=== sz0 is now known as sz0` [01:15] what's the versioning rule for PPA packages that are brand new? (I mean, not present in Ubuntu's nor in Debian's repositories) [01:15] should some -XubuntuY suffix be added to the version number? [01:25] I guess it should be -0ubuntu1, as it is the first release for Ubuntu, right? [01:27] al_exquemelin: i don't think there's PPA-specific packaging schemes, but that would work, appending ~ubuntu14.04 or similar based on the security team's versioning scheme [01:27] I use a slightly different one on my ppas, except when they're build tests of Ubuntu-destined packages... [01:34] teward: I've got Ubuntu 14.10, and without the -XubuntuY part, bzr builddeb gives an error stating inconsistency between source format and version [01:35] so I think -0ubuntu1 should work [01:36] al_exquemelin: well, you'll need -* so either -0 or -0ubuntu1 [01:39] teward: ok, I'll stick with -0ubuntu1, thanks [01:53] and yet another question. when entering the build directory, bzr builddeb tries to clean it, as far as I can see [01:54] but there are no object files in it yet, so dh_auto_clean exits with an error [01:54] what should I do to proceed with building? [02:04] for now I changed rm *.o in my Makefile to -rm *.o, this should force the error to be ignored === sz0` is now known as sz0 === sz0 is now known as sz0` [09:34] Noskcaj: tah. [09:35] * xnox is not sure why i'm not getting notifications about highlights in this hexchat =( [09:35] Logan_: let me see. [09:35] I have no idea what you're replying to :P [09:36] Logan_: ari appears to have merged it already [09:36] what package? [09:36] Logan_> xnox: can you please sync or merge guayadeque? you're the TIL, and it's blocking a transition ;) [09:37] ah [09:37] I prefer notifying the TIL before taking a merge ;) [09:37] Logan_: it is still stuck in -proposed, not sure if it needs another rebuild or not. [09:40] looks like codelite would break if wxsqlite3 migrates [09:40] but that doesn't make sense [09:41] oh, it's because it loses ppc64el [09:41] (I think) [09:42] * Logan_ retries that build [09:49] xnox: hmm, looks like codelite needs liblldb-3.5-dev on ppc64el [09:49] is there any progress on that? I see you were involved in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=756380 [09:49] Debian bug 756380 in llvm-toolchain-3.5 "llvm-toolchain-3.5: Add support for ppc64el" [Normal,Fixed] [09:49] although the title is misleading, as it just "supports" it by disabling lldb support [09:50] Logan_: hm?! we have llvm-3.5+ on ppc64el everywhere.... [09:50] what's the problem? [09:50] liblldb-3.5-dev isn't built on ppc64el [09:50] it's not in the architecture list [09:53] Logan_: it appears that codelite might be able to build without lldb component. [09:53] I was just about to test the same thing :) [09:53] you built it locally without that build dep? and it was successful? [09:53] yeesh, it takes 20 min on the buildds [09:57] xnox: I'm going to sleep now, but feel free to upload another codelite with [!arm64 !ppc64el] for lldb if you find that it's fine locally [09:57] I wonder what features would be lost [09:57] * Logan_ shrugs [09:58] ah, it looks like it's just a plugin [09:58] we should be fine :) [09:58] g'night [09:59] Logan_: night. [10:48] doko: are you going to do an archive rebuild with gcc-5 this cycle? [10:48] * xnox is excited about -std=gnu11 by default [15:04] What happened to Launchpad? It says it can't resolve two of pyqt5 build-dependencies, but they are clearly present (libenginio1-dev and libqt5websockets5-dev). [15:05] Oh I see, someone demoted them to universe. [15:11] Hmm, they were always in universe, but the previous version of pyqt5 was synced from a landing PPA where all builds are against universe... :-/ [15:12] ScottK: do you think we should MIR qtwebsockets/qtenginio or disable that for Ubuntu? === Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj [20:15] question: where do i upload to for the ubuntu repositories now that I have approved upload access for the nginx package? There's a merge in the sponsorship queue, but since I have upload rights I can upload it myself, I just need a little bit of information to do so [20:16] teward: $ dput *_source.changes [20:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/New [20:16] Laney: oh, nice one =) [20:16] Laney: next time i'm asking "how to upload a package into ubuntu" on the dmb meeting. [20:16] ahh, okay, so it's just dput. nice. [20:16] good page [20:17] xnox: "What is xnox's favourite drink?" [20:17] xnox: alternatively: put it on the FAQ list for what new uploaders frequently ask questions on :) [20:17] Laney: yes, that one is important. :) [20:20] Laney: .... and if one responds beer they get declined to apply for another 12 months. [20:20] a lovely pint of guinness [20:20] Laney: i have never tried guinness =) i'm saving that for dublin. [20:22] Write down your name and your address onto some note, before entiering the pub :D [20:25] bekks: that's one reason why i have bussiness cards with me, when i'm going out. [20:26] xnox: Well, it's kinda hard for the barkeeper to get you on a plane/train/bus to your home/business address ;) [20:26] But I guess you got the point ;) [21:26] is it atypical for web server binaries to FTBFS on powerpc, and do I need to panic with this failing to parse ddeb data? [22:59] hi, i'm having a pretty weird issue with a package, when i try to build a package it's FTBFS with "undefined reference to" a function, but when i compile using make and the exact same compiler flags it works fine [23:00] any pointers on what could sbuild be adding that i'm missing? [23:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9642820/ [23:15] nxvl: you probably need libimobiledevice-dev as a build-depends [23:15] just guessing [23:16] nxvl: also, go buy an android :) [23:17] nxvl: is libimobiledevice what you're actually trying to build? [23:18] mdeslaur_: i'm building libimobiledevice [23:19] mdeslaur_: what i've found is that on plain make configure status i get "dependency style of gcc... gcc3" and on sbuild i get "dependency style of gcc... none" [23:19] which seems to be the one bit producing the issue [23:20] are you rebuilding the package from the archive? what release? what version of package? [23:21] mdeslaur_: new upstream version, on trusty [23:22] and you used the trusty package as a base, or the utopic/vivid package? [23:22] vivid [23:22] but that one builds just fine [23:23] so, i first updated to 1.1.7+git20140505.1be575f8 [23:23] that worked fine [23:23] now that i'm updating to the final 1.1.7, i'm having the issue [23:23] hrm [23:24] what i don't understand is why on sbuild the gcc dep method is none [23:24] and not gcc3 too [23:24] where did you get 1.1.7+git20140505? is that your own tarball? [23:24] yup [23:24] git pull and re-tarball [23:26] hrm...would have to diff the two tarballs to see what changed [23:33] my guess would be it's because of this: http://cgit.sukimashita.com/libimobiledevice.git/commit/?id=4c4bbd31f52845de70f5b828121eeea62f8b4514 [23:34] but I don't know what the fix would be, and have to go [23:34] mdeslaur_: thanks! [23:35] it's just a quick hunch, but may point you in the right direction [23:35] * mdeslaur_ goes away [23:36] perhaps disable Use-symbol-script-to-exclude-private-symbols.patch [23:36] (wild guess) [23:36] * mdeslaur_ goes away for real [23:45] mdeslaur_: yes, that did the trick, now you can go in piece! [23:45] peace* [23:52] libimobiledevice ... that's a familiar name