
=== helpme is now known as Guest4291
Guest4291I know this question has been asked before but how would I go back to Windows from Xubuntu? I already downloaded the ISO but I have no clue what to do next.00:16
Guest4291I installed FuriusISO, GParted, & Unetbootin. I have no clue what im doing.00:16
drcOK, I'm confused...You installed Xubuntu over Windows and now you want to get rid of Xubuntu and go back to Wndows?00:17
Guest4291That's correct00:18
Guest4291I love the OS but my touch screen works best on Windows00:18
drcThen simple boot from your original install/restore disk (whatever came with your computer) and re-install windows.00:19
Guest4291I've been looking through forums but for the life of me can't find what work00:19
Guest4291I have an ISO downloaded. This pc didnt come with a disk drive.00:20
drcI'd be very careful of using a "downloaded" windows iso (unless you are really really sure it's from MS).00:21
Guest4291i am 100% sure the iso is good.00:21
drcBut unetbootin should burn the iso to a usb (I'm assuming thats what you want to do?)00:21
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
drcYou may want to google on how to use unetbootin.  I use it all the time, but never to burn a wndows disk, I have no idea if there00:22
drc's anything spewcial to do.00:23
Guest4291is there a way to boot the windows iso without a usb or cd? like put it on a partition or something? idk00:23
bazhang!find yumi00:24
Guest4291so you never installed windows over ubuntu? you've ran xubuntu all your life?00:24
ubottuFile yumi found in kayali, picon-usenix, texlive-lang-japanese00:24
drcsure, but that's way beyond the scope of the channel...and besides, if you have to ask, I'm not sure you have the skill set to accomplish it.00:24
drcI ran BSD long before I ever saw windows :)00:24
drcI have installed Linus/BSD over windows many times.00:24
bazhangsomething like yumi, be sure in ##windows Guest429100:24
Guest4291i've done this before on a different pc but that was a while ago00:25
bazhang /join ##windows for confirmation00:25
Guest4291alright thanks00:25
bazhang!find grml00:27
ubottuFound: grml-btnet, grml-debootstrap, grml-rescueboot, grml-shlib, grml2usb00:27
Guest4291Would you happen to know how to create a new partition?00:39
bazhangwith gparted live disk00:40
Guest4291ok i had unallocated space so i made a new partition and extracted my iso into the new partition. is it possible to boot this partition and have windows be installed at the bios screen?00:44
Guest4291or is that a #windows question00:44
artagi have usually installed windows first, then run the ubuntu installer from the cd or usb stick00:45
artagthe installer creates a boot menu that allows you to select an OS00:46
artagI don't think windows does this well if you do it the other way around00:46
artagthe installer will allow you to choose what partitions you create00:46
artagthough i don't think it allows you to repartition - you'll have to do that first00:46
artag(i say install windows first .. i don't ever have a need to do that, but sometimes I get a machine with it already on, so I repartition it into a little space)00:48
* ObrienDave aims a bazooka at google translate. *BOOM*00:49
mathematiciani have a question that maybe the result of faulty wifi card but need to make sure01:15
mathematiciananyone here?01:16
drcWe're all waiting for you to actually <ask> the question.01:16
mathematicianya sorry,01:16
drcor asleep. it's hard to tell01:16
mathematiciani can connect to the internet through wired connection01:17
mathematicianbut wireless01:17
mathematicianwireless does not work on any other live linuxes as well.01:17
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drcmathematician:  you <still> haven't ask a question.01:19
mathematicianany ideas on as to how get wireless up and running?01:19
bazhangwhat does ifconfig show01:21
bazhanglo etho and wlan0?01:21
bazhangeth0 that is01:21
mathematicianshows all01:21
mathematicianeth0 has the correct info01:21
bazhangsudo dhclient wlan001:22
mathematicianok, what am i looking for?01:23
artagthere's all that wpa_supplicant stuff, and iwconfig, if you want to do it manually. Or there's network manager, if it isn't broken01:23
bazhanga lease01:24
mathematiciani do not mind manual labour01:25
mathematicianjust would like to get it up and running01:25
mathematicianthis is from01:25
mathematicianiwconfig:  IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any             Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=16 dBm              Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off           Power Management:off01:25
bazhangwhats the return from sudo dhclient wlan001:25
mathematicianno return. just sat blank01:26
artagi don't know my way around that stuff. I did it once, but was quite relived when it became automatic01:26
mathematiciani have inputed all the correct info to network manager01:26
artagright, so it hasn't connected. it needs to do that before it gets a lease01:26
mathematicianim on wired now01:26
mathematicianshould i disconnect etherchord and try again that command?01:27
artagno, you can have both connections. it won't work well but you'll get further than that01:27
mathematicianretying the command01:28
artagare you running xfce desktop ?01:29
xubuntu70wWhat is the command to install grub bootloader?01:29
xubuntu70wI want to do this from terminal01:29
mathematicianno luck on that command sudo dhclient wlan0. just a blinking text box01:30
artagno, it can't get a dhcp lease because there is no wireless connection01:30
JackFrostxubuntu70w: Read up on grub-install,  man grub-install01:33
mathematicianno luck with the wifi connection. it sees the connects aviable but goes in circles with the end result being "diconnected"01:36
mathematicianis there a an update specifically for the wireless firmware?01:38
artagi don't know. I have seen similar problems in the past but am not suffering them now01:50
mathematicianok, i tried setting up wireless with iwconfig and got this message: Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :     SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.01:56
=== IdleOne is now known as io
=== io is now known as IdleOne
andrewXubuntuHello, can anyone say if it's possible to correct a mistake that I did with FDISK?04:12
holsteinandrewXubuntu: possibly.. share some details, and a voluteer will try and answer04:14
andrewXubuntuholstein, alright! So I was installing xubuntu on my machine which already had windows xp, so I shrink the partition with success, and then I use FDISK to re-write the partition, the problem is, my old partition started at 63 but on the new I only can choose 2048, maybe this is a problem?04:16
holsteinandrewXubuntu: what do i do? i do complete backups of *all* data, before resizing partitions like that.. you *can* lose data, and break things..04:17
holsteinandrewXubuntu: what do i think you should do? stop, and try and access any important data, and back it up.. use a live ISO via USB.. the xubuntu installer for example04:18
andrewXubuntuholstein, the problem is that I can see the partition04:19
andrewXubuntuI mean the content04:19
andrewXubuntuIs possible to set the start of sector manually?04:20
holsteinandrewXubuntu: do you mean, the problem is, you *cant* see the content? from where? a live iso? as i said, you can break partitions like that.. is the partition broken? if so, you can try something like the test disk suite04:20
holsteinandrewXubuntu: most *anything* is possible.. the problem would be to just move forward doing things, without having a backup04:21
andrewXubuntuholstein, yes I know that,04:21
holsteinandrewXubuntu: if i had important data on that disk, i would back it up, ASAP.. if the partition is not accessible, i would use test disk and see what i can get. is that the case?04:21
andrewXubuntuIn fact I have some backups,04:21
andrewXubuntubut I would like to know if is possible to fix that mess that I made04:22
holsteinandrewXubuntu: sure.. so, do you have *everything* backed up? if not, do that first.. its a good idea, and good practice, since *all* drives fail04:22
andrewXubuntuNo, unfortunatelly not everything04:22
holsteinandrewXubuntu: what i would do *before* attempting *any* fix is, as i stated, backup what i need04:22
holsteinandrewXubuntu: if the partition is not mounting from a live iso, i would use test disk.. photorec for example04:23
andrewXubuntuholstein, test disk04:23
andrewXubuntuinside live iso?04:23
holsteinandrewXubuntu: you want to run that tool *not* from the drive you are trying to recover from04:24
holsteinandrewXubuntu: if that means a live iso, then, yes.. and, as i indicated before, thats waht i would use.. the live iso installer for xubuntu04:24
andrewXubuntuI see, I'm currently running from USB, so I'm ok04:24
andrewXubuntuI think04:24
andrewXubuntusorry for newbies questions04:25
andrewXubuntuI'm windows user trying to change04:25
holsteinandrewXubuntu: only you can see for sure.. i would want to be running from the live environment, and ask one of the tools to recover data04:25
holsteinandrewXubuntu: sure.. try and approach it as much like you did windows as possible.. for example, you didnt shrink a partition when you installed windows.. you likely intalled windows, or bought a machine with windows on it04:26
andrewXubuntuholstein, yes, in fact in windows I did using partition magic04:29
andrewXubuntuI should have used again04:29
holsteinyou should use whatever tools you can do the job with.. but, i think you are assuming some things, right now04:29
holsteini would backup the data, with a recovery tool, if need be, and test the hard drive before moving on04:30
andrewXubuntuholstein, I will read that link you gave me04:30
holsteinhttp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step is where i would start..04:31
holsteinthough, this is not a fix for your problem, at all..04:31
andrewXubuntuTime to read brb04:33
dbensonDoes anybody know how to get xfce4 kiosk mode working?  I've followed quite a few tutorials and done some experimenting with various config files but haven't had much luck.  Any help or links would be appreciated....05:14
holsteindbenson: i, recently, have not been able to make it work, either05:19
dbensonholstein - thank you for letting me know...05:44
dbensonholstein: in case you're still working on it, I've been creating launchers in the user profile (.desktop files) and then changing the owner/perms as root to prevent changes.  I also had to uninstall things like nm-applet to prevent network changes...  little hacks like that have gotten me a bit closer, maybe it will help you too...05:49
holsteindbenson: i just went with a read-only setup in a different desktop environment, then, didnt need to do it any longer..05:53
bathtub95I suddenly can't mount any drives because 'Not authorized to perform operation'. Networking is also disabled and can't be reenabled. Any ideas? Sounds like user permissions but I'm a newbie.10:11
andrewXubuntuholstein, Hey are you there?11:45
LuyinandrewXubuntu: if you've got a question, ask the room11:48
andrewXubuntuLuyin, No is not a question, I just want to thank him, I was able to fix a mess that I made with FDISK using the links he pointed out, I'll leave a msg to him then! :)11:50
=== balkamos_ is now known as balkamos
nanogeekhey there! I'm new to this channel and i hope we have many things in common13:09
cfhowlett!details | nanogeek,13:27
ubottunanogeek,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:27
madduckis there a recommended way to mount a Samba share upon login without requiring additional authentication?14:24
madduckthunar seems not to give me a way to do it via gvfs, clicking on browse network gives «failed to open "/ on ".»14:29
madduck«operation not supported»14:29
madduckgvfs-backends is installed, thunar-* is installed… :/14:34
rosaecaeruleaeis GPG already installed in xubuntu or do I have to get it?14:38
Picishould already be installed.14:39
rosaecaeruleaePici, ok, how do I use it?14:39
Picirosaecaeruleae: What do you want to do with it?14:39
rosaecaeruleaePici, send encrypted mails14:40
PiciWell, gpg is just for file encryption, you'll need to find a plugin or similar for your mail client to use it.14:41
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts14:41
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dmfreymy last upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04.1 ran into some issues.  I would like to reinstall or reconfigure the window manager, however, I am unsure as to which packages I should do this to.  Which packages should i work on?15:58
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laci_hello to all!19:00
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
Manj-811-Xfceright clicks on my touchpad register as a leftclick.do you know a quick fix?19:03
slickymasterWork!hi | laci_19:05
ubottulaci_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:05
drcManj-811-Xfce: Have you tried Mouse and Touchpad in Settings?19:05
Manj-811-Xfcei have but theres no option in there for clicks19:07
slickymasterWorkManj-811-Xfce: in the Devices tab of Mouse and Touchpad you have a Buttons and Feedback sub-tab19:08
drcDoes Buttons and Feedback (under the appropriate Device)>right-handed and Left-handed not work?19:08
Manj-811-Xfceuh it does work. i selected right-handed19:11
drcSo..Problem Solved? :)19:11
Manj-811-Xfcenot really lol. when i select left-handed iget the right click dropdown menu19:12
Manj-811-Xfcebut i cant click and grab anything19:12
drcand what happens when you select right-handed?19:12
Manj-811-Xfcebut when i select right-handed i can click and grab but i cant get the right click dropdown menus19:13
Manj-811-Xfcei hope you understand what im saying19:13
Manj-811-Xfcewell i found a workaround. tapping my touchpad with two fingers register as a right click. that'll do i guess19:15
drcI can't get my trackpad (which I very rarely use) to misbehave like that, so, I'm out of ideas, sorry.19:23
=== wololo is now known as dessazioeajziazd
kol_i have a questoin about the keyboard layout21:51
kol_i'd like to set a new shortcut to change my keyboard layout with setxhbmap but it does not work :/21:51
kol_if anyone would like to help me, i'd be really happy :)21:51
wbledI have a problem with xubuntu21:55
wbled14.10 to be exact21:55
wbledwhenever I boot, I get no sound so I always have to type "sudo alsa force-reload" in the terminal21:55
wbledcan someone tell me how to fix this?21:55
wbleddangit you people21:58
wbledk, whatever21:58
wbledmerry early christmas!21:58
drcwow...a whole 3 minutes...22:05
drcIn Xubuntu 14.10, does the Power Manager Plugin (for the panel) actually <do> anything (other than sit there and tell you the state of your batteries if/when you click on it)...as opposed to the old indicator-power (which would at least tell you if your box was on batter or powercord) ?22:34
octetcloudIt says "Discharging" when on battery, which isn't really explicit, but gets the job done.22:38
octetclouddrc: ^22:38
drcoctetcloud: from what I can tell, one still has to "mouse over" the icon to tell that.22:39
drcthe icon itself doesn't change.22:40
drcas opposed to the old system :)22:40
* drc thinks change is good...but only if I like the change :)22:41
drcBut I was wondering if I was missing something in the new system.22:42

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