
schnitzactual partition00:00
deltok.... so if you run "glxgears" from a terminal window what do you get?00:00
schnitzlemme check00:00
schnitznot installed00:00
schnitzshall I apt-get it?00:00
schnitzapt-get install mesa-utils?00:01
deltshould come with your opengl installation00:01
deltnah, not mesa... that's software rendering iirc00:01
schnitzwell thats what the terminal suggested ;-)00:02
schnitzno worries, this is fun00:02
deltlike i said, i'm much more familiar with nvidia cards, since that's what i've always been using. so i can't be of much help for ati stuff00:03
schnitzno prob, thanks for your help in any case!00:03
schnitzI do appreciate00:04
delttell me what you think of the osx style theme i just hacked up together :D ---> http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/greybird-mac.png00:05
deltwell, it's just greybird with modified title bar buttons, and a slightly thicker bottom bar that's easier to grab to resize windows that don't have a "resize handle"00:05
schnitzlooks good to me00:06
schnitzlooks like MaxOSX00:06
schnitzgood job00:06
deltit still lets you position the buttons like you want them, i just have to write a spec file that fixes them into place like in the real osx =)00:07
schnitzHowever, you will hate me for this, I'm kinda nuts, I like the REALLY old Windows style, like XP or ever earlier, Win200000:07
deltanyway here it is ---> http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/greybird-mac.tar.gz00:07
deltjust untar it to your /usr/share/themes00:07
schnitzoh yes I will do that00:07
deltthen in the settings manager -> window manager, under the "style" tab select "Greybird-mac"00:08
deltfor example, if you use firefox and it downloaded the file to your "Downloads" directory...00:10
schnitzhaha I do not have the rights to do so :-)00:10
schnitzyeah yeah did that00:10
deltyeah, by default it shouldn't let you00:10
schnitzso? oh... sudo?00:10
deltso, first you'd go to /usr/share/themes00:10
deltcd /usr/share/themes00:10
deltthen with sudo, untar the file that's in your download directory00:10
deltsudo tar xvf ~/Downloads/greybird-mac.tar.gz00:11
deltnote that in the terminal, the TAB key is your friend :D00:11
schnitzgeeeh this is nuts, but yes I'll do that00:11
schnitzfound out about the TAB :-)00:11
deltyou just have to type the beginning of a file, command, etc. and press TAB, the shell (by default bash) will try to auto-complete it for you.00:11
delt...or, if you're more comfortable with GUI stuff, there's surely a way to drag-n-drop with the mouse00:12
delta trick i use, is that i have my main user account added to the group "root" ....ie. in my /etc/group, the line that starts with "root", usually the first line, contains my username at the end00:14
deltso if i want my user to have permission to write somewhere, i just activate the group write permision00:14
schnitzweird got a FileNotFound00:14
schnitzunder terminal00:14
deltcd /usr/share/themes00:14
schnitzthe package is in download though00:14
schnitzI'm in themes00:15
delttar xvf ~/DowPRESS TAB/grePRESS TAB AGAIN00:15
schnitzwait a sec00:15
deltwhen you press tab, it should auto-complete the file, directory, etc.00:15
schnitzthe first tab won't even complete to downloads00:15
deltoh, it's case sensitive: "downloads" is not the same as "Downloads"00:15
deltthat's one thing about unix systems that's both very useful, but sometimes a pain in the ass00:16
schnitzmaybe 'cos I'm root?00:16
deltoh *duh*00:16
deltin bash, ~ is a shorthand for your home directory00:16
deltand ~user is a shorthand for the home directory of "user"00:17
schnitzso -myUserName/Down... does is00:17
schnitzlemme check00:17
delt~ (tilde) not - (dash)00:18
deltand it should also work just with ~ and not ~yourusername because in ubuntu by default, sudo doesn't modify the $HOME variable00:18
deltyep, ~ on a U.S. keyboard layout is shift + the button just under ESC00:19
schnitzok got it unpacked00:20
schnitzthansk for your patience :-)00:20
schnitzso where can I activate it again...?00:20
delthey, i learned the basics too before :D00:20
schnitzswitch to your cool theme?00:21
deltsettings manager, click "window manager"00:21
deltand the theme is called "Greybird-mac"00:21
delti just hacked that together (simply modified Greybird actually) because i was futzing around with osx lately, and got used to clicking in the top left to close a window =)00:22
schnitzyeah clicked on it00:22
schnitzdo I need to re-login?00:23
deltno, should take effect immediately00:23
schnitzdidn't change00:23
schnitzlemme check again00:23
schnitzoh weird00:23
schnitzall the other themes change immediately00:24
schnitzjust yours doesn't00:24
deltuh wut :D00:24
schnitzit stay Greybird00:24
schnitzI had greybird00:24
schnitzand I clicked on it00:24
schnitzon yours...00:24
schnitzand its still greybird00:24
schnitzexactly the same00:24
deltGreybird-mac appears in the list?00:24
schnitzr u sure your theme is portable, yes appears!00:24
schnitzright below greybird there is your greybird-mac00:25
deltcan you send a screenshot?00:25
schnitznope,. no e-mail client installed, but if you wait a little, I'll set it up00:26
schnitzit looks just like greybird, u can image00:26
deltbah, you know how to send files on irc?00:26
schnitzactually no00:26
deltbut the buttons on the top, they're colored circles, instead of grey X _ and [] ?00:27
schnitzwould have noticed00:27
schnitznormal grey X, etc.00:27
schnitzlooking back at the terminal window00:28
schnitzI can see that it did unpack lots of PNGs00:28
schnitzI guess those are the ones that will make it look like MACOSX00:28
schnitzmaybe there is a path problem00:29
deltyeah, works for several ppl in #xfce...00:29
deltlemme check my file again00:29
schnitzsure it does00:29
deltjust unpacked it to another dir, seems to work fine....00:30
deltasking the guys on #xfce to send me a screenshot to make sure =)00:32
deltanyway.... not very important.00:33
schnitzdamn I still need to get those drivers to run, that flickering screen is killing me00:33
schnitzstill cool though00:33
deltcan you paste the output of this command: ls -d /usr/share/themes/Grey*00:33
delt(just select in the terminal and middle-click in irc)00:34
deltjust don't paste pages and pages of stuff in the channel :D00:35
schnitz/usr/share/themes/Greybird          /usr/share/themes/Greybird-mac00:36
deltok, so it extracted to the right place.00:36
schnitzkinda nutty, ha?00:37
delttry taking a screenshot: xfce4-screenshooter00:37
schnitzcopy to clipboard?00:38
delthere's someone else using it: http://i.imgur.com/k9Rvm0f.png00:39
deltnah, save to file00:39
deltoh - first select Greybird-mac in the window manager settings00:40
deltthen run xfce4-screenshooter, grab whole screen, save00:40
deltenter, say, /tmp/screen.png00:40
deltthen in irc, /dcc send delt /tmp/screen.png (that will send me the file)00:40
schnitzsaved it on my desktop00:40
schnitzah cool00:41
deltok, now /dcc send delt ~/Desktop/filename.png00:41
deltor you can use xchat's GUI to do the same, i'm not really familiar with it... i think, right click on my name, then send file....?00:41
delti'm more of a command line kind of guy (:00:41
schnitzerror 17: File Already Exists00:42
deltuh wut.. when trying to send?00:42
schnitzafter the DCC command, yes00:42
schnitzcalled it test.png00:42
deltso, /dcc send delt ~/Desktop/test.png00:43
deltgives you an error?00:43
schnitzyou should have it now00:43
schnitzthat was my mistake, nevermind00:44
deltoops, can you send again :D00:44
delt...and that was -my- mistake, hehehee00:44
deltah, ok got it00:44
schnitzdon't be confused, its in german00:44
deltbist du eigentlich aus deutschland?00:45
deltich wohnte 4 jahren in deutschland als ich kleines kind war :D00:46
deltmein Vater war in der Luftwaft von Kanada, und er wurde 4 Jahren in Lahr, West-Deutschland gestellt00:46
deltkurtz nach ich geboren war00:47
deltaber seit langem hab ich mit niemand auf deutsch gesprochen00:47
deltich bin aus Montréal, Canada (ursprunglich in Ottawa geboren)00:48
schnitzcool :-)00:49
schnitzja ich bin aus Muenchen00:49
schnitzund habe freunde in Montreal00:49
deltwirklich :D00:49
deltich guck es jetzt...00:49
schnitzmach mal00:49
deltguck oder schau? welches wuerde man sagen?00:50
schnitzbeides geht00:50
deltah ok00:50
deltweird, dein bildschirm zeigt das default-thema für ubuntu-studio, wenn "Greybird-mac" ausgewahlt ist00:52
deltoh i forgot, sorry....00:52
delt!de | delt00:52
ubottudelt, please see my private message00:52
delt!de | schnitz00:53
ubottuschnitz: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!00:53
deltyeah just realized, sorry :300:53
schnitzubottu: duuuude... delt got my into german :-)00:53
ubottuschnitz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:53
schnitzsure sure00:54
schnitzgotta love bots00:54
deltyeah my fault (:00:54
schnitzno prob00:54
deltanyway, when you select another theme, it shows on screen?00:54
deltcan you type in a terminal: find /usr/share/themes > /tmp/find.txt and then in irc /dcc send delt /tmp/find.txt please?00:56
schnitzyes any other themes switches on immediately00:57
delt(oh, that will overwrite any file named "find.txt" in your /tmp directory, sorry should have mentioned :300:59
schnitzno worries, nothing there....01:00
schnitzI have nothing sensitive on my ubuntu system01:00
schnitzI'm just checking it out, a still have 2 serious hardware issues01:00
schnitzgrafics and soundcard01:00
deltwhat sound card?01:01
schnitzRME Hammerfall DSP01:01
schnitzits a special card for multi-track recording, now on PCI01:01
schnitzbut there I think the card has a real issue01:01
schnitzOR my system has not enough power01:02
deltah ok.... yeah you're in the right channel for that right here, but i'm not familiar with that card01:02
schnitzonly using 300W right now01:02
schnitzI had a long discussion on that before01:02
schnitzenough trouble-shooting for today01:03
schnitzbut its fun01:03
schnitznot real result, but met lots of nice people :-)))01:03
deltanyway, can you do in terminal cd /usr/share/themes; tar czvf /tmp/grey.tar.gz and then in irc /dcc send delt /tmp/grey.tar.gz for me?01:03
schnitzsure, hang on01:03
deltthe "find" result looks ok to me..01:04
schnitzr u sure01:05
schnitzarchive empty?01:05
deltuh.... *duh*01:05
deltanyway, can you do in terminal cd /usr/share/themes; tar czvf /tmp/grey.tar.gz Greybird-mac and then in irc /dcc send delt /tmp/grey.tar.gz for me?01:05
schnitzthat makes more sense01:05
deltindeed :301:06
delti aer stipud01:06
deltthe whole directory matches -exactly- plus i just tested the files you sent back to me, and i get the theme on my screen01:08
delt[pts/14][user@phobos]:/tmp/asdfasdf$ diff ./Greybird-mac/ /usr/share/themes/Greybird-mac/01:09
delt(shows only common subdirectories)01:09
deltcan you try: xfwm4 --version and tell me what the first line says?01:10
deltshould be something similar to: This is xfwm4 version 4.11.1 (revision 2b800f4) for Xfce 4.1001:10
delthint: in most terminals, triple click selects whole lines01:11
schnitzThis is xfwm4 version 4.11.2 (revision cfa3c47) for Xfce 4.1001:11
schnitzReleased under the terms of the GNU General Public License.01:11
schnitzCompiled against GTK+-2.24.24, using GTK+-
deltthen you can middle click in xchat's input box to paste01:11
deltok.... what if you logout and then log back in?01:12
delt(with the Greybird-mac theme selected in window manager settings)01:12
schnitzlemme check01:13
deltnormally you can stick themes in your /usr/share/themes and just select them ...they take effect immediately, at least for xfce's window manager01:15
schnitzGreybird-mac is still selected01:15
schnitzbut still the same default style01:15
deltweird thing is, here's someone in france testing it: http://i.imgur.com/k9Rvm0f.png ...so it works at least for "some" people01:16
schnitzafter logging off / on01:16
schnitzwell well... I'm off now01:16
schnitzbeen great01:16
schnitzthanks for all help... I learned ALOT01:16
schnitzsure to see you around, I'll be back01:16
deltokie..... auf weiderchatten :D01:17
schnitzuntil I get my linux recording suite working I feels its gonna take a while and I'll be here :-)01:17
schnitzgruesse aus muenchen01:17
deltwell, i'll be here to help the best i can... but i think holstein will do a better job for most things01:17
schnitzcool, cu :-)01:18
deltoh --- can you try one last thing?01:18
schnitzhey delt...16:50
deltsorry i just came back home17:30
schnitzno rush... rehi delt17:43
delthewwo :D17:53
Barkhletanyone on?23:54
BarkhletLooking for some help for days, my job is on the line because of this freaking distro23:57

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