
BluesKaj_valorie, yes, did you and your family have a good Christmas?00:42
valorieyes, in spite of flu00:49
valorieso I didn't spend it with my kids and my sister and hers, but instead with my grandson and his new puppy00:50
valoriethey both loved being the center of attention00:50
soeehiho :)00:53
BluesKaj_valorie, no doubt, kids really enjoy the season00:56
valoriehe was like popcorn most of the night00:56
valoriethe the pup is young enough to play hard, then fall asleep almost instantly00:57
valoriethen back up to do it again00:57
valoriespringer spaniel, one of my favorite breeds00:57
BluesKaj_nice :)00:58
BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:13
bukaiovidiu-florin: ping13:54
ovidiu-florinbukai: pong13:54
bukaiovidiu-florin: for the site I wanted the images under latest articles to change whenever a new post is made. I am having problems in implementing it13:55
bukaiovidiu-florin: How do I use loop.php to display the thumbnails of the post in the latest article section13:58
ovidiu-florinif a widget doesn't exist that does this: make one that shows a feed of the news category. That feed will be generated on each page load13:59
ovidiu-florinI think that exists already13:59
ovidiu-florinif not, just modify the recent articles widget, to filter just the news posts13:59
bukaithere is a widget that does that but I only need the thumbnails and the links not the other data is that possible?14:01
sitterkubotu: newversion phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.8.2 https://community.kde.org/Phonon/Releases/GStreamer/4.8.214:58
ScottKRiddell: I'm both travelling for the holidays and sick (yay), so unlikely to get to it soon.15:50
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ovidiu-florinjose: are you around?18:19
DarkwingIs 15.04 alpha running Plasma5?18:41
DarkwingAwesome. Getting ready to DL18:51
BluesKaj_personally, I'm waiting for plasma 5.2 Beta for this desktop. I hear there are large improvements to usability when it;s available on jan 1619:04
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kfunkrunning 15.04 => works flawlessly! (less issues with Plasma5 than on 14.04 with PPA)20:59
kfunkerr, 14.1020:59
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