
theblazehen_Merry Christmas !00:15
magespawngood morning and merry christmas to all04:02
grembleGood morning and the same to you04:03
magespawngremble do you have kids?04:27
grembleOh god no. And I hope to never have them. These dogs had me up at 05:30. If that is any indication of how it would be to have kids I would rather skip on the occasion04:29
magespawnsmart though, kids are a little more complex04:35
grembleNope. My perfect housemate is a tarantula and a pretty girl that leaves in the morning04:37
grembleI got a Mexican Red knee yesterday. Brachypelma Smithi. Some couple odd months after my 17 year old Mexican Curly Hair died04:38
magespawnwell that will keep a lot of girls that will keep away04:49
grembleThat and the fact that I like mathematics seems to thin out the crowd04:53
magespawnthat changes as you get older, sometimes04:57
magespawnmy kids got basic tablets for christmas so i am busy looking up how to keep them safe etc online04:59
grembleThere is probably a bunch of android apps for that. 3G or wifi only?04:59
magespawni am sure there are, apparently you can only get a google account if you are over 1305:01
grembleIt would be nice of you could edit the hosts file on the tablets :P 05:03
magespawni have a google apps domain though that i can set them up with, just reading the T&C05:03
magespawnthere are anti-virus/security apps that allow you to block adult content05:04
grembleI wanted books for christmas. I hope I get some05:06
magespawnbooks are always good05:06
Kilosmorning nlsthzn gremble magespawn and others05:18
Kilosmerry Christmas to you all05:18
Kilosand you tumbleweed 05:18
grembleGood morning Kilos. Merry Christmas to you too05:19
Kilosand theblazehen_ 05:19
grembleMultitools are so nice, it is just a shame that they're so clunky.05:21
grembleI got a leatherman Wave while I was working in theatre and it is so nice to have around, but it is so heavy haha05:21
Kiloswhats a multitool?05:21
magespawnlike a swiss army knife Kilos, merry christmas05:22
Kilosoh them ya i agree05:22
Kiloslol was just gonna say leatherman05:23
Kilosthey not cheap either, but very handy to carry around05:23
magespawngotta go find a plug, battery dying05:23
Kilosoi already05:23
grembleYa, had it on my belt practically everyday for 4 years. Now it sits in my glovebox because I don't wear the right pants and I would look silly with it on my belt in a math class :P05:25
Kilosyou need reinforced pockets too05:26
bmg505good morning05:45
Kiloshi there bmg505 05:48
bmg505I have warn a multi tool for the past 25 years and for the last 5 a torch as well. My kit is strapped to my moonbag/fannybag which carries my model 20 Glock, so I do not really care about looks05:48
bmg505grrr *wprn05:48
bmg505ffs worn05:48
bmg505going back to bed05:48
Kilossleep tight05:56
magespawnbmg505: showing your age there lol05:57
Kiloshahaha was thinking the same thing06:00
nlsthznmerry xmas all06:01
Kiloschristmas lunch of dates and camel steaks06:15
Kilosdont get fat nlsthzn 06:15
* Kilos ducks06:15
nlsthznnope only good old south african food today :p06:17
magespawnKilos: what are you doing today? fanily coming over09:29
Kilosnope im all alone magespawn sis gone to namibia to her dughter for a month09:30
Kilosand ian got his mom there in rustenburg for kinda last christmas for a long time09:31
Kilosthen she goes to the uk09:31
Kilosso major peace and quiet here09:32
Kilosbut they all been on pidgin and whatsapp09:34
magespawnwell piece and quite is good09:51
Kiloslol ya09:51
Kilosim washing carpets09:51
bmg505I am not that old, in a weeks time I'm kinda old10:04
bmg505I fixed the darn roof this morning, had a waterfall leak and we discovered it in yesterday's storm :(10:05
Kiloshahaha so in a weeks time you are how old bmg505 ?10:09
magespawnlater all family calls10:51
charlgood afternoon11:16
charlMaaz: coffee on11:16
* Maaz starts grinding coffee11:16
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!11:20
Kiloshi charl 11:21
charlhi Kilos 11:21
charlMaaz: danke11:21
charlmerry christmas !!12:03
Kilosty, you too13:44
Kiloswb gremble 16:06
grembleHey Kilos 16:10
grembleDid you have a nice christmas dinner?16:10
Kiloslol i pigged out again on watermelon16:17
Kilosand some baked apples16:18
Kilosand you?16:19
Kilosoh and curry for supper16:38
grembleBraaied for the family17:24
Kilosgood man17:26
Kilosim too lazy to braai for me17:26
Kilosslept most of the avy17:27
Kilosaw missed him17:56
Kiloshi magespawn 18:01
magespawngood evening all18:01
Kilosme not all , me Kilos18:01
magespawngood evening Kilos18:02
magespawnbrb just going to switch machines18:11
Kiloswb magespawn 18:27
magespawnty 18:27
magespawnhi gremble 18:32
Kiloscocooncrash_: tumbleweed compliments of the season to you18:37
tumbleweedKilos: you too18:37
grembleAnyone know where I can get information on the various F/OSS licences in English. My brain is not prepared to deal with the lawyer speak18:52
gremble:/ Found out what I want. GPL prevents me from using the library in a non-gpl work :/18:56
grembleI don't think I am a fan18:56
theblazehen_gremble: yeah, I prefer the BSD licence. LGPL will let you18:57
grembleI like MIT18:58
grembleThe library I want is GPLv318:58
theblazehen_ah. TL;DR?18:58
theblazehen_TIL, ty18:59
grembleMIT license propagates I think while the BSD doesn't18:59
grembleCan't sell my MIT work, but you can sell the BSD work19:00
grembleOr w/e19:01
grembleNow I have to decide.. Code a natural language processor or go eat apple pie and ferment19:01
smilehi :D19:02
charlgood evening19:02
charlhi smile 19:02
grembleHey smile 19:03
grembleHey charl 19:03
charlhi gremble 19:03
charlhow are you this evening19:03
smilehi charl and gremble :)19:03
smile'n geseende kersfees, charl ;)19:03
grembleI am well thanks and yourself?19:03
charlprettige feestdagen smile !19:03
charlgremble: good, good!19:03
smiledankie :)19:04
charlit's christmas after all :P19:04
smilemy shoulder does not care, charl :p still hurts :P19:04
charlhow so? something happened?19:04
smileI fell onto the tram rails two weeks ago19:04
charloh no!! were you cycling?19:05
smileI was :P19:05
charlah metal... it's hard :(19:05
smileand it was wet because it had just rained :p19:05
grembleDid the tram drive over you?19:05
charlyes and it was raining cats and dogs the last two weeks ...19:05
grembleIt would be a shame if your dead now19:05
smilegremble: no, because I was on the other side :) but I saw the tram pretty close19:05
grembleHow terrifying would it not be if it actually did start raining cats and dogs19:06
charlyeah slipping and falling can happen to easy when you're on the bicycle19:06
Kiloshi smile19:06
smilehi Kilos :p19:06
smileI'm not dead yet, Kilos 19:07
Kiloswhere you been lad?19:07
smileon the ground on the tram rails :P19:07
Kilosfor so long19:07
Kiloswhenm last were you here?19:07
smilewell actually I have some free days to study :P19:08
smileso no vakantie :(19:08
smilestupid exams :p19:08
Kilosoh well thats life so give it your best19:08
smileI am not at my best, so I can not give my best :P19:08
Kilosyou sick?19:09
Kilosyou chase too many girls man19:09
smileKilos: I only have one :D19:09
smileme hurts everywhere :p19:09
Kilosthe same one still?19:09
smileyeah ;)19:09
smilebig fish :P19:09
charlnice girls are precious, look after her :)19:10
smileyeah :)19:10
smilethe only thing that bothers me is slowness :p19:10
smilein everything :P19:11
Kilosslowness in what19:11
charlhet regent oude wijven19:11
smilegetting ready, etc19:11
Kilosyou want to get old too quick man19:11
charlthat was the expression i was looking for19:11
charlreal belgian expression :P19:11
smilehet regent dat het giet :P19:12
smileso what have you been up to, Kilos ? :)19:15
Kilosbreaking things as usual 19:15
Kiloszeroed the wrong drive19:15
theblazehen_Kilos: ouch19:15
charlhi theblazehen_ :)19:15
theblazehen_hey charl!19:15
Kilosya very19:15
Kilosoh and we got re-verified as an official ubuntu loco again19:17
smilenice ;)19:17
smileKilos: that's with dd? :(19:18
Kilosin the new year i am going to try become a member19:18
Kilosya that dd thing19:18
smilethat hurts :(19:18
Kilosdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=119:19
Kilosi struggled with recovering because drive is too big19:19
theblazehen_Kilos: you won't get anything...19:20
Kilosrecovered 74500 files but most are numbered files19:20
smileKilos: that sucks :(19:20
Kiloslol it will teach me to concentrate next time19:21
Kilosand im starting to revive my blog that i deleted19:21
smileKilos: :D19:21
Kiloswhat have you been doing19:22
smileprogramming on WikiList, fixing Wikipedia up (reached zero dead reported links), random stuff, clean up my bookmarks (not fully done), learning for school and keeping my friends & girlfriend happy19:23
theblazehen_smile: lotsa work...19:24
smilemeanwhile bash programming, torios documentation fixes, updating & fixing my manjaro system :D19:24
Kilosmake studies a priority19:24
smileKilos: never19:24
Kilosyou must man its your whole future19:24
smileI learned to do github pull requests :D19:24
smileand merges :D19:24
Kilosi forget now, how good is your python?19:25
smilenon existing :p19:25
smileI don't eat snakes19:25
Kiloshave you met gremble 19:25
Kiloshe is our maths boff19:26
theblazehen_smile: you try rust?19:26
smiletheblazehen_: I'm following it :) http://phoronix.com ;)19:26
theblazehen_smile: nice19:26
smileKilos: I have met him in a second :p19:26
smiletheblazehen_: do you use a feed aggregator like http://theoldreader.com ? :p19:27
Kilosin a second?19:27
theblazehen_smile: not yet. Any recommendation for a self hosted one?19:27
smilea moment ago, I mean, Kilos 19:27
Kilosoh i missed that19:27
smiletheblazehen_: yeah, sure. lemme have a look, I buried an interesting article about that somewhere in my bookmarks :)19:28
theblazehen_smile: thanks :)19:28
Kilostheblazehen_: you two are about the same age19:29
smiletheblazehen_: this is a lot like theoldreader.com, which I use: http://lifehacker.com/5992404/how-to-build-your-own-syncing-rss-reader-with-tiny-tiny-rss-and-kick-google-reader-to-the-curb19:29
theblazehen_Kilos: me and smile?19:29
theblazehen_smile: ty19:29
smile19 :D19:29
smileand a half :D19:30
smileare you coming over to Belgium? ;)19:30
theblazehen_smile: doubt it?19:31
smilefree wifi @ my house :P19:31
grembleRight, everyone, party at smile's place19:32
Kilostheblazehen_: has good internet19:32
grembleIt is only a 177h drive I think19:32
grembleWe can take turns19:32
Kilosits too far man19:32
theblazehen_I'll just wait for telkom...19:32
gremblepish-posh. Who doesn't like a roadtrip through the centre of Africa?19:33
smilelet's prove it :) over my 5GHz wifi: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4011057095 (up sucks, down is good :D )19:33
theblazehen_smile: nice..19:33
charlonly 30mbps?!19:33
grembleThat is pretty nice19:33
smilethat signal comes over copper to my house ;) (5 km)19:33
* theblazehen_ is considering joining a WUG..19:33
Kilosthats good19:34
grembleSpeedtest uses flash19:34
charlsmile: are you still on dsl?19:34
grembleI don't install crapware D:19:34
theblazehen_gremble: yeah19:34
theblazehen_I wget the cachefly test files to test19:34
theblazehen_but wont test up :/19:34
charli can't use speed test either, no flash here too19:34
smilecharl: yes :) on a cheap plan :D19:34
smilegremble: okay, let's install gnash ;)19:34
charlsmile: ah yeah dsl is slow :( i'm still on cable but am waiting for ftth19:34
Kilostheblazehen_: ptawug are helpful, but the hardware is over 1.5k19:34
theblazehen_Kilos: yeah :/19:35
smilecharl: :) maybe in 201519:35
theblazehen_And my Line of sight kinda sucks..19:35
theblazehen_Need stuff for a tower :(19:35
smiletheblazehen_: get new lenses ;)19:35
Kiloseish same as me19:35
charlsmile: perhaps... i live in city central and will probably be last of all to get ftth19:35
theblazehen_smile: haaa... haa..19:35
smilesatellites are good for a line of sight, too ;)19:36
theblazehen_smile: that ping though19:36
smilecharl: :(19:36
smiletheblazehen_: true fact19:36
smileThis year I started of with Manjaro Linux, Xfce edition :p Now I'm running Manjaro Linux with Openbox :D19:37
theblazehen_smile: now switch to antergos :)19:37
theblazehen_Or plain arch19:37
grembleArch with i3 or openbox19:37
* theblazehen_ is on i3 right now19:37
* gremble notices that we are in an ubuntu sub19:38
smileplain arch would be cool, but I don't have the time to change again :)19:38
charldoes arch have an installer yet?19:38
theblazehen_I don't like the multi monitor support :(19:38
grembleThere are some installer scripts smile 19:38
theblazehen_smile: I can do it in an hour with the packages needed on a NAS19:38
grembleBut there will never be an official one19:38
theblazehen_gremble: there used to be..19:38
charlarch is very spartan to me19:38
smilegremble: unmaintained19:38
theblazehen_charl: Have you tried it?19:39
charltheblazehen_: i have...19:39
smilegremble: what? ubuntu? ;)19:39
charlarch: "this is sparta !!!!!" :D19:39
theblazehen_I find it way easier than ubuntu etc19:39
smileI need many development packages so it takes a while, theblazehen_ :p Android SDK & tools takes an hour already :o19:40
theblazehen_smile: yeah.. But that's in the AUR19:40
smile(or not) :p19:40
theblazehen_maybe do it in a chroot, then get it running for real once it works well in a chroot?19:40
smileViewnior is really cool ;) I can build it faster than fetch it from the internet :P19:41
theblazehen_smile: TL;DR?19:41
smiletheblazehen_: maybe :)19:41
smiletheblazehen_: I mean, Viewnior builds fast19:41
smilethat's an image viewer written in plain C19:41
grembleGimp can save images as C headers19:42
theblazehen_linux builds slow..19:42
smile:o :o :o19:42
theblazehen_gremble: I saw19:42
smiletheblazehen_: yes, that are you gonna do about it? :o:19:42
smile* what19:42
theblazehen_smile: I did it before, like 2 years ago.. Fuck GMA360019:42
smilefuck core i7 4700mq :P19:42
theblazehen_And fuck a netbook with 2 GB of RAM, GMA3600, 5400 RPM as a main pc19:43
theblazehen_1.6 GHz atom19:43
theblazehen_smile: How bad?19:43
smiletheblazehen_: over an hour :(19:43
grembleBSD is not much faster19:43
smileI compiled LibreOffice once.. three hours :o19:43
theblazehen_smile: hah.. I start before I go to bed, depending on how long i sleep, may be done in the morning19:43
charlcompiling is bad enough but then you start with dependencies19:44
smilecharl: ;)19:44
theblazehen_charl: yeah...19:44
theblazehen_Some games in the AUR :(19:44
charlthat was what really got to me, those dependencies19:44
grembleDem circular dependecies19:44
charland dependencies of dependencies19:44
theblazehen_Also: Never go full gentoo19:44
smiletheblazehen_: FlightGear segfaults :(19:44
theblazehen_smile: gentoo?19:44
smileaur ;)19:44
theblazehen_it's in community or extra I thought?19:45
theblazehen_In one of the main repos19:45
theblazehen_or was it a -git?19:45
smileStable I think.. 19:45
* smile fires up pacman19:45
smilecommunity :)19:46
theblazehen_nailed it!19:46
smileyeah :p19:46
smileI run open source Intel, maybe because of that19:46
theblazehen_me too. 19:46
smileI have no nvidia drivers installed in a move to keep my power needs low :p19:46
theblazehen_busy loading it up here now19:47
theblazehen_how long can it load on a SSD?19:47
smilehours :p if the SSD is almost dead19:47
theblazehen_runs here fine19:47
smileHD4600 too :p19:48
smileI didn't upgrade mesa/xorg yet19:49
smileToo risky in exam period ;)19:49
smileI fucked it up once ;)19:49
smileAnd I need mono 3.419:49
theblazehen_What's the worst a -Syu can do? ;)19:50
smilethat's the worst :p19:50
smilewhen there are no updates ;)19:50
theblazehen_I didn't -Syu last 2 days yet :(19:50
grembleYou're not supposed to update daily >.>19:51
grembleLaptops are incredibly expensive :/ 19:51
smilegremble: that's why he does it 2-daily ;)19:52
theblazehen_gremble: you're not?19:52
theblazehen_haha yeah smile!19:52
grembleI update once every week, sometimes every second week19:52
grembleThat way, if they break something they have time to fix it before I get it19:53
theblazehen_gremble: Get on my level!19:53
theblazehen_They do!19:53
theblazehen_Just don't use [testing]19:53
theblazehen_I don't like how wine handles games :(19:55
smilewine generally sucks :p19:57
theblazehen_Much better than putting a windows partition on disk19:58
smilewindirstat, pazera free audio extractor and office 2007 run on it :p but paint doesn't :(19:58
theblazehen_only 64 GB space total19:58
smileI want paint! :D19:58
theblazehen_smile: mtPaint19:58
theblazehen_also: ncdu19:58
smileI know ncdu :p19:58
theblazehen_smile: which paint? The new or old one?19:58
smiledoesnt matter :p paint is paint :p19:58
smilepinta is very close, but has major bugs19:59
theblazehen_yeah, I get that. 19:59
theblazehen_Looking for something like paint.net19:59
grembleWindows 8.1 doesn't have paint19:59
grembleOr not that I could find19:59
Kilosnight all, sleep tight19:59
theblazehen_it doesn't?!19:59
theblazehen_night Kilos19:59
gremblenight Kilos 19:59
smileWIN+R => mspaint => run :D20:00
smilenight Kilos 20:00
smileI use GIMP for my occasional crop needs :p but drawing rectangles the easy way would be nice.20:00
grembleinkscape 20:00
theblazehen_smile: I thought it had paint, then I thought I must be going crazy or something..20:00
smileI use that too, but inkscape for simple art is overkil :p20:00
smilemspaint is the way to run it :)20:01
theblazehen_smile: Always do that. winword too20:01
smilemspaint is even available on windows rt20:01
theblazehen_smile: that reminded me of the story why pinball isn't available on 64 bit..20:02
smilebecause Microsoft programmers suck at it :P20:02
grembleAt paintball or 64bit?20:02
smileboth :D20:02
grembleI don't know if we can evaluate their paintball abilities 20:03
smileI'm leaving :) good night ;)20:03
grembleCheers smile 20:03
charlnight sim20:03
charl*smile :)20:04
theblazehen_http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2012/12/18/10378851.aspx here we go!20:04
charli'm off too20:04
charlhave a good evening all20:04
* inetpro *20:35

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