
diddledandaftykins, I wasn't aware apple don't use samba anymore00:18
shaunoanother symptom of their gplv3 allergy00:18
daftykinsthey made v2 then kinda broke it00:18
daftykinsand ruined all samba devices00:19
daftykinswell, i exaggerate :>00:19
diddledanwtf? samba and then suddenly svn?!00:20
diddledanthat really is shocking00:22
diddledanI'm totally on your side about folk that put no effort into learning00:22
diddledanI cut my teath in support terms on a qmail list, though, so I'm probably a bit TOO pedantic about people showing effort00:23
diddledanspecifically, this dude's list: https://qmail.jms1.net/00:24
zmoylan-pii worked tech support so i think i just label him the sort you email a list of instructions to and then have to read the flippin email when they ring in afterwards00:25
diddledanyeah, but when you're doing it for free00:26
diddledanplease put your own effort in00:26
diddledanI appreciate in a commercial setting that you're being paid to be nice to clients. here, however, we're mostly just kind people and are putting hours into helping other folk because we want to - getting that thrown in your face is not as bearable as when you're paid to have it thrown00:28
diddledanwith business clients you can "lie back and think of England" :-p00:29
diddledanplus actually getting people that blindly ask for a list of steps to actually think about what they want to do and why then they actually start to learn the processes that will help them resolve future problems without asking for instructions00:30
diddledanat work we're trying to get a new intranet project off the ground for our client who have contracted the hosting to someone other than us - so we're talking with the client explaining to non-technical people how the technical people should set up the servers. the technical people reply asking for step by step instructions because they too cannot think for themselves - it seems they're a windows shop and are treating a linux deployment like00:40
diddledanthey would a windows deployment00:40
diddledanthe technical people being the third party00:40
daftykinsthat just seems like an unnecessary headache00:42
daftykinssurely hours billable will just grow exponentially dealing with that kind of an obfuscation00:42
diddledanthey started asking us "what roles and features should be enabled on the new redhat server?"00:42
ali1234that seems like a reasonable question00:43
diddledanali1234, not really, because redhat has no concept of roles or features00:43
daftykinslol, that sounds like installer screen #100:43
diddledanali1234, they mean server roles, not permissions roles00:43
diddledanali1234, like "tick the webserver box and click go"00:44
ali1234red hat doesn't have that?00:44
diddledanali1234, the point is that it shows they're thinking about it like it's a windows box without understanding the nuances of linux - windows comes with everything installed you just turn it on. redhat has a package manager which they seem incapable of using.00:48
diddledanwe supplied a list of rpm packages to install via yum. they came back and told us they weren't available in the system.00:48
diddledanone can only assume that's because they've run a basic install and then said "where's that package we were told should be there?!"00:49
diddledani.e. that they didn't touch yum AT ALL00:49
ali1234every red hat system i've ever used didn't even have yum installed by default and i had to install it and then add a bunch of repositories to get any useful software at all00:51
diddledanwe're also constantly repeating ourselves because they keep asking the same questions that we already answered00:52
ali1234this might be because i only ever have to deal with EOL servers that the original company no longer wants to support00:52
diddledanlike today they asked us again for a list of software that needs installed despite earlier sending a list of software that they hadn't installed00:52
diddledani.e. our list == their list.00:53
daftykinssounds like a fudge way to ask for more help without admitting they don't have a clue00:55
daftykinsi'd stop the email tennis by phoning through i think00:55
shaunomixed on that, email pingpong is handy for providing a record of incompetence ;)00:56
diddledanrecord of incompetence is useful when it comes to explaining why the project is late00:57
daftykinsvery true00:57
daftykinsin fact that's a point, when i had a clients 'website guy' who took one month to change MX records on their domain, i was being asked why the hold up so i said yeah, check this out he's useless.00:58
diddledanyeah it's always fun dropping someone else in it :-p00:59
daftykinsi've never encountered anyone this terrible00:59
daftykinsthey lost their entire month trial of google apps because of this one :o01:00
diddledanthat meant signing up for a year contract?01:00
daftykinsyou only have to decide by the end of the trial really, so i think it was on month to month to start with as it was the first time i was trying GApps01:02
daftykinswanted to have a plan B :)01:02
diddledanomg the children! http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/north-korea-suffers-widespread-internet-outage-n27328101:12
diddledanvery one-sided reporting there01:13
diddledanand weird intonation on the statement that korea "went dark"01:13
diddledanI wonder how long it'll be before infomation is stored and analysed in realtime on everything ever01:15
diddledan(the video went onto a different one about obama's bigdata plans)01:15
diddledanI don't like the term bigdata - they're touting "it" as the answer to everything as though it's something new which has suddenly become available01:18
ali1234it is tho01:18
zmoylan-pithe bigger the data the longer the analysis to use it01:18
diddledanjust when is data too big to be called data and has to be called bigdata?01:18
ali1234when humans couldn't make sense out of it01:18
diddledanI'm assuming it is like int and bigint01:19
diddledanbut technically humans haven't been able to make sense of data since data was invented - we created the bombes specifically to analyse data which humans had no chance of analysing - was that not big enough to be bigdata?01:20
ali1234kind of01:20
ali1234it's not about calculation though01:20
zmoylan-piwell we could have broken the task of cracking enigma down to human sized chunks but the messages would be obsolete by the time it was done.01:21
ali1234cracking encryption isn't typically a problem of dataset size01:22
zmoylan-pithe first weather forecast took a few weeks after the data was gathered as it was done by hand01:22
diddledanso surely there's a cutoff of when one calls it data or bigdata01:22
diddledanotherwise why isn't it all bigdata?01:23
ali1234the cutoff depends on what you are doing with the data01:23
zmoylan-piwhy do we call it the cloud and not network computing.  marketing buzzwords01:23
ali1234weather forecasting is closer but still doesn't typically involve large amounts of data, or at least it didn't until recently01:24
ali1234still also involves too much simulation01:25
zmoylan-piwell weather forecasts can use as much data as you want as we now have 100s of years of data at varying degrees of resolution that could be used for certain types of forecast01:26
diddledanunrelated "america will respond to sony hack proportionately" <- I should bleeping hope it's proportionate, I don't want to nuke korea just because a movie got canned01:26
zmoylan-pia bad movie01:27
diddledan^^ either respond proportionately or not at all - in which case why make a point that it's going to be proportionate?!01:27
ali1234that movie does look really bad01:28
diddledan"we're going to respond unproportionately. I've decided to send the 11th fleet to bombard nk from the coast"01:29
zmoylan-pihow many movies are made per year?  how many are good movies?01:29
diddledanyeah, it looks terrible01:29
ali1234good question. i once looked it up in the context of "how many movies have been made ever?"01:29
ali1234but i can't remember the answer01:29
diddledanali1234, does that include bollywood and porn?01:29
diddledanthe numbers seriously skyrocket when you include those01:30
ali1234i think i included bollywood but not porn01:30
ali1234and not home videos etc01:30
ali1234clearly at this point the number is far too large to even guestimate, so i think i limited it to before 199001:30
zmoylan-pii go by the average of 2-3 dvds worth getting per year01:30
zmoylan-pimost of the movies i buy are pre 90s01:31
ali1234i wanted to know how much hard drive space you would need for all feature films ever released01:31
diddledanand lots more01:31
ali1234yes, but not so much as to make it impossible01:31
ali1234up to 1990 anyway01:31
diddledanespecially if you've rescanned film stock to HD file formats01:31
ali1234i was using a 1GB per movie metric01:32
diddledanobv there's that black hole in the 90s where video took over but they weren't taping at HD01:32
diddledangrr, I need my other monitor01:34
diddledanI want to watch netflix and do other things at the same time01:34
diddledani.e. carry on monitoring this channel :-p01:34
diddledanI've decided that uk netflix is terrible compared to the us version so I'm trying out unblock-us.com01:35
ali1234why is it terrible?01:35
ali1234i was thinking about getting it01:36
ali1234but if it's terrible i won't bother01:36
diddledanali1234, not terrible, just terrible in comparison01:36
ali1234anyone ever tried wuaki.tv?01:36
ali1234i got a free code for one film01:36
ali1234but i figure it probably won't work01:36
diddledanit's good, and getting better - it's way better than it was when they first launched. I'm talking of their available titles in what I consider good/terrible.01:37
ali1234what's missing?01:37
diddledanthe american has more up-to-the-minute releases of movies, and their back catalogue of tv shows is larger01:38
ali1234what about obscure old movies?01:38
zmoylan-pithe problem was described best in recent article where it said you'd need to sign up to over 20 services in uk to see all tv shows and movies you might want01:38
diddledanthose you're likely to find more parity I think01:38
diddledanzmoylan-pi, yeah, I read that too01:39
ali1234i am patient01:39
ali1234i don't watch shows until they've ended01:39
zmoylan-pithat's a lot of subscriptions01:39
diddledanthey said something like you need to sign up to (was it around 35?) different uk streaming services to get about 60% of the available movie releases01:39
diddledanthat's 60% being compared to 100% on dvd01:40
zmoylan-piand some stuff will never make it to dvd as it's in legal limbo or too obscure01:41
zmoylan-piso... you've never seen dr. who? :-)01:45
ali1234meh... it's overrated01:46
zmoylan-piit's kiddie sci fi, once you accept that it's grand01:46
diddledanhere we go: https://torrentfreak.com/uk-users-need-27-services-to-get-most-popular-films-report-finds-141208/01:46
ali1234i just end up asking "why a i watching this?"01:46
ali1234the last series had maybe one good episode01:47
zmoylan-piand while it may be cheesy sci fi it has given some wonderful enemies, moments and characters over it's very long run01:48
ali1234mostly from before the reboot though01:49
ali1234they should bring back the sea devils01:49
zmoylan-pithe reboot has made it more fantasy and kiddie01:49
ali1234there is definitely a lac of grounding in the recent episodes01:49
ali1234plot holes even a 12 year old would notice01:50
ali1234at least the big bad didn't turn out to be "you, but from the future" AGAIN01:50
ali1234the show is better when it's not saving the world every 5 minutes01:52
ali1234there was very little of that in the old series01:52
ali1234it was always localized01:52
diddledanthere's birds twittering outside03:20
diddledanisn't it early for them yet?03:20
ali1234it could be a owl03:40
diddledanit's a twitter which I wouldn't associate with an owl, but I'm terrible at bird sounds03:43
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
mappshi all06:10
mappsdaftykins, and zmoylan-pi  up as ever?:D06:11
diddledanmorning mapps06:19
mappswoken up or not slept?:P06:20
diddledannot slept06:20
mappslol no work today?06:21
diddledannono, I have to work in a bit too :-p06:23
mappsfrom home?06:23
mappsnot a long day i take it?06:23
mappsid feel awful if hadnt slept and went to work06:23
diddledanstandard office hours06:23
mappsman how do u doit lol06:25
mappsi get all irritable.hot and bothered and hate it if i havent slept#]06:25
mappsmore ep of stalker then bed06:44
mappsptoblem staying up late..i endp eating loads:D06:47
diddledanspeaking of eating. methinks I need to get in some chocolate06:53
mappsoff to sleep07:24
mappsnighty night07:24
knightwisehey everyone07:33
ThomasRedstonekey knightwise!07:35
knightwisehey ThomasRedstone  how are ya07:57
ThomasRedstonenot bad knightwise! And you?08:22
knightwisedoing ok08:49
knightwiseplaying around with Vbox-Webservice (trying to get it working)08:49
diddledanhmm, I think the choccy shop should be open09:01
* DJones sends diddledan to choccywoccydoodah09:03
knightwisehey DJones , diddledan09:16
diddledanello knighthawk09:16
knightwisehey diddledan :)09:25
knightwiseany of you ever played with Virtualbox Web interface ?09:26
knightwise(php virtualbox)09:26
ThomasRedstonenope, sounds interesting though, knightwise!09:43
knightwisephpvirtualbox , a web based interface to the Virtualbox Control center09:43
knightwiseI have just about got it working , still need to tinker with it a little bit09:44
knightwiseI'm doing a "Chromebook only" week and i thought that pimping up my Vbox host with a web interface would come in handy09:44
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:05
sbutcherdoes chromebook have a termnal app?10:06
knightwisesbutcher it does10:10
knightwiseits very limited but you can ssh with it10:10
sbutchercharlie brown christmas is free on amazon android app store today :)10:10
sbutcheris it a webapp knightwise ?10:10
sbutcherchrome app10:11
knightwisephpVirtualbox is a web based interface10:11
knightwiseNope ,the terminal is something you can access by hitting ctrl-alt T10:11
knightwiseand its a tab10:11
sbutcherwhat is actually good about chromebook?10:17
sbutcheri've never seen/used one, but i don't get it?10:17
knightwisewww.knightwise.com (I did 2 articles this week)10:17
sbutchercost? battery life? simples?10:17
knightwiseits not bad at all , its cheap , batterlife is great and it has a low footprint10:18
knightwisethe OS is hardly visible and if your workflows are web-friendly there is a LOT you can do10:18
knightwisei've been surviving on it for 2 days and only had to switch back to my Mac once (for a print job)10:18
sbutcherthe apps aren't at same level as android though are they?10:19
sbutcherhow big is local storage?10:20
knightwise16 gig , but I hardly use it10:24
sbutcheri can't quite see how i could use one instead of a laptop,10:24
knightwiseI AM gonna get me a micro usb adapter to add 64 gigs of storage .. just so I can watch some tv shows on it when i'm offline10:25
sbutchernor in addition to a laptop10:25
knightwisesbutcher depends on what your workflows are like.10:25
sbutchertoday i am WFH10:25
knightwiseif you can survive in chrome , you can survive on a chromebook.10:25
knightwiseWHF ?10:25
sbutcherworking from home10:25
knightwiseSame here10:25
sbutcherdaughter had a sick bug10:25
sbutcherwaiting to see if i have it too10:25
sbutchertoday i have 4 ssh sessions open, and have x displayed keeppassX from another machine, plus chromez10:26
knightwisekeepassX and X from another machine is gonna be hard on a chromebook10:27
sbutcherjust a typical action10:27
knightwisebut you can always sideload Ubuntu if you need it and switch back and forth10:27
sbutcherwill be hard in wayland too10:27
sbutcherlater i will use x2go client to remote it10:27
sbutcherat work, rdesktop too10:27
knightwiseThere are Rdesktop apps10:27
sbutcheri think an old laptop would be better for me if i was on budget10:28
sbutcheri am always on a budget ;)10:29
knightwiseindeed... but 250 euros for a small laptop isnt a lot of money. + the footprint of chromeOs is much ligher then linux10:31
knightwise(depending of your flavor of course)10:31
sbutcherelementary :D10:33
sbutcherphoto storage is an issue. it couldn't replace having a laptop or desktop inthe house10:34
sbutcherunless oyu have a home server of course10:34
knightwiseTrue. This is not a "single machine"10:35
knightwiseI use Shellinabox to connect to my servers (if I just want to use the browser) have webmin running etc ..10:36
knightwise+ i can connect to my synology via my Owncloud server10:36
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:37
sbutcherturns out it was the local papers fault but still lol10:39
knightwiseyou brobostigon10:51
brobostigonme what? knightwise10:52
knightwiseYO brobostigon10:52
knightwisesorry .. typo :p10:52
brobostigonmorning knightwise :)10:52
knightwisehow you're doin ok ?10:52
brobostigonmy eczema on my back is abit dodgy, and not sleeping properly, otherwise fine. and you?10:53
knightwise  Some backproblems. mostly of sitting behind the pc too much10:55
knightwiseDoing some invoicing .. booking in some paperwork today10:56
* knightwise is self employed 10:56
brobostigon:( good luck.10:56
* brobostigon offers knightwise a box of sanity, to get him though it.11:00
knightwiseThanx brobostigon  ! i'll need it to get through some of the drudgery :)11:01
brobostigon:) yw.11:01
knightwiseThere , massive Xmas playlist cued up on Spotify11:25
knightwiseAll classics ...11:25
knightwisewe ended up listening to Maria Carrey, Nsync and One direction doing Carols yesterday.. Silly spotify11:26
knightwiseNext up : Bing Crosby , Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Placido Domingo11:26
sbutcherneighbours dog barks more than any dog i've ever known11:26
sbutcherand they never tell it to shut up11:26
zmoylan-piultra sonic dog zapper.  use it when it barks11:27
sbutcherdoes it work through walls11:28
zmoylan-pinot as well but yes.  use an open window might give better range, you'd have to experiment11:29
zmoylan-pithere are android apps but their output is not as good as a hardware based device11:32
popeyknightwise: http://knightwise.com/the-acer-c730-chromebook-first-impressions/ link at the bottom is probably wrong11:34
popeyknightwise: i mentioned this the other day but I don't think you saw11:34
popeyyou probably want a non-google link for that11:34
* popey goes for lunch11:34
knightwisepopey thanx ! Noted :)11:34
knightwisepopey : link updated:)11:35
sbutcheramazon seem to be promoting amazon vine reviews ahead of anything11:38
sbutcherfirst 5 reviews are somebody who has received it for free and not always getting the point11:39
sbutchermind you a lot of other reviews seem to judge based upon the speed of delivery :S11:40
sbutcheras if it was ebay11:40
knightwiseI order at amazon.de11:50
knightwisethey ship fast enoug but thats because I expect it by default11:50
knightwiseok , just hooked up the chromebook to a second (dual) screen11:52
knightwiseworks pretty well11:54
knightwisePerhaps I'll order a raspberry pie this week just to play with11:59
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== toaster is now known as 32NAASIBY
NET||abusei'm just doing a tertiary look at how it's written, affinity groups are used int he module at the moment, but thye're getting rid of those for what they call resource-groups.. is this being tackled yet?12:26
NET||abusesorry, wrong channel.12:27
sbutcherfind myself working harder when working form home as if to prove myself13:17
zmoylan-piarranging meetings with the cat, giving presentations to the milkman... :-)13:18
bigcalmAny get_iplayer users in here?13:22
bigcalmGetting an error when trying to get a radio show but I don't understand how to work around it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9603557/13:23
zmoylan-pii use http://www.iplayerconverter.co.uk/r/4/aod/default.aspx a lot of their links are been changed and will no longer work as bbc moves stuff to a more locked down system i think13:24
sbutcherbigcalm: try youtube-dl13:25
sbutcheroh no, barking dog going crazy again13:26
sbutcherand my book asn't arrived yet for xmas :(13:26
bigcalmI did a git pull on my clone of get_iplayer and it's downloading stuff :)13:27
bigcalmThis is how it should look :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/9603589/13:29
NET||abusetrying to make a snap decision on christmas present for both me and the missus,, a bose soundlink or a sonos, i've no other speaker setups at home, i'm wondering if it's worth getting hte sonos for the advanced feature set, rather than just the bose, a bluetooth/aux input basic speaker15:01
NET||abusehas anyone used it on linux?15:01
NET||abusethe sonos?15:01
NET||abusewe're a mostly android/linux house, the missus and I both have galaxy s4's, she is basically off her win8 laptop, and if it works out, she's going to be usiing the nexus9 with keyboard primarily, i'm on linux pretty much exclusively .15:02
sbutcherNET||abuse: wait till the sales?15:42
NET||abusedarnit, will that kind of stuff go on sale?15:52
zmoylan-pieverything is on sale, especially if new shiny is on the way15:55
sbutchermy son is singing little drummer boy to the voice of the octopus in the wiggles16:09
shaunowell there's an odd one.  just how do you phone nasa JSC to tell them there's an issue without using the word 'problem'16:57
diddledanshauno, doesn't it usually go down something like "I think we've had a problem".. "say again 13." "Houston we've had a problem"17:00
shauno"hi gary" just doesn't have the same gravitas.17:01
directhexNET||abuse: BOSE is all marketing no substance17:42
diddledandirecthex, do they not have much base?17:42
directhexdiddledan: cheap parts (no different from a cheapy kitsound or something). audio reproduction is far from accurate across the audible range17:44
sbutcherall your bose are belong to us17:44
diddledanI'm all about that bose, that bose17:45
directhexyou know how when you were a kid & got your hands on an equaliser for the first time? bose  has awful "let's just make it sound cool!" not "let's make it sound like the input"17:45
directhextypically lots of muddy bass & tweeting, no middle17:45
NET||abusedirecthex: would you suggest sonos then instead?18:18
directhexNET||abuse: personally yes18:48
diddledanI should prolly go grab a bit of shuteye23:27
diddledanbeen awake since 8am monday morning :-p23:33
shaunoI'm not sure that becomes interesting until 8am tomorrow23:34
ktechmidaswell, that got me absolutely nowhere23:34
ktechmidasDebian are breaking things again :(23:34
diddledanhint, check the channel you're in23:35
shaunoyou're right, I'll laugh at your amateur levels of sleep deprivation elsewhere :)23:35
diddledanshauno, not you23:35
diddledanshauno, the random debianite :-p23:35
shaunoI'm even further off-topic, seems fair23:36
ktechmidasdiddledan: I had a question I was getting to... if something is done in Debian for 'security' in Jessie, when is it likely to hit Ubuntu? 15.04?23:36
diddledanshauno, but I know you :-p23:36
diddledanshauno, family and friends first23:36
shaunoif anyone asks, I'll strongly deny being either :)23:37
shauno(or having even heard of you.  I think that's the agreement)23:37
* diddledan cuddles shauno 23:37
diddledanI know you like me really :-p23:37
shaunoreminds me, I noticed another blast from the past sent me a message on 'hangouts'23:38
shaunobut it was from months ago and I never noticed, because google broke hangouts23:38
shaunoso I'm not sure how to reply now23:38
diddledanthat's annoying23:38
shaunoI don't get why they can't just federate it like gchat23:38
diddledando they not do that anymore?23:39
shaunothe chat widget within gmail does, the chat widget within 'plus' doesn't23:39
diddledanwell that's consistent23:40
shaunoit is entirely consistent with the 'new' google.  the "don't be evil, unless it helps inflate g+'s numbers in any way or form" google23:41
daftykinsthat won't be an easily searched for title :D23:46
diddledanmorning daftykins23:51
daftykinsi might have an early night actually!23:52

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