
octoquaddarkxst, What do I do for bugs like this where it fixed upstream, but not yet triaged on our end. Is there a way to confirm if the fix has landed in a newer version of gnome-settings-daemon? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/123360308:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1233603 in Ubuntu GNOME "Gnome-Shell 3.10 staging HUGE fonts, cursors, icons" [Medium,Confirmed]08:38
darkxstoctoquad, thats a tough one since its only triggered by crappy hdmi monitors/tv's08:51
darkxstthough I though it was mostly fixed in 3.12, if not should be sorted in 3.1408:52
darkxst(which hasnt landed just yet)08:52
darkxstbut in general if you can find upstream commit that fixes an issue, it can be backported via SRU to the current release08:53
darkxst(and/or current LTS where applicable)08:53
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octoquadthanks, this is also on saucy, so doesn't make since to backport. There is an upstream fix attached, but not sure if I should mark it as EOL or not due to upstream status09:32
octoquadsorry not attached committed rather09:32
octoquadlast commit 2014-03-1309:33
darkxstoctoquad, was it comitted to 3.12? we can't really backport 10 patches!09:50
darkxstprobably was, so just set bug as incomplete and ask if anyone still experiencing issues09:52
darkxstricotz, hi, I've merged gdm from debian would you have time to review it?09:54
octoquadhehe ok darkxst10:00
darkxstricotz, https://github.com/darkxst/gdm-merge/tree/merge210:01
darkxstI've forced renamed all gdm3 -> gdm in rename2 branch so you can get a reasonably sane diff against debian10:02
darkxstlots of obsolete code I've dropped in there that seems to have been inherited from debian, but long gone now10:03
darkxstoctoquad, btw did you catch amjjawad?10:05
darkxsthe is in my timezone but not on IRC that often, best to email him probably10:05
octoquadI missed him, sent a memo, but no response just yet. I'll send him a mail shortly.10:15
darkxstyeh email is best10:17
octoquadHas this been fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/128355110:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1283551 in Ubuntu GNOME "gjs-console crashed with signal 5" [Medium,Triaged]10:49
octoquadI use to get it, I don't any more10:49
octoquadany reason there are no daily builds being built? Nothing since the 18th10:58

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