSavage,: libav-tools (source: libav): Multimedia player, encoder and transcoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:11-1 (utopic), package size 410 kB, installed size 2896 kB18:42
jhutchinsaya_: I thought I sent you the handbook link earlier.  This is not it, but looks interesting: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/18:43
aya_phre4k: i was looking for the clemintine u mentioned but i dont know what im looking for or what it looks likr yet18:43
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phre4kaya_: go into the software center and search for it18:43
aya_jhutchins: THANK YOU uve been very kind and helpful ^_^18:43
jhutchinsAh, it's manual, not handbook.18:43
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:43
MrSavagecfhowlett: i got it but man libav-tools gives nothing18:44
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jhutchinsI should probably install ubuntu on something so I can test suggestions and walk people through stuff.18:44
rio_zentajhutchins, virtual machine18:45
cfhowlettMrSavage, libav-tools is the metapackage.  man avconv will get you going18:45
aya_one last thing does any one know how to change my default downloader back to the archive manager i got my resume out of my email and now it want to put everything into my libre offive18:46
phre4kjhutchins: Virtualbox? :)18:46
rio_zentaaya_, I didn't quite understand what you mean there18:46
phre4kaya_: default downloader? Let me recap: You download a file in your web browser (Firefox?), then click on it and Libreoffice opens?18:46
jhutchinsAnybody know offhand of a url for a VMware player compatible ubuntu image?18:47
phre4kaya_: you can change the default action for downloaded files in firefox with Menu → Preferences → Applications18:48
KHendrikphre4k, yeah i read the wiki but nothing i read works on my machine for whatever reason18:48
jhutchinsaya_: In your file manager you can right-click a file and change the program associated with it.18:48
phre4kjhutchins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware18:48
phre4kjhutchins: seems like any ISO is compatible18:48
aya_jhutchins: yea so i downloaded my resume from my email and had it open in libreoffice and now with like pictures and such it wants to open it in that i tried opening it in the archive manager which i can open manually but says file not found when trying to open it when changing the thing18:49
rio_zentajhutchins, the normal ubuntu .iso should work in VMWare18:50
phre4ksry for capslock, but I'm quite a bit excited :D18:50
rio_zentaaya_, When you click "Open with" the file is saved temporarily. Try looking below "Open with" to see an option called "Save ...". Use that to save files18:51
aya_^^^^what is that18:51
jhutchinsrio_zenta: There are pre-built images that you can just open in VMware.18:51
phre4kaya_: so you want to open pictures with the archive manager? You know the archive manager is for archives (ZIP, RAR, 7Z), right?18:51
aya_rio_zenta: trust me i dont always want to look at what i do twice lmao18:51
phre4kaya_: your browser is Firefox, right? Did you try my solution?18:52
phre4k<phre4k> aya_: you can change the default action for downloaded files in firefox with Menu → Preferences → Applications18:52
phre4k(menu = the hamburger in the top right corner of firefox)18:52
jhutchinsrio_zenta: Although it would probably be useful for me to actually run the installer.18:53
aya_well like downloading them its nice when the go there so i dont have to dig through stuff18:53
phre4kjhutchins: installing Ubuntu takes 10 minutes, you will be searching longer for a VMWare image18:53
rio_zentamadm1ke, https://pastee.org/6brht . apologies for the delay, was doing a backup18:54
aya_phre4k: lol im not tthhhhhaaaat bad im an early 20 yr old18:54
blackangelprfor vmware its better to use x86  if not mistaken18:54
phre4kaya_: sorry :)18:54
rio_zentano 64-bit support for vmware?18:55
jhutchinsblackangelpr: Yeah, player is a 32b environment even on a 64b host.18:55
MrSavagecfhowlett: i would i find this package myself and find out myself what to man?18:56
cfhowlettMrSavage, apt-cache show libav-tools will give an extended description18:56
MrSavagecfhowlett: thanks for that18:56
aya_phre4k: ummm what do i do after i open the application thing18:56
MrSavagecfhowlett: I never know about apt-cache show18:56
cfhowlettMrSavage, happy2show18:56
MrSavagecfhowlett: how did you find that command?18:57
MrSavagecfhowlett: i mean learn18:57
cfhowlettMrSavage, man apt           will give you all kinds of tricks!18:57
rio_zentaMrSavage, those are CLI commands. quite powerful (used by server administrators)18:58
MrSavagecfhowlett: apt-cache show still doesn't show what commands come with libav-tools18:58
phre4kaya_: you scroll to the file type you want to not be associated with libreoffice and choose the action you want to do.18:58
cfhowlettMrSavage, now you know the package names.  man "packagename" for details18:58
phre4kaya_: if you want files to always download to the Downloads folder, you can set this in the tab "General"18:58
phre4k(just like with Windows btw)18:58
MrSavagecfhowlett: but apt-cache show doesn't show a field explaining that avconv is a command18:59
MrSavageit just says the package contains avconv19:00
mgodzillai'm usin' lubuntu 14.04 radeon x600 video card.  anyone had success w/ fglrx config w/ these?19:00
phre4kMrSavage: https://wiki.debian.org/Aptitude19:00
phre4kMrSavage: for example: aptitude search avconf19:00
MrSavagephre4k: I don't have aptitude19:00
phre4k(or apt-cache search, but I've grown to like aptitude)19:00
aya_phre4k: ^^^^ what are these bout?? im intrigued lol19:01
phre4kMrSavage: apt-get install aptitude19:01
jhutchinsMrSavage: dpkg -l <package> will show you what files are installed where.  Files in bin or sbin are executable.19:01
cfhowlettMrSavage, see https://libav.org/avconv.html19:01
squintyMrSavage:  Synaptic package manager will also display the various files installed, their paths etc too19:02
phre4kaya_: apt is the package managing application for Ubuntu. Apt does have a few frontends, both GUI (graphical) and CLI (command line). The software center for example is a GUI frontend, there's also Synaptic for example. CLI frontends are aptitude or apt-get/apt-cache.19:02
aya_can i save this log?19:03
MrSavagejhutchins: dpkg -l libav-tools gives nothing of that19:03
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madm1kerio_zenta: what kind of headphones do you have? there are more than 2 types of 4-pin jacks and maybe that's why your sound is borked19:03
phre4kaya_: copy & paste? :D19:03
phre4kaya_: you mean what I just said?19:04
cfhowlettMrSavage, go to the source: https://www.libav.org/19:04
MrSavagei just find it strange how local tools can't really tell me what commands are installed19:04
MrSavageor what man to use19:04
rio_zentamadm1ke, I am currently using a normal pair of headphones that have worked properly in 12.04 . I also tested out ipod headphones and they didn't work as well. the sound is "low" and only becomes audible on the speakers above 80%19:04
madm1kerio_zenta: so the internal speakers also produce the weird sound? not just the headphones?19:05
cfhowlettMrSavage, I agree ... documentation of this package is hardly intuitive.19:05
rio_zentaaya_, in your IRC chat application, look for something called "Window" and at the bottom (after clicking) it will say "Save text"19:05
MrSavagewell i guess dpkg -L libav-tools does the job19:05
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rio_zentamadm1ke, The vocals are more audible with the internal speakers, but it still requires me to increase the volume to +80%, which seems unusual as I previously used 15-20% comfortably on 12.0419:06
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madm1kerio_zenta: okay, then my thought was wrong, can't help you19:08
pixelkatcan someone help me sign in to skype?19:08
pixelkatubuntu 14.0419:08
cfhowlettpixelkat, ??? put in your name and password.  done.19:09
pixelkatskype runs super slow and tells me it cant connect when i enter my user name and password19:09
blackangelprpixelkat, ? you have a .deb  on their site19:09
pixelkatthats what i used19:09
pixelkatthe 64bit deb19:09
cfhowlettpixelkat, you didn't install from software center?19:09
rio_zentacfhowlett, There is no skype in the software centre19:10
pixelkati did sudo apt-get install skype19:10
pixelkatand it said i have the latest version already19:10
cfhowlettrio_zenta, false.  partner repos/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9598146/19:11
squintyrio_zenta:  shows up fine here with   aptitude search skype  :)19:11
pixelkatone time i tried to sign in and it said i was already signed in19:11
pixelkathow do i chek all running instances?19:12
cfhowlettpixelkat, so you installed properly.  ask microsoft why it's not functioning properly.19:12
pixelkatwell i was able to sign in earlier when i ran through terminal sudo skype19:12
ikoniapixelkat: exactly how did you install it19:12
phre4kpixelkat: ps aux | grep [Ss]kype19:12
blackangelprlook for system monitor then  look for skype in the process19:12
ikoniaand I do mean exactly - not sort of19:12
LarsNphre4k: could do:  ps aux  |grep -i skype19:13
LarsNsa well.19:13
pixelkati downloaded the .deb from their site19:13
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pixelkatand installed through software center19:13
ikoniapixelkat: right - a minute ago you said you did apt-get install19:13
ikonianow you are saying you downloaded a deb19:13
ikoniaand now your saying installed through software center19:13
cfhowlettpixelkat,  you done it wrong.19:13
ikoniathats 3 different things19:13
pixelkatthe way i installed was through the .deb first19:13
pixelkatthen i tried installing through terminal19:13
ikoniawhy ?#19:13
pixelkatand it said i already have the latest version19:14
ikoniawhy di dyou install it 2 times19:14
pixelkatit only installed once19:14
ikoniayou didn't19:14
cfhowlettpixelkat, "only twice"?  well, then ...19:14
ikoniayou just said you installed it first through the deb, then through the terminal19:14
ikoniaand you also said you installed it through software center19:14
ikoniathats 319:14
pixelkatlet me clarify19:14
ikoniaso why hve you tried to install it multiple times19:14
pixelkati downloaded the .deb19:14
pixelkatdouble clicked it19:14
pixelkatand it installed through software center19:14
ikoniaok - so there is one19:14
pixelkatim installing through terminal now19:15
ikoniawhy ?19:15
pixelkatbecause i just did spt-get remove skype19:15
pixelkatand it said it waasnt installed19:15
ikoniayou're just changing things every minute19:15
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ikoniapixelkat: you said you did apt-get install skype and it said it was already at the latest version19:15
ikoniathis is totally different to what you are saying now19:15
pixelkatwell blame my computer19:16
ikoniaI'm blaming you19:16
ikoniawhat are you doing ?19:16
ikoniawhy are you giving bad information19:16
ikoniais this another one of your "jokes"19:16
ikoniathen why are you giving different information every 30 seconds19:16
pixelkatim not!19:17
ikoniayou are19:17
pixelkathere's what i did19:17
pixelkatdownloaded the .deb19:17
pixelkatdouble clicked it19:17
ikonia19:14 < pixelkat> and it said i already have the latest version19:17
pixelkatit pulled up softare center19:17
ikonia19:15 < pixelkat> and it said it waasnt installed19:17
pixelkati clicked install19:17
ikoniathat is two totally differnet situations19:18
pixelkatwhen i checked it in terminal19:18
pixelkatsaid it wasnt installed19:18
pixelkatso i did apt-get install skype19:18
pixelkatnow it installed through terminal19:18
Buddybhi all, anyone can help me with ARandR settings?19:18
pixelkatand brought up a different version of skype19:18
pixelkatthe welcome screen is different19:18
ikoniapixelkat: right you've installed it 2 times19:18
ikoniafrom different sources19:18
ikoniawhich is why I asked at the start "why are you installing it twice"19:18
pixelkatwell what should i do19:19
pixelkatit worked earlier when i ran through terminal sudo skype19:19
ikoniaright - so why di dyou then try to install it a second time ?19:19
LarsNBuddyb: I can't help, but thank you!  I didn't know ARandR was a thing.19:19
pixelkatdoes java have anything to do with it?19:19
ikoniapixelkat: you are causing problems19:19
ikoniano java is not the issue19:19
cfhowlettpixelkat, SUDO skype?!19:19
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pixelkatis the service down/19:20
ikoniapixelkat: I suggest you re-install your machine and stop messing around blindly and try to actually work wiht people to help you19:20
pixelkatsays i cant connect19:20
ikoniapixelkat: that is not the optimal solution, but it seems the only way you will stop your approach to managing your system19:20
pixelkatim tird of reinstalling ubuntu19:20
cfhowlettpixelkat, no one said install ubuntu.19:20
ikoniapixelkat: then stop just blindly doing things for no reason and work with people19:20
LarsNpixelkat: start with cding into the directory withnyour skype .deb19:20
ikoniacfhowlett: I did19:20
LarsNand use dpkg to remove it.19:21
ikoniacfhowlett: as it seems the only way he'll stop doing these sort of things if each time he needs to re-install19:21
pixelkatbut it should work from the .deb19:21
cfhowlettikonia, ouch.  that's a very ... windowsy ... method.19:21
pixelkatit has before19:21
pixelkatwhats different this time?19:21
ikoniacfhowlett: its a user problem19:21
ikoniacfhowlett: not a technology19:21
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pixelkatits not though19:21
cfhowlettikonia, I was just thinking that.19:21
ikoniacfhowlett: it seems to me the only way the user will stop his current approach to using his system19:21
pixelkati didnt do anything different this time than i have in times past19:21
LarsNpixelkat: I'm 99% sure installing the .deb actually tries to pull in additional resources, which fail.19:21
elliotd123pixelcat: when you installed from the repos, it probable screwed up your .deb install19:21
ikoniaif each time it's a clean install19:21
pixelkatexcept this time its not working19:21
LarsNpixelkat: usually requires me to do:  apt-get --fix-missing19:22
pixelkatill try that19:22
ikoniapixelkat: http://heartbeat.skype.com/ skype status is good19:22
LarsNpixelkat: but since i've done apt-get install skype19:22
LarsNyou now have two versions installed.19:22
LarsNwhich is the opposite of ideal.19:22
cfhowlettpixelkat, you have the file AVAILABLE in the ubuntu software center.  NO GOOD REASON to get it elsewhere.19:22
LarsNso, remove them both, and start clean.19:22
pixelkatit wasnt availble in the repos first time i tried19:23
pixelkatthen i went into software sources19:23
pixelkatand clicked ubuntu partners19:23
pixelkatcanonical partners i mean19:23
pixelkatand then it showed up19:23
cfhowlettpixelkat, and then you got the .deb.  Logic???19:23
LarsNpixelkat: you never removed the .deb though19:23
pixelkatso how do i remove them all and just install from repos19:23
LarsNpixelkat: cd to the directory with the .deb19:23
cfhowlettpixelkat, sudo dpkg -r foo.deb  will remove it ... but not the configurations/settings19:24
LarsNpixelkat: and dpkg -r skype-package-whatever-the-heck.deb19:24
chreubenHi, all. I’m looking for information on tablets that run Ubuntu or at least *could* run Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntu.com/tablet is helpful, but is there a list of supported (or unofficially supported) Ubuntu-friendly tablets?19:24
cfhowlett!touch | chreuben19:24
ubottuchreuben: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:24
chreubenThank you. :)19:24
pixelkati just removed everything and now im installing from terminal19:24
cfhowlettchreuben, happy2help19:24
LarsNpixelkat: use the software center to install skype.19:25
pixelkattoo late19:25
LarsNpixelkat: and delete the .deb from your Downloads, so you don't try to install it again later. :)19:25
pixelkatalready done through terminal19:25
LarsNpixelkat: while you're at it, you might want to apt-get update19:25
pixelkative done that19:25
LarsNand autoremove and or fix-missing as required.19:25
pixelkatand apt-get upgrade19:26
cfhowlettpixelkat, You might want to clean up /etc/apt/sources.list       as well19:26
pixelkative done that too19:26
pixelkatit just says "skype can't connect"19:26
ikoniasooner you do a clean install and walk through it cleanly with us from the start, the easier you'll find it19:26
ikoniaI'm not confident with your explination19:26
cfhowlettpixelkat, did you remove the old configurations/settings?  no?  so you have conflicting settings from 2 different versions of skype?19:27
pixelkatim installing java 619:27
elliotd123afaik skype does not use java19:27
* cfhowlett facepalms the keyboard and walks away19:27
pixelkatwell it timed out earlier and said something about java19:27
ikoniapixelkat: we cannot help you with this random approach19:27
ikoniapixelkat: unless you are willing to work wiht people - please don't ask for help19:27
pixelkatim doing my best here.19:27
pixelkati have been19:27
ikoniapixelkat: you're just doing random things that will cause a problem19:27
LarsNpixelkat: mv ~/.Skype ~/.dont-use-skype-old19:27
LarsNpixelkat: and try starting skype again.19:28
pixelkatflip it ill just reinstall ubuntu19:28
ikoniapixelkat: when you reinstall do nothing19:28
ikoniapixelkat: join this channel, and explain what you need19:28
ikoniaand people will help you get it setup correctly, providing you follow the info and do nothing else19:29
lowangcan someone help me with getting back the wallpaper option in system settings ? It's not there anymore neither is it an option when you right click on the desktop19:29
pixelkati just reset my password too so i know thats not the problem19:32
bekkspixelkat: You did not reinstall yet.19:33
pixelkati really don't want to reinstall19:33
pixelkatits supposed to work19:33
pixelkatdid someone hack my computer?19:34
pixelkatand block skype?19:34
pixelkateverything else works19:34
* blackangelpr is back (gone 00:01:25)19:34
* blackangelpr is away: dizzy of reading (@_@) break time!19:34
bekkspixelkat: Well, since you dont want to reinstall as you agreed minutes ago, I am resting your case.19:34
pixelkatill reinstall19:35
cfhowlettpixelkat, no this is an operator headspace error.19:35
pixelkatlol no its not19:35
pixelkati did things exactly how ive done in times past, (which all worked fine)19:35
pixelkatexcept this time its not working19:36
bekksAnd except you are using an unsupported release.19:36
pixelkat14.04 is supported19:36
bekksOh, you already reinstalled? Since yesterday you have been using 15.0419:36
pixelkatLTS as i recall19:36
pixelkatyes, i reinstalled 13.1019:36
pixelkatthen did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:36
bekks13.10 is unsupported.19:36
bekks!saucy | pixelkat19:37
ubottupixelkat: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy19:37
cfhowlett!test | doug2,19:37
ubottudoug2,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )19:37
pixelkatim in 14.0419:37
doug2How would I write a custom 'hook' for upstart so that I can call a script when someoen does 'status foo' ?19:37
Guest26631how do I change my name? (my first time using irc)19:38
cfhowlett!nick | Guest2663119:38
ubottuGuest26631: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.19:38
Guest26631!nick Alanay19:39
doug2no upstart love eh19:39
cfhowlettpixelkat, I have NO idea what you've done but ... point of interest?  current SUPPORTED skype is 4.3 and 4.2 is UNSUPPORTED19:39
Guest26631my nick won't change19:39
pixelkathow do i check my skype version19:39
pixelkatthe .deb said it was for 12.0419:39
cfhowlettpixelkat, errr, look at the pic you sent.19:39
pixelkatwhat about it?19:39
pixelkati did19:39
cfhowlettpixelkat, so you installed a 12.04 version into 14.04 ... and you wonder why things do work?19:40
pixelkati removed that19:40
pixelkatand installed from terminal19:40
pixelkatfrom the repos19:40
pixelkatwhich gave me the latest version19:40
nullbyte_how can I use KDE5 with Ubuntu?19:40
pixelkatit says skype 4.219:41
pixelkathow do i install 4.3?19:41
cfhowlettpixelkat, UNSUPPORTED!!!!!19:41
cfhowlettpixelkat, first, reinstall ubuntu.19:41
pixelkatill dl 14.04 and burn it to dvd19:41
doug2How would I write a custom 'hook' for upstart so that I can call a script when someoen does 'status foo' ?19:42
cfhowlettpixelkat, you keep saying you will ... but you don't.19:42
pixelkatits downloading19:42
pixelkathow fast do you expect me to be?19:42
pixelkatim just tired of installing and reinstalling19:43
jimmyWhisperHi guys, someone from Brazil?19:43
pixelkatalso, this website is now beeping when someone types pixelkat19:44
pixelkatit wasnt doing that before19:44
cfhowlett!pt | jimmyWhisper19:44
ubottujimmyWhisper: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:44
lowangI'm missing "change my desktop background" option on my right click, with a fresh install of ubuntu 14.04.119:44
pixelkatsee, im not the only one with problems19:45
lowanghow do i get that back ? (no your not lol)19:45
pahow can i put a packet with unmet dependencies in ignore, so that it doesn't stop my apt-get every time i try to use it?19:45
pixelkatlowang, its because ubuntu sucks ever since 12.0419:45
pixelkatjk i still use it19:45
cfhowlettlowang, settings > desktop  ??? I'm on xubuntu, so it might be different19:45
pixelkati normally use xubuntu19:45
pixelkati think ill go back to that19:45
pixelkatexcept, with xubuntu its harder to install minecraft19:46
lowang.... lol, yea it use to be in the "system settings" as an option (icon) but its not there anymore either19:46
pixelkatwith unity i just right click permissions and allow executing file19:46
pixelkatwhen i right click on the desktop i get an option to change background19:46
lowangi dont anymore19:47
imanHi, is that possible to close root user in ubuntu server, because every day i see a lot of logs hackers are trying to my server with root user and different password19:47
cfhowlettiman, best you ask #ubuntu-server    I think19:48
zykotick9iman: across ssh?  you might want to look into fail2ban.19:48
phre4kpixelkat: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:48
pixelkatsage advice: reinstall ubuntu19:48
pixelkatfor all problems19:48
phre4kiman: set the SSH port to a different one to filter out the static noise, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set PermitRootLogin no or PermitRootLogin without-password19:49
phre4kiman: the "without-password" only allows root login with a private/public key pair19:49
lowangfantastic... can someone instead recommend me a more stable linux version ? (im new to linux and dont want any trouble right now)19:50
cfhowlett!lts | lowang,19:50
ubottulowang,: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)19:50
phre4kpixelkat: sorry, but re-installing is for newbies. You can almost always fix problems without reinstalling (unless you do something like chmod -R 777 /)19:50
pixelkatwhich one do i choose?19:50
imanphre4k: I have another username as root and i dont use root at all, can i do "sudo passwd -l root" ?19:50
phre4klowang: Xubuntu 14.04 LTS is pretty stable.19:51
phre4kiman: you have "another username as root"?19:51
LarsNiman: breaking the root user is likely to have unintended negative effects on the system.19:51
cfhowlettlowang, not being able to find wallpaper = unstable ???19:51
phre4kiman: does that mean it is in the sudoers file or it's UID 0?19:51
phre4kiman: don't use passwd -l, rather use passwd -d19:52
imanphre4k: you are right, I mean i use another username to login in the server, there is not need to login in server with root user19:52
lowangcfhowlett, no I didn't mean it that way (ugh text...) there are other things happening that are throwing my experience off.19:52
phre4kiman: just disable root login via SSH, you might need that root login someday.19:52
phre4kset a different password and write it down in your password manager (http//keepassx.org) just in case19:53
cfhowlettlowang, got it.  well, LTS is not so bleeding/bloody edge, but it's built for distance and stabilty.  I've done LTS only since 10.04 without regret.19:53
phre4klowang: please report the things that annoy you so we might be able to help you.19:54
phre4klowang: if your crash report program wants to report crashes of the crash report program you might want to uninstall Unity and use a real DE19:54
ikoniaphre4k: that is not an acceptable answer19:55
phre4kpixelkat: run skype through the terminal and paste error messages to dpaste.net if any19:55
ikoniaunity is a real desktop enviornment19:55
phre4kikonia: okay, sorry. Then a desktop environment which is not exclusive to Ubuntu. inb4 Ubuntu forks.19:55
ikoniaa crash report does not mean uninstall the desktop and install another one19:56
Buddybcan you guys help me with my audio? having issues when switching from speaker to headphones19:56
ikoniait means something has gone wrong - not remove your desktop enviornment19:56
phre4kikonia: I'm just fed up with Ubuntu not contributing anything but "NIH syndrome" to upstream, other than that it's a great OS.19:56
ikoniaphre4k: then don't use it19:56
lowanglol alright, aside from crash reports/errors, there are some visuals that are irking me, like windows becoming transparent except for the buttons. Multiple tabs (icons) of programs (2 printer icons in my system settings folder)19:56
ikoniaphre4k: but don't give false advice to appease yourself19:56
phre4kBuddyb: do you use pavucontrol?19:56
phre4klowang: which DE? Unity?19:57
phre4klowang: you might have installed multiple printer management utilities, that's not the OS's fault.19:57
pixelkatskype still ran even though i did apt-get remove skype19:58
ikoniaphre4k: because you've installed it 2 times19:58
ikoniaphre4k: sorry not you19:58
ikoniapixelkat: because you've installed it 2 times from different source packages19:58
phre4kpixelkat: the internet says Microsoft doesn't support Skype 4.2, dunno if that's true. http://askubuntu.com/questions/505810/ubuntu-14-04-1-lts-problem-with-skype19:58
ikoniapixelkat: you need to get to a known good state where you have not messed around19:59
ikoniapixelkat: I sugget you follow the earlier advice, - clean install then work wiht people to get the machine how you wwant it19:59
LarsNfor what it's worth, I have skype installed19:59
pixelkatdid you download from website?19:59
phre4kpixelkat: you have to use this version: http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/downloading/?type=ubuntu64 and uninstall everything before. Also, delete any Skype folder in your home folder (.Skype, .config/skype etc)20:00
LarsNI don't remember.  I suspect I grabbed the .deb and installed it with dpkg20:00
pixelkatwhich distro did you choose?20:00
* cfhowlett he knows. I advised him such 20 minutes ago .. the last time he stated he would reinstall.20:00
phre4kpixelkat: Skype 4.2 isn't supported anymore, use 4.3 as I said20:00
LarsNI'm technically on mint, which is just Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with a different default gui (which I'm not using anyway)20:00
ikoniathe box (based on earlier comments and other "issues") is a mess with PPA's and version miss matches20:00
ikoniaI suggest getting to a known good platform and moving forward with experienced people20:00
pixelkatfine fine20:01
pixelkatill install and come back20:01
phre4kikonia might actually have a point, pixelkat ;)20:01
LarsNI'm pretty sure my machine is a mess too.20:01
lowangIm using Unity and I'm sure I didn't purposefully install 2 printer utilities at any point20:01
LarsNif/when it breaks I'll just rebuild it, connect it to my salt server, and call highstate.20:01
LarsNabout 40 minutes later it'll be exactly like it was before I did bad things to it. :)20:02
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doug2What's the Ubuntu equiv of chkconfig?20:03
pixelkatjust waiting on the dvd to burn20:04
ikoniahow did you install it last time ?20:04
pixelkat13.10 dvd20:04
pixelkatapt-get dist-upgrade20:04
ikoniathat won't upgrade you to 14.0420:05
pixelkatwhats the other command?20:05
LarsNrelease-upgrade iirc.20:05
pixelkatdid you not see the pic that says im running 14.04?20:05
pixelkatyes thats what i did20:05
ikoniayeah, that doesn't mean you upgraded correctly20:05
ikoniathats not even a command20:05
ikoniaI know what you are trying to say, but this is just getting messier and messier as you share more info20:05
phre4kapt-get dist-upgrade is what I'd use20:05
ikoniathat won't upgrade to a new distro20:06
pixelkatdist-upgrade im pretty sure is what i used20:06
phre4kbut then, I'm an Arch user. I might not know better.20:06
ikoniathat will not upgrade from 13.10 to 14.0420:06
pixelkatok look20:06
pixelkatthe dvd is burning20:06
pixelkatill install from there20:06
pixelkatand come back here before i do anything else20:06
ikoniaphre4k: what version of ubuntu are you going to install ?20:06
phre4kupdate-manager -d? ;)20:06
ikoniaphre4k: no20:06
ikoniathat will take you to a development release20:07
pixelkatcreating image checksum20:07
LarsNit's do-release-upgrade20:07
pixelkatthats it20:07
pixelkati did that20:07
ikoniapixelkat: what version of ubuntu are you burning20:07
pixelkatstraight from the website20:08
ikoniapixelkat: thats great,20:08
pixelkatyes .120:08
* LarsN makes a note to setup a MaaS server when he gets back from vacation.20:08
pixelkatshould i download updates while installing?20:09
pixelkatinstall third party codecs?20:09
LarsNnot going to live dangerously, and install 15.04 nightly?  (please don't listen to me.)20:09
pixelkati already tried 15.0420:09
pixelkatand it capped my internet speed hardcore20:09
ikoniano it didn't20:10
ikoniayou made a mess of it20:10
pixelkatwent from 1mbs to 15kbps20:10
ikoniahence why I kept telling you to use 14.0420:10
LarsNI like the LTS builds.20:10
ikoniaas you where not in a state to manage a development release.20:10
pixelkatwell all i know, is that when i was on 15.04 my internet speed decreased dramatically20:10
pixelkatand when i came back to 14.04 it worked fine20:10
phre4kpixelkat: and why the hell did you use a release which isn't even half finished?20:11
pixelkatok dvd has finished burning20:11
pixelkatbecause i like the latest version of things20:11
pixelkatmaybe i should use arch20:11
ikoniathat needs to change20:11
LarsNthat's not the latest version though20:11
phre4kpixelkat: 14.10 is the latest version, 15.04 is the NEXT, unfinished, version20:11
LarsNit's not even a half baked development version.20:11
ikoniathe latest version of things is not always a good things20:11
pixelkatwell anyhoo im gonna fresh install20:11
pixelkatbe back in a few20:11
ikoniapixelkat: later version numbers are not always a good thing - you need to change your approach20:11
ikoniathis is part of the reason you are having problems20:11
aya__any goof torrent downloaders for ubuntu 14.04lts?20:14
popeyi use rtorrent20:15
popeyworks well for me20:15
popeythey're all much of a muchness really.20:15
aya__any good torrent downloaders for ubuntu 14.04lts20:15
DJonesaya__: Transmision works perfectly20:16
popeyaya__: did you not see my reply?20:16
aya__utorrent?? i cant get it to downlaod20:16
LarsNpopey: said rtorrent.20:16
popeynobody said utorrent20:16
LarsNI typically use transmission, in part because it's installed by default, and I'm lazy20:17
aya__i thought it was a typo. where do i find it20:17
popeyi do too on my desktop20:17
DJonesaya__: Thats not a surpirse since it doesn't work on Ubuntu20:17
popey!info rtorrent20:17
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent from rakshasa. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.2-1 (utopic), package size 553 kB, installed size 1482 kB20:17
popeyits in the repo20:17
DJones!torrent | aya__20:18
ubottuaya__: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P20:18
=== away is now known as ecksmas
phre4kaya__: I recommend Deluge20:19
pixelkatso i have two things on my desktop20:19
LarsNDeLuge is my second choice.20:19
pixelkatexamples and install ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS20:19
LarsNonly because it requires I installit before I can use it.20:19
phre4kaya__: Transmission if you don't like huge downloads, which LarsN may recommend20:19
aya__phre4k: i didnt know lol20:19
pixelkatthe only thing plugged in is a mouse20:19
pixelkatshould i go ahead and install?20:19
LarsNphre4k: only because I'm lazy :)20:19
popeypixelkat: do you have a keyboard plugged in to?20:19
phre4kLarsN: do you use Transmission because it was preinstalled? :D noice20:20
popeypixelkat: does it have a keyboard?20:20
LarsNphre4k: that's the only reason I use transmission, yes.20:20
popeythen you can go ahead and install pixelkat20:20
phre4kaya__: as I said, Transmission might be pre-installed.20:20
squintyaya__:  as mentioned before today... utorrent has a server version which works under linux; it can be use pretty much the same as regualr utorrent but is web based (you use your web browser to use it)20:20
LarsNphre4k: I like DeLuge, and rTorrent both quite a bit.20:20
pixelkatwill it mess anything up20:20
pixelkatif i install20:20
pixelkatis utorrent available for ubuntu?20:21
aya__phre4k: 0_020:21
pixelkatwhere is ikonia when i need him/her?20:21
aya__how do i do the most simple one lol20:21
phre4kpixelkat: utorrent is available.20:21
phre4kpixelkat: apt-cache search utorrent20:21
popeyaya__: Transmission is pre-installed. no need to do anything20:21
pixelkati have to install 14.04.1 first20:22
phre4kpixelkat: I'd still recommend Transmission or Deluge though ;)20:22
pixelkati havent clicked the icon20:22
popeypixelkat: is it a clean machine or something you're installing over the top of?20:22
popeypixelkat: if you have data on the machine, backup first20:22
phre4kaya__: I think it can't get much more simple than Transmission20:22
aya__popey: that one guy said its pre installed20:22
pixelkatits clean. all info is on secondary HD20:22
popeyaya__: yes, transmission is preinstalled20:22
pixelkati usually use qbittorrent20:22
phre4kpixelkat: double check to not nuke the sdb20:22
popeypixelkat: so go for it20:22
pixelkatsince it has search feature built in20:22
squintyphre4k:  have you actually tried looking for utorrent in the ubuntu repo's?20:23
aya__ok what is a good site since pirate bay is dead20:23
popeysquinty: it isnt there20:23
squintyi know20:23
LarsNI only ever torrent *nix isos20:23
squintyaya__:  definitely off topic20:23
* LarsN is lame20:23
pixelkati only torrent free stuff20:23
popeyaya__: a torrent client isn't the same as a website listing torrents20:23
popeyaya__: we can't help you find torrent sites, that's out of scope for this channel20:24
pixelkatok im gonna click this install icon20:24
popeypixelkat: OK!20:24
phre4ksquinty: aw, fuck, it's a server app. sorry pixelkat20:24
pixelkatits thinking20:24
phre4kpixelkat: use Deluge or Transmission20:24
ikoniaphre4k: please, that language is not acceptable here20:24
squintyphre4k:  suggest you read the channel rules.. this is family channel20:24
pixelkati dont care20:24
pixelkatlanguage doesnt bother me20:24
phre4kikonia: sorry, I swear accidentally.20:25
ikoniaphre4k: no sweat20:25
pixelkatnothing is happening20:25
pixelkati clicked install20:25
popeypixelkat: have you considered sacrificing a chicken in a pentagram, that helps.20:25
pixelkatdouble clicked, for that matter20:25
pixelkati tried once20:25
pixelkatsatan appeared20:25
pixelkati ran away20:25
phre4koh my, I always confuse pixelkat and aya__ atm. They seem to have similar problems :) sry if I do that!20:25
popeyso ubiquity sometimes takes a few seconds to start20:25
popeynot usually that long though20:25
pixelkatstill nothing20:26
pixelkatshould i double click again?20:26
pixelkatright click open?20:26
popeythis is a genuine 14.04 iso?20:26
popeyyou put on a usb stick or cdrom?20:26
pixelkatyes, straight from canonical20:26
phre4kthis is the reason I always use the ncurses or cli installer if available.20:26
aya__phre4k: lol its  all good i confuse myself anyway20:26
pixelkati downloaded from canonical website20:26
popeyI have _never_ had ubiquity do this20:26
pixelkatburned to dvd with brasero20:27
phre4kaya__: haha^^ did you find Transmission yet? Also, you were the one who wanted iTunes, right? Did you try clementine yet?20:27
popeydoes your machine have less than 512MB ram?20:27
pixelkatquad core i520:27
squintypixelkat:  burnt at a low speed?  high burns can cause burn errors20:27
pixelkatoverclocked to 2.4 ghz20:27
pixelkatjk on the OC20:27
pixelkatbut i want to20:27
phre4kpixelkat: don't do it, don't waste SpeedStep20:28
aya__phre4k: yea i just got it, i havent tried pluggin my ipod into it yet so idk if it works20:28
pixelkatim gonna right click open20:28
ernetasHey guys.20:28
ernetasDoes Ubuntu have an equivalent of numad?20:28
popeypixelkat: is the ubiquit process running?20:28
pixelkathow do i find out20:28
popeyernetas: what's numad? ☻20:28
pixelkatnothing popped up20:28
phre4kaya__: I _think_ it works out of the box and the iPod will appear on the left side under "devices"20:28
popeypixelkat: open a terminal, run "ps aux | grep ubiquity"20:28
aya__phre4k: out of thr box??20:29
popeypixelkat: pastebin the result20:29
popeyphre4k: aya__ depends which generation ipod20:29
popeynewer ones fail20:29
phre4kaya__: out of the box means that you don't have to take additional steps to make it work20:29
pixelkatubuntu    6056  0.0  0.0  15940   928 pts/0    S+   20:29   0:00 grep --color=auto ubiquity20:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 6056 in wmbinclock (Ubuntu) "wmbinclock: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605620:29
phre4kpixelkat: start ubiquity from terminal, look what happens20:30
phre4ktype in "ubiquity" and hit enter20:30
pixelkatjust type ubiquity20:30
pixelkatinstall window came up20:31
phre4klol, just checked, it even works with the quotation marks.20:31
pixelkatenglish, continue20:31
phre4kgood thing I double checked before :D20:31
pixelkatshould i download updates and install third party codecs?20:31
ikoniainstall nothing new20:31
ikoniajust complete the install20:32
pixelkatclicked nothing, continue20:32
pixelkatits thinking20:32
mjayki hope its not :o20:32
pixelkatstill thinking20:32
pixelkatahem *processing*20:33
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pixelkatnothing is happening20:33
phre4kpixelkat: please wait a little before posting "nothing is happening".20:34
pixelkaterase ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and reinstall?20:34
pixelkator something else?20:34
phre4kpixelkat: yep.20:34
pixelkatwhat if i dont want a swap partition?20:34
pixelkati havent clicked anything yey20:35
pixelkatikonia, where are you20:35
pixelkaterase and reinstall?20:35
ikoniayou've not installed anything20:35
pixelkati know20:35
ikoniaso why would you erase20:35
ikoniawhat are you talking about then20:36
pixelkatthe other option is install ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS alongside Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS20:36
pixelkatwhich should i choose20:36
ikoniapixelkat: I see20:36
pixelkatim doing this step by step so nothing messes up20:36
ikoniaso you're asking about a screen option20:36
ikoniapixelkat: clean install - remove and reinstall20:36
pixelkatthe entire disk will be used: 24.0gb /dev/sda (ext4)20:37
pixelkatclick next?20:37
ikoniapixelkat: if you are happy with that, yes20:37
pixelkatdo i NEED a swap?20:37
ikoniano harm in having it20:37
ikoniait won't use up much space20:37
pixelkatill just leave the default options then20:37
pixelkatclicking continue20:38
pixelkati mean "install now"20:38
pixelkattime zone screen20:38
pixelkatleave it on chicago?20:38
pixelkator select new york?20:38
ikoniaselect your own time zone20:38
ikoniayou don't need me to tell you that20:38
EriC^^pixelkat: where do you live?20:38
pixelkateastern time zone20:39
pixelkatikonia, im making sure NOTHING goes wrong.20:39
ikoniaI understand20:39
stoogenmeyer_Hi, is there a way to start multiple services with one call to upstart? lets say I've got 2 .conf files in /etc/init/stoogenmeyer and I want to call 'start stoogenmeyer/*'. This doesn't work, any way to do this?20:39
phre4kpixelkat: please don't ask every single step, I bet you can answer SOME questions by yourself. Like your timezone.20:39
pixelkatwell, should i click new york or "eastern"20:39
ikoniawhich ever you are most comfortable with20:40
pixelkatright now it says the time is 8:4020:40
phre4kstoogenmeyer_: service a start; service b start?20:40
ikoniait's your time zone20:40
bonez2046Is skype working on ubuntu? I ask as I had tried skype a year ago and it seemed kind of unstable20:40
pixelkatok i selected eastern usa20:40
pixelkatenglish keyboard layout20:40
mjaykbonez2046: in 14.10 if you enable other software sources you can just apt-get install skype20:40
jhutchinsbonez2046: I don't think Microsoft's released any updates in the past couple of years.20:40
stoogenmeyer_phre4k: thats not really one command (-: and I'd like to do something like start stoogenmeyer/* to start both a and b20:41
pixelkatusername and password have been chosen20:41
pixelkatcopying files20:41
jhutchinsbonez2046: Problems are likely something other than skype, like video or audio problems.20:41
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jhutchinsbonez2046: Come to think of it though, I haven't fired it up on Debian in a while, I generally use an android tablet for it.20:41
pixelkatbonez2046: skype didnt work for me, that's why im reinstalling ubuntu20:42
pixelkati will let you know how it goes after this install20:42
pixelkatapparently 4.2 is not supported, but 4.3 is20:42
pixelkatso i will install 4.3 when I can20:42
bekksWhich you were told hours ago already.20:42
pixelkatalmost finished copying files20:43
ernetaspopey: a daemon that keeps monitoring your /proc and makes appropriate numactl changes to keep your system resources utilized.20:43
pixelkatinstalling system20:43
pixelkatshould i press skip at any point?20:43
pixelkatretrieving file 61 of 6120:44
pixelkatwhy? i didnt click install updates20:44
pixelkatconfiguring time zone20:44
pixelkatinstalling language packs20:44
pixelkatso far so good?20:45
phre4kstoogenmeyer_: two liner bash script? :D20:45
pixelkatconfiguring hardware20:46
phre4kbonez2046: download Skype 4.3 from the official website – skype.com –, the build meant for 12.04 works with 14.04+ too.20:46
pixelkatphre4k: thats what i did and it didnt work for me20:46
phre4kpixelkat: yes, because you might have had a borked system. After you do a clean reinstall (which you're doing right now), I bet it will just work™20:47
squintyVersion:  is in repo's20:47
bonez2046hmmmm ok20:47
pixelkatlol at the tm20:47
pixelkatcontinue testing or restart now?20:48
phre4ksquinty: rly? omg.20:48
phre4kpixelkat: restart -.-20:48
stoogenmeyer_phre4k: thats still two commands. I was looking for something like start stoogenemyer/* to start all services inside /etc/init/stoogenmeyer. Although now I realize thats not the way to do it. You can have one service start and all the other services start due to him starting20:49
phre4kstoogenmeyer_: okay, now I think you should tell us what exactly you want to do.20:50
phre4kpixelkat_: wb20:50
pixelkat_ive done NOTHING except load firefox to get into this channel20:50
pixelkat_the welcome screen that displays keyboard shortcuts disappeared when i clicked firefox icon20:50
pixelkat_is it supposed to do that?20:50
pixelkat_i didnt click the x20:51
pixelkat_an icon popped up on the side panel "software updater"20:51
phre4kpixelkat_: apt-cache madison skype20:51
pixelkat_should i click it?20:51
mjaykpixelkat_: yes its ment to do that20:51
pixelkat_so ill open a terminal20:52
pixelkat_and type apt-cache madison skype?20:52
ikoniaget your machine up to date20:52
ikoniaget it to a clean state please20:52
pixelkat_it is clean!20:52
pixelkat_i havent done anything20:52
ikoniapixelkat_: do you have ay pending updates ?20:53
pixelkat_except open firefox20:53
pixelkat_software updater icon popped up20:53
pixelkat_click it?20:53
ikoniatake the updates20:53
ikoniaand reboot20:53
ikonia(there will be a kernel update in there)20:53
pixelkat_225.4 MB will be downloaded20:53
ToxmiHi, I want to remove texlive 2013 man path from $MANPATH but I couldn't find out where...I've checked $HOME/.bashrc, bashprofile .xinitrc and also /etc/profile /etc/mandb.config /etc/bash.bashrc but it isn't in these file20:53
pixelkat_clicking install now20:53
phre4kpixelkat_: open a terminal, type the following: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-cache madison skype → then tell us which skype version is the highest and we tell you how to proceed.20:53
phre4kno need to reboot just yet20:53
EriC^^Toxmi: check ~/.profile20:53
ikoniaplease - just apply the udpates and reboot20:54
ikoniaget to the current version all clean20:54
ikoniathen move forward20:54
phre4k*sigh* ok, do that.20:54
pixelkat_between ikonia and phre4k i dont know what to do20:54
pixelkat_clicking install no20:54
squintyfollow ikonia20:54
phre4kikonia: sry20:54
ikoniaphre4k: no need for sorry20:54
pixelkat_installing updates20:54
pixelkat_from software icon20:54
ToxmiEriC^^: I've check, there isn't :D20:54
pixelkat_not from terminal20:54
EriC^^Toxmi: you're not on ubuntu, are you?20:55
pixelkat_i have a terminal open but havent typed anything20:55
pixelkat_should i close it?20:55
phre4kikonia: I'm an Arch user, I always just install everything and reboot after that. I'm giving advice on a distribution I don't even use right now.20:55
ikoniapixelkat_: it doesn't matter20:55
phre4kpixelkat_: you may close the terminal if you don't use it20:55
Toxminot currently20:55
squintyphre4k: exactly  not the best thing to do imho20:55
pixelkat_closing terminal20:55
pixelkat_downloading linux image 3.1320:56
ikoniadon't need a commentary20:56
ikonialet it apply the updates, reboo20:56
pixelkat_im just sayin20:56
mjaykno need to pixelkat_20:56
pixelkat_im clicking nothing20:56
phre4ksquinty: why that? With Arch you don't install outdated software packages. You always do a netinstall. Ubuntu might be different, I've been in dependency hell with Ubuntu.20:56
pixelkat_just sitting here in this channel20:56
pixelkat_no terminals open20:56
EriC^^Toxmi: ok, cause ubuntu doesn't have .xinitrc or .bash_profile etc.20:56
EriC^^Toxmi: i don't have a $MANPATH20:57
pixelkat_just letting you know so later if something doesnt work20:57
bekksEriC^^: Since when exactly, there is no .bash_profile anymore for bash?20:57
pixelkat_you know its not because of me20:57
pixelkat_im following step by step directions20:57
ikoniaok - then please wait quietly20:57
squintyphre4k: this isn't arch.  get sick and tired of arch users thinking they know everything   sorry but I see it time after time.  support the system you are using.  :)20:57
EriC^^bekks: i don't have a .bash_profile , do you?20:57
ikoniaplease let us now when the updates have finished and you've rebooted20:57
pixelkat_in the meantime i wont do ANYTHING20:58
phre4ksquinty: well, I use some Xubuntu at work, does that count?20:58
pixelkat_except read what pops up in this channel20:58
ikoniayou don't need to commentate20:58
pixelkat_you should restart firefox to install updates20:58
ikoniaplease just confirm when the updates have finished and you have rebooted20:58
pixelkat_restart now?20:58
mjaykif the updates have finished20:58
ikoniapixelkat_: have the updates finished ?20:58
squintyphre4k:  I have no idea,... only you can answer that.  not up to date answers or answers that relate to non ubuntu issues are going to cause problems20:59
pixelkat_just firefox said that20:59
ikoniapixelkat_: have the updates finished ?20:59
pixelkat_not yet20:59
ikoniathen no20:59
pixelkat_waiting then20:59
ikoniapixelkat_: please sit quietly - stop talking and confirm when the updates have finished20:59
pixelkat_the computer needs to restart to finish installing updates21:00
ToxmiEriC^^: I've also checked bash_profile it's just refering to bashrc21:00
ToxmiEriC^^: you mean you don't have any output for "export $MANPATH"?21:00
pixelkat_clicking restart now21:00
Toxmiregarding .xinitrc it's bcz of xmonad...not unity21:00
pixelkat_shutdown or restart?21:01
pixelkat_when i clicked restart now21:01
pixelkat_it gave me the option21:01
phre4ksquinty: I didn't know Ubuntu was so picky about updates, I never had any issue. I didn't ever hear that you have to reboot before installing some software, because if you upgraded and restarted the corresponding software the binary is current. So even if the Kernel or apt had an update, you're still able to install things. They might not work though, and that's the time you reboot. IF you installed a new kernel, else I honestly don't see a21:01
phre4kreason to reboot. But you're right if you say you can't expect new users to know whether they have to reboot or not.21:01
EriC^^Toxmi: echo $MANPATH returns nothing for me21:01
phre4ksquinty: correct me if I'm wrong please :)21:02
ikoniaphre4k: ubuntu is not picky about updates21:02
EriC^^Toxmi: that's odd, right?21:02
pixelkatok i restarted. right clicked the amazon icon and removed from launcher21:02
ikoniaphre4k: but you need to reboot to apply a kernel patch in any distro, so I'm not sure why you are surprised21:02
ikoniaphre4k: why ?21:02
EriC^^bekks: i mean by default ubuntu doesn't have a .bash_profile21:02
pixelkatstarted firefox, joined this channel21:02
ikoniaphre4k: oops21:02
ikoniapixelkat_: why di dyou do that21:02
BuddybHi everyone, can anyone help me out with pulse audio issues?21:02
ikoniapixelkat_: I told you to do nothing21:02
squintyphre4k:  not really interested in discussing it to be honest.21:02
pixelkatall i did was remove amazon icon21:03
pixelkatshouldnt harm anything21:03
ikoniapixelkat_: why ?21:03
pixelkatbecause i dont use it21:03
ikoniapixelkat_: I explicitly told you not to do anything21:03
pixelkatdont need it cluttering my side bar21:03
pixelkatwell, moving on21:03
pixelkatthats all i did21:03
ikoniayour on your own21:03
ikoniaI gave you explict instructions and told you not to do anything at all21:03
ikoniasomeone else can help you21:03
pixelkati was jk21:03
pixelkati didnt do anything21:03
ikoniapixelkat_: I told you not to joke in support conversation yesterday21:04
pixelkatbut i do want that amazon icon gone21:04
ikoniaplease don't lie21:04
ikoniayou removed it21:04
ikoniasomeone else can pick up your problem21:04
pixelkatcome on dont be like that please21:04
pixelkatwe're almost done!21:05
pixelkatall i need to do is install skype 4.321:05
phre4kikonia: yeah, that's what I said. I still don't get why you need to boot from the new Kernel before installing sk... nevermind.21:05
pixelkatbut im not clicking or doing anyhthing21:05
linuxloversomeone here last night told me about installing virtual machine21:05
ikoniaphre4k: because it makes sure everything is current21:05
linuxloverbut i Need help!21:05
ikoniaphre4k: including dependencies that packages may need/want21:05
mjayklinuxlover: just ask the question :)21:05
pixelkatok, everything is current21:05
linuxlovermjayk:  i dont know how to install it21:05
pixelkatclean install, fresh reboot21:06
linuxloveri cannot find it21:06
mjayklinuxlover: how to install what21:06
pixelkatnow what21:06
linuxloverthe VM21:06
linuxlovermy goal is to install windows on my lubuntu21:06
suslQuestion: Why are CDs/DVDs bootable by default if you burn img-files on it? Why not USB-flash?21:06
ikonialinuxlover: boot from windows install media21:06
theadminlinuxlover: Get Virtualbox, get a Windows DVD or ISO21:06
ikonialinuxlover: job done21:06
mjayklinuxlover: what theadmin said21:06
linuxloveri cannot find virtualbox21:06
pixelkatcan someone help me install skype 4.3 please?21:06
ikoniaahh virtual box21:06
pixelkatim on fresh install21:06
theadminlinuxlover: Eh? Just "sudo apt-get install virtualbox"21:06
ikoniasorry, missunderstood21:07
pixelkative done nothing, installed nothing21:07
theadminpixelkat: Please see the private message window, I'll try to help21:07
mjaykpixelkat: what version of ubuntu are you running21:07
pixelkatok thanks21:07
linuxloveri entered the command theadmin  "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable"21:07
EriC^^linuxlover: is the software center open?21:07
theadminlinuxlover: Buh. Are you running a system update of some sort?21:07
linuxloverim not sure what you mean!21:08
linuxloverEriC^^:  you mean.. the synaptic package manager?21:08
EriC^^linuxlover: are you usign the software center to install something else?21:08
linuxloverit's opened21:08
EriC^^linuxlover: no, but that too21:08
squintylinuxlover:  look in your software installer (or whatever) and notice that there are two versions of virtualbox available.... orcale or the open source one.   personally I prefer the orcale version.  both can be installed via the repo's though21:08
=== Quatroking_ is now known as Quatroking
EriC^^linuxlover: close all the package software you have open and try again21:08
mjaykpixelkat: go to software & upates21:08
mjaykpixelkat: click other software then click canonical partners21:09
linuxloverEriC^^: i closed it and now it gives me... "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."21:09
EriC^^linuxlover: type sudo apt-get -f install21:09
mjaykpixelkat: click ok t hen in a terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype21:09
mjaykpixelkat: done21:09
linuxloverdone EriC^^21:09
EriC^^linuxlover: did it give you any thing?21:10
EriC^^did it fix stuff?21:10
linuxloverEriC^^:  "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded."21:10
linuxloverthat's what your command gave me21:10
pixelkati still havent done anything, please help21:10
EriC^^linuxlover: ok, what's the error when you install virtualbox?21:10
EriC^^linuxlover: if you need to paste use paste.ubuntu.com21:10
ikoniapixelkat: no21:10
linuxloveroh hold on21:11
EriC^^linuxlover: paste the whole output21:11
pixelkatwe've come so far21:11
pixelkative done everything ive been asked21:11
mjaykpixelkat: ive told you how to complete your task please stop spamming21:11
pixelkatim trying to follow one voice21:11
linuxloverEriC^^:  i'll paste two different one, one for the install and one for the command you gave me21:11
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599080/21:11
pixelkati didnt see your advice21:12
linuxloverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9599089/ EriC^^21:12
pixelkatmjayk, how do i install skype 4.321:12
mjaykscroll up and read pixelkat21:12
pixelkatikonia was helping me, but chose not to since i removed the amazon icon21:12
EriC^^linuxlover: type sudo apt-get install libgsoap521:13
pixelkatskype is not available21:13
pixelkatin the repos21:13
bekkspixelkat: He chose to not help you anymore because you lied and did not follow what you have been told to do.21:13
mjaykpixelkat: go to software & upates21:13
mjaykpixelkat: click other software then click canonical partners21:13
mjaykpixelkat: click ok t hen in a terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype21:13
pixelkatno, even before i said i was jk about removing the icon21:13
linuxloverEriC^^:  done shoudl i paste that output ?21:13
EriC^^linuxlover: yes please21:13
pixelkatok mjayk ill do it21:14
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599107/21:14
EriC^^linuxlover: try sudo apt-get install virtualbox21:14
linuxloverEriC^^:  still gives me the same error as before21:15
mjaykdoes anyone know how to make alt tab show all windows from all virtual desktops in unity ?21:15
EriC^^linuxlover: it's odd that it installed it with no problems, and the i38621:15
pixelkati went to software sources21:15
pixelkatclicked on partners (not the source code one)21:15
pixelkatnow im in terminal21:16
pixelkatdid sudo apt-get update21:16
EriC^^linuxlover: you have 14.10?21:16
EriC^^32 bit?21:16
linuxloverEriC^^:  you mean lubuntu version?21:16
linuxloverI'm on 64 bit machine21:16
pixelkatskype has shown itself in the software center21:16
dgarstangWhat's the ubuntu equiv of chkconfig to make an rc script start on boot?21:16
EriC^^linuxlover: ok, that's odd it installed the i386 version21:17
linuxloverI found those files in synapatic manager but it says "fix broken packages first!"21:17
dgarstangrberg-: Did that. no effect21:17
pixelkateric, when i tried sudo apt-get install skype from terminal it installed i386 version also21:17
pixelkatok should i install skype from terminal or software center?21:17
theadminpixelkat: That's normal, Microsoft was too lazy to make a 64-bit version21:17
dgarstangrberg-: sudo update-rc.d slice-dme defaults ... nada21:17
pixelkatoh ok21:17
theadminpixelkat: So it just pulls in the 32-bit one.21:17
mjaykpixelkat: i said sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype21:17
pixelkatmjayk, just making sure.21:18
BuddybHi. I just did a fresh install of lubuntu (nobody in that channel) and I am having issues with my audio. I have pulseaudio and pavucontrol. Everything works fine with the speakers, internal laptop mic. When I plug in the headphone/microphone I have issues. The sounds continues to come out of the laptop speakers. Any help would be greatly appreciated21:18
EriC^^theadmin: ? i have a amd64 one21:18
EriC^^theadmin: pool/partner/s/skype/skype_4.3.0.37-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64.deb21:18
theadminEriC^^: skype:amd64 just pulls in skype:i386 as a dependency as well as a ton of other weird stuff21:18
pixelkatclosed software center. back in terminal, typing sudo apt-get install skype (already did apt-get update)21:18
mjaykBuddyb: usb headphone and mic or audio jack ?21:18
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pixelkat230mb of additional disk space will be used21:19
pixelkatclicking "y"21:19
Buddybmjayk: headphone plugged to microphone, microphone plugged to laptop via usb21:19
linuxloverEriC^^:  so does this mean i have to reinstall lubuntu?21:19
EriC^^linuxlover: no21:19
mjaykBuddyb: just try pulseaudio -k in console after you plug them in21:20
aya_ (MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin ) umm what don i need for ubuntu for these??21:20
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
EriC^^!info libgsoap521:20
ubottulibgsoap5 (source: gsoap): Runtime libraries for gSOAP. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.17-1 (utopic), package size 187 kB, installed size 1186 kB21:20
pixelkatskype is installing.21:20
theadminpixelkat: Yay! Glad it worked21:20
pixelkatok, install finished in terminal21:21
pixelkatshould i open skype from terminal or through launcher?21:21
mjaykaya_: should be in ubuntu-restricted-extras21:21
theadminpixelkat: Doesn't matter. Try terminal so that you can see the debug output though if any21:21
aya_mjayk: ` im new i have no idea21:21
pixelkatsudo or no?21:22
mjaykaya_: ok open a terminal21:22
mjaykpixelkat: if sudo apt-get install skype has finished21:22
theadminpixelkat: Just "skype"21:22
mjaykpixelkat: just type skype into a terminal or dash21:22
mjaykaya_: type in sudo apt-get update21:22
theadminpixelkat: "sudo" is for running stuff as administrator, that's dangerous to do with apps not designed for that21:22
pixelkattyped skype in terminal21:22
mjaykaya_:  then let me know when its finished21:22
pixelkataccepting terms of use21:22
pixelkaton skype21:22
pixelkatit worked21:23
EriC^^linuxlover: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list21:23
linuxloverthat generated a big list21:23
linuxloverpastebin it?21:23
EriC^^linuxlover: i'm out of ideas, i'm googling here.. re-ask your question and others might respond21:23
EriC^^linuxlover: yeah21:23
aya_mjayk: oktays it finshed21:24
mjaykaya_: now type in sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:24
linuxloverno problem EriC^^21:24
linuxloverI have all day to figure this out :)21:24
mjaykaya_: that is a package containing a number of non-free codecs21:24
pixelkatim installing restricted extras also.21:24
Bashing-omEriC^^: linuxlover I think yoiu are in the right path, a VM installed from PPA ?? look at sources ,, see what 'apt-cache policy virtualbox' relates ?21:25
pixelkatskype is working.21:25
aya_mjayk: umm whats that...lol -______-' sorry for meh nooobness21:25
pixelkatnot that you care, but i wanted to say it anyway21:25
mjaykaya_: its a package that contains a number of non free codecs etc, things that are not open source21:26
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
aya_mjayk: whats a codec21:26
mjaykaya_: a codec decodes media like it is a bit of software that enables a music player to "understand" what the data in a .mp3 for instance means21:27
EriC^^linuxlover: please can you pastebin apt-cache policy virtualbox ?21:27
mjayki "think"21:27
EriC^^Bashing-om: good thinking21:28
EriC^^!info virtualbox21:28
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.18-dfsg-1 (utopic), package size 15722 kB, installed size 59954 kB21:28
linuxloverEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599181/21:28
aya_mjayk: oooo )_) thank you lol :)21:28
EriC^^linuxlover: can you pastebin cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ?21:28
EriC^^Bashing-om: ^^ bingo21:29
linuxloverwith the asterisk?21:29
EriC^^linuxlover: yes21:29
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599191/21:29
Bashing-omEriC^^: : ) now the fun begins. Sometimnes easy, most times not to get rid of that 3rd party stuff .21:29
EriC^^hehe yeah it certainly looks like it21:30
Bashing-omEriC^^: Might be easy with ppa-purge ??21:30
Zekecan you guys see this?21:30
Bashing-omZeke: Yepper, you are on .21:31
ZekeI'm using irssi i can only see one line of chat text, lol21:31
EriC^^Bashing-om: linuxlover it looks like virtualbox is coming from the xorg-edgers ppa21:31
EriC^^isn't that needed for graphics drivers and such?21:31
linuxlovernot sure what that means :X21:31
pixelkatwould anyone care to help me get minecraft working on ubuntu 14.04.1?21:31
Bashing-omZeke: Not good .. For irssi issues, /join #irssi .. good help/guidance there .21:32
Zekewow thanks man21:32
aya_mjayk: how do i click ok at the end of it21:32
Aol-Paperboy _                                 _21:32
Aol-Paperboy( )_  _                           (_ )21:32
Aol-Paperboy| ,_)(_)  ___   _   _  _   _  _ __ | |       ___    _     ___ ___21:32
Aol-Paperboy| |  | |/' _ `\( ) ( )( ) ( )( '__)| |     /'___) /'_`\ /' _ ` _ `\21:32
Aol-Paperboy| |_ | || ( ) || (_) || (_) || |   | |  _ ( (___ ( (_) )| ( ) ( ) |21:32
Aol-Paperboy`\__)(_)(_) (_)`\__, |`\___/'(_)  (___)(_)`\____)`\___/'(_) (_) (_)21:32
unopasteAol-Paperboy you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:32
mjaykaya_: use tab and enter21:33
mjaykpixelkat: http://www.howtogeek.com/198476/how-to-install-minecraft-on-ubuntu-or-any-other-linux-distribution/21:33
EriC^^linuxlover: do you need those ppa's ?21:33
Bashing-omEriC^^: linuxlover .. Yeah, " xorg-edgers ppa" is for a graphics driver. OH boy this may get funner .21:33
linuxloveris it graphics driver for my graphics card?21:34
pixelkati <3 webupd821:35
linuxloverwould removing those files render my graphics card unsable?21:36
mjaykappologies i closed my irssi by mistake21:36
EriC^^dpkg -l | awk '/ii/ {print$2}' | xargs apt-cache policy | grep xorg-edger21:36
Bashing-omlinuxlover: EriC^^ :; slowly, a step at a time . linuxlover show us : cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | pastebinit .21:37
EriC^^linuxlover: ^^ that should list any installed packages that are using the xorg-edger ppa21:37
EriC^^( i think )21:38
linuxloverBashing-om:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599230/21:38
EriC^^hold on21:38
Zekesolved my problem, just switched to weechat instead of irssi, lmao21:38
Bashing-omlinuxlover: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599230/ .21:38
EriC^^linuxlover: dpkg -l | awk '/ii/ {print$2}' | xargs apt-cache policy | grep -C10 xorg-edger21:38
aya__mjayk:the audio plays but says im still missing codecs21:39
linuxloverEriC^^:  i ran that21:39
linuxloverhuge output21:39
linuxloverpastebin it?21:39
mjaykaya__: what codecs specifically do you know ?21:40
EriC^^linuxlover: why'd you install the ppa to begin with?21:40
aya__mjayk: none...21:40
EriC^^linuxlover: i think it would have updated many packages you had with a dist-upgrade21:40
linuxloveri am not sure EriC^^  , i was playing steam but uninstalled it21:40
EriC^^linuxlover: do you need it for graphics to work?21:40
mjaykaya__: it says you are missing no codecs? sorry I dont understand :)21:40
aya__mjayk: ummm im not sure which ones it just says u can get these codecs online. i have downloaded movied and thanks to u :) the audio plays through but no visual21:41
Bashing-omlinuxlover: eric; steam is still active for "precise" !! We sure need to get rid of it .21:41
linuxloverok lets get rid of steam21:42
mjaykaya__: what type of file is it ?21:42
aya__mjayk: mp421:43
EriC^^Bashing-om: ppa-purge?21:43
Bashing-omlinuxlover: EriC^^ :: stam removeal, never been there, No idea how it is done ( non native to ubuntu in 12.04 ?) .21:43
EriC^^no idea too... :)21:43
linuxloverBashing-om:  i actually removed steam yesterday, i am not sure why it is leaving residue21:43
mjaykaya__: and what media player are you using ?21:43
EriC^^linuxlover: you can install ppa-purge21:44
EriC^^sudo apt-get install ppa-purge21:44
linuxloverdone EriC^^21:44
aya__mjayk: the one that came default fo linux 14.04 lts21:44
aya__mjayk: ubuntu**21:45
Bashing-omEriC^^: linuxlover ppa-purge miaght work as 'steam' is native in 14.04 .21:45
mjaykaya__: i thought the restricted extra's should have sorted that may I suggest you install vlc via sudo apt-get install vlc that should deffinatly play the video21:45
jhutchinsOr mplayer.21:46
EriC^^linuxlover: try sudo ppa-purge http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ precise steam21:47
EriC^^i think it takes url's too21:47
linuxloverBashing-om:  i am using 14.10 lubuntu21:47
linuxloverEriC^^:  done!21:47
EriC^^linuxlover: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list21:48
EriC^^linuxlover: is it still there/21:48
neopsychehi all.. i upgraded kernel on 14.04 to 3.16~  i LOST my power icon and power management.. how to go back to 3.13?21:48
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599285/21:49
ikoniawhere did the 3.16 kernel come from ?21:49
mjaykneopsyche: in the grub boot screen you should beable to select the old kernel neopsyche21:49
ikoniathe HWE stack takes it to 3.17 I thought21:49
neopsychefrom the ubuntu mainline on canonical server mjayk21:49
ikoniamainline doesn't contain all the patches21:49
mjaykneopsyche: boot into the old kernel then remove the new kernel and update grub21:49
neopsycheikonia you have been here a lont time..21:49
neopsycheikonia, mjayk the grub does not show up at boot.. rather it takes me straight in21:50
ikonianeopsyche: just remove the kernel and it will boot into the next available one on the system21:50
EriC^^linuxlover: it's still there21:50
neopsycheikonia, mjayk i wish there were an easy graphical way to monitor kernels.. like in the software manager for ppas21:50
neopsycheok. ikonia so i remove 3.16 .. how to?21:50
linuxloverEriC^^:  :(21:51
neopsycheikonia.. sorry for lame but I dont know commands21:51
ikonianeopsyche: open the package manager, find the kernel, click remove21:51
brothersomeneopsyche, there is21:51
neopsycheok.. package manager? you mean ubuntu soft center?21:51
ikonianeopsyche: not sure why you think there is no way to monitor the packages - thats what software center does21:51
EriC^^Bashing-om: if a ppa updates a package, and you remove it from sources.list.d , run update, then dist-upgrade, will the packages it upgraded be downgraded?21:51
neopsycheikonia.. what to type on soft search?21:51
mjaykikonia: just for my own learning can you remove the kernel that you are currently booted into ? is it safe21:51
ikonianeopsyche: the soft search ?21:51
neopsycheikonia .. searchin inside software center21:52
ikoniamjayk: yeah, it removes the package, your still running on the binary in ram21:52
ikonianeopsyche: just browser it21:52
brothersomeneopsyche like: http://grafana.ayntest.net/#/dashboard/file/minetest.json21:52
ikonianeopsyche: find the kernel package and remove it21:52
mjaykikonia: ok thanks I can save alot of time in the future :)21:52
neopsycheI wish software power management was better on ubuntu.. i get 5 hours or so on windoze (but not since i unsinstalled it .. at about 2 hours ubutnu)21:52
Bashing-omlinuxlover: did the ppa-purge run and complete ? one has to manually remove the source now . IF steam is reverted to what is in the repository maybe now can be removed with the package manager ?21:52
ikonianeopsyche: it's not "poor" on linux, it depends on the hardware compatbility21:52
neopsycheikonia: you are right.. it is SAMSUNG that SUCKS~!21:53
EriC^^linuxlover: what did the ppa-purge command return?21:53
linuxloverBashing-om:  yeah i ran that command sudo apt-get install ppa-purge EriC^^  gave me21:53
linuxloverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9599308/ EriC^^21:53
EriC^^linuxlover: what about the sudo ppa-purge http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ precise steam ?21:53
Picineopsyche: We could do without the caps and this commentary.21:54
Bashing-omEriC^^: I understand that ppa-purge reverts the installed package to what is in the repository, and one has to manually remove the PPA source .21:54
neopsychesorry pici. i had a moment21:54
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599311/21:54
Caleb--i've installed ubuntu using efi boot. how do i get into recovery mode?21:55
Caleb--i tried rebooting and holding the shift key, but it just boots into ubuntu21:55
EriC^^sudo ppa-purge -s http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/ -d precise -p steam21:55
neopsycheikonia: i typed linux kernel.. and got a bunch of magazines for sale.21:55
EriC^^linuxlover: ^^21:55
mjaykCaleb--: wat do you mean recovery mode ?21:55
ikonianeopsyche: I didn't tell you to type linux kernel21:55
ikonianeopsyche: I told you to browse the package list fo rit21:56
ikoniafor it21:56
neopsycheikonia, apologies, what was i to look at?21:56
ikoniait's alphabetical21:56
neopsycheits late21:56
Caleb--mjayk, i need a root shell before ubuntu starts21:56
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599332/21:56
neopsychewiat should i be using synaptic?21:57
Jordan_UCaleb--: For UEFI boot you need to press escape within the first three seconds after grub starts to access the menu (by default).21:57
Bashing-omlinuxlover: EriC^^ I have little experience with ppa-purge, however, the syntax is " sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> " . I must be away for a bit ,, be back soonest .21:58
neopsycheikonia; would it be under uncatagorized?21:58
linuxloverthx Bashing-om21:58
joshhartiganIs there a distribution of Ubuntu that comes without GUI?21:59
Caleb--Jordan_U, thanks21:59
ikonianeopsyche: I have no idea without looking I don't have software center in front of me21:59
welovfreeHello, how many dependencies exist for emacs? I want to download it offline21:59
joshhartiganwelovfree: see http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/postlfs/emacs.html21:59
brothersomejoshhartigan, perhaps use openbox as gui22:00
ikoniaerr no22:00
ikoniathey are not the same dependencies for the packages22:00
joshhartiganbrothersome: I'd like to use a terminal22:00
ikoniaubuntu builds against dependencies22:00
ikoniaso quoting blfs is wrong22:00
EriC^^linuxlover: try sudo ppa-purge -s repo.steampowered.com -p steam -d precise22:00
mjaykmy keyboard stops working in gnome-terminal randomly anyone else had this22:00
ikoniaquery the emacs package for what dependencies it needs22:00
ikonianot some random other distro's info22:01
neopsycheok ikonia.. i now see the kernel etc in synaptic22:01
joshhartiganikonia: sorry22:01
brothersomejoshhartigan, change the line in menu.lst (grub) with an option nogui22:01
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599370/22:01
joshhartiganbrothersome: ok - and how will I be able to find (and uninstall) all the packages that give me a DE?22:01
neopsycheikonia; i remove 3.1622:03
joshhartiganWhat about Ubuntu Server? Is that the equivalent of Ubuntu minus a DE?22:03
ikoniaif thats the one you don't want22:03
brothersomejoshartigan like ... http://superuser.com/questions/310978/starting-ubuntu-without-the-gui22:03
ikoniajoshhartigan: no thats targeted at server infrastructure22:03
EriC^^linuxlover: we can try to remove the ppa from the sources.list.d manually22:04
linuxloverEriC^^:  okay22:04
EriC^^linuxlover: i'm not sure if using ppa-purge would be better or what22:04
neopsycheI have never seen a better package manager than synaptic. thanks ikonia22:05
neopsycheikonia, its removing now22:05
EriC^^linuxlover: try sudo ppa-purge -p steam -d precise -s repo.steampowered.com22:05
joshhartiganneopsyche: Have you ever used pacman?22:06
neopsycheikonia so now i reboot.. and it uses the old kernel?22:06
neopsychejosh i used pacman the SSH terminal yes22:06
ikonianeopsyche: it should fall back to the next kernel in your list if you have other kernels installed22:06
EriC^^anybody know what ppa-purge actually does?22:06
neopsychejoshharti if thats what you mean22:06
neopsycheeric ppa purge gets rid of old ppas22:06
joshhartiganneopsyche pacman is the Arch linux package manager, it's very good22:06
linuxloverEriC^^:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599404/22:06
neopsycheikonia is linux kernel independent.. in actual boot process. .but the additional features are kernel dependent?22:07
ikonianeopsyche: sorry I don't understand your question ?22:07
neopsycheie: remove all kernels, linux still boot/?22:07
ikonianeopsyche: no22:07
ikonianeopsyche: the kernel is what you boot22:07
mjaykno if u remove all it wont boot22:07
ikoniaif you remove all kernels there is nothing to boot22:07
neopsychelol ok22:07
EriC^^linuxlover: ok, apparently ppa-purge will attempt to downgrade packages after removing a ppa, which is more or less what we want22:08
neopsychemjayk , ikonia how do i install default kernel for 14.04 now i removed the old one?22:08
linuxloverEriC^^:  wouldn't it be easy to just reinstall lubuntu lol22:08
ikonianeopsyche: it should still be there22:08
EriC^^linuxlover: lol, nah22:08
mjaykneopsyche: unless you removed the default one it should still be there22:09
ikonianeopsyche: you will normally have 2 - 3 kernels on your machine22:09
ikonianeopsyche: hence why grub will make it default again22:09
neopsycheok ikonia i see 3.13 generic with ticks next to entries .. good sign?22:09
neopsychesee you guys on the other side. ;-)22:10
=== Sho_ is now known as Guest6684
neopsycheit seems to have booted ikoni22:11
neopsychelol.. darn it.. but mainline is now 3.1522:12
neopsycheis that right?22:12
welovfreehow can I install emacs, I've downloaded "emacs-24.4.tar.xz"22:12
neopsycheAHA! 3.15 gave me my battery back22:12
theadminwelovfree: Remove that and just "sudo apt-get install emacs"22:12
neopsycheACPI is a nightmare on my machine ikonia22:12
neopsycheikonia i have been having epic battle with the kworker overload bugs22:13
welovfreetheadmin: I wanna install it offline because I don't have an internet connexion right now22:13
aya__mjayk: i got the movies from yify22:13
neopsycheikonia.. its like the os wants to commit suicide on my hardware22:13
theadminwelovfree: That would be problematic, since to build the source you downloaded you'll need to grab a compiler and stuff (also from the repos)...22:14
mjaykaya__: did vlc still not work ?22:14
mjaykmaybe its a bad torrent22:14
welovfreetheadmin: :(22:14
theadminwelovfree: Installing software while offline is a real problem on Ubuntu, I find. I don't even know how to help.22:15
ikoniause the sources on the DVD ?22:15
ikoniaemacs is probably in main22:15
welovfreetheadmin: in the archive I did download, exist all the dependencies of the emacs? right22:15
theadminwelovfree: Likely not.22:15
ikonia%100 not22:16
ikoniamore so as it has optional dependencies22:16
welovfreebut aren't they enough for an offline installation?22:16
aya__mjayk: no, it still plays audio but says i need visual codecs22:16
neopsycheikonia i think there is a conspiracy between manufaturers and microshaft http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1946373&page=222:16
ikonianeopsyche: yeah, not really interested when you can't even call microsoft by it's proper name22:17
welovfreeI downloaded the archive from here: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/postlfs/emacs.html22:17
ikoniawelovfree: no22:17
ikoniawelovfree: I told you not to use that22:17
neopsycheikonia that was a play on words. :-)22:17
ikoniathat is not for ubuntu22:17
ikonianeopsyche: no, it was just a stupid name calling of a vendor to make you look cool, I', not interested22:17
neopsycheok ikonia no worries22:17
neopsycheikonia my apologies22:18
welovfreeikonia: yeah I know but someone here linked me to that22:18
welovfreethat's why22:18
ikoniawelovfree: yes, and I told you not to use it22:18
ikoniait was wrong22:18
neopsycheikonia are you secretly mshuttleworth?22:18
EriC^^linuxlover: we can remove the other ppa's during this time22:18
ikoniathe fact that you are asking this means you should not even consider compiling it22:18
ikonianeopsyche: please stop22:18
EriC^^linuxlover: xorg-edgers should be pretty easy to remove22:18
neopsycheneo halts process22:18
linuxloverEriC^^:  ok :)22:18
jhutchinsU14.04 is really slow on vmplayer.  I think it's the video.22:18
linuxloverEriC^^:  i thought you've given up22:18
EriC^^linuxlover: try sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers22:18
EriC^^linuxlover: nah22:18
ikoniajhutchins: a common issue on virtual guests22:18
welovfreeikonia: but is there is a way to install emacs offline or what?22:19
linuxloverEriC^^:  this will remove my graphics driver right22:19
ikoniawelovfree: you can either a.) download all the packages/dependencies you need, b.) use an offline media repo, such as an install DVD22:19
welovfreeikonia: like a deb or someting22:19
ikoniaas I said earlier22:19
ikoniawelovfree: it is not 1 deb22:19
EriC^^linuxlover: it should revert to the standard repo drivers22:19
EriC^^linuxlover: it might break though who knows22:19
linuxlovercan i reinstall the driver's after?22:19
EriC^^linuxlover: yeah you should be able to22:20
linuxloverill remove it now then22:20
linuxloverfor the  sake of VM22:20
welovfreeikonia: how many debs?22:20
ikoniayou have to check22:20
ikoniaas I advised you earlier22:20
ikoniawelovfree: we are repeating the same conversation22:20
aya__mjayk: and the internet says that theres alot of fake malware codecs22:20
welovfreeikonia: :(, ok22:20
ikoniawelovfree: why can this machine not go online ?22:20
linuxloverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9599515/ EriC^^22:21
linuxloversomething went wrong at the bottom22:21
welovfreeikonia: problems with ISP22:21
ikoniawelovfree: what problems22:21
mjaykaya__: that is very true for windows; you get a video torrent which tells you to install a codec from www.thisisacodecnotavirus.com22:22
welovfreeikonia: A got some problems in router maybe, but they say I have to wait till they send help, so I am waiting but I have to install emacs cause I need to work out my homeworks22:23
EriC^^linuxlover: ok22:23
EriC^^linuxlover: try cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list22:23
EriC^^linuxlover: is xorg-edgers still there?22:24
linuxloveryeah i think so22:24
ikoniawelovfree: I'd suggest if your windows 8 machine you are using now is on the same network, your ubuntu machine should probably work fine on it22:24
linuxloverhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9599551/ EriC^^22:25
linuxloveri didn't reboot though, should i?22:25
dgarstangOkiday... how do I control the init.d boot script order? Does ubuntu have numbers like redhat?22:25
welovfreeikonia: I am using I friends machine22:25
EriC^^linuxlover: nah, it's removed, those are comments22:25
welovfreeikonia: to get help22:25
EriC^^linuxlover: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:25
linuxloveri dont need reboot?22:25
EriC^^linuxlover: no22:25
ikoniawelovfree: well, you have your options then22:26
EriC^^linuxlover: we'll give it a shot in a bit22:26
Jordan_Udgarstang: Ubuntu uses upstart, which is based on events, not static ordering. Red Hat used to use upstart also, but now uses systemd (which also doesn't have static ordering). What is your end goal?22:26
welovfreeikonia: what option?22:26
EriC^^linuxlover: in the off chance that it doesn't work, do you know how to get to a tty and come back here?22:26
linuxlovernot sure what tty is22:26
linuxloverprocess is finished22:26
ikoniawelovfree: download the deb and all the dependency packages, or use an offline repo, such as an install CD22:27
EriC^^linuxlover: ctrl+alt+f1 is tty1, alt+f7 will take you back to the gui, give it a shot22:27
linuxloversounds scary22:27
linuxloverwaht do i do once i'm in tty?22:27
linuxloverjust come back here?22:27
EriC^^linuxlover: if you reboot and you get a blank screen or something, go to tty1 and sudo apt-get install irssi22:27
welovfreeikonia: I can download the debs from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/emacs right?22:27
ikoniawelovfree: that is just the emacs package22:28
linuxloveri need to write this down22:28
EriC^^linuxlover: yeah you can use irssi to chat, /server irc.freenode.net 800122:28
EriC^^linuxlover: then /join #ubuntu22:28
ikoniawelovfree: you also need the depends listed on the page22:28
welovfreeikonia: yeah I know, but they are on the same page right?22:28
ikoniawelovfree: and the links22:28
ikoniawelovfree: no, they are different packages22:28
ikoniawelovfree: click the links22:28
ikoniaand you'll see the depends, you need to click all the links to the point of no more links22:29
welovfreeikonia: this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/emacs2422:29
linuxloverEriC^^:  i did crtl + alt + f1 , did not take me to ttyl22:29
ikoniawelovfree: you need the package, and all the dependencies, and the dependencies dependencies, and their dependenices etc etc etc22:30
EriC^^linuxlover: hmm, try ctrl+alt+f2 , hold then together22:30
mjayklinuxlover: if you are on a laptop make sure you dont need to press the fn key aswell to access f1 f2 etc22:30
linuxlovernot on laptop22:30
welovfreeikonia: what!!!!!!! I got find out how to get the internet :) then hhhhhhhhh22:30
linuxloverctrl+alt+f2 isn't working either22:30
aya__mjayk: im not sure what u meant lol22:31
EriC^^linuxlover: ok, well there's something else you can do22:31
mjaykaya__: it sounds to me like a bad torrent22:31
EriC^^linuxlover: have you ever booted with the nomodeset option in the kernel line?22:31
linuxloverEriC^^:  i have no idea what that is =\22:32
aya__mjayk: sad panda lol ugg why did pirate bay have to die lol22:32
mjaykaya__: ikr :(22:32
Jordan_Uwelovfree: This may make the process a little more bearable: http://askubuntu.com/questions/168352/how-do-i-generate-a-package-download-list22:32
dnivraHello everyone! I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 64bit and trying to compile a program that requires binutils with multiarch support. I've installed the binutils-multiarch-dev package but the loader complains saying it can't find certain functions: print_insn_big_arm, print_insn_big_mips, print_insn_little_arm and print_insn_little_mips. I couldn't determine which files I'm missing so thought I'd ask if anyone here knew the package that provides the SO files22:33
dnivrawhich contain these functions.22:33
welovfreeJordan_U: ok let me check, thank you22:33
Jordan_Uwelovfree: You're welcome.22:33
EriC^^linuxlover: ok, when the pc boots, hold shift, you'll get grub, press 'e' over the ubuntu entry, then go down to the line that says Linux vmlinuz..... blablabla quiet splash, and add 'nomodeset' after quiet splash, then press ctrl+x to execute it22:34
rio_zentaUnder alsamixer in the CLI, i have 2 "Headphone" options, with one of them being at zero. when trying to adjust the volume up, nothing happens. Does anybody else know to make "Headphone 1" 100% ?22:34
welovfreeJordan_U: but as I can notice they are using commands that need internet access.22:35
welovfreeJordan_U: or I am I mistaken?22:35
EriC^^linuxlover: if that doesn't work, then try to add 'text' instead of nomodeset, and it will take you straight to a tty22:35
linuxloverjust type "text"?22:35
EriC^^linuxlover: after quiet splash22:36
linuxloverok brb22:36
Jordan_Uwelovfree: You are mistaken, the following command (from that page) does not require internet access: sudo apt-get install <package-name> --allow-unauthenticated -y --print-uris | grep -o '\'http.*\' | tr "\'" " " > download-list22:36
linuxloverafter i ctrl+x .. then what?22:37
linuxloverdoes it boot me back into GUI?22:37
EriC^^linuxlover: it boots, yeah22:37
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ararobdnivra, don't know the functions off hand, but it sounds like the your application and the -dev package are not in sync, did you get the latest -dev package?22:38
welovfreeJordan_U: ahh right :) my bad hhhhh22:38
mariannehi guys, running ubuntu 14.04... anyone know the file where I can put soundbites for system messages and screen unlocks and stuff? going to surprise my BF by making the box sound like jarvis22:39
linuxloverEriC^^:  shift did not take me to grub22:39
EriC^^linuxlover: did you hold it>22:39
linuxloverbut what reboot did was it deactivated my second monitor22:39
EriC^^linuxlover: ok well at least you're here so that means everything's ok?22:39
Jordan_Ulinuxlover: If you're booting via UEFI you need to constantly press and release escape rather than holding shift.22:40
linuxloverok ill try ESC22:40
dnivraararob: binutils-multiarch-dev 2.24-5ubuntu3 is installed. The application recommends binutils 2.20(if not 2.20, 2.19.1 or later) so I asssumed 2.24 should work fine.22:40
EriC^^no need that was just in case it boots into a black screen and you cant get to a tty22:40
linuxloveroh so i dont need to get to TTY now since i'm here22:41
EriC^^linuxlover: yeah22:41
linuxloverdid something go wrong then22:41
linuxloverif i'm here22:41
aya__mjayk: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2474022,00.asp22:41
EriC^^linuxlover: no it was just a precaution22:42
Jesper--so what is this tty? What do you use them for and how many are there?22:42
Merrilllinuxlover: EriC^^ plays it to safe22:42
EriC^^Merrill: he just removed his graphics drivers and doesnt have tty22:43
nda_I'm about to go nuts. I'm trying to rip an audio CD using a Live USB version of Ubuntu 14.04.1. To do that, I need to install a program from the "universe" source. I've enabled it, but I still am not allowed to install the program using Software Center. :(22:43
BudHello World, i'm new on this channel22:43
rio_zentaanybody have any response to 2 headphone options in alsamixer?22:43
rio_zentanda_, Try sudo apt-get install22:43
nda_rio_zenta: Thank you. I will try that as soon as I figure out what the package name is.22:44
Jordan_Unda_: sudo apt-get update # (or click whatever update button you find in Software Center)22:44
EriC^^linuxlover: does lubuntu have the additional drivers package?22:44
linuxloverEriC^^:  yeah i think.. from synpatic manager?22:44
rio_zentadarn, why do updates of ubuntu break more things instead of keeping them fixed. sigh22:44
EriC^^rio_zenta: ppa much?22:45
nda_Jordan_U: Thank you. The GUI asked me to reload something, and I did. Can't find any update/reload button there.22:45
BudIs there someone who could help me finding serial number from my lost video game ?22:45
Jordan_Unda_: Though I'm almost certain that Ubuntu comes with a program that can rip audio CDs by default.22:45
Merrillrio_zenta: because you have junk kernel modules.22:45
mjaykBud: no22:45
marianneBud: I think your in the wrong room22:45
EriC^^linuxlover: in unity it's called additional drivers, and it shows which drivers you can use22:46
linuxloveryeah i found that in "software & updates"22:46
nda_Jordan_U: The only thing I found was "Brasero Disc Burner", which somehow didn't let me create an image.22:46
rio_zentaEriC^^, no ppa at all. this is a fresh install22:46
linuxloverI'm there now EriC^^  and i see 3 options for graphic drivers22:47
Jordan_Unda_: What do you mean by "create an image"?22:47
kostkonnda_: try with rhythm box22:47
EriC^^linuxlover: ok which is selected right now?22:47
EriC^^linuxlover: what vga do you have? type lspci | grep VGA22:47
ararobdnivra, maybe try 2.20 then, if you can find it? if it still doesn't work, then something else is missing...22:48
nda_Jordan_U: Disc image, e.g. ISO or something. I don't mind if I rip the disc or get an image, as long as I get a digital copy of it.22:48
linuxloverright now it's selected as x.org.xserver -- nouveau display driver  and i have a gtx78022:48
Jordan_Unda_: If you want to rip the audio off the CD with absolutely no loss then choose "FLAC" as the audio format. It doesn't make much sense to make an "image" of an audio CD, and it's by definition impossible to create an iso image as an audio CD doesn't contain an iso9660, or any other, filesystem.22:48
linuxloverbut i know for a fact that i don't select that one22:49
BudSorry i leave if i'm in the wrong room22:49
linuxloverbecause nouvea makes it impossible to load steam games.22:49
EriC^^linuxlover: ok select the one you want22:49
Jordan_Unda_: OK. What problem are you having ripping the audio into audio files?22:49
linuxloverso it doesn't matter which one i choose?22:49
Merrilllinuxlover: pick nvidia22:50
nda_Jordan_U: The problem now is just that I haven't even gotten to the part where I have a program to use. I'll however try Rythmbox as suggested by kostkon.22:50
mjayklinuxlover: there will be 2 nvidia ones just pick one of those; doesnt really matter which one22:50
linuxloverok mjayk22:50
dnivraararob: Yeah I guess that's probably the way to go. I'll probably have to compile binutils for that. I'll check it out. Thanks for helping out!22:51
Merrillmjayk: it matters. Don't pick the updated one.22:51
linuxloverok EriC^^  done22:52
mjaykMerrill: if it does ive never experienced any difference22:52
nda_kostkon, Jordan_U: Rhytmbox has a feature to extract the tracks, and it seems to be doing something. :D Thank you!22:52
EriC^^linuxlover: ok, try the nvidia-settings or something22:52
EriC^^linuxlover: or reboot22:53
kostkonnda_: :-)22:53
linuxloverEriC^^:  i think i have to reboot to see the changes22:53
Merrillmjayk: the updated one is actually older.22:53
EriC^^linuxlover: ok22:53
mdogeGot some apt-get issues.. not sure where to start looking: http://pastebin.com/AiefrrNX22:53
Tex_Nickubuntu 14.10 ... my system monitor has stopped showing network activity ... it still shows CPU & Memory activity though ... any ideas there ?22:54
mdogecan anyone give me a push in the right direction?22:54
linuxloverEriC^^:  ok, i'm back, strange, now i don't see my menu bar.22:54
mjaykWow Merrill is a racist teenager22:54
linuxloverEriC^^:  nevermind fixed it. yeah im back on nvidia-settings22:56
linuxlovermjayk:  yeah he also did the same to me.22:56
mjayklinuxlover: people like that are just kids22:56
Jordan_Ulinuxlover: mjayk: If there is any PM abuse going on, please bring that up in #ubuntu-ops.22:57
mjaykJordan_U: thanks22:57
EriC^^linuxlover: ok22:57
linuxloveri'm not really  focused on the troll at the moment22:57
EriC^^linuxlover: sudo apt-get install virtualbox22:57
Jordan_Umjayk: You're welcome.22:57
linuxloveri hope it'll work this time EriC^^22:57
linuxloveryes it's downloading22:57
mjaykJordan_U: didnt know it existed22:57
EriC^^linuxlover: yay22:57
linuxloverthank you EriC^^22:58
linuxloveryou put in a lot of work on this.22:58
EriC^^linuxlover: no problem22:59
linuxloveryeah i have virtualbox :)22:59
jdfskitzso does anybody work on this irc and get paid, or are all of you just doing this for free to help people?22:59
EriC^^yeah, it is :)22:59
Merrilllinuxlover: virtualbox has two versions. And the one installed with apt-get is the junk one. Also make sure kernel modules are built.22:59
linuxloverwhat are you trying to do Merrill ? you act serious here but troll in pm why23:00
Bashing-omlinuxlover: EriC^^ I am back, looking good ? linuxlover ; there is still one other old PPA that needs to be dealt with " deb http://deb.playonlinux.com/ trusty main " .23:00
jdfskitzI may want to just sit and read how you resolve other's issues so that I can be of use.23:00
Jordan_UMerrill: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your ban.23:00
rcampbel3I want to use ssh-import-id, to get public ssh keys, but want to get them from my own keyserver - not launchpad or github. Anyone done something similar?23:01
linuxloveryes Bashing-om  virtualbox up and running now. Much thanks to EriC^^23:01
nzcahola alguien ayuda?23:02
Bashing-omlinuxlover:   : ) , EriC^^ is of 'something else' . good .23:02
nzcapor favor?23:02
rio_zentajdfskitz, Most IRC channels are unsupported by their developers. They prefer writing code and leaving the actual work of dealing with users to us :)23:03
linuxloverwait Bashing-om  do i run that command?23:03
linuxlover"deb http://deb.playonlinux.com/ trusty main "23:03
linuxloveror not a command it seems lol23:03
james_cawhy I cannot use chown to change ownship?23:04
letsgetsEriC^^: tell linuxlover about the different virtual boxes. Apt-get version is junk. And make sure kernel modules get built.23:04
jatt!es | nazca23:04
ubottunazca: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:04
letsgetsjames_ca: You not putting sudo in front23:04
Bashing-omlinuxlover: Naww, just agreeing that EriC^^ is of the best help here . _ don't forget to deal with that trusty repo. Else will get ya unto trouble later .23:04
james_cajames-Aspire-V3-571 home # ls -l23:05
james_catotal 023:05
james_cadrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 448 Dec 22 15:37 james23:05
james_cajames-Aspire-V3-571 home # chown james: james23:05
james_cajames-Aspire-V3-571 home # chown -v james: james23:05
james_cachanged ownership of ‘james’ from root:root to james:james23:05
unopastejames_ca you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:05
nzcagracias ubottu!! :D23:05
linuxloveryeah i'm surprised how much patience he has Bashing-om!23:05
linuxloverwell thanks im going to install windows 7 now23:05
jdfskitzthis irc is very active right now..23:06
letsgetslinuxlover: install Windows on that crippled version of virtualbox.23:07
james_casudo chown -v james: james23:08
james_cachanged ownership of ‘james’ from root:root to james:james23:08
CharcoalcatHi! I can hear everything in my browser except Livestream. This happened after I was messing with the sound settings in Python. I don't remember what else I tried, but here's the program as it currently is: https://bpaste.net/show/54fce658d0a9 Help? I tried enabling load-module module-rtp-recv (in papref settings and the text file) already and rebooting.23:08
CharcoalcatIt's an issue in Firefox and Chromium both.23:08
james_cabut I still get drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 448 Dec 22 16:01 james23:08
james_cawhat's the problem?23:08
jdfskitzsounds like a sound driver problem to me.. or a config file23:09
jdfskitzlet me see if I can find something23:09
EriC^^linuxlover: most stuff can be fixed in linux if you keep at it, i'd dare say all, anyways in life as well if you never quit, you're bound to make it, it's a cliche but never say never23:09
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: But I could play Livestream just the other day.23:09
letsgetsjames_ca: try sudo chmod 777. Then use the gui.23:09
linuxloverthanks EriC^^ I'll remember not to think reinstall is the only solution next time.23:10
CharcoalcatI think I last checked Livestream early Sunday morning.23:10
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jdfskitzCharcoalcat: you may have had a recent update and it may have set your default sound driver to the incorrect one23:10
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jdfskitzCharcoalcat: perhaps asoundconf list23:11
jdfskitzasoundconf set-default-card <one from the list>23:11
letsgetsjdfskitz: wrong23:12
james_cahi <letsgets>, in the gui, the owner or group always bounce back when I change it23:12
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: I'm pretty sure I haven't updated since then.23:12
theadminjames_ca: Are you on a FAT32 or NTFS filesystem?23:12
jdfskitzletsgets: mind helping out :)23:12
theadminjames_ca: NTFS does not support UNIX permissions.23:13
james_caok, i SEE23:13
theadminjames_ca: Move the files to an ext2/3/4 drive and then mess with them.23:13
letsgetsjames_ca: impossible did you try chmod 77723:13
james_caOK, thanks23:13
theadminjames_ca: Or, you can mount the whole filesystem with a certain permission set -- that way all the files will have the same permission23:13
james_cayes I did23:13
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: have you modified anything?23:14
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Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Maybe? Like I said, I did some random stuff in Python trying to figure out how to change the volume. I can try and find the thing I used.23:14
hedinHi, I'm playing around with btrfs on ubuntu and now I need to boot ubuntu with the degraded option set on my btrfs volume... how do I do that?23:15
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: maybe a description of what you did in python? also have you checked the alsa sound meter in the top23:15
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: I tried things on here. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10739390/how-to-programmatically-change-volume-in-ubuntu23:15
phroggyhi all, I'm kinda newish to Ubuntu, working on setting up a new server to be a VM host, running on new hardware.  Running into a bit of trouble.23:15
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: No, how do I check the alsa sound meter?23:15
letsgetsjames_ca: maybe the files are owned by ntfs user and root can't change that.23:16
phroggymy current issue is that the system intermittently hangs on boot23:16
theadminletsgets: NTFS simply doesn't support permissions.23:16
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: or it looks like you are using ubuntu, so pulse meter23:16
phroggylast line on the console says:  EXT4-fs (dm-0): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro23:16
theadminletsgets: Well, it supports Windows ACL, but that's a different matter23:16
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: what OS are you in23:16
theadminletsgets: The permissions are actually stored on the filesystem, not in the OS23:17
james_caletsgets: thanks, I'll convert to ext and try23:17
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS23:17
=== Maras is now known as Marasgeon
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Charcoalcatjdfskitz: How do I check the pulse meter? What is it?23:17
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: click on the unity panel and search pulse23:17
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: It just shows PulseAudio Preferences and PulseAudio Volume Control.23:18
MarasgeonIn disks utility , I see disk is ok, one bad sector, am I going to have any problem ?23:19
letsgetstheadmin: maybe he could make a copy of the file and try the file permissions on the copy.23:19
EriC^^Marasgeon: the end is imminent i'd think, i'd backup, ( no disk expert though )23:19
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: If you mean Volume Control then of course I checked that, master volume is at 100% and Firefox is at 100%.23:19
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theadminletsgets: As long as the copy is on a different filesystem, that would work23:19
CharcoalcatPlus other stuff plays fine like Totem sound or Youtube in Firefox. It's just Livestream.23:20
EriC^^*i'm no23:20
MarasgeonEriC^^: Should I replace the disk?23:20
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: check the preferences and go to the simultaneous output23:20
EriC^^Marasgeon: back up your important data to another disk23:20
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: is the tickbox checked?23:20
Marasgeonis there a way to check disk and fix bad sectors?23:21
EriC^^Marasgeon: yeah, i think so23:21
jdfskitzyes, there is. I usually get to it through the grub menu23:21
EriC^^Marasgeon: sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a23:21
EriC^^Marasgeon: that should give a report of the disks health i think23:21
EriC^^Marasgeon: if it gets really bad you can use badblocks i think to get the bad sectors and use fsck to not use them or something23:22
EriC^^Marasgeon: but it's better to get another disk it will get worse i think23:22
Marasgeonthank you  Eric^^ and jdfskitz, have a good night!23:23
droid909if i have lubuntu i still can have remote desctop, right?23:23
EriC^^no problem23:23
EriC^^Marasgeon: you too!23:23
neopsycheikonia: again, my apologies23:23
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: It wasn't checked. I checked it. Do I need to reboot?23:23
Jordan_UMarasgeon: Do you have backups of all of the important files on this disk?23:23
Marasgeonnot yet Jordan_U23:24
Jordan_UMarasgeon: You need to do that, regardless of the health of the drive.23:24
Marasgeonyeah I know mate, just neglecting it23:25
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: I'm unsure, can you do one more thing for me before that, in a terminal type alsamixer23:25
Bashing-omMarasgeon: Be aware, there is no perfect hard drive , have a bad sector in and of that is not a real bad thing, what is bad is if these bad sector(s) can not be reallocated .  smartmontools will tell ya .23:25
MarasgeonI'll check it23:26
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Everything looks okay? I'll try and put up a screenshot in a second.23:26
Marasgeonso bad blocks caused by physical damage only?23:26
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: use the arrowkeys to select speaker and hit enter23:26
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: that is if everything's volume is up of course23:26
droid909Marasgeon: there soft bad blocks too, but they are rare23:27
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: not enter -.- sorry, tired, f623:27
jdfskitzCharcoatcat: choose the correct sound card23:27
Jordan_UMarasgeon: It's possible that the bad block was caused by a loss of power while writing to the block, if the block was half written to then it's corrupted.23:27
Marasgeonok, guys thanks a lot for the information, have a good night everyone23:28
nda_I think I have a problem with ripping an audio CD using Rhythmbox. It seems to just stop while copying 15/74 tracks, and it never progresses. The CD doesn't stop spinning, and I keep hearing the laser head move every second. Any ideas?23:28
Jordan_Udroid909: I can't imagine anything I would call a "soft bad block" that would show up via S.M.A.R.T. .23:28
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/alsamixer.png23:28
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: is the realtek ALC887-VD the correct sound card23:29
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: I have default and HDA Intel PCH in the menu when I press F6.23:29
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: It sounds right?23:29
Jordan_Unda_: Can you play the CD normally? Is it scratched. I assume that with 74 tracks, these are not all full songs. What is on this audio CD?23:30
droid909Jordan_U: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/bad-blocks-mean-hard-drive-failing-75578.html23:30
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: After restarting my browser after checking the box, I heard sound in Livestream for a second.23:30
nda_It's a brand new audio CD with voice clips (learning material). I've played some of the tracks just fine, but I can try track 15, 16 and later.23:31
droid909Jordan_U: Not all bad sectors are created equal, and there are two different types of sector errors: hard and soft. A hard bad sector has suffered physical damage to a certain block of space, such as from an impact, manufacturing defect or even a small speck of dust on the drive's internal disk. A soft bad sector is essentially a spot that the operating system finds a problem with. One way an OS finds a soft bad sector is if the sector's error-cor23:31
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: after you selecct the HDA intel PCH are the volumes up23:31
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: it's possible that the browser might have just needed reset, and you may just need to clear the cache23:31
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: The volumes look exactly the same after selecting it.23:31
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: But it doesn't work in Chromium, either.23:31
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: the cache is usually shared23:32
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Huh. How do I clear it?23:32
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: under volume control and playback I would make sure that the sound is up specifically to your browsers as well..23:33
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: depends on the browser23:33
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: I doubt it's the issue though..23:34
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Hm, Chromium was muted. Unmuting it didn't change anything, though.23:34
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: re open the browser again?23:35
nda_Jordan_U: I can apparently listen to the tracks without any issues. I listened to track 15, 16 and later ones.23:35
nda_Jordan_U: Still, the ripping process stops on or after track 15 :S23:35
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: also make sure flash isn't muted if there is an option23:36
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Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Restarted both browsers, no change. Also there's no flash option, but it can't be muted because Youtube works.23:36
blackangelpri am also testing to rip my russian course cd on flac with just 3 tracks for the full cd and takes long so far but its working23:36
jdfskitzso it's just the livestream...23:37
nda_blackangelpr: Glad it works in your case, at least! No idea why it doesn't work with my course CD. :(23:37
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: can you link me the livesteam?23:37
Jordan_Udroid909: Thanks, I wasn't familiar with that terminology. Learn something new every day :023:37
droid909Jordan_U: np :)23:37
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: http://www.livestream.com/kyrtian23:37
blackangelprnda_, might have protective codecs?  i will try with cd two so it might have protection i let you know in a few minutes23:38
nda_blackangelpr: Thanks! I can listen to the already-ripped tracks, which may be a bit strange?23:38
nda_I mean if that was the case23:39
blackangelprnda_, the orange bar on the lower right still going?23:39
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nda_blackangelpr: Nope23:39
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: Try sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins23:40
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jdfskitzCharcoalcat: then restart your browser.23:40
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."23:40
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: >.>23:40
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: just making sure, not trying to insult you. Is the audio up on the video itself?23:41
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: No problem, definitely not insulted, just trying to show what's going on.23:42
Enissayhow to move a folder and all it's content to another place ?  "mv /a /b" will do ? (I forgot xD)23:42
CharcoalcatOh, about the audio thing, but still not an insult.23:42
CharcoalcatYep, I've checked it multiple times.23:42
jdfskitzCan somebody else assist charcoalcat with this issue?23:42
Enissayoh, the -R23:42
nda_Okay, I think I'll give up on ripping my CD using Ubuntu or any other Linux distro, and I'll see if I can do it on Windows instead. Tired of shaving the yak. :\23:44
CharcoalcatIf it helps, I just tried this: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/09/watch-live-streams-on-ubuntu-via-video-player/ with vlc and mplayer, and it doesn't have sound either.23:44
blackangelprnda_,  can you tell me what course it is so i can look on the internet if you want you can page me private :p if you dont want anyone else to know :p just saying XD23:45
EiEiOhh14.04- Can I increase my root partition size without reinstalling Ubuntu?23:45
blackangelprEiEiOhh, many ways to do it depends how you installed ubuntu23:45
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: Thanks for trying to help!23:46
blackangelprEiEiOhh, http://askubuntu.com/questions/492054/how-to-extend-my-root-partition23:46
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: I need to go, so I apologize23:46
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: what I can say is you are probably missing a lib file.23:46
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: No problem, and thanks for the tip!23:46
jdfskitzCharcoalcat: probably try and find out how to reinstall support for vlc or Mplayer.23:47
Charcoalcatjdfskitz: I'll look into that!23:47
nda_blackangelpr: Oh that's nice of you. Not sure if it can be found though.. But this is the one: http://www.abookhouse.com/Bookhouse/BookDetail.aspx?Code=JA00283423:47
pixelkat_my sound settings are gone from my top bar23:50
pixelkat_what do23:51
blackangelprnda_,  hard hard sorry i try but only other things are showing than that cd :(  my regards23:51
ubuntu-studioHello everybody! I have a quick question. What is the name of the application that you can do video chat with? Is it called UNC Video? Or something? Lol23:51
nda_blackangelpr: It's cool. Thanks for trying. :D23:51
subz3r0pidgin xmpp23:51
subz3r0skype is propritary crap23:52
pixelkat_works fine for me23:52
ubuntu-studioI have seen people on YouTube use it whenever they shoot on line video tutorials.23:53
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Pupuser-1Hi Guys, I have Ubuntu fully installed on a 16gb USB stick (not live). I am running out of space- is there anyway I can move the whole installation to a 64gb USB stick and keep all the addtional software that I have installed?23:54
DracusBeen using Ubuntu on a machine for about a year now, but suddenly the wireless connection is really iffy, and slow. Every other machine, be it a different format, or OS, is blazing fast in comparison23:55
Dracuswhat do?23:55
daftykinsDracus: a clue of the wireless adapter make and model in question would be a good starting point23:55
EiEiOhhblackangelpr, I created two partitions at install... root (slash) and a home partition23:55
DracusSure, sorry. I just ran lspci and a wall of text came up daftykins23:56
daftykinsDracus: should be pretty easy to pull out the relevant entry23:56
DracusThe laptop is an unknown year hp pavillion dv6, and the hardware is a Broadcom BCM4313 WNAdapter23:57
DracusIt's 802.11bgn if that helps23:57
DracusEvery other device is at our standard ~20mbps but using sudo-apt get yields results less than 1kbps sometimes23:57
Dracusand other times websites simply refuse to load23:57
daftykinsi take it you're going by the same repo to base this comparison?23:58
DracusLamens terms, I'm a learner23:58
daftykinsthe other systems that are fast, are pulling packages and updates from the exact same package repositories?23:58
daftykinsnot a different 'mirror' ?23:58
daftykinsso if you plug this HP in with wired, it's fine? (to prove the situation)23:59
Dracusthe ethernet connection on this machine is borked23:59
Dracuschildren and their habit of plugging things in stupidly23:59
blackangelprEiEiOhh, correct your home is where all your information are from the users and root is for the system  so do not worry about the example have a messy configuration the basic is the same select the partition you want to rezise  here you go :P might this help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDgUwWkvuIY23:59

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