[00:02] /j #hackrf [00:02] oops [00:03] hi, does an EFI partition have to be /dev/sda1? I am trying to create it after the fact so gparted would label it /dev/sda5 in my case [00:03] it's preferred to be but it might be ok without [00:03] boot-repair doesn't find it [00:03] ah. [00:04] what's the setup? [00:04] I made it fat32, and it's located at the first sector [00:04] daftykins: give me 1 minute [00:04] daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620429/ [00:05] that's the report by boot-repair [00:05] it doesn't give me the option of the EFI partition location [00:05] eww encryption [00:05] yeah [00:05] no choice [00:06] zero experience with boot-repair i'm afraid :( [00:06] looks like a mac though, i thought they got angry with EFI ubuntu? [00:06] daftykins: thanks for looking! [00:06] maybe it's different for different models [00:08] betehess_: is it a mac? [00:08] EriC^_: yes, MBP 11.2 [00:08] or something like that [00:09] i believe the mac pages have the command to run to pull the model off to double check [00:09] !mac [00:09] For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [00:09] betehess_: ok are you in a live session right now? [00:09] took your time there ubottu, must be on the sauce this Christmas (tut tut) [00:09] daftykins, EriC^_, yes it's a 11.2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro11-2/Saucy [00:10] running 14.04 thought [00:10] betehess_: ok, have you mounted anything? [00:10] EriC^_: I cannot boot, because I don't get prompted for the passphrase for my encrypted volumes anymore [00:10] i am on a live-cd [00:11] can mount the partitions [00:11] betehess_: ok, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit [00:11] then type mount | pastebinit [00:12] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620500/ [00:12] hi, I am trying to figure out why my machine will not upgrade the linux-firmware package. It doesn't appear to be in a held state. [00:13] EriC^_: that's from the live session [00:14] I am running on 14.10 [00:14] I upgraded a bit ago [00:14] betehess_: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 blavolume === Y907leWK is now known as l1ndSay [00:15] betehess_: what's the 30gb partition? [00:15] the 8gb one is swap? [00:15] EriC^_: /, then swap, then /home [00:16] betehess_: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 root_volume [00:16] EriC^_: done. nautilus even opened the volume [00:16] betehess_: hmm [00:16] type mount | pastebinit [00:17] I actually have a number of packages in this state. [00:17] Hello community. I am planning to install ubuntu on my samsung np 350e7c but am a little concerned about the UEFI thing, specifically bug #1040557. Do any of you have any experience with this? [00:17] bug 1040557 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "UEFI boot live-usb bricks SAMSUNG 530U3C,np700z5c laptop" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1040557 [00:17] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620541/ [00:18] betehess__: try sudo mount --move /media/xubuntu/10bc3b87-d1fe-4d49-8e40-abc258517d85 /mnt [00:19] EriC^_: done [00:19] betehess__: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot [00:20] EriC^_: looks fine [00:20] sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot/efi === SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica [00:20] EriC^_: xubuntu@xubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot/efi mount: mount point /mnt/boot/efi does not exist [00:21] EriC^_: didn't pasted the newline [00:21] ok, type ls /mnt [00:21] or mount | grep /mnt [00:21] and paste the lines here [00:22] just the mount | grep /mnt [00:23] $ mount | grep /mnt /dev/mapper/root_volume on /mnt type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2) /dev/sda1 on /mnt/boot type ext4 (rw) [00:23] sorry, the webchat really sucks :-/ [00:24] it's ok [00:24] why is there no efi in /mnt/boot [00:24] betehess__: try ls /mnt/boot [00:24] is there an efi dir? [00:24] and grub dir? [00:25] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620573/ [00:25] betehess__: ok type ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi [00:25] EriC^_: it's there: drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 0 Dec 25 23:25 /sys/firmware/efi [00:26] ok, so you're booted in efi [00:26] let's create the efi then [00:26] EriC^_: I think the livecd (it's a key) does that [00:26] sudo mkdir /mnt/boot/efi [00:26] we'll have grub install the stuff [00:26] ok [00:27] sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot/efi [00:27] EriC^_: worky that time [00:28] betehess__: ok let's take a peak ls /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu [00:29] EriC^_: there is nothing there yet [00:29] EriC^_: I was hoping to get boot-repair do the job [00:29] betehess__: no problem [00:29] I've got a very good question [00:29] betehess__: for i in /dev /dev/pts /sys /proc /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done [00:29] EriC^_: so right now, /mnt/boot/efi/ is empty [00:30] EriC^_: no error with last command [00:30] betehess__: sudo chroot /mnt [00:30] would someone like to explain to me exactly why and how ubuntu update managed to update my OS while I was sleeping? I'd also like to mention that updates were DISABLED. WTF [00:31] no swear acronyms please [00:31] sorry, I'm a bit pumped up about it. [00:31] It's also a very good question [00:31] I HAVE LINUX MINT AND I AM ON UBUNTU IRC #REBEL [00:31] Kanower: you fiend! [00:31] lol [00:32] EriC^_: I am in the chroot [00:32] no one is put off by this? [00:32] seriously? [00:32] wow.. [00:32] Linux is ILLUMINATI I AM SCARED [00:32] betehess__: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda [00:32] TOR IS USED FOR CHILDREN PORN AND DRUGS I AM SCARED x2 [00:32] this makes me question the entire operating system now [00:32] stop now please [00:32] I'm getting a different distribution [00:33] IKEA IS NOKIA AND NOKIA IS BMW! BMW MAKES IBM IMAGES AND IBM IS DELL!!! [00:33] postahub: bye then! [00:33] step by step to Dante's [00:33] have fun with your proprietary software [00:33] if you even know what that means jackasses [00:33] !gnewsense [00:33] gNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org - Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu [00:33] postahub: enough please. [00:33] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620648/ [00:34] does anyone know why "About this computer" and "System Settings" in the Ubuntu corner menu don't work? [00:35] Blendtec, after what just happened I'd recommend an entirely different distro [00:35] Blendtec: sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity-control-center [00:35] betehess__: hmm [00:35] postahub: stop now [00:35] postahub: join the conversation and assit people, or stop [00:35] betehess__: that looks like it's trying to install not in efi mode, like msdos on a gpt [00:35] this is a perfectly good conversation to be having [00:35] postahub: not here it isn't. [00:35] EriC^_: what is gpt? [00:36] betehess__: try sudo apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed ( if you have a 64 bit machine ) [00:36] bazhang: fyi, that !gnewsense factoid is outdated... gnewsense is based on debian now [00:36] betehess__: the partition table type [00:36] zykotick9, good point [00:37] I'm allowed to pastebin here? [00:37] link to pastebins, yes [00:38] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620654/ [00:39] hmm still new to ubuntu, can't copy to clipboard the contents of xterm [00:40] why xterm? === curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris [00:40] Blendtec: sudo apt-get install parcellite [00:40] betehess__: try ls /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu [00:40] betehess__: also type sudo efibootmgr -v [00:41] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620684/ [00:41] betehess__: sorry, ls /boot/efi/EFI/buntu [00:41] *ubuntu [00:41] I use xterm for command line [00:42] EriC^_: well, ls: cannot access /mnt/boot/efi: No such file or directory [00:42] ls /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu [00:43] EriC^_: /boot/efi/ is empty [00:43] betehess__: does grub-install still not work? [00:44] EriC^_: no error that time [00:44] want the output? [00:44] betehess__: it's ok [00:44] try update-grub [00:44] then ls /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu [00:45] EriC^_: holly molly! grub.cfg grubx64.efi [00:45] ok, no shimx64.efi though? [00:45] no [00:45] we need that for secure boot [00:45] oh [00:45] and efibootmgr is using it too [00:45] is secure boot turned off? [00:46] maybe we could use grubx64.efi instead [00:46] EriC^_: not sure what this is exactly [00:46] EriC^_: can't believe I ahve been using linux for that long and I have never got into that stuff before... [00:47] EriC^_: I don't think I have any secure boot [00:48] EriC^_: only encrypted /, swap, and /home [00:48] this is what I get when I try to reinstall the control center: http://pastebin.com/uxHQFv52 [00:48] heh, EFI with secure boot is Microsoft's ongoing Christmas present that keeps on giving, came with win8 [00:49] gives me a pain in the neck when I see it [00:49] Blendtec: try sudo apt-get -f install [00:50] betehess__: ok, type sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 5 -d /dev/sda [00:50] betehess__: then type efibootmgr -v [00:51] reading/building/reading; 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded [00:51] Blendtec: try sudo apt-get install libcheese-gtk23 [00:51] I have an rt2790 wireless card that's stuck in type g [00:53] Oh right, Kubuntu 12.04LTS === Kenzi`_ is now known as Kenzi` [00:53] more unmet dependencies: libcheese7, libclutter-1.0-0, libclutter-gtk-1.0-0, libcogl15 [00:53] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620726/ [00:54] Blendtec: sudo aptitude install -h [00:54] sry i meant: sudo aptitude install -f :p [00:54] betehess__: ok, sudo efibootmgr -v [00:54] Hello i was just curious if there is a way or a program to edit a text like lets say that u have word "example" in ur text 100 times is there a quick way of editing that? [00:54] darkangel: yeah... find and replace in a GUI editor or sed via command line [00:55] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620732/ [00:55] ty [00:55] http://steamcode.org/?ref=rxpCRcTKd [00:55] somtimes aptitude behaves diferent than apt-get [00:56] on the aptitude command I got: "no pkg will be installed/removed - 0 upgr 0 newly 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded" [00:56] but that may be because I already have aptitude [00:56] betehess__: ok, looks like installing the grub package might have fixed it already too [00:56] betehess__: type exit [00:56] betehess__: then reboot [00:57] EriC^_: ok, I'll still be around as I am connected with another client :-) trying now [00:57] ok [00:58] Actually, bugger it, I'll upgrade to 14.04 next week anyway [00:58] is there a google chrome channel on freenode ? [00:58] woot =) Geany has it to just for tips, Search -> Replace [00:58] EriC^_: are you a wizard or what? [00:58] EriC^_: at least a genius :-) [00:59] darkangel: i should hope so! notepad on Windows has it ;) [01:00] EriC^_: are there public logs of this IRC session somewhere? can you explain what happened and how you more or less fixed the problem? [01:00] !log [01:00] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. [01:00] EriC^_: in any case, thank you so much [01:00] betehess_: ^ [01:00] betehess_: no problem [01:01] daftykins: thanks === slyrus_ is now known as slyrus [01:02] betehess_: nothing much we chrooted and reinstalled grub and made a efi dir [01:03] EriC^_: I had found some docs saying it had to be on a separate partition, as FAT31 [01:03] *FAT32 [01:03] yeah it should [01:03] ok [01:04] betehess_: the efi dir was missing for some reason [01:04] betehess_: and it seemed to have installed grub thinking it has secureboot [01:04] well, thank you all again, you cannot imagine how much you helped as I leave for French Guiana tomorrow and I will have a very crappy connection there [01:05] betehess_: i guess it hanged before or something and it froze before creating the efi dir [01:05] EriC^_: what was the symptom re: secureboot? [01:05] betehess_: must be that it thinks you have secure boot cuz you have efi but you dont have secure boot cause it's a mac i guess [01:05] ok [01:05] betehess_: great :) [01:06] what do you mean? [01:06] EriC^_: I am not sure where you saw the secureboot thing [01:06] EriC^_: but I guess I should go throught the commands and logs again [01:07] betehess_: it had added a shimx64.efi in the efibootmgr ( that's th efi file for secure boot ) [01:07] betehess_: and apt-get complained about installing secureboot-db [01:07] EriC^_: oh I see. that's the part I didn't know [01:07] EriC^_: makes sense now [01:10] bubbasaures: you there? [01:10] yes [01:10] nomodeset did not get me to the login screen [01:10] im just stuck at a undercursor blinking [01:10] shadaloo, It was just a starting point in a perfect world about a 3 min test. [01:11] i see a text that says my hostname login [01:11] and normally it would quickly flash to whatever the login manager is now [01:11] but it stays at the blinking underscore [01:11] bubbasaures: if you have any other ideas i would appreciate the help [01:12] shadaloo, no idea here. ;) [01:13] I'm still stuck on this unity control center thing [01:14] Blendtec: what happened when you tried to install libcheesegtk23? [01:16] had to scroll through the mess, found it [01:16] it threw 4 unmet dependencies at me [01:16] libcheese7, libclutter-1.0-0, libclutter-gtk-1.0-0, libcogl15 [01:16] Blendtec: try sudo apt-get install libcheese7 [01:17] Blendtec: it might be due to a ppa [01:18] ok, now it's down to two: libclutter-gst-2.0-0 and gstreamer1.0-clutter [01:18] the latest ppa I installed was the one where I tried to speed up Flash (hardware support) [01:18] Blendtec: try libclutter-gst-2.0-0 [01:19] ok [01:19] Blendtec: also try apt-cache policy libclutter-gst-2.0-0 [01:19] now it has a slightly different dependency msg : libclutter-1.0-0 and libcogl15 [01:20] hi [01:20] hello... I am trying to ifinf how check 'system path' in ubuntu 14.04.. path command is not found... just installed [01:20] still can't copy/paste even though I have installed parcellite :p [01:22] and i am stuck on point 7 of this guid :) http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-14.10-utopic-unicorn-server maybe someone can help a lil bit? [01:22] it spit out some data on the apt-cache: libclutter-gst-2.0-0: installed (none) candidate 2.0.8-1build1 / version table 2.0.8-1build1 0 and... [01:22] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 packages / 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [01:23] Blendtec: ok [01:23] Blendtec: try sudo apt-get install libclutter-1.0-0 [01:24] unmet deps: libcogl-pango15, libcogl15 [01:26] fwiw I haven't fooled around with Ubuntu much, stuck to basic guides [01:28] Eric can i pm you? could you help me some step? [01:28] Blendtec: Bopy paste xterm ( I use xterm ): hold right mouse button and drag to copy to clipboard, middle click (scroll wheel) to paste . [01:29] whiteeagle: ask here [01:29] i found it... i just have forgotten a bit and trying refresh memory about linux [01:29] echo $PATH [01:30] ahh middle mouse button nice [01:30] thanks bashing! [01:31] so, my *first* problem is, i wanna set up static ip, on restart service i am becoming "stop: job failed while stopping" and i am asking me why [01:31] there is a stream from console [01:31] its on a Virtual box [01:31] Blendtec: Yeah, I have not forgetten my amazment when I learned of that middle mouse button ! [01:31] http://www.twitch.tv/wHITEeAGLE112 [01:32] nothing like a linux distro to make you feel like a noob all over again [01:33] in the ubuntu software center it shows libcheese and libpango were removed 2 days ago [01:33] among others [01:35] Blendtec: why? try to check the log [01:35] Blendtec: less /var/log/apt/history.log [01:35] press G to go the end [01:38] Blendtec: install pastebinit [01:38] sudo apt-get install pastebinit [01:38] I think it went wrong at apt-get dist-upgrade [01:39] that's the day it removed those packages it breaks on now [01:39] Blendtec: type pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list [01:39] and cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit [01:39] I need to get a bunch of computers and laptops talking to my printers. Nothing I've found online is helping. What's the best channel to work that ou? [01:40] ok sec slowwww laptop ;) [01:40] etfb: this is an ubuntu support channel. if they run ubuntu, you can ask. [01:40] Cool. [01:41] Blendtec: you should put your laptop in a blender, it will blend the speed and make it super fast [01:41] a blendtec totalblender* [01:41] There are Windows computers involved, but I'm deliberately ignoring them. It's the four Ubuntu computers and the two printers that I care about at this stage. [01:41] I'm about ready to put them all in a blender too, so don't take too long with it! [01:42] if it was a smartphone I'd consider it [01:42] lol [01:42] etfb: this is volunteer help, you don't get to demand a timeframe on how you're assisted. [01:42] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620870/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/9620871 [01:43] etfb: in fact that attitude is an incredibly poor one, especially since you haven't even stated makes and models yet [01:43] daftykins: It's OK, I've been having this problem on and off for thirty years, I'm in no hurry. [01:43] well done, one wisecrack too many. good luck, you're on your own [01:43] I'm not blaming you guys. I'm DEFINITELY blaming the printers. [01:44] But hey, feel free to misinterpret my words in the worst possible way. Merry Christmas and fuck you. [01:44] Blendtec: oh boy [01:44] bad mess? [01:44] Blendtec: yeah [01:44] hmm, feisty. [01:44] Blendtec: type cat /etc/issue [01:45] I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with crouton/chroot [01:45] Blendtec: EriC^_ Yeah .. precise repos on trusty ! [01:45] Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l [01:46] Blendtec: ok [01:46] crouton is a distro? [01:46] it had 12.02 LTS on here before and then it offered to upgrade, so I took the plunge and it actually worked [01:46] it's a method to get Linux on Chromebooks [01:47] afaik [01:47] i see [01:47] or to get Ubuntu to work freely on it anyway [01:47] but I am no expert and just go by guides and articles [01:48] http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/795730-how-to-easily-install-ubuntu-on-chromebook-with-crouton [01:48] Blendtec: did you install those ppa's? [01:49] btw what time do you have there on the other side? :) maybe i come tomorow again and ask? if no one has time atm :) there is 02:47 and i am realy tired :D so tomorow maybe better? its not in a hurry becouse its on a virtual box, but wanna learn :) [01:49] which ones? not sure where to look [01:50] the ones that start with ppa.launchpad... [01:50] not to my knowledge [01:50] and i think blendtec has the biger problem atm :) [01:51] I don't mind starting over if need be but it would be nice to know where I went wrong with installs [01:52] I know I have to be careful with ppa's but the only exception I made was the nilarimogard/webupd8 one because that was on a trustworthy site [01:53] Blendtec: it would probably be best to ask in the #crouton channel as we don't know if those ppa's are needed for it to work or.. [01:54] ok, thanks for the effort though.. if this was regular Ubuntu I guess we would've solved it by now [01:54] no problem === odroid is now known as twave [01:56] Eric do you have maybe some time to look if you see somting wrong? or should i come later? after i sleep`d :D [01:57] whiteeagle: i'm afraid i'm not too good with networking, ask the channel and somebody will respond if they know [01:58] okey no problem :) [01:58] :) [01:59] so ask to the chanel, does someone know whats wrong on those setings? or with this error mesage? there you can see it ---> http://www.twitch.tv/wHITEeAGLE112 [02:00] i wanna try to instal pydio from a step by step guide :) and i dont know realy much, so.. hope someone can help me at this point :) [02:01] that's a twitch stream not a pastebin [02:02] ;] [02:02] yeah.. o do i need to post pastebien? [02:02] depends what you're up to [02:02] !details [02:02] Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [02:03] k, how can i put it in pastebien? i cant coppy and drag right?.. [02:09] whiteeagle: explain what you're trying to do and any errors you're getting and paste them in paste.ubuntu.com [02:10] yes but how can i copy from ubuntu server console? :) [02:10] install pastebinit and then pastebinit [02:12] how do I change my locale to en_US.UTF-8? I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure localse and all it does is run through generating about a dozen locales, it doesn't give me a menu as expected to let me pick a locale. Also is there any reason why I'd want so many locales available, I can't see why I'd need anything other than en_US.UTF-8? [02:12] whiteeagle: yeah can pipe stuff to it too blablabla | pastebinit [02:13] *you [02:15] okey try it :) [02:17] Ubuntu 14.04, trying to connect to an ssh server with "sftp://address", get this, "Sorry, could not display all the contents of “ (sftp)”: The specified location is not supported" [02:17] Connecting to the same server in Filezilla or via ssh in the terminal works fine. [02:17] Missing package? [02:19] boah... i am to tired -.- gonna slleeep first and try it then [02:19] so thanks for the help!! iwill come back after my sleep ;) [02:20] thx! and good night or day, what ever you have :) [02:20] thanks you too :) [02:23] Hello everyone [02:24] Hello michael_p === zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe === Monotoko is now known as Guest6976 === p1l0t is now known as Guest88602 === AChristmasuv is now known as Auv [02:43] sudo apt-get update has problems on 15.04 [02:43] !+1 | dale____ [02:43] !ubuntu+1 [02:43] Vivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [02:43] thanks === kenneth is now known as Guest66511 === arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali === DEADB33F_ is now known as DEADB33F === julianwa_ is now known as julianwa === joe75_ is now known as joe75 === vlovgr_ is now known as vlovgr === bekks_ is now known as bekks === neunon_ is now known as neunon === akaWolf1 is now known as akaWolf === Granis` is now known as Granis === Spr0cket- is now known as Spr0cket === Jangal is now known as Janhouse === zenix`` is now known as zenix` === Xjs-moonshine is now known as Xjs|moonshine === inaddy is now known as tinoco === AJC_Z0 is now known as AJ_Z0 === akkad_ is now known as akkad === introom_ is now known as introom === Dart1 is now known as DarthTetris === rww is now known as Guest11685 === Guest11685 is now known as rww [03:01] do any one know how to get 2 ftp users to see the same folder [03:01] is rationalism a cult? [03:02] Let's do this. [03:02] Are we joining the Klan Ranieri_ ? [03:03] bossnicker: LMAOOOO [03:03] People who use Ubuntu as an OS are already a click. [03:04] If all of FreeNode was a high school, Ubuntu would all sit together. [03:06] hi [03:07] httpd seems to be broken. I can't access web interface. I checked with command # service httpd start and error: httpd unrecognised service. [03:07] linuxmint: apache2 not httpd [03:07] ^ [03:07] somsip: apache2? It httpd old then? [03:08] httpd is what some distros call apache [03:08] linuxmint: dunno. I' [03:08] it's been apache 2 since at leat 10.10 [03:08] for at least 6 years i think [03:08] somsip: I tried apache2ctl -k start, but error too. Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using [03:09] you haven't set your system hostname properly [03:09] this is all apache basics, go read their documentation [03:09] linuxmint: warning, not an error [03:09] daftykins: hmmm, worked before. sorry I'm a noob. [03:09] that's just a warning as somsip says. [03:09] being a noob doesn't excuse reading the docs :) [03:10] What are you trying to do linuxmint [03:10] Ranieri_: just have web interface which worked before. After much research, I seem to have narrowed the error down to apache2. [03:11] Ranieri_: final apache2 error is: Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message. httpd (pid 1200) already running. [03:11] Ranieri_: brb. [03:11] yeah that's not an error. [03:11] it's just saying your hostname isn't an FQDN [03:19] whats some cool stuff i can do on linux [03:20] what you're doing already, but with penguins. [03:20] that seems cool [03:23] can u game on linux [03:23] yes, Steam. [03:23] brya [03:24] ok can u hack or at least mess with ppl [03:24] bryan_: I've gamed windows rpg type games under wine (some degradation in vid refresh) and Linux has some games, one being Nexuiz [03:24] inappropriate. [03:26] bryan_: Short answer is yes (with any OS really), but we are not here to tell you how. [03:29] <^Phantom^> deathspawn it's up [03:35] Hey guys. 720p H.264 video cannot be played on my laptop running Xubuntu. But this chip with the Poulsbo driver supposedly has great H.264 decoding all the way up to 1080p. What can I do to fix this? [03:45] GMA500, oh dear. [03:47] Yeah it's a whole bag of fun === Guest74055 is now known as DouglasK [03:48] But it's the best I have laptop-wise [03:48] wow. tough times huh? [03:48] so what player? [03:49] I tried VLC and MPlayer [03:50] And Parole, but it choked on the fact that this card doesn't support "Xv" [03:50] squeegily: Maybe as a start: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo . Have you seen this one ? [03:50] Yeah I googled everything [03:50] I need some help diagnosing an issue. [03:51] I've a server that was running 12.04 previously without issue, although it was off for several months until recently. [03:51] I have reinstalled fresh with 14.04 Ubuntu-server. [03:51] All I got on #xubuntu was some guy saying that I'm screwed because Intel doesn't support it [03:51] It has been highly unstable since then; network fails after a while and needs a reboot, random kernel panics, kernel stack corruption errors, "recursive error detected", etc. [03:52] Am I looking at a hardware failure that coincided with me installing 14.04, at massive driver incompatibility, or something else? [03:52] according to the Arch wiki, this chip should be good for H.264 decoding.. How can I check to see if it's being properly accelerated? [03:52] The only hardware change is that it's now running a 3-drive RAID 5 setup rather than a single HDD as previously. Otherwise there were no hardware changes. [03:53] Crell: maybe try going back to the 1-HDD and see if it works again? [03:53] I wouldn't expect NEW driver issues on hardware this old (~9 years for most of it), but I also wouldn't expect hardware failures to coincide with an OS install just by chance. [03:53] squeegily: Not at all, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1984236 . maybe get the developer 'thopiekar' attention . [03:53] That would be step 1 in diagnosing it [03:53] squeegily: That is unfortunately difficult. The old HDD is now in an external enclosure that is poorly designed so I can't get the drive back out. :-) [03:53] * Crell discovered this the hard way and was displeased. [03:53] Bummer :( [03:54] Quite. [03:54] I thought I had it bad with my stupid Dell hard drive mounting rails [03:54] Crell: step 1 memtest. [03:54] daftykins: Can that be run from a booted HDD or do I need to use a dedicated recovery CD for it? [03:54] Hmm I think Ubuntu comes with it by defauly [03:55] It is an operating system, so to speak [03:55] Crell: go via the GRUB menu, but bootable media is nicest [03:55] not even vaguely an OS, it's an app :P [03:55] So it needs to be booted regardless. With Ubuntu, it comes on the HDD by default [03:56] hi everyone [03:56] Ah, gotcha. Running it now. [03:56] Will report back shortly. [03:56] 11 pages.. how do I get the Archive view on Ubuntu forums? The one with the trimmed-down HTML and one-page view [03:57] Ah found it [03:58] I'm using rsync to back up a NAS to a server and then to a hdd, I'm trying to work out the best way to avoid deleting files when the filesystem is not available. [03:58] ie, network or RAID fails and there are no files on the source [03:58] the last thing you want to have happen is rsync delete the files on the target... [03:58] which is happening to me at the moment... [03:58] heh [04:00] The posts on that forum thread dated Oct 2012 say that te gma500 doesn't support video acceleration [04:00] But the Arch Wiki page as of today says it does [04:00] So the question is [04:00] as of today? you really think something'd change in such an ancient chipset as of today? :) [04:01] Did that change due to the driver code being finished, or was it due to changes in the chipsets [04:01] the poulsbo SCH and GMA were terrible, i remember they didn't even work with Linux for a while [04:01] wackshead: Are you truly backing up or just synching data? [04:01] ...the chipset does not change [04:01] jeffrey_f, syncing, but really trying to backup [04:02] ie sync NAS->server [04:02] then sync server->USB hdd [04:02] squeegily: Might check : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2107593 <-3D accelaration with Poulsbo GMA500 through EMGD: a work in progress. // Maybe EMGD has been dropped ?? [04:03] So, your end result would be a file or group of files on a disk somewhere? [04:03] jeffrey_f, yes. [04:03] ANy secret tips on installing skype on 14.10? [04:04] jeffrey_f, but I need to make sure the file system isn't missing first... [04:05] In that thread they seem to be discussing getting 3D working [04:05] wackshead: How about zip'ing/rar/tar to a destination? [04:06] jeffrey_f, what's the difference? [04:06] It looks like you can use an outdated closed-source driver with an ancient kernel and X.Org version to get some mediocre 3D acceleration for Unity or Minecraft [04:06] Nothing applying to H.264 decoding :( [04:08] any great webcam apps other than cheese? [04:08] throw it in the bin, pick up a new machine - wahey video playback \o/ [04:08] Explain step 2 in detail a but [04:08] a bit [04:08] Step 1.5: acquire Money [04:09] :) [04:09] or get donated [04:09] wackshead: the way you are doing it now puts copies of files, this way compresses to one or a few compressed files with many files inside to a folder. If you name them with a date, you can remove older files to save space..... === emma_ is now known as emma [04:09] I have $350 in savings for a new desktop ATM.. I got this for Xmas from a friend who didn't need it anymore; I was hoping to use it for web, coding, and Anime [04:10] It seems I may have to use it for just two of these [04:10] wait, is your HD animé hi10p? [04:10] this file you're trying to play? [04:11] No; it's Joshiraku (H.264@720p) and maybe someday the Spice and Wolf Blu-Ray rips (1080p) [04:12] I can always just use ffmpeg to create a low-res copy.. but that makes me sad to have to do [04:13] I'm having trouble resuming from suspend on this laptop (Acer Aspire One 751h). Most people have issues with the video card, but this one gets stuck in the actual sleep mode (doesn't respond to power button or keys and I have to pull the battery) [04:15] oh lord a netbook too? [04:16] well, i'm out - sorry got no suggestions here, that thing is dead [04:16] Waaa skype wont work on my fresh 14.10 install DX [04:18] rocketpenguin, "won't work ..." means ... ? [04:18] cfhowlett, It wont launch [04:19] cfhowlett, I have followed just about every set of instructions that i have fund [04:19] rocketpenguin, open a terminal. type skype press note error messages [04:19] cfhowlett, and still, i haven't got it to launch [04:19] cfhowlett, skype: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [04:20] cfhowlett, should have dont that before asking... ;_; [04:20] rocketpenguin, great. post the error message " + ubuntu" into a search engine [04:21] cfhowlett, This is a gpu error?! [04:22] I'm on 14.10 and it seems to be slowing down/locking up occasionally. Only a hard reset will work. How can I view the system logs for the last boot. All I see under /var/log/syslog is the current boot. [04:23] rocketpenguin, "November 26th, 2012, 12:34 PM [04:23] I solved this problem. The .so file that existed but was reported as "doesn't exist" was incompatible with the system architecture; it was a 32 bit version, but I have a 64 bit operating system. I changed the path, so it now points to a 64 bit version,and it works. (It still has some other bugs, though)." [04:24] schtinky, seems like an architecture disagreement: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2088175.html [04:24] cfhowlett, Ah. Now it launches, after installing a few of those required files [04:24] cfhowlett, Thankies! [04:24] rocketpenguin, happy2help [04:25] Incredibly stupid question: Is there a common (buy in bestbuy/amazon) 802.11AC wireless USB adapter that doesn't require makefiles or crazy shit, and "just works" in linux? I'm not finding much online that lends any hope. [04:25] https://www.thinkpenguin.com/ MrAristo [04:27] MrAristo. I know that pain. This is the one I found that works for me: http://www.trendnet.com/products/proddetail.asp?status=view&prod=265_TEW-424UB [04:27] xangua, Yup, been there. Via roughly 5 different searches. They've got nothing. [04:27] MrAristo: atheros, typically. [04:27] MrAristo: -AC and USB is a rookie mistake though === html is now known as neebs [04:27] that's like attaching jet engines to a plane with chewing gum [04:27] MrAristo. My internal nic and many cisco usb sticks didn't work. That trendnet one did. [04:28] daftykins, I'm pretty sure it is, but that's my constraints right now, unfortunately. === neebs is now known as neewbs [04:28] it's down to the chipset, not the brand [04:28] cfhowlett; I'm not sure I'm following you. that link doesn't appear to have anything to do with my issue [04:29] schtinky, eeks. sorry. that was for someone else. [04:29] schmidtm, Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's 802.11G, not 802.11AC, correct? [04:30] MrAristo: you're mistaken if you think you must have -ac [04:30] cfhowlett, np. thought I was going crazy or something. :) [04:32] MrAristo, if you're talking to me, I think that's right. Sorry I didn't see your AC requirement. [04:32] daftykins, Would you mind expounding on that? Right now the network I'm trying to play with is a 5Ghz network only, and I'm a fair distance from the broadcast. [04:32] schmidtm, No worries mate. Thanks anyway! [04:32] schtinky, No worries mate, Thanks anyway [04:32] -n is MIMO with good range [04:33] you're a distance away from a 5GHz? you're probably out of luck then [04:33] Damn. [04:33] most Linux drivers don't even support the 5GHz portion of the hardware [04:33] Yeah, that's what I've been seeing, but I hoped I wasn't looking in the right spots. [04:33] it's a mess [04:34] do you have another wifi device you can confirm the signal strength with? like a 5GHz capable smartphone? [04:34] I've got a MacMini that picks up the 5GHz signal just fine it looks like. [04:35] make a wired bridge out of the mac? :) [04:35] I've been thinking about that. Not my first choice, obviously, but if that's all I can do, I might go down that road. [04:36] i'm sure with research you could probably find a supported adapter [04:37] Yeah, I've been trying for the last 14 hours. [04:38] Went down that road of screwing with makefiles to get a Netgear A6210 working after I could beat windows drivers into submission with ndiswrapper. And the linux mediatek chipset drivers for the A6200 don't work with the A6210, sadly. [04:39] s/could/couldn't/ [04:39] ndiswrapper :( if you have to resort to that, i would already call it game over [04:40] anywho get the wired bridging going, at least you can be online to sort drivers etc then [04:40] i've gotta head off now, good luck \o [04:43] Thanks daftykins. Have a wonderful new year! [04:43] and you :) [04:47] пп === paulus68_ is now known as paulus68 === tekojo is now known as Guest10982 === Metachristmas is now known as Metacity [05:01] daftykins: memtest comes back clean. No errors after running the full suite. [05:04] daftykins: Any idea what to check next? [05:07] can anyone help me with this cloaking [05:11] Antones97@unaffillated/Antones97 [05:11] Antones97: cloaking as in IRC ? then "/join #freenode" and ask there . [05:11] to get a cloak usually you'd ask in #freenode [05:19] hi [05:20] hi [05:20] mahi_: Hello, a support question ? [05:21] i want ur help [05:21] !ask | mahi_ [05:21] mahi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [05:24] how to chat through the ubuntu terminal [05:25] !info irssi [05:25] irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.16-1ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 652 kB, installed size 2617 kB [05:25] !irssi | mahi_ [05:25] mahi_: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen [05:25] mahi_: for a terminal based IRC client .. install irssi . For help with irssi join #irssi . [05:31] really dumb terminal question, but hard to google...what does the tilde (~) mean in the terminal? Does it mean to take action in the current directory? [05:37] groot: Well one meaning is ' /~ ' - short hand for " /home/ ". [05:39] groot: errr ,, opps s/b ' ~/ ' as that short hand . [05:42] i want a really cheap tablet for 'wacom' and maybe some light 3d stuff, that'll run ubuntu more or less seamlessly, as cheap as possible...any recommendations? === Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ [06:17] how can I set a shortcut in ubuntu to programs that requires su access, like pm-hibernate or poweroff? [06:21] lasdam: how about add that to visudoer and using sudo? [06:22] lasdam: but most of the time, you don't need to call that command, display manager or session manager can manage that. [06:23] Stanley00: as far as I can see (which is not very far yet) gnome-session doesn't seem to support hibernate at all nor forced (no confirmation) poweroff :/ I'll try visudo [06:25] Hi, I have recently bought a new laptop, Do you know how can I transfer my old programs and their configurations to the new one? [06:27] mojtaba: most config stay in your $HOME directory, so you just need to *reinstall* your program on new machine, and copy *all* your $HOME into your new machine. [06:28] Stanley00: Like thunderbird, should I install add ons too? [06:30] mojtaba: AFAIK, thunderbird's configs is at $HOME/.thunderbird, including extensions, so you don't need to reinstall add on, I think :3 [06:31] Stanley00:Thanks [06:32] mojtaba: welcome :3 [06:36] есть кто русско говорящие =) [06:40] Hi. I came here just to say that I prefer Ubuntu over Fedora because Ubuntu has got Monodevelop in repo, so there's no need for compiling etc. === jack is now known as Guest73166 === FlannelKing is now known as Flannel [06:59] Somename00: visudo didn't help [07:01] lasdam: can you be more details? :3 [07:03] Stanley00: I added my username to the 'sudo' group and also duplicated the root = ALL(ALL:ALL) entry, but s/root/myusername/, logged out, didn't work, rebooted, still didn't work (neither to execute the commands with or without sudo with alt+f2 nor as hotkeys) [07:04] iptable, permission to offtopic in private? [07:04] lasdam: did it give any error message? or just simply *not work*? [07:05] Stanley00: where does/would the error messages go to? [07:05] lasdam: you didn't run in a terminal? [07:06] Stanley00: no? it's to be run as a shortcut, not from a terminal [07:07] lasdam: you should test in a teminal first, and for case with the shortcut, you need to make that command can run with sudo *without* the password === shazzr_ is now known as shazzr [07:07] Stanley00: it's always worked from the terminal. but yeah, you're right on that last detail, I'll try fixing that [07:15] Stanley00: do I actually need to relog/reboot for changes to take place after visudo? [07:15] lasdam: no, most of the time [07:17] Stanley00: hmm, well, I made the entry 'myusername ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate /sbin/poweroff' and I still can't execute either outside the terminal. I'll try to reboot [07:19] Excuse me, What is command for Ubuntu system reset via ssh..? [07:20] chansol: sudo reboot? [07:21] Stanley00: still no success [07:22] um.. I mean initial state [07:22] Is it impossible? [07:25] lasdam: your entry looks not good to me, should it be "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ...." ? [07:27] Stanley00: I tried the line you wrote, but without relogging or rebooting it still doesn't work [07:28] lasdam: just a min, I need to test this on my machine [07:28] Stanley00: ok [07:30] lasdam: worked on my machine without reboot :( [07:30] Stanley00: as a shortcut/from launcher (alt+F2)? [07:31] lasdam: from terminal, with other binary file === andrex is now known as andrex|off [07:31] Stanley00: it's never been an issue from terminal ^^ my problem is how to get it to run as a shortcut/from launcher [07:32] lasdam: you can run sudo without password from terminal too? [07:33] What does ubuntu4.1 mean in Package: apache2 (2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1) [security]? Or the -1? === andrex|off is now known as andrex [07:34] Stanley00: actually no, it still asks for password in terminal [07:34] lasdam: that's the problem, and reason why I always test in terminal first :3 [07:34] can someone do me a favor? on [[ciphershed]] refs 2 and 4 link to andriod applications that are claimed to be compatible, but on those two there is no support of the format ciphershed uses, now ref 3 *may* be compatible, but i have not had a chance to check if ciphershed does infact use the TC format, I'd fix it but im stuck on mobile ATM, and my desktop is in the middle of a rebuild. [07:35] lasdam: first, can you check the file type of /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate and /sbin/poweroff ? [07:36] gak, sorry, wrong chan, [07:36] nginx77, you'll probably find in searching through repositories, that package version numbers bear some relation to versions of related packages but not as things that make sense to dissect or compare to distro versions [07:36] Stanley00: I don't know how. also shouldn't we first try to fix granting of sudo access without a password entry? I tried sudo echo hi, and even that asked for a password [07:37] to put a package version in context it's better to follow package history [07:37] lasdam: what is your entry in sudoer file? [07:37] Stanley00: john ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL [07:39] lasdam: I don't know too, I got some problem with some program when run sudo without password too. [07:40] lasdam: what is the output of "ls -l `which sudo` ; ls -l /etc/sudoers " ? [07:42] Stanley00: I fixed it with this (I can run sudo without passwd now) http://askubuntu.com/questions/504652/adding-nopasswd-in-etc-sudoers-doesnt-work [07:44] Stanley|00: running pm-hibernate from launcher works now, but not from shortcut :P === Stanley|00 is now known as Stanley00 [07:45] Stanley|00: nvm, it will probably work, I forgot to add 'sudo' to the shortcuts [07:45] lasdam: :P [07:47] Stanley00: crap, it still doesn't work. but I'll continue to work on this on my own. thanks for your help! === rwp_ is now known as rwp [08:01] works === intx_ is now known as intx [08:05] nginx77, in your apache version case, having "ubuntu" as part of its version implies they were unable to use an upstream version of the package and had to customize for ubuntu derivatives to deal with something specific to those platforms === [Arab] is now known as [Arab]2 === the_ktosiek is now known as ktosiek [08:14] To enable UTF-8 support: edit /etc/locale.gen; uncomment the correct locale with a 'UTF-8' extension; run `locale-gen`; run `localectl set-locale LANG=...` for the same locale you just generated; reboot. [08:15] Forget about Windows. [08:15] I just tried to install Ubuntu on my new toshiba satellite CL15-B1300 netbook. it has a 32gig eMMC drive. boots off USB fine, i left the EFI partition unformatted, removed the 3 NTFS partitions, added a 31.-whatever btrfs root filesystem.. everything "installed" fine. and looks fine on the hard drive. but when i rebooted, instead of the Ubuntu EFI boot process I got a blue screen informing that Windo [08:15] ws has been damaged [08:15] safe boot is turned off, and everything else in the setup looks appropriate for linux [08:16] should I have reformatted the EFI boot partition? [08:16] and what can i try to fix this? === html is now known as neebs === neebs is now known as html === xubuntu is now known as Guest91522 [08:19] You could always virtualize it. [08:20] i am trying systemd on 14.10 although i already made ssh to my virtualbox, when ever i say systemctl stop ssh, i dont loose my ssh connection, still there is an sshd is running although systemctl status ssh displays the ssh service is stopped. Any idea? [08:21] Pascale: no i want to run it natively, and again, 32gig eMMC hard drive isnt really big enough for two operating systems [08:21] windows 8.1 was consuming more than half of that [08:22] small damn linux, or puppylinux larsrover [08:23] ubuntu should be fine in 32gig. [08:23] im asking what to try next to get Ubuntu to boot [08:24] doug64k: You might like MATE [08:24] full of python [08:25] They save files without looking in random places [08:26] doug64k: do what I did and rent a dedicated server [08:26] Pascale: are you a bot? :( [08:26] no, only tiling wm [08:27] I'm probably going to give my parents a Windows KVM that doesn't save changes on reboot [08:31] jrgill: where do you think I got my box? ;) [08:32] doug64k: good chance of it working well :) [08:37] hey, guys, why I have that error? [08:37] https://paste.akawolf.us.to/view/XNmWI [08:37] https://paste.akawolf.us.to/view/XNmWI [08:39] hi ))) can i ask you: The Unity webplayer does not work only on a certain site... On other sites it works...before everything worked fine) Ubuntu 12.04, Firefox [08:44] Pascale I've detected a virus on your system.. [08:44] >:) === mike is now known as slottedspoon [08:45] Cervantes: you can use an unsecure version, no problem [08:46] If you just need the ability to move the mouse then start gpm. [08:51] join /#cmake === andrex is now known as andrex|off === [Arab]2 is now known as [Arab] [08:59] nice channel [08:59] can i ask a question here? [09:03] a question concerning tomboy notes [09:04] hello everyone how are you? I would like to know if there is a way to get mousepad to run in single instance mode? so if mousepad is open and I open another file mousepad opens the second file in a new tab instead of a new window. [09:06] I'm not sure where i heard this but wasn't there a add in for Tomboynotes that gave advice based upon the usage of words and language? [09:08] anybody has got solution to two chrome browser icons in taskbar [09:08] google doesn't give me anything working [09:10] what desktop do you use? [09:11] Holzbein: as I am writing on Ubuntu, default [09:11] # [09:11] unity? [09:11] unity ronaldsmazitis [09:11] y [09:12] this bug is for chome and chromium [09:12] both [09:13] ronaldsmazitis is a bug did you look it up [09:13] google doesn't give me anything working [09:14] I have reinstalled both browsers few times [09:14] and bug just keeps coming back [09:14] also deleting files [09:14] in .config [09:16] so what's the issue? You have the google chrom .desktop file twice in the launcher? [09:16] :0 [09:16] two icons [09:17] one works other doesn't [09:17] lol === Icedream- is now known as Icedream [09:17] act like you don't know [09:17] maybe not using chrome or chromium [09:17] or 14.04 [09:17] I kinda fixed issue like 4 times [09:18] but it keeps coming back [09:18] so I gave up === akin_ is now known as akin [09:21] Bios updates don't come with regular ubuntu updates? [09:21] Holzbein: yes [09:22] why is my bios updated then? [09:22] Holzbein, bios comes from the computer manufacturer, not ubuntu [09:22] if it is a question :) [09:22] it's weird [09:22] I fell asleep during a video on youtube using firefox in fullscreen [09:23] when i woke up there was freezeframe [09:23] next restart the boot process was different [09:23] why? [09:24] why don't Skype and Chromium launch in Ubuntu 14.04 MATE? How do i fix it so they do? [09:24] Guest30304, ask mate ... not an official ubuntu flavor [09:26] Holzbein: maybe you slept too long :P what is the difference in boot process? [09:26] do they launch in the official 14.04 flavours? [09:26] Guest30304, usually [09:27] the manufacturer logo appears on screen also it skips the memtest [09:27] http://askubuntu.com/questions/396448/google-chrome-opens-wrong [09:27] 1 links === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [09:27] answer is wrong [09:27] icon appears again [09:27] when pushed again [09:28] x crashed a few times recently, idk if it has anything to do with it [09:30] i format a usb drive in gparted as ext2 filesystem, with a single partition of about 62Gb. Gparted finishes without error. however when I go to use the usb stick, I get errors and it won't mount " EXT4-fs (sda1): group descriptors corrupted!". Seems odd because I formatted it as ext2. Any ideas? [09:31] batabatu, you formatted as ext2. OF COURSE ext4 (the default) doesn't work. [09:31] ok so the system tries to mount it as ext4 by default? [09:32] batabatu, that's what it's looking for, yes [09:32] batabatu, why are you using an obsolete partition scheme, i.e. ext2? [09:32] I formatted the drive as ext2 because I read somewhere that that was optimal for a usb drive. Maybe I should use ext4 then [09:33] batabatu, this is for booting ubuntu? [09:33] no [09:33] batabatu, ... [09:33] I just want to use it as a storage device [09:33] batabatu, ext4 [09:34] ok reformatting now. I'm sure I tried that earlier and had errors, but I'll try again [09:34] EXT4-fs (sda1): error loading journal [09:35] its not working as ext4 either [09:35] FAT32 [09:35] batabatu, you are using gparted, yes? [09:35] wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, [09:35] yes [09:36] batabatu, gparted > create partition table> msdos > new partition ext4 [09:37] fat32 is usually the default for flash drive [09:37] hmm I seem to be missing the msdos step [09:37] batabatu, yep [09:37] neurosis- true. [09:37] is that the "Label" field [09:37] ? [09:37] batabatu, partition table is msdos [09:37] maybe thats where I went wrong, I was writing a name for my drive there [09:38] batabatu, :) no labels needed [09:38] I don't have an option for partition table [09:38] i can "create as" primary partition, "File system" ext4 and "Label" is an empty text field === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia [09:38] btw.... In Disk Cleanup tool, update added is a new function to "clear the updates". I'm afraid that it will delete the update at all? So it is safe or not? [09:39] batabatu, unmount the current partition. create partition TABLE [09:39] http://askubuntu.com/questions/22381/how-to-format-a-usb-flash-drive [09:39] batabatu, gparted > device > create partition table [09:40] ok thanks that must be the step I missed [09:41] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, [09:41] nope [09:43] why is it sdb1 [09:43] ? [09:43] shouldn't it be sdb? [09:44] Holzbein, it would [09:44] i'm selecting sdb from the drop down menu [09:45] so I delete the old partition, create a msdos partition table, create a new partition of type primary, ext4.... what am I doing wrong? [09:45] hey guys [09:45] batabatu, partition TABLE! [09:45] so what about tomboy any help? [09:46] nm-connection-editor says: Invalid setting IPv4 Settings: addresses [09:46] i used to have grub installed to /dev/sda1, but now i need it to be installed to the mbr on /dev/sda. if I do grub-install /dev/sda it seems to fix it for my current boot, but i get the feeling that on subsequent boots when apt runs something that updates grub it installs to the partition again [09:46] when I try to make a static connection [09:46] how can i make this change permanent? [09:47] Format not partition batabatu [09:47] totesmuhgoats, "I get the feeling ... " errr, no. TEST it. Facts > feelings [09:47] ok so create new partition table, then new partition, then format it? [09:48] cfhowlett, how can i test it? i base my feeling on the fact that when i reboot changes don't seem to be persistent the times that i don't issue grub-install /dev/sda [09:48] totesmuhgoats, "... don't seem ..." ? [09:49] cfhowlett, i agree, i would love to test it, i'm not sure how i can in this case other than to make a change and reboot and see if the change is persistent [09:49] which i have done [09:49] cfhowlett: could it be that it's not working because I'm working with a usb drive and not a HDD? [09:49] so i am wondering if there's a log or something that you'd like me to consult [09:49] totesmuhgoats, does grub menu appear as expected on reboot? [09:49] batabatu, should not matter ... [09:50] hmm I wonder if the thing is physically damaged [09:50] cfhowlett, i didn't alter the grub menu, but doing something like installing a kernel does not boot into the new kernel unless i have specified grub-setup /dev/sda on the boot when i installed it [09:50] although it was fine until I tried this [09:50] let me try altering the menu and see what happens [09:51] totesmuhgoats, ah! that is definitive. grub should update with each kernel. if it's not, you *can* manually update, but that should not be happening [09:51] cfhowlett, well i figure that there is probably a setting somewhere, but /etc/default/grub doesn't seem to have anything [09:51] i'm still deciphering /etc/grub.d/00_header [09:52] totesmuhgoats, wait, I'm unclear: IS grub now at /dev/sda? [09:53] grub was at /dev/sda1, but i convereted to btrfs, so now it has to be at /dev/sda which i've done manually. when i do apt operations and it updates grub it updates the one on /dev/sda1 which is inaccessible because of the new filesystem, so i get the copy on the mbr which has not been updated to reflect the changes [09:53] * cfhowlett prepares to bail out ... [09:54] yea, i'm considering the same myself, i'm pretty sleepy [09:54] totesmuhgoats, I understand that btrfs acts differently with grub, but I don't know enough to advise. sorry. ask again in channel. lots of smart(er) folks than I ... [09:55] ok so I found I can format the drive as fat32, but when I format it as ext4 it doesn't work... [09:55] what if you use the standard disk-tool instead of gparted? [09:56] ok ill try that now === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [09:56] cfhowlett, thanks for at least attempting to answer :) [09:57] totesmuhgoats, happy2help [09:58] Holzbein: didn't work either. Maybe this USB stick is only capable of Fat32 [10:02] Hi, am unable to install an application on Ubuntu as it needs Java which I have installed [10:02] !java | Sharetel [10:02] Sharetel: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [10:02] java version "1.7.0_65" [10:02] OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.3) (7u71-2.5.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) [10:02] OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode) [10:09] was there an app that gives life-advice based on Text input sort of like siri? [10:11] i'm sure there was a friend of mine once fed it the whole ICQ History and it gave great advice === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [10:13] i think it was a feature of tomboy, but i don't find anythin yet [10:14] ICQ lol [10:15] back in the day [10:16] great [10:18] hey all. I gave the kunubtu desktop a spin.... [10:18] did n't like it and now my GTK themes are KDE'ified [10:18] how can I make everything look all unity like again? [10:18] !pureubuntu | triss [10:18] triss: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu [10:19] cheers cfhowlett [10:19] triss, happy2help [10:20] nargh. half those packages can't be found. [10:21] i'm 14.10 here [10:21] triss, which metapackage did you install for KDE? [10:30] kubuntu-desktop I think [10:31] Iguess thats the chap tp get ri dof first? [10:31] erm. I guess that should be gotten rid of first [10:31] triss, sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop === Malsasa is now known as Guest84775 === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [10:32] cheers man. having a go now, [10:32] all that did was remove the metapacakge [10:32] everything else still seems to be installed... [10:34] triss, meaning "KDE-ified"? [10:34] Did you run apt-get autoremove as the removal of the metapackage told you? [10:38] Ubuntu 14.10 mouse pad not working [10:38] server irc.oltreirc.org [10:38] bekks it didn't tell me [10:38] triss, no worries. try it now [10:39] it doesn't appear to do anything [10:39] nothting to remove or upgrade [10:39] triss, now ... sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop [10:40] ah thanks. login and out? [10:40] it was a tiny reinstall [10:40] triss, any feedback from that command? [10:41] yup. it installed just the one pacakge [10:41] triss, try logout/login [10:41] thanks guys [10:43] Hello [10:44] no change here guys :/ [10:46] !gksudo [10:46] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [10:46] triss, over my head. someone here should know. [10:47] thanks any way man. enjoy your day [10:47] triss, same to you. [10:49] hi, I have problem with mouse pad in ubuntu. [10:49] what can I do ? [10:49] You could tell us about the specific problems. [10:49] !details | galib, [10:49] galib,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [10:51] I have installed ubuntu 14.10 in my hp 240, every thing is ok, but the mouse pad is not working properly. what should i do? [10:52] galib, I went to the doctor and said "Doc! I'm sick! Heal me!" same level of detail as you provided... === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [10:54] check2 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... [10:54] !test | r00ted , [10:54] r00ted ,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) [10:54] Ask me what you need to know? My touch pad is not working smoothly like it does in windows or by external usb mouse. [10:58] My laptop model = hp 240, install ubuntu 32 bit, version 14.10 === BlueShark_ is now known as BlueShark [10:59] galib, see system settings > mouse and touchpad [11:00] i have allwinner android tablet, can i install ubuntu touch in it? === niekie_ is now known as nikis [11:00] !touch | r00ted [11:00] r00ted: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch [11:02] off-topic: i need some mental support, which server and channel should i join? [11:02] !ot | r00ted [11:02] r00ted: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [11:03] i got 3 ubotto response straight ... :D [11:06] Hi there, I'm having two issues on xfce4 on xubuntu 14.10. The main problem is the action button which save by default the session : there is no option about it, and if the session is saved, I have when I log back a buggy xfce4-panel and xfdesktop [11:06] hello [11:06] smackthat [11:06] Hi, Happy new year :) [11:06] So I want the action button to not save the session [11:07] I have a problem with shortcuts again , When I press the "Ctrl+Alt" the windows Maximizes :( [11:07] I want MINT [11:07] !mint | ImpulzeQ, [11:07] ImpulzeQ,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [11:08] thanks mattie [11:08] Oh, btw, I'm quite sure I have the same issue when I use the xfce menu in fact : even if the option is disable, the session is saved when I reboot or shutdown the computer. [11:09] Hello there o/ [11:09] Do you know how to add an app to the "mail icon" so that when we receive a new message, it turns blue? [11:10] I actually have Tox installed and I only get the notifications with the icon moving in the dock [11:11] It seems like the bug reported on https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=8082&p=2 and https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7930 but still "working" on xfce 4.10 / xubuntu 14.04 [11:11] bugzilla.xfce.org bug 7930 in Action Buttons "Panel action button Logout always save session." [Normal,New] [11:13] How do I install vagrant 1.7.1 on ubuntu(studio)? apt-get gives me an old version, and the installers on the website simply say ' error installing vagrant...' [11:13] Hi Guys, anyone on? [11:13] !ask | TobbeF, [11:13] TobbeF,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [11:13] !patience [11:13] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [11:14] SohamG, if it's not in the repos, compile from source [11:16] cfhowlett, the one in the repo's is the old version, which is of no use to me, and I am pretty sure vagrant is closed source [11:16] SohamG, then your options are limited. contact vagrant's publisher for advice. [11:16] >> Question << I'm working on setting up my own webserver using Ubuntu Server 14.04 via LAMP. So far I have followed a few different guides and noone seems to work. I am currently trying to get Apache2 to use my /homes/myusername/public_html as website home to view it from web. And it throws a Forbidden, you dont have permission to access / on this server error. I have tried adding both my [11:16] user and the folder to the www-data group without results. [11:16] * cfhowlett ubottu !info vagrant [11:17] cfhowlett, ok thanks :) === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [11:17] SohamG, happy2help [11:17] seems like adding the --fast option to xfce4-logout is a workaround, but I don't know how to edit either the action button, either the "Disconnect..." window's buttons [11:18] TobbeeF check your apache config file ... [11:18] maybe it doesnot allow you to index files [11:19] r00ted << thats the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf right? [11:19] probably [11:20] r00ted << what am I looking for? (I'm new to linux but not to working with command prompts and command prompts editors etc) === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa === Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru [11:22] create a sample file in the folder, and try to access it [11:23] I think I'll use menu-libre in order to create the "reboot" and "halt" button, with the "xfce4-session-logout --fast --reboot" and "xfce4-session-logout --fast --halt" command. I hope this will work, until the bug is fixed. If you know another not to have xfce4-panel and xfdesktop buggy in a saved session, that would be perfect. [11:23] sweet! so it seems that adding my user and the folder inquestion to the www-data group did help. I just forgot to update my apache2.conf directory reference to reflect the new folder :) [11:24] I couldn't be happier right now :) [11:24] All in all I am starting to shift from being a windows user to an ubuntu/linux user. Sure somethings are hard and darn right frustrating with ubuntu. but when you got it going it will stay working ;) [11:24] Many thanks for your awesome help r00ted :) [11:25] ur welcome TobbeF [11:26] TobbeF, http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.org/issueSE01_en.pdf [11:26] After I upgrade the ubuntu to kernal 3.13.0-43-generic , everytime I turn off the pc it auto restart [11:26] what could it happen ? [11:26] cfhowlett THANKS! Is this still valid for 14.04? [11:27] nbusrone sounds like a setting that has tweaked the os shutoff to reboot instead of power off but i'm rather just guessing now. I had this exact problem with windows about 2 years ago [11:27] TobbeF: I dont thinks so, since that article/pdf is about 5 years old. [11:28] thanks bekks, I'll read through it non the less to see if I can learn something new (which is most likely) [11:28] TobbeF, use it as guidance but also see the official ubuntu server guide wiki [11:28] TobbeF : I am not too sure but I can clearly heard it's more like power cut off then it restart rather than normal restart without power cut off [11:29] thanks guys, I'm pretty sure I will frequent this channel in the comming weeks and months. I'm quite tired of the windows bs and starting to appreciate ubuntu more and more [11:29] TobbeF, https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ happy2help [11:29] what windows bs? [11:29] TobbeF : would it be bios issue ? [11:29] hi [11:31] nbusrone: Most likely it is a BIOS issue, specifically in the ACPI DSDT table. [11:32] pac1 for one the ever increase windows update bloating, [11:32] bekks , but previous kernal works well , hm guess I need to roll back ? [11:32] anyways I need to head off guys. Once again super thanks for the help :) [11:32] nbusrone: I'd try to update the BIOS instead :) [11:33] nbusrone, yep. OR ... LTS only. lots fewer headaches that way. YMMV [11:34] cfhowlett : using LTS right now [11:34] bekks , will try and update the bios , will report back [11:35] nbusrone, nice! update the bios, go forth and sin no more! [11:36] cfhowlett : hope it successfully and doesn't crash , finger cross === syaima is now known as sayurelektronik === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [11:46] Hi! Having an issue with deja-dup backing up at 500kb/s to a local USB3 HDD (it backed up at full speed until a virtualbox drive file ~12GB and now backing up extremely slowly) === andrex|off is now known as andrex === andrex is now known as andrex|off [11:55] lubuntu is much faster than xubuntu [11:55] !yay | ararob [11:55] ararob: Glad you made it! :-) [11:55] :) === andrex|off is now known as andrex [11:55] ararob, it is optimized for legacy and low specification hardware. [11:56] Hi there, how do I share files from my workstation? [11:56] yecril71pl: Share with what? [11:56] With LAN [11:56] I tried to find Desktop Sharing in the Dash and failed === andrex is now known as andrex|off === halo is now known as Guest8058 [11:57] cfhowlett : btw ,i had been search , how to enable full time modified for ubuntu 14.04 ? the modified date only display month and day but not hours and minute where it use to be on 12.04 lts [11:58] yecril71pl: "With LAN" is the most generic approach at all. Which systems do you want to grant access to your shares? [11:58] Linux systems [11:59] yecril71pl: Can you be specific please? [11:59] anyone with photoshop cs3,4,5,6 on Ubuntu 14.xx ? seems no way WINE/PlayOnLINUX. [11:59] openSUSE [11:59] yecril71pl: So just use NFS then. [12:00] OK I have to install it right_ [12:00] OK I have to install it right? [12:00] yecril71pl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo [12:00] edgar_, cs2 MAYBE [12:00] bekks: thanks :-) [12:01] nbusrone, I'm on ubuntustudio ... different animal [12:02] edgar_: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=17 [12:02] cs2 blast from the past.. excellent thanks [12:03] edgar_, gimp, krita, inkscape = options [12:05] hi, I have a question [12:05] how can I revert this command "sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf" [12:06] Did you overwrite an existing /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf ? [12:06] What about gnome-user-share? The configuration applet tells me it cannot work because packages are missing. [12:06] Hello, I'm receiving error: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message. Shouldn't be I tried this, but not sure where to enter ServerName localhost. [12:07] Which additional packages does gnome-user-share need to be fully functional? [12:07] bekks no its in /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf [12:07] wkhtmltopdf version in apt-get is greatly outdated [12:07] White_Cat: That wasnt my question. [12:07] White_Cat: Did a file /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf exist before you used that command? [12:07] no it didnt [12:07] Then you can just remove the /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf [12:07] I purged wkhtmltopdf related files [12:08] ah thats easy :) [12:10] do I have to restart the server for this to work? [12:11] or is there a way to list links? [12:12] You dont need to restart anything, and what do you mean by "list links"? [12:12] I think it was removed because it doesnt work anymore [12:12] hmm [12:12] Nope. [12:12] the exact problem I have is https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/1105 [12:12] You asked on how to remove it, I told you. [12:13] yeah [12:13] I know [12:13] it was very helpful [12:15] I reinstalled and started gnome-user-share [12:15] How do I access the share? [12:15] yecril71pl: that has nothing to do with NFS :) [12:16] I hoped it would be easier than NFS :-) [12:16] Easier than NFS? You will not found a filesharing mechanism like that. [12:16] why is it possible to run a ubuntu mirror on centos but no centos mirror on ubuntu ? [12:17] yecril71pl: It is perfectly possible, why wouldnt it? [12:17] "a centos mirror" is nothing but a http/ftp/rsync file storage. [12:19] I don't see it anywhere [12:19] YamakasY, where/how do you document: "not possible to run centos mirror on ubuntu" [12:19] YamakasY: You dont see what anywhere? [12:19] I see people running ubuntu mirrors on centos, but not the other way aorund :S [12:19] around [12:19] bekks: google on it [12:19] YamakasY: Then create a centos mirror on ubuntu if you like to have to have on. [12:19] YamakasY: "a centos mirror" is nothing but a http/ftp/rsync file storage. === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [12:20] bekks: and for Ubuntu it's different ? [12:20] You need apache2, ftp or rsync - and a bunch of files. [12:20] I can't access the web interface. apache2 seems to be running. [12:20] YamakasY: No. It isnt different for any distro. [12:20] bekks: I use apt-mirror on Ubuntu now, is that just rsync or so ? [12:21] linuxmint if you're using mint: it has its own channel [12:21] !mint | linuxmint [12:21] linuxmint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [12:22] MonkeyDust: maybe he runs Ubuntu too ? [12:22] MonkeyDust: Yes, I'm on LinuxMint, but this apache error runs on Ubuntu to run my ZoneMinder server. [12:22] YamakasY: It uses http, rsync, or ftp to fetch files. And then it used http, ftp, or sync to share those files. No black magic involved. [12:23] bekks: ok [12:23] who do the voodoo like you do? ;P [12:23] bekks: but weird is that apt-mirror is on centos and no "centos-mirror" is on ubuntu :S [12:23] linuxmint i missed that part in your question [12:24] YamakasY: That MAY be the cause, because Centos does not use apt but rpm... :P [12:24] YamakasY: And apt-mirror is specifically targetted to create an APT-based mirror. [12:24] bekks: centos supports apt [12:24] sure thing [12:25] YamakasY: If you like to create a Centos mirror, ask the Centos community wether they have a rpm mirror script. [12:25] kinda weird but it does [12:25] YamakasY: Centos doesnt, they translate the packages to rpm ;) [12:26] bekks: I know, but actually they do [12:26] apache2: Could not open configuration file /usr/share/gnome-user-share/dav_user_2.4.conf: No such file or directory; spawning httpd failed [12:26] they want to take us over :P [12:26] YamakasY: They still use RPM. So ask the Centos community wether they have a rpm mirror script. Which they do. === ara is now known as Guest72600 [12:27] bekks: oikay! [12:27] I have dav_user_2.2.conf instead [12:29] YamakasY: Why dont you iuse NFS? [12:29] *use [12:29] wrong tab. [12:29] yecril71pl: Why dont you use NFS? Setting up webDAV is far more complicated. [12:30] Well, I hoped it would be easier, but it seems the package gnome-user-share is broken [12:31] It requires a different configuration file than it provides [12:31] yecril71pl: There is nothing more easy than NFS file sharing. [12:31] bekks: indeed, NFS rules, webdav too... but only if a package support it and you don't have to configure yourself [12:31] YamakasY: The NFS configuration is a ONE liner. [12:31] YamakasY: And it has nothing to do with "package support". [12:32] bekks: ? I know nfs is a oneliner [12:32] bekks: no but it respond in general [12:32] The downside is that you have to be root on the client [12:32] yecril71pl: Which you need to be for all other file share mechanism, too. [12:32] yecril71pl: Thats no downside. :) [12:32] On the client?? [12:32] yecril71pl: Yes. [12:33] yecril71pl: You cannot mount shares without root privileges OR without root allowing you to mount shares. === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [12:33] But I can mount DAV shares in Nautilus without being root. [12:34] finger rick_ [12:34] yecril71pl: Thats not "mounting", thats using the broken GVFS facility :) [12:34] It is not broken, it allows me to copy and edit files. [12:34] anyone into mpd here? [12:35] yecril71pl: Good luck in setting it up then... [12:40] I've tried fixing apache, but error: http://dpaste.com/1SM3B6R === mike_ is now known as slottedspoon [12:41] linuxmint apache is server technology, try asking in #ubuntu-server [12:42] MonkeyDust: ok. [12:44] e cineva roman [12:47] hi there... anyone available for some novice tech help, please? :-) [12:47] !ask | schnitz [12:47] schnitz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [12:48] cool.. will do, thanks for letting me know [12:49] I have UbuntuStudio installed and it doesn't seem to detect a special PCI Audio Card (RME Hammerfall) under lspci [12:49] it doesn't show up under lspci [12:49] being a linux novice, what options do I have? [12:50] schnitz, purchase a supported card? [12:50] !hardware | schnitz [12:50] schnitz: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [12:51] Oh ok so basically it shows up and then its supported or it isn't and thats it... I'll check whether its supported [12:52] schnitz, in my observation/experience, if it ain't supported out of the box, it's not worth hacking/cracking to force it. if the option to replace exists ... also #opensourcemusians may have some guidance for you. [12:54] alright... sounds good. Its a rather old card and it USED to be supported, thats for sure, but I'll dig into that myself... === ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN [12:55] In ubuntu server does ntpupdate auomatically run by default? [12:55] schnitz, perhaps a better option: external interface? the presonus 1-box worked great for me for basic podcasting [12:56] actually this is a PCI audio card with an external 8-channel audio interface... so I'll try and get that to run first, and then if I'm sure it doesn't work, yes I'll get something else [13:00] .xchat2/budus.so === Snowstormer is now known as santacat [13:08] Happy Boxing Day to those who observe it :) === p is now known as Guest4915 [13:20] ] [13:21] What is the name of the screensaver that shows images from a directory? like a fading slideshow [13:23] soreau, xscreensaver is the app. the plugins power what you're looking for. BUT xscreensaver has been known to conflict with lightlocker. [13:23] cfhowlett: I am well aware of the situation, I just see that the expected one crashes.. [13:25] cfhowlett: Or for example, GL-Slideshow doesn't allow selecting a driectory of images to use recursively [13:27] hi, I am trying to follow http://acidx.net/wordpress/2014/06/installing-a-mailserver-with-postfix-dovecot-sasl-ldap-roundcube/ [13:27] I am a bit puzzled [13:27] "The following screenshots show the LDAP structure, the necessary objectClasses and attributes" [13:27] what part are you puzzled with ? [13:27] do you need ldap ? [13:27] since I have this on ubuntu-server I have no UI [13:28] yes I need it for a mail server [13:28] cfhowlett: I have all xscreensaver* packages installed [13:28] there are command line tools for ldap [13:28] and do you need ldap for your mail server ? [13:28] I am not 100% sure [13:28] let me explain my environment [13:28] ok - so why are you following a guide [13:28] why not either a.) research the bits you need b.) find a guide that is trusted that meets your exact requirements [13:28] I have researched [13:29] I always am open to suggestions [13:29] White_Cat: you can't have researched as you have no idea what you need [13:29] Are you going to just judge me? [13:29] I'm not judging you [13:29] I know exactly what I need [13:29] you don't as you don't know if you need ldap [13:30] I have users whom do not have accounts on the mailserver [13:30] as in unix accounts [13:30] soreau, I double check that "all". there is/was a separate list of plugins (community???) that apt-get install - doesn't install. [13:30] so I need to configure a mail server such that users without unix accounts can send and recieve mail from [13:31] via pop or possibly also imap [13:31] In my research LDAP seems to be the best solution so far [13:31] connections to this mail client will all be local [13:31] White_Cat: you're just saying "I want a mail server" [13:31] I am not even half way done explaining myself [13:32] White_Cat: I'd suggest you try to summerise though [13:33] '/summarize/' [13:33] :) [13:33] thank you [13:33] The ubuntu-server running the mailserver will 1) send mail (smtp), recieve mail, users will read their mail through odoo so connections to pop/imap will remain local [13:34] *The ubuntu-server running the mailserver will 1) send mail (smtp), 2) recieve mail, 3) users will read their mail through odoo so connections to pop/imap will remain local [13:34] I am unsure if LDAP would overcomplicate matters or is the ideal solution [13:34] do you know how to use ldap ? [13:34] I do not [13:35] then it would overcomplicate things [13:35] and present a risk to your service [13:36] so what would be an alternative you'd reccomend [13:36] there are many, virtual users map files, relation databases, etc whatever you are comfortable with [13:36] this mail server will not recieve any external smtp/pop/imap requests. All would come from one application [13:37] ikonia that really answers nothing [13:37] White_Cat: in what way does that not answer ? [13:37] White_Cat: you just asked for alternatives to ldap that will store virtual users with mail services, [13:37] "so what would be an alternative you'd reccomend" [13:37] I've offered virtual user map files, and most relational databases, [13:37] that narrows it how? [13:37] I am fully aware of that [13:38] White_Cat: why did you not select them then ? [13:38] why did you rule them out in your previous investigation [13:38] (research) [13:38] I am not exactly sure how I would use them in the first place [13:38] soreau, xscreensaver extras ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/9623669/ [13:38] cfhowlett: ok [13:39] White_Cat: they have schemas/structure based on your requirements/design [13:39] White_Cat: it's up to you to determain how you use them [13:39] cfhowlett: I have all xscreensaver* packages installed [13:39] whatever dude, this doesnt help [13:39] sorry I bothered to explain/ask you [13:39] White_Cat: how is this not helping ? [13:39] I just want to know the name of a screensaver that shows images from a directory? like a fading slideshow [13:40] soreau, then you have the photo display plugin. Now you just need to ID and configure the right plugin [13:40] White_Cat: you're asking how to do it, I'm saying it depends on your needs, there are templates out there for certain senarios, but you may need to adapt/change them based on your requirements [13:40] Ultimately all you told me is "just use a relation database" [13:40] White_Cat: then you are not paying attention [13:40] I defined you my needs [13:40] White_Cat: I said nothing of the sort [13:40] White_Cat: you didn't define your needs, [13:40] I need a simple system that would habdle login for postfix [13:40] 1) send mail (smtp), 2) recieve mail, 3) users will read their mail through odoo so connections to pop/imap will remain local [13:40] cfhowlett: Photopile? [13:40] Hello [13:40] White_Cat: do you need webmail services ? [13:40] cfhowlett: or what is it called in xscreensaver-demo? [13:41] ikonia I do not [13:41] users will not use the mail service directly [13:41] White_Cat: ok - so then discount your previous guide as that is for a webmail service [13:41] White_Cat: how many users, how often do they change? [13:41] what's the best way to disable a service (ie. samba) without uninstalling it? can i do it by chmod -x a file somewhere? [13:41] llutz: there we go, [13:41] soreau, sorry to say, I haven't used xscreensaver in so long, I don't remember. but all plugins have a test mode so ... go wild! [13:41] not often and no more than 10-20 [13:41] White_Cat: then why make it complex [13:41] White_Cat: just create 20 locked shell accounts [13:41] White_Cat: just go with postfix virtual users , flat file for user-definition, done [13:41] White_Cat: no need for any user / auth system [13:42] llutz: I said virtual user file and he said that is not helping [13:42] ah [13:42] White_Cat: like http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html#virtual_mailbox [13:42] 10 - 20 static users, I'd look at not even bothering [13:42] just create the accounts with no valid shells [13:42] White_Cat: more users or users changing frequently -> mysql for user database (just ONE way) [13:42] mm maybe I can use postgresql [13:43] White_Cat: any db [13:43] White_Cat: I said this, and you said "thats not helping" [13:43] 20 users though...do you really want to have a RDBMS in the middle ? [13:43] it's not exactly large [13:43] and adds another layer into your system [13:43] the way llutz answers and you answe is different :/ [13:44] what's the best way to disable a service (ie. samba) without uninstalling it? can i do it by chmod -x a file somewhere? [13:44] service samba stop [13:44] mdoge: that only takes effect until reboot, right? [13:44] update-rc.d samba remove [13:44] change the upstart jobs config file [13:44] delt: update-rc.d -f disable [13:45] EriC^_'s solution is better [13:45] delt http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files [13:45] ok, thanks everyone for the help! [13:46] test [13:47] how to connect to android channel [13:47] /join #android [13:47] sherlock_regus: try the #freenode channel for general irc help [13:48] what channel can i join to learn how to make babies [13:49] anyone can teach me how to install this script ? https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/nauty-mods [13:50] Getting so annoyed... WiFi constantly dropping, seems to happen every time when I'm 26 minutes in a video conference?! [13:51] RTL8723BE Wifi adapter.... [13:51] nbusrone: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/nauty-mods and hit Enter when prompted. Then apt-get update && apt-get install nauty-mods [13:51] I'm running the latest kernel (3.18) [13:51] err sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install nauty-mods [13:51] join #android [13:52] with a / [13:52] /join #android [13:52] Hello again! [13:53] What is making the mail icon turn blue when I receive a message in Ubuntu? [13:53] blind : E: Unable to locate package nauty-mods [13:53] thanks [13:54] nbusrone: ... after add-apt-repository and apt-get update ..? [13:54] nbusrone: the package it provides is 'nautilus' not nauty-mods [13:54] I added µTox to the gstreamer properties [13:54] Hey, every once in a while i experience a hang with Open System Monitor reporting a IO wait 80% and max drive activity [13:54] Now, I have µTox in the "mail icon" list [13:54] Pici blind , added the repository "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/nauty-mods" [13:55] ussually a chromium window hangs or dota [13:55] nbusrone: Pici, my bad.. [13:55] hello guys can u help me? I can not install via apt-get nor update system. here is output of apt-get update http://pastebin.com/KAgPNzF0 [13:55] blind : which mean ? sorry newbie on it [13:55] can someone soggest a way to figure out whats the couse? [13:55] nbusrone: try: sudo apt-get install nautilus [13:56] running 14.10 [13:57] blind : done it install but how do I set the preference ? [13:57] kernel 3.18 [13:57] that, I am not sure. [13:58] hello guys can u help me? I can not install via apt-get nor update system. here is output of apt-get update http://pastebin.com/KAgPNzF0 [14:01] Eldunar: note for next time... you might consider using a different paste site then pastebin.com... a better alternative would be http://paste.ubuntu.com/ but it's certainly up to you [14:02] blind : can't get it work [14:02] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9623786/ [14:04] blind : worst , it can't even set "Accessed time" on list view column [14:06] hello guys can u help me? I can not install via apt-get nor update system. here is output of apt-get update http://pastebin.com/KAgPNzF0 === mish_ is now known as MIsh|Fruehstueck [14:09] anyone? [14:20] blind : guess it works after a restart :D [14:20] nbusrone: ah, maybe killing nautilus and restarting it would have done it :p [14:21] http://askubuntu.com/questions/565562/wifi-dropping-on-lenovo-g50-70 [14:22] blind : i have another question , not sure whether you know how to set brightness on nvidia xorg. [14:22] I set it Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1" but everytime I restart it got reset to 0 brightness [14:25] I can't get boot Grub on Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit Live CD on my Asus EeeBook, which is Windows8/UEFI-based. Any suggestions? [14:25] lord4163, have you checked additional drivers? if you are installing wireless drivers then usually you need to be plugged in via an ethernet cable. Click on the Ubuntu logo in the launcher and type drivers and click on the icon that appears. === david is now known as Guest56731 [14:26] How to solve read only permision in USB pen drive in Ubuntu? [14:27] Anybody out there? [14:27] Guest56731: patience is a virtue [14:27] and you haven't even been here a minute :P [14:28] BluesKaj_, No these are included. [14:28] alright. waiting.. [14:28] Guest56731, does the usb show up in the file manager? If so highlight it, then click properties then permissions and check the exec option [14:29] BluesKaj_, There are no additional drivers available btw. [14:29] BluesKaj_: I tried that. But it says "Sorry, could not change the permissions of “XYZ”: Error setting permissions: Read-only file system" [14:29] lord4163, bummer [14:31] BluesKaj_, It's kinda annoying. [14:35] lord4163, http://askubuntu.com/questions/507470/wifi-not-working-on-ubuntu-14-04-lenovo-g-50-30/535976#535976 [14:36] BluesKaj_, I tried that too [14:40] hello [14:42] I go to #ubuntu at first [14:44] quit [14:47] hi === tcpman is now known as Guest14906 [14:48] Is there a simple guide to migrate from evolution mail to thunderbird, i have a lot of local folders with rules to transfere emails to these folders [14:48] There is simple approach, you can migrate the mails, but you will lose the rules, most likely. [14:49] can you tell me where can i find this approach [14:50] all the places i see are talking about maybe ubuntu 10 to 11 but i am now on latest 14:10 version [14:50] That approach stayed the same, just migrate the mails. [14:58] bekks: for my local mails fodlers what i can see is folders but they are talking about files [14:59] Where is the latest guide? is there a dedicated irc for thunderird? === Guest96602 is now known as export [15:12] How do I stop MySQL from checking every table on system startup? === hugbot is now known as swordsmanz [15:15] Someone had some issue trying to connect internet through this modem TD5136V2, in ubuntu 14? [15:15] How do i do a manual apt-get install on a other hard drive [15:15] ? [15:15] Look like some crazy firewall [15:16] william__, apt-get install ... what? [15:16] !msg ubottu !mysql [15:16] cfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) === andrex|off is now known as andrex [15:17] i installed ubuntu on my ssd and now its full how do i install a software on a other hard drive? [15:17] william__, bad idea. better to move your data /home to another HDD [15:17] !home | william__ [15:17] william__: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [15:18] will do [15:22] hi, please how can i upgrade lubuntu 12.10 to new 14.10? [15:22] when i run apt-get update it can't found repo and download updates [15:22] !eolupgrade | tomatto, but clean install might be better [15:22] tomatto, but clean install might be better: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [15:22] How do I stop MySQL from checking every table on system startup? I tried disabling /etc/mysql/debian-start (threw an exit at the top) but I'm still seeing an enormous delay on reboot. [15:25] I installed Lubuntu 14.04 (LVM inside LUKS and separate ext4 /boot) besides Windows and Debian. GRUB threw me into rescue mode saying "no such partition" (I did grub-install /dev/sda from chroot). /boot was a logical partition back then. I moved it into a primary one and now it throws me into grub rescue with "Filesystem is unkown". [15:25] The only partition I can read from grub rescue using "ls" is the old ext3 Debian partition. For all others (including the ext4 /boot), it complains about unknown filesystem. Partition layout: http://abload.de/img/2014-12-26-135828_102wvas5.png (sda7 Debian, sda3 the new /boot, and sda6 the new Lubuntu-LUKS). What's wrong here? [15:27] cfhowlett: clean install is better than eolupdate, why? [15:27] Hey guys. My laptop can't suspend. I've already tried all information on Google, the wiki, forums, etc. [15:27] If I manually enter init=/bin/bash in Grub, I can suspend from there [15:28] tomatto, download the .iso via torrent means no internet interrupt breakage for one [15:28] So I know it's the init script's "fault", so to speak [15:29] tomatto, perhaps not an issue for you. live upgrade won't work here in china ... internet is too slow and flaky [15:29] I've already tried all combinations of --quirk- stuff, but it seems that whatever init does really breaks it [15:29] cfhowlett: torrent is faster in china? [15:29] It's encrypted so it'll probably be a smidgen more reliable [15:30] And it's got checksumming [15:30] tomatto, torrent is faster in most places [15:30] And better bandwidth control [15:30] tomatto, sudo pm-suspend doesn't work for you ? [15:30] BluesKaj_, It's not working for me [15:30] tomatto, plus, if interrupted, torrent has safer resume than direct download ... [15:30] Safer and more reliable [15:31] The torrent client automatically discards any pieces that got damaged in transit [15:31] cfhowlett: i never had problem with direct download, when download was finished successfully [15:31] Did it pass an md5sum? [15:32] squeegily, ok I misread [15:32] If you legitimately downloaded an 800 MB file over an HTTP file in CHINA and not one byte was changed I will have seen everything [15:32] tomatto, YMMV. anyway, since you're upgrading so late, I'm guessing you don't do a lot of system maintenance. suggest you skip 14.10 and install 14.04 .. it's got long term support [15:32] squeegily, I know, right?! [15:33] Hello... I am trying to get some help fixing my ethernet connection. I am running Ubuntu 14.10. Am I in the correct channel? [15:33] JackelopeKing, you are [15:33] beat me to it ;) [15:33] cfhowlett: fathers computer :) [15:34] cfhowlett: 14.10 is not lts? [15:34] Is your father the leader of China? [15:34] tomatto, what!? you let the old man run an outdated OS? SHAME! [15:34] No [15:34] !lts | tomatto [15:34] tomatto: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) [15:34] Only .04 are [15:34] I've installed pure ftp and it's only allowing unix users to log in, I want to allow the user I've created and not the unix users, how can I do that? [15:34] Thanks... my ethernet connection was working fine until a few weeks ago, but after a kernel update, I haven't been able to connect to my router via ethernet. [15:34] bibi234, useradd --help [15:35] I even went so far as to order a new ethernet card to replace my 12+ year old one, but without luck. [15:35] Then sudo useradd -m -a -G lol,stuff user [15:35] JackelopeKing: Wow [15:35] cfhowlett: i think, that automatic updates handles it automatically...my bad [15:35] Did you try reinstalling Ubuntu after you put the new card in? [15:35] tomatto, one more reason for LTS [15:35] So it will autodetect and install the correct driver from the CD? [15:36] squeegily: how is it related to pure ftp? this is for creating standard users no? [15:36] !who | squeegily, add the nick to avoid confusion [15:36] squeegily, add the nick to avoid confusion: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:36] bibi234: I thought you asked how to create a Unix user [15:36] I did... no luck. I had just reinstalled a few days before because Unity decided to break on me around the same time (currently running gnome shell...) [15:37] JackelopeKing: I assume you already tried all info on the wiki and Google pertaining to those cards [15:37] I wonder can I make apache host files owned like 0:33 ? [15:38] as apache is in it's own group [15:38] I did... TP Link TG-3269... but since the same problem arose before I swapped out for the new card, it leads me to believe it's somewhere in the newer kernel. [15:38] cfhowlett: is better to download ubuntu and install lxde or fluxbox maybe or download lubuntu? [15:38] YamakasY: I don't know is 0 is a valid group [15:38] squeegily: it seems not [15:38] tomatto, if lubuntu is the then get it. [15:38] I have "no" in /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/UnixAuthentication however I can connect with unix users, why...? === sherlock_ is now known as Guest60056 [15:39] tomatto: I'd recommend not tweaking the default Ubuntu to use a different system. Switching to Lubuntu would be a good idea [15:39] tomatto, I assume this works better for Dad or for Dad's hardware. [15:39] bibi234: You tried restarting the server? [15:39] So it can reload the config files [15:39] squeegily: it is a group but it seem sthat when it's owned by that apache cannot serve [15:39] squeegily: yes I did [15:39] cfhowlett: you'r right [15:39] YamakasY: Cool username by the way [15:39] !lubuntu | tomatto, [15:39] tomatto,: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. [15:39] squeegily: you mean graphics system right? [15:40] squeegily: service pure-ftpd restart [15:40] tomatto, 14.04.1 is the current version. [15:40] LTS that is [15:40] tomatto, I mean the window manager or desktop environment [15:40] can i get gnome software center in unity [15:40] Basketball, You could if you wanted to [15:41] cfhowlett: so no 14.10 i see [15:41] Unity is just a desktop envoronment [15:41] squeegily, how [15:41] tomatto, 14.04.1 is LTS. 14.10 is NOT [15:41] When the ethernet cable is connected, I can see that the connection eth1 has the status "connecting" but never gets beyond that. [15:41] JackelopeKing: Hmm have you tried static IP? [15:42] squeegily: I have not. I'm afraid I can't remember how to set one up correctly. [15:42] JackelopeKing, You're using Ubuntu with a GUI, yes? [15:43] squeegily: Yes. [15:43] Click the Wi-Fi icon, click Edit, then change the Ethernet connection, go the the IPv4 tab [15:43] squeegily: I'm on the IPv4 screen now. [15:43] Okay, go back to the Wifi menu and click Info [15:44] squeegily: ha thanks! [15:44] JackelopeKing, It'll have something like [15:44] Is the second-to-last number a 0 or a 1? [15:45] squeegily: under IPv4 address on the wifi screen? [15:45] tomatto, I should mention upgrade from 12.10 to current must be sequential, i.e. 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 > 14.04 [15:45] JackelopeKing, Under connection info [15:45] Go to the Wifi icon and info, leaving the connection editor open [15:46] squeegily: got it... I'm running gnome shell at the moment, so the gui is a bit different [15:46] Is the Gateway or [15:46] squeegily: it seems that 33:33 is needed [15:46] [15:47] cfhowlett: oh :( how can i do that? btw. i started thinking about downloading 14.04 iso instead, as you recommended [15:47] Okay, take a look at this: http://imgur.com/jHMakBy [15:48] !eolupgrade | tomatto, the eolupgrade link must be invoked for each upgrade from 12.10 to target. OR clean install as I suggested. [15:48] tomatto, the eolupgrade link must be invoked for each upgrade from 12.10 to target. OR clean install as I suggested.: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [15:48] JackelopeKing, Enter those details except change the final 0 to a 1 [15:48] On every IP [15:48] squeegily: got it. [15:49] someone using ubuntu on an asus t100? [15:49] LFSveteran, I've got an Asus Eee PC [15:49] I think that one uses another SDcard [15:50] squeegily: going to turn off wifi to test my connection. [15:50] I'm looking for the correct module/driver for the sdcard reader on the T100 [15:52] squeegily: no luck... I'm listed as connected to the network in the network info, but am unable to connect to the internet. [15:54] LFSveteran: point 9 of http://www.jfwhome.com/2014/03/07/perfect-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-asus-transformer-book-t100/ maybe it helps [15:57] squeegily: Should I have every 0 in the fields you sent me changed to 1s, or only under DNS servers? [15:59] Hello, somehow i cannot kill a process (pidgin) ive tried everything, even kill -9 {PID} is there anything i can do? [16:00] killall pidgin ? [16:01] kokut: did you try kill $(pgrep pidgin)? [16:01] Daemon: nope let me try [16:01] hi guys [16:01] Daemon: it worked, thanks man [16:01] how can I make a folder accessible from all users in my user group? [16:01] kokut: no problem dude [16:02] I have go to say SSD's simply blow conventional raid outta the water [16:03] !permissions | HikaruBG [16:03] HikaruBG: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions === JackelopeKing1 is now known as JackelopeKing [16:04] hi [16:05] hello [16:06] Thanks, cfhowlett [16:06] :) [16:06] HikaruBG, happy2help! [16:07] :) good2know! [16:08] can anyone help me get autorotation working on this inspiron 13 laptop with ubuntu? it apparently has an acceleromoter, but I am not sure how to actually make any of that work. [16:11] Can I know a good email service which is anonymous ? [16:12] !ot | pungi-man [16:12] pungi-man: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:12] join #ubuntu-offtopic [16:12] sorry! [16:13] "Untrusted application launcher". I can't run my apps in Desktop. How can I fix it? [16:13] anybody using termial irc chat? [16:14] wytrzeszcz: can you be more specific? [16:15] looking for good one (comand line) [16:15] wytrzeszcz: you can try irssi [16:15] weechat is good too [16:16] man you can go wild with permissions [16:18] How can I create a menu (like classic menu indicator) for my applications? [16:21] How do I stop MySQL from checking every table on system startup? I tried disabling /etc/mysql/debian-start (threw an exit at the top) but I'm still seeing an enormous delay on reboot. [16:23] ciao [16:23] !list [16:23] car: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [16:23] I'm having a bit of an issue with my keyboard [16:24] It keeps pressing stuff, here is a sample from xev: http://pastebin.com/a2DQB25m [16:24] This gets quite frustrating as it pastes things and does other weird things sometimes.. drving me nuts [16:25] ciao [16:25] !list [16:25] aironchase: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [16:25] Anyone have an idea what could be causing this? [16:26] got the sd working now.... [16:27] Does anyone know of a good way to keep my crawler online and recover from crashes? [16:38] Hey, do debs do anything besides lay out files and run their doinst.sh scripts? [16:40] smaudet: can you rephrase your question? I'm not sure what is being asked [16:42] teward: I'm hand installing printer drivers because I don't have anything official, so I have a .deb file, which I've converted via alien to a tgz, and then unzipped. Besides copying everything to / and running the install shell scripts, is there anything else I need to do? [16:42] teward: http://support-asia.canon-asia.com/contents/ASIA/EN/0100586902.html <- printer drivers (not official) [16:42] teward: source libaries (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~michael-gruz/+junk/cnijfilter-common/files) [16:42] and to complicate it all I'm on fedora, so I'm only asking in here 'cause its a deb [16:43] Hello! I have an issue with Ubuntu and I wonder if someone could help me here? My computer goes into black screen after starting ubuntu and I've tried everything [16:43] fedora uses RPM, makes no sense [16:43] OerHeks: the alien --to-rpm option gave me a bogus error [16:44] OerHeks: And there is no rpm file [16:44] OerHeks: or more accurately rpm gave me a bogus error after alien --to-rpm converted it. [16:44] I.e. it isn't a valid rpm [16:46] And so hence I'm asking if there's any other information inside the .deb file that alien might have missed, esp. since it already failed to convert the deb once [16:47] Hello there [16:47] this is me first time chatting on IRC [16:47] hi there ashutosh [16:47] Wow first response I got [16:48] ashutosh, ask your ubuntu questions [16:48] I have been getting some trouble in ubuntu. I am using android studio. A [16:48] does anyone have a preseed template with raid/lvm ? [16:49] When using chrome simultaneously, ubuntu freezes randomly [16:49] Hello guys, my "Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Device 15a1" is not listed as eth0 in ifconfig, I'm using Ubuntu based distro, can someone help me with that please? [16:49] ashutosh, insufficient data. check your logs for events [16:50] smaudet, as RPM is not our package systems, and alien goes wild, try http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/8/0100005868/01/cnijfilter-mx470series-4.10-1-rpm.tar.gz [16:50] I have given around 140gb of swap space. RAM is 4gb. I dont know the problem behind freeze [16:50] smaudet, from http://www.supportlaptop.com/2014/10/canon-pixma-mx471-drivers-download.html [16:50] ashutosh, 140 GB of swap? GB!? [16:50] smaudet: fedora uses RPM - and we can't help you if you're not on Ubuntu. You need to reach out to Fedora suppport [16:50] Yeah GB as in GigaBytes === screedoz is now known as screedo [16:50] ashutosh: why? [16:51] Lol, I was supposed to use another OS in that but I thought would use that later [16:51] so nothing comes up into my mind right away and made it swap === zy3pD is now known as zy3pD_afk [16:52] Does having 140Gigs SWAP really matters a lot? [16:52] ashutosh: i see :) [16:52] ashutosh: no i guess not. it's just an unusual amount [16:52] I've heard to use the swap space just as the RAM [16:52] I mean same to the RAM amount [16:53] mind my english, I am from India [16:53] ashutosh, so you have 140 GB of ram as well? [16:53] do you know any kind of program to stream on twitch with ubuntu? [16:53] Lol no. I aint billionare. Just 4 Gigs of RAM [16:53] ashutosh: yes, or double or even none. [16:54] ashutosh, exactly. you are going to kick yourself when you run out of HDD space because you sent so much to ram. fix that. [16:54] So if I now decide to take back or reduce my swap space, would that require a system level format? [16:54] I like to make my swap double the size of my ram [16:54] ashutosh: i eventually only used the swap for hibernate. anyhow that won't solve the actual issue you're facing [16:54] or Just the swap partition can be reformatted and restructured? [16:54] !swap | ashutosh [16:54] ashutosh: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [16:55] ashutosh, redo your partition table ... fairly trivial [16:55] ubottu: i understood he used it because he didn't have a better use for it. meant to be temporary too. fair enough i guess. [16:55] Isil`Zha: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:55] :P [16:55] ouch [16:55] I know little bit about SWAP thanks. I am just concerned why I am facing a lag even when I have 4Gig RAM with i5 processor(3rd gen) [16:56] hey i have boot-into-black-screen issue after i tried installing ATI proprietary drivers for my new graphics card. I unplugged the GPU, uninstalled drivers, xorg,conf and tried even reinstalling ubuntu-desktop but computer still doesnt load desktop. just goes black after startup. I can access tty1 though. does anyone have any suggestions what to do aside from complete reinstall? [16:56] and this much SWAP could not account for swap [16:57] !nomodeset | hojo_, [16:57] hojo_,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [16:58] do you know any kind of program to stream on twitch with ubuntu? [17:00] !repeat > Paradisee_ [17:00] Paradisee_, please see my private message [17:00] ashutosh, freezes or lags? not the same. freeze (in my mind) means forced to reboot. lag just means slow . to . re . spond [17:00] Paradisee_, you might want to ask on askubuntu too [17:01] First it lags, eventually resulting in freeze. This is what happens in android studio. RAM issue [17:01] ashutosh, ONLY android studio? [17:01] but when using chrome alone, the mouse sticks out of nowhere [17:01] and even caps lock stops responding [17:01] ashutosh, you need to see your event logs [17:01] ok [17:02] Will see the logs [17:18] hola mundo === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [17:19] hgdtwfs [17:20] lisa_, !es [17:20] hi i have a question about tomboy! Do any of you know a plugin that gives advice based on an algorhitmic analysis of the text in the notes? [17:27] Hi, I have Ubuntustudio. Inkscape takes 2 minutes, 20 seconds to launch. I have 8 gigs of dd3 ram and a quad core cpu plus graphics card processor. Why does inkscape take so long to load? [17:28] do you use x or mir? [17:29] Holzbein, I am not sure, whatever the default s [17:30] fathom, /swap??? [17:30] cfhowlett, Yeah, I have swap [17:32] fathom, top and/or htop should tell you what processes your system is using. start there. [17:32] Hello. Can anyone point me to foss voice modulation software? I'm developing a game and I can't afford to hire a voice actor/actress. I'm not a sound engineer and I can't understand DAWs like Ardour. I just need to record my speech and make it sound like several different people [17:32] !audacity | troxset [17:33] troxset, audacity allows for modulation e.g. Vader Voice ... [17:33] cfhowlett, Inkscape is the big resource user while it takes its time to launch [17:33] cfhowlett, So far, all I see on the terminal is inkscape [17:34] fathom, understand but something else has to be happening. that's way too long to be normal [17:34] cfhowlett: Only synthesised voices like darth vader, or actual human voices? [17:34] !info audacity | troxset [17:34] troxset: audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-2ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 1934 kB, installed size 6699 kB [17:34] cfhowlett, Umm, no, I see nothing else in terminal [17:34] cfhowlett, Just inkscape [17:34] не могу подключить миди клавиатуру к убунту студио! помогите пожалуйста! [17:34] troxset, whatever voices you record. [17:35] cfhowlett: I will look at it again in more detail. I'm not sure it does it, but i'll check again [17:35] fathom, check your logs. could be something colliding or starting on inkscape launch [17:36] fathom, what gpu? [17:36] cfhowlett, ATI/Radeon 8xxx [17:37] fathom, I thought it might be ATI. No expert, but I know that of the 3 major card OEMs, ATI is the least linux friendly. verify your driver setup [17:37] hi [17:37] cfhowlett, Verified, certified [17:37] can I get any pointers on how to setup a brother network scanner on ubuntu? preferably using gimp? [17:38] fathom, over my head head. weird issue for sure, but I can't provide meaningful guidance so ... best of luck. [17:38] first: what plugin/package do I need to get the camera/scanner entry in gimp? [17:38] cfhowlett, Yeah, Ubuntu works well in some areas for my lappy, other areas it is glitch city [17:38] I'm guessing I it involves brscan utilities? [17:39] g0th, getting the scanner set should satisfy gimp. Xsane is the app you'll need [17:39] Can anyone tell me if i need to install an OpenCL SDK (e.g. from AMD or Intel) to develop OpenCL bases programs? Is there an ubuntu package maybe? [17:39] *bases = based [17:39] cfhowlett: I installed it and no scanner was detected [17:39] cfhowlett: also it doesn't show as Scanner/camera but instead as "Xsane [17:39] g0tcha, installed *what* and *how* [17:40] most web tutrial refer to a "Scanner/camera" entry [17:40] aptitude install xsane [17:40] g0th, right that's the app ... still need to install the scanner though === aliensbrah is now known as AmazonEric [17:41] cfhowlett: I can't find a way of doing what I want to do in Audacity. However I'm greatful for the help. [17:41] troxset, pm? === Bluewolf is now known as Guest45678 [17:41] Sure [17:41] cfhowlett: how? [17:41] Hello people I have problem installing linux mint 17 on pc with preinstalled windows 8. My problem is that computer not boot into installed linux distribution due to UEFI boot manager. How can I boot my installed distro ? [17:41] cfhowlett: I mean it is connected on the network and works fine [17:42] cfhowlett: Not sure I can with the web client though ... you might have to initiate :) [17:42] cfhowlett: but sending huge files as emails is not exactly the best solution [17:42] !mint | TariusDN2 [17:42] TariusDN2: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [17:42] cfhowlett: so ideally I would like to use a local/gimp solution for scanning [17:42] g0th, so you CAN scan from your computer? [17:43] no [17:43] I can scan from the scanner [17:43] hi folks [17:43] g0th, on the same machine as gimp, yes? [17:44] ? [17:44] on the network [17:44] I mounted my box.com account with webdav, davfs2. But I cant write files there, it returns a input/output error [17:46] troxset, maybe you want to try out festival speech synthesis: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/onlinedemo.html [17:46] Hello, i have some problems with xubuntu 14.10. 1) each time when i log in to desktop its colours are mixed ( some parts of wallpaper and font is painted in red/pink) 2nd i can not get play on linux database application. [17:47] g0th, you should have scanner control at your laptop ... but worst case; scan to a USB, carry USB to computer? [17:47] cfhowlett: how do I get scanner control on my laptop/gimp? [17:47] everything is setup over the network [17:47] g0th xsane [17:47] I installed it [17:47] and the scanner is not listed [17:48] I don't even get a "Scanner/Camera" entry in the menu [17:48] only an xsane entry [17:48] and what more i had fglrx drives for update. But now ubuntu switched it from it to xorg. Help me plz. [17:48] which does not match most online tutorials [17:48] i can not return to fglrx [17:49] g0th I don't know how to set up a network scan. sorry. [17:49] thanks for the help anyway [17:49] мне здесь не помогут? [17:50] !ru [17:50] Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [17:50] Is there anyway to retrieve a password in Ubuntu Gnome, I have done something in my User Accounts and now I don't know what the password is. I can shutdown as I wont be able to get back in? [17:51] !password | Guest45678 [17:51] Guest45678: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords === AmazonEric is now known as aliensbrah === andrex is now known as andrex|off [17:52] Hello, i have some problems with xubuntu 14.10. 1) each time when i log in to desktop its colours are mixed ( some parts of wallpaper and font is painted in red/pink) 2nd i can not get play on linux database application. 3rd is that: previously it was fglrx now ubuntu switched it on its own to xorg and do not want to switch again to fglrx.4rd is that i can not update my system via apt-get. [17:53] g0th, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1850114 [17:56] cfhowlett: I am currently still logged in my account and I don't want to reboot as I definitely won't get back in. I'm in the admin account so is there nothing else to be done? [17:57] Guest45678, read the wiki for recovery options is the best advice I can give you. [17:57] Guest45678 the !factoid probably explains more than we could tell you [17:59] cfhowlett: This is a funny moment in my life, stupidity and I did not even see it :D [17:59] MonkeyDust: The Factoid? [17:59] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword === OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa [18:00] Er. Hi. I have a question. I have just hooked up a bluetooth keyboard and a bluetooth mouse to my desktop. And all of a sudden, a battery indicator has popped up, with batteries on low. [18:01] When I click on the batteries, they correspond to my two devices hooked up to my 14.10 box. What exactly are they? [18:01] https://dav.box.com/dav on /var/backups/cloud/box.com type davfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,_netdev,uid=0,gid=0) [18:01] uid should be 0? [18:01] cfhowlett: :-(|) - Me at the moment. Thanks. Lucky I have Debian installed on my other drive, and luck this drive I have locked is of no importance. [18:02] Guest45678, live & learn [18:02] aFeijo, shouldn't your uid=1000 [18:02] ? [18:03] Indeed, anyway thanks :D [18:03] OerHeks, I'm using root [18:05] cfhowlett: Hey while I am still in the User Account, what if I just create a new administrator and delete the old? [18:06] Nevermind [18:06] Guest45678, then logout/login? sounds doable. [18:07] cfhowlett: I just realised, I need the password to create the account. It did allow me to do so earlier but not any more :-/ [18:09] cfhowlett: The account is disabled, will it request a password upon the login screen or when the screen locks? [18:10] Guest45678, you mean the new account? by default, disabled. [18:11] hey there - what application could show me in terminal what key was pressed ? [18:11] cfhowlett: No this account I have lost the password for, I disabled it before accidentally clicking the generate password and selecting it. (Stupid password generation) [18:12] haxxlaui: can you be more specific? [18:13] hey there - can somebody help me i want to install the tor browser add the ppa and installed it but when i start the browser it only shows me the error "Tor unexpectedly exited [18:13] Guest45678, and you can't enable without sudo privilege. I'd say, boot a USB, chroot to your system, make the changes (new admin account) and reboot. BUT I've only read about this in theory. never had to do iit myself. === james_ is now known as Guest65256 [18:13] haxxlaui: xev [18:13] blind: i remember, there was a terminal application, what can show me what key i am pressing , f1 ; control; backspace; ... [18:14] i need this to identify, what key i am pressing on my windos remote [18:14] maybe xev like squinty said ? [18:15] cfhowlett: Well I have no clue how to do it, If I were to try would you care to help me through. Nothing lost my end anyway, I'll just reinstall? [18:15] :D [18:15] Guest45678, if the option to reinstall is there, go for it. more sane, less pain [18:16] thank you, xev was the right one - but it dont show me a real identifer... [18:20] cfhowlett: Yeah it seems so, I have just gone through the hassle of that and installing everything. [18:20] cfhowlett: Now I need to ask you a question, there was a reason I was in the user accounts in the first place. With my fresh install I noticed that when my screen locked I could not gain access, but when I entered my password, say in Ubuntu Software Center or the terminal it accepted (It was my password after all) Now when I went into the user accounts I noticed that my login options, password was only five characters and my password is way more. Is th [18:20] t standard in Ubuntu Gnome? [18:21] Guest45678, absolutely not. and different passwords? WAY funky! abnormal! alert! defcon 1! That ain't right! === mike is now known as Guest56534 === andrea is now known as Guest64868 [18:23] Salve esiste per ubuntu un software per imparare lingue ? [18:23] cfhowlett: Well my laptop is installed with Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 and it has the same five characters in the user accounts but password is completely different and is still functional as root? [18:23] Guest45678: if you are going by the number of "*" listed, it doesn't mean that your password is only 5 characters long. === sten_ is now known as kultakangas [18:24] !it | Guest64868 [18:24] Guest64868: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [18:25] squinty: Well that certainly sheds light on the situation, but why did it fail to log me in when my screen locked. I typed in my password right, I had to reboot and logged in fine. [18:25] then messed up everything :D [18:26] cfhowlett: So you would recommend a reinstall rather than trying to create a new admin, which is less hell? [18:27] Guest45678, personally, I see way too many uncertainties to trust your system as described. I'd wipe/reinstall but ... YMMV. :) [18:28] hello, can someone tell me if there's some simple way how to record all the sounds that go through my sound card? To be more specific, I have a virtual instrument through ALSA and I'd like to record it [18:29] cfhowlett: Well it was a fresh install, reinstalling would be the same but anyway, I'll get on with it instead of wasting time. Thanks for the help and advice - Happy holidays :D [18:29] Guest45678, happy2help! [18:29] ;-) === roberto is now known as Guest46723 === NationalCoder is now known as NationalCoderT === NationalCoderT is now known as NationalCoderM [18:33] aethersis: might want to check out the #ubuntu-studio irc channel and / or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio [18:33] aethersis, #opensourcemusicians === sherlock_ is now known as Guest76861 [18:38] aethersis: man arecord [18:39] does anyone need help [18:40] squinty thanks [18:41] and would it be possible to create some kind of a virtual device for this purpose that'd be accessible in skype ? [18:43] hey guys [18:44] on windows firefox, the file opener looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/AACfL6f.png [18:44] on ubuntu, it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/ZYXRuwI.png [18:44] how can i make the file opener in ubuntu look like windows? [18:46] Quatroking, not a ubuntu support issue and a b it inane. [18:47] oh, sorry. i was hoping there was a way to change it from list view to tile view [18:47] where would i have to ask instead? [18:48] Quatroking: This is a perfectly fine place to ask, but I'm not sure that it is actually possible... are there any options when you right click? [18:48] Quatroking: you can use gwenview for picture dirs [18:48] Quatroking, YOu want tile in ubnutu is that right? [18:48] add to bookmarks, show hidden files and show size column [18:48] !info gwenview [18:48] gwenview (source: gwenview): image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.14.1-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 2893 kB, installed size 4681 kB [18:48] bubbasaures, pretty much, yes [18:48] .xchat2/budus.so [18:48] when uploading an image to a site the list view is a pain because it only previews when you select a file [18:49] Quatroking, Cool, sorry for misunderstanding. [18:50] EriC^_, that's a picture viewer, right? I don't think it works for my usecase [18:52] Quatroking: it's like a directory viewer but for pictures [18:52] this works with firefox? [18:52] win [18:52] Quatroking: not sure if you can upload stuff to websites from it though [18:53] i'm installing a plugin right now === boypussy is now known as supergauntlet [18:59] does anyone need help [19:00] I posed a question a few lines up that I haven't found an answer for yet === pardusf is now known as parduse [19:00] gwenview doesn't seem to do it === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [19:08] any ubuntu cli tools for downloading instagram photos? [19:09] Hello i can not upgrade my xubuntu 14.10 : http://pastebin.com/cVF7Niu4 . Can u help me? === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [19:09] Eldunar: type df -h [19:09] and pastebinit [19:09] Eldunar it says "no space left", somewhere in that screenshot [19:10] Eldunar: "No space left on device" To see whare the space is consumed -> df -h , df -i <- . Then we see what to do . [19:10] ok === khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth [19:11] hi all... am on Ubuntu 14.04. Am not able to run any Flickr uploader. Reason is flickr migrated to 'https' and i get error on any flickr app for ubuntu. I searched on ubuntu WIKI too. any suggestions on wat to do? [19:12] brb. [19:22] OerHeks, you here [19:23] so i'm trying to launch a script, its a command that launches wine against a game. It works like a charm from a terminal, but when i make a shortcut to the script, on a desktop, the game crashdumps on startup. Any ideas? [19:23] ararob: do you have to run it as sudo from terminal? [19:24] internet is very very slow on my ubuntu that is ubuntu 12.04.3 [19:24] why ? [19:24] nickander, no, no need. [19:26] nickander, even tried to put sh /path/to/script.sh in the shortcut command, no dice.. [19:26] try /bin/bash script.sh? [19:27] nickander, it worked in xubuntu, but now on, lubuntu, it doesn't like it [19:27] anyone here ever try manjaro [19:28] nickander, same [19:28] hello #ubuntu I recently booted 14.04 from my laptop with a USB install and it has override my display configuration to where I can no longer get any display to work (except the laptop), how can I revert the X11 config or Unity display to the default? === sagredo_ is now known as shadaloo [19:32] hello #ubuntu I recently booted 14.04 from my laptop with a USB install and it has override my display configuration to where I can no longer get any display to work (except the laptop), how can I revert the X11 config or Unity display to the default? [19:33] hrmm [19:33] nickander, i put the script on desktop, and ran it from a terminal, works, but if i double click on it on desktop, it barks. [19:33] nickander, interesting, what lxde is doing, that screws that up [19:33] ararob: that's so messed up... [19:33] if my config no longer boots to gdm-login (or whatver unity login is), if I drop to root shell and create a new user [19:34] would that reset the display config? === daniel is now known as Guest66537 [19:34] shadaloo: depends what your trying to reset [19:34] if you can't boot to the login manager, that suggests it's not a user related setting [19:34] ikonia: did you see my problem (above?) [19:34] as that happens before you get to use specific config [19:34] why internet on ubuntu is very very slow ? [19:34] ikonia: I agree [19:34] ikonia: any suggestions? [19:34] why ? [19:35] Sorry - a good RSS reader *with* Unity notifications? yarssr seems to be broken in unity [19:35] hello, have problem, when right click on any widows title bar, window desepers is there way to change it to show menu with opition like 'move' and so on ... any tip please [19:35] ikonia: can I prune all displays from ubuntu? [19:35] shadaloo: prune all displays ?? [19:35] what does that even mean ? [19:35] ikonia: after I booted from my laptop, all my HDMI stuff just gets stuck at a blinking underscore [19:36] shadaloo: unplug all external displays and see if your primary display works fine [19:36] ikonia: so obviously the laptop display somehow got set [19:36] ikonia: it doesn't that is my issue [19:37] aarobc: you should just use gnome classic :D [19:37] shadaloo: I do'nt understand what you are saying [19:37] ikonia: sorry let me try to rephrase [19:38] ikonia: after booting Ubuntu from my laptop [19:38] * aarobc in confused [19:38] ikonia: my desktop no longer boots [19:38] shadaloo: unplug all external monitors, and boot, does your laptop display work [19:38] nickander: oh, you were probably talking to ararob. [19:38] ikonia: yes the laptop display works [19:38] aarobc, he was probably talking to me >) [19:39] aarobc: probably :D [19:39] ikonia: but I primarily use this drive on a desktop [19:39] lol [19:39] :D [19:39] shadaloo: ok, so how are you configuring your external monitors [19:39] ikonia: and now when I try to boot from desktop I encounter a login issue [19:39] For the record, I like unity for casual computing but use i3wm at work [19:39] ikonia: for the desktop I have both a VGA and and an HDMI dispay [19:39] ikonia: neither work [19:40] shadaloo: it would be really useful if you answer the questions I ask, rather than giving me information I've not asked for [19:40] what is difference between lubuntu-desktop and lubuntu minimal instalation? [19:40] ikonia: both start booting the kernel (and then get stuck after a text login is briefly printed to screen), then stuck at blinking underscore [19:40] ikonia: I boot the desktop with an HDMI [19:41] ikonia: i have nvidia graphics drivers [19:43] tomatto: In a 'minimal' install there is no desk top at all installed .. It can be your choice as to what you want to install . [19:43] #ubuntuservermasterrace [19:44] shadaloo: sorry, I can't help, I've repeated questions and you've ignored them and given me information thats no use to me [19:44] Bashing-om: i thought that desktop is what lubuntu makes different from ubuntu [19:44] ikonia: I tried to explain how the monitors are configured [19:44] I didn't ask how they where conigured [19:45] <[Relic]> Q: doing fresh install due to new HDs. Thinking -> install new data drive, partition/format, copy any old data from existing drive, remove existing drive, install boot drive, install 14.10, set proper access to data drives <-. Am I missing anything obvious? [19:45] ikonia: nevermind [19:45] [Relic]: seems reasonable [19:45] [11:39] shadaloo: ok, so how are you configuring your external monitors [19:46] ikonia: you are just wasting time [19:46] shadaloo: I'm really not [19:46] tomatto: The operative word there was "minimal" .. All releases have the same kernel, and yes different desktops and default applications. [19:46] ikonia: you just said you didn't ask how the monitors were configured [19:46] ikonia: and then I pasted exactly that question [19:46] shadaloo: yes, I mean how are you configuring them from a software level [19:46] not what connectors they had [19:47] ikonia: I told you I already for the HDMI display I use nvidia graphics (from ubuntu repos) [19:48] ikonia: my VGA display worked directly after a fresh install but now I cannot even boot to that [19:48] can we get the software used by ubuntu dev to add/update the repo? [19:49] shadaloo, what GPU or PGU's do you have, is it a hybrid intel/nvidia? [19:50] OerHeks: yes [19:50] OerHeks: that is why I needed the Nvidia drivers built for ubuntu from the repos to even use my HDMI display (and it still is very buggy) [19:52] shadaloo, oke, what nvidia exactly? [19:52] OerHeks: hardware or software? [19:52] hardware [19:52] OerHeks: moment I will check [19:53] or easier what laptop .. === hp_ is now known as Guest15833 [19:55] OerHeks: it's a desktop (HP m8530f w/ GeForce 9300GE) [19:56] OerHeks: and I believe it has some motherboard graphics chipset as well that is making ubuntu run with errors [19:57] integrated nvidia 8200 and nvidia 9300, both old, those needed the 173 driver in the past [19:57] anyone know hot to stop window to disappear on right title bar click in unity on ubuntu 14.04 [20:01] hi [20:01] anyone know hot to stop window to disappear on right title bar click in unity on ubuntu 14.04 please [20:02] OerHeks: if you do not mind me asking, how do you know that? [20:03] shadaloo, that 173 used to be the driver for those cards, i cannot find more info jet. http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Grafikkarten/Nvidia/nvidia says the 331 driver should work [20:04] hey guy [20:04] guys [20:04] having an issue where ubuntu won't boot [20:04] just like this [20:04] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217829 [20:04] locutus1: SFI? [20:05] nickander, sorry, don't understand your question? [20:06] locutus1: that's fine just recognized the name [20:06] nickander, ic. so suggestions for fixing? [20:07] trying the solution listed, but not seeming to work [20:07] Trying to sahre an Ubuntu folder with windows. Installed Samba .. added new..browsed to folder.. gave it a share name .. made writeable and visible.. Allowed access to everyone but windows throws cannot access.. you do not have permissions.. [20:08] OerHeks: sorry I was disconnected [20:09] OerHeks: what drivers did you say I would need? [20:12] kua [20:12] OerHeks: allo? [20:13] anyone help? computer won't boot. :( [20:13] shadaloo: might find the followin of use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics [20:15] that thred is talking about loopin, I don't have that :S [20:15] locutus1, The channel needs some details if you can to give help. [20:16] bubbasaures, I put it up a minute ago [20:16] but basically the computer won't boot, says "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init" [20:17] trying what is in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2217829 [20:17] not really working for me [20:17] locutus1, Wubi is not supported, do a dual boot if you can or a virtual. [20:17] buenas [20:17] not using wubi [20:17] locutus1, Are any of these links actually you, and if so what is the nick? [20:17] bubbasaures, not using wubi. this is an install that has been working for quite some time. [20:18] no [20:18] bubbasaures, they are not [20:18] I just realized this was happening today [20:18] this thing was working for a very long time before this happened [20:19] locutus1, Stop and give an accurate detailed description if you can of your issue, no links of seemingly like [20:19] OerHeks: nm, checked the logs [20:19] + [20:19] Is the nvidia 173 driver in ubuntu repos? [20:20] bubbasaures, what? ok. my computer WILL NOT boot. it is giving this error: "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init" [20:20] bubbasaures, that is my problem [20:20] bubbasaures, I was looking for a solution, found that thread. that is all [20:21] bubbasaures, looking for solutions considering I want this thing to boot like it has been for at least the last 6 months [20:21] loctong, Do you have more than one kernel set, I believe this is a kernel panic, we have had kernel updates lately. [20:21] How can i compile scripts in /media file? (when i am on other hard drive) [20:21] locutus1, ^^^^^ [20:22] bubbasaures, ? [20:22] loctong, sorry [20:22] locutus1, Do you have more than one kernel set, I believe this is a kernel panic, we have had kernel updates lately. ^^^^^ meant wrong nick used look above [20:23] bubbasaures, not sure how to check that. it does say kernel panic [20:23] looking at grub it doesn't look like I have more than one kernel [20:23] locutus1, In the grub menu should be other kernels try the previous one. [20:23] bubbasaures, don't have any [20:24] locutus1, have you removed any? [20:24] locutus1, pastebin the output of sudo update-grub [20:24] bubbasaures, most likely using apt-get auto-remove [20:25] locutus1: Look for additional kernels under "advanced options" in the grub boot menu . [20:25] bubbasaures, ok [20:25] thats the line yeah [20:25] bubbasaures, well, not sure how to do that [20:25] Bashing-om, will check [20:25] locutus1, Do what, be specific here please. [20:26] bubbasaures, pastebin considering I can't boot the system [20:26] looks like I have one older in advanced [20:26] tried that one, same error [20:26] locutus1, Ah, look in that line as Bashing-om kindly helped us with. [20:26] hello all [20:27] happy xmas to all [20:27] recovery mode looks like it is booking [20:27] booting [20:28] nope [20:28] ahhh [20:28] still kernel panic [20:29] bubbasaures, can't boot the system (without a live CD), not sure how to pastebin what you were asking? [20:29] locutus1, This a dual boot situation, really just to be sure the hardware is working? [20:29] bubbasaures, this is not a dual boot situation [20:29] bubbasaures, the only OS installed on this computer is Ubuntu [20:29] locutus1, YOu can boot a live though? [20:30] bubbasaures, yes [20:30] before I reinstall: AFTER booting UBUNTU 14.04 from a LAPTOP, my DESKTOP no longer boots to LOGIN, after booting the kernel Ubuntu gets jammed up loading the GDM-login and goes into a recursive blinking underscore [20:30] is there an easy diagnosis for this issue? [20:30] locutus1, Cool, I suspect others will be better help, past this to be honest. [20:30] I can still boot into ubuntu fine on my laptop [20:30] locutus1: // bubbasaures did request you try the older kernel . Booting recovery is the same kernel as is problematic. Trying to isolate where the problem is . [20:31] is there a vnc server that allows us to click directly with the mouse, instead of one that has to be dragged? [20:31] can I remove the display profiles the laptop wrote to default display that would allow my desktop to work agian? [20:31] Bashing-om, I tried the one older kernel and it still wouldn't boot. [20:31] locutus1: OK, back to lurking, less I have something productive to offer . [20:32] Bashing-om, :( [20:32] teward: you can't help me if I'm on fedora, no, but you can help with your package system...anyways thanks [20:32] shadaloo, So you are comparing one working ubuntu running computer and another as part of your description [20:32] ping [20:32] oh ok, just didn't see my comment show up :) [20:32] bubbasaures: as I explained yesterday this is an Ubuntu install on a USB drive [20:32] there a way to apply updates to the system from a live cd? [20:33] teward: if it would mak you happy I could get on my ubuntu machine and the fedora one would still exist, your complaint is a bit silly :P [20:33] shadaloo, any attitude gets a free ignore here see yah. [20:33] bubbasaures: you already said you had no idea beyond nomodeset, which did nothing xD [20:33] bubbasaures: see yah [20:34] OK, I need advise. [20:34] alright, lesson learned... do not use Ubuntu USB drives on multiple systems xD [20:34] Hello there o/ [20:34] unity just pooped itself [20:35] How is it possible to make the "mail icon" change color in Unity? [20:35] How should I handle that? [20:35] I have a server that used to be running 12.04, and I just reinstalled with 14.04. I am getting very very weird errors from it. Network dies periodically, especially when copying large files, occasional kernel panics, kernel stack error messages, "recursive error detected", etc. [20:35] How do I install just documentation? [20:35] I have narrowed it down to a software issue; booting a Live CD from a much older version of Linux works fine, and can copy 100 GB without issue. [20:35] I didn't manage to find my answer on the internet :/ [20:35] I don't want to install the binaries. Just the documentation. [20:35] shadaloo: seriously: this channel has currently well over 1600 users, every regular helper talks to about 20-30 people a day - don't expect anyone to remember what you "said yesterday" [20:36] But... the hardware is all 9 years old (aside from 3 new hard drives). [20:36] Would a newer kernel (14.04's kernel) *lose* working support for old hardware? [20:36] I've not had anything this inconsistent before, certainly not on this system. [20:37] locutus1: In a situation where /init is involved , I always want to insure the file system is intact . Do you have access at this time to a liveDVD(USB) from which we can run a file system check ? [20:37] Is 14.04 just a very unstable version, period? [20:40] Bashing-om, I am booting into a live CD right now [20:40] had to find a 14.04 one that I had laying around [20:41] Bashing-om, and I am in. what would you like me to do? [20:42] hi, ubuntu people ! [20:43] lionrouge: hey there [20:43] lionrouge, hi! [20:43] locutus1: Single hard disk AND ubuntu installed on the 1st partition ? ? check that file system with -> sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda1 <- else; show ->sudo fdisk -lu <- . [20:44] Nobody know how the "mail icon" works? :/ [20:44] looks like AMD hasn't released 14.10-compatible driver yet. And with opensource one my videocard's cooler is working at 100% all the time... [20:45] what is easier : downgrade to 14.04 or adjust cooler speed ? [20:45] lionrouge: I am not very happy with NVidia either. Constant screen freezes that I have to switch to tty6 and back to 7 [20:46] it's the first time i regret updating Ubuntu [20:46] Bashing-om, [20:46] Bashing-om, ok [20:46] hakermania the video in which Thorvalds gives "the finger" to Nvidia is almost legendary [20:46] hang on [20:47] MonkeyDust, i liked it too. Hope he will do it for AMD. With both hands. [20:47] Bashing-om, getting an error that tells me to run fsck manually [20:48] Bashing-om, error reading block (attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while getting next inode from scan [20:49] MonkeyDust: linky ? [20:51] Hi, I have logged in to the TTY1, and I am getting this error constantly: "[224.222345] Error @wl_dev_intvar_get : error (-1) and [224.222345] Error @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)" The number is constantly increasing. [20:51] locutus1: UnGood. Check the health of the hard drive . In the liveDVD is "disks" run a SNART test on that hard drive . [20:51] SMART* [20:51] I am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Dell Studio 1555 [20:52] Bashing-om, is there a program built in to do that? [20:52] this is an SSD [20:54] locutus1: UMmmm .. not at all sure that a SMART test can be ran on a SSD . bubbasaures what are your thoughts ? [20:56] I'm trying to stream from usb webcam though ffserver but getting errors with standard configs. ffmpeg grabs from /dev/video0 just fine, feeds it ffserver but once I connect to it it gives tons of "Too large number of skipped frames" messages [20:58] Hi, I have logged in to the TTY1, and I am getting this error constantly: "[224.222345] Error @wl_dev_intvar_get : error (-1) and [224.222345] Error @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)" The number is constantly increasing. [20:58] It is now showing a white screen. [20:58] test [20:58] I can do nothing! :( [20:58] Please help [20:58] why?? [20:59] mojtaba: sudo shutdown -h now [20:59] mojtaba: remove the battery from the laptop and the a/c plug [20:59] mr-excellent: because you are excellent [20:59] then put it back in and start the pc [20:59] has joined #ubuntu [21:00] EriC^_: ok, let me do that [21:00] how to upgrade ubuntu 14.10 from 14.04??????????? [21:01] mr-excellent: sudo do-release-upgrade [21:01] next??????????????????????????????? [21:01] mr-excellent or insert the cd/usb and upgrade [21:01] locutus1: Before we get all hot and bothered, let's all see what we are working with -> sudo fdisk -lu | pastebinit <- . [21:01] mr-excellent drop the repeating ?? please [21:01] okay,,,,,,,,,,,,,thanks [21:02] Bashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626165 [21:02] EriC^_: Same error [21:03] locutus1: looking at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626165 . [21:03] @MonkyDust what do you mean????????? [21:03] mojtaba: try to disable the wireless then turn it back on [21:04] EriC^_: Still same error after that [21:05] locutus1: Try: sudo e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda1 . See if it will fix the file system . [21:05] EriC^_: I entered vim, and still getting those errors in the first page of the vim! [21:05] It is an ongoing error message [21:07] Bashing-om, it just did a bunch of stuff [21:07] Bashing-om, and is now complete [21:08] any idea? === NationalCoderT is now known as NationalCoder [21:10] Please help === bob is now known as Guest7512 [21:11] locutus1: Fingers crossed, see if you can now boot into the install . [21:12] Bashing-om, ok. here we go [21:12] mojtaba: type lspci | grep wireless [21:13] mojtaba: type lspci | grep Wireless [21:13] Bashing-om, nope. still kernel panic [21:13] hai????can you help me?????? [21:13] Are there known stability issues with 14.04 server? [21:14] I have been getting sporadic but regular fails; network disconnects, kernel panics, "recursive error detected", etc. [21:14] locutus1: Hang on a bit, think'n what we should next do . [21:14] EriC^_: No output [21:14] Hello people. I try to change the keyboard layout in tty. I have a custom one and can load it with 'sudo loadkeys /etc/console-setup/boottime.kmap.gz' without problems. This file is also in /etc/default/keyboard as KMAP, but after a reboot I end up with the German standard keyboard layout. Any suggestions? [21:14] Bashing-om, sure! thanks! [21:14] I've managed to rule out hardware via a live CD and diagnostic tests, which leaves just 14.04 itself. I actually fell back to that after 14.10 had other issues, too. [21:15] Taker system settings > language support [21:15] mojtaba: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1360887 [21:15] Launchpad bug 1360887 in linux (Ubuntu) "ERROR @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)" [Medium,Confirmed] [21:15] mojtaba: did you type Wireless with a capital W? [21:17] MonkeyDust: I don't use unity and I am in the shell. [21:17] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626218/ [21:19] Bashing-om, is there a newer kernel than 3.13.0-43? [21:19] In archlinux it was pretty all I had to do. I have no idea where Ubuntu may set the keyboard for tty still. In X11 it is set as I wish. [21:20] Taker: it's should be set in the same place [21:20] most distros set the keyboard map the same way [21:21] I have 'KMAP=/etc/console-setup/boottime.kmap.g' in /etc/default/keyboard already. [21:21] +z [21:22] mojtaba: type lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 [21:22] I also tried things like 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration' [21:31] is there a channel for building/installing kernels on ubuntu 14.10? [21:32] locutus1: No, the -43 kernel is the latest. OK, I have seen advisements to run the e2fsck checks again untill there are no errors reported. And yes, SSDs do support the SMART test. sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda1 - again . [21:32] Bashing-om, ok [21:32] is there a way apt-get can reveal a deb's dependencies? [21:33] ProfessorKaos64: this should show the dependencies... apt-cache show [package] [21:33] ProfessorKaos64: apt-cache depends [21:33] ProfessorKaos64: apt-cache depends [package] is my guess [21:33] it's a deb file [21:33] not in the repos [21:34] ProfessorKaos64: then extract the deb file and look inside debian/control file [21:34] so I was thinking I can only see that by unpacking it [21:34] ProfessorKaos64 use apt-cache -h for basic help [21:34] yea, I supposee I will have to [21:34] ProfessorKaos64: dpkg -I [21:34] EriC^_, that did it, thank you very much [21:34] no problem [21:35] Bashing-om, says "unexpected inconsistency; run fsck manually" [21:35] Bashing-om, what is the next step? [21:36] EriC^_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626318 [21:36] locutus1: You are running the file system check from the liveDVD, yes ? [21:36] Bashing-om, yep [21:37] ProfessorKaos64: iirc, gdebi will check dependancies before unpacking/installing. if dependancies are not satisfied then it will tell you [21:37] Bashing-om, also says "duplicate or bad block in use" [21:37] is it posible if i want to remaster my ubuntu without GUI just console, ? [21:37] I could use gdebi instead, true [21:38] *is it posible if i want to remaster my ubuntu without GUI just console, ? (but without download anything)thx [21:38] hey [21:38] usrzzr1: that seems an odd thing [21:39] Bashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626333 [21:39] locutus1: Yhen manually is -> sudo e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda1 <- . I do not trust myself to be smarter than the system to fix the errors. why the -f -y -v flags are in place. [21:39] usrzzr1: you could use the minimal install or the server install, [21:39] Bashing-om, ok [21:39] usrzzr1: the desktop and all it's tools are designed to work with a desktop, so removing the desktop would mean a lot of things won't work [21:39] mojtaba: type lspci -vvnn | grep Broadcom [21:39] Bashing-om, ok. just did that and it corrected stuff [21:39] or so it appeared [21:40] i have a quick question, i have made a connection with smb://sharename that works, now, can i easy make a symbolic link for it? i want to safe a torrent to it, but i can't open the network share location with Transmission (torrent client) [21:40] ikonia, that i mean. i want to create new ut without gui [21:40] *but [21:41] usrzzr1: what's a "ut" ?? [21:41] *ikonia, that i mean. i want to create new but without gui [21:41] usrzzr1: why ? [21:41] locutus1: Run again the 1st file system check and see now what it reports. [21:41] usrzzr1: the minimal install and server install will do that [21:41] ikonia, *but [21:41] Bashing-om, seems to be reporting the same thing over and over? [21:42] nm [21:42] it isnt [21:42] ikonia, i want simple . server? . no. i don't need server. just desktop. [21:42] Bashing-om, seems to be bouncing back and forth between the same two messages [21:42] usrzzr1: but you've just said you don't want a desktop [21:43] Bashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626353/ [21:44] where are the ubuntu crash logs and reports? [21:44] ikonia, i'm sorry. that i mean. i want to remaster this system with simple. but the system not used as server . [21:44] chrss: /var/log/apport*.log [21:44] locutus1: Well, we know the block addressing is bad. We can keep trying the file system repair. OR might be time to spare off that superblock -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2177756 . [21:44] nickander, got it to work eventually. You have to create a .desktop file, and run it like an application, and point it to a bash script, with Exec=lxterminal --working-directory=/home/user/ -e "./script.sh" [21:44] usrzzr1: fine, then install the ubuntu server image === bob is now known as Guest79778 [21:45] usrzzr1: you don't need to remaster anything [21:45] usrzzr1: the other easy things to do would be a.) use the minimal install cd b.) do a normal desktop install and just disable the desktop [21:45] ikonia, ubuntu server? [21:45] usrzzr1: yes [21:46] what's the best tool of cryptography of Ubuntu? [21:46] Hi! I installed the 3.8 kernel for use with docker but it is not showing up in my grub menu. I've run grub-update twice and I can see the menuentry on my /boot/grub/grub.cfg but not in the grub menu [21:46] my new 1440p monitor that i got today on boxing day can't scale to its max res. i am stuck at 1080p. my GPU (GTX 560 Ti) is fully capable of 2560x1600 according to the official nvidia specs. ive tried both my mini-HDMI and DVI input. nvidia-settings doesn't give me an option higher than 1080p. what else could i try? [21:46] Bashing-om, ok. so looking at that, just one question, where it says the fsck.ext4 bit, should the drive be /dev/sda or /dev/sda1? [21:46] onto: how did you install it ? [21:46] ararob: wow, that sounds nonsensical [21:46] EriC^_: Could u please take a look at the last link? [21:46] Bashing-om, I ask because if I try /dev/sda it says it is in use (it's swap) [21:47] ikonia: https://docs.docker.com/installation/ubuntulinux/#ubuntu-precise-1204-lts-64-bit [21:47] mojtaba: i did, there's nothing about the broadcom card [21:47] onto: how did you install the kernel [21:47] mojtaba: type lspci -vvnn | grep Broadcom [21:47] ikonia, thx for info . [21:47] ikonia: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring [21:47] onto: what version of ubuntu are you using [21:47] ikonia: 12.04 [21:48] Bashing-om, nm. I just did swapoff [21:48] EriC^_: that link is just lspci -vvnn, so u can search it [21:48] mojtaba: i did, there's no broadcom [21:48] onto: verify in the package manager if linux-image-generic-lts-raring is present [21:48] mojtaba: my wireless card shows up with -vvnn [21:49] Bashing-om, but one more question. when he says to restore the superblock, which one do I use? are they all the same? [21:49] locutus1: We should be working on the file system sda1 ( sda is the complete device) . And seems fsck fixed the allocations .. maybe ?? .. see what 1st test now reports before sparring of the block. [21:49] ikonia: Present and installed [21:49] EriC^_: i had a kernel crash due to my wifi driver and i can't seem to find the info on that crash [21:49] I'm looking for a guide/help on how to patch the synaptic driver in Ubuntu 14.10. [21:49] EriC^_:please check lines 233 and 243 [21:49] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626318 [21:49] onto: can you pastebin the output of "sudo dpkg -l | grep linux-image-generic" please [21:50] mojtaba: oh ok, thanks [21:50] EriC^_:Are those errors because of the wireless? [21:51] ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626400/ [21:51] locutus1: Yes, those spare blocks are all the same .. They are the spares in the event that the in-use super block gets corrupted ( might be what we have here ) . [21:51] Bashing-om, hmm [21:52] Bashing-om, tried restoring one, still got a bunch of errors [21:52] onto: looks good, [21:52] rebooted and still kernel panics [21:52] onto: manually verify your grub.cfg [21:52] mojtaba: yes i think so [21:52] ikonia: I checked, the menuentry is there [21:52] onto: where exactly. [21:53] onto: as in what is the path to the file. [21:53] mojtaba: try sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-source [21:53] mojtaba: and sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-common [21:53] ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626412/ [21:54] onto: what is the name/path of that file [21:54] ikonia: /boot/grub/grub.cfg [21:54] onto: is this a dual boot system at all ? [21:55] ikonia: I have other distros on some partitions and windows [21:55] mojtaba: which ubuntu are you using? [21:55] onto: yeah, I think we see the problem [21:55] onto: whats the other distro [21:57] ikonia: I have debian and Linux Mint [21:57] onto: one of them is controlling grub [21:57] onto: this is why grub2 does not work on dual boot [21:57] onto: it requires /etc from the host distro, which as debian/mint can't see your ubuntu /etc partition and vice versa [21:58] guys, what app is used by the devs to maintain the packages...? [21:58] "maintain the package" ?? [21:58] arun: what's your actual problem/question [21:59] ikonia: would it work if I boot into one of those (whichever is controlling grub) and run update-grub from that? [21:59] Bashing-om, are you thinking this is a hardware failure or software? [21:59] ikanobori: sorry i mean the repo [21:59] onto: no, as it can't see /etc on the ubuntu system, which is where the config files for that distro is [22:00] arun: what is the acutal problem ? [22:00] mojtaba: ? 14.10? [22:01] Hi. What's the best DNS to use? [22:01] locutus1: Well, Think that it might behoove us to see if we can mount that root partition and copy your data off. Not known that we can even mount it, but we can try . [22:01] Bashing-om, sounds like a plan to me [22:01] ikonia: i want the software/interface used by the ubuntu devs to maintain repository... [22:01] BorisLaSaucisse: depends on your requirements [22:01] arun: it's called "bash" [22:01] Bashing-om, will this allow me to either reinstall and just clone stuff back to a new install? [22:01] arun: and "rsync" [22:02] hi [22:02] ikonia: so, they do all manually? [22:02] arun: well tools such as jenkins for example, bit that will still execute jobs such as bash shells scripts and rsync to push out [22:02] arun: packges will have to go through the test cycle before they are pushed to live servers [22:03] ikonia: is there a way to solve this? Any pointers? [22:03] locutus1: just a precaution IF we do (RE-)install. and still testing to see if that is what is going to be the result . [22:03] ikonia: privacy concern [22:03] Bashing-om, sounds good. what should I do? :) [22:03] BorisLaSaucisse: whats the issue you want to solve [22:04] onto: it's a hard question, some people will give you hacks/tricks, I personally don't believe grub2 is fit for dual booting multiple distros [22:04] ikonia: I dont trust my ISP, neither Google DNS or OpenDNS. [22:04] BorisLaSaucisse: then find someone you do trust [22:04] ikonia: do you know a good one? [22:04] ikonia: so, is the whole repo maintained by a single guy? [22:05] BorisLaSaucisse: thats up to you, you seem to not trust people, I can't tell you who to trust, it's your own crazy requirements that decide who you trust [22:05] arun: no, it's pulled from debian, and maintained by teams [22:05] ikonia: Thank you for the help! I'll look around. [22:05] onto: sorry to be negative about it [22:05] ikonia: It's fine. :) [22:05] onto: just being honest [22:06] Hello. Is there an app for Ubu to run as a clock that make sound at specified hour? [22:07] ikonia: n how does everyone in the team maintain the repo? any script or web interface to maintain? [22:07] arun: why are you asking all this ? [22:07] Novice201y: you want an alarm? [22:07] ikonia: which one do you use?` [22:07] arun: it's quite subjective as to the specific technical details [22:07] gah this is driving me nuts [22:07] BorisLaSaucisse: my isp's [22:07] how i get my ip of my samba share: smb://playonhd ? [22:08] went from a GTX470 to a 750Ti, now Flash is a mess [22:08] e.g. in terminal [22:08] EriC^_: Yeah [22:08] videos stuttering and horrendously bad framerate [22:08] nslookup playonhd [22:08] tried ping playonhd [22:08] the usual fixes just not working [22:08] also tried that [22:08] Novice201y: run a cronjob that plays a song [22:08] mark@mark-MP061:~$ nslookup playonhd Server: Address: ** server can't find playonhd: NXDOMAIN [22:08] locutus1: Let's try and mount sda1 and see what we can find out . from the liveDVD: sudo mkdir /mnt/hope , sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/hope , ls -la / , ls -la /home . Let's see what happens here . [22:08] mrkie: it's sharing over net bios [22:08] ikonia: i can really connect to it from ubuntu [22:09] mrkie: you can really connect to it ? [22:09] as opposed to not really ? [22:09] yeah, i need the ip :) so i can make mount point [22:09] mrkie: why do you need the IP if you can mount it ? [22:09] EriC^_: Thanks, but I just need a simple app, withour croning etc. [22:09] Bashing-om, for the ls -la, where should I do that from? [22:09] ikonia: i get this: sudo mount -t cifs playonhd/projects /home/mark/projects mount.cifs: bad UNC (playonhd/projects) [22:10] what is wrong? [22:10] Novice201y: sudo apt-get install alarm-clock [22:10] mrkie: you have no dns lookup for the device and th eformat of your UNC is wrong [22:10] locutus1: Nowhere, yet, we just want to know we can access those directories . [22:10] ikonia: sudo mount -t cifs //playonhd/projects /home/mark/projects mount error: could not resolve address for playonhd: Unknown error [22:10] that is why i wanted the ip [22:10] mrkie: there is no dns [22:11] mrkie: you need to look it up on the device, or the network router if there is no dns setup for it [22:11] Bashing-om, well if I do ls -la /, isn't that only going to return info for the live CD? [22:11] i can connect to it from the gui in ubuntu the default file manager, i can connect to the smb://playonhd, so it should know it's ip i think [22:12] mrkie: no, [22:12] locutus1: OH, you are so right ! ls -al /mnt/hope , ls -al /mnt/hope/home . [22:13] I've installled samba but it wont launch.. /etc/samba is empty except for an empty tls directory [22:13] EriC^_: Sorry for being late. It is 14.04 LTS [22:13] Bashing-om, I can ls those directories [22:13] /mnt/hope [22:14] locutus1: Bashing-om :D:D [22:14] I installed those pakages and I am going to restart [22:14] mojtaba: ok === Ladon_ is now known as Ladon [22:15] mojtaba: try to install bcmwl-kernel-source [22:15] ikonia: i got the ip, but now it asks for a password, i can normally browse without a password into smb://playonhd now i use // instead === saschpe is now known as zz_saschpe [22:16] is there a keyboard shortcut to lock the screen? [22:16] cause it uses root by default i think [22:16] probable because the password database holds an entry for the hostname, [22:16] Bashing-om, what next? :) [22:16] EriC^_:It is already installed [22:16] don't what the file manager of ubuntu will use by default username [22:16] locutus1: As the fsck is complaining about /lost+found and /var/cache/apt/archives . Recon what would happen if we delete them after looking at what lost+found contains ? [22:16] +know [22:17] mojtaba: ok, it seems it's fixed in Vivid's release of the package [22:17] EriC^_: But I still get same error message [22:17] is there a way to repopulate the etc/samba directory? === dog is now known as Guest42649 [22:18] Bashing-om, willing to try it! I just want this system to boot again :D. what should you have me do first? :_ [22:18] EriC^_: Do you know what should I do now? [22:18] hmm [22:18] how do I use the middle mouse with a touchpad? [22:18] I need it to copy-paste stuff [22:19] or how to copy-paste? [22:19] locutus1: Take a look around in /mnt/hope and find that directory "lost+found" . then list it. See if it contains anything of value . [22:21] g0th: press both at the same time [22:21] EriC^_: How should I install the new package? [22:22] Bashing-om, sorry, I have restarted the computer again, guess I will need to run the fsck to get the path again? === l2ksolkov is now known as Guest54925 [22:23] locutus1: fsck did not give us a path .. ( I hope it is not embedded in . or .. ) . [22:23] hm.. so there's a package that I've changed the source for, recompiled and added to my own repository - how do I tell apt to prefer the local repo for that specific package? [22:24] ktechmidas: the easy answer is to increment the build number [22:24] locutus1: Your paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626353/ for the latest fsck . [22:24] ktechmidas: man apt_preferences & man apt-mark maybe [22:25] mojtaba: i can't find the deb in releases.ubuntu.com not sure where you can get the .deb file http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/bcmwl-kernel-source [22:25] ikonia: I'm guessing if the build number increments on the official repo, that will take precedence again? [22:25] ktechmidas: correct [22:25] ktechmidas: the other answer is to do pinning [22:25] EriC^_: that doesn't seem to work [22:25] Bashing-om, thanks. I am in the directory now and I see a bunch of just numbers [22:26] mojtaba: i mean in archive.ubuntu.com [22:26] Bashing-om, not sure what I should be looking for. Sorry :S [22:28] <[Relic]> added 2nd HDD, it is mounting as /media/(partitions labels) and is root access only I think, I keep looking around but haven't found an info page to get me to have the 2nd HDD mount as user usable drive, not sure what I am missing doing. to me it seems as if it is trying to load it as detachable media [22:28] ikonia: Yeah I suppose, Debian broke NRPE and it seems to have filtered down and caused a lot of pain over Christmas :P [22:28] locutus1: Not to feel bad, I also have no idea what we are looking for. I am of a moiind to do a CHange Root. see if the package manager works, and remove archive, lost+fpund and see what results when we tru and "update-grub" . [22:29] mind* [22:29] pardon this likely noob question, but I cannot find a solution anywhere. Just updated to 14.04. I was looking to reduce desktop menu size, instructions are to open nautilus windows and go Edit menu -> preferences. I have no Edit menu and cannot find a way to restore it [22:30] ubuntu024: you don't see edit at the top? In the bar? [22:30] Nope [22:30] what do you see? [22:30] the top bar just has the folder name on it [22:30] I'm looking for a guide/help on how to patch the synaptic driver in Ubuntu 14.10. [22:31] redDEAD: that is not a trivial task [22:32] I considere moving to 14.10, but wasn't sure if that would have the desired effect [22:32] I've read lots about others with the same issue, but all dead ends. Also found a bug report which suggests this should be fixed, the bug was progressed [22:33] EriC^_:Do you know what should I do then? === Hobby_boy_a is now known as Hobby [22:34] I know but I'm looking for the info on how to do it, I'm willing to learn. Been using Ubuntu for almost 8 years and never had to until now. [22:35] Bashing-om, I am all for it if you are :D [22:35] buona sera a tutti [22:35] !list [22:35] tano1968: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». === ecksmas is now known as away [22:38] locutus1: I have had another thought, let's see if we can boot the install from the livedvd's boot option " boot from first hard drive" , and carry on from there if we can boot from there. get out of the present /mnt -> sudo umount /mnt/hope . Reboot the liveDVD, soon as the bios screen clears depress and hold the right shift key -> language screen, escape key to accept the default -> boot options screen; choose "boot from first hard drive" ... [22:40] ok [22:42] Bashing-om, hmm. that brought me back to my live usb bootloader [22:43] mojtaba: are you using 64 bit or 32? [22:43] I tried # /etc/init.d/apache2 status > # apache2 is running. But I can't tell if there's a fault there, as web interface still doesn't load? [22:44] linuxmint: did you try f5? [22:44] hi... I know... don't ask the ask question, but first of all, hi... :-) [22:45] locutus1: Well, not great .. Maybe we best at this time check the SSD with the SMART test, make sure we do ( As I think) have a software problem . Will take a bit of time to run the tests . liveDVD ->disk -> in the utility is SMART . start it and let it run .Make sure the SSD is good . [22:45] EriC^_: 64 [22:45] I should post this under ubuntustudio, but this seems more general, I have a hard time getting my display res to work under ubuntustudio [22:45] EriC^_: thanks, no, but just tried now. I usually have to try Ctrl+F5 to refresh a page without cache. Maybe that command has improved over the years and only needs F5 now. [22:45] mojtaba: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.248+bdcom-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb [22:45] running an AMD A6 APU mit additional graphics card [22:45] mojtaba: download it then type sudo dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.248+bdcom-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb [22:46] Bashing-om, ok. booting to liveDVD/USB now. will run the test :D [22:46] EriC^_: Ok thanks [22:47] locutus1: Might be quicker -> terminal way -> sudo apt-get install smartmontools , smartctl --all /dev/sda | pastebinit" . [22:47] Bashing-om, will do that instead [22:47] salve [22:47] only does max 1024 with 60 Hz [22:47] list [22:47] !it | dario_ [22:47] dario_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [22:48] Whoo hooo! I got my new monitor, no more stuck at 800x600! [22:49] Bashing-om, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626648/ [22:51] EriC^_: I installed it, and I am going to restart [22:51] ok [22:51] locutus1: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626648/. [22:53] EriC^_: Still same error. :( [22:54] hello [22:57] can anyone tell me why ubuntu is such a piece of shit?@@ [22:57] It did not get what it wanted for christmas [22:58] hi all; just installed xubuntu and windows 8 doesnt show in grub menu [22:58] some help plz??? [22:58] <[Relic]> is there any program to set up 2nd(or any) internal HDD so that the system recognizes it as a HDD and mounts to a read/writeable fashion? [22:58] locutus1: Looks good to me ! let's CHange root into the install. From the liveDVD -> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt , for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done , sudo chroot /mnt . [22:59] locutus1: Now make sure we have networking working . -> ping -c3 google.com <- . [22:59] anyone knows what's the difference between unix and pam authentication? [22:59] ciao [22:59] hello,can anyone help me .... just installed xubuntu and windows 8 doesnt show in grub menu [23:00] EriC^_: Any other idea? [23:01] acer: open a terminal; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update [23:01] sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &): sudo shutdown -r now; [23:02] hey all, is any1 able 2 help me with grub menu [23:02] ??? [23:02] sounds racy === sdx32 is now known as sdx23 [23:02] hey all, is any1 able 2 help me with grub menu [23:02] acer: just look, what I wrote before [23:03] was that for me...sorry [23:03] im a newbie here [23:03] acer: there is an ISO called boot_disk_repair [23:03] can u copy n paste it again [23:03] acer: If you only have a single hard drive then try as above ^ boot-repair . [23:03] ok downloading this now [23:04] i tried that, but didnt do much...i just choose repair as (recommended) [23:04] im now downloading into a usb and will try again [23:04] acer: are you in ubuntu right now? [23:05] at the end it ask me if i want to delete the previous to boot loader...should i choose yes??? rekon one of them is windows 8 [23:05] yes [23:05] acer: type sudo parted -l and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com [23:06] ok thx...doing it now [23:07] Eric ...all done what now [23:07] ?? [23:07] what's the link to the paste? [23:07] what's the default pin for bluetooth? [23:07] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626751/ [23:09] acer: if you type sudo update-grub [23:09] does it mention windows? [23:09] hey... [23:09] Bashing-om, ok going to give it a try [23:09] Bashing-om, networking is working [23:10] I just installed ubuntu_studio and I need to become superuser to installed the right grafics driver... [23:10] EriC^_: acer :: A 1st for me " 2 2155MB 494GB 492GB extended " will Windows even boot in such an arrangement ? [23:10] how can I legitimate as a su? [23:10] no....its says command not found [23:10] locutus1: Outstanding, now for the package manager -> apt-get update, apt-get upgrade <- . [23:11] acer: sudo update-grub ? [23:11] nothing in terminal comes back with command not found [23:12] acer: type echo $PATH [23:12] Bashing-om, says there was a syntax error with what you posted for chrooting [23:12] /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games [23:12] Beside Ubuntu, Centos, Debian, Red Hat, Is there any other decent server OS without UI out there? [23:13] locutus1: Let me check .. be back soonest . [23:13] acer: try sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg [23:13] Bashing-om, says "syntax error near unexpected token `do'" [23:13] johncarper: we support ubuntu here [23:13] sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg [23:13] command not found [23:13] again: how can I become super-user under ubuntustudio? [23:14] sudo not found or grub-mkconfig? [23:14] schnitz: you use sudo to run commands as the super user [23:14] acer: type which update-grub [23:14] schnitz: eg: sudo ls will run ls as the user root [23:14] aha...! [23:14] The program 'update-grub' can be found in the following packages: [23:14] * grub [23:14] * grub2-common [23:14] Try: sudo apt-get install [23:16] acer: ok try sudo apt-get install grub2-common [23:17] done...what now??? [23:18] acer: sudo update-grub [23:18] ok understand, but what if I'm not starting something via terminal mode? The grafics driver package can be double-clicked to start running, but then stops because its needs to run as su [23:18] done, generated a file of some kind [23:18] did it mention windows? [23:19] one sec [23:19] acer: try sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda [23:19] no [23:19] just in case it was deleted [23:19] locutus1: I do not find a fault -> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt (next) for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done (next) sudo chroot /mnt . Now you should be in the CHroot. Is the prompt now '#" ? [23:19] says it doesnt exist [23:19] what does [23:20] grub-install doesn't exist? [23:20] Bashing-om, oooohhh [23:20] lol [23:20] ok [23:20] error: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory. [23:20] I did it all as one command [23:21] Bashing-om, ok. done. [23:21] Bashing-om, the prompt is now #/ [23:21] er [23:21] can ping google [23:21] so now the update [23:22] : /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory. [23:22] when I do apt-get update I get an error [23:23] Bashing-om, apt-get update produces the following error: "apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1: invalid elf header" [23:23] acer: try sudo apt-get install grub-pc [23:24] locutus1: Yuk, think'n . [23:24] done [23:24] acer: sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda === Darknet_k is now known as Darknet [23:24] before i do that, 1 window has pop up and gave me 3 opions [23:24] what window [23:25] blue window [23:25] press ok [23:25] and then i have my flash disk, HDD and something else [23:26] sda, sda8 , sdb [23:26] what should i choose? [23:26] what's it asking you [23:26] EriC^_: I am getting still that error. Do you know what should I do? [23:26] mojtaba: no idea [23:26] on each choice i have [ ] [23:27] looks like for me to choose one option from what i mention abobe....sda, sda8, sdb [23:27] locutus1: Chicken or the egg ? Can we fix the package manager with the system broke, or can we fix the system with the package manager broke ? think'n . [23:27] acer: that's all it says? choose one option [23:28] locutus1: can you use Synaptic? if Synaptic works, you could perhapbs completely remove & reinstall apt. [23:28] GRUB Install devices [23:28] mojtaba: there's a patch i saw at the launchpad site, but it seemed to be for the 3.17 kernel [23:29] mojtaba: maybe if you use an older kernel or newer one it would work, i've no idea [23:29] [ ] /dev/sda/ [23:29] acer: choose /dev/sda [23:29] it says installing grub [23:30] done [23:30] ok [23:30] sudo update-grub [23:30] Bashing-om, lol. k. let me know what you come up with [23:30] done [23:30] acer: did it mention windows? [23:30] (but synaptic will just be a wrapper for apt...) [23:30] no [23:31] acer: ok, try to add windows as a grub entry [23:31] acer: type gksu gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom [23:31] are there a few commented lines? [23:31] Hey there - any other way of installing plasma 5, besides compiling it from scratch? The neon project kf5 ppa is down... [23:31] editor pop up screen, what should i write into it? [23:31] !info os-prober [23:31] os-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.63ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 17 kB, installed size 142 kB [23:31] cpika, synaptic isn't included by default, is it (not even on the live cd)? I could possibly install it if you guys think it will help [23:32] brb, going to shower. [23:32] acer: are there a few commented lines? [23:32] yes [23:32] #!/bin/sh [23:32] exec tail -n +3 $0 [23:32] # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the [23:32] # menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change [23:32] # the 'exec tail' line above. [23:32] acer you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [23:32] acer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1817827 [23:34] modify it to Windows 8 and set root='(hd0,5)' [23:34] acer: type sudo blkid | grep ntfs [23:35] what should i do with the 40_custom document opned awhile back ? [23:35] copy the windows entry from the link above [23:36] and modify it, read above [23:36] sorry, you loosing me know [23:36] should i change to windows 8 or leave windows 7 ? [23:36] change it to windows 8, and replace set root='(hd0,1)' with hd0,5 === vifino- is now known as vifino [23:37] sory hd0,2 with hd0,5 [23:37] are we takilng about copy and paste txt from link above to document 40_custom? [23:37] yes [23:37] ok ,one sec [23:38] I am a newb that just upgraded his GPU... Now my ElementaryOS doesn't boot, it is stuck on the black screen / blinking cursor. When I launch in recovery it says something about nvidia: tainted kernel. I tried to set nomodeset to launch w/o the card being probed but that didn't work (probably did it wrong) [23:38] where should I go to get help? [23:38] DecoyDrone: #elementary should be able to help you out [23:38] what about /sda2 ...do i need to change this to something else? [23:38] it is ubuntu though right? under the covers that is [23:39] acer: you can change it to sda5 , it's a title [23:39] DecoyDrone: It's not. There's changes made to it by the elementary folks (that we can't keep up with) that modify its behavior. [23:39] ok dokes [23:39] acer: you can call it Windows 8 only if you want [23:39] is it sane to install the g++ with C++11 alongside default on 12.04 if we specifically have specific software that needs C++11 support [23:40] ok...done [23:40] type sudo blkid | grep ntfs [23:40] we need to get the uuid [23:41] gives me an error [23:41] what's it say [23:42] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626905/ [23:43] type that in a new terminal [23:43] press ctrl+alt+t [23:43] /dev/sda5: UUID="349477B6947778E6" TYPE="ntfs" [23:43] ok replace --set 6040b5fb40b5d7cc with 349477B6947778E6 [23:43] in the 40_custom [23:44] still saying error [23:44] i dont follow [23:44] (gedit:15662): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files [23:45] is the gedit still open? [23:45] no [23:45] did you save earlier? [23:45] press ctrl+c [23:45] should have, since i opened and all info was save [23:46] ok [23:46] Bashing-om: we can smash both chicken and egg. cook sometging else to eat [23:46] locutus1: Still uncertain. Do you have your data backed up ? a gentle poke at the situation . What happenes -> ls -al /var/cache/apt/archives ?? then depending we try to work with the broke package manager . [23:47] acer: did you replace the uuid? [23:47] yes...ill chk it again [23:47] brrrrr: Going to have to cook something up, we are twix a rock and a hard place . [23:47] yes, copy and paste it...all saved [23:47] acer: sudo update-grub [23:48] Bashing-om, this computer really isn't doing much. it has 3 things on it that I would like to save (configs/scripts mainly), other than that. [23:48] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626928/ [23:48] did it mention windows? [23:48] Bashing-om, let me try ls'ing that dir [23:49] Bashing-om, there is quite a bit of data in that directory [23:49] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626930/ [23:49] acer: ok i meant you could make it as "Windows 8" instead of Windows 8 (loader) on /dev... [23:49] acer: or you can put "Windows 8 (loader) (on /dev/sda5)" [23:49] locutus1: Great, we can access it ! .. try -> apt-get clean . [23:50] acer: did you erase the comments in 40_custom? [23:50] and the #!/bin/bash and exec [23:51] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626937/ === Hobby is now known as Hobby_boy [23:51] i did [23:51] acer: you shouldn't [23:51] hold on [23:51] !but [23:51] !bug [23:51] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [23:52] acer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626941/ [23:52] acer: add those at the top [23:52] done [23:53] ok sudo update-grub [23:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626944/ [23:54] acer: type cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep -A10 Windows [23:54] acer: type cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep -A10 Windows | pastebinit [23:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626946/ [23:55] acer: type grep -A10 Windows /boot/grub/grub.cfg [23:55] ok [23:55] nevermind [23:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9626948/ [23:55] it's there i dont know why it didn't mention it [23:56] it does mentioned windows 8 [23:56] locutus1: Are we dead in the water ? [23:56] ??? [23:56] acer: i mean update-grub didn't mention it [23:57] maybe it doesn't mention the custom entries? i dont konw [23:57] what does madeinusa mean? [23:57] er, sorry wrong channel [23:57] Bashing-om, sorry, was AFK. going to try apt-get clean now :D [23:57] locutus1: k [23:57] Bashing-om, same error about the invalid ELF header [23:57] what now ? [23:58] acer: try to reboot, if it doesn't work we can try to add a line in the 40_custom that might help [23:58] ok...in bit... === ubuntu is now known as Guest57654