
moonlighti also upgraded to linux-firmware to the latest cos the kern/syslog were mentioning ath9k00:00
moonlightreinstalling 3.18.1 didnt do anything, files kept growing00:00
moonlighthad to go back to 3.13.000:01
moonlighti can reproduce the situation again, if anyone wants00:02
moonlighti had to delete the kern/syslog files, they were like over 15gb each00:02
moonlightand syslog was taking some cpu time00:03
moonlighti should get back tomorrow, have a great night/day00:03
thor77what can i do if the installation-setup says "couldnt install grup-pc to /target/"?00:10
thor77what could be the problem?00:10
thor77how can i solve it?00:10
moonlightuse grub200:11
thor77how can i do that?00:11
thor77i only see this http://img.thor77.org/23-12-14_01-11.png00:11
thor77but i could continue without installing a bootloader00:12
moonlightyou are probably attempting to install in a weird way maybe00:13
thor77everything worked fine until this00:14
thor77maybe something with partitioning went wrong?00:14
moonlightif ubuntu is the only os in the hdd, wipe the whole disk, setup one / and one sawp00:18
moonlightand install normally00:18
thor77okey, will try00:18
moonlightalso check the iso for burning/download errors00:18
moonlightanyways, im out00:18
thor77cant check the iso, its provided by my hoster00:18
thor77if my server hoster uses lvm, have i to choose it at partitioning-time?00:33
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davidbowlbydasjoe, that's what I was thinking, but this LVM stuff makes me nervous01:05
davidbowlbydasjoe, don't I have to do something to make the new drive LVM?01:05
dasjoedavidbowlby: sure, if you want to use LVM on it01:05
davidbowlbydasjoe, I want it to be a like for like, so I need to know how to set up the LVM01:06
davidbowlbyI created the partitions to match01:06
davidbowlbyjust not sure how to do the LVM pieces01:06
thor77is someone here hosting on 1fire?01:06
dasjoedavidbowlby: sorry, I've got to go. Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm01:08
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TheRinger_anyone here use ispconfig to manage their server ?02:55
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hariomHow to check if upstart script is without syntax errors?07:49
lordievaderGood morning.08:01
Slingin my /etc/network/interfaces I have an 'iface eth0 inet6 static' entry with a gateway, but the default route is not added on boot08:58
Slingafter manually doing 'ip -6 route add default via <ip> dev eth0 metric 1024' it works fine08:58
Slingwhat is the proper way of adding a default route for a static native ipv6 configuration on ubuntu?08:59
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YamakasYmhh does a nfsshare need full path rights ?12:09
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Noelanyone know how to get ubuntu to boot on its own without flash drive13:01
White_CatI am trying to install ubuntu server to a new hp server13:46
White_CatI am able to boot into the installer and install ubuntu-server to the raid 5 array13:46
White_Cathowever it will not boot from the said array13:46
White_Catit did install grub13:48
White_CatIt is an HP ProLiant DL380 Gen913:49
White_CatI dont understand the problem since it is possible to write to the drives...13:51
White_Cathttp://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201409-15510/ <- it appears to be Ubuntu certifie13:55
pmatulisWhite_Cat: any firmware updates for the raid controller available?14:00
pmatulisWhite_Cat: or the BIOS14:00
pmatulisWhite_Cat: do you have a single such machine with this problem or multiple?14:01
White_CatI have a single device so on a single device :)14:06
White_Catpmatulis before I mess with the firmware14:06
White_Catmind that ubuntu can install to the raid5 array14:06
White_Catit correctly identifies its size and installation completes fine, even intsalls grub14:06
White_Catwhat must I do for it to boot from the raid 5 array14:07
White_Cataside from possibly panicing14:07
thor77which sftp-server is recomment for ubuntu-server 14.10?14:09
White_Catsorry no that version above14:10
White_CatI misread that entirely14:10
pmatulisthor77: sftp is a subystem of openssh14:12
pmatulisWhite_Cat: it sounds like you need to troubleshoot GRUB14:14
pmatulisWhite_Cat: so you only have one such machine?14:14
Slingin my /etc/network/interfaces I have an 'iface eth0 inet6 static' entry with a gateway, but the default route is not added on boot, after manually doing 'ip -6 route add default via <ip> dev eth0 metric 1024' it works fine, question now is: what is the proper way of adding a default route for a static native ipv6 configuration on ubuntu?14:14
White_Catall I did was instert usb and install ubuntu server 14.04.1 LTS14:17
pmatulisWhite_Cat: what actual error do you see?14:17
White_Catno error14:18
White_Catit just deosnt boor14:18
White_Catas if no drive is inserted14:18
pmatulisWhite_Cat: well get rid of the splash screen and get something onscreen14:19
White_CatI am completely lost14:19
moonlightyellow, its me again, tried a different approach to get a latest kernel for my machine 3.13 to something more recent14:24
moonlightfound 3.16 listed14:24
pmatulisWhite_Cat: then a easy to understand idea is to re-install with a non-debian-based OS.  if it works we can point at debian/ubuntu, if it doesn't we can point at the hardware/firmware14:24
White_Catpmatulis the only error like thing is it is demanding a UEFI enabled device or something like that14:25
Slingah nvm fixed my route issue14:25
moonlightbut same thing, installs the kernel, boots, and the syslog/kern logs get big over time14:25
pmatulisWhite_Cat: ah EFI14:25
Slingi had a typo in my /etc/network/interfaces -_-14:25
White_Catemphasis on the F in the abriviation14:25
pmatulisWhite_Cat: turn it off in the BIOS14:25
White_Catit didnt boot with legacy either but I can give it a second attempt14:25
White_CatI imagine ubuntu does not support UEFI14:26
pmatulisWhite_Cat: in theory it does, but hardware/firmware vendors can use a different implementation of it that can screw things up14:27
White_Catah okay14:27
White_Catso good practice to disbale it then14:28
White_CatI was hesitant a bit but not anymore14:28
thor77any idea why i cant connect to my vsftpd-server? vsftpd.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9604019/14:36
thor77filezilla says "connection timed out" after a few seconds14:37
thor77it tries to connect through port 2114:37
Kartagisthor77: try passive method14:43
White_Catpmatulis it somehow booted :o14:45
thor77Kartagis: change "listen=NO" to "listen=YES" ?14:46
thor77=> still doesn't work14:47
Kartagisno, that's not it. try using passive method in your ftp client, and if you can connect, try to figure out how to set the connection to passive in the conf file. unfortunately I can't help further, I'm busy14:48
pmatulisWhite_Cat: w/o doing the BIOS stuff?14:50
White_Catpmatulis I did disable UEFI14:57
White_CatF*** UEFI :p14:57
pmatulisWhite_Cat: ah ok, disabling it allowed it to boot14:58
White_Catnot entirely14:58
White_CatI had to then select manual boot14:58
White_CatI selected hdd and it magically booted14:58
pmatulisWhite_Cat: ok, the next boot should proceed w/o intervention14:59
White_Catjust to make sure I am going to sacrifice a rubber chicken15:01
hariomHi guys, I am getting errors when I run this bash script from supervisord. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9604227/    touch: cannot touch   .../logs/gunicorn.log: Permission denied15:11
hariomchown: cannot access .../logs/gunicorn.log: No such file or directory15:12
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hariomHi guys, I am getting errors when I run this bash script from supervisord for running django app with gunicorn. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9604227/    touch: cannot touch   .../logs/gunicorn.log: Permission denied . I know its not django issue but if anybody who has encoutered this and resolved?15:30
shaunohariom: if I read that correctly, your 'gunicorn.log' already exists, is owned by 'nobody', so 'adminuser1' can't touch it? (no write access)15:35
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sergey_How to disable directory index? I added "Options -Indexes" to my /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf, restarted apache but no result16:10
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crazyhead42I'm having trouble actually modifying my server from my phone, and my Dad had a similar problem on his computer. I'm getting an error 550 when I try to add a new folder. What should I do?18:17
Slingcrazyhead42: how are you modifying your server? trough what service? what modification?18:54
crazyhead42adding another "directory" using FTP Cafe18:55
crazyhead42or uploading files.18:55
crazyhead42I am logged in as myself, and it works just fine for filezilla, but Filezilla is on my PC where my files are not.18:55
Slingdoes your ftp server have logging? best to check those18:56
crazyhead42ummmm... not if I have to set it up18:56
Slingit's usually logging by default, if not to syslog then to its own log somewhere in /var/log/18:56
Slinga 550 can be many things18:57
Sling(if i were to guess though, filesystem permissions)18:57
crazyhead42So why could Filezilla work then?18:57
crazyhead42ummm, I see this, but I have no idea what I'm looking at18:58
crazyhead42It looks almost like a list of commands?18:58
Slingsure, that would make sense18:58
Slingsince your ftp client just issues series of commands18:58
Slingwhat happens in those logs when you recreate the 550 error?18:59
Sling(tip: tail -f /var/log/yourlogfilehere.log)18:59
crazyhead42Let me reset that, because I just did something18:59
crazyhead42Okay, it looks like it was just checking stuff19:00
crazyhead42happened on my phone19:01
Slingthose are just keepalive commands, to keep the connection open19:01
crazyhead42I'm just viewing the dir, so I'm not sure I'm looking at the right stuff19:01
crazyhead42Darn it, I have to go.19:04
Slingok, gl19:06
PrezidentHow can i get tabs in ubuntu-server terminal?19:19
Prezidentis it possible?19:19
SlingPrezident: ctrl+shift+t19:20
Prezidentthank you19:20
thor77hi, i want to use owncloud 7 with ssl at a subdomain => i replaced the default-ssl.conf with the one from owncloud and i created a site to use the subdomain: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9606890/, how can i access the site with https now?22:27
Slingthor77: so which vhosts do you have right now? could you paste the output of apache2ctl -S ?22:53
crazyhead42Were you talking to me a minute ago, or is someone else active?22:58
Slingyou had the ftp issues right?22:59
Slingbut yes, the previous question was for somebody else22:59
crazyhead42Yep, but now I have to reset up all my tools.22:59
thor77Sling: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9607167/23:02
Slingthor77: and SSL is working on that one *:443 vhost, and you want to enable it as well on the one you pasted before?23:03
crazyhead42what was the address you gave me earlier?23:03
thor77Sling: yes23:03
crazyhead42"/var/" something I think23:04
Slingthor77: so change the *:80 to *:443, copy the SSL* directives from your default ssl vhost to your cloud.crapwa.re vhost, and restart httpd23:04
Slingcrazyhead42: i don't think I gave an exact address, just an example like /var/log/logfile.log23:05
Slingthor77: you could also make the *:80 vhost redirect to https automatically, just remove the documentroot in that case and put 'Redirect / https://cloud.crapwa.re/' there instead23:05
crazyhead42I see a couple of things that say log, but not exactly sure which one I want. I have auth.log which I'm guessing have to do with logging on, syslog, kern.log and vsftpd.log23:08
Slingcrazyhead42: you were already looking at your ftp logs right? with commands in it23:09
thor77Sling: like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9607224/ ?23:09
thor77it doesnt work..23:09
thor77error: http://img.thor77.org/24-12-14_00-09.png23:09
Slingthor77: yup, what is happening?23:09
crazyhead42I don't think so, I was looking at the files in the folder23:09
Slingthor77: what does the errorlog say?23:09
thor77Sling: nothing23:10
Slingthor77: is your certificate in /etc/ssl/private/ btw ?23:11
Slingthats not the usual location, they are normally in /etc/ssl/ or /etc/ssl/certs/23:11
thor77https://new.crapwa.re/ works, too23:11
Slingso how does that vhost configuration differ from the one you just created?23:12
thor77oh... looks like none of my ssl-sites work anymore...23:12
Slingif you have more details than that, we could take a look :)23:16
crazyhead42Okay, so I'm opening the logs, I think successfully, but they don't seem to be giving me any help. One, called faillog, just has ^@^@ repeated. Is there a way for me to watch my system's communications in action?23:17
Slingcrazyhead42: sure, you could 'tcpflow -c port ftp or ftp-data'23:17
Slingmight need to apt-get install tcpflow23:17
crazyhead42"port" as in "port", or "port" as in the port?23:18
Slingthats the literal command23:18
Slingit will show all traffic over ports 20+2123:19
crazyhead42wait, I think I'm using port 22 on filezilla and on this23:22
crazyhead42I think.23:22
Slingthat would be scp then, over the ssh port23:22
crazyhead42Oh, that would explain why only those two seem to work.23:22
crazyhead42Okay, so what do I need to do to make my server allow file transfers and new directories being made from other ports?23:23
Slingso you don't want to use scp? why not/23:24
SlingI would advise using scp over ftp anytime23:24
crazyhead42I want my ftp program on my phone to function.23:24
Slingwhat do you want to accomplish with all this?23:24
qmanAndFTP supports SFTP23:25
crazyhead42scp can remain active, but I kinda have files on my phone that I need to get off. Preferably without a USB port, cause that doesn't seem to work23:25
crazyhead42And I want to be able to recieve files from other people's computers (such as my dad's)23:26
Slingyou don't need ftp for that23:26
Slingplenty of apps on phones that support scp/sftp23:26
Slingalso on windows/linux/osx23:26
qmanFileZilla for windows23:27
Slingor winscp23:27
crazyhead42Well, my Filezilla seems to be working, but I'm not going to be able to dictate what my dad puts on his computer.23:27
qmanAnd its pretty much native on linux, almost all file managers have sftp/scp support23:27
Slingcrazyhead42: check what your dad has on his computer then, I'm sure its not a ftp-only client23:28
qmanFor windows support specifically, samba is the best and most native option23:28
Slingplain ftp is something people used 10 years ago, its insecure23:28
qman*30 years ago23:28
Slingalso owncloud might be something you could look into23:29
Slingif you want to sync files between devices23:29
qmanFTP should not be used in any situation today, with few exceptions23:30
qmanAnd even in those exception cases it's still far from optimal23:31
qmanFor a detailed explanation why, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie23:32
crazyhead42I don't think I can just download another server software, I'd have to redownload everything I've uploaded, try to figure out how to get a boot-able writer on a flashdrive, physically remove my other harddrive to avoid corruption, and reset my Grub, if it doesn't get damaged in the process23:32
crazyhead42I would prefer to avoid that if possible23:32
qmanWhy would any of that be necessary?23:33
crazyhead42Isn't owncloud a server os?23:33
qmanIts a web application23:33
crazyhead42So it does what?23:33
qmanProvide an http interface to upload and download files23:34
Slingim not sure if owncloud has proper mobile support though, never used it for that23:34
crazyhead42okay, I suppose that makes sense...23:34
Slingbut lets try the easiest way first, check what protocols the software your dad uses supports23:34
crazyhead42And it probably wouldn't for me. I'm still running gingerbread.23:34
crazyhead42Not easiest.23:34
Slingif it supports scp, you're good23:35
crazyhead42I'd have to hack into his computer at the moment, he's not home23:35
Slingokay, wait then ;)23:35
crazyhead42Too much going on after he gets off.23:35
crazyhead42The web interface does sound good, which I probably will want set up later23:35
crazyhead42But can we work with my phone first?23:36
qmanThere are other softwares to accomplish that task as well23:36
qmanFor android, get andftp23:36
qmanOr any other sftp/scp capable client app23:36
qmanI'm sure there are many23:36
crazyhead42is ftpcafe okay?23:37
crazyhead42OH, sftp, right?23:37
* Sling is calling it a day, gn23:38
crazyhead42uh oh, what's this "private key"?23:39
Slingan alternative to using username&password23:39
crazyhead42okay? so if I haven't done special configuration yet, can I ignore it?23:39

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