
JackFrostbluesabre: Can you drop the ISO size ~60MBs? :)04:31
skellat967 MiB for i386 and 962 MiB for amd6404:36
skellatWhy do you need the drop?04:37
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knomegood morning elfy07:41
elfyhi knome :)07:43
=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsoftware
ochosibluesabre: maybe we should add that as a feature in light-locker actually. something like "light-locker --quit" to make it shut down gracefully10:08
bluesabreochosi: that would certainly help10:09
ochosii mean for xubuntu i guess we can find a way to kill it more or less cleanly10:14
ochosibut more generally, it'd probably be better if the switch were built-in10:15
bluesabreas usual, easy for linux, hard for bsd's10:23
ochosistill not sure btw why parole's buttons look like they do. guess i'll have to work on the .osd class a bit more in greybird10:25
ochosi(although i don't consider that a huge problem, in general gtk3.14 works ok with greybird and numix now)10:25
bluesabrehaven't had a chance to install vivid yet10:26
bluesabreideally will do so once I finish the xfpm patch10:26
bluesabreochosi: other than hiding the security frame and killing light-locker, any other complaints/concerns?10:29
ochosinope, other than that it seems all good10:29
bluesabreonce I finish that (probably tonight), will go ahead and add the patch to -staging so folks can play with it then10:33
ochosisounds great10:35
ochosiif we can also get the xdg-screensaver patch done soon, then we have a "complete" patch set for 15.04 in that respect10:36
bluesabreyeah, tbh I forgot what needs to be done with that one10:45
knomeochosi, you know which FAQ article we need?10:46
knome"how to turn on 'no screen blanking' mode", per release10:46
ochosibluesabre: basically we need to add a case for light-locker (analogously to the gnome-screensaver and xscreensaver cases)10:48
ochosill uses the fd.org dbus spec, so the inhibit/resume code should all be there already10:48
ochosiknome: yeah, probably. hopefully it'll all be sorted in 15.04 though10:49
knomeochosi, sure, though people will still continue to use 14.0410:49
knomeso it would be nice to have a tutorial on how to do that10:49
ochosiyeah, use xscreensaver is the only easy way though10:50
knomei was thinking today i could write a script that moves the mouse back and forth every 9 minutes10:50
ochosiany media player will likely reset the blank-time to the default of 600, no matter what you set it to10:50
knome(1px right/left)10:50
knomethen simply run that script when you need to not blank10:51
ochosithat is silly though, and basically what some mediaplayers (i think mplayer) have coded in already10:51
knomebut it's about two lines of bash code with xdotool, already figured it out :)10:51
knomei'm not suggesting to ship that or anything :D10:51
knomejust for my personal use, because i'm lazy..10:51
ochosior use 15.04 when it's out ;)10:52
knomei guess i should update to 14.10 first ;))10:52
ochosior add one of our PPAs10:52
knomewell if that's an option... maybe tell people to do that10:52
knomemaybe we could even have a PPA including just that change10:53
knome(least effect to packages, no daily updates)10:53
ochosiyeah we could. would mean adding updated packages of xfpm, light-locker and xdg-utils10:53
knomeconsidering 14.04 is supported for a few years from now...10:53
knomebluesabre, ^10:54
knomecan help with stuff if there's something i can do10:54
ochosithere are times when i'm wondering whether we should have our own PPA and add/enable it by default in any install10:54
ochosiso we can backport fixes without all the lengthy SRU crap10:54
knomeisn't some flavor doing that already?10:54
knomelubuntu or ubuntu gnome maybe10:54
ochosii think some do it yeah10:54
knomebut ultimately, i don't think that's the "right" solution10:55
ochosinot really, yeah10:55
ochosianyway, for now you could help by finalising the dev-wallpaper10:55
knomeSRU crap is SRU crap, but it's there for a reason and protects as well10:55
knomei'll do that, err, before the end of the year10:55
knomecan't promise to spend a lot of my time before christmas for obvious reasons :P10:55
ochosithe thing is, the SRU crap is there for a reason if you are an ubuntu maintainer that is supposed to merge/upload changes of packages he/she doesn't use/know10:55
knometbh, you can go past that relatively quickly once you're "known"10:56
knomei think there's one weeks wait for reasons (tm), but otherwise it should be swift10:57
ochosisome of our SRUs are still pending though10:58
ochosianyway, gotta do some work now, bbl10:58
knomeand if the whole process takes less than, say, two weeks, it's not much considering LTS's are supported for three years10:58
knomethen we should poke people :)10:58
knomelet's get back on that after the worst holiday season (when nobody is around) and i can see what i can do10:59
knomehave fun with work10:59
knomei guess i should do a little thing as well, then finish off things10:59
ochosithanks, you too!11:02
bluesabreSRUs are painful because if we have an upload that fixes 30 bugs, and somebody stumbles across a new one then (even minor from my experience), the new upload is blocked11:34
bluesabreanyway, gotta run, bbl11:34
andrzejrguys, I've compiled xfce from scratch and now lightdm(?) doesn't load my session. Where is the session config stored? xubuntu-14.1022:02
andrzejrdoes xfce4-session need xubuntu-specific patches?22:08
JackFrostSeveral packages have Xubuntu (and Debian) specific patches, yes.22:10
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