
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
lordievaderGood morning.08:01
ovidiu-florinlordievader: mornin'08:36
valorieRiddell: I love the "impecunious" part10:42
valoriealso the rest of it10:42
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BluesKaj_'Morning folks12:53
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bukaiovidiu-florin: ping14:23
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bukaiRiddell: Hi15:18
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as EbenezerScrooge
=== EbenezerScrooge is now known as genii
soeebukai: hi, sorry i was out most of teh day yesterday15:25
bukaisoee: Hi,No problem ovidiu-florin helped me out yesterday15:26
bukaisoee: the site you were developing, it's completed?15:27
soeebukai: no, i already told Riddell that i plan to release in april - the same day when Vivid will be released so i can get all media up to date15:31
bukaisoee: ok , :)15:33
soeealso my friend works on the design atm. so ill have to wait till its finish to go further15:34
soeei have basic structure ready atm. http://kubuntu.dev.soee.pl/15:34
soeeso this are pages i plan to have 15:35
bukaisoee: do you plan to keep it just plain?16:02
soeeplain ?16:03
bukaisoee: I mean will it look like this when it's completed?16:05
soeenooo :)16:06
bukaiit will be a single page application right?16:09
soeenot exactly16:09
soeeeach page on this website has caontent split into 2 sections: main and extended16:10
soeein page properties you can mark checkbox to show its main content on frontpage16:10
soeeso onyl then it showsup on home16:10
bukaisoee: WOW that sound too good :)16:12
QuintasanNew NetworkManager.16:32
QuintasanAnd I still can't have WiFi networks priority16:33
QuintasanWelcome to 2015.16:33
Quintasansoee_: Really nice. I like Riddell as Sean Connery :D16:33
soee_Quintasan: :D16:34
soee_@NM in plasma5 if i disable WiFi kdeinit5 crashed or something :)16:34
soee_same sometimes iv my connection is lost16:35
bukai_soee_: If I did not keep the first page on index.php rather created a page how do I chow the image associated with the post in thumbnail form in the latest post section ? 16:35
Quintasantazz: I can't respond to your steam trade offer for reasons unknown to me.16:36
soee_bukai_: im not sure wht you want to do:) also im not an expert when it comes to wordpress16:37
QuintasanGood luck.16:38
Quintasantazz: Well, I tried accepting or rejecting it but "Can't proccess your request"16:39
=== soee_ is now known as soee
tazzoh well16:39
kranzerRiddell: hello are you here?16:41
QuintasanAlpha 1 testing time I guess.16:41
Quintasankranzer: You might want to ask him the question and stick around since it's almost Xmass everywhere.16:43
kranzerQuintasan: he's out for 4 last days16:44
soeeAlpha works fine :)16:44
Quintasankranzer: Well, people tend to get busy during this period. What is the problem, maybe someone else can help.16:44
bukai_kranzer:  Are you sure ?16:45
kranzerbukai_: not for 100%, but when I'm here he's out16:45
soeenah its christmas :) he was here yesterday16:47
kranzerI understand him)16:48
=== genii is now known as EbenezerScrooge
=== EbenezerScrooge is now known as genii
SergobotRiddell: could you review my task?18:32
Riddellhi Sergobot 18:58
SergobotRiddell: hello :)18:58
EgorMatirovRiddell: hi! AFAIK packages from this task: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2014/5822613091778560 are already updated for kubuntu vivid. 18:59
EgorMatirovRiddell:  about-distro: http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/about-distro (latest update: 22 Dec 2014)19:00
EgorMatirovand debconf-kde https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf-kde/1.0.0-0ubuntu1 (22 Dec 2014 too)19:01
RiddellEgorMatirov: hmm yes I guess sitter did it19:04
Riddellsorry about that19:04
RiddellSergobot: you added in the developer files that didn't need added (those listed in debian/not-installed)19:04
RiddellSergobot: are you able to remove those again or have you had enough of it?19:04
SergobotRiddell: What files should I remove?19:05
EgorMatirovRiddell: no problems for me. Just wanted to notify you. :)19:05
RiddellSergobot: anything in /usr/include19:09
RiddellSergobot: anything in /usr/lib/libfoo.so19:09
RiddellSergobot: anything else listed in debian/not-installed19:09
SergobotRiddell: should I add these files to calligra-dbg.install?19:17
RiddellSergobot: no just don't install them19:23
Riddellthey're pointless, nothing uses them19:23
SergobotRiddell: so, I removed all /usr/include/ form all files, that I've modified. Is the task finished?19:24
RiddellSergobot: yep, good enough, I'll take a closer look and upload it when I get a minute19:28
RiddellSergobot: closed! thanks for your help with kubuntu19:29
SergobotRiddell: But I didn't yet updated .dsc and .debian files at google-melange.com19:30
SergobotRiddell: Thanks!19:30
RiddellSergobot: I'll get them off the server19:40
SergobotRiddell: Okay19:41
soeeRiddell: the last blog post "We also released a new version of KDE Frameworks 5.5.0. KDE Applications 14.12 are arriving in Vivid Vermet, with backports, as soon as we can."20:25
soeeVermed ? :)20:25
Riddellsoee: I always confuse that for some reason, thanks20:35

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