
pixelkatwrong chat room sorry00:24
knomepixelkat, please pay attention.00:25
pixelkatbut im poor00:26
pixelkatin money00:26
pixelkatrich in spirit00:26
knomepixelkat, you can stop the nonsense now and stay in the channel or continue it and get in problems00:27
* DalekSec waves to dalekusa.00:29
xubuntu54whello i want to change my theme but in gnome-tweak-tool i have a triangle with an exclamation mark next to the shell theme section02:03
xubuntu54wi have gnome shell 3.14.302:03
knomethen you probably want to ask the ubuntu gnome (or whatever flavor is using that) channel02:04
gownedhi, how do I reload an updated wallpaper?02:28
knomegowned, you can do that at least by switching to some other wallpaper and back02:31
gownedthx knome02:34
knomeno problem02:34
xubuntumalliohi  all03:07
xubuntumalliosomebody know wy pokerstars won't work??03:07
=== Metacity is now known as Metachristmas
=== benonsoftware is now known as MerryChristmas
=== Metachristmas is now known as Chelsie
xubuntu38wwhen will be the next kernel build with ldt16 be for 14.04 and 14.04.1?06:24
xubuntu09wi cant install adobe flash player in chromium, xubuntu 14.0408:25
=== MerryChristmas is now known as benonsoftware
sim642I had xubuntu crash on me (due to GPU driver issues I think) and now there's numerous things broken with my install: 1. all fonts in xfce are different, 2. half of the settings groups are gone from the settings manager (e.g. there's even no sound settings). What can I do now?10:04
brainwashsim642: did you maybe start the normal Xfce session instead of the Xubuntu one?10:06
brainwashand is the guest session affected too?10:07
sim642brainwash, I started up as usual, only had to delete .Xauthority to get it to log in to my account at all10:07
sim642I can't switch user either, it's been a while like this10:08
brainwashyou cannot?10:08
sim642it's grayed out in the menu that comes up clicking on my username in top right panel10:08
sim642I think I read somewhere it being broken after some update, not sure10:09
brainwashyou can log out and then select the guest session10:09
sim642it's kinda awkward to test if I have to log out entirely10:10
brainwashcan you lock the screen? this should offer you the option to switch to a different user also10:11
sim642I've tried, new login just goes gray on click too10:12
brainwashxscreensaver or light-locker?10:12
brainwashor something else10:13
brainwashmaybe you should explain in more detail how the fonts changed and which settings launchers are missing10:15
sim642should be xscreensaver10:15
brainwashsounds settings should run "pavucontrol"10:16
sim642I went and had a look at the guest account, I think it had the nice default fonts everywhere10:16
brainwashcan you manually launch pavucontrol?10:16
brainwashah, you are using xubuntu 14.04, right?10:17
sim642manually launching works fine10:17
sim64214.04.1 LTS it should be10:17
brainwashbug 132056010:18
ubottubug 1320560 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Removal of gdmflexiserver breaks user switching" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132056010:18
brainwashit has been fixed in 14.1010:18
brainwashlook at comment #4 for an easy workaround10:19
brainwashback to the initial problems: I guess you could configure the font to your likings10:20
sim642I could change some of the fonts in the settings from Sans to Droid Sans or something which seemed to look like it was before10:20
sim642but there are still places which were unaffected by that10:21
sim642it makes me believe that for some odd reason the default Sans font has changed or something10:21
sim642because I was on all default fonts before10:21
sim642thanks for the user switching tip, it worked at least10:24
brainwashwell, you could reset your Xfce settings by deleting ~/.config/xfce410:24
brainwashdelete or move (backup)10:24
sim642I contemplated about it but didn't do it yet hoping there's some less destructive fix10:25
brainwashfurthermore, an altered menu structure may be saved somewhere in ~/.local/share10:25
brainwashwhich also affects the settings manager10:26
sim642removing that xfce4 config should fix the settings manager too?10:27
brainwashyou can take a closer look at ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/ and only delete certain config files10:27
brainwashI think "xsettings.xml" contains the font settings10:28
brainwashI don't know if this will fix the settings manager problem10:28
sim642I doubt that because I checked the settings manager in Guest session as well and it also had numerous missing items10:28
brainwashthey should not magically disappear, that's all I know :)10:29
sim642well yeah10:30
brainwashdo they show up in the whisker menu search?10:30
brainwashor listed in the "all" section10:30
brainwashbug 132025110:31
ubottubug 1310264 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1320251 Can't search/find items in the Settings Manager" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131026410:31
brainwashbug 131026410:31
ubottubug 1310264 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "Can't search/find items in the Settings Manager" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131026410:31
brainwashthis one ^10:31
brainwashmaybe related10:32
sim642oh I just searched what whisker menu looks at and I don't have that, I just have the xfce application menu or whatever it should be called10:33
brainwashthe classic app menu10:34
brainwashyou can add whisker menu to the panel10:34
sim642I don't even have it in the new panel items list10:34
brainwashdoes the classic app menu show the "settings" category?10:34
sim642yeah it does10:35
sim642it doesn't list the missing items either10:35
sim642for example I can't found Sound from there10:35
brainwashany other examples?10:35
sim642it's quite difficult to remember any like this because I don't constantly use settings but I remember there certainly being many more10:36
brainwashahh, isn't this launcher suppose to show up in the multimedia category?10:37
brainwash"PulseAudio Volume Control"10:38
sim642I've never had it under multimedia I think10:39
sim642but also, when I try to open sound settings from the sound indicator10:39
brainwashmaybe someone else can verify this10:39
brainwashI don't have xubuntu running at the moment10:39
sim642it starts up a very different settings manager which I think is the gnome-control-center.real process10:39
sim642and only has 3 items in it10:40
brainwashbug 135924910:40
ubottubug 1359249 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Launching PAVUControl works from Xubuntu, but not from Xfce" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135924910:40
brainwashthat's an indication for my previous theory: you are not running the xubuntu session10:41
brainwashbut the Xfce one10:41
brainwashopen a terminal window and "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION"10:42
brainwashand run10:42
sim642xfce it is10:42
brainwashlog out and select the xubuntu session then :)10:42
sim642I find this odd because I've always used only xubuntu session and I certainly haven't changed it10:42
brainwashit is odd10:43
brainwashbut you've deleted some hidden files in your home dir, or?10:43
brainwashone might have saved the currently running session type10:44
brainwashwithout it you'll get the first session entry in the list10:45
sim642it's back to normal now, thanks10:46
sim642it even took me a while to figure out where I could change the session on the login screen, I don't think I've ever seen that tiny option10:47
brainwashheh, it really is subtle10:48
=== Guest88962 is now known as infamy
xubuntu87wHello. Anyone can help me with my proble? my problem that os cant start if wireless mouse's adapter plugged on. os hangs at black screen. If try to start without adapter, os start correctly. And then i can use my mouse fine. BTW mouse Logitech Perfomance14:16
holsteinxubuntu87w: nah.. what i would do is just unplug to boot.. i have seen that, actually, with a few USB devices.. not sure if its a bios level thing or something with linux specificially..14:41
AgAuit's giving you hint.... wireless mice are terrible :P14:42
holsteinwell, wireless mice are wireless... if you want wireless, its necessary14:43
AgAubut why would you want wireless :P14:44
holsteinthe same reason there are no wires on phones..14:44
AgAuwell i don't use a mouse when im walking around14:45
AgAuin mid air14:45
holsteinanyways, for this issue, its nothing to do with the wireless, its just that there is a particular USB device plugged.. happens to me with a flip camera14:45
GrinchCube._. my wireless mice works fine14:45
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
amundseni've been googling to find a solution for the xfce panel battery indicator issue16:36
amundsenbut haven't find it16:37
amundsendid anyone solve this problem?16:37
amundseni know it is solved in 14.1016:37
amundsenbut not in 14.0416:39
xubuntu81wi downloaded the xubuntu it came as an iso file, and now i don't know how to continue, i want to install is, what should i do ?16:44
cfhowlett!md5sum | xubuntu81w,first verify the .iso16:44
ubottuxubuntu81w,first verify the .iso: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:44
Sh3r1ff!burn | xubuntu81w16:49
ubottuxubuntu81w: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:49
junebugI am trying to figure out if something similar to open location is possible. I often use ctrl + L for open location in Thunar but i usually want to start typing at the end of the path, and not nessesarily to type in a whole new path. Is there some shortcut that will put my cursor in focus at the end of the path?19:58
brainwashjunebug: end key?20:00
junebugbrainwash: that's an option but i'd love to be able to do it in one keystroke if possible20:07
drc1junebug: You want a CTRL+L + ENDKEY in one keystroke? Have you looked at Edit>Configure Customs Actions in Thunar ?20:10
junebugdrc1: that's correct. I am aware of it but i thought that was more for context menus? any idea how i would add a custom keystroke?20:12
drc1Nope, never used it before.20:12
drc1Just aware of it's existence...it seemed the simplest way (if possible)20:12
brainwashjunebug: you should take a look at xdotool -> http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/20:13
junebugbrainwash: thanks for the link. i will check it out.20:14
brainwashyou basically use this little tool to send the keystrokes20:16
brainwashuse the Xfce settings interface to define a custom keybind which runs xdotool20:17
junebugbrainwash: thanks for the help20:20
brainwashjunebug: however, maybe it's worth to file a report on the Xfce bug tracker and request it to be changed by default20:22
brainwashplace cursor at the end20:22
zleapmy  menu bar in thunar has disappeared and ctrl M isn't working to bring it back , can someone help please20:48
drc1I'd start by closing (all) Thunar(s), use a terminal to rename/move (so you can restore it if this doesn't work) ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/thunar.xml, and reopen Thunar.20:53
BuddybHi all20:57
zleapdrc1, ok i have opened that file20:58
zleapah change last menu bar to false20:59
zleapor last menu bar visible to false20:59
zleapseems to work20:59
drc1ok, from what you said that seems to work too.  So...problem solved?21:00
zleapyeah thank you21:03
drc1No problem (especially as you you found your own solution) :)21:04
zleapi have also updated my webpage on this to include your solution and given you credit for helping21:04
drc1So much for keeping a low profile :)21:05
zleapnot sure how many people read that page anyway21:06
brainwashcan you reproduce this behavior (ctrl+m fails)?21:06
brainwashif yes, please file a bug report21:07
zleapok will see if I can figure out what happened21:07
zleapit is working fine now,  but i must hasve hit a setting that produces a preferences button which is why the menu bar didn't toggle21:08
drc1zleap: You haven't reassigned CTL+L anywhere else, have you?21:08
drc1er...CRTL+M, that is....CRTL+L was another problem earlier :)21:09
zleapnot that i know of21:09
drc1Chalk it up to rogue christmas elves then.21:09
zleapif I trigger the same issue I will update the page and then file a bug report21:09
fartfaceHey is there anything in XFCE like what happens when you hit Super in Gnome?  What I'm referring to is the 'open window showcase', where it shows all of the open windows as thumbnails?22:46
xanguaalt+tab ¿22:47
brainwashfartface: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/07/xfdashboard-gnome-shell-like-dashboard-xfce-xubuntu.html22:48
fartfacebrainwash: cool!  That is basically the trick!22:51
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
terratomaif i use the default ubuntu desktop session, sound works fine.  if i start with xubuntu desktop, no sound.  what did i do wrong ?23:23
HassanCehefi had issue with the sound too.23:24
HassanCehefi uninstalled pulseaudio and went back to alsa-mixer23:24
HassanCehefyou lose the nice widget but it works again23:24
terratomai will try that23:25
HassanCehefto set the volume of your headphones/speakers, you'd have to do it in a terminal, but it's like a GUI, it's easy :)23:25
AgAudid you actually just open the pulse volume panel and check to make sure the sound is coming out of the right device?23:27
HassanCehefin my case, pulseaudio crashed after ~30min, or if i played a flash video.23:29

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