
Kiloshi bushtech welcome back05:58
Kiloscompliments of the season to you05:58
Kiloshi Squirm theblazehen_ and others05:58
bushtechThanks Kilos, all the best to you too05:59
Kiloswhere have you bee?05:59
bushtechfamily matters, been in Natal for 5 weeks06:00
Kiloshope all is good06:01
bushtechyep, sorted06:02
Kilosmorning gremble 07:36
grembleGood morning Kilos 07:37
Kilosai! geeks are funny peeps07:49
KilosBitCo | Ultra-Highspeed Business Fibre Internet. 2Mbps – 1Gbps Fully Uncapped. Get your free quote today!07:49
KilosTop News07:49
KilosMost pirated TV shows of 201407:49
KilosTorrentfreak has released its annual "most pirated TV shows" list, which is topped by well-known titles07:49
KilosBiggest international tech stories of 201407:49
KilosThe e-commerce space has a new heavyweight challenger, while the world's biggest Internet company is starting to feel the heat in Europe – these are just a couple of the big stories to emerge in 2014.07:49
KilosI don't care that The Pirate Bay is down: co-founder07:49
KilosThe Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde said that The Pirate Bay had lost its soul, and that he does not care that the website was taken down07:49
Kiloswhat soul can a site have?07:52
grembleThe same way that any enterprise can have a mission statement, an interpreted understanding what it is doing and why it is doing it07:55
Kilosok so what was lost07:56
Kiloswas it abused or no donations made07:56
gremblePirateBay was apparently created for the dissemination of information, books, movies, etc07:57
grembleBut it turned more into an advertising platform with very dubious ads. Sunde did not like that07:57
Kilosaha ty for the explanation07:58
grembleIt made the criminality of the enterprise more glamarous than the point of sharing like a massive library07:58
Kilosah that makes sense then07:58
Kilosour spelling bot is away08:01
Kilosspell checker08:01
Kilosat one time he had time to help everyone with spelling, then life took over08:01
Kilosgremble: explain what is ibids prob with python308:03
Kilosis there no software that can fix that?08:03
Kilosthat backwards thing08:04
gremblePeople like to see the "human-ness" in things that we make. They way some people refer to a car as a "she" or we say that the laptop has "died" etc08:09
Kilosbackwards compatability08:10
Kiloswhat is that?08:10
Kilosi clicked it and it opened another channel hehe08:11
grembleThere was python 3 changed the way some of the parts of the python language works08:29
grembleNo there was, sorry08:29
grembleThose changes are incompatible with the way that python 2.7 works08:29
grembleMeaning 2.7 code can't run in 3 and 3 code can't run in 2.708:30
Kiloshi magespawn 09:50
magespawngood afternoon09:50
Kilosalmost too09:51
magespawnclose enough for me 09:53
Kilosoh my10:02
Kilosmagespawn: why does your isp keep changing? router?10:42
magespawnno it should not11:27
magespawnmaybe because i just connected without doing anything11:27
magespawni am connected through my phone, so it might be the signal, 11:33
Kilosyou use tor hey?11:34
Kilosthey were also attacked11:34
Kilosthese crackers should be given hard labour11:36
Kilosor maybe just shot and buried11:36
magespawnthere has also been some talk about being able to identify tor users if you control the node they exit through11:36
magespawni think the education is key11:36
Kilosim really stupid i think, i have seen anything on the net id like to attack for the fun of it11:38
Kilosi dont understand that mentality11:38
Kilosi can understand (but dont condone) bank robbers and other thieves11:40
Kilosbut what do crackers get out of it11:40
magespawnthe fun of being able to say that they have done something12:41
magespawnor in is some cases they do it for money or to achieve some political goal12:53
Kilosthat maybe i can understand13:01
Kilosthe greed factor13:01
charlgood afternoon13:06
charlMaaz: coffee on13:06
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:06
Kiloshi charl 13:06
charlhi Kilos 13:06
charlhow are you this afternoon13:06
KilosMaaz: coffee please13:06
MaazKilos: Alrighty13:06
Kilosok ty and you?13:06
charlgood good13:06
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!13:10
KilosMaaz: danke13:10
KilosMaaz: botsnack13:10
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!13:10
Kiloshehe hiya gremble 13:15
Kilosthats a wave hey?13:15
grembleIt is raining so nicely here now13:37
theblazehen_eff Android.. http://releases.sailfishos.org/sfa-ea/2014-07-18_SailfishOSHardwareAdaptationDevelopmentKit.pdf Challenge accepted!13:43
theblazehen_gremble: you ever try sailfish OS?13:51
grembleOnly heard about it13:53
theblazehen_yeah. I really like the look of it.13:53
theblazehen_I don't like the amount of "TODO" in the porting guide, however :(13:53
grembleThe problem is getting a phone that will play along13:54
theblazehen_Seems like it uses cyanogenmod drivers13:55
theblazehen_So as long as your phone runs CM10 it *should* work13:55
theblazehen_hi bushtech13:55
magespawnhi all13:56
theblazehen_hi magespawn13:56
magespawnthey say sailfish is built om meego13:58
magespawni wonder if i can just load it straight on to the n900?13:58
theblazehen_magespawn: They have builds for the Nexus 413:59
theblazehen_you hear about the neo900 project?13:59
theblazehen_Newer hardware, same OS14:00
theblazehen_meaemo or meego or whichever one it is14:00
magespawni like the idea of being able to run what ever i want, i did have android running on my n900 for a bit14:02
theblazehen_magespawn: hah. You still have it?14:02
magespawnsitting right in front of me, not my daily phone, but it is still useful14:03
theblazehen_ah, kk. Running maemo on it now, or what?14:03
theblazehen_I wish they still made good phones with proper keyboards :/14:03
magespawnyup i reverted it back, the android was a dual boot from the memory card14:04
magespawnit had issues with the hardware, somethings worked but not well and others did not work at all14:07
theblazehen_Oh man.. I have more free RAM than free disk space...14:09
theblazehen_22 GB free vs 6.4 GB free...14:09
theblazehen_Time for a ramdisk!14:10
magespawnthat is just wrong, i do not have that much ram if i add all of my computers together14:10
theblazehen_magespawn: I have 32 GB of DDR3 and 2(used to be 3) GB of DDR2 and 256 MB PC-13314:10
theblazehen_I used to run lots of virtual machines..14:11
theblazehen_One of my PC's has 3 NIC's plus the onboard..14:11
magespawni remember seeing a pci card that could take ram to work as a hard drive14:12
theblazehen_I see some PCIe SSDs now...14:13
theblazehen_up to 16 TB ?!14:13
magespawnnow that would be somewhat fast14:13
theblazehen_magespawn900: Phone?14:14
theblazehen_magespawn900: somewhat?!14:14
theblazehen_lemme get the specs..14:14
magespawnyup from the phone14:14
theblazehen_I saw that when I looked at the wikipedia page for IOPS..14:14
magespawni am betting the cost would be up there with the space station14:15
theblazehen_heh, yeah...14:15
theblazehen_one day..14:15
theblazehen_http://www.fusionio.com/products/iodrive2 not the 16 TB, but check that out..14:16
magespawnand they specifically list linux as supported14:18
theblazehen_magespawn900: heh, of course..14:18
theblazehen_Probably used for high performance databases..14:18
theblazehen_effing tab complete...14:19
theblazehen_Goes to your 900 nick :/14:19
theblazehen_Heh, I love chiptunes.. Always references to other artists and stuff..14:19
theblazehen_lotsa collaboration too, between the bigger artists14:21
magespawngotta go be sociable for a bit family have just arrived14:24
=== magespawn is now known as magespawn_away
theblazehen_alright, cya14:25
theblazehen_"pacman -Q | grep android | cut -f 1 -d " "  | xargs sudo pacman --noconfirm -Rcs" Oh CLI, how I love you..14:39
theblazehen_hi bushtech14:41
theblazehen_Alright, I'm gonna add my RAM and then make a RAMdisk. I better not get eskomed..14:44
bushtechhi theblazehen_ 14:44
theblazehen_Wb Kilos 14:50
Kilosty theblazehen_ after days of being connected my modem decided genoeg is genoeg14:50
theblazehen_Kilos: ouch. What you use now?14:51
Kilosunplug replug and works again14:51
Kilosi dont understand what causes it though14:51
theblazehen_Sounds like fun problem to fix14:53
Kilosi think its a bad oke trying to get in here 14:53
theblazehen_When plugging in a HDMI cable dislodges your ram..14:59
bushtechtheblazehen_, you're not supposed to use a crowbar to get the hdmi cable in :)15:09
theblazehen_bushtech: lol15:10
KilosMaaz: hi15:12
MaazHowzit Kilos15:12
Kilosneeded a reboot to get it going again this time15:13
Kilostheblazehen_: you here?15:17
Kilosno nicks are showing as online15:17
theblazehen_Kilos: ya15:18
Kilosmust be #ubuntu-za, other channels show fine15:34
Kiloshi magespawn you hopping again16:03
magespawnnot this time, just changed to the phone. had to pack up the laptop, dining room table is needed.16:04
magespawnpriorities of non pc people16:08
theblazehen_So my HDMI -> VGA adapter died..16:10
Kilosouch that sucks16:11
Kiloshi bduk 16:12
bdukHi everyone16:12
bdukHi everyone16:12
magespawnhi bduk16:13
Kiloslol hakkel jy16:13
magespawntheblazehen_: vga screen?16:13
bdukAg hou op Kilos  dit was kersfees man16:13
Kilosalle voorspoed daar16:14
bdukKan nie meer tik nie vakansie was telank16:14
theblazehen_Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead16:15
theblazehen_to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore16:15
theblazehen_must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with this project is responsible for your16:15
theblazehen_actions but yourself. Good luck." wow, thanks...16:15
theblazehen_magespawn: yeah, 216:16
theblazehen_magespawn: one using the normal VGA connector, and one WAS using the adapter16:16
theblazehen_Wonder if I should just buy a cheap GPU?16:16
magespawni see. time for a new screen? does it make a difference if it is hdmi all the way through?16:17
theblazehen_" At least 4 GiB of RAM (the more the better" I knew 24 GB in one PC was a good idea..16:17
theblazehen_magespawn: got 2nd one for xmas.. HDMI all the way through?16:18
magespawnwith out the vga adaptor?16:18
magespawnas in do you see a difference because of the adapter?16:19
theblazehen_ah, dunno, only the TV has a HDMI connection..16:19
theblazehen_But I tested the adapter in other PC's, doesn't work16:19
theblazehen_hi bushtech16:32
grembleI think the HDMI connectors have more available bandwidth for the high definition screens16:39
* gremble wanders off again16:39
theblazehen_gremble: yeah.. Better quality too16:43
theblazehen_Displayport still better16:43
grembleOreilly is offering free books16:45
gremblebut none of them are nice D:16:45
Kiloswhat do you class as a nice book?16:45
grembleSomething that I would want16:53
grembleI ended up getting something like programming computer vision with python16:53
Kilosah thats closer16:53
theblazehen_gremble: how about http://i.imgur.com/INBvStO.png ?16:57
magespawngremble link?17:05
grembletheblazehen_: I would actually try that xD17:19
theblazehen_gremble: me too :(17:19
gremblemagespawn: http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zsko8rq94drpmmfel8vj0u6drolp2ihbcme9uljg17:19
theblazehen_gremble: you see the "with his therapist" part? :)17:20
grembleI did, yes17:20
gremble"You might as well kill yourself right now"17:20
grembleMy brother wrote off his car on monday17:22
grembleThe tow-in people stole my sister's tablet from under the seat17:22
theblazehen_gremble: ouch :(17:23
grembleI would like to say something to the lines of, "People have no ethics these days" but that would imply that I could name a date where people did not lie and steal from one another17:25
grembleHow do I see the size of a folder in the commandline? :x17:25
theblazehen_gremble: du -sh $folder17:26
theblazehen_also: have a look at ncdu17:26
grembleIf I wanted a ncurses interface I would have fired up ranger17:27
gremble(which I did) xD17:27
theblazehen_ah :p ty for the tip\17:28
theblazehen_I need a file manager17:28
theblazehen_coreutils only do so much..17:28
grembleThat's what she said17:28
gremble(not the part about the file manager)17:28
theblazehen_confession: I've been using filezilla as my graphical file manager17:29
grembleI have thunar if I really need a graphical file manager17:29
grembleBut ranger is nice. I even have image preview 17:29
theblazehen_in CLI? Does it draw to framebuffer or what?17:30
grembleDraws with w3m17:30
theblazehen_that uses framebuffer IIRC17:30
grembleIt is very nifty17:32
grembleI ran out of sugar17:44
grembleI don't have any more money17:44
grembleI will now slowly die17:44
magespawnboomarang again17:48
grembleBoomerangs can fly in space... well in the ISS that is17:49
theblazehen_Anyone here read the xkcd what-if book?17:49
grembleI recommended it to someone, I think I read all the what-if's on the net17:50
grembleI found it brilliant17:50
grembleIf I had R400 I would have bought it along with my linguistics book17:50
magespawngotta go battery is dying later all17:52
Kiloshi nlsthzn 17:52
grembleCheers magespawn 17:52
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos 17:52
theblazehen_gremble: boomerang reminded me of that bomb on a boomerang question :p17:54
theblazehen_I got mine for like R270 i think17:54
theblazehen_Exclusive Books17:55
Kilosget sugar first man17:56
grembleThat is how much it is, yes. I bought another book that I really want for R240 I think17:57
theblazehen_Ah, which was it?17:58
gremble"the language instinct" by Steven Pinkter17:59
grembleI want to get the other one as well, "The Stuff of Thought"18:00
grembleHmm.. I got an MP3 player for christmas, but I don't think it is going to mount correctly for me to transfer music over to it from my laptop18:02
grembleIt doesn't seem to have a mountable partition18:03
grembleOh, it does18:03
grembletheblazehen_: You don't have a cli program that can report music metadata or organise music according to the metadata?18:15
charlhave a good evening18:21
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:30
theblazehen_gremble: Have you tried using the file command?18:43
theblazehen_Also a keyword to search for is id3 if you haven't came across that yet18:44
gremblei've been looking around18:46
grembleI decided to install banshee (i think) and just do what I need to do with that18:47
grembleMy mouse is dying in there are no batteries in this house19:02
theblazehen_Hi bushtech 21:34
theblazehen_Oh, got my hour wrong..21:35

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