
aquariuser, https://screencloud.net/v/1Pwx is the second screenshot ;)00:00
nhainesaquarius: thanks!  I'll take a look at it.00:09
aquariusnhaines, lp:~sil/+junk/seshat00:11
nhainesaquarius: you going to buy a bq aquarius to bring to SCALE?  ;)00:19
aquariusI am hoping to have one by then, yes :)00:20
nhainesCool.  I might have to ask you to loiter around the Ubuntu booth if you have some time.  I'll just have my Nexus 5.00:20
aquariusnhaines, I may be able to find some time to do that :)00:24
nhainesaquarius: that would be super.  Much appreciated.  :)00:24
nhainesUbuntu phones have been the hot topic at the booth for the last two years.00:25
aquariushaving one to show off would be useful, indeed :)00:25
nhainesaquarius: the first year I had my Galaxy Nexus, and last year Canonical shipped a couple of Nexus 4s with jose and I had my Nexus 5.  But yeah, if the "real" thing comes out a week before SCALE, people are going to be harassing me about it, hehe.00:26
aquariusyes indeed!00:27
aquariusso I should hopefully be able to help out at least a little, there :)00:27
nhainesWell, that's super generous of you and I really appreciate it.  :)00:27
* nhaines still plays to harass jorge about phones though.00:27
aquariusya. I can't promise I'll be around for long; we have to prep for Live Voltage00:28
aquariusand I have actually submitted a talk, although I've not yet heard whether it's been accepted!00:28
nhainesaquarius: oh, well, we'll be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  But I'll definitely be there for Live Voltage!00:29
joseI'll be there Thursday too00:31
nhainesjose: I'll be there Thursday too, once I figure out what's going on, but the booth is just Fri-Sun.  :)00:34
aquariusyou know it makes sense00:36
aquariusBV live show. Excellent :)00:36
nhainesaquarius: It's going to be so awesome.  :)00:39
nhainesI haven't been able to harass Jono live in front of an audience since last SCALE.  Or since the Ubuntu Q&As.00:39
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justCarakasalready a happy new year for everyone09:45
uhhimherehi how hard is it to get basic kernel/rootfs running on a samsung 7580(broadcom bcm28155)14:29
uhhimherewith usb keyboard support14:29
popeyuhhimhere: nobody about really, holiday time.14:44
uhhimhereoh yeah14:45
uhhimherewhat do you think?14:45
popeyno idea14:48
aquariusElleo, ping about your little c++ thing that works around the oxide datapath bug17:13
Elleoaquarius: pong?20:51
zerocoolhappy new year everybody23:31
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