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papi | hallo | 10:36 |
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BluesKaj_ | Hiyas all | 13:13 |
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Dhs92 | ||
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukinotteru | ||
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
hanibana | hi, I have an external disk with some LVM partitions. The KDE Device Notifier doesn't mount this paritions when pluging the disk. Is there any workaround? | 16:21 |
=== alket_ is now known as alket | ||
tucnak | hey there | 17:19 |
tucnak | my latest ubuntu 14.10 with plasma5 for some reason comes to locked state after a while | 17:19 |
tucnak | though energy saving settings are set to do nothing in any case | 17:19 |
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naftilos76 | Hi, is there a dolphin plugin that lets me compress folders/files with a password? | 19:19 |
naftilos76 | I am on 14.04 | 19:19 |
nicon` | Hi all. | 20:04 |
nicon` | I was using for a long time plasma5, but it stopped working (hangs during 'loading screen' after login), I decided to go back to plasma4. I reinstalled some packages, but I'm sure it's not installed completely. | 20:05 |
nicon` | Can someone help me with giving packages names to install plasma4/kde4 full? | 20:05 |
nicon` | Or maybe someone knows how to fix plasma5? :-) | 20:06 |
nicon` | Previously removing .kde directory helped - but after my last upgrade (which I did today) it stopped helping. | 20:06 |
=== alket_ is now known as alket | ||
=== Unibob is now known as DJ_Unibob | ||
=== don is now known as Guest68359 | ||
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valorie | nicon`: can you say more about what the problem was? | 22:36 |
valorie | removing .kde was never a good solution; sometimes moving it was | 22:36 |
nicon` | valorie: like I said, I was unable to login to plasma 5 desktop. | 23:07 |
nicon` | It's hanging on login screen. | 23:07 |
nicon` | So I wanted to install kde4 with plasma4. | 23:08 |
valorie | so, did you say that you wanted to use SDDM when asked? | 23:08 |
nicon` | I tried sddm and lightdm. | 23:08 |
nicon` | It was working same way on both. | 23:08 |
valorie | my guess is that you are encountering the problem I had | 23:08 |
valorie | which is that they seemed to be interfering with one another | 23:08 |
nicon` | But I think you misunderstund 'loading screen'. | 23:08 |
nicon` | By loading screen I mean the one after dm (after login). | 23:09 |
valorie | I had to purge lightdm and kdm both for sddm to work correctly | 23:09 |
nicon` | sddm/lightdm are working corectly. | 23:09 |
nicon` | Loading screen is after logining. | 23:09 |
nicon` | It's not exactly hanging - all programs are running fine - just I can't see them and my desktop - instead I can see only loading screen. | 23:10 |
valorie | is this on 14.10? | 23:11 |
nicon` | valorie: yes. | 23:15 |
valorie | so you were using the next ppa to get plasma 5? | 23:16 |
nicon` | valorie: exactly. | 23:26 |
nicon` | Or... | 23:26 |
nicon` | In fact I was using just kubuntu cd with plasma55. | 23:26 |
nicon` | plasma5* | 23:26 |
valorie | oh, hmmm | 23:26 |
nicon` | I installed it when it was released. | 23:26 |
nicon` | I was using for couple weeks. | 23:26 |
nicon` | And sometimes I had same problems. | 23:26 |
nicon` | But moving .kde directory helped. | 23:27 |
valorie | and update and full-upgrade doesn't solve the problems? | 23:27 |
nicon` | After upgrading OS yesterday even moving .kde stopped helping. | 23:27 |
nicon` | Yeah, it doesn't. | 23:27 |
valorie | and you used full-upgrade, not dist-upgrade? | 23:27 |
nicon` | I removed plasma at all and reinstalled it with instructions from kubuntu.org (so with full-upgrade), no help. | 23:27 |
valorie | as the command | 23:27 |
nicon` | Yes. | 23:27 |
valorie | ok | 23:28 |
nicon` | I used full-upgrade. | 23:28 |
valorie | hmmm | 23:28 |
valorie | next try `sudo apt install -f` | 23:28 |
valorie | let's see if something got hosed in the install | 23:28 |
nicon` | Nothing. | 23:29 |
valorie | ok, next try logging into a new user | 23:29 |
valorie | if it is a config problem, a new user will be fine | 23:29 |
nicon` | Tried it already. | 23:30 |
nicon` | Didn't helped. | 23:30 |
nicon` | Previously it did (about a week ago). | 23:30 |
valorie | so now you know something is fundamentally more broken, which you already suspected | 23:32 |
valorie | so perhaps it is time to try purging the PPA | 23:32 |
valorie | !ppa-purge | 23:32 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 23:32 |
nicon` | Yeah, I tried this as well today :-D | 23:33 |
valorie | with no luck? | 23:33 |
valorie | :( | 23:33 |
nicon` | No luck at all. | 23:33 |
valorie | well, there are people who know much more than I do, and could perhaps help | 23:33 |
valorie | however, they are either asleep or in transit | 23:34 |
valorie | otoh, if your only other option is to re-install, you might try upgrading to Vivid | 23:34 |
nicon` | Sure. | 23:35 |
valorie | it can hardly be *more* broken | 23:35 |
nicon` | For this moment I installed ubuntu-desktop. | 23:35 |
nicon` | And it's ugly :-) | 23:35 |
nicon` | But at least working. | 23:35 |
valorie | heh | 23:35 |
valorie | I've not done this yet, but here is the info I have: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-vivid-alpha-1 | 23:36 |
nicon` | Is there a way to upgrade it instead of install? | 23:37 |
nicon` | Okay, found it. | 23:37 |
valorie | I've been thinking of upgrading just to test, because I've heard two good reports so far | 23:37 |
valorie | yes | 23:37 |
nicon` | Will try, thanks. | 23:37 |
valorie | please report your success or failure - I'd be very interested | 23:38 |
nicon` | Where can I send report? Or should I just send update to you here? | 23:39 |
nicon` | extras repo doesn't work :-) | 23:42 |
valorie | extras? | 23:44 |
valorie | not sure what you mean | 23:44 |
valorie | and just report success/failure here, unless there are actual bugs to file | 23:45 |
valorie | we need those bugs filed of course | 23:45 |
nicon` | there's no http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu for vivid. | 23:46 |
nicon` | But distro-upgrade was trying to enable it. | 23:46 |
valorie | that is certainly worth reporting, yes | 23:50 |
valorie | it shouldn't be calling for/looking for something that has not yet been created | 23:50 |
valorie | nicon`: do you have a login here yet? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/328/builds | 23:52 |
valorie | if so, it would be good to report there, and also link bug reports there | 23:52 |
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