
bluesabreochosi: since your activity slowed down on Greybird, I went ahead and uploaded your latest fixes, should be available later this evening/morning02:07
Logan_doko: can we sync over your changes for gnat-gps, given that gdb apparently doesn't work with it?02:08
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
=== stub` is now known as stub
ari-tczewCan someone sync clutter? It's blocking further upgrading to gnome 3.14 series. bug 140422911:21
ubottubug 1404229 in clutter-1.0 (Ubuntu) "Sync clutter-1.0 1.20.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140422911:21
xnoxari-tczew: syncing clutter alone will not help, as mutter will need a merge as well no?12:20
ari-tczewxnox: yes, but first clutter needs to be synced12:22
ari-tczewmutter 3.14, d/control, B-D:                libclutter-1.0-dev (>= 1.19.5),12:23
xnoxari-tczew:   * libclutter-1.0-0: add breaks against mutter version older then 3.1412:25
xnox    - "the symbol was marked as experimental, and also used only by mutter"12:25
ari-tczewxnox: ok, so what's your point?12:26
xnoxari-tczew: my point is that the world will be stuck in proposed now, and unless mutter is merged soon after, clutter will be kicked out of proposed again to unblock things that will start piling up now.12:28
xnoxwe've been there before....12:28
xnoxsyncpackage: Request succeeded; you should get an e-mail once it is processed. however lp page does not reflect that yet12:29
ari-tczewxnox: there is a merge of mutter ready to be sponsored on bug 139904712:31
ubottubug 1399047 in gnome-themes-standard (Ubuntu) "Update gnome core packages to 3.14" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139904712:31
ari-tczewxnox: I found something looks like clutter has been synced already in October12:46
xnoxari-tczew: Deleted on 2014-10-29 by Adam Conrad12:47
xnoxNew clutter breaks old mutter, and need a new GTK+ to make it all work12:47
xnoxari-tczew: correct you are jumping the ship with clutter here, as per Noskcaj's bug report themes, adwaita, etc from his bug report need to go in first, before mutter.12:48
* xnox "ship?!"... "gun"12:49
ari-tczewxnox: sync of clutter 1.20 is also included there, or isn't?12:55
* ari-tczew is being confused12:55
xnoxari-tczew: as last, not first.12:56
ari-tczewxnox: ok, if I'll sponsor merge of mutter for Noskcaj, it will be blocked as waiting build-dep, no?12:57
xnoxari-tczew: .... read the bug report, new themes need to go in first, and adwaita needs M.I.R., only then can mutter go in, and later clutter.12:58
ari-tczewxnox: ok13:01
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=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
Noskcajxnox, I can't check to due internet limitations until later this month, but i think all adwaita deps have an alternate on gnome-icon-theme currently. Everything is ready to go20:25
Noskcajgeoclue stuff is already MIRed, just awaiting the uploads.20:26

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