=== mup_ is now known as mup === beuno_ is now known as beuno === kirkland` is now known as kirkland === jrwren_ is now known as jrwren [20:08] hello everyone, I need support to deploy openstack-dashboard with juju using LXC, I followed the guide of Marco Ceppi(http://marcoceppi.com/2014/06/deploying-openstack-with-just-two-machines/) but during the deploy the charm rests in pending and after some minutes juju status gives me that (in 1/lxc/5)) http://paste.ubuntu.com/9636578/ [20:17] someone may help me? thanks [20:24] I've also open a question on ask ubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/562906/deploy-openstack-dashboard-and-cinder-with-juju-using-lxc [20:42] anyone can help me to resolve that? === scuttle|afk is now known as scuttlemonkey