
* DrDaemonEye peers in00:13
DrDaemonEyeeveryone doing okay with this weather and what not?00:13
cmaloneyI think so02:56
_stink_well i haven't left the house today02:57
cmaloneyWe just got back02:58
_stink_is it freezing yet?03:00
cmaloneyIt's trying to03:06
cmaloneyMerry Christmas everyone!13:48
shakes808happy holidays14:48
cmaloneyAnd to you as well!14:51
cmaloneyHow are things?14:51
shakes808not too bad, just waiting for the boy to wake up :) how about yourself?15:02
cmaloneyDoing OK so far.15:02
cmaloneyNiece is in the hospital with RSV unfortunately.15:02
cmaloneyaka: Bronchitis in normal kids.15:02
cmaloneyBut it's really got her oxygen levels goofed up.15:02
shakes808sorry to hear that15:03
shakes808how long has she had it?15:03
cmaloneyNot sure, but she's also had some ear infections15:09
cmaloneyso she's not been in the best of states.15:09
shakes808doesn't sound like it :(15:10
cmaloneyYeah, so my bro-in-law and his wife are at the hospital15:11
shakes808not a good way to spend the holiday.  :|  I hope she kicks RSV and the ear infections ass :)15:12
shakes808would be the best gift of all today15:12
cmaloneyThanks. :)15:12
shakes808on a lighter note, I saw you the other day at the game store.  Was going to say hi but you were leaving.15:13
shakes808buying anything interesting?15:16
cmaloneyOh, yesterday?15:24
cmaloneyDude, you should have said Hi. :)15:24
cmaloneyYesterday was just some sleeves because JoDee wanted to sleeve her Magic cards.15:24
shakes808wasn't yesterday, it was Monday15:36
shakes808do you two play tournaments there?15:37
cmaloneyNo, she just likes playing the Magic stock market.15:42
cmaloneyI think I was picking up some Christmas gifts for folks.15:42
cmaloneyActually that was Sunday. :)15:45
cmaloneyI was there with my sis in lw and boyfriend-in-law.15:45
shakes808i am up there once a week with a group playing MtG or D&D15:46
cmaloneyAh coolness.15:47
shakes808you should come out and play sometime :)15:54
shakes808Our usual nights are Wednesday :)15:55
cmaloneyThat's CHC night. :)16:10
cmaloneyor juggling night if CHC isn't happening. :)16:10
cmaloneySo I'm booked for the forseeable future on Wed.16:11
shakes808gotcha :(16:39

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