[06:07] mooooooorning [06:24] More almal [07:44] hi nlsthzn ThatGraemeGuy Squirm gremble inetpro Private_User theblazehen_ nuvolari charl and the lurkers [07:45] Hey [07:45] you're in late Kilos - shame on you [07:45] Hi Kilos, Squirm [07:45] hey theblazehen_ [07:45] hee hee ya sorry i been working on elementary drive [07:46] 'lo [07:46] hi ThatGraemeGuy [07:47] * Kilos thinks it better to play with other drives with them in the usb ext adapter [07:47] dont you peeps greet each other if im not here [07:47] shame on you [07:49] oh and i nearly broke this kde with an upgrade that hung [07:50] yay for ctrl+alt+F3 and sudo dpkg --configure -a [07:53] Good morning errywan [07:54] Hanged, hung is having a large dick :o [07:54] lol [07:54] you twit [07:54] do you tweet as well? [07:55] I do. [07:55] Mostly mathematics though [07:55] :P [07:55] So it is not like anyone reads it [07:55] to use hung as you say it must have is in front of it [07:55] Twitter is like shouting into a crowded room where no one cares [07:56] do you darem follow @ubuntuza [07:56] I was just being rude [07:56] :P [07:56] Nope [07:56] Why would I? I am here practically everyday and on the mailinglist [07:56] why not?? [07:57] because it has min followers and we lonely [07:57] I follow you here. [07:57] only 2 peeps can tweet there and its only ubuntu-za related stuff that gets tweeted [07:58] Like the stuff that I read here and in the mailinglist? [07:58] no it has more flavour [07:58] :/ My milk is sour [07:59] eish [08:01] Why is the ubuntu-za.org site linked in the twitter? It makes is look fairly dead if it was last updated in 2010 [08:04] If any of you run git in windoze or mac, update dat shit [08:04] it is being moved to the new place [08:04] using [08:04] um [08:04] er [08:05] nikola [08:10] morning all [08:10] hi neelsie [08:10] gremble: last post there was Submitted by maiatoday on Mon, 10/14/2013 - 11:07 [08:11] so we only been slack for a year [08:12] Ya, I saw that I read the date wrong [08:12] hey nlsthzn [08:12] alo :) [08:13] inetpro: you here? [08:27] sigh [08:37] \o/ crackling sound issue no more 1!!!111 :D [08:40] Did you end up replacing your ears? [08:41] no I reduced the mega hurts and dropped the bits :p [08:42] superfly: Tonight won't work either :/ [08:42] I haven't finished what I needed to do last night, so yeah... [08:43] sorry [08:43] Maybe in the new year... [08:43] eish [09:12] good morning all [09:12] Maaz: coffee on [09:12] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [09:12] hi Kilos [09:12] hi Squirm, nlsthzn, gremble [09:12] o/ [09:16] Coffee's ready for charl! [09:16] Maaz: danke [09:16] Bitteschön [09:19] sjoe major job [09:19] http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/emeril-lagasse/steak-tartare-recipe.html [09:41] bbl [09:52] wb Kilos [09:52] second last work day [09:52] ty [09:52] where is the pictures i want foodporn [09:53] don't give me a recipe i want to see it :D [09:53] hi theblazehen_ [09:53] hi charl [09:53] how are you doing [09:53] how's the job search going [09:54] Only really gonna search year after next [09:54] last year of school next year [09:54] I'm doing well, and you? [09:55] good, good [09:55] yeah the job market changes so quickly don't run things ahead [09:55] you have the rest of your life to work... [09:55] you are doomed my friend :) [09:55] when you get your first job though, that is when your real education will start [09:56] yeah.. [09:56] I don't like being doomed :( [09:56] don't worry we are all doomed [09:56] heh [09:56] except the lucky few who don't need to work [09:56] yeah [09:56] who are on social services pension [09:56] but for the rest we have to work till we drop [09:56] yep :/ [09:56] hahaha [09:56] and now with the pension schemes that will most likely go through the floor we will work until we are 80 [09:57] yeah :( [09:57] good morning [09:57] Guess you just have to enjoy your job then.. [09:57] yes well at least i (mostly) enjoy work [09:57] so that's not too bad for me [09:57] hi inetpro [09:57] hi inetpro [09:57] yeah [09:58] I guess you could always kill yourself if it sucks too bad.. As long as you don't have any family [09:59] ohi inetpro [09:59] you just made it pro [10:00] lol theblazehen_ that is well.. uh.. positivist :D [10:00] charl: haaha.... [10:01] But yeah, honestly, I think I will always try and keep that option open... [10:01] After all, they do say "life sucks, and then you die" for a reson [10:01] reason* [10:02] lol [10:02] dont talk like that man [10:02] sewerage pipe is a bad way out [10:02] people also say life is a b*tch, i say, make life your b*tch :P [10:02] and very few have the guts to do it [10:03] charl: haha [10:03] Kilos: yeah, I'm too chicken :( [10:03] At least for the painful methods [10:03] everyone is theblazehen_ [10:03] all are painful [10:03] not really eating a shotgun! [10:04] hahaha some peeps have survived that [10:05] ask them what happens if your aim aint 100% [10:05] only 0.3% survive. Odds are good enough [10:05] lol [10:06] According to the methods file anyway [10:07] better to live and go whichever way you are comfy with [10:08] Yeah [10:12] life is never very easy, enjoy your young years, it gets tougher all the time [10:21] and study lots [10:37] If you fail at everything, even suicide by shotgun, what is left? [10:37] :P [10:39] hahaha [10:39] blood sweat and tears [10:54] The Pirate Bay opensources their code [10:54] :P [10:55] gremble: you havent seen my baby? [10:55] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zartVqbOY-Y [10:56] you too new to know the history [11:07] wb ThatGraemeGuy [11:21] Your baby? You have an australian child? [11:21] yeah [11:22] You should have shared much earlier. Can I take her for coffee sometime? :P [11:23] haha you can almost call her auntie [11:23] i must actually try and replace my deleted blog [11:23] No? She is 27 [11:24] that was some years ago [11:24] born 85 [11:25] 29 Then [11:25] I wasn't that far off [11:25] :P [11:25] lol [11:33] o/ oh hi [11:33] lo oom Kilos, gremble [11:33] gaanit nuvolari ? [11:40] dit gaan goed dankie en met oom? [11:41] goed ook dankie seun [11:45] hey nuvolari [12:26] ha the splits got you all [12:26] not me :p [12:26] haha [12:28] I made a post.. this time with no math :P http://grump.xyz [12:57] haha gremble im glad you understand what you say [13:10] :P [13:10] Haha [13:11] no wonder you dont have many blog followers [13:11] most peeps only understand english [13:12] That is english [13:12] whew [13:40] big storm here now [13:40] and raining [13:51] oi! [13:59] oi [14:01] poured down [14:23] ai! mage still sukkeling [16:13] nlsthzn: you winning with that thing? [17:26] hellooooo [17:26] sjoe [17:30] i talk to the trees, but they dont listen either [17:36] alo [17:36] was having dinner and watching a movie while falling asleep :p [17:37] lol [18:22] ugh! hate it. when I sit up I want to fall asleep, when I go to bed, my mind is all over the place :'( [18:22] oh hi nlsthzn, oom Kilos [18:22] alo [18:23] will be back later... got to purge this OS X from my system :p [18:23] hi nuvolari [18:23] good luck [18:23] lol [18:23] making you mad nlsthzn ?? [18:24] go back to kde man [18:25] nuvolari: jy kry te min oefening [18:25] :) [18:39] evening ThatGraemeGuy [18:53] hi SDCDev [18:55] hey kilos [19:16] good evening [19:20] hi charl [19:21] hi charl SDCDev [19:21] hi hi [19:23] Squirm: not a problem. today ran away from me, so it wasn't going to work for me either. maybe in the new year then? [19:24] ohi superfly [19:24] hi Kilos, theblazehen_, superfly, superfly [19:24] hi Kilos [19:24] hi charl [19:24] hi nuvolari [19:24] hi SDCDev i mean, sorry, tabbed too fast [19:25] superfly: just tell me what you did with the nikola thing please [19:26] you didnt move our site did you [19:26] the address is still the same, [19:27] can you just post there that you making changes [19:27] then last post wont be 2013 [19:28] i cant find how to post there. i been gone too long [19:29] inetpro: you can also explain [20:00] te min oom Kilos ? [20:00] lol [20:00] joh, ek was voor die 2de week in September nog nooit so aktief soos ek nou is nie [20:00] ja man jy moet moeg wees as jy wil gaan slaap [20:00] 2x 'n week oeffen ek [20:01] dit kan net help vir twee aande se slaap [20:02] dit is waar [20:02] ek het so rukkie terug werk nagmerries gekry, ek moes myself uitput om ordentlik te slaap [20:03] ek gaan nou probeer slaap oom Kilos [20:03] dink dat die koffie wat ek vroer gehad het dalk 'n probleem kan wees [20:03] lekker slaap seun [20:03] dit was 'n dom stap gewees :P [20:03] maar sal sien, dalk, net dalk kan ek slaap [20:03] ek weet nie of dit werk worries is of wat nie [20:04] eish [20:04] ek voel dat dit stupid was om nie verlof te vat nie [20:04] want dit is 'n grafplaas by die werk [20:04] probeer jou kop skoon kry man [20:04] daar was vandag net 4 mense gewees [20:04] sjoe [20:04] en in die middag laat was dit net ek [20:04] more vat die meeste mense halfdag [20:04] ai! [20:10] oh [20:10] sorry, hi Kilos, everyone [20:10] and also [20:10] bye Kilos, everyone [20:10] :-p [20:10] hehe [20:10] oh hi ThatGraemeGuy [20:10] bye [20:10] sleep tight [20:11] ok, I'm out now, for real [20:11] kids are sleeping over at the cousins' house [20:11] good night :) [20:11] peace and quiet, woop woop! [20:11] lol [20:11] night! :) [20:11] night [20:47] night all [20:47] sleep tight [21:03] night all