[00:14] which is what I am about to do as well as soon as I finish backing up application conf files so I save a least some time [00:17] it generally takes me about 30 minutes to install and setup back up.. [00:17] !info etckeeper [00:17] etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 1.11ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 26 kB, installed size 212 kB [00:17] you also want to be careful where/how you backup what.. thats also a security concern.. [00:18] local raid 10 box, no clouds and stuff [03:44] can sum1 help [03:45] any1 in this room? [03:45] is there any app that i can install that controls things like cpu, fan, memory that i can run live in my desktop? [03:58] I'm trying to find out which process is accessing a disc. [04:21] rayq_sec: ps aux lists processes.. [04:23] Are you talking to me, holstein? [04:24] reggie-man: ^ yup.. sorry, rayq_sec [04:24] I think so...I just joined. [04:24] lol [04:25] I can't find anything accessing the disc, holstein. How do I unmount it? [04:26] reggie-man: i use the umount command or the file manager im using [04:26] reggie-man: i mean, the machine can access the disc.. just running idle can make the drive spin.. assuming thats what you are talking about [04:27] The disc is stuck in the drive, holstein. [04:27] just becuase you hear a spin or see a light doesnt mean some random, hidden, unknown process is "accessing the disc" [04:27] Also, unmount: command not found [04:27] reggie-man: having a disc stuck in an optical drive is quite different [04:27] It isn't spinning, either. [04:28] What should I do then? [04:28] reggie-man: that can just be physically stuck.. i'll just power down, and try physical buttons, if there are any.. little ones you can jam a paper clip in, for example [04:34] I don't think it's physically stuck, holstein. I want to see if it's mounted. [04:34] reggie-man: just be sure if it is or not.. remove the disc.. if you cant, then, it can be stuck.. confirm that its not [04:35] reggie-man: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [04:35] The button doesn't work. [04:35] http://askubuntu.com/questions/474176/where-is-my-cd-rom-mounted is also relevant [04:36] reggie-man: sure.. so, since the button is not ejecting it, assuming that it is an eject button, and it usually ejects.. dont assume that some process is accessing the drive, keeping it from mounting, or ejecting.. could be other issues.. [04:37] reggie-man: i would start back a few steps.. has this optical drive ever worked in linux? or on that machine in any OS? do you see it in the bios? is it known-good? or something that has been sitting around and could be failing? and, what about the media.. does it mount or load or play anywhere else? [04:38] The disc has worked in the past with Linux. [04:39] holstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9638406/ [04:39] reggie-man: in the recent past? and worked in what capacity? and what about the rom drive? do you see it in the bios? can you boot a live iso with it? [04:39] reggie-man: sda1 is *not* the optical drive [04:40] reggie-man: sda1 is likely the operating system you are using right now.. that partition.. thats why the OS is not letting you eject it.. and it cant be physically ejected.. its not the optical drive [04:40] reggie-man: what is on the CD? [04:41] It's a DVD with a movie on it. [04:42] reggie-man: ok.. have you enabled DVD playback? [04:42] I could just restart my system, and that might work, but I want to know what's wrong with my drive. [04:42] reggie-man: if not, then it wont work [04:42] !dvd [04:42] Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:42] reggie-man: you are not allowed to, legally, be given access to DVD playback by default [04:42] DVD playback is not the issue I'm currently trying to fix. [04:42] reggie-man: you have to add support for that, so, if you havent, please add support for that [04:43] I want to know why the disc is stuck. [04:43] reggie-man: if its a DVD, and you havent added support, then, that *is* the issue [04:43] reggie-man: you are assuming the disk is stuck.. its not /dev/sda1 [04:43] the system doesnt have any way to communicate with the data there.. not til you add the support needed [04:44] it will just sit there, and not be "mounted" like a data DVD would be.. [04:44] The disc is stuck. I assumed it was /dev/sda1, but I realize it's not now. [04:44] But the disc still should eject. [04:44] reggie-man: you shouldnt assume either that its /dev/sda1 *or* that it is stuck [04:44] But as far as I'm aware, it is stuck. [04:45] It is stuck in some kind of way if I can't get it out by hitting the button. [04:45] reggie-man: you *should*, and will need to add the support i, and the official documentation i link reference [04:45] reggie-man: sure, please relax, friend.. i have seen this type of behavior, when i didnt give the software any way to communicate with the disc i put in [04:45] reggie-man: please add the support for DVD's, and test that it plays.. [04:46] reggie-man: you'll note, if you read.. that you open a terminal, and run.. [04:46] sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 [04:46] *then*.. sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh [04:47] i would then install VLC, and test that it plays the DVD.. sudo apt-get install vlc [04:47] though, you can use whatever player you like [04:48] I am relaxed. I will install the support, but I don't think I need to just to remove a dvd. [04:48] you can reboot, as i suggested before, and eject it from the bios screens at boot [04:48] holstein: I don't believe the disc is mounted. [04:49] But I want to know why it's doing this. [04:49] reggie-man: i dont either, and never stated i thought it was.. nor that you should try to mount or unmount it [04:49] reggie-man: its doing that because its got no way of communicating with the data [04:49] reggie-man: its just a piece of plastic. no way of reading it. not allowed to.. [04:50] reggie-man: add support for DVD's, and see if it plays. .or reboot the machine and eject the DVD while its booting in the bios screen [04:53] Hello [04:56] I'm saying that it can't read the data if it's not mounted. The DVD does not play. I want to find out why the disc tray won't come out. It should come out even if nothing is in there. [04:56] holstein: ^ [05:01] Oh, I figured it out, holstein. [05:01] I just needed to find the path of the disc, and then use the eject command. [05:01] I didn't know what the path was before. [05:02] Thanks for trying to help me. <3 === rickhuntley is now known as andrewhuntley [06:04] My next issue is playback. In VLC, the DVD plays only audio, no video. http://i.imgur.com/gkRYmGM.png In Parole Media Player, the DVD plays fine until about a minute when Parole just closes. [06:17] The disc doesn't seem to be showing up anywhere unless I open the location (/dev/sr0) directly in VLC now. [08:41] im getting boot failed error then a comand line what should i do to atempt to fix it or can i [08:41] jimmyd, ask #ubuntu ... more eyes [10:56] My DVD won't mount. [11:15] Is it possible to tame tumblerd? I hate it when tumblerd pushes other processes away to feast the juicy I/O performance alone. (99% @ iotop) [11:39] Rayne: maybe write a wrapper/script which utilizes ionice [11:43] Good idea brainwash [11:47] Rayne: ideally this should be optimized in the actual code, but tumbler does not seem to be well maintained at the moment [11:48] there are many bug reports which address performance and stability issues === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === GrinchCube is now known as GridCube [14:34] hi [14:34] !hi | xubuntu01w [14:34] xubuntu01w: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [14:35] Good morning I-m having some issues.... everytime I open the file manager no letter or characters appear only squares. The satrnge thing is that is the only app where this is happening [14:38] can somebody help me [14:38] xubuntu01w: try reloging and choosing a different language from the login manager [16:31] hey, I can't seem to create a folder called /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo [16:31] even using sudo -s [16:31] it's even mounted rw [16:33] mijk: why would you want to create it manually? [16:33] also, it won't solve your actual problem [16:34] I don't know, I dont' even know how to set up vgaswitcheroo, I can't find documentatino so I assume you have to do it manually [16:34] which xubuntu version? [16:35] 14.10 [16:35] did you any boot parameters like "nomodeset"? [16:35] the documentaton I find says to create a file called "switch" under /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo [16:35] did you add [16:35] and echo "ON" into it [16:36] no, just a clean installation so far [16:37] so I need that boot parameter to write to debugfs? [16:37] I have to go afk for like 10 minutes, so I suggest you wait or ask in #ubuntu [16:45] mijk: Are you sure you actually need vgaswitcheroo? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/hybrid_graphics appears to suggest that "on kernels >= 3.12, vgaswitcheroo is not needed anymore to turn off the discrete gpu, only if you wish to verify the power state" [16:47] IIRC, 14.10 uses v3.16 [16:48] not that this answers your specific question :) [16:48] I can't seem to use my AMD card [16:48] it's always using my Intel Graphics 4400 [16:49] does "cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch" return an error or the power states? [16:50] it doesn't even exist [16:50] what is the output of "lspci -v" [16:50] !pastebin [16:50] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:51] please upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log also [16:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9641086/ [16:54] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9641096/ [16:57] it looks the required kernel driver for the amd gpu is not being loaded [16:58] oh? [16:58] do you happen to know which one I need? [16:59] it's the "radeon" driver [16:59] !amd | mijk [16:59] provided by the package "xserver-xorg-video-ati" [16:59] is this meta package installed? [17:00] I thought AMD used fglrx? [17:00] did you install that driver? [17:01] the AMD driver is the proprietary one [17:02] I used the open sourced drivers provided by the "Additional Drivers" application [17:03] this means, that you didn't install any drivers, right? the open source ones are installed and used by default [17:04] oic, it's using xserver-xorg-video-ati [17:04] wel, I guess I'll try the flgrx driver and try again [17:05] brainwash, proprietary/OEM generally offers better performance [17:05] last time I had that installed, there seemed to be no change [17:05] cfhowlett: this issue here is not a performance one [17:06] mijk: but keep in mind, that doing so will disable the vgaswitcheroo interface by design [17:06] brainwash, I'll just watch from the sidelines then. [17:07] there's no way to use either the Intel or AMD? [17:08] if it always uses the AMD, I couldn't care less [17:08] alright, here goes, reboot time [17:08] it's a different solution [17:09] maybe you could select the gpu in your bios === irgendwer47111 is now known as irgendwer4711 === Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj === NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare [23:46] hello, i have multiple soundcards but the audio controller only controls one. how do i have it control them all? [23:50] hi [23:50] hello [23:51] how can i help you [23:52] uh... who should i report to for what i think is a bug?? [23:53] i was trying to set my keyboard to abnt2 (brazilian standard not configurable through Settingd > Keyboard) by editing /etc/default/keyboard but it wasnt working even after restart [23:53] xubuntu09w, we track bugs in launchpad.net [23:53] but then i went to Settings > Settings Editor > Keyboar-input and set it propperly now it is working [23:54] i m not su sure that is a bug, i m newbie in linux... just typing here so maybe someone can help me if i was just dumb.. cause i had a hard time to find out that [23:55] ah, ty knome [23:56] and sorry people for my bad english :D [23:56] hope it was minimally understoodable [23:56] xubuntu09w, your english is fine [23:57] maybe people on #ubuntu-br could help you with your keyboard layout problems better, though [23:58] ahh ty [23:59] i have multiple soundcards but the audio controller only controls the volume on one. how do i have it control them all? [23:59] guest_, we've heard you... maybe nobody knows the answer. have you tried looking at askubuntu, ubuntu forums and other sites?