
belkinsaMeeting in 45 minutes!00:12
jenniIOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 110] Connection timed out (file "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection)00:38
skellatWell, that's not good00:38
skellat.imdb The Interview00:38
jenni[MOVIE] Title: The Interview | Year: 1998 | Rating: 7.5 | Genre: Thriller, Crime, Drama | IMDB Link: http://imdb.com/title/tt012071400:38
skellatHmm, multiple films by that name00:39
skellat.twitter 54852405828794777600:40
jenniReminder to the Academy: thanks to its December release, 'The Interview' is Oscar-eligible #SubmittedForYourConsideration (@iowahawkblog)00:40
skellat.t EST00:41
jenniFri, 26 Dec 2014 19:41:55 EST00:41
skellatHunh, can provide own time but not US Naval Observatory00:42
belkinsaMeeting in 15 minutes!00:42
skellat"Meeting in 15 minutes"?00:42
* skellat notes jenni isn't translating00:43
skellatbelkinsa: Did anybody actually RSVP for this?00:43
belkinsaYou and james did.00:43
belkinsaNot enough people?00:44
skellatWe'll roll with it00:44
belkinsaAre you chairing?00:45
jennioh baby00:45
skellatI think jenni wants to00:45
* belkinsa *SLAPS jenni*00:45
skellatBut this says I am: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-ohio/927/detail/00:45
jenni[ Final Meeting for 2014 | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal ] - https://j.mp/1JSF4BS00:45
belkinsaOkay.  Sorry for not doing it on the portal.00:45
skellatIt is oka00:46
jenniskellat meant to say: It is okay00:46
skellatToo many community teams Earth-wide do not use LoCo Team Portal enough00:47
belkinsaIt is because many are (of the active ones) are old school?00:47
skellatLoCo Council doesn't know00:48
skellatThe Council can't find a common reason00:48
belkinsaMay I ask what other reasons are there?00:48
skellatThey don't like it00:48
skellatThey think it is cumbersome00:48
skellatThey dislike the localization00:48
skellatThey think it lacks flexibility00:49
skellatAnd I'm probably forgetting a few00:49
belkinsaI see and I thinking along those lines.00:49
skellatThe Italians, Greeks, and French are really good at using the portal00:49
skellatIt isn't everybody's favorite but nobody is sure where it should go development-wise00:51
* belkinsa nods00:52
skellatI'm tempted to say somebody should just do something, present a 'fait accompli', and see how people react then00:52
belkinsaWe have enough issues to deal with to do something.00:53
belkinsaBut I agree, someone gotcha do it.00:53
belkinsaMeeting in 5 minutes!00:54
skellat.t HST00:56
jenniFri, 26 Dec 2014 14:56:39 HST00:56
skellatI would rather be in HST...that is to say, Hawaiian Standard Time...00:56
belkinsaAh, I figured that was that timezone!00:57
* skellat misses living in the Pacific00:57
belkinsaAre you not a native Ohioan>00:57
skellatI am00:58
skellatI am an Ohio native00:58
skellatI just liked living in the Pacific Rim00:58
belkinsaAh, I see.00:58
belkinsaMeeting time00:59
skellatjrgifford: PING01:00
skellat.t EST01:00
jenniFri, 26 Dec 2014 20:00:15 EST01:00
skellatOkay, this is the last meeting for 201401:00
skellatHowever dissipated and not well attended it may be01:00
jrgiffordskellat: pong01:01
skellatThe agenda can be found on LoCo Team Portal here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-ohio/927/detail/01:01
jenni[ Final Meeting for 2014 | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal ] - https://j.mp/1JSF4BS01:01
skellatFirst item: Mailing List01:01
skellatbelkinsa, would you speak to this one?01:01
belkinsaWe have two mailing lists: one that we use right now that is on LP and one that is from like 2009(?) on lists.ubuntu.com.  My question is which one should we be using as a team?01:02
belkinsaLP: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-us-ohio/01:02
jenni[ Messages by thread : Mailing list archive : ubuntu-us-ohio team in Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/1xpr1jQ01:02
belkinsaOther one: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-oh01:03
jenni[ ubuntu-us-oh Info Page ] - https://j.mp/1xpr4vX01:03
belkinsaThe lists.ubuntu.com one that us ran by mailingman01:03
jennibelkinsa meant to say: The lists.ubuntu.com one that is ran by mailingman01:03
belkinsaI think we need to use the lists on since it's easier to use and to seek out messages than LP.01:04
skellatApparently we switched from lists.ubuntu.com to LP in May 2008 according to this message from Jacob Peddicord: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-oh/2008-May/000559.html01:04
jenni[ UbuntuOhio [!] New Mailing List at Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/1xpreUi01:04
skellatAnyone would be able to subscribe to a lists.ubuntu.com list regardless of LP membership in ~ubuntu-us-ohio01:05
belkinsaGood point.01:05
jrgiffordFor those of us who aren't able to read it, did Jacob cite a reason for moving to LP?01:05
belkinsaI guess you are right since it's a insiders thing.01:05
jrgifford(On my phone)01:05
belkinsaFrom the message: Hosting the list at Launchpad means that we don't have to deal with the01:05
belkinsahassles of Mailman. All a user needs to subscribe to the list is a Launchpad01:05
belkinsaaccount, and upon joining the LoCo team, new members will be asked if they01:05
belkinsawould like to subscribe. This makes things easier overall for managing your01:05
belkinsaown mailing lists as well if you subscribe to other Launchpad lists.01:05
jacobo/ iirc, folks from LP wanted us to give it a run01:06
skellatjacob: And nowadays it seems like Ohio are the only ones using LP's mailing list function among the community teams...from LoCo Council's perspective01:06
belkinsaFrom that message jacob is right and I think is truely is needed for a team that focuses on local events.01:06
jrgiffordSo there was nothing inherently wrong with the list.u.c, just "ew mailman"01:07
jacobskellat: hah. by all means, there's nothing technical from blocking for from using the mailman instance01:07
jrgiffordJust like there is nothing inherently wrong with LP, just "ew LP"01:07
jacobwoah, didn't backspace enough there, but you get what i mean.01:07
* belkinsa agrees with jrgifford01:08
skellatjacob: It is understood01:08
jacob(just popping in, i gotta head out for a flight, cheers)01:08
skellatOne doesn't require LP membership in ~ubuntu-us-ohio while the other one does01:08
jrgiffordSo my question is this: Is there a reason to go back to list.u.c?01:08
jrgiffordOk, so that's a reason.01:08
belkinsaReading messages and searching is easier.01:09
jrgiffordThe follow up is "does this give us a advantage?"01:09
skellatjrgifford: That is something I am unable to quantify01:09
jrgiffordskellat: ok.01:10
belkinsaMaybe we should have a vote on the mailing list?01:10
skellatSounds good.01:11
* belkinsa takes the action item.01:11
skellatAre you writing minutes tonight too?01:12
skellats/minutes/meeting summary/01:12
jenniskellat meant to say: Are you writing meeting summary tonight too?01:12
belkinsaI could, but I need to go to sleep right after the meeting.  I need to wake up early tomorrow.01:12
skellatBusy retail time of year.01:12
belkinsaDon't remind me.01:12
skellatYes Miss01:13
skellatItem #2: Twitter Account01:13
skellatWe still have a Twitter account01:13
jenni[ Ubuntu Ohio (@UbuntuOhio) | Twitter ] - https://j.mp/1xpsAOV01:13
skellatFew know it exists01:13
jrgiffordI know. It retweeted me a few times. >_>01:13
* skellat is to blame for that retweeting01:13
belkinsaIt did too before i left,01:14
jrgiffordOk. So is there something in particular that we should be doing with it?01:14
skellatThe credentials for the account need to be passed around the leadership team01:14
skellatjrgifford: It is a broadcasting platform.  Using it to shout about what the community team is doing would be a great use.01:15
belkinsaI remember when they were, but I never had it working for me or never brothered.01:15
jrgiffordOk. KeepassX is the current recommended way of doing that.01:15
skellatI'll need to review that post-meeting01:15
skellatThe account also needs a new e-mail address to be tied to01:16
jrgiffordskellat: I can provide a email.01:16
jrgiffordOr we can make a gmail.01:16
skellatOnce I get the new e-mail and we figure out how to get it confirmed to the account, then the password can be reset01:17
skellatAre we ready to go on to the next item?01:17
* belkinsa nods01:17
belkinsaEr, ready.01:18
skellatItem #3: UGJ Vivid Vervet01:18
skellatAs written: February 6-8, 2015. We should hold a rally. Reports to be received as to locations under consideration whether we can find space in a Cleveland locale or if we will pursue the option of a centrally located Ohio State Parks lodge. 01:18
skellatjrgifford, were you able to find a spot?01:18
jrgiffordskellat: so, currently I have tentative ability to have events in a location in Shaker Heights.01:19
jrgiffordI just need to talk to them about that particular date01:19
skellatWhat location in particular?01:19
jrgiffordThe Shaker LaunchHouse01:20
jrgiffordIt's a startup incubator01:20
* belkinsa knows where it is.01:20
jrgiffordProjector, fair amount of space.01:20
skellatI'm assuming it is this thing: http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEVjxMCZ5Un58AE5cPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMG04Z2o2BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1419672013/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.launchhouse.com%2f/RK=0/RS=XDwFgfmdU78ssJnk_YStiMHWqsE-01:20
jrgiffordYeah, them.01:20
jenni[ LaunchHouse | Seed Capital Fund & Business Accelerator ] - https://j.mp/1xptAT201:20
jrgiffordFree/minimal cost.01:21
skellatDid anybody do a quick check of MapQuest or Google Maps to see what rough routes looked like from Columbus or Cincinnati to the LaunchHouse?01:21
belkinsaI checked for Cinci.01:21
jrgiffordskellat: basically you go north. It kinda sucks. :-/01:21
belkinsaToo far, 4 hour drive.01:21
jrgiffordBut that's the problem with any sort of location other than Columbus.01:22
skellatAs it is said in real estate...location, location, location01:22
skellatAshtabula to the site: http://mapq.st/1vi8uP501:22
jenni[ MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map ] - ALREADY_A_BITLY_LINK01:22
belkinsaAnd we don't have that many active people also.01:22
jrgiffordTrue belkinsa01:23
belkinsaI feel like doing on is pointless if only two will come.01:23
belkinsaOr even just one.01:23
skellatAnd here is Columbus to the site: http://mapq.st/1xptZ8701:23
jenni[ MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map ] - ALREADY_A_BITLY_LINK01:23
skellat2 hours and 17 minutes isn't too bad01:23
jrgiffordThen perhaps we should have a Ubuntu hour type event in our local areas?01:24
belkinsaHeh, dunno.01:24
skellatThis one would be another poll01:24
* belkinsa nods01:24
skellatSplit it into a northern site/southern site date01:24
skellatHow about one of the state lodges?01:25
belkinsaThat works.01:25
belkinsaAnd we also need to know who may be coming.01:25
skellatbelkinsa, which state lodge looks most central?01:25
belkinsaWhat is the link again?01:25
belkinsaGive me a few minutes, we can move on though01:27
jenni[ Plan Your Trip, Ohio State Park State Park Getaway | Ohio State Park Lodge, Ohio ] - https://j.mp/1xpuvD201:27
skellatWe would have to draw on the Community Budget for this01:27
skellatIf we went to a lodge01:27
belkinsaWould this one work: http://www.saltforkstateparklodge.com/planning-your-trip-to-salt-fork/salt-fork-driving-directions/01:28
jenni[ Driving Directions - Salt Fork State Park Lodge rooms and cabins near Cambridge, Ohio ] - https://j.mp/1BdMWYv01:28
jenni[ Driving Directions - Salt Fork State Park Lodge rooms and cabins near Cambridge, Ohio ] - https://j.mp/1BdMWYv01:28
jrgiffordBut given our history of not drawing on it, we might be ok.01:28
skellatbelkinsa: That's out near Zanesville01:28
belkinsaWhat about Deer Creak?01:28
skellatDeer Creek is closest to Columbus01:29
belkinsaAnd to Cinci, it seems01:29
belkinsaEr, Dayton.01:29
skellatMt. Sterling is outside Columbus01:30
skellatI was up for consideration for a job there once01:30
skellatjrgifford: What do you think?01:30
jrgiffordskellat I'm still carless and licenseless, so I'm not really in a position to say much.01:31
skellatjrgifford: Understandable01:31
belkinsaI think we should not do one if it's only going to me and skellat.01:32
jrgiffordBut there's only the 3 of us here01:32
belkinsaWait, skellat aren't not able to do anything in Feb due to your job?01:32
skellatI can always travel on weekends01:32
jrgiffordIf we publish details, then we will have the potential to find others01:32
skellatAnd if the threatened reduction-in-force happens...I'll have plenty of time on my hands...01:32
belkinsaWe just need a time.01:33
belkinsaAnd day01:34
belkinsaThat works.01:34
skellatTravel down Friday, spend night01:34
skellatDo stuff Saturday01:34
skellatSpend night Saturday01:34
skellatGo home Sunday01:34
* skellat was just checking if there was a congregation in the area I could visit for services on a Sunday morning01:34
jenni[ ChurchZip ] - https://j.mp/1BdNZYr01:35
belkinsaI can get there in 1.5 hours from where I live.01:35
jrgiffordOk. So there's the schedule for it.01:35
skellatLeaving from work...it would be about 3 hours driving down I-7101:37
skellatSo it is doable01:38
skellatI say throw it out there as an idea for further discussion with the skeleton we've got formed now01:38
skellatAny objection?01:39
belkinsaNone for me.01:39
skellatAre we ready for the not-so-happy item?01:39
jrgiffordI guess.01:40
skellatItem #4: Leadership Transition01:40
skellatRelevant blog post: http://erielookingproductions.info/ubuntu/2014/12/62-reluctantly-facing-change01:40
jenni[ Reluctantly Facing Change ] - https://j.mp/1BdOMZB01:40
skellatFrom the blog post:01:40
skellatBased upon verbal and written orders received early Tuesday, I will be heading back to work soon for some not so nice people. Current "operational security" and "force protection" alerts have been warning staff to minimize their online presences and to get very antisocial for the sake of their own self-preservation. As I work for a non-defense/non-security agency, it bothers me greatly to have things like this pop up. I have to figure out ho01:40
skellatw to square such with being able to live a healthy life.01:40
skellatThe last regular item on the agenda for the meeting will be discussing the transition of leadership for Ubuntu Ohio. We will certainly be putting in motion actions to have an excellent Ubuntu Global Jam for the Vivid Vervet cycle. The pressures of work in an environment that is going to be a bit overheated in contrast to when I was laid off will mean I cannot plan our Jam let alone lead it. The Ubuntu Code of Conduct calls for stepping down 01:40
skellatconsiderately and we're shooting to have new leadership in place to start calendar year 2015. 01:40
skellatFrom the agenda item:01:41
skellatDue to circumstances beyond his control, Stephen Michael Kellat appears required to stand down as Leader and Point of Contact for Ubuntu Ohio. This is prompted by his conditions of employment as a federal civil servant. We must discuss the way forward. 01:41
skellatWhere do we want to start with this?01:41
jrgiffordWe nominate belkinsa as our benevolent dictator?01:42
skellatHow many hats is belkinsa wearing these days?01:42
belkinsaMind reader.01:42
belkinsaskellat, more than enough.01:42
belkinsaI was thinking of us three doing it as a team.01:43
skellatThere's been a year to prepare for that01:43
skellatSadly Unit193/JackFrost is not here at the moment01:43
jrgiffordA council? That could work.01:43
* belkinsa nods01:44
skellatDo the two of you want to talk it over with Unit193?01:44
jrgiffordWe can send him an email, yes01:45
skellatIn short, work is being goofy01:45
skellatI'm not even officially back yet01:45
belkinsaWant the action item, jrgifford?01:45
jrgiffordbelkinsa: sure.01:45
belkinsaDon't forget it CC it to me.01:45
skellatThe written orders, supplemented by the verbal ones, noted that there is a bit of a security nightmare going on01:46
skellatApparently phablets are not the cool thing if you like to get through security quickly01:46
skellatI'm not sure how much higher the sensitivity of the magnetometers can be set, though01:46
jrgiffordskellat: hah01:46
skellatPeople are already taking off belts and shoes that have too much metal in them01:47
skellatIf it comes down to tooth fillings setting it off...01:47
skellatOr a gnat farting in the general vicinity...01:47
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
jrgiffordThe aerodrome security certainly has that covered ;-)01:47
skellatOn the Monday I go back to work I'm going to be up at 5 AM to be at the building by 7 AM to clear through security to be in my seat by 8 AM to work until 4:45 PM and then get home by 7-7:30 PM.01:48
skellat14.5 hours related to job and travel just aren't that great for having a life01:49
skellatIt will ease up after we get our credentials back but...well...not by much.01:50
jrgiffordTotally get that. Any further things on the agenda 01:50
skellatI don't have any other business.  Do you belkinsa?01:51
belkinsaI don't have any, well, just a comment about the jam.  I might provide the computer that we can use to present stuff.01:52
jennibelkinsa meant to say: I don't have any, well, just a comment about a jam.  I might provide the computer that we can use to present stuff.01:52
skellatSaw your blog post about your new quiet system.01:52
belkinsaBut we can figure that out when the time gets near.01:53
skellatAlrighty, I think the meeting is FINISHED01:53
belkinsaLet's close it!01:53
PCLine_Good evening.01:54
skellatGood evening01:54
belkinsao/ PCLine_01:56
PCLine_Looks like its been busy in here tonight.01:57
belkinsaWe had a meeting01:57
PCLine_Did the meeting go well?01:58
belkinsaIt did.01:58
PCLine_Sorry I missed it.  Dont think I would have been much help.02:03
belkinsaIt's cool.02:03
belkinsajrgifford and skellat: Minutes posted: http://ubuntusense.com/2014/12/26/final-meeting-of-the-year-for-ubuntu-ohio/02:41
jenni[ Final Meeting of the Year for Ubuntu Ohio | Ubuntu Sense ] - https://j.mp/1xpExEa02:41
belkinsaAnd Poll posted: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-us-ohio/msg01465.html02:41
jenni[ [POLL]Which Mailing-List We Should Use. : Mailing list archive : ubuntu-us-ohio team in Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/1xpEAQf02:42
belkinsaAnd I'm out.02:42
belkinsaNight all.02:42
=== belkinsa changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Ubuntu Ohio via IRC | General Technical Support is **NOT** offered here. | Severe Weather Alerts in ##weather-us-oh | Verified until 2015-11-19
belkinsaI will put something else in that space soon.19:34

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