
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
xubuntu123When i installed xubuntu i encrypted my ssd and now im trying to install windows 8.1 OS and its saying i have no free space on my drive but it should be empty. Is this because its encrypted? If so how do i fix this problem?01:17
deltSomeone care to test a mac/osx like xfce theme? A user has been having problems with it, but we couldn't figure out what is wrong.....01:28
xubuntu123When i installed xubuntu i encrypted my ssd and now im trying to install windows 8.1 OS and its saying i have no free space on my drive but it should be empty. Is this because its encrypted? If so how do i fix this problem?01:29
deltIt's actually just a modified version of Greybird, with osx titlebar buttons and a thicker lower-window border. Any screenshots of this on your system would be VERY appreciated ---> www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/greybird-mac.tar.gz01:29
deltuh.... i mean http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/greybird-mac.tar.gz01:30
deltuntar to your /usr/share/themes, select in the window manager control panel, and take a screenshot :D :D01:31
delthere's my screenshot ---> http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/greybird-mac.png01:33
kasadso, doing favour to a friend, who needs old machine "renewed" and adapted so his mother can follor something online01:52
kasadthey have 200 gig ntfs data partition01:52
kasadI have 55 gig free01:53
kasadwhat partition scheme do you recommend for xubuntu for those 55 gig01:53
kasad double the ram for /swap and rest /01:53
kasadis that ok?01:53
kasadand should I use ext4 for /01:53
kasadalso should I maybe separate /home to diff partition?01:54
wolf1i would recommend a separate /home partition kasad  and i would use ext401:55
bazhangext4 is really de rigeur for /01:57
bazhangperhaps you were thinking of /boot01:57
kasadde rigeur?01:58
kasadso separate /boot / and /home01:58
bazhangde rigeur = a must02:00
bazhang /boot is optional, but better not to use btrfs for that02:00
deltkasad: for swap, at least the amount of ram you have, maybe more depending what you want to do.02:07
deltkasad: and yeah, a small primary partition for /boot, otherwise your system won't be able to boot on some motherboard/bios setups.... 1 or 2 GB should be enough for /boot02:08
deltthe rest you can simply leave for / ....unless you have some fancy configuration with several hard disks or something02:09
deltif you want to install across, say 2 harddisks/partitions, personally i'd put the smaller one as / and the larger one as /home02:16
xubuntu38wHello I am having trouble with Youtube displaying buttons while watching a video here is what it looks like http://s18.postimg.org/ubwi7clvd/Screenshot_12272014_02_29_39_AM.png08:35
=== artag_ is now known as artag
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
sunsetjessieI need wallpaper help.  How do I changwe the wallpaper?  when I try to change to my own image the files are disabled.13:45
brainwashsunsetjessie: can you please rephrase your question? what do you try exactly? which files are disabled?13:51
brainwashmaybe even upload a screenshot13:51
sunsetjessieI can change the background to one of the default files. but, if I change folders to say the download folder where I have some images downloaded the jpg files are disabled.14:04
brainwashsunsetjessie: how are they disabled?14:05
brainwashdid you test different image types?14:06
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
brainwashan alternative approach would be to right click on the file in the file manager and set it as wallpaper14:07
sunsetjessiellet me try that14:08
brainwashyour problem does seem to be a common one. I've only heard about missing preview pictures in the desktop settings window14:09
sunsetjessiethe right click idea worked, thanks Brainwash14:11
brainwashgreat :)14:11
xubuntu72wWhat do I do now????17:20
xubuntu72wCan anyone help with installing Skype. I am completely new to Xubuntu and will need step by step instruction and I mean baby steps at that???17:22
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
SkippersBossxubuntu72w:    MS has provided a nice .deb file which the software centre can work with17:44
kasadwhich virtual box version do zou recommend for xubuntu 64 bit (LTS)18:19
kasaddiff keyboard layout not my machine, cant get used18:20
GridCubekasad, the one in the repos18:20
kasadaight thanks18:21
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
=== wololo is now known as aazzjijdjza
xubuntu415hey, any1 that can help me with trouble with windows 8 after installing xubuntu ?21:10
xubuntu415useto have dos partition and windows 821:11
xubuntu415after installing xubuntu cant get grub menu nor option to boot windows21:11
xubuntu415so been running xubuntu from usb keyand used gparted to delete dos partition21:12
xubuntu415inside windows i already had resize hdd for xubuntu installation, so then after restatrting xubuntuvia usb, i changed sda5 to ntfs /windows21:14
xubuntu415im now retryng to install boot to windows in hope it will show grub menu and option to boot from windows to xubuntu21:14
xubuntu415any1 there with knowledge to help me withthis situation21:15
=== ted123 is now known as user123

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